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ty Ta > e S . x ae ry Dye Bevezetés English in 20 Minutes a Day, vagyis tanuljon angolul napi hisz percben! Szeretne tanulni angolul, de életvitele nem engedi meg, hogy rendszeresen tanfolyamra jarjon? tgényli az Snallé tanuldst? Az On szdmara készilt ez a programcsomag, amelynek segitségével napi hisz perc raforditassal, sajat idébeosztdsénak megfeleléen sajatithatja el az angol nyelv alapjait. Lépésrél lépésre A programesomag minden egyes fejezete egy-egy 16 témakOrre Ssszpontosit, 6s a minden- napokban is el6forduld, gyakorlati élethelyzeteken keresitill vezeti be Ont az angol ayelv viligaba. Az egyszert nyelvi funkciGktol elindulva lépestdl Iépésre, fokozatosan juthat el az dsszetettebb, nagyobb szdkincset 6s komolyabb nyelvtant igényls kifejezésformak felé. Az angol mint nemzetkézi nyelv Ez a tananyag aban is segit énnek, hogy az. angolt mint nemzetkizi nyelvet a vilég barmely pontién hiatékonyan hasznalja, A brit 65 amerikal angolban eltéréen hasznalt szavakat. illetve az eltéré helyesirast a tananyag kiemelten jelzi, megkinnyitve a tsigkozddast a kalénbo26 kultardk k6zstt, A tananyag részei ‘Az. J-6 fejezetekhe7: + Egy tankSnyy, amely az dsszes leckét tartalmazza, valamint az egyes fejezeteket elvslaszt6 lap (mint pl. e2 is) + Hat CD - minden feiezethez egy + Egy Resourte Book, azaz Segédtonyy, amely minden leckéhez kapcsolédéan tartalmaz. megoldasi kulcsot, nyelvtani dsszefoglal6t és szdszedetet + Audio Seripis, azaz Szdveakinys, amely a CD-ken hallhaté ésszes felvétel leitt valtozatat tartalmazza, megkénayitve a tanulé szamara a hanganyag megértését. + Mianyag tart6, amelyben a fenti tartozékok kozil azokat térolhatia, amelyekre épp szuksége van. A leckék + Mindegyik locke egy .bemelegité" kérdéssel kezdédik. + A kovetkezé lépés egy olvasmény vagy egy szdvegmeghallgatasi feladat. Az utdbbi esetben a feladat mellett a lap szélén eay fejhallgaté szimbolum és a CD-n szerepl6 felvétel sorszama lathats, + A legtébb lecke tartalmaz valamilyen ij nyelvtani elemet. A See Grammar Bank kifejezés arra utal, hogy a Segédkényv nyelvtani dsszefoglaldjaban az adott elemrél tovabbi informaciét taldl + Ha egy leckét a kitdizétt id6 eldtt fejez be, végezze el a lecke végén talalhatd 20 minules + f datsort, Ezek a gyakorlatok ij elemet mar nem tartalmaznak, csupén tudasa elmélyitésére szolgdlnak Tovabbi jellemzsk Mindegyik fejezetben talilhaté + egy kihajthaté Breakthrough oldal, melynek segitségével szérakoztaté formaban novelheti szdkincsét és egyéb nyelvi ismereteit, * egy izgalmas folytatasos tdrténet két része, melyeket CD-n hallgathat meg, + két feladatsor, melyek megoldasaval ellenérizheti, hogyan halad. Tanulion angolul napi 20 percbent! Sok szerencsét! Azels6 fejezet LESSON 1 Meeting and greeting people (ismerkedés) leckéi lsmerkedés, bemutatkozas] alapvets nyelvi LESSON 2 Where do you come from? funkcidkat tanitanak ISztiléhely, lakohely} meg. Elsé helyen LESSON 3 What do you do every day? szerepelnek [Mindennapi tennivaldk} a bemutatkozési és LESSON 4 Talk about your family iidvézlési formak, de [Beszéljtink a csaladrél!} sz6 esik a napirendrdl, amunkahelyrél és acsaladrél is. Mindez BREAKTHROUGH 1 Welcome! [vendég a hézban] persze egyszert LESSON 5 Introducing people nyelven, a tanulé [Hadd mutassam be...] Gnbizalmat épits LESSON 6 What work do you do? médon. [Mi a foglalkozasa?} oo LESSON7 Completing forms and giving personal details A hanganyag [Adatlap kitéltése személyes adatainkkal] a leckék szerves LESSON 8 What can you do’ részét képezi Ha médjaban ail, hallgassa meg a fel- vételeket tbbszér is, de ne aggédjon, ha LESSON 10 Check your progress [Az eddig tanultak ellendrzése] [képzetiség és képesités) LESSON 9 Seaside Mystery: Part 1 Trengerparti rejtély: 1. részl nem ért meg elsére minden sz6t! LESSON 11 Applying for a job (1) Nyugodtan vesse Lelentkezés allasra (1)] éssze a hallottakat LESSON 12 Leave a message a Szovegkényvben [Hagyjon dzenetet!} leirtakkal! Idével BREAKTHROUGH 2 At the bank egyre tbbet fog 1A bankban] érteni, és egyre magabiztosabban LESSON 13 Saying thank you fog megszélalni [koszoném] Gyakorlasképpen LESSON 14 What do you look like? ismételje fennhangon IKilsé tulajdonsigok] a felvételen LESSON 15. Likes and dislikes (1) hallottakat! [szeret, nem szeret... (1)] —— LESSON 16 Likes and dislikes (2) Iszeret, nem szeret...(2] LESSON 17 Applying for a job (2) Uelentkezés aitésra (2)] LESSON 18 More family talk [csalad, rokonség] LESSON 19 Seaside Mystery: Part 2 {Tengerparti rejely: 2. 652] LESSON 20 Check your progress {az eddig tanultak ellendrzése} Meeting and greeting people Mit tesziink és mondunk, amikor megismerkedtink valakivel? ime néhény, megismerkedéskor haszndlt, gyakori angol kifejezés. Hallgassuk meg, és olvassuk el az egyes kifejezéseket! 1 so ( And 'm David Kennett. _} How do you do? (How do you do? \ tm Hilary Raisbeck NS 2 _ a ( Good moming, my name's { Pleased to meet | Yang Chong. > _ you, Yang Chong, 3 (How do you do? My name's Harold Brown 4 Excuse me, are you Dr Brown? (Yes. tam 1'm Sharon Ward. Nice to meet you. 1 ‘Hello, darling. How are you? ‘Ym fine, Mum, How are you? ‘Good afternoon, David. How are things? Fine, thanks. And you? 3 “Hi Sharon. How are you? “Very well, thank you, Br Brown.” 4 ‘Annal Nice to see you!" Hello, Harry. Nice to see you too. 5 Hello” ts that you, David?” "Yes. Hello, Hilary.’ 4 Parositsa dssze az Udvbaléseket (1-5) a legvaldsziniibb valasszal (a-e)! Greeting Response 1 Excuse me, are you Dr Brown? a) Fm fine, thanks. 2 How do you do? b) Pleased to meet you, Ms Raisbeck 3. How are you? =e) Yes, tam. 4 Hello, 'm Hilary Raisbeck. d) How do you do? 5 Hi Sharon! Nice to see you €) Nice to see you too, Hilary. ‘A-How, Who. What vagy Where kezdetii kérdésekben a hanglejtés eresiked6, How are you? -Azeldéntends kérdéseknel a hangleités emelheds Excuse me, are you Dr Brown? 20 minutes+ Egészitse ki a parbeszédeket a megadott szavakkal! Egy szot vagy kifejezést csak egyszer hasznalhat. TA: EXCUSE. Me__., are you Professor Polsky? Nice to see you Biss lan f Fine thanks 2. Hello. Sharon ? Excuse me and you? iow de you do How are you 3: - David f F: And you! oy Hallgassa meg a felvételt, és ellenGrizze, hogy helyesen vélaszolt-e! Getting to know you Where do you come from? 1 Van dnnek néviegykartyéja? Ha van, mi sil rita? Ha most csinaltatna, mit ratna re? 2. Olvassa el 2 névjegykértydkat, és egészitse ki a mondatokat! Filey Resbeck @ Management Cons David Kennett Pret Dre ta ior Rood a vO Hanford International ne thang ist 471120 es Hanoi, Vietram rAS CHI S e Professor Anna Polsky Pe ‘senior ny Pere aaa henaeense Pe Ov 1 Hilary comes from M. (name of town) David Kennett lives in V. Sharon Ward works in T. Dr Brown works in K. 2 3 4 Anna Polsky lives in M. 5 (name of town) 6 Yang Chong comes from C. 3. Milyen informécisk szerepeinek az egyes névjegykartyakon? Tegyen (V) jelet a megfelelé oszlopba! (name of country) (name of town) (name of country} (name of country) To Ruzyeltova 6 eae Neocne 4 Haligassa meg, hogyan beszél egy-egy hires filmsztér a szil6vérosa és Hollywood koz0tti kilGnbségrdl! Keresse ki a Kivetkez6 szavakat a Word Bank szészedetéb6l! different. small friendly big speak walk drive 5 Feleljen az aldbbi kérdésekre! Haligassa meg dja a felvételt, ha szitkséges! 1 Where does the film star live? She lives in 2 Where does she come from? She comes from 3. What do people say in Minnesota? They say and 4 What do people do in Hollywood? ‘They everywhere, 5 What kind of house does she live in? She lives ina house. 20 minutes+ ‘Valaszoljon az aldbbi kérdésekre! 1 Where do you come from? Tome from (name of country or home town) 2 Where do you live? Live in. e (name of town). 3. What's your name? My name is 4. Where do you work? I wotk in (name of town) What do you do every day? 1 Van nnek napirendje? Mit szokott hétkéznapi rendszerességgel végezni, 6s mi az, amire csak hétvégén jut ideje? Wederds 7 = Stay n bed until 4 Ge shopping. 2. Hallgassa meg, Michael hogyan télti napjait! \Valasszon az alabbi igék kézzil, és egészitse ki a sréveget! Aszavak jelentését a Word Bank szészedetébl keresheti ki do finish start get dressed have wake up getup leave walk g0 play watch 1.40. the same things every day. 1 at seven, but | stay in bed until seven-fifteen. ‘Then | and a shower. ‘That really wakes me up! | and then | breakfast ~ some toast and a cup of coffee 1 the house at eight thirty and to the bus stop. | to work by bus 1 work at about nine, and 1 work at five or six. In the evening, 1 dinner and television or ‘on the computer. | am usually in bed by eleven! [watch a film A Watch | A Watch outt Agyey e | enise: Vigyse enters, * —e Ext az ieidt rendszeresen végzett cselekvések, szokisok kilejezésére haszndlfuk. [always fave coffee for breakfast. 1 90 to work by bus Ezzel az igeidével tények és dltalénos igazsigok is kifejezhetdk, People drive on the right in the United States. People often do the same things every day Egyes szim harmadik személyben az igek -s vagy -es végzidést kapnak. She walls to work every day. He watches television in the evening, ‘Tagadaskor don't vagy doesn't keril az ige elé llyenkor a-s végzédés elmarad {alon’t go fo work By bus. He doesn’t watch television. Graramar Bank A fentiek alapjan déntse el, hogy Michael milyen esetekben hasandl egyszerti jelen iddt Alokitsa &t a mondatokat a megadott példa alapién! 1 I get up at seven fifteen, | walk to the bus stop. | start work at nine L finish work at five or six, | watch television eouwnun 1 play on the computer Michael gets up at seven fifteen He sto the bus stop. He 's work at nine, He es work at five or six. He @5 television. He s on the computer. Alakitsa at tagadévé a bal oldalon lévé mondatokat a don’t segitségével! auaen 20 minutes+ Ident get up at seven fifteen frjon egy bekezdést sajét magarél! Segitséadl hascnélja a zardjeles igéket! ooo (wake up / at L (get dressed) (have / breakfast) Then | ) Tos (leave /the house /at ..) and [ (g0/to work} t {finish / work /at .) Inthe evenings, 1 Hény tagbél all az én csala Hogyan fejezzik ki a rokoni kapesolatokat? aunt uncle cousins children daughter sister grandparents grandfather grandmother Nézze meg Hanna csalédféjat! A kovetker6 személyek milyen kapesolatban vannak Hannéval? Stephen: Sather Martin Marie and George: Janet: Dovid susan Rosa and Gemme fie Marie Brown m. George Cobley ‘Susan Ellis m. Ken Barton (1935-2001) Janet m. Martin Julie m. Stephen 2 z 2 g z 2 : g 3 AGrammar Bank még t8bb tudnival6t kézil a tobe igérét Olvassa el, maid egészitse ki a mondatokat az ige helyes alakiavalt Hiiza at a helytelen alakot! I My brother Owen is / re at university. 2 Lis/am the only daughter in my family. 3 Gemma is / are the same age as me. 4 Her name is /am Rosa 5 We is/are a family. 6 ‘They ate/is my grandparents, 4 Tegye az el6z6 feladat mondatait tagad6 alakba digy, mint a példamondatban! 1 My brother Owen is not at university 2 3 4 5 6 How to say it ‘2 egyn tabb sibiagh le szavakban reads az egyik szdtagot Kangsilyormik : family twenty sitfeen S 5 Hallgassa és ugyanakkor olvassa is, mit mesél Hanna a csalédjardl! Figyelje meg, hova esik a hangsily a détt betiis szavakban! Hallgassa meg dja a felvételt, és ismételje meg hangosan ezeket a szavakat! | ive with my mother and my father and my two Brothers. They are called (Oven and David. Oven is twenty and he's at university. David is sitteen and he's at school, like me. | have two grandmothers and one grandjather. My other POWER sme Sporest Fer xookézatoonak *2 Ezeket a kifejexéseket hallotta az elébbi telefonbeszélgetésekben: “How can U help you? "Can take some details? "Now, could {have your tte?” "We ca insure you jor Australia. “Could wou just wait @ minute” sav reas eporeok a} The sixth of May, nineteen seventy-six bj T want to buy some travel insurance Its forty-two, George Street, Orangeville. d) Of course, what do you need to know? €} Idaho? It’s ED-A-H-O. Getting to know you What can you do? Milyen szakmat ismeretekkel és képzettséggel rendelkezik? Hasznalja ezeket a munkajéban? Ha sziikséges, ellendrizze le a szavak jelentését a Word Bank szészedetében! Skills Ovalifications computing, word processing university degree Paper qualifications: ls teaching diploma elplomdra, otlevire vagy ean an speaking a foreign language certificate tele kipechiéare ural oy eee ee designing licence Wma lomeresckre vagy tapsortains riving al i a Hallgassa meg, mit mesél magérél az albbi ot személy! Irjale, mi a foglalkozdsuk, milyen képesitésse, iletve milyen szakmai ismeretekkel rendelkeznek! Job Qualifications Skills maths teacher teaching, Gyakran fave got vagy fas got alakot hasznalunk fave (fas helyet,bittoklés kifejezésekor. “Have you got a degree?” “Yes. 've gota degree in maths and a PGCE.” See Grammar Bank ~eeclnee ieas omere centers 3. Hallgassa meg tra a parbeszédeket, és keressen még néhény példat a have got (birtokids) és a can (képesség) haszndlatéra! Melyik igét hasznéljuk ismeretek ifejezésére és melyiket képzettségre? skis... qualifications. 4 Egészitse ki a mondatokat can vagy have got / has got alakkal! 1 Peter ....h45...9ot.... a diploma in hairdressing. 2h. +. teach all winter sports. 3 They .. speak three languages ~ Spanish, French ‘and English. 4 you a driving licence? 5 Alot of people .. ... word processing and computer skills these days. 6 He ee drive a lorry because he 2 an HGV licence. EEE 1S GG Seaside Mystery: Part 1 © Egy angliai tengerparton jatsz6d6 detektivtorténetet fog hallani. A térténet tizenkét részb6I all. Az English in Twenty Minutes a Day minden egyes szintighez két-két rész tartozik. A 2. rész.a 19. leckében talathat6, AA t&rténet hallgatasa kézben a hanganyag sz vegst is olvashatia. 16 stérakozést! 1 ime néhdny Gj sx6 a terténetbél, Ha szikséges, keresse kia szavakat a Word Bank szészedetéb6. welcome landlady enjoy seaside need difficult task tomorrow — beach sony. warm 2. Hallgassa meg a felvételt, és pérositsa Ossze a neveket a rdjuk il6 lefrdsokkal! 1 Yoshiko Miyamatsu a) The director of the school 2 Alan White b) Yoshiko’s landlady 3: Mrs King. ¢) Astudent from Germany 4 Peter Lieb d) A friend of Peters, 5 Carlos Sanchez fe} A student from Japan ® 3. Hallgassa meg a torténetet tira, és tegye a képeket helyes sorrendbe! 4 Mely hallgatok mondjak a kévetkez6 mondatokat? Tegyen (/) jelet a megfelel6 négyzetbe! Yoshiko Carlos Peter 1 I'm from Germany. j Do you like it in England? The school is very good Do you want to come? She wants me home at six o'clock tonight Just say you are busy here at the school. She is a very nice lay. Come on, Peter. Lets go to the beach Tam sorry { can't come with you. Bye, Yoshiko. See you in schoo! tomorrow. Si Tela Le STela my Check your progress Ebben a leckében lehetdsége van ré, hogy az eddig tanultakat gyakorolja, Ellendrizze a valaszait és meglatja, hogyan halad! Az elért pontsz4mot ija be a lap szélén taldlhaté keretbe! SI 1 Parositsa dssze a bal oldalon felsorolt szitusciékat a jobb oldali mondatokkal 1 greeting someone you know a} live in London, 2 greeting someone you don't know by I have two sisters and a brother. 3 saying where you are from €) Leave for work at eight o'clock 4 saying where you live d) It's Emily Parrish 5 describing what you do every day e} I'ma sales assistant. 6 talking about your family 8) Lcome from Spain 7 saying what you do for a living 8) | ike my boss, 8 saying what you like about your job hy Hi there, Ed. How are you? 9 giving your name ’) Lhave a degree in biology 10 describing your qualifications j) How do you do, Mr Ling? Im Bill Saunders. EE cy +2 = parents grandmother +3 = syandparents aunt +4 5 + daughter, = children 6 + brother 2. Egésaftse ki a téblézatot a hidnyz6 csaladtagokkal! 3, Milyen munkat végeznek a kévetkezé foglalkozsd személyek? 1 taxi driver He 2 hairdresser She 3 airline pilot He 4 student She Grammar 4 Egésritse ki a mondatokat a megielels igealakokkal! 1 Lusually: toast and coffee for breakfast 2 Professor Polsky from Macedonia. 31 walk to work | go by bus. 4 My brother the same age as you. 5 He a degree in German 6 ['ma taxi driver so my cab all day. 7 How Ihelp you? 8 Dr Brown, this Peter Jones, 5. frja lea kévetkezé mondatokat ésszevondsok nélkiil! 1 I'm his boss: Hurry up! We're late What's the time? 4 He's my brother. 5 Theyre older than me. 6 Where's the taxi? 6 Akavetkezs mondatok képességet vagy képzettséget fejeznek ki? ‘Tegyen (¥) jelet a megfelel6 négyzetbe! Skill Qualification 1 I've got a diploma in secretarial skills, She sells insurance. We can all ski very well 2 3 4 Carlos speaks English and Spanish. 5. Yoshiko has a degree in Business. 6 My brother has a licence to drive lorries. 30+ excellent > % K 24+ good KK — 20- more practice! Applying for a job (1) I Milyen jellegti munkahelyi felvételi beszélgetéseken vett mar rész1? Téltétt mar ki felentkez6si lapot? > 2 Afelvételen egy fiatal férfi munkahelyi felvételi besuélgetését halla. Milyen munkérél van 526? Hallgassa meg, és vilasszon az alabbi fot6k kezil Please complete this form in BLOCK CAPITALS. 5 Surmame: WOOD First name(s): THOMAS GUY Address: 7 ORCHARD ROAD, NEWPORT : Telephone: 02 8753 1662 Please tick (¥) as appropriate 2 {f no full time job is available, can you work part time? | |Yes |_No Available to work Monday - Friday __ Weekends Nights AP Year: a2 iskola dy S CBietom clkezdése teen {f successful, when can you start work? .... © Bo you have any holidays booked When? BEFORE, AUGUST. Are you in full-time education? (yes [No If yes, please give details: 1 START COLLEGE IN NEXT YEAR, © Work exp Please describe your work experience including part-time work. BOAT ATTENDANT: I WORK, FOR. MY. wo IS THe MANAGER OF A. HIRE ANY, I HELP TO. THE BOATS. AND. J. SOMETIMES Look AFTER THE nce: Eee 4. Olvassa el ezt a rBvid dnéletrajzot és vélaszoljon a kérdésekre! Resumé Name: Rosie Lang Address: 203 Parkway, Bristol, BRAS GHK Telephone: 01452 467983 Date of birth: 19/8/82 Place of birth: London, UK 1989-95 Belmont Primary School 1995-2001 Moorlands High Schoo! 2002 Diploma in Hairdressing 2001-now Neil's Hair Salon 1 Where does Rosie live? 2 Where is she from? 3. What does Rosie do? 4 What qualifications has she got? 5. Where does she work? 20 minutes+ Toltse ki ezt a rovid néletrajzot dnmagardl! Resumé Name Address: ‘Telephone: Date of bitth: Place of birth Education: Skills and qualifications: Employment: Getting to know you Leave a message Milyen iizeneteket kapott ezen a héten? ' Gyakran szokot tizenetet hagyni mésoknak? 2. Olvassa el ezeket az tizeneteket, fellratokat! ‘Mit gondol, hol talétkozhatunk ilyenekkel? ® Please leave parcel next door at Nutiber 2.2 HIB pm Friday 25 April ® ‘Your next appointment with a DR LEWIS : Date a J 3. Hallgassa meg az iizenetrégzitén hagyott hat tizenetet! A jobb oldalon lévé kifejezések kéziil melyik tikrézi legjobban a beszélgetések tartalmst? Someone wants to find a house, Someone warts to talk about the weekend. Sotneone’s caris ready, Message | Message 2 " Someone can't ses the Message 3 doctor today Message 4 Someone is ill Message 5 Someone is visiting her Message 6 daughter tonight Someone wants to talk about the weekend, @ 4 Hallgassa meg tira az tizeneteket, és valassza ki azokat, amelyet egy csalédtag vagy barat hagyoit! Kitl jotta tobbi Uzenet? Message | ....Sriend, (Steve) Message 4 Message 2 Message 5 Message 3 Message 6 Rie fustssl-e Azalébbiakban a melléknévi bistokos névmésokat tiintetjik fel. (A magyar nyelvben ezt birtokos személyraggal fejezziik ki, pl. .az anyém".} Singular Plural my our your your fis fer ther is Figyelem: nem hasznétunk hatérozott nével6t! ‘Your mother pfioned {ike my jo Grammar Bank 5. Egészftse ki a mondatokat egy odaillé birtokos névméssal! Az els6 hérom mondat a felvétels6l szdrmazik, 1 Can we talk about plans for the weekend? 2 We can't find house. 3 I'm afraid | can't make appointment: 4-1 don’t know who he Is but { think car is great! 5 ‘That's a nice dog. What's name? 6 Rosie phones mother every weekend 20 minutes+ Clvassa el dita a leckében szerepls uzeneteket, ‘maid irion harom rvid dizenetet az alabbiak szerint! 1. To remind yourself that you need to buy some stamps today. 2. ‘Towish your mother a happy birthday. 3. To tell your sister about a telephone call for her from a friend Money matters 1 Milyen banki szolgéltatasokat szokott igénybe venni? tea? per Hore tia 38 us onion te, yoke tin ‘Andrew Mat sine ANSE 2. Nézze meg az alabbi sz4mlakivonatot, és valaszoljon a kérdésekre! snags AAJA nt note unk Gren accaune Accu nate LD. Jonsson or 26 Moy 9 Je 2008 eso aber 602707 Vepeycut Monin Bane Da Set Witowle _ Depsts day Suttle “ea 2ANty Foe recA Caachi 68 20Key rometty ee TORS vse 2 ime Pome chene—— 108508 1607 WORD Power Aime foment wee caage — CadPachae 3530 Siam Ramen wSpsCh Hea 5830 cuit aocounts a ninden. (ohne Rebel omic ak oct asia napokban haoendht bee a (ine Pama Reka ka CadPudne nae savings account: hosezabb- 13 sane Paymen byehegue roma 220 ‘Biidebb iddre lekotiet, kame Isnne cad vataron rootdhle 30.00 0x6 bankszdi . 15 tune ‘Cedi 4200 kezdmla interest: kamat Vehine Pamento ERC Ome bt 2872 etek overdraft limit: a hitelkértyval 19nne Pam Fete ple dace i 7 [3 hie Ex aeg SONI PA Parcs ae ama clérhet6 hitel feled haran nO | What type of account is it? Tick (V) the correct word. savings’ | current || business 2 What is the customer's name? meme ee 3. How many deposits does the statement show? " Ss 4 How much money does the customer have in the bank on 19th June? ‘The balance is 5 How much money can the customer have on overdraft? Tick (/) the correct amount. £100 | £200/ £300 At the bank rm 4 Hallgassa meg Mr. Brown pérbeszédét egy banki alkalmazottal, majd egészitse ki a mondatokat a traveller's cheques vagy a cash széval! Mr Brown asks the cashier to sell him some dollars. She asks him if he wants (1) or (2) He says he want $1000 in (3) and $500 in (4) She says. he can have the (5) now, but she hasn't got enough (6) at the moment. He says he can come back tomorrow. She asks him to sign the (7) inthe top left-hand corner. 5 Toltse ki az alébbi nyomtatvanyokat a megadott adatok alapjan! JMINIL national wortiem tink 13-20-90 Denton Branch P.O. BOX 123 Brookdale NO27 404 Date. Pay z only ts £) ate Cope Smo ncn 203233 13-20-90 Sae0152 It’s 15th August 2005. Felicity Blake is sending a cheque for £50 to her daughter Elizabeth Blake Felicity also wants to pay two cheques and some cash into her current account: a) Cheque 1: £32.50 b) Cheque 2: £112.00 c} Cash: £80 (3 x £20 + 2x £10) Bank credit RIN eo onsth re Date 13.20.90 Notes £20 cashiers stamp National Northern Link Notes £10 DENTON Notes £5 sccounr Coins £1 MRS F J BLAKE TOTAL CASH Cheques ra ney 3-20-90 502015) wm [| 20 minutes+ Pérositsa dssze a bal oldali szavakat a jobb oldali meghatérozésokk: 1 bank account 3) someone who works in a bank 2 cheque 6) a form to pay money into a bank account 3 cash ) arangement to keep money in a bank 4. bank clerk 4) @ form to pay money to another person 5 paying in slip ) money in coins or bank notes. : Getting to know you Saying thank you 1 Mit mondunk, amikor késaénetiinket akarjuk Kitejezni valakinek? Haszndlunke megsrokott fordulatokat, formuldkat, kifeienéseket? ilyen valaszokat kapunk ezekre? me néhdny kilejezés, amelyekkel megkdszéniink vagy megdiesérink valamit. a) Thank you for coming b) You'te welcome. ©) That would be lovely. ) That's very kind of you. e) This is delicious! Thank you so much A fentiek kozill melyik kifejezést haszndlnd a kovetkez6 helyzetekben? A tdblézatban jelélje (7) a megfelelé bet alatt! 1 Someone offers to carry your bags. 2 Someone cooks something special for you. 3. Someone gives you a present. 4 Someone thanks you for helping them. 5 Someone leaves your home after a party, 6 Someone invites you out for the evening. Ellendrizze a vélaszait a felvételen elhangus pérbeszédek segitségével! ime néhny példa arra, hogyan fejezhetink be egy angol nyelvi levelet. ia eu | Love Yours sincerely | | With love Yours faithfully (when | | Love from the letter begins | | Lots of love Dear Sir/Madam) | : Best wishes | Bes All the best | ae Pérositsa sere a levél megsrélitsait a megfelelé befejerésekkel! = 1 Dear Mr Parkinson a) Lots of love 2 Dear Sir b) Yours faithfully 3 Dear Camilla 0) Yours sincerely 4 Dear Mum ) Best wishes 5. Olvassa el exta két levelet! Melyik sz6l kozeli bardtnak? A masik kinek sz6I? Milyen alkalombdl irtak a leveleket? @ Monday, Ist fe Dear Steven, Thane the beatiful Flowers: ke fas surprise! Tt was $e nice to see yu on S Let's get ‘together aggin Soon. (24h August. a Pear ite _pprnncccect’ Thank ns ete, z caged LURES . the rage oe kind seoeonn POW 10 mane 2! yor oho nasrnsc oem BM OF Se ey! Elomi esetméayeKe ard Wie ae pleased 45 20 minutes+ Egészitse kia kosconetnyilvanit6 levelet a megadott szavakkal! on Saturday we could: Sunday, 16th March Dear Marina, for a delicious meal last night. What a wonderful cook 1 ‘What about dinner at the Mango Restaurant a could pick you up at six from your house , and go to a club afterwards. know, What do you look like? le Snmagat? Mi a jellemz6 a szemére, a hajéra, re és mas kills jegyetre? - A kévetkezd melléknevek az ember kils6 tulajdonsagainak lefriséra szolganak, Keresse ki a s2avakat a Word Bank sz6szedetéb6! short thin big small blond — dark bald tall good-looking fat pretty medium-build blue grey black brown long (hair) fit curly (hair) 2. Tegye a fenti szavakat a megfelel6 kategoriskba! 0 eo Cf) ral o Se short blue | good-looking i 3 Néwe meg ezeket a képeket (a) és parositsa az alabbi lefrdsokkal (1-6)! ] I He's tall with grey hair. She's very pretty with long blond hair. ‘They both have long curly hair and big blue eves, He's thin but he looks fit. She's got short, dark hair and glasses, He's bald and he’s got a beard, OOOo0oO c ‘Az and kSt hasonlé tartalmé mondatrészt kot Sssze. A fut két olyan dllitast kbt 6ssze, amelyekné! Shes tll and she got Blond hate a mésodik allités médositja a mar kézélt informacist. He's a big man, but fe's not fat. Pérositsa éssze a mondatrészeket! Haszndlia a but kotSs26t) 1 She is sixteen, ey a} but he’s not very ft. 2 He's young | by but my daughters eyes are brown 3 We're in our forties now ¢}_ but she looks twenty-one, 4 Those girls are in their twenties ‘d) but they act like teenagers. 5 I've got blve eyes ) but he looks much younger. 6 He’ fity years old f) but we still feel young! Egészitse ki a mondatokat az and vagy a but kétész6val! 1 He is thirteen he's a teenager now. 2 I'm 1.6 metres tall, ''m shorter than my brother — he’s nearly 2 metres! 3. She has brown eyes she's very pretty. 4. My parents are old, they are both very fit. 5 He's a big man, he’s not fat. 6 She's nineteen she’s a student, 20 minutes+ Hallgassa meg, hogyan jellemzi Gloria az Gj {6ndkét, majd egészitse ki a mondatokat! 1 He's got «.. eyes and. hair. 2 He's a big man, but he's not 3 He's taller than my 4 Fle quite i Most pedig itjon jellemzést sajat magardl hérom mondatban! 5 6 7 Getting to know you Likes and dislikes (1) Mit szeret és mit nem? Ennek kilejezésére az alabbi Sbrdn bemutatott szavakat hasznalhatia, Ha szlikséges, nézze meg a szavak jelentését a Word Bank szszedetében, Verbs: hate don't like don't mind ike love adore disike. enjoy Adporives! @ : © terrible nasty (OK) gooa lovely Figyelje meg, mirél beszélnek a felvételen halthaté személyek, majd tegyen [/ jelet a megfelel6 négyzetekbe! ‘Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Speaker 3 where they live where they live where they live their job their job their job sport sport sport holidays: holidays holidays animals animals animals family family family Hallgassa meg djraa felvételt! Igazak (V) vagy hamisak (X| a kévetkez mondatok? 1 Speaker 1 dislikes the people he works with 2 He likes getting time off. 3 Speaker 2 likes being with her children, 4 She doesn't like her job. 5 Speaker 3 likes living in the town, 6 He likes dogs, Egészitse ki az aldbbi mondatokat kétféleképpen! El6szOr hasznalja a love szinonimait, majd a fate rokon értelmii szavait! Tt leve.... pia 1... hate... pizza. 2 He his job, He his job 3 I think football is | think football is 4 They getting up early. They gelting up early 51 going to the dentist q going to the dentist 6 She's got a cat She's got a car Alike (don't mind, fate etc.) + ige + -ing alakokat haszndl[uk annak kilejezé: hogy szeretiink vagy nem szeretiink egy tevékenységet. {ike readina travel ooks | don’ ike waiching television | enjoy aoing to the cinema, | hate washing the car: don't mind felping mum at the weekends re, 20 minutes+ Irjon 6t mondatot Snmagarél! 1 2 3 4 5 Likes and dislikes (2) 1 Hogan kere broke sit haben? jasendita mar az internetet ara, hogy ' 2 hogy dj emberett ismetedjen meg? Hova ir Mlapesolodn? “ 2. Olvassa el ezeket a leveleket, melyek egy intenetes forumr6 h va he (chat room} szérmaznak, majd hiizza alé a mondatokat vagy kifeje- / zéseket, melyek rokonszenvet vagy ellenszenvet fejeznek kil Kw O 8 Fools Roams Join Search S Kirsty. | hope you don't mind i tel you a bit about mysell, As you know, ray name \d { come from Tallinn in is Sergii Bakker an Estonia, rm here in London because my father ‘works for a British company. We live in Dulwich in south London. tt's a nige part of the city with some lovely houses and parks. | miss my friends in Talinn but! don’t tke Tallinn, Cepecally in the winter when it gets very cold England is fantastic for me because ! want 0 evan English teacher and } can spend a lot of time learning English here. | enjoy reading reat way to learn isto English books. | think a a ace English friends. My problem is that find English people itdifficult to meet many because I don't like going ‘very much. | like talking on to pubs and clubs the intemet and 1 j |, Worn chat room: inte Metes fru, | hol embere és Kel «tala staldikozhag™ 5 levelezhet, | club: f club: ahova vs, {mak a fataon th on 1 2enét algae Sergi. How ni ed that you wy » : hear from yout | 3 Téltse ki a tablézatot Sergi-rél és Kristy-r6l! 4. Keresse kia kovetkor6 szavakat a levelekbél! Jelentésiiket ellendrizheti a Word Bank szészedetében, want hope miss rt you like your new job. Like travelling but 1 my home and family. Do you to watch TV tonight? IL to have long hair. 2 3 41 you get this letter tomorrow. 5 6 Happy Birthday! We you have a great day ‘A because (met sxét indokiés bevenet6sére Aso (tehét] egy dias kévetkezményét haszndtiuk, fejeri ki Live in London Because my fater works for a My aunt lives in Dulwich to, 501 know if quite well. British company. See Grammar Bank 5. Keressen a fentiekre még tb példét a levelekben! 20 minutes+ Az alabbi mondatokba because vagy so illik? 1 Fenjoy being a travel representative because / so | like meeting people. We're in London on Saturday because / so we can come to your party, I'm at home this evening because / so you can call me after 7 p.m. Please give me your address because / so I can write to you. You can't see the doctor because / 0 you haven't got an appointment, . 2. Most pedig olvassa el Thomas Wood munkafelvételi adatlapjénak Getting to know you Applying for a job (2) Hogyan mutatkozik be leendé munkaad6janal? Milyen pozitiv dolgokat tud elmondani onmagarél? Ezeket a szavakat és kifejezéseket személyes tulajdonségok lefréséra hhasznaljuk, Ha sziikséges, keresse ki Gket a Word Bank szészedetébél, polite try to understand happy good with people hard-working get on with egy részletét, és valaszoljon a vele kapcsolatos kérdésekre! 1 Why does Thomas think the job could be useful for him? It could help him to prepare for studying at 2 What personal skills does he have? 3. What does he like about Freshco Supermarkets? 7.Tell us why you want to join Freshco Supermarkets and why you think ‘you are suitable for this type of work. Lom interested in workig for Freshee becouse I wont to have some experience of working in a large Supermarleot chain I plan ‘To university to shady SusineSs nec yen Shs BEE. we to prepare for it. 1 Hrd T om good with ard I Nike to belp customers. 1 know that I Zan work hard and get on with the other staff T alse know that Freshco is a gieat place to worle ond the staff ave happy. _ 3. Hallgassa meg Thomas Wood felvételi beszélgetésének tovabt és toltse ki az adatlap kovetkerd részét! 8. What do you do when a) a customer is rude to you? T thine iPS important $e be sninan and rot cupe io fen to them fo Market | to get angry. I listen to them and try t arto understand hat Hae conn 18 Then T bry azon0s nay? mire eal a / fe pal it igh HD can't hen T ook chain etore ates } Somebody Such 05 the. . ately eay tsi nldronats ee boty, | b) its time to go home and you still have work to finish? ala 1 tell the monager that I amnnnnn to Finish ee ee | the job and LOW wenenuu it takes. Then, if he says ws. ok T stay and do it Az a/an hatésozatlan névelGt ngha a magyarél A the hatérozott névels olyan targyat eltérten haszndliak vagy svemélyt Kifejez6 fGnév elé kerilhet, Have you got 2 jot? (Bérmilyen munka lehet.) amelys6l mér van informécink. Fresco isa supermarket cain, (Wanna més ‘The manager at this store is nev. (Csak egy Sruhizkincok is) ‘gazgat6 van.) Tehetjiik még foglalkozasok neve elé. ‘What's the problem? (Tudjuk, hogy van egy bizonyos problé Hes a doctor. wos probléma,) Azan nével6t maganhangzsval kezdéd6 szavak elétt hasznéljuk. don't want an office ob. She's an engineer, See Grammar Bank 4. Bgészitse ki a mondatokat a, an vagy the nével6vell 1 She's doctor and her sister works in office. 2 I got letter and Invitation today. letter is from my son and invitation is to Director's dinner, 3 Welive in centre of town, but it's great place to meet people and make friends. 4 Thaven't got ‘TV, but I have got computer and | like talking on internet, 5 if you've got problem, you can tell ‘manager about it. He's very good with people, 20 minutes+ Valaszoljon ezekre a kérdésekre (rasban! 1 What do you do when a customer is rude to you? 1 2. What do you do when it's time to go home and you still have work to finish? 1 More family talk 1 Kiaz én kedvenc rokona? Miért sze ‘Az alabbi szavak kézill melyeket hasendlnd, ha jellemezni akarns? < IKeresse ki a szavak jelentését, ha szikséges.) interesting 2 good listener 2. Afelvételen egy liny beszé! a rokonairdl Melyik rokonra ilenek az alabbi kifejezések? a oe a) works in a hospital ) lives in London b) doesn’t get angry g) is an interesting person c}_ loves his job h) wants to listen to me di) lives with my aunt and uncle i) is very funny sometimes e) always brings me something nice i) is younger than me 1 My father O00 2. My grandmother OOo 3. My brother 4 My uncle Harry 3. Hallgassa meg ira a felvételt, és déntse el a kévetkez mondatokr6l, hogy igazak (v), hamisak (X), vagy nem eldénthet6ek (2), mert a lény nem beszé! r6luk! True (¥) False (X) Don't know (?) 1 Her father works very hard She lives in England with her mother, Her grandmother is a good listener, Her grandmother lives in the same town. Her brother is twelve and his name is Mark 2 3 4 5 Her brother is in the same class i 6 7 Uncle Harry is her father’s brother. 8 Uncle Harry is an actor and he lives in London, Az egyszeri jelenid6 he, she vagy it esetében: Mas ingk wéquBdése coak Ha ange 5-0, vagy dite vega, He Brings er something nce. az ige végzidése -es. ‘She gets angry sometimes. She misses her ater. Ne felejtse ef, hogy ato have és a tobe He govs to my school. igék rendhagydak He wats TY very day cee Gi 4. Exgészitse kia mondatokat a raréjelben 6v6 igék helyes alakjaval! I She [miss) her father very much when he is away. 2. The boy with blond hair (go) to the same school as his sister 3. Her grandmother (like) to see her at the weekend. 4. My boyfriend always (bring) me flowers 5 She {do not mind) living with her parents. 6 Hany (get) on very well with his sister. 7 He (have) a job in Paris, 20 minutes+ frjon egy bekezdiést egyik hozzatartoz6jardl! My favourite relative is my I like him / her because My lives He/She is old, 1 see him/her Hef she has hair and eyes. | think he/she Getting to know you Seaside Mystery: Part 2 ‘The story so far: Yoshiko is a new student at the Greenwood language school in Brighton. Carlos and Peter are students at the school, foo. They meet Yoshiko at a party for new students, Yoshiko can't go to the beach with Carlos and Peter after the party, because her landlady, Mrs King, wants her to ‘come home at six o'clock. Carlos and Peter say goodbye to Yoshiko. They think Mrs King is a diffieult woman 1 Vélaszoljon az alabbi kérdésckre! 1 Who are Peter and Carlos? 2. Where is the language school? 3. Why does Yoshiko go home after the party? 4 What do Peter and Carlos do after the party? 5 What do they think about Mrs King? 2. Azalabbi seavak és kifejezések mind a torténet 2, részében fordulnak el6. Jeldlie (7) a mar isment szavakat! PrOballa meg kitalalni a tbbi sz jelentését a torténet hallgatdsa kézben! dark —girllriend Spanish knock busy dinner atthe moment ude in love worried — Humy up! husband @ 3. Hallgassa meg a tirténetet és pérositsa Sssze a mondatok elsé és mAsodik felét! 1 Peter wants to ‘00 busy to see them. 2 Carlos’ girlfriend where Yoshiko lives. 3 Peter knows is in love with Yoshiko. 4 They knock ‘Mrs King is busy. 5. Mrs King Mars King is rude, 6 She says Yoshiko is about Yoshiko. 7 Peter thinks that on the door. 8 Carlos thinks that comes from Spain, 9 Carlos thinks Peter opens the door 10 Peter is worried go to the beach before it gets dark 4 Keressen hérom példét a let hasundlatéra a Seaside Mystery 2. részében, a hanganyag szvegkanyvében! Stage 1 Lesson 20 Check your progress Ebben a leckében lehetésége van ri, hogy az eddig tanultakat gyakorolja. Ellendrizze a valaszait és meglitja, hogyan halad! Az elért pontsz4mot a lap szélén taldlhaté keretbe irja be! Gia 1 Toltse ki az adatlapot a megadott szavakkal vagy kifejezésekkel! First names ......ssesssessseesseess Family name «2... Address: 7 Longmarket, .. 8001, South Africa Telephone number .. E mail address . Your date of birth Your age in years on Ist September 2005 Your sex. Nationality ‘South African 12/4/84 21 years. Mayo 021348675 Female Cape Town GloriaJane_—_g, 2. Parositsa 6ssze a bal oszlopban lév6 szitudcidkat a jobb oszlopban Iévé mondatokkel! I leaving a message a) He's very tall with grey hair. 2 expressing appreciation b) Do come to my party. 3 ending a letter ©) Hove to dance. 4 inviting someone d) With lots of love 5 describing someone ) [hate football 6 saying what you like f) Please phone me later. 7. saying what you don't like 9) Thank you for a wonderful evening. SCORE wl CELE i wee 3 Jellemezze a képeken lathaté személyeket két-két sz6val az alébbiak kbzil! A szavekat csak egyszer hasznélhatia. thin pretty young angry fet bald worried happy Gencu 4 Toltse kia tablézatot! she it we they 5S Eee | What a wonderful cook you 1 kia mondatokat a megadott igék megfelel6 alakjéval! be look get think do. 2 We to the Beach every dey. like. have try phone go 3 he got brown hair? 4 We forward to meeting you al. 5 Let's it again sometime. 6 She to understand what their problems are 7 that it's a great place to work 8 She a cheque for $2000 every week 9 He getting time off 10 Carlos his girlfriend every day. ees ie oe cee ee 2 ee ae Ebben a fejezetben (Uton) az utazassal kapcsolatos fobb beszédhelyzetekkel ismerkedhet meg A leckék sorén vasiitdllomasra, repiilétérre vagy éppen egy idegen varosba jut el. A megtanult nyelvi anyag segit a tdjékoz6dasban, valamint megtanitia nt egyszerdi kérdésck feltevésére és megvalaszoléséra. Mindig olvassa el a Do you know? és a Word Power bekeretezett tudnivaloit! Ezek szamos smeretet, tanacsot tartalmaznak, valamint hasznos szokinccsel latjak el nt az adott témakérre vonatkozéan, LESSON 1 LESSON 2 LESSON 3 LESSON 4 Asking where things are Signs and notices (1) [Utjelzé tablak és feliratok (1)] Telling the time [Mennyi az id?) BREAKTHROUGH 3 At the station LESSON 5 LESSON 6 LESSON 7 LESSON 8 LESSON 9 LESSON 10 LESSON 11 LESSON 12 {Az aliomason} Buying travel tickets {Vegyiink vonatjegyet!] What is happening? {Mi tOrénik most?) Signs and notices (2) (Utjelzé tablak és feliratok (2)] What are you going to do? [Programok a kézeliévére] Seaside Mystery: Part 3 (Fengerparti rejtely: 3. rés2] Check your progress {Az eddig tanultak ellendrzése] Asking about places [Varosnézés] How do you spell it? [Betizze a nevét, kérem!] BREAKTHROUGH 4 At the airport LESSON 13 LESSON 14 LESSON 15 LESSON 16 LESSON 17 LESSON 18 LESSON 19 LESSON 20 [A repiilétéren} Finding out about cities [BeszéljGnk a varosrol!] Can you repeat that...? [Ha nem értiink valamit..} Making sense Ilrdsjetek] Finding out about countries {Az orszag, ahol élunk) Dealing with travel situations (Utazzunk!] Ways to travel IVonat, hae, reps... Seaside Mystery: Part 4 [Tengerparti rejtély: 4. rész) Check your progress [Az eddig tanultak ellenérzése) Asking where things are A elvételen hat személy kér itbaigazitést. Figyeljen az aldbbi somendre: @ a polite introduction © a question using wiere © an answer ¢ a polite ending Aelvételen néhany szerepl6 az alabbi osszevont alakokat hasendljar Where's? (short for Where s_.?) ‘There's (short for There is.) Ms. (short for itis.) Theyre (short for They are.) Hallgassa meg tira 0 parbeszédeket! Ha dsszevont alakot hall, tegyen jelet (7) a megfelelé sz ald! Egészitse ki az alabbi valaszokat a There's, They've vagy It’s s26kapcsolatokkal! 1 Where is the bus station? in Bridge Street. 2 where are the toilets? through that red door 3. Where's the nearest post office? one opposite the cinema, 4 Where are the nearest shops? in the centre of town 5 Is there 2 bookshop near here? Yes. one next to the bank. 6 Where's Green Park? near the river, 4 A felvételen hét személy kér dtbaigazttést Pérositsa dssze a parbeszédeket a megfelel6 képekkel! Legayakrabban cloliérok segitségével hatdrozzuk meg, hogy valami egy adott helyhez képest hol talilhat6. Az eldljét a fonév vagy névs76i kapesolat elé tesszitk Green Park is near the river ‘The bane is in the contre of own, ‘There's a supermarket next to the bus station 9 5 Hallgassa meg djra a felvételtt Milyen eléljérskat hall? 20 minutes+ Tegye a két parbeszéd mondatait helyes sorreadbe! See Grammar Bank (Mindkét esetben feltintettik az els6 mondat sorszamat) Conversation | Oh, thank you Do you know where the cinema is? Where's that? There's a new cinema on Market Street, Excuse me Yes? cone Market Street? I's in the centre of town Conversation 2 ‘OK Its in the centre of town. Yes, please. an {help you? Where's the station? ‘Oh, want the bus station ‘Ah, thank you, ‘There's a bus station and a train station Giving directions Mit jeloinek az alébbi djelz6 tablak? left straight on fight ime néhdny ayakran haszndlt kilejerés dtbaigazitéshor: oN —————_ oo ‘Turn left \ Go straight on. (Tum right. \ On the left. i Keep straight on, | Ontheright. Straight ahead, ae A felvételen hat személy kér utbaigaritést. Déntse el, merre kell menniiik, majd tegyen jelet (| a megfelel6 oszlopbat 3. Az ijele tabla szerint i mondatokbat ee 1 Go straight for an pas PPR RRR prea London FPPC Prepprcee, were 2 Tum for i we PESTS BITTE Manchester ORP POWER 3 Tum for Liverpool retarded: | 6 i right-handed: : 4 The café is there on the Jobbkezes 9 Therese phone overthewe onthe 6 The toilets are ahead Wtbaigazitéskor gyakran hasendlunk sorszdmneveket, “Take the first road on the rghit. “Take the second turning on te left Ws the llr on the right. King’s Road is the fourth om the left ae f ae ‘See Grammar Bank C 4. Nézze meg a térképet! Az allomas el6tt hat kUlénbé26 személyt igazitanak ttba. Figyelmesen hallgassa meg a felvételt, maid inja le az Gti célokat! 1 theatre 20 minutes+ A fenti térkép alapjan egészitse ki az tbaigaz{tésokat! Egy helyre csak egy s26t irjon! 1 From the theatre to the sports hall ‘Come out of the theatre and tum Then take the turning on the Go straight ._ and you'll see the spotts hall. 2. From Green Park to the station: ‘Come out of the park and go ahead, At the end of the road turn Take the turning on the right and you'll sce the station. 3. From the cinema to Green Park a. : “Come aut of the cinema and go ahead. Take the third tuning on the and you'll see the park? 2 Hét révid felvételt hall, amely hét jelz6tablahoz OOSSE On the move Signs and notices (1) Utjel26 tablakkal vagy feliratokkal barhol taldlkozhatunk, Cy They give us information. © They tell us what we can do. W They tell us what we can't do. X kapesolédik Pérositsa Ossze a beszélét a jelz6tablaval! as @o @o Massathangrok Magénhangzok Nehény ayalran elofordulé méssalhangrSpart Abelyesirés €5 a kiejtés osszeegyertetése egyetlen hangrak eitink az angol nyelvben. az angolban nem mindig konnyG., Az alabbi két a cae sa6part kulontéleképpen iruk, de a magankangz6kat o a : é5a sravak végnbdését eaylormén citidk. sign fine C Az igevégrBdések méssalhangzsit a ae : ‘ Nake he el eld ay padi fejeznek ki, hooked cant finished faven' g 3 Aziitt lathat6 téblékho7 dt felvétel tartozik. Figyelje meg, hol vannak: © dsszevont alakok: cay't (cannot), musta! (must not), sowldn't (should rot). akivetkez6 szavak: against, public, straight, wants, lunch. Gyakorlésképpen mondia kia szavakat hangosan! EllenGrizze Kieltését a felvétel segitségével! ®Q@OAS @ enue eee 4 Olvassa el a képek f6t6tti mondatokat! Dintse el, hogy az dlitsok igazakee, vagy hamisak! Tegyen jelet (/) a meglelel6 négyzetbe! 4A family ticket costs £5.95, Oe HOLS canoens 1 You can park your ear here at night True Prenat peewee False Sore carrer 2 You can take your dog into this park true ® Hounslow Byelaw 13 (ii) False @ NO DOGS ALLOWED IN THIS AREA 3 You must not swim here. True False 20 minutes+ F CHISWICK JOBCENTRE True False 5. The job centre is closed on Sunday True 319/327 CHISWICK HIGH ROAD False CHISWICK WA aH TEL: O18] 710 8400 OPENING HOURS Mordey to Thursdey Some - 4.30pm Fridey Wom - 4p 6 This machine does not work Te False Hallgassa meg a harom parbeszédet, és egészitse kia feliratokat! Carlito's Store East Valo Monday ~ Friday Oia ia p.m. ee Saturda ee Road Gicsed pm] |e 12 May Please use A Sunday — closed Cacia tice: £2.00 & Telling the time | Amagyar nyelvben milyen szavakat hasendlunk a pontos id kifejezésére? i Hogyan mondané magyarul az alabbi idépontokat? half past quarter to Its half past ten. Its quarter to one. 2. Ot parbeszédet hall. Allapitsa meg, melyik beszélgetés mikor zajlott! {ja be a parbeszédek sorszamat a megelel6 kép ala! Tuesday 21 Meeting 3. Nézze meg az aldbbi repillétéri menetrendet! i Cinema 2:30 Jaws 430 Murder o 645 The World 10:30 Little Wom [ovis | 0845 | BA 2934 0845 | 10:15 | BA 2936 A 1125 | 13:00 | Ba 2938 AIA 1450_| i615 | BA 2940 te4o_| 1:10 | BA 2942. Alalalalala AlAlAlalal a AjAlalalala AlALAL ALA] A AlAlAlAlalA i945 [21:15 | BA 2946 4 AAA Egészitse ki a mondatokat a menetrend alapién! 1 Flight BA 2936 leaves at Flight BA 2942 arrives In Frankfurt at ‘On Mondays, the first plane to Frankfurt leaves at ‘The last plane to Frankfurt leaves at BA 2940 doesn't fly on Flight BA 2938 gets to Frankfurt at....... o'¢lock in the afternoon Flight BA 2942 to Frankfurt takes minutes. 20 minutes+ Hallgassa meg a hrom pérbeszédet, és inja be a tablazatba a hiényz6 informaciokat! leaves arrives Take the train ‘ 1 Hogy nevezik a képeken lathaté kizlekedési formakat magyarul? Preston Liverpoo! underground (UK) subway (US) intercity 2. Azalabbi tabla alapjén egészitse ki a mondatokat! Corry cee eee eo cr ae ee Yellow times indicate fast trains [The 17.26 from is due to artive at at platform 2 The from Oxford is due to arrive at platform 14 at 3 The from will active at platform 3. Time to be announced, 4 All train times in yellow are for trains 5° Trains from artive at platforms 6 and At the station g 5. Hallgassa meg a felvételt, és parositsa Gssze a hat beszél6t a jobb oldali cselekvésekkel! Speaker | buying a train ticket Speaker 2 asking to see a ticket Speaker 3 looking for a platform Speaker 4 asking about left luggage Speaker 5 asking about lost property Speaker 6 buying something to read & Atérkép alapién egészitse ki az Gtbaigazitasokat! L_ From Holby Road to Queen's Bridge? Take the line. 2. From Westgate to East Side? Take the line 3. To get from Southwood to East Side, take the line and change at 4 To get from Queen's Bridge to Westgate, take the line and change at East Side. 5 Midtown and Northway are both on the line, You don't have to trains. ‘Yellow nenes Green — Blue sown Red wee Back 20 minutes+ Egészitse ki a mondatokat a most tanult szavakkal! 1 Which does the train to Reading leave from? 2. This suitcase is very heavy. Where can | get a baggage ? 3 The 16.40 from Heathrow is by twenty minutes. ft’s now due at five o'clock. 4. {eft my wallet on the train so I must go to the office 5 |wanta return to Glasgow, please. 6 To get to the underground you go down the 7 I'm going to leave my bags in the felt olfice while | go shopping einen 60 On the move Buying travel tickets 1 A képen lathaté személyek kézétt van-e olyan, aki Magyarorszdgon utazési kedvezményt vehet igénybe? * 33 * a disabled person children senior citizens a student 2 Avalabbi drtéblazat alapjén mennyibe kerilne: - treeereree 1 a single from London to Edinburgh? 8 It costs £ i Word Power i 2. a day return to Bristol for a child? (stale one way een It costs & | 8nvrdnys utezkora otAlé ony | 3. a day return to Cambridge? It costs £, | feturn: oda-viesza utazdsra i 4 asingletaavitol va sudont tence | 82616 (retin) egy | a single to Brist student? It costs ‘ i " oltora | day return: keavezméryes, / 5 a retum to London from Cambridge? It costs €. azonos napon vald odarvissza | 6 aretum to Edinburgh for a senior citizen? } arhora logos jeay Attaléban-—~|) | 638k bizonyos napezakokban q Iecosts £ vehers igérybe, | 7 a return to Cambridge for a student? reduced rates: kedvezményes | Jeay a2 area j ie | It costs € Jegosultaknak i 8 a single to Cambridge? It costs £ i Sceerecennitntcctoewenntnany | Ticket prices London, Paddington Bristol 8 96 6 as AB 4 London, King’s Gross Cambridge £2050 a a LO fat) £4 London, St Pancras Edinburgh ad ou not available 6 aun 1 Prices in red show reduced rates for students, children and senior citizens. 3. Parositsa dssze a mondatokat a megfelel6 érakkal! Mondja ki tobbszbir a jegyérakat hangosan, majd ellenérizze a kiejtését a felvétel segit £1650 92p €2.20 £32.50 €385 $100 | That's sixteen pounds fifty, 2 That's two euros and twenty cents. 3. That's thirty-two pounds fifty 4 That's three euros eighty-five 5 That's a hundred dollars. 6 That's ninety-two pence. g 4 Hallgassa meg a négy parbeszédet, és ija be a jegyek drét! Anglia Bus Company : Just Go Jets —_ : From: London from Sydney a Te Perth X= ‘Type of ticket : Single[y] Return : Te; Brighton ‘Type of ticket Single Return[y| | ## Superiimic Trains! £24272 | From: Hampton cr. to: New York Egos Type of ticket Oneway [HM Round trip Y] Return Fare: oe SMIREN. 20 minutes+ ee Hallgassa meg a parbeszédet, és egészitse ki a mondatokat! Ellendrizze valaszait a felvétel segitségével, vagy a szévegkényv alapjan! ‘The man wants to go to 1 2 His name is oho 3. He wants to fly on June. 4 Hewants a ticket 5 He doesn't want a ticket 6 The ticket costs What is happening? [Mi térténik az alabbi képeken? Parositsa dssze a képeket a mondatokkal 1 They are buying tickets 3. She is eating a sandwich 2. He Is carrying a suitcase. 4 She is reading a newspaper. Ezaz geid6 (folyamatos jelen) az éppen Az- bettie végr5d6 igéknél ar ing most zajlé cselekvést fejezi ki képu6 az-¢ helyébe lép. Képzése: be + ar ige “ing kép26s alakla. write + writing came coming ‘The man ss carvan a suitcase He 16 ‘ten maganhangz6 utar They are riosning for the train. ee arte ee ‘egyetien méssalhangé all, a méssalhangz6 Lam cooking a meat megkettéz5dik az -ing végrOdés ela. ‘Az ing végrdést altalatran un + running ——_ stop > stopping az ige sv6tari alakjshoz kapesoliuk. go> gong read > reading See Grammar Bank I She a letter 2 She at her watch, (look) (drink) 3. Négy felvételt hall, melyek mindegyike egy-egy képre vonatkozik. fia be a beszél6 sorscémét a megfelel6 négyzetbe! 4 Hallgassa meg Gira a felvételt! ‘Tegyen jelet (V) azok mellé az dsszevont alakok mellé, amelyek a felvételen is hallhaték! i} m™m [] were shes LJ} youre [| tes =O theyre 20 minutes+ ‘Olvassa el a sz6veget! Hizza al4 az egyszerii jelen iddben (Present Simple} lévé igéket! ‘A folyamatos jelen idében (Present Continuous) lévé igéket karikazza be! My name is Helen Wilcox. t work for Eastern Airlines and | am a pilot. The company has 23 pilots, but only three are women. | love my job, The company is buying two new planes so, at the moment, | am learning to fly jumbo jets. {Lis difficult but Iam working hard and, most importantly, Hove it! On the move Signs and notices (2) @ Tekintse meg az alabbi, repildtereken taldlhaté tablakat és feliratokat! Hat felvételt hall, mindegyikhez harom tabla kapesolddik, Tegyen jelet (/) a megfelels tabla melletti négyzetbe! a Padte | MUNICH LH2732 te PEP MUNICH Erecas ae Ceew CONTROL | Ris Gil ecnano etc EUROPEAN UNION a Liebe) q CUSTOMS NOTHING TO GOODS TO (e)=ere ats DECLARE Be fetes baler a PAN Se SAAS) izen=] BUS | STATION uuDERGROUND Sear c CShiaeern (Sth Many Mii Of Anny ELT 2. Afelvételen haliort, és itt megadott szavakal egészitse ki ax alébbi mondatokat! Jelentésiket ellenétizheti a Word Bank szészedetében, ha sziikséges, arrivals hall boarding pass Customs \ w flight in th ‘You can wait for your flight in the d. \ departure lounge 2 You have to show your b. Pp. before you get on the plane. gate 3. Our travel representative is waiting in the a h meeting point 4 People from the European Union go through the blue channel atc. 5. Where is the m. P ? My brother Is waiting for me there. 6 Our flight is leaving from g 15, 3. Olvassa el a mondatokat, és parositsa dssze dket a megfelel6 jelzstéblaval! frja a jelz6tabla betdjelét a négyzetbe! 1 George is buying some perfume for his wife Oo 2 Allis flying from London to Tokyo. His plane leaves in twenty minutes. { 3. Alice is asking if the plane from Paris is on time, 4 Sarah is buying some dollars for her holiday in Australia, 5. Parveen is waiting for her brother who is flying from New York. aa Gites Ce is es Daas Gasser 20 minutes + 5 ees ON 4 eZ a ee aie Gea. S| te... Amsterdam Cee | Care ee eee | What you are going to do? 1 Hatéridénaplst haszndl vagy jobban szereti a menedzserkalkulétort? lija be az alabbi naptérba a hét hiinyz6 napjait! Sunday Wednesday Tuesday Monday ‘Thursday May We a OM. 22 BB seernensnsen | | Gein a I | 26 Saturday | a | @ 2 Hallgassa meg Rebecca és Tim beszélgetését, majd itja be hétvégi programjukat a naptarukbal Rebecoa t Tine Friday Anita's... Fridey Anita's Saturday a Fternoon-biny Sunday Seturdey take ont Sunday with Thea at with Rebecca | o'chooke. A folyamatos jelent els6sorban a most Hasznélhatjuk azonban a folyamatos 2zil6 cselekvésck leitésira hasendljuk jelentj6v6 ide cselekvések kifejenésére {lésd: Lesson 6). Példéul is. llyenkor tobbnyire konkrét id6pontot Jam kaving my dinner now. ell meaadininke Lame playing tennis on Saturday. We are catching the bus at five o'clock See Grammar Bank 3. Egészitse ki a mondatokat a zérdjelben 1év6 igék helyes alakjéval 1 We (go) on holiday to Italy next month, 2 We (fly) to Pisa. 3 we (hire) a car at the airport 4 We (stay) in a hotel in Florence. 5 we (meet) up with our Italian friends, Paulo and Carla 6 They (come) back home with us at the end of August. Stember beszél kozeli terveit6 Parositsa Sssze a képeket a beszél6 sorszémavall ALI cL] BL bi 20 minutes+ Nézze meg Sunita naptéraban a holnapi napot! Egészitse kia széveget a naptar informécisival, fhaszndlion folyamatos jelen idét! Sunita (1) ‘with Helen at 11 o'clock ‘Then she (2) lunch with Helen and Kate. They (2) at Café Bleu at (2.30, in the afternoon, she (4) In the evening, she (5) at Michel's hoo. meet at Cafe Bey meet at Café bey reer WORD Power POPRCE RES Még néhdny jév8 idére 1 vonatkozs kitejezés: | In a few minutes: pr pore mdlva this morning: ma reagellddlelbct this afternoon: ma déiutn this evening: ma este tonight: ma cote/djezaka ‘tomorrow: holnap next week: jtvé héven ext year: jiv6 éuben, jovére swim utth Helen lech = Helen ara Kate tech = Helen ara kate —2hep= = bay new shoes ana crema with Dai then arner eT Michel's restawant 10 the shops to look for some new shoes and a hat to the cinema with David. Then they (6) On the move Seaside Mystery: Part 3 ‘he story fer Carlos tells Peter about his Spanish girlfriend, Ma Peter tells Carlos that he likes Yoshiko. They go to Mrs King’s house to ask Yoshiko io go to the beach with thers. Mrs King says Yoshiko is busy but she will give her their message. When they leave the hou: arlos and Peter see Yoshiko through a window but then she disappears. Peter thinks that . Mrs King is-very rude, but Carlos ust ‘tink that she is b ‘Az aldbbi szavak mind elfordulnak a Seaside Mystery 3. részében. Jelélie (1 azismert szavakat, a tbbit keresse ki a Word Rank szészedetébél! asleep term swimming tired sitting _—_ energy laugh breakfast sandwiches alone strange Hallgassa meg a torténetet! Segitségképpen kévetheti ‘a hanganyagot a szdvegkinyvben! Vélaszoljon a torténether kapesol6dé kérdésekre. 1 Who is Mr McCabe? 2. What are the students doing in class today? 3, What does Yoshiko think about swimming in England? 4 Where do the students go at lunch time? 5. What does Peter ask Yoshiko? Egésuitse ki a mondatokat! Haszndlja az 1. feladatban szerepl6 scavakat! Bnet 1 Mr McCabe hopes the students are feeling full of 2 Yoshiko says she is a bit 3 Peter likes on the beach in the sunshine. 4 Carlos likes Mr McCabe because he makes him 5. Mrs King says she is sorry that she can't make Yoshiko's 6 Yoshiko thinks itis that her landlady is on the beach with a man she does not know. bbe. Magyarra néha ~is/-6s véat fSnéwvel, maskor f6névi igenévvel fordithatjuk ‘ket. Sokszor dllnak més igével egyiitt Do you lke swimming inthe sea? {go cacing at weekends Egészitse ki a mondatokat az alabbi szavakkal! asking shopping eating sitting playing swimming 1 This is better than in a hot classroom, 2 I think the sea is too cold for in England, 3 You can find out more by ‘questions, on his computer, PEPE WORD POWER. 4 He spends a lot of time Ned lghary oport & 5 On Saturdays | go at the supermarket eveonysag SaMidée 6 After their lunch they go back to school. ealling: vitoribzde _ eyeling: surfing: szirtézés singing: éneklés arivings autévezstéo i | orékpdrozs | i walking: séta, ayalogiés Painting: festés, Check your progress Ebben a leckében lehetésége van ri, hogy az eddig tanultakat gyakorolja. Ellenérizze a vilaszait, és meglatja, hogyan halad! Az elért pontszdmot irja be a lap szélén taldlhaté keretbe! 1 Pérositsa dssze az alébbi mondatokat (I-10) a szituéciokkal (a-g)! Néhdny stituaciét tabbszir is kell haszndlnia, 1 Lwant a return ticket to Paris, please, a) asking where things are 2. Danger! No Swimming! b) giving directions 3. That's lim, He's sitting in his car. ©) asking about time 4 Excuse me, Where's the train station? ) understanding notices 5 When does our train leave? e) buying a ticket to travel 6 Can you tell me where the cinema is, please? f) describing what's happening 7 t'm playing football on Sunday. 8) describing future plans 8 You can't park here, I'm afraid. It says no parking Monday to Friday, 07.00 — 18,00. 9 Weare going to Hong Kong next year, 10. Take the first left and then it’s straight ahead 2. ja amegfelel6 szavakat a képek ala! luggage ticket timetable Urolley gate Gro Paris (CDG) 09:45 3 Egészitse ki a mondatokat a megadott szavakkal! midday morning _aftemoon 1 Lam playing tennis with jill at oclock hal 2 The bus to the airport leaves at seven in the 3. The museum opens at ten and closes at five 4 The bank closes at four o'clock in the 5 We are going to the restaurant at past one, elu 4 ria le a kévetkez mondatokat diy, hogy a7 dsszevont alakokat feloldjal 1 Where's the post office? 2. They're over there in the café 3 You can't smoke in the restaurant. 4 Its on the left, next to the bookshop. I'm going on holiday tomorrow. 5. Egészitse kia mondatokat a 24rdjelben megadott igék helyes alakjaval! Hasznéljon egyszeri jelen idét, folyamatos jelen idGt vagy fGnévi igenevet! 1 My name is Sven and | {be} a pilot 21 (fly! planes to Spain and Portugal 3 Next week! (g0) on holiday to France with my family. 4 We (leave) on Saturday at five in the morning, 5 1am going (ative) from London to Paris facie 6 Hallgassa meg a négy parbeszédet! Déntse el, hogy az dllitisok lgazak-e vagy hamisak, majd tegyen jelet (7) a meglelel6 oszlopba! a) She is meeting Paul at 730. b) The restaurant is on the right as you walk towards the cinema. a) To get to the café, he must tum right at the post office. ) The café is next to the bookshop. a) The shops close at half past five. b) She wants to buy a book. a) He's going to Amsterdam by aeroplane. b) The next train is at quarter past two. } He is buying a return ticket. d) The fare is 12 euros. TOTAL + 140 30+ excellent KK 24+ good KK —_20- more practice! >k Asking about places 1 Azalabbi helyek kéxil mit néz meg szfvesen egy idegen varosban? frja le fontossdgi sorendben hérom vlasztsat! Ist and 3rd Hallgassa meg a hat felvételt, és ira le, hogy az egyes beszél6k ‘mit kivannak megnéznt! Speaker | Speaker 4 Speaker 2 Speaker 5 Speaker 3 Speaker 6 Hallgassa meg a parbeszédeket! Mi utén érdekl6dik a hat megszGlal6? A ordirections _ B about the price of tickets C about opening times Speaker 1 [_] Speakers [| Speaker 2 [_] Speakers [] Speaker 3 speakers [] Pouee 4) Olvassa el 2 vérosnéz6 buszrél sz6l6 informéciGkat! Guided Bus Tour HE GoD EoeF ‘ee the splendour of our city from an open-top bus Departs from the Embankment on the hour from 10. 5 pm seven days a week Our expert guides give the history of this famous city in five languages The tour lasts one hour and taees you past some of the finest old buldings in the city Pérositsa dssze a kérdéseket a helyes valaszokkal! 1 How long does the tour last? a) It goes past some fine old buildings. 2 Where does the tour start? b) The Embankment, 3. What time does the first tour start? __¢) £10.00 for adults and €5.00 for children, 4 When is the last tour? 4d) One hour 5 Where does the tour go? e) loam. 6 How much does it cost? ) Spm. 20 minutes+ Egészitse ki a mondatokat az aldbbi szavakkal! buildings four excursion sightseeing tourist ‘When I visit a new country | like to go Hike to see all the old Usually Igo on a of the city with a guide. ‘Sometimes I go on an outside the city to visita castle or a garden, Tenjoy being a ina foreign country! On the move How do you spell it? Hallgassa meg az Sbécé betta felvételen, 6s gyakorolia hangosan a kieitéstiket! ABCDEFGHI}JKLMNOPQRSTUVWKYZ Hallgassa meg a felvételt, majd ismételje a scereplék utin a bettik kiejtését! {'m Carlos Sanchez and | Leome from Spain oT Vive in Japan, and f'm My name's spelt | called Yoshiko That's CARLOS S-AN-CH YV-O-S-HIK-O come from Germany and my name is Peter Lieb. That's PEPER LEB, 3. frja le a nevét, majd betézze angolul! My name iS ann 7 ldja meg a keresztrejtvényt a meghatérozésok alapién! Hallgassa meg a felvétet, és ellendrizze a szavak helyesirésat! ‘Across F Down i Geekisiondinihe (C1 RL ELT) & 1 The Great Wall of de Mediterranean Sea. (name eS 5 City where you can of country) see the Statue of eae 2 The largest city Liberty in Japan 6 Country that Catlos 3. Home of a famous Sanchez comes poe clock called Big Ben from [ | 4 City home of the 8 Sydney, Melbourne Eiffel Tower and Canberra are 7 Pasta and pizza come in this country. I’ from this country. @ 5. Hallgassa meg a parbesuédet, és egészitse ki a mondatokat! ee Cantos: Yoshiko, how do you spell your family name? Yostixo: It's spelt Easy, isn’t it? Cartos: Idon’t think so, But can you spell the town where | ive? Yostiro: Of course. It’s Cantos: That's right! And I can spell the name of the town where you live. I's Yostiko: Very clever. But this is a hard one. Can you spell the name of the capital of Scotland? Cartos: I think so. It's _ isn't it? YostiKo: Well done. | think that’s really hard because it’s got letters in it that you don't say. Cantos: Yes it has. So has the thing you cut food with. Yostko: Oh, you mean a ‘There are lots of words with silent letters in English, aren't there? What about the name of the fish that you can get in Scotland? CarLos: It's a haggis, that's H-A-double G-l-S, Yoshiko: Don't be silly, Carlos. A haggis isn'ta fisht | mean a ' 20 minutes+ Mondja ki az alabbi szavakat hangosan! Melyek a néma betdk? Ready for take off 1 Mi mindent kell tennie, amikor kiér a repiilétérre? ‘Tegye az alibbiakat helyes sorrendbe! Go to departure gate Check in Go through passport control Do some duty free shopping Board aeroplane 2 frja a megadott szavakat a megfelelé helyre, maid teayen (V) jelet azok mellé a térgyak mellé, melyeket én is kézipogeyaszként szokott felvinni a repiil6re! hairbrush book sacks toothpaste alarm clock ‘ines sweater 1 2 3 4 5 toothbrush keys. | sunglasses At the airport 5. PSrositsa dssze a képeket az aldbbi mondatokkal! 1 Yes, there are seats available for Flight 012. 2. Is there a bus to Victoria from here? 3 Let's buy something to read on the plane. 4. Passengers from this flight are entering Arrivals now. Mikor induinak a tablan szerepl6 jaratok? Példéul: 1 ‘The flight to Chicago leaves at fifteen thirty” Vélaczait ellendrizze a Megoldési kulesban! Pap Gs Price a re tere) ren re vc een) Mae Ty Zurich: rer) lore! ence rey rn ny Pe eee cttue nes ae As) aes 20 minutes+ Hallgassa meg a felvételt, majd egészitse ki a mondatokat a megadott szavakkal! Passport Malaga tickets baggage hand ‘The check-in clerk wants to see the family’s and passpons, ‘he family is flying to today. The woman thinks her husband has forgotten his The check-in clerk thinks the family has excess (One of the bags is luggage. glish in 20 On the move Finding out about cities 1 Adily nagyobb vérost jell, mint a tovn, és tobben is éinek bene, tehat a ty-nek nagyobb a népessége Melyek Magyarorszag nagyvérosai? 2. Egészitse ki a mondatokat a megfelel6 szval! capital population city town _—_village 1 London fs the ...¢4P¥tal_. of England 2 tthasa of over eight million. 3 Cardiff and Bristol are 4 Dedham isa small in England. 5 Penzance and Huddersfield are ee 6 The place where | live is a ét véros lefrésat halljuk. Figyelien j6l, és irja be a hinyz6 informéclokat! | Population Places to Way to see the city | tour by .. city Population Places to visit Way to see the ‘Vérosokkal kapesolatban feltett kérdésekben haszndlhatja az Is there ..? (egyes szim) és Are there ..? (tObbes szém) szetkereteket, Példéul: Is there an airport in Liverpoo!? Are there any art galleries in Bristol? See Grammar Bank 4 Kezdje a mondatokat Is there vagy Are there kérdéssel! 1 an opera house in Sydney? any taxis in the city centre? a subway in Chicago? any theatres in Brighton? any guided tours of the city? 5. Nézze meg az iranytit, és tanulja meg az égtéjak nevét! north south east” west north-east north-west south-east south-west 6 Nézze meg még egyscer Nagy-Britannia térképét! Egészitse Ki a mondatokat! Egy helyre csak egy szétirion! 1 York is the of England. 2 Bristol is about 120 miles London. 3. Dedham is a village sixty miles of London 4 Penzance is the - cof England. 5 Liverpool is the - of England, 20 minutes+ Figyelmesen hallgassa meg a varosrél s26I6 besz6lgetést! ira be a hidey26 informaciskat! Name of city | Where the city is Population | Tourist attractions 1 i 2 every summer | How do you get there? | i 2. Can you repeat that. Néha nehézséget okozhat egy idegennel folytatott telefonbeszélgetés, Sokszor nem Erik pontosan, mit mond a masik ft llyen esetben az aldbbiakat mondhatja: 1 Can you repeat that, please? 2. How do you spell that, please? 3 Can you say that again, please? 4 Can you spell that, please? @ Wears our name? It's Jane Robbins." Robbins. It's R-O-double B--N-S. “Thanks. © Good morning, Charles Moore speaking Hello. it's Timson’s ‘Travel here. Your ticket is ready. ‘Your ticket is ready. Shall we send it? ‘Yes, please. A felvételt kétszer is meghallgathatia. 1 Tracy doesn’t talk clearly. 2 She talks too quickly. 3 She doesn’t listen carefully 4 She doesn’t check that she understands what the caller is saying. 5 She doesn't give her name. 2. Egészitse ki az aldbbi (A-D) parbeszédeket a fenti mondatok valamelyikévell © could you put me through to the ticket office, please? ‘Sorry, “The ticket office.” “Yes, of course. Hold the line, please” © ‘Hello. 'm sharon Moll How do you do? | need to make # note of that Yes, of course. It's Moll: M-O-L-L. ‘Thanks, Azalabbi mondatok kézil vilassza ki és jelélie (V) azokat az okokat, amelyek megnehezitik az itt hallhat6 telefonbeszélgetés megértését! PAR AABApA, FCP RPP P RE WORD PowER Putting you ‘through: Sapesolom (a kérc szeméye). Hold on: Vérjon eqy kicsit/ tartea a vonalat, ! a @ 4 Hallgassa meg a telefonbeszélgetést, és jeldlie (V) az igaz dlitasokat! She speaks cleanly. She gives the name of her company. She gives her own name She asks the caller for his name. She checks that she can spell his name, She asks for the reference number on his letter. She puts him through to someone who can help him, | eareoweun She is also eae repeat the information. Meo: Give the information again v Say thank you and goodbye, -—Askthe caller to Making sense 1 Az frott suvegben irésjelek segtik az olvasét a szBveg megértésében, | semi-col colon + hyphen capital | ket a hi 2 can i help you 3 hes de 4 how much is a ‘exclamation mark inverted commas full stop question mark apostrophe on letter at 15.30 the post office to paris tomorrow ticket For exampl He is selling fruit, vegetables and flowers. | Don't speak to him; he can’t hear, | Green Park is north of the river. | Where do you live? | My name is Patricia, good morning cant i help you yes please | want a ticket to rome certainly sir whats your name john green thats green cok mr green when do you want to fly on monday june the tenth the best flight is ba2747 that leaves 15 30 thats great 3. Hallgassa meg a mondatokat a felvételen, maid egészitse ki W26 szavakkal és a megielelé irésjelekkel! 5 thats 6 that sign says 7 its only another 8 do you want an 2001 model) costs 8000 euros. mobile phone isnt it, miles to ido 4 Azangol nyelvben sok olyan sz6 van, amelynek azonos aneftése, de eltéré az irasmédia és a jelentése. Ezek az azonos alaki szavak (homonimdt), Nézze meg az alébbi sz6pérokat, 6s keresse ki jelentéstiket a Word Bank s26szedetében! toto | two 1 eve see = son sun wait [weight | their there some sum ‘write right know | no here hear 5. Akeresctrejtvény hiényz6 szavai a fenti tablézatban taldlhatok Down A Dovou..... Of that boy 4 Please stay hear / here while 1 look for him. 5 He's my sun /son and I love him very much, 6 The post office is over tere / thir. On the move Finding out about countries Gn melyik orszéghan él? Mi az orszdg neve angolul? Egészitse ki az alabbi mondatokat! My home country is My nationality is My language is Szdmos orsz4gban tbb nyelven is beszélnek Hallgassa meg a parbeszédeket, és egészitse ki a mondatokat! Conversation 1 Conversation 2 He comes from She comes from Itsavery which is a country. The small capital city is called The The capital city is is @ neighbour The national Their nearest neighbour is languages in his country are In her country they speak and and Kt dolog vagy személy osszehasonlitésara Ha kblinbizbek, akkor: ot as. as. . azo + melléknév + as szetkezetet hasanaljuk Wales isnot s big as Eland. Canada is 0s big as China ‘Ha majdnem ugyanolyan vagy ugyanakkora: almost as... as-t hasendlunk ‘Australia i almost as big os Brazil Ses Gramaiar bank Egészitse ki a mondatokat a tablézat adataivall Country Paco | OY the Philippines. 1 2 Portugal Spain. | Austria 84,000 | Portugal i 92,000 3 Austria Portugal | spain i 305,000 4 Austria italy Italy 300,000 | The Philippines 300,000 Ey 4 és vilaszoljon affeltett kérdésekre! Képzelie el, hogy lelandra utazik! Tegyen fel ot angol kérdést a tablézatban megadott seavakra vonatkozéan! Utna hallgassa mega széveget, speak Icelandic means crown ICELAND Iceland is a beautiful country in the North Atlantic Ocean. It is larger than Portugal ~ its size is 103,000 square kilometres, but it has a small populati 289,000 people. About half the population lives in and around ‘the capital city ~ Reykjavik. They avery old language. iceland has its own ‘currency: the krona, which English, {capital} 2 (size) | 3 3 | language) | 4 4 | (currency) | 5 (population) 20 minutes+ Parositsa Gssze a kérdéseket a helyes valaszokkal! Ellen6rzésképpen hallgassa meg a beszélgetést! What's your nationality? a) Brussels. t 2. Is your country as big as England? 3. What is the population? 4 What is the capital? 5 What currency do you use? 6 What countries are your neighbours? 7 What languages do people speak in your country? by) The euro, of course. ¢}. French, German and Dutch, d)_ No, its only 30,000 square kilometres. e} I'm Belgian f) About 10 million ) We have borders with France, Germany, ‘The Netherlands and Luxembourg Dealing with travel situations Mit tesz az alabbi helyzetekben? Valaszolion a kérdésekre magyarul! A Your train is delayed, B You are going to be late for a meeting C You want to sit at a no-smoking table in a restaurant. D You are looking for a hotel. E You ate in a hurry to get to the airport A meglelels bettit (A-E) ija a négyzetekbe! Is the 15,30 to Buffalo running? Let me see, Yes, but there's a 45 minute delay. A: What time does it get to Buffalo? B: It’s due in Buffalo at 17.10. A: Thank you. A. Hello. Is that the Belmont conference centre? B: Yes. How can I help? ‘A: Thave a meeting in room 112 with Mr Curtis. Unfortunately my train is delayed so I'm going to be late B: Room 112? Hold on a moment, ''m putting you through, ee SP eeee prer Hallgassa meg az alébbi parbeszédeket, és pérositsa dssze a fenti szitudciokkal! Excuse me, Can you help me please? ‘Yes, sit. What can I do for you? I want a hotel in central London. Is that just for one night? Yes, itis. Let's have a look... The Cavendish in Bryanston Square has a double roorn available at £95.00 a night. Well, that sounds OK. Where is Bryanston Square? Where to, madam? The aitport, please. Im running a bit late. Now then, what time your flight? Half past eleven. 1'm sure I'm going to miss it Don’t worry. Plenty of time Leave it to me. Great! Good moming. Is it just for the two of you? Yes, can we sit over there by the window? Just a second, yes, that table's free. Is that a no-smoking area? Yes, we only allow smoking at the bar. ©h, good. ‘oy @& 3 Olvassa el a beszélgetéseket dja, és keresse ki kézilliik a Word Power kifejezéseit! Conversation 1 Conversation 2 Conversation 3 Conversation 4 Conversation 5 WORD POWER. Ezekkel a kifejené asi it teri oye eee Let me see...: Lsouk csak, | Now then...: Na most akkor Just a second...: Eay mésodpora.. Hold on a moment... Egy pilanat. Let's have a look...: Nézzik osak 4. Egészitse ki a mondatokat a kivetkez3 szavak egyikévell delayed miss let running plenty leave Nesom s0 I need to phone someone. anneal 1 Excuse me, my flight is 2 I'm sorry but the train is late, 3 Don't worry, you've of time to catch the plane. 4 it to me, Ill give him the message. 5. He's going to his train if he doesn’t hurry up, 6 Ineed to someone know I'm going to be late. 20 minutes+ ‘Nézze meg djra a Word Power kifejezéselt! irjon velk &t mondatot! 1 Let me see 2 Now then, 3 Just a second, 4 Hold on a moment 5 Let's have a look. Ways to travel 1 On hogyan szeret utazni? A kényelmet részestti elényben, vagy az dnallésagot? Pérositsa bssze a képeket a hozzdiuk tartoz6 szavakkal! 1 flying 2 cycling 3 walking 4 sailing 5 driving 2. Ot személy mondia el, hogyan szeret utazni! Olvassa el az alébbi Minden megszélaléra két-két dit igaz. itésokat! Speaker I ‘Speaker 2 Speaker 3 Speaker 4 Speaker 5 I It’s the cheapest way to travel, 2 {tsa slow way to travel but very comfortable, 3. There are no timetables to keep to. 4 You usually meet interesting people. 5 Its the quickest way to get anywhere. 6 It keeps me fit and healthy. You can take as much luggage with you as you want 8 It gets boring sometimes. 9 You are looked after during your journey. 10 I can decide when to stop. 3. Egésritse ki a kovetkez6 mondatokat a Word Power megielels igéivel! I Loften my bike in the park 2 Doyou to London by train? 3 He always a very expensive car. 4 She is round the world in a small boat 5 Can you a horse? 6 IL takes about three hours to from Greece to England A gyakorisdgot kifejez6 hatérozdsadk tobbnyire az ige el6ttdllnak. You alteaus meet interesting people ‘She i ote late ‘We sometimes fly, but | usually go by train, | never travel by Boat, because | get seasick See Grammar Bank fT, 4 Hallgassa meg tira az el6z8 hangfelvételt! Osszesen hany gyakorisagot kifejez6 hatéroz6t talél benne? 20 minutes+ Egészitse kia kévetkez6 &t mondatot sajét magérdl adot Hasendlhatja a zardjelben megadott szavakat. 1 Tusually. 2 Loften 3. Sometimes, | 41 5 My friends say | never informaciGkkalt peeeeprrrere, Hasznos kitejezések utazdsho: all in a boat: or ship: hajdzik % ina plane: repiii6vel utazik ride in a car, bus or train: staat asta bussed, vonatozik tide a bicycle: bicilizik travel by / go by bus, train, car Plane, boat: utazik jérmtiveken (go to bed at...) {goto work by...) (like to.) alot (eat) Olvassa el az alébbi mondatokat! Déntse el, igazak-e vagy hamisak? True False 1 Mrs King is Peter's landlady. 2 Yoshiko is late for Mr McCabe's class. 3 Yoshiko sees Mrs King at breakfast. 4. Mrs King is on the beach with Mr McCabe. 5 Yoshiko returns to school with Carlos and Peter. EllenGrizze a szavak jelentését, miel6tt meghallgatja a kovetkez6 részt! Ha szlikséges, hasznélja a Word Bank szdszedetét, crying taking reason. park lake immediately shouting trouble kill gun angry idea_— police bridge find out Hallgassa mega térténet 4 részét,uténa vilaszoljon a kérdésekre! 1 Who phones Peter? 2. Who wiltes a letter to Yoshiko? 3. What does Mrs King want Yoshiko to do? 4 Where is Carlos? 5 Where is Mrs King? 6 Who is she with? 4 Tegye a képeket helyes sorrendbe a torténet alapjan! 1 2 30 «Os 6 5 Parositsa Gssze a mondatokat a 4. feladat képetvell! Yoshiko takes Mrs King home Yoshiko and Peter go to the station. Yoshiko speaks to Peter on the phone. Catlos sees the young man running Carlos and Peter run after Mrs King’s son over the bridge Peter and Yoshiko meet in the park. Stage 2 Lesson 20 Check your progress Ebben a leckében lehetdsége van r4, hogy az eddig tanultakat gyakorolia. Ellenérizze a valaszait és meglatja, hogyan halad! ‘Az elért pontszdmot irja be a lap szélén talélhaté keretbe! scone EI itudci6kat a jobb oldali mondatokall 1 Parositsa éssze a bal old 1 asking about places a) Could you say that again, please? 2 spelling a word b) What country do you come from? 3 asking about opening times ©) Is there a double ‘m’ in it? 4 checking you understand something 4d) I'm sorry but I'm going to be too late for the meeting, 5. finding out about a country €} can take lots of luggage. 6 looking for a hotel Is there an opera house neat here? 7 booking a meal in a restaurant 8) What time does it open? 8. saying you're going to miss an appointment —_h). What is the population of France? 9. saying why you like to travel by car i) Ineed a room for the night. 10 Finding out about someone's nationality J) Do you have a table for two, please? scone oem 2 Egéscitse kia mondatokat a megadott szavak valamelyikével! sightseeing 1 When 1m on holiday 1 like to go putting 2. London Zoo is a great tourist plenty : tour 3 We are going on a guided of the city this morning aged 4. Tm just you through to the accounts department attraction 5. He lives in Switzerland but his country is Ital home 5 find out 6 Don't worry! You've got cf time to catch your train always 7 The of London is about eight million population 8 Yoshiko wants to what isthe mater with her landlady 9 He ges to work by bus 10 ‘The flight to New York is 50 we are going to be three hours late. 3. Azalabbi mondatok mindegyikében talalhat6 nyelvtani hiba frja le a mondatokat helyesen! 1 Is there any good restaurants here? 2 London is on the south of England, 3 The post office? There's in Bridge Street. 4 Look! The man running towards the bridge. 5 Sorry, I can't come ~ I play tennis with lane. 6 Are there a train to London this evening? 7 Wales is not as big than England, 8 1am have a patty tomorrow, 9 Yoshiko is phoning to Peter. 10. Are you go out tonight, Carlos? 4 irja le a mondatokat a helyes irésjelekkel! (Minden frésjel egy pontot ér) 1 you cant buy tickets until four oclack 2 what times the flight she asked 30+ excellent * > 24+ good K>K —_20- more practice! >k Eza fejezet (Vésélis) a vasarlassal, bérléssel letve a kiilnbéz6 szolgaltatésokkal kapcsolatos beszédhelyzeteket mutatja be. A leckék sorén élelmiszerboltba, illetve étterembe téthet be, bérelhet lakdst, és vasdrolhat ruhat egy druhazban, A leckék olyan élethelyzeteket is tartalmaznak, amelyekben panaszt tehet példdul egy hotel szolgaltatasai ellen, illetve hibas drut cserélhet vissza A leckék soran tobbsz6r felhivjuk a figyelmét a brit, illetve amerikai nyelvhasznalat kulénbségeire. Az eltéréseket nem art megtanulni, de azt se feledje, hogy a nyelv mindig valtozik! A legfontosabb, hogy a félreértéseket el tudja keriilni. Ha ismeretlen széra bukkan, lapozza fel a Word Bank szészedetét, illetve keresse ki az adott szét egy jé szétérban LESSON 1 LESSON 2 LESSON 3 LESSON 4 How much are they? [Mennyibe kerdl?] Weights and measures [Méret, sily, magassg) Let's have a takeaway! [€telrendelés) Convenience shopping [vasarlas az éjjel-nappaliban) BREAKTHROUGH 5. Eating out LESSON 5 LESSON 6 LESSON 7 LESSON 8 LESSON 9 LESSON 10 LESSON 11 LESSON 12 [Etteremben) Buying online IVasarlas az interneten] Renting a room [Vegyink ki egy szobat!] Hiring a car {8éreljank autét!] Placing an order [Vasarlds kilonbéz6 iizletekben] Seaside Mystery: Part 5 TTengerpart rejtely: 5. rész] Check your progress [Az eddig tanultak ellendérzése) How do you like to shop? I vasarlasi médok) Hotel information IMilyen szatlodaba menjiink?] BREAKTHROUGH 6 At the hotel LESSON 13 LESSON 14 LESSON 15 LESSON 16 LESSON 17 LESSON 18 LESSON 19 LESSON 20 [Szallodaban] Checking in [Bejelentkezés a szallodabal Making a complaint itljank panasszalt} Checking out [kijelentkezés a szallodab6l) At the shopping centre [Bevasérlékézpontban) Exchanging goods [Ha meggondoltuk magunkat...} Sending things by post [Csomagkilldés} Seaside Mystery: Part 6 [Tengerparti rejtély: 6. rész) Check your progress [Az eddig tanultak ellenérzése]_ Shopping Lesson 1 How much are they? Hol szokott eyiimlesét visdrolni? Ugyanott virdg is kaphaté? Pécosftsa ssze a szavakat a képekkel! apples cee bananas | we i «O melon | roses Ly Nézze meg ar ismeretlen szavak jelentését a Word Bank szészedetében! Hallgassa meg a parbesvédet, és egésuitse ki a megadott szavakkal vagy kifejezésekkel! cant help... your A B: Yes, How much are the apples? 40pence £1255 Howmuch akilo ‘A: They're £2.10 a kilo, madam. some iSthet change please all four help B: Two kilos, please. A: Anything else? B: What about the grapes? are they? ‘A: The black ones are £2.25 a kilo and the white are €1.75. Very sweet, they are. From South Africa B: Yes, of black grapes then, and large oranges A: Right you are. The large oranges are each, Is that OK? B; Fine, thanks. Now | just want flowers, Roses. I think Yes, a bunch of roses, please. A: The red or the yellow? B: Oh, red, please. They're lovely A: Right, twelve beautiful, red roses for the lady at £4.50. everything? B: Yes, that's «thanks. A: That's madam, Twenty pounds, thanks and £7.45 B: Thanks, : A; Have a nice day! ace a 3. Vélaszoljon a kérdésekre! Meghallgathatja a felvételtdjra, ha szlkséges. How much are the apples? 1 They are How much are the grapes? 2 The black grapes are and the white grapes are What do the large oranges cost? 3 The large oranges cost, each, What do the roses cost? 4 The roses for twelve ‘Azangolban két (6 kérdéstipus van: vagy kiegéscitends kérdés (wh-question), eldintend6 kérdés (yes/no question), ‘melyre nem elég az igenvnem vélase, i Cane fle you? How much are the apples? i See Grammar Bank 4. Aprbeszédben keressen még néhény példét mindkét kérdéstipusral 5. Milyen kérdések az alabbiak? Jelolje (7) a megfelel6 négyzetben! yes/no wh. 1 Where can I buy some fruit? a 2 How much is that? j oi 3 Do you want anything else? c Oo 4 What flowers have you got? 5. Are the grapes from South Africa? 6 Can you help me, please? 20 minutes+ Egészitse ki a mondatokat az odaillé kérdészdval,, majd tegyen fel két dnallé kérdést! much ate the roses? time ist? do you live? ‘is that man over there? are you crying? is the next train ta London? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Sem Weights and measures 1 Pérositsa dssze a képeket az alattuk lév6 allitésokkal! ® ° e 1 take size five shoes. 2 Im very tall 3 | weigh two hundred pounds 4 I'm quite short and I only weigh 57 kilos, 5 I'm five foot ten and a size ten 2. Olvassa el a tablézatot, és az ismeretlen szavakat nézze meg a Word Bank szdszedetében! size T(shoes) | 5 feet 10inches | 150 pounds size 10 (dress) | 1.5 metres 75 kilos small | tall | heavy medium | short Hight large | 3. Irion négy-néay valaszt a megfelel6 kérdések ald! oo oa 1 I'm about sixty-seven kilos. 7 Ima medium fe 2. I'm six foot two. 8 I weigh a hundred and ten pounds. 3 I take a size twelve dress. 9 I'm one point seven metres. . 4. I weigh one hundred and forty pounds 10 I'm very heavy 5 [take size seven shoes 1 I'm quite short 6 Imnot very tall 12 tma large. 4 Ifa le a kévetkexdket szémmal és révidttéssel! 1 five feet ten inches St. 1Qin 2 two and s half pounds, 3 fifty-nine kilos 4 six feet three inches 5 eleven point two metres 6 fifty-five kilometres 5 Parosfisa dssze a kérdéseket a vélaszokkal! 1 How tall are you? =~ 2 What do you weigh? 3. What size are you? 4 What size shoes do you take? 5 Are you short? 6 Are you a medium? ‘Az alabbi valaszokban a sajat adatait adja meg! What size are you? tam How tall are you? What do you weigh? weigh What size shoes do you take? take a) Atwelve, | think, b) No, I'ma large. €) Size seven shoes. 4d) No, Y'm quite tall, €) I'm six foot four, A) Sixty kilos, Shopping Let's have a takeaway! Hol szokott étkezni, ha nines sok ideje? Rendelt mar ételt telefonon? Ha sziikséges, nézze meg a szavakat a Word Bank sz6szedetében! customer order deliver menu takeaway Ket felvételt hall. Az egyiken egy vendég kinai ételt rendel, a madsikon pizzat. Olvassa el a mondatokat, és tegyen jelet (¢/) 2 megielel6 étterem ala! ‘Ahatmadik oszlopba akkor tegyen jelet, ha egyik étteremre sem illk az dllités! 1 The customer wants the food delivered. 2 The customer lives in the High Street. number 56 Orchard Avenue. 4 The customer orders 3. The customer lives at | {| i by number. | 5 The customer's order takes ‘twenty-five minutes. how much the food costs. 7 The food costs £17 altogether. 8 The customer's order | 6 The restaurant does not say | takes fifteen minutes. | 9 The customer asks fora large pizza | 10 The customer asks for rice and noodles. | pe solae) 3. Keressen példskat a do segédigével feltett kérdésekre afelvételen! 4 ria be a do vagy does segédigét! 20 minutes+ Parositsa Ossze az alabbi {élmondatokat! 1 Lwant to: 2 3 4 Does. he like to have a takeaway at the weekend? How long oe a) our delivery service? Do you have L b} Pizza-to-go? Do you want Loo) onder a pizza d) including delivery, Hello, is that ) black bean sauce. ‘The price is £17.50, ) our menu? So, it's chicken with ) do you think? they like Chinese food? she want to order a thin and crusty pizza? you know the restaurant in the High Street? WoRD POWER \ ke-out (US): wwe all agree on the order? |. sakeana y (US) sake out w %, tel druslté étterem free delivery: ingyenes hdzho2- exalts delivery charge: hazhozszdiive kotvedae he want to go out tonight? Sale) elise Convenience shopping I Vannak-e éjjel-nappali boltok Magyarorszégon? Altaléban az alabbi érucikkek kaphaték ezekben a boltokban. Az ismeretien szavakat nézze meg a Word Bank szészedetében! magazines soft drinks cigarettes milk sandwiches G 2. Hallgassa meg az alabbi parbeszédeket! A dott bettivel jell kifejezések arra utalnak, hogy az dzletben mere vannak az egyes érucikkek. @ * Excuse me. 2 B Yes? A ‘A: Have you got any soft drinks? B: 8: Yes, on the top shelf, up there. A B @ * Could have a newspaper please? 8 Here you are, Sixty-five pence, please, @» A: Thanks a lot B B: You're welcome. A Can {help you? Yes. Have you got any toothpaste? ‘The toothpaste is down there, | think. Tcan't see it Sorry, we haven't got any then, Do you sell wine? No, sorry. We don't sell alcohol Do you know where I can buy a bottle of wine? B: Yes. There's an off-licence over the road. Most pedig pérositsa dssze a parbeszédeket a képekkel! 1 ali 3) 4 3 Néze meg a képet, és ia le t drucikk nevétt Kérd6 mondatokban az any jelentése: ‘Tagadasokban is hasznaljuk, ekkor van-e egydltalén, van-e valamennyi. jelentése: egyéltalan nines. Have you got any bread? or Do you five any bread? —— I avert got any milk See Grammar Bank 4 Keressen példskat az any haszndlatara a 2. feladat révid parbeszédelben! 5 Egészitse ki a mondatokat any-vel és a zdrdjelben megadott igékkel! 1 Have. you. get. ny... jobs for me? (have got) 2 There tomatoes left. (not be} 3 flowers? (have got) 4 Those students English, (can not speak) 5 They money. (not have) 6 ‘sweets? (have got) 20 minutes+ Parositsa ssze a jobb oldali valaszokat a bal oldaton lév6 kérdésekkel! 1 Doyou have any crisps? a) Over there, on the bottom shelf 2. Have you got any milk left? by Yes, sir. Here you are. 3 Where are the sandwiches? ¢} No, we haven't, 4 Where can I buy toothpaste? ~——-d) I'm sorry. We haven't got any crisps 5 Could I have a packet of cigarettes, please? ¢) In the chemist shop, over the road. Where do you like to eat out? I PSrositsa dssze az éttermeket az alattuk lathatd ételekkel! a) burger b) noodles ©) pasta d) roast beet Ge 2. Mit rendelnek a ven- eget? Teaven “ ; THE WINDSOR < en MENY . ‘Starters Potato anid leek soup ( Desserts Melon with ham Apple pie 2 Chicken liver pats Gy Fresh fruit salad Chocolat Main Dishes mows Ey t Roast beef Q Lamb casserole a House wines Red onion tart 9 Red Q White Q All served widt Peebles ora mived stag, Mineral water ( (stor spare : Le AO eee yo Buneg _ceorge Sree The Reels, Sra |B seoree 919253 0622 verage price: $55 ecasions: romantic dinners, par Specialy ish and seafood a wonderful ‘meal at this: sito scart ed deli f you like fish, try it 25 eres 1 My wile beautiful and the {00% ‘oon 2s possible — Jommes Bat, Srey ‘What a disappointment Ths Vee ever spent na rstaurant AAT Poe told ane ny friend was ven the Wore ceed fora seafood salad and wae Kelly Groen, Manley an ends a The Come he sence Table and had 3 good ene ce we rer eh as very 2 “i sow as 1 ge te ey So ‘the barman made some wwooderful re theo a more oer { spent an evening or fern USA 20 minutes+ Egészitse ki a mondatokat az djonnan tanult szavakkal! 1 the is making our cocktails, The is bringing the menu 3. Could have some mineral please? 4 The at this restaurant makes wonderful 5 ‘What would you like for madam? I'd like chocolate mousse pleas: prawns oysters mussels Olvassa el James (1), Kelly (2) és Mark (3) beszémoldjat egy étteremr6I! Ki tehetné az alabbi megallapftésokat? 4) The waiters are too slow. by The fish is very good. ©) The restaurant is too expensive. 4) The food is not hot enough. They will go there again, £) The drinks are excellent. 4} The staff are friendly. hy The restaurant looks nice. ish dishes es Re 108 Shopping Buying online ‘Srokott On az intemeten (online) vésérolni? Olvassa el az alébbi Aillitésokat, maid jelolie (7), hogy egyetért-e veltk, vagy nem! agree disagree I like shopping from my own home. It is a quick way to shop, I-can take lots of time to decide what | want, I think it is a boring way to shop. I don't understand how to do it ‘Az alabbi példa bemutatja, hogyan vasérolhatunk az. interneten ‘Az ismeretlen szavakat nézze meg @ Word Bank suészedetében! | To access our website, type in the address ber and click the go button. The home page screen then appears. 2 On the home page click the product searcft button on the left hand side ‘This takes you to the online catalogue. 4 Choose the product you want. Insert the reference number and the quantity Click the button Add t shopping Gasket fs 3. Mitérténik, amikor az alébbi gombok egyikére kattint? érositsa 8ssze az élitésokat a gombokkall 4. Egésritse kia mondatokat 2 megadott szavakkal! button home page click: visit access insest 1 You can sus OUF Website by typing in the address bar. 2 Is this your first ..... to our website? 3 To find out about the company go to the .. 4 When you want to buy something .. shopping basket’. the button ‘Add to .. the reference number and the quantity. 6 The product search ....... . is on the left hand side of the home page. 8 Click the product search bution. 9 Select a method of payment. 40 Then click the submit button. hopping Renting a room 1 Gyakori dolog-e lakast bérelni Magyarorszégon? Capon Két disk kiad6 szobst keres, Hallgassa meg a parbeszédeket! Egyetértenek-e a diskok az aldbbi dlitésokkal? Tegyen (7) jelet a megelel6 oszlopba, maid hallgassa meg djra a felvételt! | 1 He thinks the room has a lovely view. Vv He likes the sound of trains. 2 3. He thinks the room is noisy. 4 He thinks the room fs too small. 5 He thinks the bathroom is a bit dirty. | 6 He thinks there are too many lodgers. 7 He thinks the kitchen is very small 8 He doesn't like the landlord | 9 He thinks they are too busy to cook. 10 He thinks he can't afford the deposit. | ‘Amikor utdkérdést (question tag) tesziink egy dllitds végére, kérd5 mondat lesz beldle.llyen formaban akkor tesziink fel kérdést, ha arra szdmitunk, hogy beszélget partneriink egyetért veliink Ha az dllitésban fo be a2 ige, fay baszndljuk: be + személyes névmés. Mas igeknél: de + személyes névmés, Allité mondat utan tagad6 utokérdés All [es noisy in fre, isn’ 12 We have money for the deposit, don’t we? ‘Tagad6 mondat utén allits urokerdés all. Ie isn't noisy there, 12 ‘We don’t have money for he deposit, do we? See Grammar Ban ‘Mi az odaillé question tag az. alébbi mondatokban? frja be Sket! 1 ts very hot in here, .... BME, jt 2 You dont like my gittriend, 3. They are coming for dinner, 4 We aren't out tonight, 5 Louise rents a lat, 6 My friends aren't going, Egészitse ki a mondatokat a megadott szavakkal! deposit landlady bed-sit lodger rent 1 thave a 2 I can’t buy a house so | 3 You must give the landlord a ina house in the centre of town. an apartment, before you rent the room. 4 My ‘owns the house where I live. 5 She says 1am a very good 20 minutes+ Déntse el, melyik question tag illik a bal oldalon lev mondatok mellé! She likes her bed: 1 . 2 They aren't home i 3 You drive a car, 4 Its raining, 5. They don't speak Chinese, 6 He is from Japan, aj isnt it? by isn't he? }. doesn't she? i) are they? e} don't you? A) do they? Shopping Hiring a car 1 Hogyan lehet aut6t bérelni Magyarorsz4gon? Hol hirdetnek az autékéleséin26 cégek? Van-e kothatér, ha autét szeretne bérelni? 2 Nézze meg az autSbérléssel kapcsolatos hirdetéseket, maid pirosftsa éssze Sket a lap aljan [évé mondatokkal! Néhdny allités tabb hirdetésher is kapesolédik DIRECT CAR HIRE Great cars, Low rates, Large range of cars and vans Low rates for weekends and holidays | | You hire a lot more than a car. Book online at Telephone: 02339 8889456 Free pick-up from your home or office SUMMER VALLEY TRAVEL AIRPORT SPECIALISTS air-conditioned cars and vans. polite, friendly 24 hour service ‘Tel: 02278 400984 Limousines Luxury chauffeur-driven cars, including stretch-limos, available, For: Theatres, parties, airports, race CLASSIC meetings etc CARS Food and drink available on Beautiful dassic cars request available for business and social ‘occasions. Cars have TV, video and music Find us at Tel: 022346 7772398 1 You can hire a car on the intemet with this company. ‘This company can take you to the airport ‘This company picks you up from your home or office You can have a meal in their cars! You can hire a car from this company 24 hours a day. ‘The cars from this company are cheaper to hire at weekends. ‘This company has special cars for special days This company has cars and vans available. WORD POWER, i | | hie: scorn rvs id idx Pbrbe vem ira | hire a car: autée bérelni - | hire a sult: teeny béelat | hire a room: termet béreini Tent: hosezabb idBezakra bebe vertni: vont a TV: tévét béreln tent a flat: lakAst bérelnt Tent a house: hdzat bérbe venni & 3. Afelvételen aut6t bérel valaki. Mi a probléma? 7% 4 Hallgassa meg dja a parbeszédet, és tegyen {W) jelet a megtelel6 négyzetbe! | He wants to hire the car for the weekend, 2 He doesn't mind what sort of car he hires. 3 The hire company has cars available. 4 The man hires a Ford Fiesta, 5 The hire company closes at 8 p.m. 6 The assistant needs to see the man’s passport. 7 The man thinks he left his driving licence at home, 8 The man’s wife has her driving licence with her, oS C ' Hallgassa meg a felvételt, és pérosttsa Gssze a beszélgetéseket a képeken léthaté Uzletekkel! Conversation 1 Conversation 2 Conversation 3 Conversation 4 Hollgassa meg dra a felvételt! Mit kérmek az egyes vevok, 5 kinek kérik? Vélasszon az alabbi szavakbél! book daughter wife flowers vegetables supermatket shop tennis rackets What are they ordering? Who are they ordering for? Speaker | Speaker | Speaker 2 Speaker 2 Speaker 3 Speaker 3 Speaker 4 Speaker 4 ‘A fenti kérd6szavakkal (hény, mennyi) How many: tébbes sedmii, megszémidthaté fogalmak,térgyak és személyek mennyiségére fonév kovet: reses, oranges, languages kérdeztink. How mang languages do you speak? How much: egyes szdmt, megszémldlhatatlon {enév (fogalom vagy anyagnév) Koveti: money, time, water How much tine do we have? 3) Much vagy many? Egészitse ki a mondatokat! | How ....1@"4 .... apples are there in the refrigerator? 2 How time do you have? 3 How days Is it before we go on holiday? 4 How money have you got in the bank? 5 How rooms do you need? 6 How books do you have? 4 Clvassa el a mondatokat hangosan! Hol haszndlunk gyenge, hangsiilytalan magénhangzékat? Hallgassa meg a felvételt, és ellenérize a valaszait! 1 How much are those flowers? 2 Does he eat meat? Besxédben a hangsulytalan maganhangzOkat eyengén, elnyelve” 3 want a new pair of shoes. ceftjuk. Az dtirésban ext 's'szimbdlummal jel6ljik. 4 He can drive a car now. How much ave they? Ejuése: How muclt fo they? Hallgassa meg a 3. beset, és kOzben olvassa a suBveget! “Excuse me but I'm looking fr this book. don’t think you've 6 Were you in school today? got it. It's about « family who are living in Spain and | want my . wife to read it. Now what's the name of the author? Sorry, can't 7 Whi ? 4 wats the matter with you femember that, either Pethaps you can order it fr me?” : 5 Hurry up! It's time to go. 8 Iwas ill last week, 20 minutes+ Hallgassa meg djra a parbeszédeket, maid tegyen (V1 jolet a meglelel6 oszlopbat | Speaker | 1 He wants to order twenty tennis rackets. | 2 He doesn't check if they have his address, i Speaker 2 | 3 He hasn't got many vegetables left. | 4 The delivery takes three days. | speaker 3 5 He wants to buy the book for his daughter, 6 He knows the name of the author. | | speaker 4 | | T The flowers are for a wedding | 8 She likes the pink roses because they | smell nice Shopping Seaside Mystery: Part 5 The story so far: Yoshiko is upset She has a letter from Mrs King. In it, Mrs ‘King asks her to find a new family to live with. Also, someone has taken some of Yoshiko's money. Yoshiko meets Peter in the park. Carlos phones _ them to say he is at the train station. Mrs King is there with a man and the man is shouting at her, Peter and Yoshiko meet Carlos at the station. Mrs King tells them heron Harry isin trouble and he needs a lot of money. Someone wants tokilthim. Vélaszoljon az alabbi kérdésekre! 1 What does the letter say? 2. What other thing is making Yoshiko upset? 3. Where does Yoshiko meet Peter? 4 Where is Carlos? 5 What does Mrs King’s son need? Hallgassa meg az 5.részt, és valaszolion a kérdésekre! 1 Who are Peter and Carlos following? 2 Where do they go? 3. What does the man get into? 4 What does the man give to the sales assistant? 5 What is in the bag? 6 Who phones Yoshiko? 7 Why do Peter and Carlos go to Yoshiko’s place? ‘8 Who wants to go to the police? @ 3. Hallgassa meg dra a torténetet! Ki mondia az alabbi mondatokat? Peter Carlos._—_Yoshiko I The only other people who are running are you and me. 2 Excuse me, do you know that man? 3 We think it's a gun, 4 But they don't want to hurt Mes King or Yoshiko. 5 ( don't feel safe. 6 (can't find her anywhere, 7 You are clever, Peter 8 Come into the kitchen, Gramma Figyelje meg az alabbi mondatokat! tome fe ——4 fim He can see us. she > ber Ca wou sein? ie ie | INéhany személyes névmds targyesetben eltérs they ——> them i alator vest ‘ 65 az it névimdsok nem valtoznak. See Gramm 4 Egészitse ki a mondatokat személyes névmésokkal a 24r6jelben megadott nevek helyett! | Peter and Carlos follow. into the shopping centre. (Harry King) 2 Yoshiko is worried because she can't find. (Mrs King) 3 Pick up, Peter. What's inside? (the bag) 4 Could you put them in the bag for... ? Thanks. (1) 5 Yoshiko is pleased to see (Carlos and Peter) 5. Egészitse ki a mondatokat a megedott szavakkal, kifejerésekkel! hurt litt ground floor bag safe Ithappens indanger customer 1 Im tired, Lets take the to the next floor. 2 The shop assistant is talking to the 3. Please could you put the fruit in a for me? 4 He his leg when he fell downstairs. 5 Don't worry. You're now. 6 People often leave their things on trains. all the time 7 think she is because the man has a gun. & Let's take the lift to the Check your progress eee Lesson 10 Ebben a leckében lehetésége van r4, hogy az eddig tanultakat gyakorolja. Ellendrizze a valaszait és meglatia, hogyan halad! ja be a lap szélén talathats keretbel ‘Az elért pontszém Functions SCORE 110 1 Pérositea Sssze a bal oldali szitudci6kat a jobb oldalon lévé mondatokkal! 1 asking how much something costs 2 saying how much someone weighs 3 saying what size something is 4 saying how tall someone is 5 ordering a meal over the phone 6 asking someone if they have something 7 buying things on the internet 8 deciding to rent a room 9 hiring a cor 10 ordering flowers ROSE 2. Tegye az alabbi szavakat a megfelel6 kategéridkba! medium dress five feet ten inches 59 kilos tall a) Have you got any bread? bb} You are one metre thirty-five. ©) Could 1 see your driving licence? d) Click the search button €} Do you think the kitchen is a bit small? f) Adozen red roses, please 8) I think its a large. hh) One deep pan pizza, please i) How much are the apples? i) I'm about seventy kilos. SCORE 116 size eight shoes cone hundred pounds Néhény sz6 tbb kategéridba is tehet6, 3. Egészitse ki a mondatokat az aldbbi szavak egyikével! takeaway size click rent’ hire visit flat 1 lwear nine shoes. ‘The apples ate £2.50 a We'd like to order @ On the home page, the product search button, If this is your first fill in the form. ‘They are going to a car for the weekend. want to a room in town, in Madrid, Andrew rents a kilo Grammar 4 Do vagy Does? Egészitse ki a mondatokat! ' they like Indian food? she speak English? you have our menu? he like pizza? 5. How much vagy How many? Egészitse kia mondatokat! 1 languages do you speak? water is in the glass? time does she have? brothers do you have? 6 Melyik question tag illik a bal oldalon 1év6 mondatokhoz? | They aren't at college, 2) are we? 2 He likes his home, b) don't you? 3 You speak English, ©) is she? 4 She isn't from Spain, 4) isn't it? 5 ts very hot, e) are they? 6 We aren't happy, 1) doesn’t he? eer ss TOTAL 140 Shopping How do you like to shop? 1 Szeret vasarolni? Melyek a kedvenc iizletei?: Fizetéskor készpénat vagy bankkértyt hasznél szivesebben? Cea 2. Hogyan vasérolnak a képen lathaté emberek? Valassza ki és irja a képek ald az odaill6 kifejezéseker! ina shopping centre at amarket stall on the phone online in the supermarket 3 Hiallgassa meg a négy pérbeszédet, és dontse el, hogy hol jétszddnak! fria.a kipontozott részre a megfelel6 bettit! a)at home b) in an electrical goods shop c)travel agent's d) at a market stall Conversation 1 Conversation 3 Conversation 2 Conversation 4 4. Hallgassa meg dra a felvételt! Parosftsa dssze a besvéléket aképekkel! ‘Speaker | Speaker 2 ‘Speaker 3 i pecker Ti] Speaker 4 f { it a) renting a 1V | 'b) buying some fruit d) ordering furniture 20 minutes+ Olvassa el az alabbi szveget figyelmesen, és keresse ki az ismeretien szavakat a Word Bank sz6szedetébéi! Hol talatkozhat ilyen informaciéval? GUSTOMER INFORMATION Visit our website on: waww,scotsdales, ‘To order by post Complete the castomer order form in BLOCK CAPITALS Telephone order line: 0870 850 1155 and send it with a crossed cheque for the full 8 M470 11 ~ SVEN Dats AWEEK amount Scotsdales Ltd Facsimile order line: 0870 850 1122 1 Barry Street ‘To enquire about an order, please use our Birmingham customer enquiry line: 0870 850 1210 B11 20T 9 98 105:30% Monday tay {this ln is very busy on Monday mocrings) ‘To order by phone _ al 0870 850 1155, giving the reference Note: Heavy or very large items (e. canter ron oyour saneee wien furniture) have an extra delivery charge Teeny by eae deco GE LIAS per delivery. Please have your details ready. Thank you for your order! lvassa el a mondatokat, és tegyen (/} jelet a megielelé oszlopba (gaz / Hamis / A szBvegb6l nem deri i)! 1 The customer enquiry line is not open on Monday mornings. | | 2 Ifyou order by phone you need a reference number. 3 The phone lines are open 24 hours a day. 4 You can also order items online. 5 It costs an extra £15.95 to deliver some items. 6 All items will be delivered within 14 days. 7 If you order by phone you need a debit or credit card. 8 There is an additional charge for delivering furniture, Shopping Hotel informa 1 Milyen széllodaban szeret megszAlini a) szabadsag alatt, by Uzleti ton? n 2 Axaldbbi mondatokat parositsa dssze a képekkel! Nézze meg az ismeretlen szavak jelentését! Hallgassa meg @ a felvételt! Négy vendiég részletesebben is beszél a szslléssr6l, Wf aaa 4 1 Ye, thowicagatconeandnesto fC CAPEREEMAM have a heated swimming pool and BR sauna, Would you like to make aresenvation? [_ WORD POWER 2 We have three swimming pools and our bed and breakfast: csalidiae cown private beach, Your room json the hanguiats hetel, panzié vagy szcba, fourth floor with a sea view. © | mnely olesé é eayezerli éjezakal szdlldot biztostt reggalvel 3 We are a family hotel on the edge of | _ full English: hagyomAnyoe vilds- town, very close to the mountains, [/ Feggel: szalonna, tolés, kolbdez, Pirtéés é5 narancedzsem, 4 We have three rooms for rent, You can park your car in front of the house. The room rate is 38 euros a night for bed and breakfast een ee 3. Pétosftsa éssze a bal oldalon lév6 szavakat a jobb oldali kifejezésekkel! 1 room rate a) You can see the sea from this room. 2 single room 1b) This room has its own bathroom, 3 sea view ©) This guarantees you the room, 4 ensuite 4) This is how much the room costs. 5 reservation } This room has a single bed. 4 Olvassa el a bal oldalon lév6 kérdéseket és dllitésokat, 6s parositsa dssze Sket a jobb oldali vélaszokkal! 1 Do you have any rooms a) Of course. Would you like a single or a with a sea view? double room? 2. Id like to book a room for 'b) For three nights. Saturday night. 3. How long would you like to stay? } Asingle, please. 4 What kind of room would you like? d) Doubles are $120 and singles $85. 5. What is the room rate? e} Yes, all our rooms do. that. He hates flying, von to talk to you, : _. to stay for three nights? a Which hotel? 1 Mit gondol, melyik szélloda illik a képen szereplé emberekhez? 1 2 Eltalélta? Kire és melyik széllodara vonatkozik az alabbi hérom készndlevél? hark, ype Sor mating. eciah Your SSS we orders re bs ard the mB ET le of a ease. Fe eur bat Partiedarts enjoued tre fact we were sa Rear the. beac, Kina cegacds, The Oakley; family Tam writin I appreciates friendly sersign ecient an: hotel. T was v g in when 7 ©” business, Gran Tones + business centre = irodai réscleg loddban, dzletemberek samara 5. Egy vendég hotelszobét szeretne kivenni Péros{tsa Ossze a kérdéseket a szdllodai alkalmazott vélaszaival! Hallgassa meg a felvételt, és ellendrizze megoldésétl Guest Receptionist 1 Have you gota single room fora) Certainly, At what time? two nights, please? ) Yes, sir, We have a room with 2 Is breakfast included in the price? a balcony on the second floor. 3 Do you need to see my passport? _¢) No problem. Do you want it immediately? 4 Could | have a wake-up call in d) No, sir. The menu and price list is in your room, the morning, please? €) No, just fil in the registration card, please. 5 Will it be possible to get n We have 24-hour room service, so that will be no problem something to eat later tonight? 6 Could you order me a taxi to the town centre? Name Bundesen Room No. 211 Date 15 June ltem No. Laundry wash Pressing Dry dean TOTAL(E) Standard Express only (24 hours) (6 hours) shir 3 250 50 sweater 1 5.00 5.00 trousers 1 3.00 3.00 suit 1 1500 15.00 underweat 1.90 2.00 socks (pair) 2 150 3.00 6 Nézze meg a mosodai szdmlét, maid egészitse ki a mondatokat! | Mr Bundesen wants three washed 2 He only wants his pressed 3 Iteosts to dry clean his sult. 4 He also wants two palis of washed and two items of 5 He wants the service for one sweater. 6 His laundry bill comes to & 20 minutes+ Egészitse ki az aldbbi mondatokat, maid a négyzetekbe frion egy I-es szdmot, ha vendés, 2-es szamot, ha szallodai alkalmazott mondia dket! 1 the is making up your room now, sr. 2 Please leave your room at reception when you go out 3 Cant havea wake-up at 7.30, please? 4 Breoklast is served in the room between seven and ten every morning. 5 Come out onto the darling, and look at the view. Isn't it wonderful? English in 20 minutes a di 128 Shopping Checking in Mit mondunk, amikor megérkeztink egy széllodéba? Milyen személyes adatokra van sziikség, amikor bejelentkeziink? Francois most érkezett a széllodaba. Hallgassa meg és olvassa el a pérbeszédet, majd téltse ki a bejelentGlapot! Grand Plaza Ftotel Epinpurch Family name: First names: Title: Home address: Home phone number: Car registration number: N/A Nationality (Only for non-£U citizens) Next destination: ‘Recernonis Good evening, sit. Can | help you? Francors, ‘Yes, | have a reservation for tonight. Recepnonist, Could I have your name, please? Feancom Francois Menton REceMmionist Is that M-E-N-FO-N? Franco: Yes, that's rignt Recepnonist Ah yes, Mr Francois Menton? From Canada? Francois: Yes, | arrived this afternoon Recrenonist’ Welcome to Edinburgh! You're here just for the one night. I see. Francais Yes, I'm going to visit my daughter in Aberdeen tomorrow. She's at the university there. Recernonist Aberdeen? That's a fine place, but not as grand as Edinburgh! Could 1 just take your details for the guest registration form? Can | have your address in Canada? Frascors: It's 1677 Wilson Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, T3L 1A. Recepnonisy. And your telephone number? Feancors: That's 866-833-9876. Recernonist: So you're Canadian. May I see your passport? Franicoss: Here's my passport Recernonist. Thank you, And do you have a car with you? x Francots; No, I don't ee Recernonist: Thank you, That's all we need, Here’s your room key. You're in room 304, on the third floor, Enjoy your stay! 3. Olvassa el dja a pérbeszédet, és valaszoljon a kérdésekre! 1 How Jong is Francois staying for? 2 When did he arrive? 3. Why Is he going to Aberdeen? 4 What does the recepti task to see? 5 Does Franoois have a car? 6 What floor is his room on? fp ’ , L VeR EES | | worp POWER : se | i cde nom |A sorszdmnév egy adatt dolognak a sorban : | a a ENUM clfoglat helyétfejezi ki | | vonatkozik rank, az ot fs ‘ rasan ri et fr : | Siiniilsh ilotindieaions alain 4. ria. sorszdmokat a szavak mellé! 1 two. 4 seven, 2 four... 5 nine 3 five . vo 6 eM oe Guess = My name's Carla Perrera 1(2) B.. Receinionist Miss Perrera? Yes, you ar i On the (4)... Guest; Thank you. Do you need my passport? RectPnionist: No, that's not necessary If you could just fill in the guest b).. .. forrn Guest Yes, of course Recernonisr: Thank you, Miss Perrera. Here’s your (6), Phope you (7) 2st Shopping Making a complaint 1 Milyen ross2 tapasztalatokat szerzett szdllodai tartézkodasa alkalmaval? Nehezére esik panaszt tenni? 2. Parositsa éssze az illusctrécidkat az alébbi panaszokkal! Az ismeretlen szavakat nézze meg @ Word Bank szészedetében! 1 The air conditioning is too noisy. 5 ‘The bed is not made 2 The bath is dirty 6 The bedside light is broken. 3 There is no water in the mini-bar. 7 There are no towels, 4 The telephone won't work. 8 The water is cold. 6t tovid felvételt hall. Melyik beszél6re vonatkoznak a vilasz0k? A Room 4892 I'll send someone to fix it right away. B Sorry about that. Someone will bring some immediately, € Oh dear rll check that for you, What number do you want to phone? D Fmvery sorry, We don’t usually make up the rooms until after breaklast. E Yes, sit. You will need @ special key from reception. There is a small charge for that Speaker | Speaker 4 Speaker 2 Speaker 5 Speaker 3 Halgassa meg a kibvitett parbesrédeket, és ellenGrizze a vélaszait! 4 Egéseftse kia vendég panaszét a megadott szavakkal! dinty —notmade cold noisy towels. out of order broken This isa terrible hotel. There are no (1), in the bathroom and the shower is very (2) and the water is (3) I want to call my office but { think the phone is (4) ‘he bedside light is 6). and my bed is (6). yet bath tubs filrabkda | {also think this room is too near the road. It's so bedoide tight rightotand lamp: a in here! I want to know what you are | reception fee aoc eps | going to do about it? porter bell captain: horde 20 minutes+ ‘Allegtabb szélloda kivancsi vendégel véleményére Toltse ki az alabbi kérdéivet, és (ja le sajdt panaszait! Grand Plaza Hotel J - 5 i ge Name Room Number; ‘We would be grateful for your comments about our hotel. 4 Is this your frst visit to the Grand Plaza Hotel? I Yes J No) 2 How did you like your room? Excellent CQ) Good C) Fair C) Poor 3 Which of the following services did you use? Minibar 1) Room service [J Restaurant "J Coffee shop CJ Laundry 4 Additional comments about your stay at the Edinburgh Grand Plaza Hotel. Checking out 1 Mindig alaposan ellenérzi a kapott szamlat? Olvassa el Miss Perrera szmljt és nézze meg, helyes-e a végisszeg! ldote| Cowvente Sita ou ison Perrera i Room No: 405 Method of payment: Visa Room charge 13/9/04 146 Room service 13/9/04 76 Telephone 13/9/04 35 Telephone 13/9/04 35 Telephone 13/9/04 35 Room charge 14/9/04 146 Restaurant 14/9/04 84 Room charge 45/9/04 146 Laundry service 15/9/04 56 Restaurant 15/9/04 77, 2 Hallgassa meg a felvételt! Miss Perrerahérom t&teltkifogasol. Melyek azok? % 3. Hallgassa meg jr a felvételt, és tegyen (V} jelet a megfelelé oszlopbal | She is being charged the single room rate. | 2 She only made one intemational phone cal : | 3 She says she did not have anything from the mini-bar, | 4 She wants to speak to the hotel manager. 5 She wants a taxi to the airport, | | i | | | 6 She wants someone to collect her bags from her room. i | T She says it is one of the best hotels. 8 She says she i coming back next year i i | Ak6tészavak, pl. beau, ao ? _tagmondatokat vagy mondatrészeket kapcsolnak dssze. . | Is ita sinate or a double room? a i ee 4. Keressen példakat a szvegkényvben a fent emiftett kbt6szavakral ‘Két mésik kétGsz6 is szerepel a szvegben. Melyek azok? it looks on to sae street. S «the hotel bus i ul : 's very expensive, she likes the hotel very much. fant a room with 3 shower... a bath. “6 1 want to check out now .... eave very early in the morning: At the shopping centre 1 Nézze meg a Westerfield Shopping Centre alaprajzét! Mi mindent lehet vésérolni a bevasérlokézpont izleteiben? 2. Pérositsa 6ssze a jobb oldalon lévé termékeket a killénbéz8 tizletekkel! , Néhény termék tbb izletben is kaphaté Westerfield Shopping Centre 109 110 1411 «112 113 WORD POWER UK: us: opping centre hopping mall: shone beveosrtdkizpont shop store: Uzlet Bs, 3. Brigitte tb helyre is betér a bevésdrldkSzpontban. XQ Hallgassa meg a felvételt, és tegyen (/) jelet a meglelelé négyzetekbe! ‘Azolyan mellékneveket, mint példéul standard, regular, ‘exgress osztdlyoz6 mellékneveknek nevezhetitk. Ezeknek a mellékneveknek ‘k6zép- vagy fels6fokuk, az adott fénevetsoroljsk bizonyos kateg6riskbe, ‘Would you lke the standard service or the express service? 1 Could I havea. 2 Do you speak any 3. He wants to do some in Australia, 4 The standard service takes two days but we do an which only takes four hours. 5. Have you got a 6 There are two coffee with milk, please? . languages? | can speak Russian, sports like hang-gliding when he's WORD Power regular coffee: Atlagos adag kivé standard service: normal h idBrevAlatt sodgattatde express service: révid hatéridre ~ vilat czolgdtande A service room with a shower for Friday night? . bottles of water in the mini-bar. Exchanging goods 1 Mi tbrténik az it lathats képeken? TD 2 Hallgassa meg a pérbeszédet! Az bj szavakat néze. ‘meg a Word Bank sz6szedetében! SALES ASSISTANT ‘Customer: SALES ASSISTANT, Customer: SALES ASSISTANT, Customer: SALES ASSISTANT Customer: (6 minutes later) SALES ASSISTANT, Customer: SALES ASSISTANT Cusromen: ‘SALES ASSISTANT, Customer: Do you need any help? Yes, actually. | bought these jeans last week and they're too small ‘Oh, that’s a pity, Do you want to exchange them or do you want a refund? Have you got a size twelve? I think so. Let me see. Yes. Here we are, Would you like to try them on? left 15s Yes, please, ‘Azegymast kavet6 szavak a beszédben nem kilonilnek el élesen egymésisl. The changing rooms are over there, Ao veg Heese Cheatin ‘Thank you. egy eftak a kovetkexd S26 herd agénbangz6javal. Be you need any hele? How are the jeans? Yes, actualy Fine, They fit really well Good. Yes, they look very nice on you. So that's just a straight exchange then, Have you got the receipt? Here itis. ‘Thank you. Now let me put them in a bag for you. Thanks. Hallgassa meg tira a parbesvédet, és hiizza ald az egyiit ejtett szavakat! 4 Vélaszoljon az tizletben elhangzott parbeszéddel kapcsolatos kérdésckre! 1 Why has the customer brought back the jeans? 2 What does the sales assistant suggest? 3. What does the customer want to do? 4. What size does the customer ask for? 5 Why is the customer happy with the new jeans? © What does the sales assistant need before she can exchange the jeans? See Grammar @ank "syed ont th conic iret 5. Pérositsa dssze az albbi félmondatokat! 1 My feet hurt a) but he thinks the house is too noisy. 2 Are you 1b) too cold for going swimming. 3 I didn’t want the roses, €} too many people on the train. 4 He likes the room 4) because my shoes are too small. 5 There are ¢) as they were too expensive. 6 She said the sea was f) too young to hire a car? ‘the ted sweater for the blue one? 2 The shop will your money ifit doesn't fit 4 You need to give them the 4... if you want to take it back, 4 These vse ate too big for me: ar 5 Do you think they me? Sending things by post Mia teendé, ha csomagot akar kiildeni kiilféldre? Hallgassa meg a felvételt, 6s toltse ki a vémru-nyilatkozatot! Az ismeretlen szavakat a Word Bank tartalmazza, Egészftse ki a mondatokat ‘a megadott szavakkalt letter parcel gift contents customs declaration 1 You need to fill in a ifyou want to send it to another country. 2 Lwant to buy a to say thank you to the staff. 3 There's a large for you in reception 4 Does he write her a every day? 5 The customs declaration asks you what the levelek, csomagok arma kildemények WORD PoweR inland mails belfeldre kuldate | overseas mail: Anglidbél kulfoldre Kuldott levelek, csomagok : Klpostaval szalivott surface mail: nem légi dton szallftott kuldemények Customs Declaration Date: This package contains (please tick) Please describe contents in detail Value: Total weight of package: 4 @s @ Egészitse ki a mondatokat a képek és a 139. oldaton 1év6 ‘Word Power informéciéi alapjént letter I How much is it to send this to Canada? 2. Enjoy your trip to London, and send us of Trafalgar Square! 3. Can | have ten first class and twenty second class please? 4 This is too heavy to send airmail Td like to send it mail, please How long will it take? 5 rail in this country takes one or two days. mail takes longer of course. ‘A's20 vegén, illetve massalhangz6 eldtt az r € w hangokat nem ejiik, példgul letter, how. Kivételt képez a sz6 végir hang. melyct kiejtink, ha a kdvether6 526 maganhangroval kezdodik. ‘This letter fs for my aunt. Hallgassa meg a felvételt, és ismételje el a mondatokat! Hizza ald a néma méssalhangz6kat! 1 Hello, jane. How are you? 2. Mr Dowling is my uncle, 3 He's taking his sweater off because it is hot. 4 Why is the key in the door? 5 Why are you crying? 6 We know it's a long way to go. 20 minutes+ Hallgassa meg djra a parbeszédet! Figyelie az utasitdsokat, és tegye Oket az elhangzis szerinti sorrendbe! stick the stamps on the parcel say what's in the parcel fill in this customs declaration pet 635 in there tick the box next to gift leave it with me nglish in Shopping Seaside Mystery: Part 6 “The story so far: Carlos and Peter follow a man to the shopping centre. They. think he is Mrs King’s son. At the shopping centre they see the man giving a bbag to a shop assistant. They think there is a gun inside the bag but there isn't; ust a newspaper and a bottle of mineral water. They return to Mis King’s house. Yoshiko is upset because she can't find Mrs King anywhere. I. Valaszoljon az alabbi kérdésekre! 1 Where do Carlos and Peter go? 2. Who do they think they are following? 3 What does the man give to the shop assistant? 4 What is inside the bag? Hallgassa meg a torténet 6. részét, és tegye a5. & 6. részb6l val6 kKépeket helyes sortendbe! 3. Parositsa dssze a mondatokat a képekkel! Picture A Picture D .... Picture B Picture E, Picture C 1 "He's giving her something in a bag! 2 ‘Do you take sugar, Carlos? 3 Isn't that Yoshiko? Where's she going? 4 ‘Ineed help. Can you come? Can you bring some money? 5. “A lot of people leave bags in here when they're shopping. Bizonyos vonzatok médosithatjdk az igék jelentését, ime néhany példa a Seaside Mystery 5. és 6, rés76bé. Hes getting into the if. Hell get out atthe frst floor Please 30 away. Lots tat about it Could | pea io Ns King? =r et ee iene ca ea 4 Hallgassa meg tira a felvétel els6 részét, 6s egészitse ki a mondatokat! 1 I want to go the police 2 What cam you say on. them? 3. Maybe Mrs King is looking .. 4 We know the gun, her son, 5 Egészitse ki a mondatokat a megadott kifejezésekkel! speaks to goback comein._getout__ pick up 1 Lets. at the third floor, 2 Twant to a book at the bookshop, 3 She... her mother on the phone every day. 4 Lets. tothe flat, 5 Please Would you like some coffee? Check your progress Ebben a leckében lehetésége van ra, hogy az eddig tanultakat gyakorolja. Ellenérizze a valaszait, és meglatja, hogyan halad! Az elért pontsz4mot irja be a lap szélén talélhaté keretbe! sien SCORE ‘12 1 Parosttsa assze a bal oldaton [év6 szitudci6kat a jobb oldali mondatokkal! | ordering from a catalogue 2 buying fruit 3 booking a hotel room 4 exchanging a sweater 5 sending a parcel 6 making a polite request 7 making a complaint 8 booking a flight 9 ordering a takeaway meal 10 hiring a car 11 ordering flowers 12 finding out the price of a room a) There are seats on the 8.15 from Manchester, bj De you have 2 double room for Saturday night? ¢) {V's too small. Do you have a bigger one? 4) There are no towels in the bathroom. ¢) Would you close the window, please? f) One cheese and pineapple pizza, Do you deliver? 8) Do you have @ driving licence? hy A single is £30 a night. Yes, then fill in the customs declaration. j) It’s the desk on page 23. The code is 456DR. k) Two oranges and a kilo of apples, please. 1) Adozen roses, please. scone LE 2. Egészitse ki a mondatokat a megadott szavakkall! not made refund dozen exchange sea view fit noisy receipt letter shopping centre bag stamps 1 Could Ihave a red roses, please? 2 All our rooms are en suite and have a 3 The bed is and the phone is out of order. 4 ‘The flat is too near the road, It’s very 5 I'd like to this sweater. 6 He's writing a to his father, 7 Do you want to exchange it or do you want a 2 8 Put the on the parcel 9 Keep your ifyou want a refund. 10 Do you think these jeans me? 11 They like to shop at the 12 Let me put them in a for you. ene 3. Egésritse kia mondatokat a megadott szavakkall! would you like Id like wouldn't like would like 1 they to go to the shopping centre. They hate shopping. 2 a baguette? 3 to order some trainers, 4 The room is great. 1 to make a hotel reservation 5 to rent the flat? 6 to go to the new shopping centre 4. Egészitse ki a mondatokat although, or vagy because Kétészavakal! 1 She has a single room there aren't any double rooms available. 2 Would you like an orange an apple? 3 it's very expensive, they like the room very much, 4 Do you want a regular a large coffee? 5 He needs to hire @ car his car isn't working. 6 Would you like to send the parcel regular rate express? 5 Egész{tse ki a mondatokat az alabbi vonzatos igékkel! get out of speakto. pickup goto 1 Lwant to some fruit at the market. 2 Let's the new Chinese restaurant, 3 She saw the man the lift on the ground floor. 4 Let's her when she comes home, TOTAL + /40 Sita eS eo Cd Ebben a fejezetben (Emberek megfiguelése\ megtanulhatja, hogyan lehet kézvetlen médon beszélni Gnmaga vagy embertarsal kils6 és bels6 tulajdonsagairdl. Ezzel egyiitt targyak és esemé- nyek leirasat gyakorolhatja, sz4mos kéznapi srituacidban dsszehasonlitésokat tehet, valamint cayszerti milt idejd kérdéseket és valaszokat is alkothat Ajanljuk, hogy tébbszér lapozza fel a Segédkonyy nyelvtani ésszefoglalojat. Itt bovebb informaciot talal az egyes leckék nyelvtani anyagardt, tovabbi példamondatokkal és azok magyar forditésaval egyatt. Az angol nyelvtan talin nem is olyan nehéz, mint azt sokan hiszik! LESSON 1 LESSON 2 LESSON 3 LESSON 4 Identifying people [Ki kicsoda?} Is this yours? [Ez az 6né?] What do they want? [Térgyak dsszehasonlitasa] Comparing people [Emberek dsszehasonlitasa] BREAKTHROUGH 7 At the game LESSON 5 LESSON 6 LESSON 7 LESSON 8 LESSON 9 LESSON 10 LESSON 11 LESSON 12 {Sporteseményen] The biggest and the best [Felséfok} Asking and answering questions [kérdezz és vilaszolj!] What are they doing? [cselekvések a jelenben} Describing people [kis6 és bels6 tulaidonsagok] Seaside Mystery: Part 7 [Tengerparti rejtély: 7. rész] Check your progress {Az eddig tanultak ellendrzése} Person: ies Uellemzések} What do you like doing? [Szabadidé, hobbi} BREAKTHROUGH 8 = At home LESSON 13 LESSON 14 LESSON 15, LESSON 16 LESSON 17 LESSON 18 LESSON 19 LESSON 20 fotthon} What did you do at the weekend? [Beszéljank mult iddbent] What was it like? {Milyen vote a nyaralés?] Then and now [Akkor és most... Have you ever...? [Voltal-e mar valaha...?] Multi-word verbs [Vonzatos igék] Party people [Bull parti, 6szejovetel] Seaside Mystery: Part 8 [Tengerparti rejtély: 8. rész) Check your progress [Az eddig tanultak ellendrzése} watching Identifying people 1 Embertarsainkat az alébbi jellemz5k segitségével mutathatjuk be. ee their job how they look their relationships their nationality A kévetkez6 mondatokt parosftsa a fenti képekkel! 1. Birgitta is the Gerrnan girl who's staying with us for a few days, 2 That tall, slim girl over there is Roberta, |_| 3. This is my wife, Carola. 4 Helen is our new marketing manager. |_| A hangfelvétel egy dsszejévetelen készilt Ax egyes beszél6k milyen jellemzdk alapin idk le a masikat? ceo ee | v } Speaker | Speaker 2 Speaker 3 Speaker 4 Speaker 5 Speaker 6 Se ieacle A this (ex) Kozel I6v6 targyra vagy siemélyre A these (ezek) kézel lévé targyakra vagy (egyes smn) vonathorik személyekre (tbbes szm) vonatkozik. Is ths uoung man your son? ‘These shoes fere are all in the sale A those (azok) tavolabb lév6 térgyakra vagy A that (az) tavolabb 1év6 térgyra vagy személyre személyckre (tbbes szdm) vonatkozik. (eeyes sz4m) vonatkozik. ‘hues tas ban oar es Lok! Tose people are running for te tain 3. Azalébbi mondatok mindegyikében van valamilyen hiba Nézze meg figyelmesen a képeket, és ira le 2 helyes mondatokat! (1s that computer») (ne that your, 6 ‘i (Ate that you Q Please bring me working propery ow? \ shoes here? A - it] > sb b Lb oe a O (resis “—_ @ upside dont G} 20 minutes+ A this és a that szamos angol kifejezésben eldtordul. Haligassa meg a felvételt, és egészitse ki a mondatokat! 1 Somebody is very angry. : does it! Im never going to tak to you again!” 2 ‘Two people are talking about their weekend. ‘A: What did you do on Saturday? B: Oh, and Nothing special, really. 3 A group of students are going into an important exam, ‘well is it, everyone. Good luck! 4 Two people are talking about their friend, Ron. A: I see Ron’s late again. B: Well, 's Ron for you! Is this yours? 1 Van, aki divatos ruhét szeret viselni, és van, aki szémara fontosabb a kényelem. Nézzen végig sajdt dltézéhén, 6a lista segitségével mondia el, mit hord! ashit — ablouse trousers. a skirt aTshit jacket atic ahat socks trainers. sandals boots a sweater shorts 2 Ha ruhér6l bestéliink, fontos, hogy a mintéjénak megfelelé jelzét haszndljuk. Pérositsa éssze az alSbbi szavakat a képekkell checked striped short-sleeved —_ long-sleeved short tong 8 98 > blouse. A A tie. A shir, A 3. Afelvételen Joan és két gyermeke, John és Sally, régi ruhdkat valogatnak. Melyik csalédtag ruhatéréba val6k az egyes darabol? ira be a megfelel6 oszlopba! frousers pants: nadrig trainers sneakers: edzér skirt. om jacket ‘Az angolban kétféle birtokos névmds létezik. 1 Melléknévi birtokos névmés: 2. Fénévi brtokos névmés: my 1S may computer ‘mine This computer is rine ours our car ows ‘That Blue car is ours your Is this your shirt? ours This sir is yours, n't i fis "Those are fis Reus. fis Those Reys are fis fer Look at fer new shes! fiers ‘Those shoes aren't hrs. their Their clothes are very expensive. theirs These clothes are nol thers. 4. Azalébbi mondatok az elébbi hanganyagbél valék, A zérdjelben lév6 szavak helyett hasznélja @ megfelel6 melléknévi vagy fGnévi bistokos névmdst! 1 Those are (I) ...AY... jeans. They're (I) ..mine, 2. Whose ts it? John, is it (you) ? 3 It's definitely (he) 4 It's one of (he) horrible ties 5 they're (we) ‘Tshirts. They're (we) 6 Is (you) skirt, t must be (you) T es (she) Jacket, Its (she) 8 It’s not (I skirt, 20 minutes+ Egészitse ki a parbeszédet a megfelelé birtokos névmassal! A felvétel segitségével ellendrizze a megoldast! See Grammar Bank ANN: Isthis (I) book. David? Davo: No, it isnt. Why don’t you ask Ivan? Perhaps It's (2) Ant: OK... Hey, Ivan, is this book (3) 2 IAN: No, it’s definitely not (4) Ann: Well, (5) is it then? Ivan: Look, it belongs to Janet ~ it's got (6)... name in it ‘Ans; Oh yes, so it has! What do they want? 1 Tud veretl? ntlyen autéja van? Vajon egy auté markéja jellemz6-e a tulajdonosdra? 2. Axaldbbi felvételeken szereplé személyek gépkocsit késziilnek venni, Pérositsa Ossze a szmokat a beviikkel! A melléknév kozépfoka + than szerkezet 3 Alegtdbb hosszabb melléknevet, ‘Ssszehasonlitésnal haszndthat6. hha nem y-ra végzidik, a more sz6val fokozzuk. ‘Sue is taller than Nina. Nina is shorter ‘han Sue. polite > more polite careful -» more careful dificult + more dificult 1 Arvid meliéknév -er jelet kap. fast fester slow ~+ slower ae ore ellis ue éldsul a good kbrépfoka beter yer ‘Abad kozépfoka worse 2 A sadvégi y kézépfokban ire viltozik “he Book is god, but I iv the fi is Glier OE Las ‘The red wine is bad, but the white wine is worse. fiapny > fappier pretty —* prettier 7 3. Nézze meg az alébbi ket autdhirdetést, rmajd hallgassa meg a felvételtt Reb és Sandra azon tanakodinak, melyik gépkocsit vegyék meg skowdy Sunset 1.4 Only 2 years old. WORD Power i excellent cond lon. FSH. PS. FSH ~ full service history, Very cheap to run a aépkoo creator aépkocsi pontosan vezetete nes m0 e ea ol Seats 2. Ph S2ervickinywvel rendelkente eal fay seats, WC PS — power steering: szervekormAny amen in: | pg. ~ tiles ner gallon: mértid por yet 08634 557811 eal man’s cart gallon, vagyio hény méroldet tees " Be Meg a kocsi egy gallon benzinnel, — | Mile: USA, Nagy-Britanni USA, Nagy-Bricannide a benzintlterre adjék Gna. or near offer ry a tulajdones eaetleg halla cacao ater AIC ~ air-conditioning: ~) légkondiciondiée | Semis sense) i | | 4 Amegadott szavakkal egészitse ki a mondatokat! more friendly cheaper __more economical more exciting newer faster more reliable 1 Sandra wants car than Rob. 2 Rob wants a car than Sandra, 3 Sandra wants a car than Rob, 4 Sandra wants 3 car than Rob, 9 Sandra wants 8 car than Rob, 6 Rob wants a car than Sandra, 7 Sandra wants a car that’s to the environment, 20 minutes+ ‘Az alébbi mondatok némelyike hib4s. Tegyen (/) jelet ahelyes mondatok mellé, illetve (X) jelet a hibésak mellé! Ahibés mondatokat irja le helyesen! 1m two years older than my 2 This computer is great. It's much easyer to use. 3. My new car is more fast than my old one. 4. You must be more careful in future, 5. He's very rude. He should be politer to people, Comparing people 1 Hellgassa meg a felvételt, és toltse ki «2 hérom &néletrajz hidnyzé adatait! Name: Robert Tephany Date of birth: 1 (1) neensnne 1963 Languages spoken: French, (2) Experience: Artec Ltd, 1989-1994 ollae Holdings, 1961-1997 Name: Jennifer Lee Date of birt: 28 September (9) rome + Portuguese, Greek Perfo Ltd, (3) —present oe spoke alifcations: BA (Kons) French; RSA Diploma in + French, ‘Qualifications: BA (Hons) French; RSA Dip @ Aaa Experience: Name: James Hanley Orient Enterprises, 1995-2002 Date of birth: (5). - Jume 1975 Euro-Asia Corporation Languages spoken: (6). - Turkish, oD present Experience: On-Target Lid, (7). 1998 Qualifications: ‘Thimley Enterprises, 1998-present Qualifications: City and Guilds: (8) MA Chinese; BA (Hons) Oriental languages; RSA Diploma in (2) Communication; RSA Diploma in Computer Studies Management 2. Vilaszoljon az alébbi kérdésekre! 1 Who is the oldest person? 2 Who speaks the most languages? 3. Who speaks the fewest languages? 4 Who has the most qualifications? 5 Who has the fewest qualifications? enn) Mar foglalkoztunk az bsszehasonlitésnl ‘A melléknév helyett hatérozdsz6 is haszndlt kbzépfokd melléknév + than szerepelhet : szerkezettel. : You speak English Geter than me : Robert is older than James and Jennifer. T don’t speak English as well as you. ; lennifler speaks more languages thar James. Usyanigy hasenathatiuk a nol as + melléknév + as szetkezetet. James and ennifer are not as old as Robert. Jantes doesnt speak as man languages as jennifer See Grammar Bank 3 Egésitse kia mondatokat a megadott kifejezésekkel! as much experience as as old as as many qualifications as as many languages as 1 James Hanley and Jennifer Lee aren't Robert Tephany. 2 Robert Tephany doesn't have Jennifer Lee. 3 Jennifer Lee doesn’t speak Robert Tephany. 4 James Hanley doesn't have Robert Tephany. @ 4 Robert Tephany, James Hanley és jennifer Lee ugyanazt az lst palyéztak meg, ‘A meghallgatést végx6 seemélyek kézilik valasztanak. Hallgassa meg a parbeszédet, és egészitse ki az alabbi levelet? Petr rere Erp To: Ron Hurst From: Charles Perkins Worn POWER, Re: Interview candidates, ir interviewer: a folétol | Meghallgatdson a térdezt ‘We've interviewed the three candidates ~ all of them vey ano veo weet | coreg etal ‘was the most interested in the job; he asked lots of applicant / candidate: és relevant questions and showed real interest in the tanfolyamra sth, “dlonstag company. (2) ... «has the most. szemiélys pAlydad qualifications, but @) x has the most ‘experience, which | feel is more important. @. . is older than the others, but | don't think that age should be a determining factor. ) . speaks the best French, and ©. the most languages, but | do feel ‘that quality is more important than quantity. Let me know what you think, and get back to me. 20 minutes+ ‘Néhany leiré kifejezésben alapfokd Gsszehasonlitast haszndlunk. Egészitse ki a mondatokat, maid hallgassa meg a felvételt! I ye heard that story many times. It's as old as a) gold. 2 Your children are really well-behaved. They're as good as by toast, 3. What's the matter? You look terrible! You're as white as ) the hills, 4 He's not at all worried about his interview. He's as cool as d) a picture, 5 Inher new dress, she looks as pretty as fe) a cucumber 6 Fim sitting by the fire now, and I'm as warm as f) a sheet. Ready, steady, go! | Parositsa dssze a képeket a felsorolt sportgakkal! ‘On melyik sportot kedveli? athletics’ | hockey | motorbike racing | basketball| golf _| horse racing! TM, 2 A felvételen hat ember kiilnbéz6 sporteseményekrél beszé!, Melyek azok? » Speaker | Speaker 2 Speaker 3 Speaker 4 Speaker 5 Speaker 6 3. Egészitse ki a mondatokat a felvételen hallott szavakkal! 1 4 ( The Golden Giants are a fantastic basketball t a ane : - Harris is first across the finish line, so he’s the w, of this year's championship. ) ane ay (I think hockey is a very fast and exciting g. It’s my favourite sport. 6 How many p. are there in the golf tournament? At the game ‘eryeion a sari ees Cs nok “_# Skiing —excellent quality snow'and a - wide range of runs for everyone from begintier to expert. ¢ Skating = our outdoor rink is available pee “every day, or enjoy a floodlit ice dance. =— show at night. * _pporoestns - uy. this exciting new ‘our teachers aré there to give youll the help you need. “= Tee hockey = watch an exhibition match, or book 2 lesson for yourself. + High Peak café and restaurant —'when you need a break, sit on top.of the world and enjoya delicious meal orsnack. Valaszoljon az alébbi kérdésekre! 1 How many winter sports are offered at High Peak? 2 Is the quality of the snow good or bad? 3. For which sports can you have lessons? 4 Is the skating rink indoors or outdoors? 5 Where can you have a delicious meal? « 6 Where can you see an ice dance show? 20 minutes+ Egészitse ki a mondatokat az Gjonnan tanult szavakkal! 1. ‘The game only stops when the blows his whistle . 2. What's your favourite sport — skiing, snowboarding or skating? 3. She hits the ball much faster with her new tennis 4. Play your best game, and don't the match! 5 You need a bigger golf for this shot People watching The biggest and the best I Nézze meg ext a harom képet! Hallgassa mega felvételt, és pérositsa aneveket a fenti képekel! Brian ‘Tony Matt Figyeliak meg a melléknéy fels6fokt Asié végi y itt is te valtoik alakjénak hasznélatat! Iriendly > friendlist apy > happiest Hehe pt ae int shone Hosszabb mellékneveknél a (tfe) most + melléknéy Hes got an interview today, so he's wearing fis seeikeieiet handiuk smartest sult Rovid meliéknevek esetében: popular + (the) most popular (tack: juallahgan sos expensive + (Ke| most expensive Fast (Vie fastest slaw > (te) slowest Agood fels6foka (rendhagy6) -* (the) fest A bad felséfoka (rendhagy6) (the) worst. e ao aS See Grammar Bank 2 Tegyen (V) jelet a megfelel6 név alatt négyzetbe, anélkil, hogy a fotdkra pillantana! Brian Tony Matt Can you remember who: 1... has got the longest hair? {s wearing the most colourful clothes? is wearing the smartest clothes? is the oldest? is the youngest? has the cheapest bag? has the most expensive hag? has got the biggest beg? 3. Egészitse kia mondatokat a zardjelbe tett melléknevek fels6foké alakjaival! 1 Our players never win. They are the (bad) football team in the league. Look at that huge spider! That's the (big) one I've ever seen, She's really pretty. Everybody agrees that she's the (attractive) woman in the office! 4. It’s very hot here so wear your (cool) clothes, 5. These shoes cost a lot of money. They are the (expensive) ones in the shop. 20 minutes+ Oldja meg az alabbi miveltségi tesztet! 1 Which is the highest mountain? 4 Which is the longest river? a) Everest a) the Nile b} Kilimanjaro: ‘b) the Mississippi ‘¢) McKinley c} the Yangtze 2 Which is the deepest lake? 5. Which is the biggest ocean? a) Lake Tanganyika a} The Atlantic Ocean 'b) Lake Baikal 'b) The Arctic Ocean c} Lake Michigan c} The Pacific Ocean 3 Who was the first man on the moon? a) Yuri Gagatin b) Buzz Aldrin ©) Neti Armstrong Asking and answering questions People watching Duncan valaszlevelet ir Alan nevi barétidnak. Ez tt levél elsé oldala, Dear Alan, Thanks tor your latter Lb was good to fear from you again. So, yeu wart to know how I spend my tire here in the city? Wel), the weekdays arerit lery exciting. I wake up at 7 o'clock (when ry alarm clack gows ott), and I usually get up a few minutes later. L hae sore breakfast and then I phone my girlériend. (Ste's working nights at the hosprtal this month) L cbten hae ta run to the station, to get the THE train to work! Why office is in the city centres it's about Sik miles tram ry heme, 80 the journey takes we about halé an hour. T Start work at falé past eight, and I usually have my Jurch at about /2-20. I Vike to eat my Jurch in the park can relax and think about the weekend! Figyelie meg az alabbi mondatok szbrendhét! : How do you get to work? ‘When does te fl star? See Grammar Bank 2. Alkosson kérdéseket Duncan vélaszairal Tegye a bal oldali szavakat vagy mondatelemeket helyes sorrendbe! Questions 1 wake up /do you / what time /? 2 get up /do/when /you/? 3 phone / who /do you / after breakfast /? 4 get /you J to work /do show /? Duncan's answers At Zolclock, when my barr pees oft, Dh, maid tah part saan. By trav 1 get the 5 your home / is / the office from / how far /? About 6 office / your /is/ where 2 En the atty contre 7 have / do you /for lunch / what /2 Ob just 2 catiowik aria somes Frat 8 do you/ go/ why /to the park /? Hellgassa meg a felvétel, és olvassa el a parbeszédet! Egésritse kia széveget a hallott kérdésekkel! ‘A: What time do you get up? B: At about half past six ) 2 A: Oh, a bit later than that. About seven o'clock. Do you always have breakfast? B; Well, | usually just have a coffee. 2) > : A: Oh, [need a big breakfast to get me going in the morning 6) 2 B: No, | never feel like eating in the morning. But | always have a big lunch. @ 2 A: Oh no. I just have a sandwich or a bow! of soup. Something quite simple. But | do think that the evening meal should be the main meal of the day. 6) 2 B: Absolutely! 20 minutes+ Akévetke2é felvételen kérdéseket hall. Kétszer hallgassa meg 6ket, majd a masodik utén dllitsa meg a lejatszdst, &s irjon a kérdésekre igaz vélaszokat! 1 2 3 4 5 @? What are they doing? Mit esindlnak a képeken lathaté emberek? Egésaftse ki a képalairésokat a keretben lév6 igék felhaszndléséval! Hes how to use a computer. somebody a meeting, Mr Mellor és Doreen beszélget. Aelvétel alapian pirositsa dssze a neveket a fenti képekkel! 1 2 3 4 Polly She's some letters. He's someone on the phone, 6 7 8 Rob do eat fix work — show have Hes 1am lotenin @ Speech; hallgarok Simon Janet Rick Joanne Jam watching tel filmet / mecee eet nézek, 9 20 the radio / a C1 wee lio la coy Bdibt | CD 7 beasbane Polly eae vision / a video / On 161 & 4. Mr Mellor sikertelendil probal levezetni egy virgyalést. 3. Axelobbi felvétel alapjan emlékezetb61 egészitse ki a mondatokat! Haszndljon folyamatos jelent! Dee 1 Doreen some letters for Mr Wills. 2 Simon to the Singapore office, 3 Fame ooo oesoeseeenes @ Meeting with the catering staff A OMY ceeecenene from home today, 5 Rob. Helen how to use the new computer. 6 her lunch in the park. Tat oo some shopping, 8 Rick. his car Hallgassa meg a felvételt, és cllenérizze a valaszait! Hiallgassa meg a felvételt, és rja le Mr. Mellor kérdéseit! 1 Polly... 2 Simon . 3 Rob on... 4 Rick 5 Rick 6 Rick Because I've just seen something really funny! People watching Describing people 1A érdjelbe tett betikb6! alkosson értelmes mellékneveket, maid iria be Sket a keresztrejtvény vizszintes soraiba! A figgéleges sav egy uj sz6t tartalmaz, 9 ‘ | A (hot) 5 (trohs) ae “ woman i hair x wi 2 Atdab) 6 Alognyu) gil man e 7 A(mials) 5 3 (noel) 2 chile hair \ 4 (krad) hair 8 (der) hair 4 zh Nézze meg az ij s26t a Word Bank szészedetében, maid irjon vele mondatot! % 2. Egésditse ki a sabveget a elvételen hallottszavakkal és kifejezésekkel! WORD Power. I was muy brother tee? well, he's tw his late (<) 2 Hee chort and hes (2) verwtight. Hels got short, Ceanager 18 60 19 ke kéziitti fatal dave (3) and a nice, (4) smite early twenties: 20-25 byes ~ He likes to wear ( clothes and he loves emberre mondjuk Mid twenties: 24-27 ives late thirties: 37-29 bes \ middle-aged: 40 éy felert) i the mavvied twenty years opt sues elderly: ids — uivariae exh a2 ld” (510g) helyers s e at restaurants. He's definitely idl ged bout his wife says he's stilt the some man A 3 Az aldbbi felvételen a telefonélés 2 munkatirsoird! beszél. A saBveget is olvassa el, 6 fedezze fel a eltéréscket a felvétel 65a szbveg kSzBtt | There are four people in my office, apart from ime, First ofall there's Pat, the secretary || She's in her early thirties, but she looks really | young, almost like a child, She's tall, and | she’s got long, brown hair. Then there's Geoff, our accounts manager. He's in his late || thirties, thin with fong hair and he always || looks tired. There's also Anita. She's the sales | manager, very ambitious. She's slim and has | got straight black hair Last but not leat. | there's Jan, the boss. She's in her thirties and | she’s quite a character. She's got this | amazing grey hair that comes over her ears. She's always very casually dressed, which is quite unusual for a boss, | suppose. 4 Akeretben {év6 melléknevek kézill melyik vonatkozik kkils6 megielenésre, és melyik bels6 tulaidonségra? Helyezze Gket a megfelel6 oszlopbal blond handsome happy kind boring — slim big nice funny generous tall small 20 minutes+ Uj levelezétrsa szeretné dnt jobban megismerni ‘Az alébbi levélben irion rovid jellemzést énmagérdl! Dear Chris Tharks For your letter. It was great to hear From yax. So you want Yo know what I'm tke? wel, I'm a bit camera-shy, <0 I don't have any photos to send you. Anyway, I'm People watchi Seaside Mystery: Part 7 The story sofa: Carlos and Peter go back to Yoshiko's house. When they get there Yoshiko is upset because she can't find Mrs King, her iandlady. She is not in the house, and there is no message. Yoshiko thinks the men whe ‘want to kill Mrs King’s son have got her. Peter tells her about the man in the department store He thinks it was Mrs King’s son. A man phones and asks to speak to Mrs King. He says he is Mrs King's son, Harry. Yoshiko and Peter think he is lying ~ he isn’t Mrs King’s son. Mrs King phones and asks them to bring her some money. She is waiting at the station. She needs help, 1 Vélaszoljon az alabbi kérdésekre! 1 Why Is Yoshiko upset? 2. What does she think has happened? 3. Where are the three students? 4 Who does the man on the phone want to speak to? 5 What does Mrs King went them to do? 2. Azalabbi szavak mind el6fordulnak a Seaside Mystery 7. észében. ‘Az ismert seavak mellé tegyen (V) elet! A tbbi sab jelentésére is kénnyen réidhet, ha meghallgatia a felvételt. cash-point station jacket stupid take out traveller's cheques a joke idiots café pier. rubbish bin parcet plastic bag plan 3. Hallgassa meg a felvételt! Ki mondja az alébbi mondatokat? Yoshiko, Peter Carlos vagy Reg? J I can get some money out for Mrs King. Can you see Mrs King? Look, do you see that black car over there? ..... I've got a gun in my jacket. We haven't got any money, Doas he says, Peter. Just tell us how much and where to take it. Leave it in the rubbish bin near the door. Where are we going to get £5000 from? 10 Thave a plan... eer auaun 4. Keressen hirom példat a lite széra a Seaside Mystery 7. részében! f j | WORD Power __ It's curtains for Mre Kir Ez.a kéavetlen kifejexés Se 222 lett hoay ek! anny ichatja a redénye, Check your progress Ebben a leckében lehetésége van ra, hogy az eddig tanultakat gyakorolja. Ellendrizze a valaszait, és meglatia, hogyan halad! ‘Az elért pontszdmot irja be a lap szélén talélhat6 keretbe! 1 Pi 1 asking somebody about their experience 2 describing somebody's suitability for a job 3 asking about somebody's physical appearance 4 talking about their football team’s performance 5 talking about the price of something 6 comparing people 7 describing what somebody looks like 8 asking somebody for their preferences 9 describing somebody's age 10 describing what someone is wearing 2. Pétositsa ssze a bal oldali mondatokat a valaszokkal! Az egyik vilasz kétszer is el6fordul 1 Who's that over there? 2 Whose money is this? 3. Who do these jeans belong to? 4 [don't believe it! He's late again 5 Who's the most interesting person you know? ‘ssze a bal oldali szituéci6kat a jobb oldalon lévé mondatokkal! a) 1'll meet you at the station. I'll be wearing a striped white shirt and black trousers, b ‘She's middle-aged, probably in her late forties or early fities, ©) Mr/ensen has the most qualifications and the most experience, although he doesn’t speak as many languages. d) What does your sister look like? How long have you worked here? 8) He's quite slim, with long, dark hair and a moustache 8) This is probably the most expensive sandwich Te ever had hy Which would you rather have ~a holiday on the beach or one in the mountains? i) Our new boss is younger than our old one, but of course he doesn’t have as much experience. i) They're not doing very well at the moment. ‘They've lost eight out of nine games, a) It’s Ronald's 'b) My brother, Ronald ©) Oh, they're mine. ) Well, that’s my brother for you! Stage 4 eam Wee 3. Vélassza ki a sz6parok kéziil a megfelelét! Néhiny esetben mindkét sz6 helyes. 1 Could you come / go to the shops and get some bread? 2 What's that over here / there? 3 There were several applicants / applications for the new job, 4 My job interview didn’t go very well, The interviewer / interviewee was a bit unfriendly, 5 What time do you start / begit work? 6 She's wearing a white Tshirt and a set / puir of old blue jeans. 7 want to go home, fave / take a shower and have something to eat. 8 How / What do you take your coffee, black or white? 9 Who's / Whose shirt is this? 10 | learnt to drive / ride a car last year. 4. Exgészitse ki a mondatokat a megadott szavakkal! ‘A szavak fele egyik mondatba sem ilk be cheaper tong that come these 1 here immediately! short this go 2 What did | do at the weekend? Oh, mores and 3 Its lite cold in the olfice. | suggest you wear a sleeved shirt 4 This car costs too much, We need something ene 5 Javitsa ki az alabbi mondatok hibait! 1 This are my children, Olivia and Claudia, 2 Are this your briefcase? 3 You can use my computer. | don't use it at the moment, 4 You must be carefuller in future 5 My brother is much taller as me, he's almost two metres tall! 6 In fact, he's tallest person | know 7 She doesn’t speak English as good as me. 8 He doesn’t have as much qualifications as the others. 9 What time are you getting up every morning? 10 Be quiet! { watch television. TOTAL 140 Pt ss aes. enters Personalities Ben 7H, 1 Az angol nyelvben sok olyan kifejezés, idiéma létezik, Frank ~amelyek emberi tulaidonségokat imak le. Hallgassa meg a felvételt! i‘ fanny Kire ilk az adott kifejezés? a party animal a couch potato an early bird 2. Az alabbi jelz6k ember tulajdonsdgokat jeldlnek, hnja a szavak mellé magyar megfelel6jiket! ‘Az ismeretien szavakat nézze meg a Word Bank szészedetében! nice rude generous friendly impatient cheerful talkative adventurous polite popular lay quiet ambitious selfish shy spoilt ‘A quite eléggé) és Avery, really és so (nagyon, tényleg, olyan) ‘za Bit (egy kissé)finomitiak etésftik a melléknéy jelentését. a meliéknév jelentését He's very lazy ; “Theyre quite nice She's really selfish She's a bit ntkind, 1 feel so stupid! Aza bi lst all kab negattv értelmii melléknév ‘They're a bit rude, 3 Gondosan tanulményozza az alébbi mondatokat! Vélasszon egy melléknevet a 2. feladatbél, majd ira elé a megielel6 médosité szdcskat! 1 He's. He wants to be President one day! 2 She'sq She likes travelling to faraway places. 3 She's s. , she always says ‘Please’ and ‘Thank you 4 They'tew I don't think I've ever seen them look unhappy or bad-tempered, My nephew is a b. His parents buy himm too many toys. 6 Mysisteris s. it's very difficult to have a short conversation with her, 7 My father is v. he hates waiting, 8 remember Sharon. She was v. at school. Everyone wanted to be her friend, A felvétel segitségével ellenGrizze a vélaszait! 20 minutes+ Egészitse kia mondatokat a délt bettis szavak ellentéteivel! Az alabbi melléknevekb6l valaszthat: generous 1 My sister is very polite, but my brother can be quite at times, 2 Fim not at all sesh. 'm the complete opposite. i'm extremely 3. My son is very friendly, but his little brother is quite 4 You're such a lazy boy. Why can’t you be more like your cousin? He's so 5 I'm extremely talkative, unlike my best friend, who Is very What do you like doing? Hogyan taltia szabadidejét? Szeret sportolni? Mit tekint tartalmas kikapesolédsnak? frja a képek alé az oda illé hobbit! Vélasszon az alabbi listabél! collecting stamps gardening painting playing football horse riding swimming, A felvételen négyen beszéinek hobbijaikrél és srabacidés tevékenységetkel. ra le Skett \alasszon a 2. feladat peda Kbit Speaker | Speaker 3 ‘Speaker 2: Speaker 4. WORD PowEeR hobby (tabbes szdm: hobbies): szabadidds tevékerység, hobbi interests: érdetiddési kr vagy teriles 4 Aralabbiakban néhany klub és egyesillet hirdetését olvashatia, fifa a hirdetés f61é a klub nevét! Waterways Fishing Club Passmore Walking Group Spring Valley Community Orchestra Grantham Golf Club Are you friendly and energetic? . Come to us for great exercise, plenty of Do you like a bit of peace and quiet?) fresh air and the opportunity to make ‘Want to get away from ital), ——___new friends! Find a quiet spot by the river with us. Phone 0678 324 874 for a trial lesson. Rods and equipment available for small charge. -__ Free balls and clubs provided. } ~_.o Free balls and clubs provide Sr conc tend e@ Don't be a couch potato! Get up and join our friendly > ‘group for outings on foot, maximum 10 kilometres." We meet at 9.30 Thursday mornings and we are usually : . ah back by mid-afternoon. __ Listen to us practise on Wednesday 2 spetigsin te Gorman al or Ayo ead ae confor soe tong la anda oe a Phone Derek on 0864 357 9876 for more information. > Nr ae ptt gain hasonl6 hirdetést, és haszndlja fel az alabbi kifejezéseket! Are you...2 Youllenioy..... You need... Phone... for mote information 20 minutes+ Pérositsa éssze az aldbbi félmondatokat! 1 I play a) old coins, antiques and postcards, 2 1e0 b) clothes and jewellery for my friends. 3 Icollect €)_ photography and cooking 4 ido d) swimming, skiing and camping. 5 Imake ‘) tennis, volleyball and golf, Spending time at home 1 Stivesen tale id6t otthon? Pérositsa ssze a képeket az alabbi tervrajzzal! Melyik szoba nem szerepel a rajzon? : WORD Power atte ‘itchen diner: ét) ” étkezBkonvh, i via = 00m Saineghaiés ais rghit a je kandais cae merikaban ag otthon fi i Kitchen : veranda (UK) porch (US) Se 2 Afelvételen hatan beszéinek az otthonukrél. irja a beszél6k mellé az emlitett szobakat! Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Speaker 3 Speaker 4 Speaker 5 Speaker 6 173 awou iv g 8 3 = 3 a a suomasnoy pue Aupune; 104 window curtain (UK) drape (US) chai picture ormaments stereo system nu fireplace cushion floor sofa coffee table vase 8 é ‘1 k kéziil metyik illik a konyhara, 728 meg a fenti képet! Az alabbi szavak ke ese . mele a neppalia, és melyik mindkett6re? iria a szavakat a megfelelé hely 1 bowl tap spoon table cooker. teapot shelves sieve sola cushions photos sink dishwasher tug chairs For Sale! . Peoutl family house inte cent of ton with four double). : 20 minutes+ Pownstats, the livingroom has age (2) a. th a view onto the Egésaftse Ka hiidetést wel-tept garden, On either sde of ‘the fireplace there are fitted ¢ lecke scavaival! 8) v--- fOr books and omaments.The (4)... has a new coker ard fridge which are included inthe sale price; next to itis a small laundry room which also has a sink and space for a (5). os Machine. Upstairs, thre is 2 laxury (6) with a whirpoo! bath, is: and separate toilet, At the ‘top of the house there is a large (8) . Useful for storage. Ring 0945 736 s7g2 tor further information. * What did you do at the weekend? @ [Hat révid felvételt hall; mindenki etmondia, mit csindlt a hétvégén, Parositsa Ossze a neveket a képekkell Brian Clare Joanne Sam Liz Boris Egyszerti mdlt id6t haszndlunk a méltban ‘Yesterday | worked for twelve hours Jatszédott és befejezddatt eseményekre, Aszabalyos igék malt idejét igy képezzik 1 played lennis yesterday, ‘Az eselleges szbvégi yelinik, és a ilyen igék toed. ee -ied véqa6d6st kapnak work + wore = tidy + te law ~ pouet study» studied ‘atch > watched eee oy cred . climb + climbat a I studied at Oxford University, 2 Egészitse ki az alébbi mondatokat egy malt idejd igével (A oszlop) és egy odaill6 kifejezéssel (B oszlop)! A decorated fixed watched studied cleaned B computer exam —hercar football the bedroom 1 Brian 4 Boris 2 Sam... 5 Clare 3 Joanne played the house a play What was it like? [Hol nyaralt a mit nydron? Suép ideje volt? Mit latott? 2. Olvassa el aszilloda hirdetését, és egészise ki 2 mondatokat a megadott szavakkal! gardens. beach bedrooms drink meals pool staff balcony. Cythera (ral = pO erivarin(igyosrle)(aco.eomtonecd Enjoy delicous (1)... in our Sitar restaurant, Col of with a swim in our Ohmpicsiaed (2) Flax on our beautifl sandy @)o o-oo. Sak up the sun on your own private terrace or (4. Take a walkthrough our wonderl landscaped (5). Enjoy a lng, cold (6).------+--. im the Capains Ba. 1 the end of the day, slep tke a fog in one of our huge, lxurios (2). Que friendly, helpful (8)... will make your stay at the Royal Palms Hotet the holiday of 2 lifetim. 3. Janice és Robert Eastwood most tértek haza a nyaralasbél, amely nem tgy sikerilt, ahogy tervezték. A Royal Palms Hotel nem felelt meg elvardsalknak. Hallgassa meg a felvételt, maid tegyen (V) jelet a Janice és Robert ital is emlitett panaszok mellé! 1 The bedrooms were very small, 1 7 ‘The sea was dangerous, 2 The beds were uncomfortable 8 The weather was bad. 3. The service in the restaurant was slow. 9) Drinks in the bar were expensive. 4 The food wasn't nice. 10 The swimming pool was very small 5 There was no variety of food JI It rained every day. 6 The beach was dirty. 12. The hotel stalf were not polite. Az ig6t mile idoben a didnot / didn't szerkexettel tagadjul. The beds woren't very comfortable. ‘The manager did not help us. oe See Grammar Bank I casino 4. Egészitse ki Janice és Robert hotelnek irt levelét 2a réréjelbe tett igék helyes alakival! Dear Sie / Madam We want to complain about a. heliday we. Yook at your betel recently. First of al, your advetsenest promised us huge, lacus bedrooms”. Our room (0 tbe) very. sna cand te. beds £2) the) cuncomfortaile. As a. result, we (3) Gleep) very badly for the: whole Tine. we were: there. We (fhe) ct at al haypy wih your so-cated S-star vestaueart: The quality of she feat (51 tbe) very poor, aad the: meals (0 tbe) aways the sane. We OD (peat) to the catering manager on our thie dey at the betel, and he © (promise) as he would make: some. changes, but he. ceady did aot () féa) anything, abot it while we were: there, Your advertisement (0) leceribe 2 ‘teautifl candy beach’ Tt (D tbe) —__ covered with seaweed ard ribish, vhich Is certainly wt a idea. of a. beautifd beach, However, the weather (2) be) so bad that we ceutt eat hase. ent on the beach canynny, i 1B) (raid exeay day, We also (4) (have) __a. fen unpleasart experiences with your staff. Some of them 5) tbe) very de, adore. of thems even (C) Great) —____ a as shen we eft cur bethoom light on one: evening. We lock fonard fo receling an apology an} compensation Yours sincerely Tasice are Robedt Eastwced gern preparer ES : cone evening. 6 The beach was covered in dead plants. 7. They spoke to the catering manager on the third day. 8 The beds were huge and luxurious. Then and now Ovassa el az alébbi bjsgcikket, majd hallgassa meg. a benne szerepl6 emberrel zajl6 pérbesrédett Egéscftse ki a szbveget a hallott szavakkal! FROM RICHES TO RAGS. THE STORY OF A DOTCOM MILLIONAIRE Until last year, Charlie Rickman had an easy life. His (1) ‘company, Rickman Dotcom Ltd, had made him a millionaire by the time he was (2) years old. When he was only 26, he passed control ofthe company to his (3) Raymond, ‘and took early retirement. His life became one of leisure and luxury, living off the profits from the company. And then everything went wrong, Poor management, andthe effects of (@) _____ from other companies, forced the company to dose down. Charlie's life is now very different. He works up to (5) hours a day in his local © filling shelves and helping (7) His luxury 16-r00m 8) is now nothing more than a memory, and home is now a caravan in his mother’s ° It’s goodbye, too, to enjoying evenings out in expensive (10) . ‘eating lobster and drinking (11)___. Dinner is now a plate of toast and a cup of 492) and that’s on @ good day! Ha a maltban endszeresen csindltunk valamit, de \bbé mar nem, 2 used fo + ige kapcsolatot haszndljuk | used to smoke, bul | don't smoke any more. The used to be good frends, but now the don’t speak to each ote. cS ban 2. Hallgassa meg djra a felvételt, és egészitse ki a mondatokat! Hasznélja a used to szetkezetet,illewve az aldbbi igék helyes alakjst! Néhdny ige tibbszér is el6fordul write work watch epok have relax drink spend. afford eat live read 1 Charlie Rickman $24, t@. li¥e,, ina 16-100m mansion, but now he lives. in a caravan. 2 He in expensive restaurants, but now he his own meals 3 He lobster and champagne for dinner, but now he toast and tea. 4 He watch a lot of television, but now he can’t the licence, so he books instead. 5 He hours on the telephone talking to his friends, but now he to them instead. 6 He lots of friends, but he doesn’t many friends any more 7 He as much as possible, but now he up to twelve hours a day. 20 minutes+ 4 4 - seg: Well. used to go ~ Megvaltozott-e a kulseie, életmédia az elmalt evekben? & snowboarding every winter, Abbahagyott-e valamilyen tevekenységet, amelyet régebben tut | stopped when I rendszeresen végrett? [rion néhdny mondatot dnmagardl! broke my leg. ‘Segttségképpen olvassa el a példakat! used to have long, blond hair, but naw it's much yy shorter, and Ive dyed it red \_TTth lesson, People watching Have you ever...? Hogyan kérdezzik meg valakitél, hogy végzett-e mar egy bizonyos tevékenységet? Nézze meg ar alabbi példakat! car before? “Yes, this is my ef “MES A. absolutely tertfied > Abelejezett jelen idét a have/has segédigével, és az ige past participle alakjaval képezziik. Have you met my sister? Have wou Sect the lavest Keanu Reews file? Olvassa el a kérdéseket, majd hallgassa meg a felvételt, és irja be a beszél6k sorszamat! 1 Have you ever been skiing? Speaker 2 Have you ever been to the ballet? Speaker 3. Have you ever used the internet? Speaker Have you driven a No, | haven't, and rim >, “Fave you ever eaten >, with chopsticks? No, Laven't. I's) dificult, Isn't ke “tlave you ever played tennis? Ezzel az igeidovel gyakran hasonaliuk already, before, ever/never hatérozGsr6kat. ‘Have you seer the new film areas? Have you played tennes before? Have you ever been lo Paris? See Grammar Bank Have you ever been to Milan? Speaker Have you heard the new album by Heavy Metal Thunder? Speaker 4 5 6 Have you ever played tennis? Speaker 7 Have you ever seen the Mona Lisa? Speaker 8 Have you seen Frank's new sports car? Speaker corereere 3 Olvassa ela levélészletet!A levelet Diane ltta egy baréidnak SERED EE Egéscitse kia szdveget exy-egy kérdéssel, a present perfect we és ax ever hasenélatévalt WORD POWER John's been to the shope, lohn visroini ment, é | fly play learn regis jot. Ment, é5 mar be eat win John's gone to the shops | = John vdsdrolni ment, é még | nem j0te viseza, bt 1's been a busy week. On Monday, 1 played terns, but lost. (1) Have you ever played tems? Are yor any good at 17 On Tesday, | had seme great news: ( won a car m a competition ® anytang? What di you wie? Anywiay, the prize was presented by Fril Jenkins. He's tamous British actor. f was so excited +o meet someone bamevs. (3) anyone Famous? Then on Webkesday, / went 40 a Mexican restamrant with my frends ond ate nachos ond enchiladas, They were deliciovs. (4) Mexican Rood? Bo you lke if? What ied of food do you ike the best? What other news? Well, at tha moment /'n learing Spach at college. o another laigioge? 14's veal good Sn, althaugh / Keep making mistakes! In learnng Spansh because I'm gomg +0 Spain for a long holiday rext mort. (6) 40 Span? I'm a bit wormed becavse Im teoveling by plane, ocd (ve never been on on cercp are beter. (9) Lanyahere? Wore yar venvave? People Keep ‘eling me it's the sofect mettod of travel brt Um not 30 se 20 minutes+ frjon néhany mondatot arrél, hogy mit tett mdr, illetve mit nem tett még éleiében. Haszndlja a zardjelben lévG igeket, és tanulmanyozza a példakat. Tye eaten Mexican food a Sew times Te never been to Spain J (been) (eaten) 2 3 (seen) 4 (uted) 5 (played) People watching Multi-word verbs Pérositsa a bal oldali helyzeteket a felvételen hallhaté pérbeszédekkel! a) Talking about the history of a company. by Introducing somebody. ©) Talking about someone who they don't like. di €} Looking for a set of keys, Talking about something that someone else said, 6) Buying a bus ticket g) Talking to a colleague at work Gratnmar: ‘Az angol nyelvben gyakoriak a tabb sdb 4ilé Come in. The door is open. Ssszetett vagy vonzatos igék. Ezek haszndlata stinessé teszi a tarsalgasi nyelyet. ‘Take off felszall (a repiils, ‘Avonaatos ige ayakran igy épil fl: ge + elaljr6sz6. Pelddul come in: ies wack Our flight takes of at half past eight Seo Grammar Bank Kapcsolja bssze a vonzatos igéket a jelentéstikkel! Mindegyik ige szerepelt az eld felvételen. 1 get on with a) start a business 2 get olf bj try to find something 3 set up ©) like another person 4 look for di stop doing business 5 close down e} enter a room 6 take over A) take control of something 7 come in g) leave a train or bus Polly Burgess levelet ir barétnéjénck, Amy Browne-nak, aki szintén az ITCP-hez jn dolgozni. Egészitse ki a levelet az el6z6 feladat vonzatos igéivel, majd hallgassa meg a felvételt! bene Amy work for MTOR tts a va veal rat you'r work, for ancl tvenily enjoy mug work, Pon sure youl 1) everyone extvemalyy well. Pe been promoted he management division, co youth pootabiy (2) vray ott jobs The (TOP office is quite am easy place to fina. If you talee the underground fiom jurong, you have to (3) tine trnin ot the Clementi stop ana (4) Helland vilinge Avenue, the office i the finct bullding you cone to. (5) through the side entyanse and ache the receptionist fer me ULL come andl wacet you. So ste you next Egészitse ki a mondatokat az alabbi vonzatos igékkel! Vigyazzon arra, hogy az ige helyes alakist hasandljal “comeback geton get out falloff goaway go back 1 Ineed a holiday. Let's fora tew days, 2 Stephen's in Mexico on business, He's on Friday. 3. mhored. Let's tonight. We could go for a meal and see a film. 4 Angie's in hospital for a few days. Nothing serious. She should on Wednesday 5 You pay the bus driver when you the bus. 6 We went to France for my last holiday, and liked it so much we're next year 7 Be careful on your bicycle. Don’t and hurt yourself! 6 ey Party people Sreret dsszejévetelekre, partikra jémni? Sokan szivesen beszélgetnek, de ha a zene hangos, téncolni is lehett WORD Power. lime néhdny iemerkedéokor hasendlhaté tfejeaée: i How do you do? Pleased to meet you. "a like to introduce you to ... | Would you like a drink? Would you like to dance? Would you to eat? Peter és Karen beszélgetése nehezen ind Egészitse ki Karen vélaszait, maid hallgassa meg a felvételt! Peter Karen 5 Not for me, thanks. ‘Would you like | fsed. te. smoke. but a cigarette? gave up last year. What about a No thanks, | glass of wine? | but my doctor told me to stop. No, thank you. | Perhaps a cup of i coffee, but coffee instead? = - it stops me sleeping. Well, would you 7” Bt, no, 1 like to try one of these meat, but now I'm a chicken pieces? = S -~ Z vegetarian, / Um.Isee. i No, thank you Would you like to 1 » but L hurt dance, then?! "my lleg ina skiing accident. _/ 7 Ub hub, what Yes, great idea! | about singing some very shy, but \ karaoke? now | love singing in public? 3 Vélassza ki a helyes szét a dott betiis seSpsrok kel, maid hallgassa meg a felvételt! JANES: Who's this that over there? By the door. Becky: Brian Clack, He's my cousin. Why do you ask? James: Well, just found these / those keys on the floor. think he dropped them, Did you prepare all this / that food yourselt? Becky: Most of it, yes. But I bought quite a lot ready-prepared from this / that new supermarket that has just opened down the road, James: Mm. Well, you've done a great job. Becky: Thanks. ‘hese / Thas little pastries are delicious. Have you tried one? Jawes: Not yet. Mm, you're right. They aren't bad, are they? Well, Id better give these / those keys back to Brian. See you later! 4 Oldja meg az alabbi tesztet! | Her dress is very nice. It's than mine, a) beautiful b} more beautiful c)_ most beautiful 2 The prawn snacks are wonderful. They‘re the things to eat. a) delicious —b}_ more delicious ¢)_most delicious 3. The music is lovely, but I can hardly hear it. Can you make it a) loud —b) louder ¢). loudest 4 ‘That woman over there is very she never stops talking! a) boring —b) more boring —¢)_ the most boring 5 It’s been a wonderful party, the party I've been to for a long time! a) good —b) better c) best 20 minutes+ % Az alabbi parbeszédben tiz hiba talalhaté. Melyek azok? {ria le a helyes megoldast, maid hallgassa meg a felvételt! Jenny: Hi. What's your name? ‘Steve: Oh, hi. My name's Steve. What's yours name? Jenny: I'm Jenny. Have you comed to England for a holiday? ‘Steve: No, I'm here on business. Mine company has an office not far from here. Jew: fe you on your own? ‘Steve: No, I'm with my wife. She's over there. Jenny: Is she the taller woman with the long hair? ‘Steve: That's her. Are you here on your own? Jexwe No, fim with my husband. He's this man with the blue jacket over there. What did you arrive in England? Steve: We are arriving two days ago. Jena: I see, and when long are you here altogether? Steve: just a week Jen: Thope you had a great time People watching Seaside Mystery: Part 8 “The story so far: The three students go to the station to look for Mrs King. ‘Two men get out of a black car and come towards them. One man says he has a.gun and wants some money. Yoshiko gives him £300 from the cash- point but he says it is not enough. He is angry because he wants more ‘money. Peter says he will get some more and put it in a rubbish bin near a. ealé on the beach. The men disappear and Peter tells Yoshiko and Carlos to meet him at the beach the next day. He is going to put a parcel into the rubbish bin They are going to wait to see who comes to get it Peter goes home and Carlos goes with Yoshiko to the police. 5 1 Vélaszoljon az alabbi kérdésekre! 1 Why are the students going to the station? 2 What does the man want? 3. Why is the man angry? 4 What does Peter agree to do? 5 What are Yoshiko and Carlos going to do the next day? 2. Acalabbi szavak mind eldfordulnak a Seaside Mystery 8 részében. ‘Az ismert szavak mellé tegyen (/) jelet! A tobi szé jelentésére is = konnyen réjohet, ha meghallgatia a felvételt. thieves part of frightened mess. cupboards atthe top strange swimming costume sunglasses hotelreception guests safe @ 3. Hollgassa meg a felvételt, és tegye helyes somendbe a képeket! 4. Keressen néhény felkistést a 8. rész szbvegkéinyvében, Stage 4 erred Check your progress Ebben a leckében lehetdsége van ré, hogy az eddig tanultakat gyakorolia. EllenGrizze a valaszait, és megiatja, hogyan halad! Az elért pontszdmot irja be a lap szélén talélhaté keretbe! scone Functions Pétositsa dssze a bal oldaton lév6 szituaciskat a jobb oldali mondatokkal! 1 describing what somebody looks like asking about somebody's physical appearance asking about somebody's personality describing something that you have not done ‘comparing two people describing somebody's age asking what somebody likes doing in their free time 8 saying what somebody is interested in 9 asking about somebody's age 10. describing what somebody did in the past a) Eddie's mad about football ) Have you got any hobbies? ©) Is he shy or out-going? 4) I have never been abroad before. €) Alan used to travel a lot, but now he works from home, f) [s she older than you? 8} What does your sister look like? h) He's tall with short black hair. 1) She's elderly, in her late seventies. {) loan’s got more experience than Sarah. scone ELEGY 2. Ax dsszekevert bettikbél alkosson értelmes szavakat! 1 She's very (altvktiea) ‘She never stops speaking! 2 He's a very (toepli) young man, he always says ‘Please’ and ‘Thank you"! 3. She's so (elcerfuh) she's always smiling and laughing, 4 What do | like doing in my free time? Well, I love (nsogphpi) In fact, | always spend too much money! 5 Lenjoy (miwingms) in my free time, There's a pool not far from my apartment, so } go most evenings. 3. Melyik hobbira utalnak az alabbi mondatok? playing golf travelling using the intemet watching television eating in restaurants 1 It’s so nice to have all your food cooked for you, and for someone to do the washing up afterwards. 2 I switch it on as soon as I get home and spend most of the evening in front of it 3. My wife bought me some clubs for my birthday, and there's a course nearby hich 1 go to. 4 [spend hours online, and I send emails to all my friends. 5 {usually fly, but | prefer to go by train or, even better, by boat if f've got enough time. 4. Egésritse kia mondatokat a meglelel6 szval vagy kifejeréssel! colleague gone geton played fixed 1 My computer was broken, but I've it ‘Where's Tim? ‘He's to the cinema. Janet works in the same office as me. She's my we don't, very well with each other. We tennis all afternoon. eels 5 Javitsa kia hibdkat az aldbbi mondatokban! (Egy pont jar a hiba felismeréséért, és egy djabb a helyes megoldéséit.) I This film isn’t good as the one | saw last week 2 This computer is much expensiver than my old one. 3 Ihave phoned my mother yesterday. 4 When Iwas young, | use to fight with my brothers all the time. 5 Have ever you been to the USA? 6 Kapcsolja dssze az aldbbi igéket a past participle alakokkal! 1 be 2sec 3 meet shave 5 go aj had -b) been) gone d) seen e} met TOTAL .-/40 30+ excellent KK >K 24+ good K>K —_20- more practice! > Gyakran fordul el6, hogy kilinb6z6 élethelyzetekben kérést, utasitést vagy éppen kifejezett paranesot kell kiadnunk vagy teljesiteniink, Ez a fejezet (Vigyézet) a fenticken kivill megtanitja dnt, miképpen adjon tanacsot, illetve hogyan figyelmeztesse ismerését valamire. Ebben a fejezetben bemutatjuk dnnek a feltételes és a szenved6 szerkezetek alapformait, Ha valakit megkérlink vagy éppen utasitunk valamire, fontos, hogy ezt udvariasan teayuk. Eppen ezért ez a fejezet nagy figyelmet fordit az udvarias beszédmédra, amely nélkilézhetetlen eleme az angol nyelvnek, & épp ezért ennek elsajatitésa mindenképpen megéri a raforditott i LESSON 1 LESSON 2 LESSON 3 LESSON 4 Giving orders and making requests (1) [Felszolitas, kérés (1)] Giving orders and making requests (2) [Felszolitas, kérés (2)] Following and giving instructions INeézziik meg a hasznalati utasitast!} Giving advice (1) [Ha ram hallgatsz... (1)] BREAKTHROUGH 9 _in the office LESSON 5 LESSON 6 LESSON 7 LESSON 8 LESSON 9 LESSON 10 LESSON 11 LESSON 12 [Az irodaban} Giving advice (2) IHa ram haligatsz... (2)] Talking about obligation [Kell, nem kell, nem szabad...] Saying how to do things [Hogyan csinald?] Talking about quantity (1) [Ha tébb dologrdl van szé... (1)] Seaside Mystery: Part 9 Fengerpart rejtely: 9. rés2] Check your progress [Az eddig tanultak ellenérzése] Talking about quantity (2) [Ha tdbb dologrél van sz6... (2)] Talking about quantity (3) [He tdbb dologrdl van szé... 3) BREAKTHROUGH 10 In the street LESSON 13 LESSON 14 LESSON 15 LESSON 16 LESSON 17 LESSON 18 LESSON 19 LESSON 20 [az uted} Making suggestions and talking about probability Llavaslattevés feltételes mondat haszndlataval] Talking about cause and result [Feltétel és eredmény} Describing how something is done [Folyamatok leirésa szenvedd szerkezet segitségével] happening now {A jelenben zal folyamatok leirdsa szenved6 szerkezet segitségévell Tell me about them {Kirél van s26?] Describing an action [Ki mit csinal?] Seaside Mystery: Part 10 [Tengerparti rejtély: 10. rész] Check your progress [Az eddig tanultak ellendrzése) Attention! Giving orders and making requests (1) Nézze meg a képeket! Milyen felszélitésok és kérések hangozhatnak el ‘az egyes szitudciékban? A felsz6lit6 médot az ige sz6téri alakidval képezzik, Attalaban nem haszndlunk felkialtdjelet, ‘Come i ‘Shut hie door. Parositsa a képeket az alabbi felszdlitésokkall! Két mondat felesleges. Melyek azok? Wake up! Hurry up! Pass the salt. Shut the door. Take a seat. Comein. Be quiet! Have a biscuit Hallgassa meg a felvételt, és ismételje a hallottakat! Jal oldotta meg az el6bbi feladatot? 193 Felsa6litésunk udvariasabbs tehet6, ‘A.Would you, Could you vagy Would haa please sz6val kezdjak vagy fejezzik be ‘you mind uddvaras kéréss6 teszi a mondatot a felsaolitdst. Would you mind utan az ige ing toldalékot kap. Would wo close the door? Could you speak up? Please furry up, Hurry up, plese. Would you mind passing the salt? 4. Aérojeles kifejezések haszndlataval tegye udvatiasabba az alébbi mondatokat! | Help me with this suitcase, (please) Please help me. with this suitcase. 2. Show me how this photocopier works. {could you} 3 Pass mea pair of scissors. (would you) 4 Open the door, (could you) 5 Get mea cup of coffee. (would you mind) @ 5 Egy repilldtéri biztonségi tisats26l egy utashoz. Hallgassa meg a felvételt, és tegye az aldbbi térgyekat a helyes sorrendbe! ais Ge qd CO ui ui u 20 minutes+ Parositsa Ossze a két oszlop mondatait! 1 Could you make me a coffee, please? a) Hang on! fm coming, 2. Please hurry up! b) Wait and see. It’s a surprise 3. Can tcome in? ) Help yourself, Have a big piece, if you like. 4. Could you listen carefully? d) Yes. Take @ seat and make yourself at home, 5 May I have a piece of cake? e) Of course. Black or white? 6 What are you going to get me f) OK. I'm all ears, for my birthday? Attention! Giving orders and making requests (2) 1 Tudja, mit jelentenek az alébbi forgalmi jelzétablak? ‘Magyarorszgon is ugyanezeket haszndljak? °@ °@ °e fija lea fenti tablsk jelentését helyes somendben! no entry ‘no overtaking no parking ‘no Fight turn no horns: no bicycles pedestrians only no feft turn 1 ne. parking 5 2 6 3 7 4 8 Jemma és Brian néhany forgalmi tabla jelentését vitatja meg. Hallgassa meg a felvételt, és dontse el, ess milyen tablakr van s26! Ha valamit meg akarunk titania don’, do not % ‘vagy never + ige szerkezetet hasznéljuk oeecte Don't tell anyone, Do not open this door. a Newer inierrupt him when he's working. (ExGsebb tiltés) 4, Egésalse Ki az alabbi mondatokat a meglelel6tltdssal! Ket Kifejezéste nem lesz sziksége. Never play Don't cross Don't smoke Do not go Don't touch Don't give Never pull out Don't feed 1? 1 Don't. Seed... the animals. 2 the road here. 3 in here 4 the paintings. 5 into this room Ce 6 into the road without & checking your mirror first GQ 5 tines esate, = és ellendrizze a megoldését! - aS ee A please haszndlatéval Atlt6 parancsot udvarias kéréssé tehetiuk tilkésainkat is udvariasabbst a would you mind not... ing szerkezettel tehetiik. Méx job, ha az 'm sorry, but szavakkal Please don't smoke in fre verelilik be a kérsst ‘Would you mind not smoking? nx sorry, but would you mind not smoking please? ee Grammar Bonk 20 minutes+ irja le a mondatokat a zaréjelbe tet szavak haszndlataval! 1 Don’t touch the computer. (please) 2 Dont talk to me like that! (would you mind) 3 Don't open the window. (would you mind / please) 4 Don’t interrupt me. ('m sony, but / would you mind) 5 Don't open this door _ (please)

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