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TASK 1: Contextual Factors Template

Types of Factors
A. Community, School, & Family
1. Community (e.g., urban,
suburban, or rural: census data
for the community population,
race/ethnicity, family structure;
socio-economic information;
communitys school support)
2. School (e.g., enrollment;
percent of students receiving
free or reduced lunch; AYP
data; ethnicities; percent of
students with IEPs; percent of
ELL students; teacher-student
ratio; schedule)
3. Family (e.g., percent of families
with college degrees; annual
income; parental involvement in
classroom; support for
education; family configuration;
socio-economic profile)

Contextual Factors
A1.) Community:

Cross Lanes, W.V. 2016 Population: 9,995 people
Race/Ethnicity: White- 9,176; African American-467; Multi-Racial165; Asian-122; Hispanic/Latino-113
Family Structure: Family Led- 2,786; Husband/Wife Family- 2,096;
Single Dad- 205; Single Mom-485; Nonfamily Homes- 1,526
Socio-Economic Information: Upper Class- Over $150,000 and
above at 7.8%; Upper Middle Class- $75,000-$149,999 at 26.3%;
Middle Class: $25,000-$74,999 at 42.9%; Lower Class- $25,000 or
lower at 23.1%.
A2.) School:


Enrollment: 616 students

Free or Reduced Lunch: District supplies free lunch to all students;
if wasnt in order, 57% of students would receive free or reduced
AYP Data: 45% of students
Ethnicities: White- 530; African American 37; Hispanic/Latino-14;
Students with IEPs: 80
ELL Students: 0
Teacher-Student Ratio: 1:20
Schedule: Arrival 8:25a.m. to Dismissal 3:00p.m.
Families with College Degrees: Graduate Degree-9.82%; Bachelors
Degree- 21.59%; Associates Degree-23.66%; High School Diploma37.28%; No High School-7.65%
Annual Income: $58,563.00 (2013)

B. Classroom Factors
(e.g., classroom arrangement;
classroom rules and routines; extent
of parental involvement; scheduling;
availability of technology)

C. Content Specific Factors

(e.g., content area(s), materials,
resources, technology specific to
your area)

Parental Involvement in Classroom: Parent Teacher Conferences,

PTO Meetings, LSIC
Family Night Attendance 2015-2016: Primary Grades-79%;
Intermediate Grades-83%
Support for Education: Perrow Church, Cross Lanes Baptist Church
Socioeconomic Profile: 2013-2014, 61% non-low SES and 39% low
B.) Classroom Factors

Classroom Arrangement: 25 total; 4 groups of 6 student and 1

island student
Classroom Rules and Routines: Follow directions, listen carefully,
show respect, be a good friend, work quietly, and inspire others.
Extent of Parental Involvement: Texting, phone calls, class
Facebook page, and email
Scheduling: Math-1 hr; Specials-1hr and 5 min; Tier II Math- 30
minutes; Daily 5- 30 minutes; Grammar, Writing, Spelling-30 min;
Science- 20 min; Social Studies- 20 minutes; Reading-50 min;
Availability of Technology: 2 computers, 7 iPads, Smart Board,
document camera, and Apple TV
Teacher-Student Ratio: 1:25
Grouping Patterns: Pair by similar ability level; no drastic
academic difference
Physical Features: Focus wall, Daily 5 wall, math drawers, Growth
Mindset wall, Smart Board, Family Carpet, Schedule chart,
vocabulary chart, classroom rules, Classroom BINGO, classroom
library, technology center, student intervention table, and student
C.) Content Specific Factors

Content Areas: Elementary Ed 4th Grade Multi-Subject/Math

Specific for unit
Materials: Individual white boards and math drawers
Resources: ST Math, Achieve 3000, and

D. Student Factors (in terms of the

whole class and individual students)
(e.g., grade level, age, gender;
language needs; special needs;
achievement/developmental levels;
approaches so learning; prior
learning and experiences; academic
proficiencies; behavior differences;
areas of interest; learning styles;
students skill levels)

Technology: 7 iPads, 2 computers, document camera, Smart Board,

and Apple TV.
Community: Mr. Negley Read Aloud (every Friday).

D.) Student Factors

Age: 9 to 10 years
Grade Level: 4th Grade
Gender: 11 females/14 males
Race/Ethnicity: 23 Caucasian, 1 African American, and 1 MultiRacial
Developmental Levels: Piagets Concrete Operational stage
Learning Styles: Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic
Students with Special Needs: 3 students with IEP and one 504
At Risk: 1 student specified as homeless

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