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Ice hockey is played on an ice rink, and the objective is for two teams
to shoot a rubber puck into the other teams goal with a stick.
Each team has 6 players on the ice at a time
In the NHL there are 30 teams

Games very similar to hockey can be found in the histories of many
cultures, including Egypt and Ancient Greece.
The first known mention of the word hockey was in a book in 1773
Modern ice hockey was invented in Nova Scotia (because other forms
of hockey, such as field hockey, were invented somewhere else and
long before)

Quebecs Role in the Development of Hockey

Montreal had the first indoor hockey rink and in 1875 the first organized
indoor game was played there
A newspaper from Montreal published the first set of rules for ice hockey in
The second ice hockey club in the world was founded in Quebec and called
the Quebec Bulldogs (in 1995 this franchise moved to Colorado and
became the Colorado Avalanche)
The first world championship of ice hockey was held at Montreals Winter
The first Stanley Cup was awarded to Montreal Hockey Club in 1893
(because before there were other awards)
The NHL was invented in Montreal on November 26th, 1917

1904 champion team from Quebec

The NHL was invented in Montreal on November 26th, 1917
The original 6 NHL teams are: Montreal, Toronto, Detroit, Boston,
Chicago, and New York

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