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: Diki Nurul Huda

Student Number

: 1606901306

Departement of Geography, Faculty of Mathematic and Nature Science

Article Review 2

Climate Change Already Dramatically Disrupting All Elements of Nature

Source : Wildlife Conservation Society

The article entitled Climate Change Already Dramatically All Element of Nature
the author is Dr. James Watson from the Wildlife Conservation Society and the University of
Queensland. I chose this article because it is very interesting for the analysis, this article
explains about climate change which destruction all element of nature and has a big effect on
life, and this article related to my major. In perspective Geography, this phenomenon occurs
Physical Geography and Human Geography which related each other and the purpose has
established the environment and human activities.
In this article discussed that increased temperature in the world caused by climate change
have already impacted every aspect of life on Earth, like destruction environment and have
big consequences for humans. Said the study's senior author, Dr. James Watson from the
Wildlife Conservation Society and the University of Queensland: " Causes of climate change
are the burning of fossil fuels, depletion ozone layer caused by the greenhouse effect, and
The message to be conveyed by the author is climate change have a big effect on an
environment and human life, included we must contribute to reducing climate change with
No wasteful use of fuels like electricity, and fuel oil. do not use CFC excessive as it affects
the ozone layer depletion. According to the article Climate Change Already Dramatically All
Element of Nature I agree that climate change have already impacted every aspect of life,
and the author has very large goals contained in the article and with respect to human

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