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Rules To Live By: Leader Paragraph Rubric


I can write a clear & coherent paragraph that explains my leaders Rule to Live By and support it with evidence from the text.



1 - Beginning

2 - Approaching

3 - Meets

No topic sentence found.

There is a topic sentence but it doesnt

introduce the claim.

The topic sentence

introduces the claim.

No concluding sentence
does not wrap up the

The concluding sentence wraps up the

piece, but repeats the wording from
the topic sentence.

The concluding sentence

revisits the claim but
varies the wording.

The piece is somewhat easy to read

and understand.

The piece is easy to read

and understand.

The piece is difficult to

read & understand.

4 - Exceeds

The opening sentence

introduces the claim in
an unusual and
sophisticated manner.

Concluding sentences
wrap up the piece by
revisiting the claim in a
sophisticated and unusual


Lots of spelling, grammar

and punctuation errors

Some spelling, grammar and punctuation

errors found, but do not interfere with
an understanding of the piece.

Most of the spelling,

grammar and punctuation
are correct.

Spelling, grammar and

punctuation is perfect.
Some sophisticated use
of punctuation.


Body sentences are

limited and/or unrelated
to the topic.

Some evidence supporting the topic, but

not three specific details.

Three supporting details

that provide evidence
that supports the claim.

Evidence is somewhat paraphrased.

More than three

supporting 3 details that
provide in-depth evidence
supporting the topic.

Evidence is paraphrased
in a sophisticated

Three pieces of
information is included in
a sophisticated manner.


Evidence is not

No interesting information
is included.

Some interesting information is


Evidence is paraphrased.

Three pieces of
interesting information is

HOWLs Targets


1 - Beginning

I assess my work based on

established criteria.

2 - Approaching

*Student did not identify the

established criteria.

*Student identified some of the

established criteria.

3 - Meets
*Student identified the criteria for
assessing his/her work.


1 - Beginning

2 - Approaching

I carefully and thoughtfully

* Student did not complete

the assignment according
to the timeline. (assignment
is more than a week late)

* Student did not complete

assignments according to the
timeline. (assignment is a
couple days late)

* Student completed

according to the given


* Student met the criteria

for a 3,

*Student did not complete

assignments to the best of

his/her ability.

*Student attempted to
complete authentic work
with care and accuracy.

*Students work is authentic

and thorough, and was
completed with care and

I challenged myself with

work that is above and

complete all class

assignments to the best of
my ability and in a timely

3 - Meets

4 - Exceeds


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