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27 amendments

1 amendment- freedom of religion, and speech

The school will not let me cues in there building.
2 amendment- right to bear arms.
The man was arrested for carrying a gun.
3 amendment- restrict the quartering of troops
The solder moved in to my house with out permission.
4 amendment- unreasonable searches and seizures
The police officer searched my car with out me giving him
5th amendment- life, liberty, property. Due process of law, double
jeopardy, self-incrimination, and government seizure of property
I was charged for speeding twice on the same account.
6th amendment- speedy, public, and jury trial Criminal Cases
the judge put me in jail in tell he could get to my case.
7 amendment- jury trial in civil cases
they took away my right to a trial.
8th amendment-cruel and unusual punishment
They cut off my hands for speeding.
9 amendment-all rights not spelled out are retained by the people
your basic or natural rights
the government is try to take away my rights
10 amendment- powers not given to the nation or the states, belong
to the people.
I get the left over power.
11th amendment- federal courts cant force states to be sued without
the states consent.
You have to have permission to sue the state.
12th amendment- election of VP and president separately in Electoral
In the older days the two cadets became the vice president and
13 amendment- abolished slavery
The man tried to buy a slave
14 amendment- citizenship to all persons born or naturalized in the
US. Also prevented states from taking peoples rights away
I have rights because I was bore in merica
15 amendment- everyone has the right to vote
I vote for who I want.
16th amendment- income tax
congress taxes everone.
17 amendment- the people instead of the state elects senators
last year the states elected the senators

18th prohibition
the man got arrested for drinking at the age of 18
19 amendment-gave women the right to vote.
The woman went to vote and was told she did not have the right
to vote.
20th amendment- set election and inauguration times closer to on
the president was elected then a year later he was inaugurated.
21 repealed prohibition
The 21 year old woman when to drink and was told she was not
old enough.
22nd amendment- 2 term limit on presidents
the president served 3 terms
23 amendment-gave the right of Columbia the right to vote (3 elector
Columbia does not have the right to vote
24 amendment- prohibits poll taxes
I was taxed the last time I voted.
25th amendment- presidential succession
when the president pasted away his jobs went right to the
speaker of the house and not the vice president.
26th amendment- lowered voting age to 18
The 18 year old tried to vote and was told that he cant.
27 amendment- congress could only increase its pay for the next
Ryan past a law saying he gets a pay rise right know

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