Notebook 5

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Notebook # 5

Flemings hand rules are based on current flow (conventional current direction) and electron flow (actual direction of
electron movement) will be exact opposites.

Conductor if the right hand is used to grasp a conducting wire the thumb in the direction of the current flow, the
fingers will indicate the direction of the magnetic field lines of force surrounding the conductor.
If the thumb points in direction of actual electron flow then the left hand must be used to show the direction of the
magnetic field lines surrounding the conductor.

Solenoids and Electromagnet poles

If series of loops are made and create a coil, the flux density is increased. When current is flowing through coil its called
a Solenoid.
Strength is determined by the number of loops (or turns) of wire, the current strength, and the permeability of the core
Right hand thumb rule; if the fingers point in the direction of the current, the thumb will point toward the north pole
Left hand thumb rule will need to be used if the fingers point in the direction of actual electron flow and thumb to point
toward the North Pole.

If current stops flowing the magnetic properties disappear and if current is adjusted up or down the magnetic strength
-factors of solenoids and electromagnets are the diameter of the coil, its length, and the current passing along the coil
*Solenoids are used as dent locks on overhead crane of x-ray tube. It temporarily locks the tube to the center of the xray table or at the proper distance from a film holder.*

Generator effect
Generator is a device that converts mechanical energy to electrical energy using faradays discovery of moving lines of
flux in relationship to a conductor, to induce current.
Thumb= movement of conductor on armature
Index finger= magnetic lines of force field
Middle finger= current or electron flow

-Right hand generator rule states that if the thumb points in direction the conductor or armature is moving and the
index finger is pointing in the direction of the magnetic lines of force field, then the middle finger will indicate the
direction of the conventional current.
-If direction of actual electron flow is desired than the left hand generator rule is used.
The armature is set between opposing magnetic poles so it gets the strongest lines of force
If the armature is rotated by a force of mechanical energy, then the generator can produce big amounts of electrical
Brush and Slip ring are devices that attach and allow circuit to remain stationary while the armature rotates without
breaking the electrical contact between them. Each slip ring connects to one end of the armature wire.
Mechanical energy rotates shaft where the armature
is attached. As wires of armature rotate they cut
through the magnetic lines of flux from the magnets
and produce electrical current. Slip rings and brushes
permit armature to rotate while maintain contact
with the wires of the circuit.

One complete turn of the generator armature represents one cycle.

Sine wave is determined by # of cycles per second (cps). The frequency of a sine wave is determined by cps and the unit
of frequency is the Hertz Hz 1cps=1Hz.

Motor principal
Motor is a device that is supplied with electrical current to produce mechanical motion. Has same parts as a generator
and operate on same principals but in reverse.

-Motor principal is a result of the interaction of magnetic fields when an electric current is sent along a conductor that is
residing in a magnetic field.
*When current begins to flow through the armature, the induced lines of force will be attracted downward for the left
wire and upward for the right wire while at the same time being repelled in the other direction the result is that the
conductor begins to move in the direction of the arrows.
Left hand motor rule says that if the
index finger points in the direction of
the magnetic lines of force field and
the middle finger points in the
direction of the conventional current,
then the thumb will indicate the
direction the conductor will move.

Right hand motor rule would be used if directions of actual electron flow is being considered.
Direct current motors use commutator rings which is required to switch the flow of the current when the conducting
coil beings to reach a 180 position, which is where the induced & stationary lines of force no longer attract or repel one
another. DC motors use a lot of turns of wire in the conductor coil to increase strength of the field.
Alternating current motors use slip rings. Incoming current switches directions making the commutator unnecessary.
There are 2 types of AC motor.
- Synchronous AC motor has conduction coils that turn at the same speed as the generator armature supplying
the current. Its used when a steady speed is necessary like a timing device. They are weak because of
insufficient motor principal force is established at the conducting coil.
- Alternating current induction motor utilizes a rotor coil with the outside magnetic field surrounded by several
pairs of electromagnets, producing a strong magnetic field, increasing the power of the motor and permitting it
to run at any speed.
Rotor is a device used by induction motor and consists of bars of copper around an iron core.
Stator consists of pairs of stationary magnets (electromagnets) arranged around the rotor. The stator must
be supplied with multiphase current.
*As copper bars of the rotor reach a point where the motor principle forces are equalized, the multiphase current
activates the next pair of electromagnets and the motor principle forces pull the rotor around to the next position*
Motor principle in meters:
Galvanometers- used for direct current, when permanent magnets are used, to indicate current.
Dynamometers- used for alternating current, when electromagnets are used.
Ammeter- a device used to measure current connected in a series measured in amperes.
Voltmeter- a device used to measure current connected in parallel. Measures potential difference in volts.

5 laws of electrostatics
1. Opposites attract: like charges repel unlike charges attract
2. Coulombs law- the force between 2 charges is directly proportional to the product of their magnitudes and
inversely proportional to the square of the distance. Inverse square law-as a charged object gets further away,
the influencing charge decreases because of the increased area it affects
3. Distribution of charges- electrical charge is distributed evenly throughout nonconductors and on external
surfaces of conductors.
4. Concentration of charges- greatest concentration of electric charge of conductor is concentrated on sharpest
curve of surface external
5. Movement- only negative charges move through solid conductors

Laws of magnetism
1. Repulsion-attraction- like poles repel; unlike poles attract
2. The inverse square law- the force between 2 magnetic fields is directly proportional to the product of their
magnitudes and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them
3. Magnetic poles- every magnet has 2 poles (north and south)

Electromagnetism theory- When there is no current flowing in the wire, the compass aligns itself with the earths
magnetic field. When the current is flowing, the needle is deflected toward the wire and when current stops the needle
returns to alignment with the earths field. Any moving charge produces a magnetic field.

Electromagnetic induction- 3 ways to create the motion between lines of force and a conductor
1. Move the conductor through a stationary unchanging- strength magnetic field
2. Move the magnetic lines of force through a stationary conductor with an unchanging strength magnetic field
3. Vary the magnetic flux strength from a stationary magnet through a stationary conductor. As flux strength
varies the lines of force will expand and contract causing relative motion necessary to induce current


Carlton, R. R., & Adler, A. M. (n.d.). Principles of Radiographic Imaging (5th ed.).

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