Occupational Safety and Health Act or OSHA Has Been Gazette On The 25 February 1994 by The Malaysian Parliament

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Occupational Safety and Health Act or OSHA has been gazette on the 25

February 1994 by the Malaysian Parliament. In classes we have been introduced

about OSHA regarding its act, regulation, code of practice and more. There also had
4W1H (What, When, Who, Why and How) concept been taught in class. To increase
student understanding about OSHA, our lecture had invite special guests from the
industry to give a talk and sharing their knowledge in OSHA.
First guest is Mr Azali bin Azmir. In my view, hes very well known in this
field. Been work in field regarding construction and safety, make him very expert in
his work. Early of his talk, he introducing two references books that he always use.
As he said, if we very determined to work in this field, these two books are very
important as guide.
Next, we be explained about HIRARC. HIRARC stand for H.I = Hazard
Identification, R.A = Risk Assessment, and R.C = Risk Control. We been told, HIRARC
is like a heart in every company or job related to OSHA. HIRARC is a process of
identifying any hazards begin, it is necessary to know how to classify what is
hazard, risk and danger. There also SWOT analysis that been applied in word SWOT
stand for Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Treat.
Of course, any field of work there will be problems and challenges. To
overcome these, Mr Azali explained us few method to reduce it. There are Solat and
Soul, Travelling, Rest, Eating, Sport and Sharing. And lastly in his slot, in any field of
work that we involve, it is just need determination, discipline, desire and devotion.
Second guest, we have Miss Fathin Aqilah. Her work more focus on
occupational health that most of her time working on the ship. Work environment on
board are not lot different than working on land. On the lower part of the ship, most
work are about monitoring the machinery and ship worker that works in there. On
upper part of ship, as health monitors, her work are monitoring health of the worker.
She explained that, its very important to make sure worker health and emotion
always in good condition. If not, it will affect the company performance.
As conclusion, as worker that supervising safety and health, we should able
to identify, assess and make a wise decision if there any problem related happen.
Appearance these two guests had open our eyes to the outside world relating the
scope of work as an employee who monitors the condition of other workers. In my
opinion awareness of safety in the workplace should be applied early, especially to
young engineers. By this, in the future, the safety and health of workers in the
future will be more secure

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