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ENGG 1010

Engineering Electronics

Course Information

The Instruction Team


! Prof. Aaron H.P. Ho (

! Office: SHB 227
! Phone: 2609-8279
! Email:
! Website:


! Cai Ran ( (2 tutorial groups)

! Lu, Haifei ( (1 tutorial group)
! Wan, Xi ( (1 tutorial group)

The class will be divided into 4 tutorial groups,

each of the 3 tutors will take care of his/her own
 ENGG 1010

Course Information
! Lectures:
! Wednesdays, 8:30am-10:15am
! Fridays, 8:30am-9:15am

! Tutorials:
! To be decided in first lecture

! Lecturers consultation hours

! Fridays, 9:30-11:30 am

! Tutors consultation hours

! Cai Ran: Mondays, 12:30 pm 2:30 pm

! Lu Haifei : Mondays, 10:00 am 12:00 pm
! Wan Xi : Mondays, 10:00 am 12:00 pm

! Course Web-page:
 ENGG 1010

Main Text Books

1.! Physics, 1st Ed, by Alan Giambattista, Betty

Richardson, Robert Richardson, MacGraw Hill,

ISBN: 0-07-128666-7 (Electricity and Magnetism)

2.! Principles and Applications of Electrical

Engineering, 4th or 5th Ed., by Giorgio Rizzoni,
McGraw Hill ISBN: 0-07-246347-3 (Electronic

 ENGG 1010

Other Reference Resources

1.! Most electronic engineering and
physics text books may contain
similar materials
2.! Websites & Internet search engines

 ENGG 1010

Lecture Presentation Style

!! Prime objectives: help you understand laws,

principles, how devices work and their
!! PowerPoint slides
!! Promote an interactive atmosphere
!! Introduce examples and demonstrations
wherever possible
!! Be prepared for in-class questions/quizzes
from me
!! Avoid use of cell phones
!! Avoid frequent talking/noise generation
 ENGG 1010


Course syllabus

Introduction: Short History, World of Electronics; Electric Current and

Potential; Ohms Law, Kirchoffs Laws, Resistor Networks; Electrostatics:
Electric Field, Coulombs Law, Capacitors, Electrical Reactance, Electrostatic
Device and Machine Examples; Magnetism: Force on Moving Charges,
Amperes Law, Biot-Savart Law, Cyclotron, Hall Effect; Electromagnetism:
Faradays Law, Inductance, Transformers; Resonant Circuits, Electromagnetic
Device and Machine Examples; Sensors and Actuators; Motors and Power
Generators and Three-phase Power Transmission; Instrumentation and
Measurement Circuits

Key Features:

! Historical Background
! Circuit Analysis
! Principles of Electricity and Magnetism,
Examples of Components, Devices and Machines
! Electromagnetism, Examples of Components,
Devices and Machines
! Sensors and Actuators
! Power Generation, Machines and Transmission
! Measurement and Instrumentation
 ENGG 1010


Introduction: Short History, World of Electronics; Electric Current
and Potential; Ohms Law, Kirchoffs Laws, Resistor Networks


Electrostatics: Electric Field, Coulombs Law, Capacitors, Electrical

Reactance, Electrostatic Device and Machine Examples


Magnetism: Force on Moving Charges, Amperes Law, Biot-Savart

Law, Cyclotron, Hall Effect


Mid-term Exam (Wednesday, 29 Feb 2012, 8:30 10:00 am)

Electromagnetism: Faradays Law, Inductance, Transformers;
Resonant Circuits, Electromagnetic Device and Machine Examples

9 13

Sensors and Actuators; Motors and Power Generators and Threephase Power Transmission; Instrumentation and Measurement
Course Revision (Last lecture of the course)
 ENGG 1010

Supplementary Notes
! New information or materials might be brought in to
help you understand course materials. These new
contents will be presented in ENGG 1010
Supplementary Notes ppt files and updated on
Moodle periodically.
! Tutorial presentations will also be posted on Moodle
from time to time.

 ENGG 1010

Course Assessment Scheme

! Assignments: 10%

! A set of TWO assignments to be posted on ENGG 1010 course webpage

through MOODLE during the course of the teaching period (i.e. due
dates: 5:00 pm of (i) Friday 17 Feb 2012, (ii) 23 Mar 2012)
! Reference solutions of selected questions and all numerical answers will
be released on course webpage after due date


Late submissions of assignments will not be accepted

Design Project: 15% (details on next slide)
Random Quiz: 5%
FIVE in-class random quizzes with each carrying 1%
Midterm Exam: 20% (covers 1st half of course contents, detailed scope
will be announced a week before mid-term exam)
8:30am - 10:00am (90 minutes) on Wednesday, 29 Feb 2012
Final Exam: 50%
2 hours, full course contents, details to be announced at

Design Project (slide #1)

! Objective: To encourage innovative application of course

contents to solving practical problems!
! Title (2011-12): Design a PORTABLE and
AUTONOMOUS device or system for collection and
utilization of renewable energy!

! Submit a report on your proposed device (max 5 pages)!

! Format: (i) Title of proposed device/system, (ii) Background
+ survey of similar devices/systems, (iii) Principle of
operation + explanation on why the proposed idea works
better, (iv) Quantitative performance analysis, (v) Possible
economic and/or business benets in terms of cost of
production, commercialization potential, environmental
impact etc.!
 ENGG 1010

Design Project (slide #2)

! Marking criteria: (i) Innovation and feasibility, (ii) Survey of

existing technologies, (iii) Signs of applying ENGG1010
contents, (iv) Demonstration of good numerical skills in the
design and analysis, (v) Report presentation!
! Submission deadline: 5:00 pm Thursday 5 April 2012!

! Prizes: (i) To encourage your participation, (ii) To recognize

your commitment towards innovation !
Gold (HK$500 book token)!
Silver (HK$300 book token) !
Bronze (HK$100)!

! There will be 45 minute sharing session by the prize winners

(10 minute each), plus discussion/comments from lecturer to
ensure students are well aware of the key concepts of
innovative product design!
 ENGG 1010

! ..

 ENGG 1010

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