Best Microcurrent Techniques

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Best Microcurrent Techniques:

Technique Descriptions
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While the protocols you will receive in this series will sometimes list acupuncture needle uses,
needling techniques will not be described here, as it is assumed that the reader either already is
familiar with them or can learn those elsewhere.
These microcurrent electro-acupuncture techniques are divided into two categories probe and
pad therapies:
Microcurrent Probes:
These are wands that pass electrical microcurrents through the tips. The red switch you see on
the lower probe in this picture is used to start and stop the flow of treatment currents.

In many quality microcurrent devices, the probe electrodes can perform two functions
searching and treating. In search mode, the probes act as acupuncture point locators, and give
visual and audio indications when they are over maximally conductive acupuncture points,
sometimes displaying a numerical reading expressing excess or deficiency. When the probe
button is pressed, the probes switch over to treatment mode, in which currents are passed
through the probe tips into the body for the length of time set on the device timer. This rapid
alternation between searching and treatment is very useful for accurate, effective pain relief
In the protocols that follow, I will be referring to two main forms of probe treatment biphasic
and polarized. These refer to the electrical polarity orientation of the probes, an extremely
important factor in producing good results. Polarity refers to knowing which probe is negative

(stimulating, putting electrical energy into the point) or positive (sedating, drawing electrical
energy out of the point).
Biphasic means that the polarity of the probes alternates, or switches back and forth every few
seconds. Polarized means that the probes stay fixed on their polarity positions, with one staying
negative and one staying positive throughout the treatment. As you will see in the following
protocols, proper use of polarity is a very important factor.
Pad Electrodes:
These are the more traditional electro-stim pads that have been used with TENS units,
interferential stimulator and other such devices. Unlike probes, pad electrodes flood a larger
region of the body with therapeutic currents. This picture shows the very useful style of pad
treatments called interferential. This involves two pairs of pads, with the pairs set to different
frequencies that, when mixed in the body, produce deeply acting interference fields.

Pads can deliver either high-intensity milliamp currents that produce noticeable tingling or muscle
pulsations, or low-intensity microamps (microcurrents), which are generally sub-sensational.
In many of the protocols that follow, Ill suggest doing brief probe treatments for rapid pain relief
or other acupuncture-style treatments, followed by a longer period of pad stimulation. Pad
treatments can be attended or unattended.
Color Light Therapy
There is a significant advantage to adding color light therapy to acupuncture or microcurrent
treatments. Visible light represents a much higher frequency level of electro-magnetic energy
than electrical stimulation or needles produce, and can evoke much more targeted effects on
Organs, glands, meridians and sense organ treatments. Color therapy also often offers greatly
increased responses for pain relief over acupuncture or microcurrent alone. Color light can be

added to treatments as a separate step, or can be applied simultaneously through Microlight

(microcurrent and color light) combination probe system.

One reason for the effectiveness boost of color light is the effect of colors on the emotional body.
It has been estimated by prominent chronic pain researchers that 75% of chronic pain is
emotionally based. Colors of light help ease emotional imbalance through activation and
balancing of the chakras. This can happen through both direct and indirect treatments. While
applying appropriate colors and microcurrent right over chakras is most impactful, the application
of color to acu-points anywhere on the body can have significant balancing effects through the
Living Matrix.
Probe Techniques

1) Circling the Dragon This is the use of two microcurrent treatment probes set to biphasic
(back and forth) polarity, placed close together on the body to bracket areas of localized pain.
Typical treatment time per body area is 1 3 minutes to relieve pain, release trigger points and
improve range of motion. Pain relieving effects are enhanced by use of blue or purple light.

2) Polarized Probes This is the use of treatment probes with fixed polarity, for local and distal
acupuncture point placements, including stimulation of auricular or Korean hand points. Can

cause dramatic pain releases and is effective for meridian balancing for systemic effects.

The main difference between the use of these techniques is that Circling the Dragon uses probes
that are close together for local treatment only, while Polarized is all about local and distal
placement, similar to many good acupuncture treatments.
3) Auricular Micro-Macro One of my favorite techniques because it is so simple and works so
amazingly well. For this one,

polarized probes are used, with the + probe on the painful or diseased body part, and the
probe on the auricular or Korean hand point that corresponds to that area. Treatment results are
even more enhanced with addition of color light therapy.
4) Microcurrent Mu-Shu technique Also using polarized probes, apply the positive probe onto
the Front-Mu point of a targeted Organ, and the negative probe onto the associated Back-Shu
point. Treatment time is about 30 seconds per set of Mu-Shu points. Color light probe usage
will greatly augment the effectiveness of this technique, for color is literally food for organs (i.e.
the Five Element theory). Ive experienced remarkable responses when adding a few minutes of
this technique into pain, addiction or internal disease treatments. A similar method can also be
used to treat chakras. For the Heart chakra, do not use electrical stim, use light only.

Mu (Alarm) Points

Shu (Associated) Points

5) Reverse Body Image/Great Loops Also using Polarized Probes, apply the positive probe on
a local area of pain, place the negative probe on a tender point on the opposite aspect of the
body. For example, for shoulder pain, place + probe on shoulder and probe on tender point on
opposite hip.

Pad Electrode Techniques

1) Interferential (IF) This creates a much broader stimulation pattern for large joints and body
regions. Used for acute or chronic pain, neuropathy or post-exercise soreness. Interferential
treatment can be applied with high (milliamp) or low (microcurrent) treatment currents. Milliamps
are generally used for acute pain and injuries and edema, and microcurrent for subacute or
chronic pain and peripheral neuropathies.
2) Kinetic Electro-Therapy This is another of my favorite microcurrent therapies, again
because it is so simple, elegant and really works. For this, simply place the four pads around an
injured or painful area, start the current flow, and then get the area in motion. This can be done
in many ways. Here are some examples:

Patient moves joint through range of motion (active motion)

Practitioner moves area for them (passive motion)

Bodywork is administered, such as tuina, sotai, manipulation, traction, etc.

Again, all of these are done while the current is flowing through the muscles and fascia. This is a
prime rehabilitation technique, and is applicable for a wide range of patient conditions.

3) Electro-Massage The practitioners hands become living electrodes in this method. Set up
4 pad interferential treatments by
placing one pad from

each set on the patients body to bracket the region of pain or dysfunction, and place the other
pads from each set on the back of the practitioners hands. Wet the body and start the current,
and then apply massage, trigger point release, acu-pressure, friction or any other applicable
bodywork style. This supercharges the results of bodywork, and tight and restricted areas
release more quickly and easily. A labor-saving technique!


Best Microcurrent Techniques: Severe

Low Back Pain/Sciatica Protocol
1 Reply
Average # of treatments needed: Significant pain relief usually noted in first treatment, longterm carryover after 2 10 treatments, depending on severity.
Frequency of treatments: 2 3 times/week
Physical symptoms: Chronic pain in the low back, sacro-iliac region or hip, with or without
radiation down legs
Acupuncture: As an adjunct to the following microlight techniques, apply needles to some or all
of these distal points: K3, UB 40 or 58, with sciatica use Ling Ku combination (R. Tan) Ling Ku,
Da Bai, Zong Bai extra points on back of hand on opposite side of body from sciatic radiation.
Apply auricular ear seeds or ASP intradermal needles for ongoing relief into some of these
auricular points: Low Back, Zero, Shenmen, Cingular Gyrus, affected spinal zone on anthelix

Microlight Method: Use the following microcurrent electro-acupuncture techniques in

sequence, testing pain level and pain-free range of motion after each technique. In this case
testing means asking the patient to move in a way that elicits the pain. This can take the form of
sitting down and standing up, bending the body, twisting the body, etc. Total treatment time
required: 16 minutes, up to half can be unattended.
Technique #1: Circling The Dragon use microcurrent probe local technique to treat local ahshi points in the area of pain preferably with simultaneous Blue or Purple color light. Time
required: 2 minutes, attended
Technique #2: Auricular Micro-Macro create polarized circuit between epicenter of pain and
corresponding auricular point using polarized microcurrent probes, preferably with simultaneous
Blue or Purple color light. Time required: 2 minutes, attended
Technique #3: Reverse Body Image create polarized circuit between affected low back pain
area and corresponding RBI points in upper chest. Time required: 2 minutes, attended. If there
is radiation down leg, add circuit between radiation area and relevant acu-points on back of
opposite hand, and low back and distal leg points. Use + polarity on pain area, polarity on
distal points.
Technique #4: Interferential flooding treatment unattended therapy using four microcurrent
pad electrodes to surround affected area, including radiation down leg. May be used with
simultaneous sotai, tuina, manipulation or therapeutic exercise. Time required: 10 minutes, most
of it unattended
Long-term treatment results can be enhanced by adding root Internal treatment using
microcurrent and color light Mu-Shu treatment or PNE chakra balancing.
Microcurrent settings used:
Intensity: 75 A
Hz: 10 5
Waveform: Square
Mode: 2:1
Polarity: Biphasic, then Polarized
Timer: 6 seconds per cycle
Color Light: Blue or Purple for severe pain
Intensity: 100 A
Hz: 0.3 100 Hz

Waveform: Sine, Slope

Mode: Ramp Hz
Polarity: Biphasic
Timer: 10 minutes
Milliamp-microamp combination therapy can improve results in more severe cases.
Other relevant therapies: Therapeutic yoga and physical therapy, chiropractic manipulation,
herbal linaments and internal constitutional formulas

Best Microcurrent Techniques:

Fibromyalgia protocol
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Average # of treatments needed: Significant temporary pain relief usually noted in first
treatment, long-term carryover common after 3 10 treatments
Frequency of treatments: 2 times/week is best
Physical symptoms: Persistent pain 11 18 body areas, usually accompanied by insomnia,
mood swings, digestive problems or depression/anxiety.

Use Four-Step process for best results (see Microcurrent Electro-Acupuncture book,
section III). The origin of FMS is generally Liver-Spleen disharmony, caused by repressed
anger, lack of life fulfillment, high stress and worry, poor diet, over-use of medical or
recreational drugs.
Consider nutritional deficiencies, viral etiologies
Meridian balance Often treated for this condition: SI 3/UB 62 or Manakas Cross
Syndrome: TW 5-/GB 41+ (left) and Pc 6-/Sp 4+ (right). With pronounced Liver symptoms

substitute Liv 3 for Sp 4. When insomnia and nervous system disorders predominate, use
Sp 4

Step Two: Treat corresponding back-shu points or tender points on UB, SI or GB

channels, use microcurrent mu-shu.

Gentle stretching, hydration, movement essential

Color Light chakra therapies very beneficial for core aspects

Basic acu-points: St 36 (-),Sp 6 (-), Pc 6 (+), TW 5 (+), Lv 3(+),Sp 21(+). Disperse local
ah-shi points on tender zones (use positive current over ah-shi, negative on St 36, Ren 6 or
associated back shu points. Add other points according to symptoms. An excellent guide
for acu-point and herbal recommendations is The Treatment of Modern Western Diseases
With Chinese Medicine available from Blue Poppy Press.
Also consider auricular Master points. Shenmen, Stress Control, Tranquilizer Blue Violet or
Indigo. Point Zero, Master Oscillation, Master Cerebral, Endocrine, Thalamus- Green. See
diagram above.

Colors Green (Balance brain, body), Orange (decongestant, antispasmodic), Blue (antiinflammatory, pineal stimulant), Violet (tranquilizer, aids sleep)

Settings used:
Probes: Intensity: 75 A
Hz: 10 5
Waveform: Square
Mode: 2:1
Polarity: Biphasic, then Polarized
Timer: 6 seconds per cycle
Color Light: Blue or Purple for pain, Magenta, Green or Violet for emotional healing, other colors
may be indicated through kinesiology
Other relevant therapies: Acupuncture, dietary therapies, core emotional healing, parasite, liver
and kidney cleanses and internal constitutional formulas

Best Microcurrent Techniques: Bells

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Microcurrent has been very effective for this condition, especially when treatment is started in the
early stages of the condition.
The main priority is to use microcurrent probes electrodes to treat the origins and insertions of
the facial muscles. Consult an anatomy book for guidance on these placements. Combining
with acupuncture needling is usually the most effective treatment. Use current intensities that are
high enough to cause a tickling or very mild stinging sensation. Color light also increases

Needle some of the following indicated facial points, then use microcurrent biphasic
probes to connect points in sets of two: St 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, Ren 24, shangchengjiang, LI 20,
SI 18, yuyao, TW 17 Use high intensity up to 600, 30 Hz, Mod Square waveform, then

Follow with polarized microcurrent probes to connect facial points with distal points: LI 4,
Lu 7, St 36, St 40, St 44, GB 20, GB 41. Use Du 20 to pull up the yang

Auricular points: Face, cheeks, forehead, thalamus, zero, shenmen

Colors Green (rebuilds muscles and tissues). For long-standing cases, rebuild the sensory
nervous system with Lemon (chronic alterative) plus Yellow for 2 weeks (stimulate nervous
system), then Lemon and Orange for 4 weeks (tissue stimulant), then Lemon and Red for six
weeks (stimulate sensory nervous system)

If the patient stops progressing, you can apply a brief pad stimulation with milliamp currents kept
to very gentle intensity settings. I like the current called Russian Stimulation for this purpose.
Turn it up very gradually to avoid uncomfortable levels of stimulation.

Best Microcurrent Techniques: Plantar

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This is a painful condition of the foot that is hard to treat because all the body weight is on the
feet, preventing rest and healing. Conventional medical treatment involves rest, NSAIDS, ice and
physical therapy, and the prognosis is usually improvement after about 2 months of therapy.
Relief can be obtained more quickly using microcurrents and acupuncture.
In my opinion, it is important to think of this as a lower body condition, not just a foot condition.
When the Qi is coursing freely through the legs it is unlikely that this condition would develop.
Needling points around the heel and proximal points on the Kidney and Urinary Bladder
meridians. Plum-blossom needling can relieve pain try tapping along the pathways of affected
Microcurrent Probes
I suggest using these techniques in sequence:
Circling the Dragon use biphasic microcurrent to surround painful zone by searching and
treating sets of acu-points.
Polarized probes There are several very useful local-distal acupoint placements:
1. + probe on proximal acu-points up leg, probe on painful foot points on related meridians
2. + probe on sacro-iliac joint area (tender points), probe on painful heel points
3. + probe on painful foot points, probe on heel of opposite hand. Dr. Tan lists two very
useful extra points Mu Guan and Gu Guan, tender points just distal to the wrist crease on the
palmar aspect of the hand. You find these points by palpation.

Auricular micro-macro Using polarized probes, try placing the + probe on the painful foot areas,
and the probe (using small auricular probe tip) on the Heel point of the ear on the same side of
the body.
Pads with exercise
After doing the above techniques, surround the foot with microcurrent pad electrodes, preferably
interferential 4-pad placement. While the current is being applied, have the patient do these
#1: Patient leans forward against a wall with one knee straight and heel on the ground. The
other knee is bent. The heel cord and foot arch stretch while the patient is leaning. Hold for 10
seconds, relax and straighten up. Repeat 20 times for each sore heel.
#2: Lean forward onto a countertop, spreading feet apart with one foot in front of the other. Flex
knees and squat down, keeping heels on the ground as long as possible. The heel cords and
foot arches will stretch as the heels come up in the stretch. Hold for 10 seconds, relax and
straighten up. Repeat 20 times.
This is a prime example of the power of stretching and mobilization with simultaneous
microcurrent. This form of combination therapy can be applied anywhere on the body that
rehabilitation and neuro-muscular healing is needed, and will greatly accelerate the process.

Best Microcurrent Techniques: Jet Lag

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This is not a microcurrent treatment at all, but Im happy to pass it onto you, as it has spared me
a lot of discomfort after international flights!
To do this, you need to know the Horary points of acupuncture. Those are the points on each
meridian that are of the same element as the meridian. These points are:
Lu 8, LI 1, St 36, Sp 3, Ht 8, SI 5, UB 66, Ki 10, Pc 8, TW 6, GB 41, Lv 1
You also need to know the Chinese Clock. You will hold the two bilateral horary points for the
time, as follows:
1 3 AM: Lv 1
3 5 AM: Lu 8
5 7 AM: LI 1

7 9 AM: St 36
9 11 AM: Sp 3
11 AM 1 PM: Ht 8
1 PM 3 PM: SI 5
3 PM 5 PM: UB 66
5 PM 7 PM: Ki 10
7 PM 9 PM: Pc 8
9 PM 11 PM: TW 6
11 PM 1 AM: GB 41
Here are the steps of treatment:
1. While starting your trip, note the time where you are and the time at your destination. The
GPS displays frequently shown on international flights will display this information periodically.
Start by holding the bilateral Horary points for the embarkation time zone for about 3 5
2. Every two hours, check the time and hold the indicated points for that time. For the first 2
hours, use the points for the embarkation time zone.
3. Once you are halfway through the flight, start holding the Horary points for the destination
time zone, and continue with that for the rest of the flight.
You usually dont sleep well on those flights anyway, so heres something useful to do that will
really reduce feeling out of sorts.

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