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Walt Pavlo is a contributor to where he writes

about white-collar crime. He is the co-author of Stolen
Without A Gun, which he co-wrote with Neil Weinberg
(Reporter at Bloomberg LP). Mr. Pavlos story has been a part
of training programs at the Federal Bureau of Investigation,
major corporations and top ranked MBA programs across the
Walt Pavlo is the founder and President of the software
company, Prisonology, which is exclusive licensed to law
firms representing clients indicted on federal criminal
charges. He is also an adjunct professor at Endicott Colleges Van Loan School teaching
graduate level classes in Finance and Ethics. Mr. Pavlo is a nationally recognized speaker on
white-collar crime, ethics and federal prison. He specializes in helping future leaders, corporate
leaders and employees understand how fraud starts within an organization by providing insight
into the motivations of perpetrators and the opportunities they see when they commit crimes
within a company.
Mr. Pavlo was recruited by the Federal Bureau of Investigation to lead training and discussions
on financial fraud in the corporate environment in order to create awareness that fraud can exist
in any workplace. His case has been cited in numerous textbooks and periodicals as a classic
story of how a lack of proper mentoring and support within an organization can lead to poor
decisions. His story has been featured on ABC Nightline, The Katie Couric Show, NBC Today
Show and most recently in the documentary film (Dis)Honesty based on Dan Arielys studies in
behavioral science.
Mr. Pavlo earned his B.S. in Industrial Engineering from West Virginia University and his MBA
in Finance from Mercer University.

Twitter: @Prisonology
Phone: 201-362-1208

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