Toast Master Osteoporosis

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a. Leader
b. Moderator
c. First table topic speaker
d. First speaker
e. Second speaker
f. Speech evaluator
g. Grammarian
h. Ah-counter
i. Time keeper

: Made Ayu Rismayanthi

: I Gede Agus Putra Aditya
: Ni Putu Sintha Devi Suardianti
: Ni Putu Restu Dwi Krisnanda Cahyani
: Ni Komang Ayu Widyari Putri
: Dewa Ayu Alit Darmayani
: I Komang Triwirama
: I Gusti Ayu Putu Nila Adhiliani
: Ni Luh Putu Puspa Dewi




Good morning ladies and gentlemen. How are you today? I hope you
stay happy and cute like me.
First I want to say thanks to the god for blessing us. In this special
day let me introduce myself. My name is Risma. I had opportunity to
be came leader in this toastmaster.
In this special day, we have interesting topic about Osteoporosis. I
believe all of us know about Osteoporosis. And know I will describe
about our topic.
Osteoporosis becomes more prevalent with increasing age, as bone is
lost progressively throughout adult life. The very elderly are rarely
assessed and treated for osteoporosis and low bone density, despite
significant potential benefits. Very elderly who are mobile and in
reasonable health should discuss with their doctor ways to improve
their bone health, and whether they need specific tests and treatment
for osteoporosis. Very elderly people who live in aged care
establishments can be in poor health and less mobile. Many people in
this group have osteoporosis or low bone density, and a high fracture

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To discuss the topic more specificly I give the time to our moderator
in the toastmaster today. He is Adit.
For moderator, the time is yours.

Thank you for the time Mrs. Risma as our leader.

Good morning everybody.
Thank you for the chance given to me. In this nice occasion, I feel
very proud to be given a chance as a moderator for our meeting
I would like to deliver my grateful to the almighty God, Ida Sang
Hyang Widhi Wasa, who bestows us, so we are able to held this
meeting. And I would like to say thank you to all of the participants
who could attend today.
Before we starting our meeting, let me introduce the members of our
meeting today. The first one is me, Adit as the moderator who will
guide you in this meeting. The second we have table topic speaker
and she is Sintha. The next we have two adorable speaker who will
deliver a topic entitled Osteoporosis and they are Cahyani and Ayu.
The next is Deo as speech evaluator. Wirama the eighth member as
our grammarian and Nila as ah-counter in this meeting. And the last
but not the least is Puspa as time keeper.
Ok, for not wasting the time, let us start our discussion directly. Now
for the time keeper, please limit the speakers time to speech. For the
time keeper, the time is yours.

Time keeper

Thank you moderator. Good morning. Im Puspa as time keeper of

this discussion. I would like to give time limit for all speaker.
Leader : I give you...minutes to deliver your argument
Moderator : I give you...minutes to guide our meeting today
Table topic speaker : I give you...minutes to deliver your argument
Speaker : I give you...minutes to deliver your argument
Speech evaluator : I give you...minutes to evaluate the speaker
Grammarian : I give you...minutes to analyze the grammar used by
the speaker
Ah-counter : I give you...minutes to correction about how many ah,
eh, emm that said by all the meetings members
Thats all about the time limit, I return back the time to the


Thank you time keeper. Now lets start our discussion today. The
definition of Osteoporosis is a condition that affects bone strength
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(the word osteoporosis literally means "porous bones"). Bone is

made of tough, elastic fibers (collagen fibers) and gritty, hard
material (minerals). It is a living tissue and contains cells that make,
mould and take back up (resorb) bone. Initially, as you grow, bone
forms faster than it is resorbed. But, as you get older, this reverses.
As a result, from about the age of 35, you start to lose a certain
amount of bone material overall. Your bones become less dense and
less strong. The amount of bone loss can vary. If you have a lot of
bone loss then you have 'thinning' of the bones (osteoporosis). If you
have osteoporosis, your bones can break more easily than normal,
especially if you have an accident such as a fall. If you have a milder
degree of bone loss, this is known as osteopenia.
Thats all about the definition of Osteoporosis, now lets we hear
about the symptoms and factors that cause osteoporosis. For the table
topic speaker, the time is yours.

Table topic speaker

Thank you moderator. Good morning everybody, thank you for the
chance that has given to me. Im Sintha as the table topic speaker
would like to tell you about the cause of osteoporosis in elderly.
The leading cause of osteoporosis is a lack of certain hormones,
particularly estrogen in women and androgen in men. Women,
especially those older than 60 years of age, are frequently diagnosed
with the disease. Menopause is accompanied by lower estrogen
levels and increases a woman's risk for osteoporosis. Other factors
that may contribute to bone loss in this age group include inadequate
intake of calcium and vitamin D, lack of weight-bearing exercise,,
and other age-related changes in endocrine functions (in addition to
lack of estrogen).
Other conditions that may lead to osteoporosis include overuse of
corticosteroids (Cushing syndrome), thyroid problems, lack of
muscle use, bone cancer, certain genetic disorders, use of certain
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medications, and problems such as low calcium in the diet.

Thats all about the cause of osteoporosis. I return back the time to
the moderator.

OK. Give applause for our table topic speaker. Thank you Sintha to
tell us the cause of osteoporosis. Now, I would like to invite Cahyani
as first speaker and Ayu as second speaker to tell us about our topic
today about osteoporosis like leader said before. For speakers, the
time is yours.

First speaker

Thank you moderator. Good morning everybody, thank you for the
chance that has given to me. Im Risma as first speaker would like to
tell you about the medical treatment for osteoporosis. And listen to
me please.
Treatment for osteoporosis focuses on slowing down or stopping the
mineral loss, increasing bone density, preventing bone fractures, and
controlling the pain associated with the disease.
Some 40% of women will experience a broken bone (fracture) due to
osteoporosis during their lifetime. In those who have a vertebral
fracture (in their back), one in five will suffer another vertebral
fracture within one year. This condition potentially leads to more
fractures. This is called a "fracture cascade." The goal of treatment is
to prevent fractures.

Diet: Young adults should be encouraged to achieve normal

peak bone mass by getting enough calcium (1,000 mg daily)
in their diet (drinking milk or calcium-fortified orange juice
and eating foods high in calcium such as salmon), performing
weight-bearing exercise such as walking or aerobics
(swimming is aerobic but not weight-bearing), and
maintaining normal body weight.

Specialists: People who have spinal, hip, or wrist fractures

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should be referred to a bone specialist (called an orthopedic

surgeon) for further management. In addition to fracture
management, these people should also be referred to a
physical and occupational therapist to learn ways to exercise
safely. For example, someone with spinal fractures would
avoid touching their toes, doing sit-ups, or lifting heavy
weights. Many types of doctors treat osteoporosis, including
internists, generalists, family physicians, rheumatologists,
endocrinologists, and others.

Exercise: Lifestyle modification should also be incorporated

into your treatment. Regular exercise can reduce the
likelihood of bone fractures associated with osteoporosis.

Studies show that exercises requiring muscle to pull

on bones causes the bones to retain, and perhaps even
gain, density.

Researchers found that women who walk a mile a day

have four to seven more years of bone in reserve than
women who don't.

Some of the recommended exercises include weightbearing exercise, riding stationary bicycles, using
rowing machines, walking, and jogging.

Before beginning any exercise program, make sure to

review your plan with your doctor.

Thats all about the treatment for osteoporosis and the way to prevent
would be explained by our second speaker. I return back the time to
the moderator.

Give big applause for our first speaker. Thank you Cahyani for your
speech and that was a incredible speech from Cahyani. Now lets we
hear an explanation about the way to prevent of osteoporosis in
elderly from second speaker. For the second speaker, the time is
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Second Speaker

Thank you moderator. Good morning everybody, thank you for the
chance that has given to me. Im Ayu as second speaker would like
to tell you about the way to prevent of osteoporosis in elderly. And
listen to me please.
Many of the things that raise your chances for osteoporosis are things
you cant change, like your genes, your age, and your sex. But that
doesnt mean you cant prevent the disease. Some ways to prevent
osteoporosis are :
1. Eat your veggies
Its true that dairy products are rich in calcium, but thats not
the only source of the bone-building mineral. Leafy green
vegetables in particular are packed not only with calcium, but
with vitamin K which has been shown to increase bone
density and reduce the likelihood of fractures. Just a cup of
kale contains nearly 10 percent of the daily recommended
calcium intake and over 600 percent of the daily value of
vitamin K.
2. Get some rays
While calcium is necessary to build and maintain strong
bones, its vitamin D that aids in its absorption. If youre not
getting enough vitamin D your bones could become weak,
brittle, and even misshapen. A combination of vitamin D and
calcium is necessary to prevent osteoporosis in older adults.
Sunlight helps produce vitamin D in your body and the NIH
suggests as little as 10-15 minutes of sun exposure just 3
times a week will give you adequate amounts.
3. Eat plenty of nuts
Nuts can be considered a super food when it comes to bone
health and fighting osteoporosis. They contain calcium and
protein which are both essential to strong bones. Older people
with hip fractures often have protein deficiencies, which
cause loss of bone mass. A cup of almonds and brazil nuts
contains 385 mg and 213 mg of calcium respectively, while a
cup of skim milk contains just under 300 mg. Plus, many nuts
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contain potassium which helps prevent calcium loss in urine.

4. Get moving
You may have made a New Years resolution to lose weight,
but heres the silver lining. Weight-bearing exercises not only
help you build muscle and lose weight, they help you keep
your bones strong too. With activities like walking, jogging,
or climbing stairs, you can strengthen your bone tissue which
you start to lose in midlife. Studies have shown resistance
exercises can help post-menopausal women maintain bone







coordination, and stability which can all work to prevent falls

and fractures.
Thats all about the way to prevent dengue fever. I return back the
time to the moderator.

Give applause for our second speaker. Thank you Ayu for your
speech and to tell us about the way to prevent osteoporosis.
The next I will invite our speech evaluator to give an evaluation. And
for the speech evaluator, Deo the time is yours.

Speech evaluator

Thank you moderator. Good morning everybody, thank you for the
chance that has given to me. Im Deo as speech evaluator would like
to give evaluation about our topic today.
---------------------------------Thats all about evaluation of osteoporosis as our topic today. I return
back the time to the moderator.


Give applause for Deo and thank you for your evaluation.
This is the time for the grammarian to give suggestion on the using
of grammar of the speaker just now. And for the grammarian,
Wirama the time is yours.


Thank you for the chance given to me. Im Wirama as grammarian

for this meeting. Now I would like to give my correction and
suggestion on the using of grammar of the speaker just now.
--------------------------------I think thats all about my correction and some suggestions for using
of grammar. I want to apologize if there are something wrong that I
said. Thank you for your attention and I will bring back the time to
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Big thanks for the correction Wirama and give applause.

Next ah-counter, this the time for you to report about how many ah,
eh, emm that said by all the meetings members and also report your
counting of the time that used by all the member. And for Nila the
time is yours.


Thank you for the chance given to me. Im Nila as ah-counter for this
meeting. Now I would like to give my correction about how many
ah, eh, emm that said by all the meetings members.
--------------------------------------Thats all from me, later I hope that the used of these word can be
reduced over time, I return back to the moderator.


I hope that so. Thank you for ah-counter. Give applause to our ahcounter. Then lets hear how many times spent by all of speaker here.
For the time keeper the time is yours.

Time keeper

Okay, thank you for the chance given to me. Im Puspa as a Timer.
Now I want to report about that spending in this event.
This meeting start the leader and followed by a little
information about topic for...minutes.
The moderator had spent...minutes.
The table topic speaker had spent...minutes.
The speaker had spent...minutes to describe the topic.
The speech evaluator...minutes to evaluate the speaker.
The grammarian...minutes to evaluate the grammer.
The ah-counter....minutes to evaluate all of members.
I think thats all. Thank you for your attention, and the time return to


Thank you so much for the table topic speaker, speaker who already
explained our material today, thanks for speech evaluator and
grammarian, your evaluation will be useful for us, thanks for the
time keeper to limit the time and thank you for the ah-counter. Our
discussion is over right now and may I give the leader to close this
discussion. Thank you.


Ok. Give big applause to our toastmaster today. Thats all about our
topic today. I hope this topic be useful for everyone. Thank you so
much for your attention. See you in next toastmaster and have a nice
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