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Table of Contents

Things To Do Before Surgery.................3

Day Of ORBERA Placement..........................4
Day One Thru Seven Post-Placement.4
Low Carbohydrate Protein Supplements.....5
Day 8 Thru Day 15 Post Placement.....6-7
Multivitamin And Mineral Supplements.....8
Day 16 Thru Remainder Of Time With ORBERA....9-10
USDAs Myplate...11
Warning Signs and ORBERA Removal12
Goal Of The Week Worksheet..13
Meal Plan Worksheet.....14
Post-Operative Grocery List..15
Stock Your Fridge With The Good Stuff..16
Grocery List Worksheet.....17
How To Read A Nutrition Facts Label..18
Label Reading and Understanding An Ingredient List......19
Portion Control.....20-21
What Counts As A Serving...22
Exercise For Better Health...23-24
Your Exercise Plan...27-28
What To Do When Youve Hit A Wall.29
Disordered Eating..30
Relapse Prevention Plan....31
Mindful Eating...32
Cooking With Herbs And Spices.....33-35
Healthy Fats...36
High Protein Foods....38
Eat This Not That..39
Rethink Your Drink..40-41
So You Want To Eat Out.42-46
Snacking For Weight Loss...47-48
Easy Recipes For Weight Loss.49-58
Shake Recipes......59-66

Orbera Intragastric balloon system is indicated for use as an adjunct to weight reduction for
adults with a BMI >/= to 30 and </= to 40. It is to be used in conjunction with a long-term
supervised diet and behavioral modification program designed to increase the possibility of
significant long-term weight loss and maintenance of that weight loss.
Orbera is ONLY a TOOL. It alone will not allow maximum weight loss. You are ultimately
responsible for your weight loss success & maintenance. The adjustments you make to your
eating habits and your continued efforts to stay active will greatly influence your results.
Orbera is intended to be in place for a maximum of 6 months; during that time and for the 6
months following placement, you will be followed closely by our medical staff, including our
physician, physicians assistant, nurses and dietitians.


1. Practice eating and drinking slowly. You will have to do this post-operatively to ensure
success, especially after transitioning back to solid foods. Take at least 15-20 minutes to eat
your meal. Practice taking small bites and chewing your food well.
2. Practice keeping a food journal. Journaling helps to keep you accountable for your nutritional
health. By tracking what you are eating and drinking, you will be able to better ensure that you
are getting proper nutrition without overeating. Journaling is a habit that is widely known to
improve weight loss success; its another tool to assist you in your weight loss journey.
3. Review dietary guidelines and have questions ready. The dietitians and other medical staff
members are here to help & support you in your journey. Read through this guide entirely
before surgery to help prepare you for your weight loss journey.
4. Start reading food labels. Familiarize yourself with which foods will help you on your weight
loss journey and which ones will not.
5. Be prepared to be inactive 48-72 hours post placement to allow your body to adjust to the
6. Arrange to have someone with you when you return home from the clinic.
7. Stock your kitchen with the necessary post-procedure foods and liquids as instructed by your
8. Do not eat or drink anything 12 hours prior to your procedure.
9. Keep in mind that this is a journey towards a healthier lifestyle. During the year long program,
you will learn to appreciate fresh fruits and vegetables, leans meats and whole grains while
getting away from processed foods and artificial ingredients.


Do not eat or drink anything 12 hours prior to your procedure.

You will be given medication to help with pain, nausea, vomiting and cramping. These
problems are normal and usually last 1-2 weeks while your body adjusts to the presence of the
balloon inside the stomach.
You will be given small amounts of clear liquids before you leave the surgery center, you can
continue this when you get home.
Be sure to collect your Patient ID card from the staff, this needs to be carried with you
whenever you leave the house to alert medical personnel to the presence of an intragastric
device in the case of an emergency.


Clear Liquids
o Low sodium broth, diluted fruit juices, sugar-free gelatin, coffee*, tea*
*limit caffeinated beverages to 1/day
o Warm liquids may be more comforting than cold ones
o Avoid carbonation, which can cause gas and bloating
Drink at least 8 glasses of liquid/day to keep yourself hydrated
o Drink normally, until you feel full (~ cup or more)
o Wait 3-4 hours before you start drinking again.
o Each time you drink, it increases gastric motility & therefore can also increase nausea &
o It will help you to be more comfortable if you stay upright 3-4 hours after drinking. If
you are resting, use a recliner.
You may have more nausea and vomiting as you become more active, if this occurs, cut back
on your activity. Walking and other light activities are all that are recommended for the first
two weeks. You should begin an exercise program two weeks post placement or when you feel
comfortable and ready.
Dont engage in any physical activity for the first 24-48 hours post placement to let your body
adjust to the balloon.


Full Liquids
o All of the clear liquids you were using before, plus: protein shakes, milk (skim or 1%),
light yogurt, low sodium low fat cream soups, sugar-free fat-free puddings, etc.
o As your body allows, you may drink unlimited amounts of sugar-free beverages (water,
Crystal Light, Sugar-free Kool-Aid, Propel Fitness Water, sugar-free popsicles, etc.)
throughout the day, but remember the tips about drinking mentioned above & pay close
attention for tolerance. Water and naturally sweetened beverages are your healthiest
options here.
o Please see the following chart for making your choice about protein shakes, our goal
would be for you to consume 1-2/day:

Low Carbohydrate Protein Supplements

Protein supplements may be added to water, Skim, 1% milk or soy/almond milk. When looking for a
protein shake, make sure it meets the nutritional guidelines but also that it tastes good to you.
To best determine if the protein supplement is acceptable, look for protein content of 25-30 grams, 710 grams of carbohydrate, and less than 200 calories.
Avoid supplements such as Boost, Edge, Ensure, and Slimfast or Slimfast Optima or protein
supplements that have greater than 10 grams of carbohydrate.
Protein shake options


%Daily Value of

2 scoops

Carb(g) Protein




*Bariatric Advantage
Protein powder
Pure Protein Plus powder

1 scoop





Designer Whey powder

2 scoops





Body by Vi (ViSalus

1 Scoop





Atkins Advantage






Labrada Lean Body For

Her packet

1 pkt





Premier Protein

1 bottle





Slimfast High Protein


1 bottle





Oh Yeah Protein Shake

1 bottle





EAS AdvantEdge shake

2 bottles





Cytosport Muscle Milk


1 bottle







*IBC recommended! Bariatric Advantage is available at Illinois Bariatric Center locations in

Champaign and Clinton, IL. It is sold individually and as a 35-serving bag. Flavors include Vanilla,
Chocolate, Strawberry, Banana, Iced Latte, Orange and Cookies n Crme. There is more information
about Bariatric Advantage and other products on our website, under


Soft/Blended Foods- the general rule of thumb is that everything should be soft enough to
smash with a spoon. If its not, then it should either be avoided or blended as per instructions
o Cut the food into very small pieces (nickel-sized)
o Place into a blender or food processor
o Add enough liquid to cover the blender blades (low sodium broth, low-fat gravy, lowfat salad dressings, etc.)
o Puree or blend until there are no solid chunks or lumps of food
o Measure out the correct portion for your meal and refrigerate any leftovers
Consume your foods slowly; each meal should take at least 15-20 minutes to eat but not longer
than 40 minutes.
Avoid foods that dont blend well or that are too high in sugar or fat.
Continue to consume at least 8 glasses of liquid per day, preferably not with meals.
Pay close attention to how you feel before, during and after meals. Keep in mind that it takes
our brain about 20 minutes to register that were full. A general rule of thumb is to eat until
youre 80% full. If you have any discomfort at the breastbone, this means that you may have
already eaten too much. Consuming too much food at one meal can increase your chances of
experiencing heartburn, vomiting and/or pain.
See the table on the following page re: which foods to choose & which foods to avoid:

Food Group
Choose low-sugar,
low-fat beverages.

Soups and Sauces

Choose low fat, low
sodium options when

Raw/Fresh veggies
may be added back to
diet one month postop

Choose Low-Fat or
Fat-Free products
when available

Raw/Fresh fruit may
be added back to diet
one month post-op

Meats, Fish,
Poultry, Cheese,
and Meat
Try meat salads
blended with low fat
mayo or nonfat Greek

Pasta & Potatoes

Limit to to cup
portion sizes.


Foods allowed
Try to avoid
Skim or 1% milk, Low fat & Sugar Free
Yogurt Smoothies, Protein
Supplements, Coffee/Tea
Diet/light fresh all natural fruit juices
Soy/almond milk/milk alternatives
Low-fat, low sodium cream Soups
(prepared with water or skim milk)
Vegetable or Broth-based soups
Soup-At-Hands, Chicken & Stars
Cream of Wheat, Malt-O-Meal
Soft Scrambled, Omelets, Poached
Low fat egg salad; egg whites

Thick chili or soups with large

pieces, Clam Chowder, Alfredo
sauce, corn chowder, bisques

Low Sodium canned vegetables

Well cooked fresh or frozen vegetables
Strained vegetables- baby food
Raw avocado

Raw or Fresh vegetables, any

vegetables that arent soft enough
to easily smash (cooked or raw)

Small amounts of low fat varieties of

Margarine, Butter Spray, Cream
Cheese, Mayonnaise, Salad Dressings,
Olive/Canola/Enova oils
Fruits canned in water or in their own
Well cooked fresh or frozen fruits
Unsweetened Applesauce
Ripe Bananas

2% or Whole milk, Chocolate

milk, Milkshakes, Eggnog,
Alcoholic beverages, Regular
Lemonade/fruit juices, Hot
chocolate, Carbonated drinks

All bread and cracker products.

All other cereals
Rubbery Scrambled and Hard

Large amounts of Regular or fullfat versions of Butter, Lard,

Mayonnaise, Sour Cream,
Margarine, Cream Cheese, Salad
Vegetable Shortenings
Raw or Fresh fruits (other than
ripe banana)
Any fruits that arent soft enough
to easily smash
Fruits canned in heavy syrup

Pureed Lean Beef, Pork, Ham, Chicken,

and Turkey
Strained Baby Meats
All types of fish (not fried)
Melted low-fat/fat-free shredded cheese,
Low-fat/ fat-free Cottage Cheese
Creamy Peanut Butter, PB2, Soft tofu,
Nonfat or low fat yogurt

Fried Meats and Fish

Bacon, Duck, Salami, Sausage,
Frankfurters, Bologna
Cheese dips and spreads
Tough meats & meat with gristle

Macaroni and Cheese (low fat cheese,

skim milk), cooked egg/spaghetti
Peeled, mashed potatoes

Fried or Highly-seasoned Potatoes,

potatoes with skin
Chips, Pretzels, & Snack Mixes

Multivitamin & Mineral Supplements

After having Orbera placed, it can be difficult to consume an adequate amount of servings from each
food group everyday; as a result of this, we recommend that you take the following supplements on a
daily basis.
It is generally recommended that vitamins be chewable or liquid for the first couple of weeks after
having Orbera placed. You may take vitamins in the chewable/liquid form the entire time if
swallowing pills is difficult for you.
It is also recommended to take multivitamin & calcium supplements separately to increase absorption.
1 Multivitamin/mineral supplement/day
Examples: Centrum chewables & Flinstones Complete

Centrum Silver chewables are an acceptable choice for men & non-menstruating women as
they do not contain iron.

Please avoid gummy multivitamins; they are typically lacking key nutrients including iron and

1-2 Calcium supplements/day

Your need for a calcium supplement will be determined according to your ability to consume
adequate amounts from your diet. If it has been recommended that you take a calcium
supplement, here are some guidelines:

Look for a supplement that contains around 500mg of calcium/serving & 400IU of Vitamin

Examples: Viactiv Chews, Citracal Gummy Calcium Chews, Caltrate 600


At this point, you should be adjusting to life with a gastric balloon. Your tolerance for more solid food
textures will be improving each day. You will still be able to eat many of the things you did
previously, but will be satisfied with smaller amounts and working towards making healthy choices
Here are some daily guidelines for weight loss success:
Eat only when you are hungry, around 3 small meals/day.
Orbera will help you feel satisfied on smaller portions at each meal. If you are
overeating, you will feel more nauseous and this could lead to frequent vomiting.
Be aware of pain around or behind your breastbone. This can be an indication that you
may have consumed too much.
You may utilize protein shakes for 1 or 2 of these meals. Please discuss with your
dietitian to help you come up with a meal plan that works for you.
Eat slowly & chew well.
You should be taking small bites and chewing 15-20 times/bite.
Sometimes it helps to utilize small plates (8 diameter or smaller) and utensils. Smaller
plates allow you to think that youre consuming more than you actually are. This can
serve as a visual reminder to chew well & take your time.
Stop eating as soon as you feel full.
Your brain gets a signal from your stomach when you are full, but it can take this
message a little while to get recognized. Be sure that you are eating slowly & really
enjoying your meal. Being present during the eating process helps you to recognize
subtle internal cues that might have otherwise gone unnoticed.
Your goal is to walk away from a meal feeling satiated and energized, you dont want to
be uncomfortable, stuffed or lethargic and needing a nap. If hunger/fullness were on a
scale from 1 (starving) to 10 (uncomfortably stuffed, think Thanksgiving Day), your
goal would be to stop around a 7, you arent hungry any longer but youre also not
feeling overly full. As rule of thumb, eat until youre 80% full.
Be active.
Physical activity is essential for overall cardiovascular health, but also imperative for
weight loss & weight maintenance.
Its good to incorporate more activity overall- walking out to the mailbox instead of
driving, shopping on foot for the afternoon, parking farther away from stores, etc.
Above & beyond, you should be increasing overall movement. Its also essential to
incorporate a more regimented physical routine including all three of the following
components: stretching, cardio & strength training.
There are many exercise routines that can be fun - find one that you enjoy! Use
pages 33-34 to create your own exercise plan.
Do not eat between meals.
You may include one small, healthy snack into your routine/day, but any more than that
can be detrimental to weight loss/maintenance.
Eat high quality foods.
Its important to be sure that you are eating foods that are high in protein and
vitamins/minerals. High fiber foods are also good at contributing to satiety. Dont fuel
your body with junk & expect to get anything worthwhile out of it youve got to

make sure the choices you are making are helping you reach your ultimate goal of
health. Choose quality over quantity.
Choose fresh fruits and vegetables, meats and whole grains; the less processed, the
Drink plenty of liquids to keep yourself hydrated.
Dehydration can slow weight loss, as well as trick your body into thinking you are
hungry when in reality you are just thirsty.
Once into the solid diet, it is recommended that you drink 1 glass of liquid 30
minutes prior to a meal & 1-2 glasses 30 minutes after a meal to rinse the
balloon; other than this, drinking with meals should be avoided.
All liquids should be low calorie or preferably calorie-free.
Carbonation appears to hinder weight loss. Please discuss carbonated beverage intake
with your dietitian.
Stay on top of your aftercare.
Aftercare is essential to your long-term success. Keep in touch with your providers &
remain engaged in the weight loss process.
It is important to keep track of your foods on a regular basis: you may be asked to
utilize a food journal or phone app like MyFitnessPal to help you with this.
Its also important to keep track of your weight and stay accountable for it. We
recommend weekly weight checks so that you can be aware of any changes (up or
down) and alter habits as needed.

(Recommended: MyFitnessPal Food Journaling App)



USDAs MyPlate
The USDAs MyPlate website offers information on healthy eating and the amount of calories that are
appropriate for your size and level of activity. Go to to learn more about how
many calories and how many servings of fruits, vegetables, protein, grains and dairy you should be
consuming each day. This is a great tool for general dietary information; your dietitian can also give
you appropriate calorie and protein guidelines for you to use when making food choices.

After one month, you will be able to eat a normal, healthy well-balanced diet including most
foods from the five major food groups. MyPlate emphasizes foods from the different food groups,
including grains, vegetables, fruits, dairy, & protein. Each of these food groups provides some, but not
all, of the nutrients you need. Foods in one group cannot replace those in another. No one food group
is more important than another - for good health you need them all in the correct proportions.
The purple section of the plate represents protein. You need to include enough servings of
protein each day to meet your protein goal.
The green section of the plate represents vegetables. Make sure to maximize your vegetable
intake by consuming 2-3 servings/day of the items you do tolerate.
The red section of the plate represents fruits. Shoot for consuming 2 servings of fruits/day.
Remember to vary your colors with fruits and vegetables- the more colors you are eating the
more nutrients you are getting!
Notice the red and green make up half the plate: make sure half of your plate is fruits and
The orange section of the plate represents grains. You should be getting 1-2 servings of grains
per day & remember to make at least half of your grain servings whole!
The blue section of the plate represents dairy. You need to include 2-3 servings of dairy per
day & be sure to choose low-fat dairy options such as low fat yogurt and skim milk.



Warning Signs

Champaign: (217) 693-5700

Clinton: (217) 935-7037
Please call your surgeon if you experience:
Nausea or vomiting that is worse than it was right after you had Orbera placed
Coughing, spitting or throwing up blood
Bloody or black stools, diarrhea or constipation
Stomach pain that is becoming worse, or swelling of the abdomen (note: it is normal to have
some swelling of your stomach initially after having Orbera placed)
Burping or heartburn that is new, or is worse than when you initially had the balloon placed
A loss in the feeling of fullness you had right after surgery, especially if it changes drastically
You are gaining weight instead of losing weight or you are eating more than usual

You must have Orbera removed no later than 6 months (180 days) after it is placed.
To remove your balloon, your surgeon will do an endoscopic procedure.
When having your balloon removed:
o Do not eat for 24 hours before your procedure. Furthermore, do not drink for 12
hours before your procedure.

o Please follow a liquid-only diet the day before your procedure. Do not consume

anything including liquids/water after midnight, the night before your Orbera
If you have food in your stomach at the time of the procedure, you will have to wait to
have your balloon removed at a different time to avoid aspiration.
Your doctor will inform you about how to take your medications during this time.
After your balloon has been removed, you will be watched for a few hours and then
discharged home.
Arrange to have assistance when you return home from the clinic.

It is important that you follow-up after having your balloon removed & continue to work with

our dietary staff to help you continue to make healthy choices and maintain your weight loss.
o If you dont continue to follow-up, you may not continue to lose weight or maintain the
weight that you have already lost.
o While Orbera is a tool that can help you get started with your weight loss, the habits
that you form during the 12 month program are key to helping you keep a healthy

With Orbera you get a weight loss tool, and a chance to learn a new way to
feel about food. Losing weight and keeping it off is not easy & is a team effort,
we are here to help you through your journey!



Goal of the week: Week ___

Current Weight:
Goal Weight at the end of this week:

How will I achieve this goal?

Weight at the end of this week: _______ lbs

Goal Achieved? Yes or No
What went wrong?

What will I change next week?

SMART Goals: Make sure that your goals are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timebound.
Examples of SMART Goals:
o I will eat out only once this week.
o I will include one extra cup of green leafy vegetables in my diet everyday.
o I will limit myself to only ONE sweetened beverage a day.
o I will go on a walk 5 times this week for at least 30 minutes each time.
o I will learn and prepare one new healthy recipe that follows ORBERA guidelines.
o I will drink at least 8 cups of water everyday this week.



Meal Plan for the week of ___________


















Post-Operative Grocery List

Clear Liquids:
Low Fat/Low Sodium Chicken, Vegetable or Beef broth (Healthy Choice)
Diet fruit juices
Decaf Coffee/Tea
Sugar Free Jello- to be prepared or in ready-to-eat snack cups
Sugar Free Popsicles
Crystal Light
Propel Fitness Water
Sugar-Free Kool-Aid
Full Liquids: (includes all clear liquids above)
Protein Shakes (see examples in chart on pg. 4)
Skim or 1% milk
Lactaid milk
Unsweetened Light Soymilk (8th Continent, Silk)
Low Fat/Low Sugar Yogurt (Dannon Light & Fit, Yoplait Light, Yoplait Greek, Oikos)
Low Fat/Low Sodium Cream Soups (Healthy Choice)
Fat Free/Sugar Free Pudding- to be prepared with 1%milk or skim milk or in
ready-to-eat snack cups (Jello, Hunts No Sugar Added, Sugar-Free Handi snacks, South
Beach pudding cups)
Soft/Pureed Foods: (includes all clear & full liquids listed above)
Vegetable or Broth-based soups w/small pieces- Alphabet soup
Chicken & Stars, Soup at Hands
Cream of Wheat, Malt-O-Meal or Oatmeal
Eggs or Egg Substitutes (Egg Beaters, Better n Eggs)
Vegetables: Low-Sodium canned items or well cooked fresh/frozen veggies
Fruits: Canned in water or their own juices or well cooked fresh/frozen fruits,
Ripe bananas, unsweetened applesauce
Protein: Canned/Pouched tuna or salmon, canned chicken, Lean Ground
Turkey, at least 95% lean ground beef, Non-breaded and non-fried fish
filets, Tofu, Morningstar Meatless Crumbles
Dairy: Low Fat or Fat Free Cottage Cheese, Low Fat shredded cheese
Smart Balance or All-Natural Creamy Peanut butter
Starches: potatoes, sweet potatoes, whole grain pasta, refried beans
Other: Artificial Sweeteners (Splenda), Mrs. Dash seasonings
Low Fat dressings or salad spritzers (go for vinaigrette or oil
based over creamy dressings)
Smart Balance Light, Benecol Light, or Promise Light



Stock Your Fridge With The Good Stuff

Boneless/skinless chicken or turkey breasts
Lean Ground Turkey
Jennie-O Lean Turkey Burgers or Turkey Bacon
Round or Loin cuts of Beef & Pork
At least 95% lean Ground Beef
Canned/Pouched Tuna or Salmon (in water)
Frozen or Fresh (non-breaded or fried) fish filets
Low-Fat Deli Meats- ham, roast beef, turkey, chicken
Tofu, Morningstar Meatless Crumbles, Morningstar or Boca Meatless Burgers
Lettuce- the darker the color the better! Squash, Zucchini, Onions, Carrots, Broccoli, Asparagus,
Cauliflower, Green Beans, Spinach, Tomatoes, Mushrooms, Bell Peppers, Frozen veggies (no butter or
other sauces)
Starchy Veggies/Beans:
Potatoes/Sweet Potatoes, peas, corn, Black beans, Pinto Beans, Kidney Beans, Garbanzo Beans
Apples, bananas, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, cherries, oranges, peaches, grapes, kiwi, pears,
watermelon, cantaloupe, grapefruit, plums
Canned fruits in water or their own juices
Skim or 1% Milk, Lactaid Milk, Low Fat/Unsweetened Almond or Soy Milks
Low Fat/Low Sugar Yogurt- Dannon Light n Fit, Yoplait Light, Activia Light
Eggs or Egg Substitutes (Egg Beaters, Better n Eggs)
Part Skim or Low Fat Cheese, Low Fat Mozzarella String Cheese Sticks, Laughing Cow Cheese
Fats & Oils:
Low Fat/Fat Free dressings (oil based is better than creamy)
Salad Spritzers
Smart Balance, Promise or Benecol Light Margarines
Olive or Canola Oil (for cooking)
Mrs. Dash Marinades, Mrs. Dash Seasoning Blends
Splenda or other Artificial Sweetener
Salsa, Dried/fresh herbs & spices
Whole Grain Pita Bread, Whole Grain Tortillas
Whole Grain Pasta, Whole Grain Bread & Buns
Whole Grain Crackers- Kashi, All Bran, Triscuits
Oatmeal, Cereal (should have less than 5g sugar & more than 5g fiber per serving)



Grocery List





Legumes and Starchy Veggies






How To Read A Nutrition Facts Label

This is based on a
2000-calorie diet.
These numbers will
be lower for you
based on your intake.



Label Reading
In order to choose good quality and healthy foods, you will need to read labels. A lot of the time, this
may be the only tool you have to tell you exactly what is in a specific food item.
Here is some information that will be helpful as you read labels:
1. Look for serving size. Information is listed per serving, not per container. If you eat more
than one serving, you need to do the math to know exactly how many calories youre
consuming. For example, if the label on a package says that it has 220 calories per serving
and there are two servings per container, the entire package contains 440 calories.
2. Read food labels to determine the best buy in terms of your calorie budget. Just
because a food is labeled low fat or low sugar doesnt mean it fits into your calorie
budget. Be sure to pay attention to the calories per serving.
3. The information listed in the % Daily Value column is based on a 2000-calorie diet.
Remember the 5/20 rule. If the Daily Value percent is 5% or less, you can consider the
product is low in that specific nutrient. If the Daily Value percent is 20% or higher then
you can consider the product is high in that nutrient. The food components that you would
like to be high are fiber, vitamins and minerals. The food components that should be low
are total fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, sodium & sugar.
4. Total sugars should be less than 10 grams/serving. The only exception is for fruits,
which are naturally higher in sugars, and contain a lot of other essential vitamins and
5. Review the ingredients list. As a general rule of thumb, the shorter the list, the better! The
less processed your diet, the less additives you are consuming and the more nutrients you
are getting.

Understanding The Ingredient Label

Ingredients are listed in descending

order based on weight.
Make sure the first 4-5 ingredients
are all nutritious.
Sugar should NOT be one of the first
three ingredients.
Artificial flavors, colors and dyes are
towards the end of the list.
Allergens are located at the bottom.



Portion Control
The most important lesson you will learn from the Orbera Weight Management Program is portion
control. For the six months that you have the balloon in your stomach, Orbera will train your body
to portion control. Just as training wheels on a bicycle help balance and learn to ride a bike, the
Orbera program helps you to learn self-control and balance a healthy lifestyle. After the six
months are over, we will remove the balloon and you will need to practice self-control on your own.
Its essential that you learn what an actual serving size looks like to lose weight successfully. Heres a
guide to help you visualize portions.

Make sure half of your plate is vegetables!


Use a smaller plate to trick your mind
into thinking youre eating a lot more
than actual amount.

Restaurants will give you

two, three or even four times
the recommended USDA
serving size. Make sure you
are limiting your serving size
when eating out. Practice
self-control by eating only
half the amount. Use the
Eating Out Guide for tips!



What counts as a serving?

1 serving of Bread, Cereal, Rice, and Pasta is
1 slice of bread OR
1 cup ready-to-eat cereal OR
1 oz crackers or other snack foods OR
cup of cooked cereal, rice, or pasta
1 serving of Vegetables is
1 cup raw leafy vegetables OR
cup of chopped, cooked, or canned
vegetables OR
1 cup (8oz) vegetable juice
1 serving of Fruit is
1 medium piece fruit (an apple the size of a
baseball) OR
cup of chopped, cooked, or canned fruit OR
(6oz) cup 100% fruit juice
1 serving of Milk, Yogurt, and Cheese is
1 cup milk/yogurt OR
1 oz natural cheese
1 serving of Meat, Poultry, Fish, Dry Beans, Eggs, or Nuts is
2-3 oz cooked lean meat, poultry, fish, ground beef OR
1/4 cup cooked dry beans OR
1 egg
1 serving of Fats/Oils is
1 tablespoon of canola, olive or corn oil OR
1 tablespoon or margarine, mayonnaise OR
2 tablespoons of salad dressing, peanut butter, avocado OR
4 large olives



Exercise for Better Health

Exercise is essential for weight loss. More importantly, its necessary to stay active to lead a healthy
lifestyle and keep a healthy body.
Exercise is important because it
strengthens your heart
improves blood flow
improves sleep
improves brain function and memory
allows better concentration and focus
helps clear skin
tones your muscles
helps you lose weight and fat, and
increase muscle mass
improves mood by releasing feel-good
strengthens bones
relieves stress
helps reduce your BMI
boosts HDL (good cholesterol) levels
reduces risk of heart disease, stroke and
boosts energy
reduces blood pressure
condition your lungs and increase efficiency in oxygen intake
improve muscle strength and flexibility

Need any more reasons to get off the couch?! Here are some tips to get you moving:
Swear off the elevator/escalator.
o Unless you have to walk up 20 flights of stairs, ditch the elevator and take the stairs.
Stairs are a great way to get some cardio as well as some conditioning exercises in your
day as you sculpt your legs and glutes with each step.
Park your car in the farthest spot.
o Every time you hit the mall, grocery store or wherever youre going, park your car in
the farthest spot in the parking lot from your destination. This is perfect to get those
10,000 steps in.
Use a pedometer.
o Its recommended to get 10,000 steps in every day. This is just a way to get yourself
active and moving to help towards weight loss. Get a FitBit or any pedometer to track
your steps everyday. If you have an iPhone, use the built-in Health app that
automatically tracks your steps. Make it a competition with your friends and family to
see who logs in the most steps each day!
Explore the outdoors and go for a walk/jog/run in your local forest preserve.



o Forest preserves allow you to get close to nature and get some fresh air and exercise.
Take your dog out for a walk, or make it a father-daughter date be creative and have
some fun with it!
Take some dance classes like ballroom dancing.
o Check with your community center to see if they offer any dance classes. They are a
great way to shake stress off after work while socializing.
o Yoga helps to improve flexibility (and patience!) There are so many videos on
YouTube to follow along with or you can join a class at a fitness center near you.
o Just stretch! Give yourself a few minutes every morning to stretch before you start your
day. Over time, feel free to add some jumping jacks, push ups or crunches, if your body
Do household chores yourself.
o Dont hire someone to mow your lawn mow it yourself. Vacuum around the house or
garden for some easy physical activity. Do your own grocery shopping walking up
and down those aisles can actually accumulate more steps than youd think!
Go shopping.
o Shopping can be great cardio as you stay on your feet and walk around for a few hours.
During your lunch break at work, go for a walk.
o If you have some time, go for a quick 10-20 minute walk during your work. Youll be
able to relieve some stress, get fresh air, and a change of scenery all while burning
Get a dog.
o If you can afford the time to care of one!
Walking your dog is one the best ways to
get some physical activity in your day.
Personal trainer
o Get a personal trainer to help you achieve
your fitness goals. They are experts in the
field who can teach you workouts
correctly without injuring yourself.
Simply move.
o In the end, you want to make sure youre
moving. So get off the couch and move as
much as you can.

Reasons to Initiate Physical Activity Prior to

Bariatric Surgery

Reduce surgical complications

Facilitate healing and post-op recovery
Kick start weight loss and maintain physical activity post-op
Address any barriers to physical activity before surgery
Gain confidence in working out, going to the gym, etc.
Increase motivation to lose weight
Get accustomed to exercise and physical activity


Why is it important to hydrate?

Curbs hunger and promotes satiety

o Water is a natural appetite suppressant. Dont
confuse thirst with hunger!
Helps with cognitive function
o In a study published in the Journal of
Nutrition, participants who were dehydrated
found it difficult to focus and concentrate
whereas the participants who were hydrated
did not have trouble. Water helps you stay
refreshed, focused and attentive.
Helps relieve fatigue
o When your body is dehydrated, your heart has to work harder to push oxygen and
nutrients in the bloodstream because our blood volume decreases due to lack of enough
Improves mood
o Severe or even mild dehydration can alter our mood and make us feel agitated. Water
refreshes us and improved our mood. Water can also help alleviate headaches.
Flushes out toxins
o Water helps your kidneys move toxins out of the body through urine. The color of your
urine is a great determinant in helping assess fluid status.
Helps you stay regular
o Adequate amount of water helps everything
move along the GI tract preventing constipation.
If youre not getting enough water, you could
become constipated because the colon will
reabsorb water from your stools.
Saves you calories
o Because water has zero calories, it saves you
calories if you choose to drink water over soda,
juice or alcohol.
Helps prevent swollen, legs, and feet
o When you dont consume enough water, your
body stores as much water as it can in its cells causing you to look swollen. To get rid
of this water retention, you must consume more water.
Protects body organs and tissues
o Water keeps organs and tissues moisturized so they can function properly.
Reduces weight
o Water induces thermogenesis or speeds up our metabolic rate leading to increased daily
energy expenditure.
May reduce the risk of some cancers


o Research has found that the greater the fluid intake, the lower the chance of bladder
cancer. Proper hydration might also reduce risk of
colon and breast cancer as well as a lowed risk of
death from coronary heart disease.

How much water should you be consuming?

Drink enough water that the color of your urine is a very faint
yellow, running almost clear. The clearer, the better. A general goal
for proper hydration is 60-80 ounces of clear liquids/day (not
including those that contain caffeine).

Tips to help you stay hydrated

Set reminders on your phone for every couple hours to

remind you to drink water.
Grab a water bottle and bring it with you wherever you go.
Set water goals multiple times a day. For example, make it a
goal to drink two cups by breakfast, two cups by lunch, two
cups by dinner and two by bedtime.
If you dont like the taste of water, flavor it with some crystal
light or a low calorie sweetener. Use chilled fruits, herbs and
veggies like strawberries, mint, cucumbers, basil, etc. to flavor your water.
Dont forget that water can be eaten too! There is water in fruits and vegetables that counts
towards your daily goals.
Some fruits and
vegetables with high
water content include
watermelon, strawberries,
grapefruit, lettuce,
cucumber, zucchini, etc.



Your Exercise Plan

Its important to find an exercise plan that works for you. You dont want to spend countless hours on
the treadmill only to learn youre not losing weight and also, not enjoying your workout routine. Lets
find a good workout plan for you.
Step 1: Consult Your Doctor
Its essential to know what exercise is safe for you, especially because obesity causes serious health
problems. Make an appointment with your doctor to discuss exercise. Here is a list recommended
questions to ask your doctor:
How might my medical problems interfere with exercise?
Are there any kinds of exercise that are not safe for me?
What kind of exercise do you recommend?
How long and how many times a week should I exercise in the beginning?
Step 2: Examine Your Past Exercise Experiences
What kind of exercises have you enjoyed in the past?
What helps you exercise working out alone, in a group or with a buddy?
Do you enjoy working out outside or indoors? Do you like going to a gym?
If you used to exercise, why did you stop?
What has held you back from starting an exercising program?
Do you enjoy workout videos?
Step 3: Pick Your Exercise
Different exercises burn different amount of calories. Varying your intensity also affects the amount of
calories burned. Furthermore, the more you weigh and the more extra weight you carry, the more
calories youll burning doing your workout. Some high calorie burning exercises are swimming,
running and cycling. Use the number of calories burned on the treadmill as a very rough estimate of
calories burned exercise machines tend to overestimate the amount of calories burned.
Step 4: Make A Plan
Compile all the information from steps 1-3 and make a
workout plan for yourself.
Use the following table to help you plan your workouts every
week. Over time, increase the intensity of your workouts if
you feel like youre plateauing. Switch up your workouts to
keep yourself interested if you seem to be getting bored. Stay
motivated and monitor your progress with pictures. Take
before and after pictures after every few weeks to see your
progress dont simply focus on the number on the scale.



My Exercise Plan
Day of








Type of


How did
you feel



What to do when youve hit a wall

Vary your calorie intake

o Cycling your calories allows your metabolism to not hit a plateau. To keep it revved up,
follow your low calorie meal plan and then boost your calories by 100-200 calories
every three or four days. This will cause your metabolism to work a little harder and
speed up instead of slowing down to a standstill.
Count your calories
o You might be underestimating your calorie intake and overestimating your calories
burned at the gym. Use a calorie counter website or app like MyFitnessPal to track your
food and exercise.
Change up your workout
o Keep yourself interested in your workouts! If your workout seems to be getting boring
and monotonous, try something new.
Add more steps
o Sometimes you just need to kick up your exercise. Add some extra steps into your day.
Add a 15 minute walk to your daily schedule.
See an endocrinologist
o You might be suffering from a thyroid disorder
Lift heavier weights
o Gain more lean muscle mass. Having more muscle in your body actually burns more
calories naturally.
Add more protein to your diet
o Instead of cereal in the morning, switch to eggs. There are so many ways of adding
protein into your diet. Protein allows you to feel fuller longer and will help you shed
more pounds than carbohydrates.
Drink more water
o Dont confuse thirst with hunger. Ensure youre hydrating well.
o Lack of adequate sleep results in higher cortisol levels, which leads to weight gain.
Make sure to snooze for 7-8 hours each night.
Stress Less
o High stress leads to high cortisol levels that can cause weight gain. Relieve stress by
doing things you love. Try meditation to relax.
Let go of snacking
o Snacking can be helpful only if you are snacking wisely that is, youre choosing low
calorie snacks. If youre snacking on chips, cookies, etc., drop the snacks. They are
adding unnecessary calories into your diet. If you need to snack, pick healthier options
like carrots and hummus, Greek yogurt, an apple and a tablespoon of PB, etc.
Eat out less
o Eating out can be a detrimental factor in preventing weight gain. Prepare your own
healthy meals to ensure you know exactly what youre putting into your body.



Disordered Eating
Examples of Problem Eating Behavior:
Grazing or snacking throughout the day
Snacking soon after dinner
Eating on the go
Needing to clean the plate
Eating out often
Eating in the car
Eating while watching TV
Getting take-out on an impulse
Eating while standing
Eating in the middle of the night
Eating because bored/sad/anxious
Feeling guilty after eating
Adding Good Habits:
Eat 3-5 small meals a day instead of 1 big meal.
Eat only planned snacks.
Eat small portions.
Focus on protein. It will keep you full.
Avoid caffeine, carbonation and alcohol.
Eat mindfully. Stop when you're full.
Meal plan. Meal Plan. Meal plan.
Log your meals.
Dont drink your calories (unless its a meal replacing protein shake!)





Mindful Eating

What is mindful eating?

Being aware of your thoughts and feelings surrounding food and all the different options that
are available
Acknowledging responses to food without judgment
Being aware of your hunger and fullness levels
How to practice mindful eating:
Pay attention to all the different varieties of fruits and vegetables when youre at the grocery
store or farmers market. Appreciate them with your senses.
Before you eat, turn off the TV, get away from electronics and distractions and focus on your
Before you take your first bite, look at your plate and appreciate your meal.
Relax. Play some soft, relaxing music in the background
if it helps you enjoy your meal more.
Pay attention the look, feel, taste and smell of your food.
It takes 20 minutes for our body to realize that were full.
Before you go for seconds, wait a while to see if youre
actually hungry.
Eat because youre hungry.
As a new bariatric patient, to help you eat slower, set a
timer on your phone with each bite for a minute or so to
give your body time to swallow and digest the food or use
the app



Cooking with Herbs and Spices

Herbs and spices are a great way to add flavor to your meals without the added fats and calories. They
also add a wealth of essential health-boosting benefits to your meal and contain anti-oxidant
properties, as well as anti-inflammatory benefits and cancer-preventative properties.
Here is a list of herbs that you can use in everyday cooking.

o Excellent source of Vitamin K
o Anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial
o Highly volatile dont cook off its benefits! Add chopped basil
towards the end of cooking so you dont burn off its great
o Pesto is made of basil, pine nuts, olive oil and parmesan which is
greatly used in Italian cooking. Use it in pasta, on chicken, spread
it on a sandwich, etc.
o Make caprese chicken for dinner tonight: fresh basil, tomatoes, balsamic vinegar,
mozzarella cheese and lean chicken breast baked at 400 degrees F for 10 minutes.
o Great to add to a strawberry sorbet for a refreshing taste.
o Add it to any Italian dish like pizza or pasta, or in Thai cooking like a basil chicken stirfry.

o Rich in Vitamin K
o Great dietary anti-oxidant properties
o Used widely in Greek cooking marinate your chicken in
EVOO, oregano, etc.

o Anti-oxidant
o Anti-microbial activity


dish, really.

o Excellent source of Vitamin K and Vitamin C

o Rich source of anti-oxidant nutrients
o Garnish your chicken with some chopped fresh parsley or any savory

o Helps aid with digestion
o Pair it with some dark chocolate pudding to create a
refreshing dessert.
o May help reduce LDL levels



Rich in anti-oxidants
Good source of vitamins and minerals
Top your burrito bowl or tacos with some freshly chopped cilantro
Garnish your meals with some cilantro


Anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds

Improves cognitive performance
Fights off free radical damage in the brain
Helps prevent brain aging
Season your chicken with olive oil, rosemary, some salt and
pepper for an easy, earthy dish.


Anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial
Helps with digestion
Add it to eggs in the AM
Try sage pineapple chicken stir-fry for dinner

o Contain plant fiber
o Abundant in Vitamin K, and Vitamin A
o Rich in folates
o Chop some chives and add to a baked potato topped with a

dollop of Greek yogurt.


o Anti-bacterial compounds
o Helps protect against age-related cognitive impairment
o Combine with avocado
and Greek yogurt to top your farmraised grilled fish.


Anti-inflammatory compounds
Helps eliminate gastrointestinal distress
Use it in tea
Marinate chicken in garlic for an Asian flavor


o Sulfur compounds which help lower risk of oxidative stress

o Helps prevent our blood vessels from getting blocked
o Helps lower blood pressure and prevent heart disease
o Rich in selenium
o Add garlic to soups, chicken, hummus, pesto, pasta, etc. very versatile.


Spices for Success

o Helps lower blood sugar levels
o Loaded with antioxidants and has antiinflammatory properties

o Treats inflammatory bowel disease
o Anti-inflammatory properties and has antioxidants
o When paired with cauliflower, halts prostate cancer
o Lowers cholesterol and improves liver function
o Helps manage depression, arthritis, diabetes, pain and has
anticancer effects


o Helps with digestion

Boosts metabolism
Prevents blood clots
Provides detox support
Supports weight loss
Contains anti-fungal, anti-cold and flu, antiirritant, anti-allergen, anti-bacterial, anti-cancer

Coriander Seeds
o Great source of Vitamin K
o Antibiotic compounds
o Helps kill salmonella



Healthy Fats

High in fiber, low in carbs, great source of Vitamin K

Contain more potassium than bananas
Loaded with heart-healthy monounsaturated fats
Can lower LDL cholesterol while raising HDL
Can lower triglycerides level
May help lower BMI and belly fat
Helps absorb nutrients from other foods such as vitamins and antioxidants
Use it on toast, in smoothies, instead of mayo on a burger, with your eggs, etc.

Coconut Oil

Contains medium chain fatty acids which a

Helps prevent heart disease and high blood pressure
Increases energy expenditure
Can reduce hunger leading to eating less overall
Can help you lose fat
Use it to cook your vegetables, meats, and fish in. Feel
free to use for baking purposes as well

Peanut Butter
o Great source of protein as well as potassium, fiber, Vitamin E and
o Full of heart healthy monounsaturated fats
o Aids in weight loss
o Rich in antioxidants
o Go for a classic PBJ or use peanut butter in your shakes, smoothies,
oatmeal, homemade protein energy balls, etc.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

o Full of heart healthy monounsaturated fats
o Contain polyphenols that create anti-inflammatory benefits
o Reduces risk of Type II Diabetes
o As part of a Mediterranean Diet, it protects us from metabolic syndrome
o Rich in antioxidants, Vitamin E and K
o Use EVOO to saut your meats, vegetable and fish and for
baking purposes

o Our body cant produce these type of polyunsaturated fatty acids
so we must get them through our diet
o Found in walnuts, seafood sources like salmon and sardines, fish
oil, eggs, flaxseeds




It is essential to incorporate protein into your meal plan.

After having Orbera placed, you do not need more protein than the average person.
However, we want to make sure that you are consuming adequate amounts of protein.
Protein is good for weight loss because:
o It helps us feel fuller so we dont go back for seconds.
o It curbs cravings as it slows down the absorption of sugar from your stomach into
your bloodstream.
o You burn more calories digesting protein over carbohydrates or fats.
o It fuels fat burning.
o It helps build and repair tissues. Protein is very important if youre exercising to
speed recovery.
o It reduces muscle loss.
o It helps build lean muscle.
The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for protein is .8 grams of protein per
kilogram of weight. Most people will need between 40-90 grams of protein per day. Your
dietitian will work with you individually to set your daily protein goals.
Choose lean sources of protein without lots of saturated fats or cholesterol.
You will need to choose foods high in protein and may need to supplement with high
protein powders and drinks to meet your daily goals. Use the list on the following page to
guide you.



High Protein Foods

High Protein Foods
Bariatric Advantage Protein Powder
Turkey breast
97% lean ground beef
Slow roasted lean pork tender loin
Tofu - firm
Tuna canned in water, drained, no salt
Ground turkey
Tilapia - raw
Skinless Boneless Chicken Breast - raw
Flounder and Sole
Plain Nonfat Greek Yogurt
Salmon fresh, raw, pink
Snapper raw
Roasted soybeans
Nonfat Cottage Cheese
Pinto Beans canned, drained
Cod fresh, raw
Fairlife Nonfat Milk
Low fat cottage cheese
Low fat yogurt
MorningStar Spicy Black Bean Burger
Black beans
Skim Cows Milk
Peanut Butter
Egg or egg substitute
Silk Light Original
Almonds and Pistachios

Grams of Protein in a Serving


Serving Size
2 scoops
3 oz
4 oz
4 oz
3 oz
3 oz
3 oz
4 oz patty
100 g
3 oz
3 oz
1 fillet
1 cup
1 cup boiled
6 oz
3 oz
3 oz
1 cup
1 cup
3 oz
1 cup
1 cup
1 patty
1 cup
2 tbsp
1 egg or cup
1 cup
1 large
1 oz


Eat This
Skim milk
Goat cheese
Greek yogurt
Whole wheat bread/sprouted bread
Whole wheat English muffin
Grilled, baked chicken
Turkey bacon
Black beans
Fresh fruit
Nonfat plain greek yogurt
Olive oil
Egg whites
Balsamic + Olive oil Vinaigrette
Zoodles (Zucchini noodles)
Sweet potato fries
Turkey burgers/meatballs
Roasted turkey
Two ingredient (eggs banana) pancakes
Freshly squeezed juice
Eggs for breakfast
Almond/soy milk
Reduced fat mozzarella cheese

Not That
Whole milk
Cheddar cheese
Sour cream
White bread
Breaded, fried chicken
Refried beans
Canned fruit
Iceberg lettuce
Full fat sugary yogurt
Whole eggs
Ranch/Thousand Island dressing
Pasta noodles
French fries
Ground beef burgers/meatballs
Deli sliced high sodium turkery
Buttermilk pancakes
Fruit juice with added sugars
Cereal/granola for breakfast
Regular milk
Full fat cheese



ReThink your Drink

According to the American Heart Association, it is recommended that men consume no
more than 36g (150 calories) of added sugar and women consume no more than 24g
(100 calories) of added sugar per day.
Why is sugar bad for you?
High sugar diets can be addicting. Sugar can be more attractive and rewarding to our brains than
addictive drugs like cocaine.
Increase waistline by adding extra empty calories into the diet
Increase blood pressure and heart rate
Disrupt sleep cycle
Hinder learning and memory
Harm cholesterol and triglyceride levels
Influence leptin. Leptin is a hormone that helps to realize fullness and sugar causes resistance to it.

A Note on Artificial Sweeteners

o Consuming artificially sweetened beverages instead of sugar-sweetened beverages doesnt help
with weight loss in overweight or obese adults.
o Its safe to say that artificially sweetened beverages shouldnt be consumed long-term but if
your body relies on sugary sodas and drinks, you can use artificially sweetened beverages to
wean off the excessive sugar consumption to slowly migrate towards healthy drinks.
o Artificial sweeteners can be consumed in moderation but only 1-2 drinks/day.

Healthy Alternatives:

Green Tea
1% reduced fat milk or soymilk
Crystal Light Drinks
Water flavored with fresh or frozen
fruits: Freeze some strawberries or
make some fruit ice cubes to add to
your water.

Lemon water
Coconut Water
Chocolate milk: Blend cocoa powder with soymilk for a frothy
chocolaty drink!
Iced Tea
Iced Coffee: Pour cold brewed coffee over ice or add some
almond or skim milk.
Coconut water lemonade: Mix a cup of coconut water with the
juice of a lemon to make naturally sweetened lemonade! Add
some iced tea for an Arnold Palmer style drink.


1 L Bottle of Coca Cola

Amount of sugar in grams


Mountain Dew 20 oz Bottle


Arizona Lemon Iced Tea 24 oz Can


Minute Maid Lemonade 20 oz Bottle


20 oz Bottle of Coca Cola


Grande Starbucks Mocha Frappuccino


Minute Maid Orange Juice 16 oz Bottle


Snapple Lemon Iced tea 16 oz Bottle


12 oz Can of Coca Cola


Grande Starbucks Vanilla Latte


Grande Starbucks Caramel Macchiato


Mikes Hard Lemonade Bottle


8 oz Nesquik Chocolate Milk


Red Bull Can


Capri Sun Pouch


Rice Milk 8 fl oz


Homemade Chocolate Milk 1c


1 cup Coconut Water

Fruit Infused Water

Iced Tea

Iced Coffee

Green Tea

Seltzer Water like La Croix




The Healthy Way to Eating Out

Eating out is a great way to not only step away from the kitchen but also, to socialize. Its part of our
culture today. With so many greasy, unhealthy options out there, it can be difficult to stay healthy
while eating out. Heres a guide to help you stay on track.

Helpful tips to keep in mind

Before going to the restaurant, go online and look up the nutritional info of their menu
to decide what is healthy for you to eat. Look at the calorie count, fat calorie count,
amount of protein, sugars, and fiber. Try to pick a meal that is low in fat, calories, sugar
but high in protein, and fiber. Try to find a meal under 400 calories.
Avoid foods that are fried. Grilled or baked are usually better options!
Skip cream based sauces, like hollandaise,
sour cream, garlic butter sauce, etc.
Avoid going to places that are all you can
eat buffets unless you have incredible selfcontrol.
To make sure youre eating small portions,
ask your waiter to box up half of your entre
before it even comes out so youre not
tempted to eat more than you need.
Instead of picking fries as your side, choose
coleslaw (in vinaigrette, not creamy), side
salad, an apple, etc. or skip the side entirely!
When you order a salad, get dressing on the
side. Try to use about a tablespoon or less of
Base your meal around protein with
vegetables and some grains.
When getting coffee, use skim or soymilk
instead of cream. Avoid adding sugar or use
sugar-free substitutes. Avoid whipped cream
or sugary syrups.
When given an option, choose egg whites over whole eggs to decrease the amount of
fat, calories and cholesterol.
When given an option, choose turkey sausage or turkey bacon instead of fat and
cholesterol loaded sausage/bacon.
When dressing your oatmeal, use fresh fruit, cinnamon and a tablespoon of nuts. You
can even add a tablespoon of peanut butter and/or sugar free syrup. Avoid adding too
much dried fruit like dried cranberries as they are a more concentrated sugar source.
At breakfast, skip the white bread and oily hash browns.
When it comes to drinks, dont drink your calories. Choose water, unsweetened tea or
coffee instead of sugary beverages.



Bob Evans
Turkey Sausage Breakfast
o Cals 350, Fat Cals 70, Protein 27g, Fiber 6g
Bowl of Steel Cut Oatmeal
o Cals 170, Fat Cals 25, Protein 6g, Fiber 4g
Grilled Salmon Fillet with Broccoli and Carrots
o Cals 410, Fat Cals 210, Protein 35g, Fiber 5g

Skip the tortilla get a burrito bowl or salad.
There isnt a huge nutritional difference between white or
brown rice, and black beans or pinto so feel free to choose either.
Be sure to add veggies into your meal with some fajita
Their steak is your best option for protein. It has a whopping
30g of protein and 15% of your daily value of iron.
For your toppings, load up on the salsas, avoid sour cream,
cheese and go easy on the guac. A serving of guacamole, even though
avocados have healthy fats, can add 22g of fat and an extra 230

Skip the chips and salsa.

Dunkin Donuts
Thankfully, Dunkin Donuts has created a
DDSMART menu that is full of nutritious
items selected from their menu fewer than
400 calories. For example: an egg white
veggie flatbread, or an English muffin.
Check out their DDSMART menu on their
website or smart phone app.
Crust: Thin crust
Sauce: Marinara or Robust Tomato
Go easy on the cheese.
Load up on veggies!
1 slice of Pacific Coast Veggie Pizza on Thin crust = 210 cals
Simple & Fit 2-Egg Breakfast with fruit
o Cals 400, Fat Cals 90, Protein 29g, Fiber 7g
Create your own egg white omelet for a high protein, low calorie, low-fat breakfast.
o Add green peppers, onions, spinach and mushrooms.


McAlisters Deli
McAlisters Deli has a helpful healthy eating
menu. Their Lite Choose Two menu has
options for less than 600 calories. For
example, their smoky pepper jack turkey
griller and fire roasted vegetable soup comes
out to be only 460 calories.
The Savannah Chopped salad is a great
lunch option with some unsweetened tea for
extra antioxidants!
McChicken = 370cals, skip the mayo to lower calories and fat.
Grilled Chicken Sweet Chili McWrap
o 420 cals, 90 fat cals, 35g protein, 3g fiber
o 250 cals, 70 fat cals
Artisan Grilled Chicken Sandwich
o 380 cals, 60 fat cals, 37g protein, 4g fiber
For breakfast: choose a yogurt parfait or oatmeal.
Instead of fries, opt for fiber rich apple slices, a side salad, cuties, or GO-GURT. If you really
want fries, just get kids size or a small size!
Noodles & Co.
Noodles & Co. has a variety of dishes under 500 calories. Some of them include a small sized
spaghetti, small whole grain Tuscan Fresca, etc. Check their website for a list of more options!
BUFF Bowls: Noodles has added BUFF bowls to their menu which have double the veggies
and protein making the dish low carb, high protein without any pasta.
For your protein, stick to grilled chicken breast, sauted shrimp or marinated steak.
Olive Garden
Olive garden has a lighter Italian fare menu for dinner and lunch that includes items from their
regular menu that are lower in calories!
Each of Oliver Gardens breadstick with
garlic-butter spread has a whopping 140
calories and 460mg of sodium! Eat four of
those and youve almost hit your entire
days worth of sodium.
If youre getting the House Salad, ask for
the dressing on the side and choose the lowfat dressing!
A healthy (and vegetarian) lunch option
could be a serving of their house salad with
low fat dressing on the side with a cup of
minestrone soup.



A great dinner option would be the Tilapia Piccata from their lighter Italian fare menu with 450
calories and 49g of protein.

Panda Express
Avoid breaded items as those are usually fried and drenched in sauce.
Choose mixed vegetables to add vitamins and minerals to your meal and to keep your meal low
fat, low cal.
Panda Express has a WOK SMART menu which features items that are 300 calories or less
with at least 8g of protein. Some items include sweet and sour chicken breast, string bean
chicken breast, mushroom chicken, potato chicken, kung pao chicken, and more.
Panera Bread
Choose an apple as your side instead of bread.
Skip the bagels during breakfast and focus on high protein, low carb options like the power
breakfast egg white bowl with roasted turkey or the power almond quinoa oatmeal.
Penn Station
Penn station offers lighter options like the grilled artichoke sub, grilled chicken or tuna salad
sub, or the grilled vegetarian sub.
Pizza Hut
Avoid stuffed crusts.
Choose the thin n crispy crust for lower calories.
A slice of large veggie lovers thin n crispy pizza
comes out to be 240 calories with 80 calories from
Red Lobster
Signature shrimp cocktail is the perfect low cal,
high protein appetizer.
Lighthouse maple glazed chicken
o 370 cals, 45 fat cals,
Lighthouse rock lobster tail
o 400 cals, 80 fat cals
Garlic Grilled shrimp
Keep in mind that each Cheddar Bay Biscuit is 160 calories, 90 fat calories!
Starbucks has a Tasty Eats under 350 calories on their website. This list includes their ham and
cheese savory foldover, everything with cheese bagel, spinach feta and cage-free egg white
breakfast wrap among various other items.
They also have a delicious drinks under 200 calories on their website. Some options are a tall
light caramel frappe, or a tall nonfat iced caramel macchiato. Check out their website for the
complete list!
Steak n Shake
Avoid their high fat, caloric shakes.



Steak n Shake has a limited selection of healthy items. Your best bet would be to stick a grilled
chicken sandwich that has 400 calories and 25g of protein.

Load up on veggies!
Some healthy high protein options are oven-roasted chicken, roast beef, rotisserie style chicken,
turkey breast, sweet onion chicken teriyaki as well
as the subway club.
Look for their Fresh Fit Choices when selecting
ingredients at Subway.
Their black bean chili soup has a decent amount
of protein and is low in fats and calories. The beef
chili soup might have more protein but also has a
considerably higher amount of fat.
Best bread: 9 grain honey oat.
If possible, skip the cheese or pick provolone or
For your dressing/sauce, choose honey mustard,
sweet onion, vinegar or regular mustard or any fat
free dressing.
Taco Bell
Avoid all crunch wraps. Theyre loaded with unhealthy calories.
Taco Bell has a Fresco menu which features items that are only 350 calories or less.
A soft chicken taco has only 160 calories and 12g of protein.
Avoid fries.
Their Grilled Chicken Wrap has
only 280 calories and 21g of
Their Grilled Chicken Sandwich
has 350 calories and a whopping
33g of protein.
When picking any meat, think
grilled not breaded or fried.
Wendys also offers a variety of
salads if you get one, stick with a
half size of it!
Some healthy sides to choose from
are apples or a side salad with light
A great meal option would be their chili. A large chili only has 250 calories and 23g of protein.



Snacking for Weight Loss

Snack Idea:


1 medium apple sliced with 1 tbsp peanut butter

(melt peanut butter in the microwave for 15
seconds for greater volume and spreadability)
Seasoned Nuts 1 oz


1 slice of sprouted whole grain (or whole grain)

toast with 1/3 avocado
1 slice of sprouted whole grain (or whole grain)
toast with 3oz smoked salmon
1 slice of sprouted whole grain (or whole grain)
toast with 1Tbsp melted almond/peanut/hazelnut
Smoothie c strawberries, banana, c soy
milk, 3 oz strawberry yogurt
Spice Roasted Chickpeas


2 tbsp hummus with 11 pretzel crisps


Try skinny pop over regular, buttered popcorn - 3

c serving
1 slice of Ezekiel Sprouted whole grain toast with
a poached egg
Skinny pop 3 c serving


Baked corn tortilla with 2Tbsp salsa and 2Tbsp

black beans
2 oz turkey wrapped around 1/3 of an avocado,
6 oz Nonfat Plain Greek yogurt (Chobani) with
c fresh blueberries
Starkist Ready-To-Eat Tuna Salad Kit, Original
Deli Style
Seaweed Salad 1 c


Edamame (raw or roasted) with a sprinkle of salt

c shelled
Lentil snaps 1oz


Grilled chicken nuggets using 3 oz of lean

boneless, skinless chicken breast
A black bean burger patty with two tablespoons
of salsa








Snack Idea:


A medium frozen banana with cocoa powder


1 medium baked sweet potato cut into wedges,

spray with olive oil and sprinkle Cajun seasoning
Kale Chips about two cups baked


Frozen Banana Ice cream chop and freeze a

banana and blend! Add cocoa powder, cinnamon
or vanilla for extra flavors.
Oven roasted green beans with olive oil c


Apple sauce 1 cup, unsweetened


Low fat cottage cheese c with cinnamon and 5

medium strawberries, sliced
Pistachios 28 shelled


c cooked Oatmeal with c soy milk and

Take some crushed fresh
berries/watermelon/peaches, mix with seltzer,
honey and lemon juice freeze in an ice pop
mold and enjoy!
Deviled eggs with mango, red pepper guacamole
filling 4 egg halves
Brownie cookie dough swirl protein ball 1
Turkey jerky 1 oz







String Cheese


Freeze a go-gurt for a quick snack


1 Hardboiled egg with a sprinkle of cayenne, salt

and pepper
Cucumber hummus sandwiches 1 cucumber, 2
tbsp hummus
Turkey lettuce wrap: 2oz turkey wrapped in
lettuce with tomato slices (mustard, light mayo
and avocado are some great add-ins!)
Roasted seaweed snack Trader Joes 1 serving


Zucchini pizza bites 1 serving





Easy Recipes for Weight-Loss

Breakfast Turkey Sausage Patties
TEXTURE: Regular
1 pound lean ground turkey (93% fat free or
c fine, plain breadcrumbs
2 tsp ground sage
1 tsp ground coriander
1 tsp ground oregano
tsp ground thyme
tsp black pepper
tsp sea salt or kosher salt
tsp cayenne pepper
tsp paprika
tsp garlic powder
c low sodium chicken broth
In a large mixing bowl, combine all the ingredients except the chicken broth. Stir to incorporate
completely. Add the broth, stir again, and let stand in the refrigerator for about 20 minutes. Form the
mixture into 8 patties, about in thick.
Coat a nonstick skillet with cooking spray and heat over medium high. Cook the patties for about 7
minutes on each side until browned and done in the center.
YIELD: Makes 8 (about 2 ounces) patties
(per patty)
Calories: 79
Protein: 14.25 g
Carbs: 3.32 g
Total Fat: 1.06 g
Saturated Fat: .32 g
Cholesterol: 27.54 mg
Sodium: 166.32 mg
Sugars: .27 g
Fiber: .49 g

Greek Scramble
1 tsp light butter
tsp chopped fresh thyme leaves
c liquid egg whites
2 large pitted black olives, sliced
2 tsp finely diced green bell pepper
2 tsp feta cheese crumbles


In a pan over medium heat, melt the butter, swirling the pan to coat evenly. Add the thyme and saut
for about 1-2 minutes till it begins to bubble and sweat. Add the egg whites, stirring gently but
constantly with a heat-resistant rubber spatula, scraping the bottom of the pan to keep the eggs moving
to avoid browning. When the eggs are almost
finished, add the olives, pepper, and cheese and
turn off the heat. Gently fold the ingredients into
the eggs, turning over with the rubber spatula.
When the cheese becomes soft but not dissolved,
turn the scramble onto a plate.
YIELD: Makes one serving
Calories: 97
Protein: 8.61 g
Carbs: 1.78 g
Total Fat: 5.97 g
Saturated Fat: 1.68 g
Cholesterol: 6.19 mg
Sodium: 247.13 mg
Sugars: 1.42 g
Fiber: .38 g

Savory Broccoli and Cheese Bread Pudding

TEXTURE: Regular
2 tsp olive oil
1 medium sweet onion, diced
tsp dried oregano
tsp dried basil
tsp granulated garlic
5-6 whole-wheat English muffins, toasted and cut into
inch croutons
1 package (14oz) chopped frozen broccoli, thawed and
1 c reduced-fat shredded cheddar cheese
2 tbsp shredded Parmesan cheese
3 large eggs, beaten
2 tbsp chopped fresh parsley
c nonfat half-and-half
Preheat the oven to 350F.
In a medium skillet, heat the oil over medium-high heat. Add the onion and saut until it begins to
soften. Add the oregano, basil and garlic and continue cooking for an additional 2 minutes, stirring
once or twice. Remove the mixture from heat and set aside.
Coat a 7 x 9 in baking dish with cooking spray. Place the croutons and broccoli in the baking dish.
Evenly distribute the saut mixture over the bread and broccoli. Sprinkle the Cheddar and Parmesan
over the croutons and broccoli.


In a small mixing bowl, combine the eggs, parsley and half-and-half, then pour the egg mixture evenly
over the cheese. Bake for 35 minutes, until the center of the dish has risen to meet the level at the edges
and the top is golden brown.
YIELD: Makes 12 (2/3 c) servings
Calories: 196
Protein: 11.01 g
Carbs: 25.8 g
Total Fat: 6.36 g
Saturated Fat: 2.7 g
Cholesterol: 68.5 mg
Sodium: 480.27 mg
Sugars: 6.13 g
Fiber: 4.49 g

Zesty Turkey Burger Pita Pocket

TEXTURE: Regular
c diced onion
c low-sodium, low-carb ketchup
1 tsp lemon-pepper seasoning
1 tsp cumin seed
tsp cinnamon
1/8 tsp black pepper
1 tbsp chopped fresh cilantro
1 lb extra lean ground turkey (97% fat-free, contains no skin)
4 whole-wheat pita pockets
4 tsp nonfat mayonnaise or Tzatziki sauce
4 in thick tomato slices
4 red leaf lettuce leaves
Preheat the oven to 300F.
In a medium mixing bowl, combine the onion, ketchup,
lemon-pepper seasoning, cumin, cinnamon, pepper, cilantro, and turkey and mix thoroughly. Divide
the turkey mixture into 4 equal portions, shaping each into a 1-inch thick patty. Place a medium
nonstick skillet over medium-heat until hot. Add the patties and cook for about 6 minutes on each side,
until no longer pink. Remove burgers from the pan and let rest for 5 minutes.
Wrap the pita pockets in aluminum foil and bake for 10 minutes. Spread 1 teaspoon of mayonnaise
inside each pita pocket. Place one burger patty in each pita pocket and top each patty with a slice of
tomato and lettuce. Serve immediately.
YIELD: Makes 4 sandwiches
Calories: 240
Protein: 30.77 g
Carbs: 25.71 g
Total Fat: 2.7 g
Saturated Fat: .65 g
Cholesterol: 55 mg


Sodium: 273.1 mg
Sugars: 6.91 g
Fiber: 3.15 g

Green Tomato Soup with Fresh Tarragon

1 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil
Olive oil cooking spray
3 cups diced yellow onion
8 medium green tomatoes, cored and chopped into 1 in
2 tsp coriander seed
2 fresh tarragon leaves
2 c natural low sodium chicken broth
Salt (optional)
tsp fresh cracked black pepper
c nonfat sour cream or nonfat plain yogurt (optional)
4 sprigs fresh tarragon
In a 6-quart stockpot or Dutch over, heat the oil and cooking spray over medium-high heat. Add the
onion, tomatoes, coriander, tarragon leaves, salt (if using), and pepper. Saut the mixture, stirring just
enough to expose all ingredients to the heat surface. Continue to saut until soft, but do not brown.
Remove the pot from the heat and let the mixture cool for 10 minutes.
Place the mixture into a food processor fitted with metal S blade or blender and pulse until almost
pureed consistency. Return the mixture to the pot and add the broth. Bring to a simmer, cover and
continue simmer for 20 minutes. Check the seasoning and adjust with salt as needed. Serve in warmed
soup bowls with a dollop of sour cream or yogurt (if using) and the tarragon sprigs.
YIELD: Makes 5 (1 c) servings
Calories: 123
Protein: 4.64 g
Carbs: 20.81 g
Total Fat: 3.42 g
Saturated Fat: .49 g
Cholesterol: 0 mg
Sodium: 220.9 mg
Sugars: 11.98 g
Fiber: 3.87 g

Filet of Salmon A La Herman

1 lbs wild salmon fillet, cut into 6 portions
tsp sea salt or kosher salt
lemon, juice and rind (no seeds)
c butter substitute
large yellow onion, diced
1 tbsp fresh cracked black pepper


Prepare the charcoal or gas grill for medium-high heat. Make a boat for each of the salmon fillets
using heavy aluminum foil by placing the fillet in the center and then folding the edges up around it.
Evenly sprinkle the salt over the salmon fillets. Squeeze the lemon in to a small bowl and chop the rind
(yellow and white part) into very small pieces, then set aside.
In a small saucepan, melt the butter substitute over medium-high heat. Add the chopped onion and
cook until it begins to soften. Add the lemon juice and rind and continue to cook for about 2 minutes,
stirring often. Add the pepper, cook for 1 more minute, and remove from the heat. Spoon the sauce
over the salmon fillets and place the boats on the grill. Cook for about 7 minutes for every inch of
thickness of the salmon fillets. When the juice from the salmon begins to appear opaque, it is a good
indication of medium-well doneness.
YIELD: Makes 6 (about 4 ounce) servings
Calories: 207
Protein: 22.9 g
Carbs: 3.06 g
Total Fat: 11.21 g
Saturated Fat: 1.78 g
Cholesterol: 62.37 mg
Sodium: 204.51 mg
Sugars: .98 g
Fiber: .05g

7 Layer Bean Dip

TEXTURE: Regular
2 c refried beans
1 tsp chipotle chili powder
tsp ground cumin
1 c shredded low-fat cheddar cheese
c chopped chile peppers, or canned jalapeno
1 avocado, peeled and chopped
1 hot-house tomato, seeded and chopped
/3 c fat free sour cream
c sliced black olives
2 scallions, sliced
Heat the refried beans in a medium saut pan over low heat.
Stir in enough water to make them creamy. Mix in the chipotle
chili powder and cumin. Once the beans are hot, spread them
over the bottom of a warmed serving dish. Immediately add the
shredded cheddar cheese. Layer on the chopped chile peppers (or jalapenos), avocado, tomato and
sour cream. Top with the black olives and sliced scallions. Serve with chips or warmed pita bread for
YIELD: Makes about 8 (1/2 c each) servings
Calories: 174
Protein: 8.9 g


Carbs: 18.41 g
Total Fat: 8.22 g
Saturated Fat: 2.88 g
Cholesterol: 10.96 mg
Sodium: 466.05 mg
Sugars: 2.7 g
Fiber: 6.53 g

Ginger Applesauce Cake

2 c all-purpose flour
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp allspice
tsp salt
c brown sugar substitute TruVia Brown Sugar
2 eggs
2 tbsp fresh grated gingerroot
1 c unsweetened applesauce
1 tsp vanilla extract
Preheat the oven to 350F. Spray a 1 quart loaf
pan with cooking spray.
In a medium-mixing bowl, sift together the flour, baking powder, baking soda, allspice, and salt.
In a separate bowl, mix together the sugar substitute, eggs, ginger, applesauce and vanilla.
Pour the wet mixture into the dry mixture in thirds, stirring all the while with a wire whisk. Continue
mixing until just smooth. (Do not over mix). Pour the batter into the prepared pan and bake for about
50 minutes, until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean. Cool the cake at room
temperature for 30 minutes before releasing it from the pan.
YIELD: Makes 12 (about 2 oz) servings
Calories: 107
Protein: 3.35 g
Carbs: 20.23 g
Total Fat: 1.07 g
Saturated Fat: .29 g
Cholesterol: 40 mg
Sodium: 198.6 mg
Sugars: 3.64 g
Fiber: .84 g

Ricotta Creme With Raspberries And Honey

1 lb nonfat ricotta cheese
c orange juice
1 c fresh raspberries


1 tsp sweetened vanilla powder
1 tbsp honey
4 springs fresh mint
8 low-calorie gourmet cookies (like animal crackers or ginger snaps)
Blend the cottage cheese with orange juice in a blender or food processor. Divide the cheese among
four small custard cups or dessert dishes. Place the raspberries over the top and around the cheese.
Using a small sieve, sprinkle the vanilla powder
equally over the top of each. Drizzle the honey evenly
over each top. Garnish each dessert with a fresh mint
sprig and 2 cookies. Use the cookies for spoons.
YIELD: Makes 8 (about c) servings
Calories: 126
Protein: 9.18 g
Carbs: 22.84 g
Total Fat: 1.1 g
Saturated Fat: 0 g
Cholesterol: 6 mg
Sodium: 90.15 mg
Sugars: 13.68 g
Fiber: 1.5 g

Peanut Butter Protein Cups (Reeses)

TEXTURE: Mechanical Soft
c PB2
2 tbsp Bariatric Advantage vanilla protein powder
3 tbsp peanut butter
c unsweetened vanilla almond milk
c Ghirardelli 60% cacao bittersweet chocolate chips
Line a muffin pan with 8 paper baking cups. In a small bowl,
combine the protein powder and PB2. Add the almond milk
and mix until smooth. Add the peanut butter and mix until
smooth. In a small pan, melt about half of the chocolate chips
over low heat. Add a small layer of melted chocolate to each of the baking cups. Stick the pan in the
freezer and let the chocolate harden, about 15 minutes. To each baking cup, add a spoonful of the
peanut butter filling and press lightly into the cup, leaving some space on the sides for the top layer of
chocolate to fill in.
Melt the rest of the chocolate chips and top each peanut butter mixture with chocolate so it looks like a
Reeses cup. Return the pan to the freezer until hardened, about 30 minutes. You can wrap each cup in
foil if desired. Freeze until ready to serve.
YIELD: Makes 8 servings
Calories: 117
Protein: 5 g


Carbs: 9 g
Total Fat: 8 g
Saturated Fat: 3 g
Cholesterol: 0 mg
Sodium: 64 mg
Sugars: 6 g
Fiber: 2 g

Zucchini Pizza Bites

TEXTURE: Regular
2 large zucchini, cut into in thick round slices
Nonstick olive oil spray
Kosher salt and freshly cracked pepper
c pizza sauce
c shredded part-skim mozzarella cheese
Basil, cut in a chiffonade, to sprinkle (optional)
Italian seasoning, to sprinkle
Spray both sides of zucchini rounds lightly with the oil spray.
Sprinkle lightly with salt and pepper. Broil or grill (medium-high)
the rounds for two minutes on each side.
Place the cooked rounds on a lined baking sheet. Top each
zucchini round with a small amount of sauce, cheese and
pepperoni, if using. Sprinkle with seasoning and broil for another
2-3 minutes, or until the cheese has melted. Top each round with
some basil and serve.
YIELD: Makes 8 servings
Calories: 24
Protein: 3 g
Carbs: 3 g
Total Fat: 0 g
Saturated Fat: 0 g
Cholesterol: 1 mg
Sodium: 90 mg
Sugars: 1 g
Fiber: 1 g

Spicy Kale Chips

TEXTURE: Regular
1 large bunch of curly kale, stems removed, leaves washed and dried thoroughly, and torn into bite
sized pieces
A tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
tsp chili powder
tsp cumin
tsp smoked paprika
Crushed red chili pepper flakes to taste
Kosher or coarse sea salt to taste
Cooking spray


Preheat oven to 300F. Line two baking sheets with parchment paper.
In a large bowl, drizzle the kale with olive oil
and massage the chili powder, cumin and
paprika into kale. Spread the kale evenly on
the baking sheets and season generously with
salt and red chili pepper flakes. Spray kale
with cooking spray for a quick, light coat.
Bake for 10 minutes, then rotate the pans and
bake for 10-15 minutes until crispy, not burnt.
Cool for three minutes to allow the chips to
crisp more. Store in an airtight container in
the fridge for up to four days.
YIELD: Makes 4 servings
Calories: 54
Protein: 1 g
Carbs: 3 g
Total Fat: 4 g
Saturated Fat: 0 g
Cholesterol: 0 mg
Sodium: 91 mg
Sugars: 0 g
Fiber: 1 g

Spice Roasted Chickpeas

TEXTURE: Regular
1 can (15.5 oz) chickpeas, rinsed, drained and pat-dried
1 tbsp olive oil
tsp salt
tsp cayenne pepper
Preheat oven to 450F. Line a rimmed baking
sheet with aluminum foil.
In a large bowl, mix the chickpeas with olive oil,
salt and pepper. Use your hand to massage the
seasonings into the chickpeas. Spread the
chickpeas evenly on the baking sheet and bake for
15 minutes. Remove pan and shake to ensure the
chickpeas brown evenly. Return pan to oven for 15
more minutes until chickpeas are brown and
crunchy. Serve warm.
YIELD: Makes 4 servings
Calories: 157
Protein: 8 g
Carbs: 18 g
Total Fat: 7 g


Saturated Fat: 1 g
Cholesterol: 0 mg
Sodium: 528 mg
Sugars: 1 g
Fiber: 4 g

Brownie Cookie Dough Swirl Protein Balls

TEXTURE: Regular
For Brownie:
c Bariatric Advantage chocolate protein powder
c oat flour
2 tbsp cocoa powder
2 tbsp almond butter (or peanut butter)
1 tbsp maple syrup
c almond milk
For Cookie Dough:
c Bariatric Advantage vanilla protein powder
c oat flour
tbsp maple syrup
2 tbsp almond butter
3 tbsp almond milk
In a medium sized bowl, mix all ingredients for the brownie
flavor. It should be the consistency of cookie dough, add
more/less milk as needed.
In another bowl, follow the same steps for the cookie dough
Take a bit of brownie and cookie dough flavor dough and compress together to create a swirled
protein ball. Continue making balls until all the dough has been used up.
YIELD: Makes 18 balls
Calories: 85
Protein: 5 g
Carbs: 10 g
Total Fat: 3 g
Saturated Fat: 0 g
Cholesterol: 3 mg
Sodium: 27 mg
Sugars: 2 g
Fiber: 2 g



Shakes are a great way to get your nutrients pre or post op without consuming too many
When a recipe calls for milk of choice, use a low-calorie option like almond, cashew, soy milk
or even water. For your sweetener, use a zero calorie sweetener like Truvia. You can use low
fat cottage cheese or plain nonfat Greek yogurt interchangeably in the recipes; they both add
thickness and extra protein into your recipe. Use a heavy-duty blender to blend up all your
ingredients and add ice if desired for a fuller consistency and more volume.

[chocolate] shakes
Peppermint patty shake
2 scoops Bariatric Advantage Chocolate (or Vanilla) Protein Powder
8-12 fl oz milk of choice
2-4 drops peppermint extract (or to taste)
Sweetener of choice
2 tbsp cocoa powder
- cup cottage cheese (depending on how thick you like it)

Chocolate cinnamon shake

2 scoops Bariatric Advantage Chocolate (or Vanilla) Protein Powder
8-12 fl oz milk of choice
Sweetener of choice
1 tsp cinnamon

Chocolate protein pudding

2 scoops Bariatric Advantage Chocolate (or Vanilla) Protein Powder
3-6 fl oz milk of choice
Sweetener of choice
2 tbsp cocoa powder
- cup greek yogurt (depending on how thick you like it)
1 tbsp chocolate pudding mix



[vanilla] shakes
Birthday cupcake shake
2 scoops Bariatric Advantage Vanilla Protein Powder
8-12 fl oz milk of choice
2-4 drops butter or almond extract (or to taste)
Sweetener of choice
1 tbsp vanilla pudding mix or tsp vanilla extract
- cup cottage cheese (depending on how thick you like it)

Sea salt & caramel shake

2 scoops Bariatric Advantage Vanilla Protein Powder
8-12 fl oz milk of choice
2-4 drops caramel extract (or to taste)
Sweetener of choice
Pinch kosher salt
- cup cottage cheese (depending on how thick you like it)
drizzle some sugar free caramel syrup on top
sprinkle some kosher salt on top

French toast shake

2 scoops Bariatric Advantage Vanilla Protein Powder
8-12 fl oz milk of choice
2-4 drops butter extract (or to taste) (if desired)
1-2 tbsp sugar free maple syrup (or to taste) or tsp maple extract
tsp cinnamon
tsp nutmeg or pumpkin spice
- cup cottage cheese (depending on how thick you like it)

Peaches & vanilla shake

2 scoops Bariatric Advantage Vanilla Protein Powder
8-12 fl oz milk of choice



2-4 drops vanilla extract (or to taste) (if desired)

Sweetener of choice
tsp cinnamon (if desired)
tsp nutmeg or pumpkin spice (if desired)
- cup cottage cheese (depending on how thick you like it)
c canned or frozen peaches

Aloha shake
2 scoops Bariatric Advantage Vanilla Protein Powder
Sweetener of choice
- cup cottage cheese (depending on how thick you like it)
c frozen pineapple
1 frozen banana
8-12 fl oz coconut water

Pumpkin pie shake

2 scoops Bariatric Advantage Vanilla Protein Powder
Sweetener of choice
- cup cottage cheese (depending on how thick you like it)
c pumpkin puree
1-2 tsp pumpkin pie spice
8-12 fl oz milk of choice

Vanilla chai shake

2 scoops Bariatric Advantage Vanilla Protein Powder
Sweetener of choice
Dash of cardamom, ground ginger, cinnamon and/or nutmeg
8-12 fl oz steeped chai tea

[banana] shakes
Banana bread shake


2 scoops Bariatric Advantage Banana Protein Powder
8-12 fl oz milk of choice
Sweetener of choice
tsp cinnamon

Coffee banana shake

2 scoops Bariatric Advantage Banana Protein Powder
8-12 fl oz milk of choice
Cooled coffee (as desired)
Sweetener of choice

Peanut butter banana shake

2 scoops Bariatric Advantage Banana Protein Powder
8-12 fl oz milk of choice
1-2 tbsp peanut butter (or PB2 or chocolate PB2)
- cup cottage cheese (depending on how thick you like it)
Sweetener of choice
2 tbsp cocoa powder (if desired)

Mango-nana shake
2 scoops Bariatric Advantage Banana Protein Powder
Sweetener of choice
- cup cottage cheese (depending on how thick you like it)
c pureed frozen or canned mango
8-12 fl oz milk of choice

Choco-nana shake
2 scoops Bariatric Advantage Banana Protein Powder
Sweetener of choice
- cup cottage cheese (depending on how thick you like it)
2-4 tbsp cocoa powder
8-12 fl oz milk of choice



Drizzle with sugar free chocolate syrup on top

[orange] shakes
Orange popsicles
2 scoops Bariatric Advantage Orange Protein Powder
Sweetener of choice
- cup greek yogurt (depending on how thick you like it)
8-12 fl oz milk of choice
Pour into popsicle molds and freeze for a few hours

Choco-orange shake
2 scoops Bariatric Advantage Orange Protein Powder
Sweetener of choice
- cup cottage cheese (depending on how thick you like it)
2-4 tbsp cocoa powder
8-12 fl oz milk of choice

Fuzzy navel shake

2 scoops Bariatric Advantage Orange Protein Powder
Sweetener of choice
- cup cottage cheese (depending on how thick you like it)
c pureed frozen or canned peaches
8-12 fl oz milk of choice or natural orange juice

Sweet citrus shake

2 scoops Bariatric Advantage Orange Protein Powder
Sweetener of choice
c frozen pineapple
- 1 grapefruit
8-12 fl oz coconut water or orange juice



[cookies n creme] shakes

Oreo mocha milkshake
2 scoops Bariatric Advantage Cookies n Creme Protein Powder
Sweetener of choice
- cup cottage cheese (depending on how thick you like it)
2-4 tbsp cocoa powder
1-2 tsp vanilla extract
8-12 fl oz milk of choice
Top with crushed oreo crumbs and sugar free chocolate syrup

[iced latte] shakes

Mocha shake
2 scoops Bariatric Advantage Iced Latte Protein Powder
Sweetener of choice
- cup cottage cheese (depending on how thick you like it)
1-2 tbsp cocoa powder
8-12 fl oz milk of choice
1-2 tbsp sugar free chocolate syrup

[strawberry] shakes
Peanut butter jelly shake
2 scoops Bariatric Advantage Strawberry Protein Powder
Sweetener of choice
1-2 tbsp PB2 or creamy peanut butter
1 tbsp strawberry jelly
8-12 fl oz milk of choice

Strawberry cheesecake shake


2 scoops Bariatric Advantage Strawberry Protein Powder
Sweetener of choice
- cup cottage cheese (depending on how thick you like it)
c pureed strawberries
1 tbsp light cream cheese
8-12 fl oz milk of choice

[carribean cooler] shakes

Pineapple breeze shake
1 scoops Bariatric Advantage Caribbean Cooler Protein Powder
Sweetener of choice
- 1c canned pineapple in juice
8-12 fl oz coconut water

[fuzzy navel] shakes

Just peachy frozen yogurt
1 scoop Bariatric Advantage Fuzzy Navel Protein Powder
Sweetener of choice
cup greek yogurt
Pinch of cinnamon
4 fl oz milk of choice
Freeze for a few hours

[twisted cherry] shakes

Very cherry shake
1 scoop Bariatric Advantage Cherry Protein Powder
Sweetener of choice
- cup cottage cheese (depending on how thick you like it)



c pureed canned, fresh or frozen cherries

8-12 fl oz milk of choice

Starbucks Secret Pink drink shake

1 scoop Bariatric Advantage Cherry Protein Powder
Sweetener of choice
8-12 fl oz coconut water
Add some dehydrated strawberries at the end
Pour over ice cubes

[roadside lemonade] shakes

Arnold palmer iced tea shake
1 scoop Bariatric Advantage Lemonade Protein Powder
-1 packet of lemonade crystal light (as needed)
8-12 fl oz cooled unsweetened black tea
Pour over ice cubes
Add mint for a refreshing twist on a classic!

Virgin Mojito shake

1 scoop Bariatric Advantage Lemonade Protein Powder
Sweetener of choice
2-4 tbsp lemon juice
A few sprigs of mint
8-12 fl oz water


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