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Region 1 - The U.S., U.S.

territories and Canada

Region 2 - Europe, Japan, the Middle East, Egypt, South Africa, Greenland
Region 3 - Taiwan, Korea, the Philippines, Indonesia, Hong Kong
Region 4 - Mexico, South America, Central America, Australia, New Zealand, Pacific Islands, Caribbean
Region 5 - Russia (okay, former Russia), Eastern Europe, India, most of Africa, North Korea, Mongolia
Region 6 - China

- Encender el equipo
- Abrir la bandeja donde va el CD.
- Setup (Control Remoto)
- 3 veces derecha (Control Remoto)
- 9653 (Control Remoto)
- N de region (Control Remoto) si pones 0 es multizona.
Airis L120
1.- encender dvd y esperar la leyenda no disc ( sin disco)
2.- eject ( boton de open/close)
3.- 9735
4.- Aparece el menu Principal
5.- Seleccionar region y cambiar a REGION 0 y presionar enter
6.- seleccionar salir de setup y presionar enter.
APEX AD 1100
Open the tray
Press 3, 4, 9, 7, 3, 4 and 0 for region free, 1 for region 1 and so on
If youve selected region free then the message "region free" appear
COBY 207
VOL+, Vol-, Vol+, Vol- aparece un 1 usando las flechitas seleccionar 255 , que es multiregion
COBY 215.
prender el dvd
open tray
presionar 2812 seleccionar region apretando play del control remoto.
COBY 218
presionar setup
cuando esten en la pantalla presionar vol+,vol-,vol+,vol- y aparece en la parte superior derecha la zona para la cual esta
configurada y llevarla con las flechas hasta 255 y listo
Coby 224
PRESS 33088 plus region you want

Example: For region 5

PRESS 330885
Important Observation:You wont see anything in the display during these steps. Put CD and check if its ok, or try again.
COBY 224
On Stop mode Press Setup, Vol+, Vol-, Vol+, Vol- until "Ver 1 displayed Using arrows, select region, 255 represents
COBY 615
Turn it on
Open tray
Press 2 8 1 2
Select region by pressing ENTER button on remote.
close tray.
Pongalo en 9 para que quede multizona.
1. Using the remote control, key in the following: Setup, Vol(+), Vol(-), Vol(+), Vol(-).
2. On the top-left of the display, should read: "Ver 255".
3. Use the arrow keys to change region-255 is region free.
4. Press Enter to confirm the choice.
Otro mtodo
1. Turn DVD Player on.
2. Press Setup on remote.
3. Press 2,1,8,8, a new box appear, go to version.
4. press region specific 1-6 or 0 for multizone.
5. Turn off.
6. Turn on.
You may see other VER numbers, such as 3001, 4001, 5001 - Change these to 3000, 4000, 5000 to toggle User Prohibitions,
VCD and Macrovision on and off.
Another method for the 202:
1-turn on
2- open/close open/close open
3- enter 0100
4-Appears R9 on the screen ,it!s done(if 0100
COBY 815
abrir la bandeja,
presionar set-up
presionar 4veces el 8
aparece en el menu la inscripcion region,colocar 0 para hacerlo multizona
COBY DVD 815/915 enviado por Emilio
1. Open the DVD tray
2. Input 8, 4, 2, 1
3. To find the region code as you need
Coby 905

Open Tray
Press SET UP on remote
ENTER 0,0,0,0 on remote
Press FF on remote VERSION appears on menu
Change region number to 4 (for South America) Press SET UP to exit

Coby 507:
1 Encender el reproductor sin ningun disco dentro
2 presionar la tecla MENU + 1 + 9, en el control remoto
3 presionar ENTER en la funcion REGION CODE
4 presionar 0 (numero 0) y luego ENTER
5 presionar EJECT para salir de la REGION CODE SETTING
1- encend el equipo y abr y cerr la bandeja sin disco
2- cuando en la pantalla te aparece "no disc" apreta menu
3- apreta 1, 9, enter y te aparecen las zonas en pantalla
4- elegi 4 o 0 que es multizona.
5- confirma con enter
Memorex MVD2022,
Everything should be done from the Remote Control.
1. Turn on the Player.
2. Press the Open/Close button.
3. Press the Clear button.
4. Press 1,3,6,9.
5. Press the Region you want, 0 for Region free. 1 for Region1 and so on.
6. Turn off and on your player.
Everything appears to work correctly except on some region 1 DVDs 2 channel English audio always has director's
commentary playing over audio track. Does not happen on 5.1 channel audio or any other language tracks.
1- abrir bandeja
2- setup.
3- digite,1,3,6,9.
4- presione tres veces izquierda y una derecha
5- aparece version en el menu- elija 0 para multiregion
6- reinicie el equipojWIN JD-VD503
1- Open Tray
2- Close Tray
3- Press Setup Button
4- Press 1,3,6,9
5- Press 3 times Left Arrow

6- Press 1 time Right Arrow

7- A "VERSION MENU" will show up as last option, get to it and change Region to 0 for region free mode
8- Restart your dvd player
9- Enjoy it !!
JWIN modelo 130
1. Abre la bandeja
2. Presiona el boton "PROG"
3. PResiona el botn "ENTER" 3 veces
4. Aparece en la pantalla el indicador de zona
5. Con las teclas de flecha UP/DOWN selecciona 0 para multiregion
6. Presiona el botn "STOP"
7. Cierra la bandeja, eso es todo, ya tu DVD es MULTIZONA
Con la bandeja abierta apretar setup
Despues next, next, prev, prev y ahi aparecera en pantalla un numero que ira del 1 al 6 si siguen subiendo llegaran al 255
dejenlo ahi que ese es el multizona aprieten enter apaguen y prendan el DVD y ya esta.
JWIN 750
Prender el equipo
Abrir la bandeja,
Apretas el boton de setup
Aparecera el menu en pantalla despues apretas NEXT - NEXT - PREV - PREV te va a aparecer un numero en le borde
superior derecho que ira de 1 a 6 con las flechas de control vas cambiando hasta que aparece 255
Apretas enter
Apagas el equipo
1. Turn the DVD player on
2. Hit Setup on the remote control
3. Press 8888
4. Press Next button ( >>| )
5. "Version" menu should show up on the Screen
6. Select "Version" menu, select "Region Code" and choose 0 by pressing the down arrow on your remote.
7. Click Setup to exit ( ese el el truco del disfrutenlo )
SAMSUNG P-243 y P-233K creo que para P Series
1- Enciendan el DVD y asegrense que no haya ningun disco en la bandeja.
2- Presionen y mantengan PLAY y STOP en el panel del DVD
3- Al ver el men seleccionen el 4 con los nmeros del control remoto.
4- Presionar REPEAT ( no la tecla REPEAT A-B ) en el control remoto
5- Digiten 7 6 8 8 4 9 al final veran que aparece el 9 en pantalla
6- Apagar el DVD mientrs se vea el 9 y prender de nuevo
I tried the instructions of the Samsung DVD V2000 on my V2200 (region 4) model purchsed in Mexico and is working very
well. Apparently the difference between these two models is only the region.
Always perform a COLD START before applying the hack below. This is an essential step. This hack can be used on player
model v5000 as well.
1. Power on your player as normal.
2. Press and hold both the Play and Forward buttons on the player.
3. After a short while the words "No Disc" should appear from the onscreen display Release the Play and Forward buttons

as soon as you see the words no disk.

4. First press the "Subtitle", then press the "Repeat" button on your remote control.
5. Using your remote control enter the code below, note that you must know what Region your player is currently set to in
order to know which code is appropriate:
- Region 1 use [ 2, 9, 3, 3, 4 ]
- Region 2 use [ 3, 8, 7, 6, 7 ]
- Region 3 use [ 5, 6, 7, 3, 2 ]
- Region 4 use [ 7, 6, 8, 8, 4 ]
- Region 5 use [ 5, 3, 8, 1, 4 ]
- Region 6 use [ 2, 4, 4, 6, 2 ]
6. A code should be displayed at the upper left of the screen showing the current Region setting of your unit.
7. Press the "9" button on your remote control for Region free, or "1" for Region 1. Press "2" for Region 2, and so on.
8. Press the Open button on your player, put a DVD movie. Don't press CLOSE!!!
9. Press the Standby button on your remote control.
10. Press Standby again, and wait untill u see the Samsung Digitall logo, press the PLAY button, and here you go, your
movie should start now.
1.- Turn on your DVD.
2.- It is recomended to select appropiate language by pressing your native language.
3.- You have to wait in the screen appears "NO DISC" message
4.- With no disc in the plate, to press REPEAT A-B in the remote control.
5.- After that, you have to press the next number sequence with the control remote buttons: 7 - 6 - 8 - 8 - 7 (it must appear
number 4 in the screen)
6.- Inmediatly press "9".
7.- Open the plate disc with the remote control.
8.- Insert DVD disc zone 1.
9.- To press "DVD Power" button (on the DVD player).
10.- Turn on the device again for the changes have been recognized.
Always try and perform a Cold Start before applying the hack below
1. Power on your player
2. Press and hold both the Play and Stop buttons on the player
3. After a short while you should be presented with a set of language options. Release the Play and Stop buttons on the
4. You should ow turn your player off and then back on
5. You will now need to select a language option between 1 and 6
To convert this player to Multi-Region playback
1. Press the Repeat button on your remote control
NB: If the above does not work and your model supports it, press both Repeat buttons at the same time, or alternatively
press the Subtitle button
2. Using your remote control enter the code below, note that you must know what Region your player is currently set to in
order to know which code is appropriate
for Region 1 use 2, 9, 3, 3 and 4
for Region 2 use 3, 8, 7, 6 and 7
for Region 3 use 5, 6, 7, 3 and 2
for Region 4 use 7, 6, 8, 8 and 4
for Region 5 use 5, 3, 8, 1 and 4
for Region 6 use 2, 4, 4, 6 and 2
3. A code should be displayed on the screen indicating the current Region setting of your unit.
4. Press the 9 button on your remote control for Region free, or 1 for Region 1, 2 for Region 2 and so on.

5. Press the Open button on your player

6. Press the Standby button on your remote control
If the player sticks on FBI Warning screens
1. Press Forward Search x2 or faster, the disc should skip straight to the main featuer
1: mtodo: Para cambiar de zona o pasar en multizona: ( Con la ayuda del telemando de origen)
1. Encienda a su lector de DVD con la ayuda del telemando.
2. Espere hasta que no disc aparezca sobre el fijador de carteles de su lector de DVD.
3. Apriete el botn "Pause" del telemando.
4. Apriete sucesivamente los botones 3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9 del telemando.
5. La palabra "CODIFICA" debera apparaitre sobre el fijador de carteles. Usted tiene ahora 5 segundos para escoger la
nueva zona.
6. Apriete 0 para pasar en multizona, sobre 1 para pasar en zona 1, sobre 2 para pasar en zona 2, etc. A este estadio, quedas
todava 5 segundos para validar sus modificaciones.
7. Apriete simultneamente los botones "Pause" y "Power" para validar sus modificaciones.
2: metodo:
Para cambiar de zona o pasar en multizona: (mtodo alternativo)
1. Ponga a su lector de DVD standby " (vspera).
2. Con la ayuda de su telemando, usted puede:
- Apriete simultneamente los botones "Audio" y "Return" para pasar en multizona. (Autodeteccin de la zona)
- Apriete simultneamente los botones " P-Mode " y "Return" para leer cualquier DVD un poco de sea su procedencia
(supresin temporal de la zona)
- Apriete simultneamente los botones " Return " y "1" para pasar en zona 1, sobre los botones " Return " y "2" para pasar
en zona 2, etc
- Apriete simultneamente los botones " Return " y "0" para reinicializar la zona de su lector de DVD (la vuelta a la zona de
La mayoria de los dvd utiliza este cdigo secreto para cambiar la regin:
Oprime "Setup", despus las teclas Adelante, Atras, Adelante, Atras (Puede ser en este orden o inverso Atras-Adelante) y
aparecera una ventana emergente en la cual deberas seleccionar la regin que quieras (1,2,3,4, ETC.) o la multiregin.
Espero que te sea de utilidad. si lo logran avisenme
DVD LG Modelo DVK 8721N
1. Encender el DVD y esperar a que salga No disc
4. Escribir 0000
5. Aparecer un men para elegir la zona: Escribir 0 (multiregion)
8. OFF
1- Enciende el equipo sin disco
2- presiona del dvd(no del control) stop y play a la vez por 3 a 5 seg., luego aparece una pantalla de idiomas....presiona 4 en
el control y listo
1- pon el dvd en stand by
2- presiona title en el control
3- presiona clear
4- presiona power

5- tenes que ver el menu desplegado en la pantalla

6- presiona power en el control y tomar el cambio a multizona
JWIN VD 750. es un home theater.
1 - encender el equipo
2 - presionar boton setup
3 - presionar next prev, next prev
4 - aparecera arriba a la izquierda de la pantalla "ver"
5 - con la flecha de izquierda o derecha presionar y se vera 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 255. Para multizona dejar en 255. Si elegis
cualquiera de los otros numeros queda fijo en esa zona.
6 - Finalizar el seteo. funciona perfectamente.
JWIN mjd-vd750
1ro. abrir bandeja
2do. next-prev-next-prev
3ro. aparece en pantalla VER 1
4to. cambiar con < o > hasta 255
5to. apagar y prender el equipo
Noblex 1050
Aparece version y la region tiene que quedar en 0.
1. Make sure that there is no disc in the tray and switch on the player.
2. Cold start the player, by holding down the PLAY and STOP buttons on the player.
3. You should see a set of language options. Release the PLAY and STOP buttons.
4. Select your language.
5. Press REPEAT then the following codes for the required region the player is already set to (region you bought the player
in) do not confuse this with the A-B button:
Region 1 - 2, 9, 3, 3, 4
Region 2 - 3, 8, 7, 6, 7 ("E series M105", M205 and M305 users try: 57538)
Region 3 - 5, 6, 7, 3, 2
Region 4 - 7, 6, 8, 8, 4
Region 5 - 5, 3, 8, 1, 4
Region 6 - 2, 4, 4, 6, 2
6. A code will appear, indicating the region setting of your player.
7. Press 9 for region-free, or 1 for region 1, 2 for region 2, etc.
8. Press OPEN/CLOSE on the Player to open the disc tray. You may need to push the tray shut rather than use the player
button, in order for the region not to be changed to 4 (M203).
9. Press STANDBY (POWER) on the remote control to close the tray. Next time the player is turned on it will set to the
region specified. If the player halts on the FBI Warnings, press Forward Search x2 or faster.
On some models, you will have the ability to disable Macrovision, but you will have to turn off the Quasi-PAL option and
set the SCART output type to Video rather than RGB.
Dvd-p433 a multizona:
Si tienen un control aiwa nsx-330 apretar 3 veces rapido el boton clock aparece "ADJUST" en el LCD y listo con otros aiwa
se supone que tambin hay formas pero ni idea con qu botn
DVD LG todas las referencias.
sin disco apenas aparesca no disk con el remoto se digita "pausa" 314159 ahi aparecera codigo en el que la maquina se
encuentra se le da "cero "para que quede multizina y luego se unde pausa y asi queda multizona

1. Turn on DVD player.

2. Open tray - Open/Eject
3. Press button Setup from remote.
4. Press 9 for multiregion, 1 for region 1, 2, for region 2, 3, for region 3, etc
5. Press buttons 5, 0, 1, 0 from remote
6. Press button "Step" (i think it's the one to move arrow to navigate in the dvd menu)
7. Press button "Shuffle"
8. Press button "Next" from remote (i think this one is the one where changes tracks/chapters in a dvd)
Encender el dvd sin ningun cd dentro, luego ingresar 770 (no presionar setup) y ya est. Aparecer "Region: Libre".

Jwin VD750
1 - encender el equipo
2 - presionar boton setup
3 - presionar next prev, next prev
4 - aparecera arriba a la izquierda de la pantalla "ver"
5 - con la flecha de izquierda o derecha presionar y
se vera 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 255. Para multizona
dejar en 255. Si elegis cualquiera de los otros
numeros queda fijo en esa zona.
6 - Finalizar el seteo.
Jwin JD-VD750
1ro. abrir bandeja
2do. next-prev-next-prev
3ro. aparece en pantalla VER 1
4to. cambiar con < o > hasta 255
5to. apagar y prender el equipo
1- Open Tray
2- Close Tray
3- Press Setup Button
4- Press 1,3,6,9
5- Press 3 times Left Arrow
6- Press 1 time Right Arrow
7- A "VERSION MENU" will show up as last option, get to it and change Region to 0 for region free mode
8- Restart your dvd player
9- Enjoy it !!
JWIN JD-VD503 multizona
1-abrir bandeja
3-digite,1,3,6,9. (puede ser 1,3,6,0 depende el modelo)
4-presione tres veces izquierda y una derecha
5-aparece version en el menu- elija 0 para multiregion
JWIN JD-VD130 multizona
1. Presionar el boton PROG
2. luego 3 veces la tecla ENTER
3. con las flechas ARRIBA y ABAJO seleccionar 0

4. finalmente presionar la tecla STOP

JWIN JD-VD130 Otra forma
1. Abrir la bandeja.
2. Oprimir el botn PROG.
3. Oprimir ENTER tres veces.
4. Aparece un indicador de zona. Con las flechas ARRIBA-ABAJO buscar el 0.
5. Oprimir el botn STOP. Debera aparecer un mensaje de que la regin cambi a 0.
6. Cerrar la bandeja y reiniciar el equipo.
JWIN dvd 130 a multizona:
1.- Presiona la tecla setup
2.- Digita el codigo del DVD que es 1369
3.- Te va a aparecer una ventana que con la flechas direccionales (bordean la tecla ENTER) escojes la zona, seleccionas la
region 0 (0 es multizona)
4.- luego presionas Setup hasta salir del menu
espero que te haya ayudado
JWIN dvd 130
1. Abre la bandeja
2. Presiona el boton "PROG"
3. PResiona el botn "ENTER" 3 veces
4. Aparece en la pantalla el indicador de zona
5. Con las teclas de flecha UP/DOWN selecciona 0 para multiregion
6. Presiona el botn "STOP"
7. Cierra la bandeja, eso es todo, ya tu DVD es MULTIZONA
Phillips 615
Samsung DVD-M103
1- Enciende el equipo sin disco
2- presiona del dvd(no del control) stop y play a la vez por 3 a 5 seg.
3- luego aparece una pantalla de idiomas....
4- presiona 4 en el control y listo
Samsung P433
1.- Turn on your DVD.
2.- It is recomended to select appropiate language by pressing your native language.
3.- You have to wait in the screen appears "NO DISC" message
4.- With no disc in the plate, to press REPEAT A-B in the remote control.
5.- After that, you have to press the next number sequence with the control remote buttons:
(it must appear number 4 in the screen)
6.- Inmediatly press "9".
7.- Open the plate disc with the remote control.
8.- Insert DVD disc zone 1.
9.- To press "DVD Power" button (on the DVD player).
10.- Turn on the device again for the changes have been recognized.
SAMSUNG P-243 y P-233K
1- Enciendan el DVD y asegrense que no haya ningun disco en la bandeja.
2- Presionen y mantengan PLAY y STOP en el panel del DVD
3- Al ver el men seleccionen el 4 con los nmeros del control remoto.
4- Presionar REPEAT ( no la tecla REPEAT A-B ) en el control remoto
5- Digiten 7 6 8 8 4 9 al final veran que aparece el 9 en pantalla

6- Apagar el DVD mientrs se vea el 9 y prender de nuevo

Samsung DVD V2000/V2200/V5000
1. Power on your player as normal.
2. Press and hold both the Play and Forward buttons on the player.
3. After a short while the words "No Disc" should appear from the onscreen display Release the Play and Forward buttons
as soon as you see the words no disk.
4. First press the "Subtitle", then press the "Repeat" button on your remote control.
5. Using your remote control enter the code below, note that you must know what Region your player is currently set to in
order to know which code is appropriate:
- Region 1 use [ 2, 9, 3, 3, 4 ]
- Region 2 use [ 3, 8, 7, 6, 7 ]
- Region 3 use [ 5, 6, 7, 3, 2 ]
- Region 4 use [ 7, 6, 8, 8, 4 ]
- Region 5 use [ 5, 3, 8, 1, 4 ]
- Region 6 use [ 2, 4, 4, 6, 2 ]
6. A code should be displayed at the upper left of the screen showing the current Region setting of your unit.
7. Press the "9" button on your remote control for Region free, or "1" for Region 1. Press "2" for Region 2, and so on.
8. Press the Open button on your player, put a DVD movie. Don't press CLOSE!!!
9. Press the Standby button on your remote control.
10. Press Standby again, and wait untill u see the Samsung Digitall logo, press the PLAY button, and here you go, your
movie should start now.
Panasonic S25
1. Turn the DVD player on
2. Hit Setup on the remote control
3. Press 8888
4. Press Next button ( >>| )
5. "Version" menu should show up on the Screen
6. Select "Version" menu, select "Region Code" and choose 0 by pressing the down arrow on your remote.
7. Click Setup to exit
Emerson dvd200 (no probado)
1.- encender dvd y esperar la leyenda no disc
2.- eject
3.- 9735
4.- eject
Sony DVP-NS325
Para cambiar de zona o pasar en multizona:
( Con la ayuda del telemando de origen)
1. Encienda a su lector de DVD con la ayuda del telemando.
2. Espere hasta que no disc aparezca sobre el fijador de carteles de su lector de DVD.
3. Apriete el botn "Pause" del telemando.
4. Apriete sucesivamente los botones 3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9 del telemando.
5. La palabra "CODIFICA" debera apparaitre sobre el fijador de carteles. Usted tiene ahora 5 segundos para escoger la
nueva zona.
6. Apriete 0 para pasar en multizona, sobre 1 para pasar en zona 1, sobre 2 para pasar en zona 2, etc. A este estadio, quedas
todava 5 segundos para validar sus modificaciones.
7. Apriete simultneamente los botones "Pause" y "Power" para validar sus modificaciones.
Sony DVP-NS325


Para cambiar de zona o pasar en multizona: (mtodo alternativo)

1. Ponga a su lector de DVD standby " (vspera).
2. Con la ayuda de su telemando, usted puede:
- Apriete simultneamente los botones "Audio" y "Return" para pasar en multizona. (Autodeteccin de la zona)
- Apriete simultneamente los botones " P-Mode " y "Return" para leer cualquier DVD un poco de sea su procedencia
(supresin temporal de la zona)
- Apriete simultneamente los botones " Return " y "1" para pasar en zona 1, sobre los botones " Return " y "2" para pasar
en zona 2, etc
- Apriete simultneamente los botones " Return " y "0" para reinicializar la zona de su lector de DVD (la vuelta a la zona de
SONY modelo SLV-D300P (no funciona en todos)
Oprime "Setup"
despus las teclas Adelante, Atras, Adelante, Atras
(Puede ser en este orden o inverso Atras-Adelante)
y aparecera una ventana emergente en la cual deberas seleccionar la regin que quieras (1,2,3,4, ETC.)
o la multiregin. Espero que te sea de utilidad.
Sony DVP-S525P
1- pon el dvd en stand by
2- presiona title en el control
3- presiona clear
4- presiona power
5- tenes que ver el menu desplegado en la pantalla
6- presiona power en el control y tomar el cambio a multizona
DVD LG Modelo DVK 8721N
1. Encender el DVD y esperar a que salga No disc
4. Escribir 0000
5. Aparecer un men para elegir la zona: Escribir 0 (multiregion)
8. OFF
Noblex 1050
Aparece version y la region tiene que quedar en 0

DVD Crown Mustang:

Crown Mustang CM-2750
1 abrir el compartimiento de discos
2 presionar, desde el control remoto la siguiente secuencia numrica : 7 7 3 9 0
3 cerrar compartimiento
4 apagar el equipo
5 encender el equipo y probar con discos de zona 1 y zona 4
Coby DVD 207
Press "Set up"


Press Vol +, Vol-, Vol +, Vol -,

Number shows up
Change to 255 (All region) using right arrow
Coby 404 aportado por Squalo
Hay dos tipos de software en estos reproductores.
por lo tanto dos diferentes secuencias de desbloqueo.
la primera:
1. power on
2. open tray
3. pres 2188 on remote
4. select version, press enter
5. select region
6. change region to 4
7. exit setup
Para los que tenemos reproductor con software ver. s2116-2 (como el mio y que tarde casi un ao para encontrar)
1. power on
2. Open
3. press 330884 on remote
Nota, el ultimo numero es la region, si queremos region cero, o sea multiregion, entonces presionamos 330880.
si lo hacemos correctamente, aparece rapidamente un R0 o R4, en la parte inferior izquierda de la pantalla.
4. close
5. power off
Philips DVD 720 (Aportado por MACRO36)
1. Encender el equipo
2. Sin tener un disco dentro presionar PLAY en el control remoto y luego marcar 159
3. Ingresar el cdigo correspondiente a la zona deseada:
Para Zona 4 ingresar: 007001000140 (Esta zona pertenece a USA)
Para Zona 1 ingresar: 005001000140 (Esta zona es para Latinoamrica)
Por el momento solo conocemos estos dos
LG dve-8421N a multizona (aportado por ScOrPiO78)
1.- encerder el DVd sin disco
2.- cuando aparesca NO DISC (oprimir PAUSA)
3.- presiona con el control 314159
4.- Aparece COde (oprime 0) "es multiregion"
5.- Oprimes Pausa
Modelos nuevos de Coby 515 Aportado por Iguana Al parecer es para los modelos mas nuevos de Coby 515
- Encender
- Abrir la vandeja
- Ingresar los numeros 9735 (aparece un menu)
- Cambiar a zona 0 (cero)
- Presionar enter
- Apagar
DVD portatil AudioVox D1712, aportado por el humilde El_CoLeXiOnIsTa.


1. Abrir la tapa de DVD.

2. Precionar Set-Up
3. Ir a "Preference Page"
4. Precionar 9653
5. Elije la regin 0 para que sea multizona y confirma con Set-up.
Admiral 631
1.abrir bandeja (y dejarla abierta)
2. setup
3. stop
4.track backwards
5. Track Fowards
6. aparece un menu oculto
7. seleccionar region y elegir len nro de la region que quero ver o bypass (multizona).
8. apretar setup.
Varios modelos de SONY
DVP 4000 Philips Aportado por Omar Montilla. Caracas - Venezuela
1- Conectar el DVD
2- Abrir la tapa del CD
3- Presionar Display en el control remoto
4- Presionar los dgitos 2,8,1,2
5- Presionar OK hasta que el 9 aparezca en pantalla en la esquina superior derecha.
6- Presionar Display nuevamente.
7- Listo.
Last edited by fabio on Fri Sep 30, 2005 12:49 am; edited 2 times in total
Coby 925
Philips DVP320
This player uses the same .mpeg decoder as the DVD726 and DVD727 so the same hack works.
Start the player without any DVD in it.
Open the lid.
While the lid is open press 9,9,9,9,0 on the remote.
You will see region 0 displayed.
Close the lid.
Your DVD player is now region free.
Replace 0 with 1 to 6 to set the wanted region number if you need s
Phillips DVP-530
Region code hack posted by Pepe, March 25 2004:
- Press "System Menu" key to enter Set Up menu.
- Move to "Preference Page" using arrow keys to the left or to the right.


- Press the following sequence in the remote control: 135566

- A menu indicating "Region Code" will appear.
- Change region using arrow keys to top or down. Region Code = 0 will play all regions.
- Press "System Menu" key to exit Set Up menu.
Otra opcin parecida:
*Press "System Menu" and go to "Preference Page"
*Enter the code number 135566, "Region code" will be visible
*Select "Region 0" by the curser(0 is for multi-region)
*Press "System Menu" to leave
*Press "St. by" to store your new region settings.
X-View ES 850 aportado por JK desde la web de XView
a) abrir la bandeja de carga de dvd y dejarla abierta.
b) apretar el boton de setup del ctrol remoto.
c) ir a la opcion "preference page".
e) dentro de esta opcion elegir "tipo tv" = NTSC.
f) tipear el siguiente codigo en el control remoto = 49540.
g) elegir region = 0.
h) presionar el boton play.
Press : 0 5 2 0 ( zero five two zero )
Press : Up Down Left Right
(^) (v) (<) (>) (cursors surrounding setup button)
Region free message appears in top left corner In order to set region code again repeat this sequence

DVD-T6300N desde el control remoto del DVD-T6300N, haz lo siguiente:

OPEN (bandeja abierta)
(donde X = codigo de region desde el 1 al 9;
La nica forma de verificar que la zona asignada por ti es correcta, es ejecutando los siguientes comandos desde el control
STEP >|<
NEXT >>|
Aparecera el menu AUDIO, baja en el men hasta que aparezca DEBUG, y cerciorate que: DEBUG >>9 (donde 9=





1.- Turn On.

2.- Press Open.
3.- Press 1 3 7 9 and the number of the zone that you want to use between 1 and 6.
4.- Now enter the movie and press play.
5.- If you want to watch other movie with other zone, just do the same with that zone


1. Press the 7 button on your remote control.

2. Press the 7 button on your remote control.
3. Press the Play button on your remote control.
4. You should now be in a secret menu where you can change the country code to 1
for region 1, 2 for region 2 and so on, or 0 for multi-region playback.
5. Press the Setup button on your remote control.
If playback is now in black and white, do the following.
1. Press the Setup button on your remote control.
2. Select Video setup.
3. Select Type TV.
4. Select the PAL option.
5. Press the Setup button on your remote control.


Try this if the above method doesn't work:

1. Open DVD tray.
2. Entre 0520 using remote.
3. Press keys in this order: UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT.
4. Enter region code, 0 for complete code free.
5. Close DVD tray.

1. Turn Power On
2. Eject Disc Tray
3. Using the remote control, key in the following: 8, 5, 6, 1.
4. You can then select the region number or 0 for region-free.


1. Press SETUP, TITLE, STEP, NEXT on the remote control

2. Select the region desired or BYPASS for region-free, using the up and down keys
on the remote control.
3. SAVE and then EXIT the menu.



1. Turn the player on.
2. Press Open\Close, to open the tray.
3. Press Setup on the remote control.
4. Press Play.
5. Choose TV Type in the menu with the remote control.
6. Press Stop on the player's front panel (NOT from the remote).
7. Press |< (Prev) on the players front panel.
8. Press >| (Next) on the players front panel.
9. The Region ID menu should come up.
10. Select the desired Region (with remote control)or Bypass for region free.
11. When you have selected the desired region press Play.
12. Now press Setup on the remote control.


1. Turn the player on.
2. Press Open\Close, to open the tray.


3. Press Setup on the remote control.

4. Press Play.
5. Choose TV Type in the menu with the remote control.
6. Press Stop on the player's front panel (NOT from the remote).
7. Press the players remote control.
8. Press >| (Next) on the players remote control.
9. The Region ID menu should come up.
10. Select the desired Region (with remote control)or Bypass for region free.
11. When you have selected the desired region press Play.
12. Now press Setup on the remote control.

1. Press Open/Close, Setup on the remote control.

2. Press the number of the region you want, or 9 for region free.
3. Press 3, 0, 1, 0, Step, Shuffle, Next on the remote control.


To check the region, you will need to see the hidden menu:
1. Press Open/Close, Setup, Shuffle, Step, Next on the remote control.
2. Scroll down to Debug, which shows the region number.
For Macrovision firmware patches, go to:
These are also on the CD version of the site - check out the shop.
Note 5700 player does not work with this method, even though you can appear to
change the region number.
DS 2500N

1. Turn on the player.

2. Open the player's tray and leave it with no disc in it.
3. Press Setup on the remote control.
4. From the menu, choose Parental Control using the arrows on the remote control.
5. Choose Defaults, the highlight Reset, but do not press OK at this stage.
6. As Reset is still highlighted, enter the 5, 2, 7, followed by the region required, or
use 0 for region free.
7. You should see REGION: plus the code entered on screen.
8. Press OK on the remote control.
9. A Password Verify screen should then appear.
10. Enter 0, 0, 0, 0 using the remote, followed by OK.
11. Press Setup on the remote control.


1. Make sure there is no disc in the player and the tray is closed.
2. Using the remote control, key in the following: Open, Setup, Stop, Previous, Next.
3. A hidden menu will appear, enabling you to select the region number.


1. Remove any discs in the machine.

2. Press the Open/Close button on the front of your DVD (Open lid).
3. On the Remote Control key in 8, 9, 2, 6.
4. Wait for five seconds.
5. Press 0 on the Remote Control.
6. Wait for 15 seconds.
7. Press the Open/Close button on the front of your DVD (Close lid).


.On the remote control:

Press Open/Close
Press Setup




Press X3010 (where X is the region you want to set, 9 is region-free)

Press Step
Press Shuffle
Press Next
If you used 9 your Daewoo DVD-5700 is now region-free.

1. Using the remote control, key in the following: Stop, 4, 4, 0, 8.

2. For Region 1, press the 1 button on your remote control, for Region two press 2,
and so on, or press 0 for multi-region playback.
3. The onscreen display should indicate the changed region. If nothing happens
repeat the above steps but press the indicated buttons in a faster sequence.


1. Using the remote control, key in the following: Setup, Mute, Stop, Zoom.



1. Power On DVD player.

2. Press Setup.
3. Press 1,3,6,9,8,8,8 and 8.
4. A new button called Version will now appear in the Setup window.
5. Press Down until you come to Version.
6. Press Play.
7. Press Up or Down to select the required region. Choices are from 0 to 6.
8. Press Setup.

Yes for 150, but

you may have to
try and try again!
Yes, for 9000S5.

For the 9000S5, use 13798888 in step 3.


1. Turn on the dvd player without dvd

2. Press setup
3. Press stop
4. Press rewind
5. Press forward
6. You should now be in the page of the factory where you can choose the region.



1. Make sure there is no disc in the drive.

2. Using the remote control, key in the following: Setup, Stop, Skip Back, Skip
Forward, followed by the region number or Bypass for region free.
3. Press enter (yellow play button).
4. Press setup.



1. Press the Open button on your remote control to open the disc tray
2. Using your remote control, press the buttons 0, 5, 2 and 0, in order, one at a time
3. Press the Up button on your remote control
4. Press the Down button on your remote control
5. Press the Left button on your remote control
6. Press the Right button on your remote control
7. You should now be able to change the region to 1 for region 1, 2 for region 2, and
so on, or 0 for multi-region playback

Does not seem to

work for newer
versions of
2100D, but works
for players from
Yes for DQD2113

Player can be locked again using same sequence, only REGION LOCKED-message

1. Using the remote control, key in Setup, +10, Prev, Next.

2. A screen will appear which will show you that the DVD player is in Region 1.
3. Use the left and right arrows to select the region you want to play.
4. When you have selected the region press the Setup button to exit.
5. Power off the DVD player, when you power on the DVD player it will select the
new Region.


1. Turn on player.
2. Open tray.



3. On remote - press 0520.

4. On remote - press up(^) down(v) left(<) right(>).
5. The above keys are around the setup button.
6. Region free message appears in the top left corner.
Note: To lock region again, repeat sequence.

1. Make sure disc tray is empty
2. Turn on unit and put unit in DVD mode so that DVD or NO DISC shows on
3. Press the following keys in order: 7, >, 7, >, PLAY (the > key is next to the enter
key, and is NOT the FAST FORWARD or NEXT key)
4. A menu will appear on the screen. Scroll down to the 3rd line (COUNTRY
CODE) and press ENTER
5. Key in the number of the region you want to change to, or key in 0 for region free.
6. Press ENTER
7. Press SET UP (this key is to the bottom left of the enter key
HACK #2 (if #1 doesn't work)
1. Open DVD tray
2. Enter 0520 using remote
3. Press keys in this order: UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT
4. Enter region code, 0 for complete code free
5. Close DVD tray


1. Insert foreign DVD disk

2. Press: setup, stop, I<<, >>I, then select region required.
3. Press: setup, set up, then exit from set up menu.
4. Then press Play.
5. Then press p/n button to select relevant TV type (not auto)


Note that player will revert to default settings when you turn power off.
K21 K23 K24

1. Press the Open button on your remote control to open the disc tray.
2. Press the 1 3 7 9 .
3. And finally Press the 0 button on your remote control for Multi-region play back,
or 1 for Region 1 Play back, or 2 for Region 2 Play back and so on...



Daewoo 802

Press setup
press 13798888
un nuevo item llamado version te aparecer con la flecha busc tu version
presiona play y eleg la zona con las flechas arriba/abajo press setup

Press : ON (set VCR/DVD option to DVD)

Press : Open (disc tray ejects)
Press : 0 5 2 0 ( zero five two zero )
Press : Up Down Left Right (^) (v) (<) (>) (on cursors surrounding setup button)
The region free message appears in top left corner of the screen
In order to set region code again repeat this sequence.

Daewoo 8400N 1. abrir bandeja

2. "setup" 3. "stop" 4. "previous" 5. "next" 6. aparece un menu oculto , oprimir el
numero correspondiente a la region que quieran ( no se si 0 es posible) 7. aparece


un display con el numero de region nueva


1. Turn the player on.

2. Press Open\Close, to open the tray.
3. Press Setup on the remote control.
4. Press Play.
5. Choose TV Type in the menu with the remote control.
6. Press Stop on the player's front panel (NOT from the remote).
7. Press the players remote control.
8. Press >| (Next) on the players remote control.
9. The Region ID menu should come up.
10. Select the desired Region (with remote control)or Bypass for region free.
11. When you have selected the desired region press Play.
12. Now press Setup on the remote control.


1. Turn the player on.

2. Press Open\Close, to open the tray.
3. Press Setup on the remote control.
4. Press Play.
5. Choose TV Type in the menu with the remote control.
6. Press Stop on the player's front panel (NOT from the remote).
7. Press the players remote control.
8. Press >| (Next) on the players remote control.
9. The Region ID menu should come up.
10. Select the desired Region (with remote control)or Bypass for region free.
11. When you have selected the desired region press Play.
12. Now press Setup on the remote control.

DVG 8500

1) Abrir la bandeja(control remoto)

2) Pulsar 1 3 7 9 x (x representa el numero de la zona que quieres ver, prueba con
el numero 0 para ver si te lo deja multizona ya que de este dvd hay dos versiones en
uno funciona y en otro no) ( si no funciona tienes que cambiar la zona cada vez que
quieras ver una pelicula, el dvd queda con la zona de la ultima peli que viste)
3) Pulsar play y listo

DVG 8500 NP 1. Using the remote control, key in the following: Stop, 4, 4, 0, 8.
2. For Region 1, press the 1 button on your remote control, for Region two press 2,
and so on, or press 0 for multi-region playback.
3. The onscreen display should indicate the changed region. If nothing happens
repeat the above steps but press the indicated buttons in a faster sequence.
1. Using the remote control, key in the following: Setup, Mute, Stop, Zoom

DAEWOO DF-8100 / DF-8150


On the system information screen type 1101 and this should bring up the hidden option for the region selection, hit 0 to
make it multi-region or 1-6 to set to a specific region
Setup->System Info
key 1-1-0-1
key 0 for region free
Daewoo DM-K40 DM-K41
Open tray
With remote press 8 2 8 6 0
You'll get a message about the region change.
Close tray
Daewoo DVD-5700 Region-free and Macrovision-free using patch:
Daewoo DVD-5700 Region-free and Macrovision-free using remote sequence:
Open/close(tray open)
You should be able to see the secret menu and scroll down to DEBUG and the list shows from 1-9 (which is regions). option
9 is region free/bypass. Well by default 1 is ticked and will not able to change permanently. Well here is the solution to
change the region code.
X 3 0 1 0 (X your choice of region 1-9)
Go to secret menu and check the region you set. You can change to any region by following the above step.
HIDDEN MENU : press these button once
Open/close (tray need to be open)
Daewoo DVD-4000 Region-free using remote sequence:
Open/close(tray open)
You should be able to see the secret menu and scroll down to DEBUG and the list shows from 1-9 (which is regions). option


9 is region free/bypass. Well by default 1 is ticked and will not able to change permanently. Well here is the solution to
change the region code.
Got A 5700 and an extra PC DVD drive lying around??? Open up that 5700, what will you see...hmmmm... how about a
sandard IDE cable/connector and PC Power cable plugged into the units dvd drive. Through in your dvd player and now this
drive supports DVD-rw, DVD+R/+RW (If the pc dvd drive supports them) Works great and is a very easy mod to add
functionality (Or replace a bad laser) to the 5700. The only thing you need to make sure of, is that the PC drive is set as
Master. Cable select, or slave will cause the Daewoo to not respond untill you change it to master. It is also possible to use a
plain PC CD Rom drive, but , of course, you lose dvd playback.
To change the region code:
1. Open Disc Tray
2. Push "Setup" on remote control.
3. Push "93010"
("9" is the region code for all regions. You can substitute your region for 9 if you prefer.)
4. Push "Step," "Shuffle," and then "Next"
5. Close the Disc Tray.
to verify that the hack has worked:
1. Open Disc Tray
2. Push "Setup" on remote control.
3. Push "Shuffle," "Step, " and then "Next"
This takes you to the secret setup menu.
4. Scroll down to the "debug" setting and verify that the region you selected is selected here. Note that making changes
directly to the menu here WILL NOT WORK!
5. Close the disc tray
Note: There are some interesting settings in the secret setup menu that can be useful. When playing certain PAL discs on an
NTSC TV (SouthPark vol. 12-15 for example), you will notice certain distortions caused by the drawing method. You can
alleviate this problem by changing the "picture mode" in the secret menu until you find a setting that works.
Daewoo 5800 3 weeks ago at Sam's club and ran the firmware patch posted on this web-page:
It was a very smooth upgrade.
I do have a multi-norm TV set and ran the following tests with "Attack of the Clones" and "Pearl Harbor":
- PAL Region 2 DVD on PAL TV
- PAL Region 2 DVD on NTSC TV
- NTSC Region 1 DVD on PAL TV
- NTSC Region 1 DVD on NTSC TV
There was no noticable distortion, noise or anything in either one of the settings. Didn't try the Macrovision disabling as I
don't copy DVD's to tape! If you have this player and would like to playback other formats, this is THE ONE fix you need!
Turn the DVD player and TV on.
Leave the disc tray open.
press set up button on remote
press numbers 93010 on remote and
press step, shuffle and next buttons on remote in order.
press set up again to exit menu
Now put the disc and play.


1 Turn Power On 2 Eject Disc Tray 3 Enter 8-5-6-1 Now select "Region 0"
Press the Stop button on your remote control
2. Press the 4 button on your remote control
3. Press the 4 button on your remote control
4. Press the 0 button on your remote control
5. Press the 8 button on your remote control
6. For Region 1, press the 1 button on your remote control, for Region two press 2, and so on, or press 0 for multi-region
7. The onscreen display should indicate the changed region. If nothing happens repeat the above steps but press the
indicated buttons in a faster sequence.
Power On DVD player
Press Setup
Press 1,3,6,9,8,8,8 and 8
A new button called Version will now appear in the Setup window
Press Down until you come to Version
Press Play
Press Up or Down to select the required region. Choices are from 0 to 6
Press Setup

After testing the hack posted by SsX at May 03 2003, I can certify it is basically correct; the point is that, after powering on
the DVD player, you have to introduce a disc. So, the complete sequence is:
Power On DVD player
*Introduce a disc and wait until either it is loaded, or the mention "wrong region" appears on the screen*
Press Setup
Press 1,3,6,9,8,8,8 and 8
A new button called Version will now appear in the Setup window
Press Down until you come to Version
Press Play
Press Up or Down to select the required region. Choices are from 0 to 6
Press Setup
Daewoo 9000S
hack code 1 3 5 7 8 8 8 8
Otherwise same as Daewoo 9000S
Sorry, mistake above.
The correct code is 1 3 7 9 8 8 8 8
The correct code is 1 3 7 9 8 8 8 8
Just turn on the player, press setup, enter the code above, then a new part in the menu appears called version, and from in
there you can set which region you want, i find 0 (multi-region to be best) the only time you`ll need to change is if you want
to play a region enhanced disc.
yeh the 1 3 6 9 8 8 8 8 code worked perfect on my 9000s


I am having some problem making the Daewoo DVD-9000s5 multi region. i have tried several codes and with and without a
disc in the tray. Can Any 1 Help????????
Unfortunately, even though you see a MACROVISION selector in the hidden menu, selecting the "OFF" position has no
effect. The exception is if you were lucky enough to have purchased a version with the alternate video chip, labeled as "AVS
AV3169" (as opposed to "AVS AV3168") - in this case, Macrovision is already turned off from the factory (selecting
"AUTO" in the hidden menu if you have this alternate chip may distort your picture, so leave the selector on "OFF"!)
With the remote, turn the POWER on then press SETUP then press STOP then press ONE CHAPTER PREVIOUS (thats
the button with the two arrows pointing backward with a line in front of them, for those of you that don't read manuals) then
press ONE CHAPTER NEXT (You guessed it! the one with two arrows pointing forward with a line in front of them).
The factory control page should appear on your TV screen. Move down to REGION ID and then move down to the region
ID that you want or move down to BYPASS to make it play all regions (Region Free)
Press the PLAY button then turn the POWER off.
The next time you turn this DVD player on it will play whatever region you chose or it will be region free if you chose
With the remote, turn the POWER ON then press SETUP then press STOP then press ONE CHAPTER PREVIOUS (thats
the button with the two arrows pointing backward with a line in front of them, for those of you that don't read manuals) then
press ONE CHAPTER NEXT (You guessed it! the one with two arrows pointing forward with a line in front of them).
The factory control page should appear on your TV screen. Move down to REGION ID and then move down to the region
ID that you want or move down to BYPASS to make it play all regions (Region Free)
Press the PLAY button and then turn the POWER OFF.
The next time you turn this DVD player on it will play whatever region you chose or it will be region free if you chose
Daewoo DVG-5000D
Same code as DVG3000N works fine
1.- Turn On
2.- Press Open
3.- Press Setup, with remote, don't close the dvd plate in the hole process.
4.- Press Play on the remote.
5.-Choose TV Type in the menu with remote.
6.- Press Stop in the player (No remote)
7.- Press |< (Prev) in the player
8.- Press >| (Next) inthe player
9.- Region ID Menu Shows
10.- Select the region (with remote) or Bypass
11.- When in region desired press Play
12.- Press Seup with remote
Same code as DVG3000N works fine
1.- Turn On
2.- Press Open
3.- Press Setup, with remote, don't close the dvd plate in the hole process.
4.- Press Play on the remote.
5.-Choose TV Type in the menu with remote.
6.- Press Stop in the player (No remote)


7.- Press |< (Prev) in the player

8.- Press >| (Next) inthe player
9.- Region ID Menu Shows
10.- Select the region (with remote) or Bypass
11.- When in region desired press Play
12.- Press Seup with remote
This work fine with DVG-3000N Not tested with another one
1.- Turn On the Unit
2.- Insert the DVD
3.- Press Stop Twice (on remote) This make a full stop
4.- Press Setup
5.- Press >> (just once)
6.- Press |<< (just once)
7.- Press >>| (just once)
8.- The "Factory Control Page" menu show
9.- Select the desired region
10.-Press Play
11.-Press Setup
Daewoo DVG-5000N
The hack mentioned below worked fine for me. Great instructions. Bought the 5000N on Ebay, and then discovered the
bonehead who sold it to me didn't hack the machine. So using the info at this link:
allowed me to retro-actively update my 5000.
Same code as DVG3000N works fine
1.- Turn On
2.- Press Open
3.- Press Setup, with remote, don't close the dvd plate in the hole process.
4.- Press Play on the remote.
5.-Choose TV Type in the menu with remote.
6.- Press Stop in the player (No remote)
7.- Press |< (Prev) in the player
8.- Press >| (Next) in the player
9.- Region ID Menu Shows
10.- Select the region (with remote) or Bypass
11.- When in region desired press Play
12.- Press Setup with remote
This One works too
1. Turn On
2. Make sure that there is no disc inside the player.
3. Push the following buttons on the remote control:
|<< (Skip Back)
>>| (Skip Forward)
Daewoo DVG-5200S


"1" "3" "6" "9"

then a new button called version will appeaqr as the 4th topic on your set up menu. use dowm arrow and select by pressing
play. now you can set the region code "0" for code free or each region nomber by pressin right arrow key. just exit to the
main page and your selection will be set. best regards
Open tray press 13790 (watch for x's in upper left screen)

Close tray

That's it.
The last digit "0" is for bypass from what I've read. This hack is from another model of DVG but I think they must rotate
scheme's since the hack listed above did zip for me.

Daewoo DVG-5300N
Region code hack
"1" "3" "6" "9"
then a new button called version will appeaqr as the 4th topic on your set up menu. use down arrow and select by pressing
play. now you can set the region code "0" for code free or each region number by pressing right arrow key. just exit to the
main page and your selection will be set.
Daewoo DVG-6000D
with no disk inserted
press " setup "
then " stop "
then "[< (prev) "
then "[> (next) "

turn on player with no disc, press on the remote SETUP,STOP,BACKskip,NEXTskip (the 2 buttons down the bottom right
of the remote), then you will be in the menu, use the arrow buttons to move down to region and press play, on the right you
will see regions,push the arrow button accross to the regions and select which one you want useing play button. then press
setup to go back. You can also use the 3000N firmware upgrade to add bypass to the menu and to disable macro, BUT if you
use this firmware you will lose the functions on the front panel (only on/off and to close tray will work), but remote still
works ok.
Same code as DVG3000N works fine
1.- Turn On
2.- Press Open
3.- Press Setup, with remote, don't close the dvd plate in the hole process.
4.- Press Play on the remote.
5.-Choose TV Type in the menu with remote.
6.- Press Stop in the player (No remote)
7.- Press |< (Prev) in the player
8.- Press >| (Next) in the player
9.- Region ID Menu Shows
10.- Select the region (with remote) or Bypass
11.- When in region desired press Play
12.- Press Seup with remote


DVG-6000 (without D) on may-02-02

You might as well try the Daewoo 5000N firmware on the 6000D. The front panel buttons will become disabled (probably),
but the digital display will still work - or at least it should, since the two players use the same type of display.
Also the 5000D and 6000N remotes are the same, so you shouldn't lose any remote functions by trying this.
Daewoo DVG-8300SE
Open the CD tray Push on the remote control 13794 and the region code number
For example 137941 for Zone 1
Close the CD tray and Enjoy
Turn on
Open the tray
press "13790"
ready enjoy any region
Open the CD tray
Push on the remote control 1379 (on left side of the screen apears 4X)
push 4 for region 4 zone FREE (but only play this one)
If need other REGION free:
Open the CD tray
Push on the remote control 1379 (on left side of the screen apears 4X)
push 1 for region 1 zone FREE (but only play this one)
Close the CD tray and Enjoy
Every time you need to play any different region (that the last one you use) you need to do the HACK an use de number of
the region (1 to 6)
I try with "0" All region FREE but did not work
Daewoo DVG-8400N
The hack is exactly the same as for DVG-8500N
STEP 1)Power on.
STEP 2)Open the drawer & LEAVE IT OPEN
STEP 3)Press on the remote control 1379 four small stars appear in the top left of the screen whilst you enter the code
STEP 4) Once the code is entered simply enter the region number you require (from 1-6 / or 0 for multiregion)
STEP 5) Close the drawer & press play,,, your away.....
Daewoo DVG-8500N
hit the setup key
then press number
left left left right
then enter the new menu topic VERSION and you can set the Region code to 0 for code free or to each region number
Press setup key, then press tree times the left key <
then one time right key > and a new menu item called "VERSION" appears go to this menu option and press ENTER this
will give you a screen with all the regions codes, go to the selected one and write the region number you want thats it
what is the code for your modification
1.- Turn On


2.- Press Open

3.- Press 1 3 7 9 and the number of the zone that you want to use between 1 and 6.
4.- Now enter the movie and press play.
5.- If you want to watch other movie with other zone, just do the same with that zone number.
Turn DVD player
Press open
enter 1379 0
Put DVD in player and press play unit will close and read DVD.
Daewoo 8500n
power on.
open the drawer & LEAVE IT OPEN
press on the remote control 1 3 7 9
four small stars appear in the top left of the screen whilst you enter the code once the code is entered simply enter the region
number you require, close the drawer & press play,,, your away..... do you know if this works for dvg-8400?
1. Turn On
2. Press Open (disc tray must be open with a different region disc in it for verification)
3. Press 1 3 7 9 and the number of the zone that you want to use between 0 and 6. Use 0 for region free. You may need to
press all these keys slowly. When you press the last number, it will display at the top left of the screen.
4. Now press play. Other region disc should play. If you didn't do it correctly it will display "Wrong Region".
When you turn off the DVD player it will keep the settings.
Just bought the Daewoo progressive-scan DVD player DVG9200N
DVD Player is now region free Thanks!
1) Turn on Player
2) Open Tray
3) With the remote, key in the numbers 1,3,7,9. They will appear as "X's" in the top left hand corner of the screen.
4) After keying in the numbers, promptly choose your region code you'd like, from 0-6. The region code you select will
appear as a number, not as x's, as did the 4 number hack code.
5) Throw in a Region 2 Pal or NTSC dvd to try it out.
This page explains how to make your Daewoo DVG-9000N region-free and Macrovision-free. It is also possible to increase
the maximum volume level, by applying the firmware available on this page.
You would want to make your player region-free so that you can play DVDs bought from anywhere in the world -- not just
those in your "region".
You would want to make your player Macrovision-free if you have to hook it up through a VCR
(or a projector) and the picture constantly fades in and out.
This upgrade gets rid of the fading.
If you just need to switch the region setting of the Daewoo DVG-9000N to a single region (i.e., NOT the region-free
"BYPASS" option), this can be done with the remote control.
See SECTION 1 below.


However, if you would like to change the region setting to "BYPASS", or if you would like to disable Macrovision, or if
you would like to increase the maximum volume level, you will need to upgrade the player's firmware via CD-R or CD-RW.
See SECTION 2 below.
SECTION 1: Changing the region setting with the remote control
1. Make sure that there is no disc inside the player.
2. Push the following buttons on the remote control:
Fast Forward >>
|<< (Skip Back)
>>| (Skip Forward)
If this does nothing, try the following instead:
|<< (Skip Back)
>>| (Skip Forward)
If this does nothing, try the following instead:
|| (Pause/Still)
|<< (Skip Back)
>>| (Skip Forward)

This should reveal the "FACTORY CONTROL PAGE", pictured below:

Change the region setting as needed.
SECTION 2: Upgrading the firmware to gain a "BYPASS" region option, to disable Macrovision, and to increase the
maximum volume level
1. Download the patched firmware by clicking HERE.
2. Unzip the files -- BANK30.ROM and TEST20MB.TXT
3. Open your CD burning program. Perform the steps necessary to set up the process of creating a new data CD.
4. Burn BANK30.ROM and TEST20MB.TXT to a blank CD-R/CD-RW. Be sure to apply these specifications before
burning the disc: Data CD, ISO9660, Mode 1, "Close"/"Finalize" disc session.
(Note: you may wish to place the ROM file inside of a subfolder on the disc. This prevents the upgrade from starting
(If you need help with burning the disc, you might want to check out this excellent article put
together by the guys at Area 450. The article references Sampo firmware, but the burning specifications are basically the
same. Note that the article does NOT make any mention about creating a subfolder, or closing/finalizing the disc, so you
will need to figure out those steps on your own.)
5. After the disc is burned, view the contents of the disc in Windows Explorer/My
Computer/whatever. Right-click on the BANK30.ROM file that's burned on the disc and select "Properties" (or do whatever


is necessary to view the Properties.) Make sure that the file size is
EXACTLY 524,288 bytes. If the file size is NOT 524,288 bytes, DO NOT CONTINUE!
6. Read the disclaimer:
7. Eject the disc tray on the DVD player.
8. Push SETUP. Enter the PREFERENCES menu. Scroll down to the DEFAULTS option. Select the RESET option and
push PLAY. Then push SETUP to exit the menu.
9. Put the CD-R/CD-RW, data side down, on the tray.
10. Close the disc tray.
11. The upgrade process will now begin.
(Note: If you placed the .ROM file inside a subfolder, the file browser menu will appear - use the arrow keys on the remote
to select the folder and then push ENTER or PLAY.)
IF YOU SEE THE MESSAGE "WRITE FAIL" at this point, scroll down to the "WRITE FAIL error" section towards the
bottom of this page!
You should see the following screens, in this order:
"WRITING" (which comes on and off about 3 times) and "BANK30.ROM" appear on your TV screen
(sorry, no picture available)
12. A few seconds after seeing the screen above, the picture will go blank (it may turn blue if you have the unit hooked up
through a VCR) and the characters on the player's front display will also go blank (the green light above the disc tray will
remain on, however.)
13. Wait at least 5 minutes. Then, turn OFF the power using the MAIN POWER SWITCH (on the back of the player) -NOT the remote control or front panel power button.
14. Wait at least 30 seconds. Then, turn ON the power using the main power switch. As soon as you see the words "DISC
LOADING" on the screen, eject and remove the disc IMMEDIATELY! If you wait too long, the player will begin reupgrading itself...DO NOT PANIC AND DO NOT EJECT THE DISC IF THE PLAYER IS IN THE MIDDLE OF THE
UPGRADE. Let the player re-upgrade - then repeat Steps 12-14.
15. Push SETUP. Enter the PREFERENCES menu. Scroll down to the DEFAULTS option. Select the RESET option and
push PLAY. Then push SETUP to exit the menu.


16. The firmware upgrade is now complete.

To change the region setting to "BYPASS", perform Step #2 in Section 1. The BYPASS option will now be listed at the
bottom of the REGION ID menu:
NOTE: "RCE"-coded DVDs may not play if the REGION ID is set to BYPASS; if you find that this is the case, then set the
REGION ID to match the region coding of the RCE disc.
Macrovision should be automatically disabled.
However, you may find that it is enabled until you insert a DVD.
To increase the maximum volume level:
Go into the DOLBY DIGITAL SETUP menu
Go into the OP MODE menu
Select the RF REMOD option
(this option was not available before the firmware upgrade)
Exit the SETUP menu.
Note: This may not have any effect on the volume level of DTS DVD's.
Download the original (factory) firmware by clicking HERE.
Repeat steps 2 through 16 in Section 2, above.
While performing the firmware upgrade, if you see the message "WRITE FAIL" on the screen, you will need to replace the
firmware chip inside the player.
Details on ordering a replacement chip are available HERE.
You can also order a firmware chip at a very reasonable price from
Regardless of who you contact to get the chip, specify that you need an "AMD 29f040 or compatible" 32-pin DIP chip,
programmed with the firmware located HERE.
Once you receive the replacement firmware chip, you can visit THIS PAGE for instructions on how to properly pop out the
old chip and put in the new one. The chip that you'll be replacing will look similar to the one outlined by the red box in the
picture below:
Please Note! I do not own a Daewoo DVG-9000N player. All care taken in accurately providing this information which is
kindly provided by others who do own these models. Please visit the sites linked above if you require any assistance.
Daewoo DVN-3100N
I found this code playing around
with the tray open press 1,3,7,9 then choose 1-6 or "0" for region free.
now if someone could find a macrovision remover that would be nice :-)


I have an older widescreen TV that only uses a 75ohm coax

NO RCA inputs at all
so to connect the DVD to my TV I have to put it through a VCR and only 1/2 of my movies play all the rest the picture is
screwed up light to dark/ light to dark really annoying at first I thought my TV was finally giving out.
Daewoo DVN 3100N.
This region code worked for me. With the tray open using the remote control press one number at a time: 1,3,7,9 then
choose 1-6 or "0" for region free place a dvd on the tray, close the tray and play to enjoy. unfortunately the macrovision is
still on.
Indeed it would be nice to find a macrovision hack for this player. Hopefully someone will find the solution in no time.
The hack for the 3100N works for the 8100N also. I bought one today from Sears ($39.00 with a $10.00 mail in rebate). I
bought it because it is suppose to play VCD's and SVCD's also. Hooked it up and tried the Region Free hack posted for the
3100N. Worked fine. To summarize....
With the tray open press 1 then 3 then 7 then 9 then press 1
This page explains how to make your Daewoo DVG-3000N region-free and Macrovision-free. It is also possible to increase
the maximum volume level, by applying the firmware
available on this page.
You would want to make your player region-free so that you can play DVDs bought from anywhere in the world -- not just
those in your "region".
You would want to make your player Macrovision-free if you have to hook it up through a VCR
(or a projector) and the picture constantly fades in and out. This upgrade gets rid of the fading.
If you just need to switch the region setting of the Daewoo DVG-3000N to a single region (i.e., NOT the region-free
"BYPASS" option), this can be done with the remote control. See SECTION 1 below.
However, if you would like to change the region setting to "BYPASS", or if you would like to disable Macrovision, or if
you would like to increase the maximum volume level, you will need to upgrade the player's firmware via CD-R or CD-RW.
See SECTION 2 below.
SECTION 1: Changing the region setting with the remote control
1. Make sure that there is no disc inside the player.
2. Push the following buttons on the remote control:
|<< (Skip Back)
>>| (Skip Forward)
If this does nothing, try the following instead:


Fast Forward >>

|<< (Skip Back)
>>| (Skip Forward)
If this does nothing, try the following instead:
|| Pause
|<< (Skip Back)
>>| (Skip Forward)
One of the above should reveal the "FACTORY CONTROL PAGE", pictured below:
(You should have at least the VERSION and REGION ID options, but you may or may not have all the other options, and
your REGION ID menu may lack the "BYPASS" option.)
Change the region setting as needed.
NOTE: "RCE"-coded DVDs may not play if the REGION ID is set to BYPASS; if you find that this is the case, then set the
REGION ID to match the region coding of the RCE disc.
If your menu doesn't show a "BYPASS" option, but you want it, follow the instructions in Section #2, below.
SECTION 2: Upgrading the firmware to gain a "BYPASS" region option, to disable Macrovision, and to increase the
maximum volume level
1. Download the patched firmware by clicking HERE.
2. Unzip the files -- BANK30.ROM and TEST20MB.TXT
3. Open your CD burning program. Perform the steps necessary to set up the process of creating a new data CD.
4. Burn BANK30.ROM and TEST20MB.TXT to a blank CD-R/CD-RW. Be sure to apply these specifications before
burning the disc: Data CD, ISO9660, Mode 1, "Close"/"Finalize" disc session.
(Note: you may wish to place the ROM file inside of a subfolder on the disc. This prevents the upgrade from starting
(If you need help with burning the disc, you might want to check out this excellent article put together by the guys at Area
450. The article references Sampo firmware, but the burning specifications are basically the same. Note that the article does
NOT make any mention about creating a subfolder, or closing /finalizing the disc, so you will need to figure out those steps
on your own.)
5. After the disc is burned, view the contents of the disc in Windows Explorer/My Computer/whatever. Right-click on the
BANK30.ROM file that's burned on the disc and select "Properties" (or do whatever is necessary to view the Properties.)
Make sure that the file size is EXACTLY 524,288 bytes.
If the file size is NOT 524,288 bytes, DO NOT CONTINUE!
6. Read the disclaimer:


7. Eject the disc tray on the DVD player.

8. Push SETUP. Enter the PREFERENCES menu. Scroll down to the DEFAULTS option. Select the RESET option and
push PLAY. Then push SETUP to exit the menu.
9. Put the CD-R/CD-RW, data side down, on the tray.
10. Close the disc tray.
11. The upgrade process will now begin.
(Note: If you placed the .ROM file inside a subfolder, the file browser menu will appear use the arrow keys on the remote to select the folder and then push ENTER or PLAY.)
IF YOU SEE THE MESSAGE "WRITE FAIL" at this point, scroll down to the "WRITE FAIL error" section towards the
bottom of this page!
You should see the following screens, in this order:
"WRITING" (which comes on and off about 3 times) and "BANK30.ROM" appear on your TV screen
(sorry, no picture available)
12. A few seconds after seeing the screen above, the picture will go blank (it may turn blue if you have the unit hooked up
through a VCR) and the characters on the player's front display will also go blank (the green light near the disc tray will
remain on, however.)
13. Wait at least 5 minutes. Then, turn OFF the power using the MAIN POWER SWITCH
(on the front of the player).
14. Wait at least 30 seconds. Then, turn ON the power using the main power switch. As soon as you see the words "DISC
LOADING" on the screen, eject and remove
the disc IMMEDIATELY! If you wait too long, the player will begin re-upgrading itself...
player re-upgrade - then repeat Steps 12-14.
15. Push SETUP. Enter the PREFERENCES menu. Scroll down to the DEFAULTS option. Select the RESET option and
push PLAY. Then push SETUP to exit the menu.
15. The firmware upgrade is now complete.
The patched firmware adds a shortcut to the FACTORY CONTROL PAGE to the main menu.
To change the region setting to "BYPASS", perform Step #2 in Section 1 (at the top of the page). The BYPASS option will
now be listed at the bottom of the REGION ID menu:


NOTE: "RCE"-coded DVDs may not play if the REGION ID is set to BYPASS; if you find that this is the case, then set the
REGION ID to match the region coding of the RCE disc.
To change the Macrovision setting, enter the FACTORY CONTROL PAGE (see Section #1 at the top of the page) and then
enter the MACROVISION menu:
Change the setting as needed. Then, exit the menu, turn off the power, and turn the power back on. This is necessary in
order for the Macrovision menu change to go into effect.
To increase the maximum volume level:
Go into the DOLBY DIGITAL SETUP menu
Go into the OP MODE menu
Select the RF REMOD option
(this option was not available before the firmware upgrade)
Exit the SETUP menu.
Note: This may not have any effect on the volume level of DTS DVD's.
Download the original (factory) firmware by clicking HERE.
Repeat steps 2 through 16 in Section 2, above.
While performing the firmware upgrade, if you see the message "WRITE FAIL" on the screen, you will need to replace the
firmware chip inside the player.
Details on ordering a replacement chip are available HERE.
You can also order a firmware chip at a very reasonable price from
Regardless of who you contact to get the chip, specify that you need an "AMD 29f040 or compatible" 32-pin DIP chip,
programmed with the firmware located HERE.
Once you receive the replacement firmware chip, you can visit THIS PAGE for instructions on how to properly pop out the
old chip and put in the new one. The chip that you'll be replacing will look similar to the one outlined by the red box in the
picture below:
There is also a hardware hack available to remove Macrovision on the units an AV3168 video encoder chip.
See picture:
NOTE: This hack is NOT for the technically challenged person. It requires both good soldering skills AND the ability to
program the chip you see in the picture above. If you are willing to try the instructions are available HERE.
Daewoo forum
Please Note! I do not own a Daewoo DVG-3000N player. All care taken in accurately providing this information which is
kindly provided by others who do own these models. Please visit the sites linked above if you require any assistance.


I have just bought a Daewoo SD-8500p which i cannot even find on the Daewoo site :(
The closest match i can find is a SD-9500p... This looks identical to mine from front view but as far as i can gather is mine
(8500p) has x2 scarts + video & LR Audio out + your usual sound & RF Out... Where as the (9500p) has, SVHS + is it? Y
Pr & Pb with phono plug style video/audio IN & OUT as well.... But I think internally all components will be the same....
The reason i'm writing this is the shop that sold me mine had at least another 100 in the pile and for there price they get
snatched quickly...but if they try and get the region hack they'll not get anything listed for the 8500p just like i didn't ....
Anyway the region free hack for the SD-8500p is the same as the rest of the SD-xxxx range
Press : ON (set VCR/DVD option to DVD)
Press : Open (disc tray ejects)
Press : 0 5 2 0 ( zero five two zero )
Press : Up Down Left Right
(^) (v) (<) (>)
(cursors surrounding setup button)
Region free message appears in top left corner
In order to set region code again repeat this sequence. Region Locked appears in top left corner. Don't worry the hack
unlocks it again.

This page explains how to make the Daewoo DVD-5700 region-free, RCE-immune, and Macrovision-free. It also explains
how to add a PAL output option.
You would want to make your player region-free so that you can play DVDs bought from anywhere in the world -- not just
those in your "region".
"RCE immune" means that the firmware will play "RCE" DVD's even though the firmware is region-free.
You would want to make your player Macrovision-free if you have to hook it up through a VCR (or a projector) and the
picture constantly fades in and out. This upgrade gets rid of the fading.
You would want to add the PAL output option so that you can connect the player to a PAL-system TV.
If you just need to switch the region setting of the player, this can be done with the remote control.
See SECTION 1 below.
However, if you would like to disable Macrovision and/or you would like to gain the PAL output option, you will need to
upgrade the player's firmware via CD-R or CD-RW.
See SECTION 2 below.
SECTION 1: Changing the region setting with the remote control
1. Open the disc tray:


2. Push SETUP on the remote control. You will see a screen resembling the following:
3. On the remote control, push the following buttons:
X 3 0 1 0 (where X = your choice of Regions 1 through 9; Region 9 = BYPASS/REGION-FREE)
4. There will be nothing shown on the screen as you perform Step 3.
The only way to verify that the region actually was changed is to do the following:
a) Open the disc tray
b) Push the following buttons on the remote control:
STEP >|<
NEXT >>|
This will reveal the following "secret menu" screen:
5. Push the down-pointing arrow on the remote until the DEBUG menu appears:
6. If the check-mark on the right column matches the number you chose for "X" in Step 3
(your desired region choice), then you are done!
In the example illustrated above, "9" (Region 9) was chosen for "X" in Step 3.
NOTE: The firmware is "RCE-proof", so selecting Region 9 should play ALL DVDs without problems, including RCEencoded discs.
SECTION 2: Upgrading the firmware to disable Macrovision and to gain a "PAL" option in the TV TYPE sub-menu
(NOTE: You can still change the region with the remote, as described in Section 1 above, even if you upgrade the firmware
to disable Macrovision & gain the PAL option.)
1. On the remote control, push the following buttons:
2. You should now see a screen which resembles the following:
forum on (the link is at the bottom of this page) and ask for assistance.
3. Download THIS file.


4. The .zip file you downloaded in the section above contains three files:
Unzip all of these files.
5. Open your CD burning program. Perform the steps necessary to set up
the process of creating a new data CD.
6. Burn TDVD-000.ROM, TDVD-001.ROM, and TEST20MB.TXT to a blank CD-R/CD-RW.
Be sure to apply these specifications before burning the disc:
Data CD, ISO9660, Mode 1, "Close"/"Finalize" disc session.
(If you need help with burning the disc, you might want to check out this excellent article put together by the guys at Area
450. The article references Sampo firmware, but the burning specifications are basically the same. Note that the article does
NOT make any mention about creating a subfolder, or closing/finalizing the disc, so you will need to figure
out those steps on your own.)
7. After the disc is burned, view the contents of the disc in Windows Explorer/My Computer/whatever. Right-click on each
of the .ROM files that are burned on the disc and select "Properties" (or do whatever is necessary to view the Properties.)
Make sure that the size of each file is EXACTLY 524,288 bytes.
If the file size is NOT 524,288 bytes, DO NOT CONTINUE!
8. Read the disclaimer:
9. Eject the disc tray on the DVD player.
10. Put the CD-R/CD-RW, data side down, on the tray.
11. Close the disc tray.
12. The upgrade process will now begin. You should see a screen which resembles the following.
It may say either TDVD-001.ROM (as shown below) OR TDVD-000.ROM.
The VFD (front display) will display "LOAD" for the duration of the upgrade.
Once the upgrade is complete, the disc tray will automatically eject. Remove the disc.
The VFD will either continue to display "LOAD", or it will show a bunch of symbols and "garbage" characters, or it will go
entirely blank.
13. Push the ON/STANDBY button on the front of the player. NOTHING WILL HAPPEN FOR AT LEAST THREE
SECONDS, SO DO NOT PANIC. After at least three seconds, the screen shown above will disappear. The red standby light
on the player will come on.


14. Wait at least another 10 seconds, and then push ON/STANDBY again.
The disc tray will automatically close.
Macrovision is now disabled.


A player which is very similar to the Daewoo DVD-5700 is the Grundig 133S. This model is sold only in parts of
South America. However, its firmware is 100% compatible with the
Daewoo DVD-5700. There are both original and patched versions of this firmware available. The patched version
has the same modifications as the patched DVD-5700 firmware, but it goes a step further by disabling UOP. By
disabling UOP, it is possible to skip past the screens at the beginning of a DVD, by pushing the NEXT >>| button
on the remote control or front panel.
The firmware also contains three different types of PAL output options
(in addition to the NTSC option):
This is useful if you plan to use the DVD-5700 in a country that uses the PAL_M or PAL_N system, as opposed to
the standard PAL (or NTSC) system.
Note, however, that the Grundig firmware does NOT contain the MULTI option, which is desirable if you want to
connect the player to a multi-system TV.
Note, however, that the Grundig firmware does NOT contain the MULTI option, which is desirable if you want to
connect the player to a multi-system TV.
IMPORTANT: The Grundig 133S firmware defaults to the PAL_N system. This means that if you have a NTSC
TV, and you load this firmware, your picture will be black and white (and possibly scrolling vertically) after the
upgrade is complete. In addition, the default on-screen display language will be Spanish.
To change the output to NTSC, push the following buttons on the remote control:
Right Arrow 1 time
Down Arrow 3 times
Right Arrow 1 time
Down Arrow 3 times
To change the on-screen language from SPANISH to to ENGLISH:
Push SETUP on the remote control
Enter the VIDEO menu
Select the OSD sub-menu
Push SEL on the remote control


It is also possible to use Daewoo DVD-5800 firmware on the DVD-5700. The advantages of doing this are unclear;
you may wish to search the Daewoo forum (linked below) for further clarification. One possible disadvantage is
that there are 5 extra steps involved in Section 2; the DVD-5800 page has all the details.

If you are interested in loading either of these firmwares on the DVD-5700, go back to the main page and look for links to
the the pages dedicated to these players.


Some people have reported hearing "popping" noises after upgrading the firmware.
If this is the case for you:
1. Push SETUP on the remote control.
2. You should automatically be taken to the AUDIO menu. Push the down-pointing
arrow on the remote to select the DIGITAL OUT option.
3. Change the DIGITAL OUT setting from OFF to BITSTREAM or PCM. (Even if you are not using the digital audio out
4. Push SETUP to exit the menu.
Repeat the steps in SECTION 2, substituting the following for Step 3:
Download the original firmware


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