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Lesson Plan Four Column Format

Title: Measurement Mania

Teacher Name:

Content Area: Mathematics

Emma Wannamaker


Mastering of measurement using rulers and yardsticks
and recognizing the proper units of measurement for
specific objects or distances.

Grade Level: 2
2.MDA.3 Estimate and measure length/distance in
customary units (i.e., foot, inch, yard) and metric units
(i.e., centimeter, meter).
2.MDA.4 Measure to determine how much longer one
object is than another, using standard length units.
Students will be able to recognize the appropriate
measurement units when measuring certain objects
around the classroom. Students will then be able to
measure a variety of different objects in the classroom
and be able to compare the measurements they
recorded to each object.

IMPORTANT CONTENT CONNECTION: Describe the important concepts related to this lesson that students have as prior
or future concepts to learn.

Students will need to have the correct tools (i.e., rulers, yard sticks) in order to measure the objects around the
room. Students will need to record their measurements in a table in order to compare them after having completed
the activity.
IMPORTANT THEORETICAL CONNECTIONS & FOUNDATIONS: Describe the important theoretical underpinnings of
the lesson, both general and content-specific theories of learning and development.

This lesson is important for the students to grasp because it is necessary for them to understand the proper units of
measurement for different objects in their every day lives.
MATERIALS. List the texts, equipment, and other materials to be used by the students. List the materials, including
equipment or technology used by the teacher in presenting the experiences.

Rulers, yardsticks, paper, pencil, whiteboard, clock, desks, classroom

Components of the
Anticipated Student
Teaching notes
lesson. learning activities
Responses and solution
and key questions (and time
5-7 minute lesson.
Students will move from

strategies. (Potential Barriers

& Misconceptions)

adaptations for ELL, EC, LD

Evidence of learning.
Evaluation points or
assessment questions.

object to object as a team (2

teams of 7) following the
action instructions for each
object on the table.

procedures for activating prior
knowledge and student

Students will use their prior

knowledge to recognize the
specific objects in the room
that they are going to
measure, as well as the
tools they are going to use
for measurement
STRATEGIES. Outline what
the teacher(s) and students
will do to Engage & Educate.
Active learning tasks. If
required, include the script of
your lesson here.

The teacher will

demonstrate the example
provided on the handout by
performing the action to an
object in the classroom,
determining which
measurement tool to use to
measure (which implies
also choosing the proper
units of measurement),
measuring the object, and
recording the results in the
table. The students will
then go to their first

Students are able to

recognize the different
objects around the room
they are measuring, as well
as the tools they will be
using in order to take the
measurements. They will
also know what units of
measurement go with each

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Students will use a ruler or

a yardstick to measure the
designated objects in the
classroom. They will move
around the room using the
proper units for each
distinct object and record
their measurements on
their paper before moving
on to the next object.

Provide good
demonstration for moving
around the room, picking
an object, choosing the
proper unit of
measurement, measuring
the object, and recording
that measurement down on
their paper.

Students will use the table

with each object written
down and the correlating
measurement in the
different units for each
object. By using this table,
students will be able to
clearly record the
measurements they take
as well as provide a source
of assessment and
comparison at the end of
the lesson.
The students will record
their measurements with
the units for each object
that they measure. As a
class, we will go over each
object and discuss what
each student recorded as a
measurement for each
object. Some units of
measurement are more
appropriate for specific
objects than others.

objects in the classroom

and mock the
demonstration of the
teacher, eventually going
around to each designated
object and making their
SUMMARIZE. Outline how
you will close.

After the students have

completed their
measurements for each
object, by using an
attention signal, the
teacher will call the
students back to their
desks. Once every one is
seated, the class will go
over the results of
everyones measurements,
and answer any questions.
ONS. What other lessons
does this lesson connect to?

Students will respond to

the closing of the lesson by
following the instructions of
the attention signal, and
proceeding back to their
assigned seats. Once
everyone is seated, the
students will be called on
to share their
measurements for certain
objects in the room, and as
a class, they will compare
their results and ask
questions as needed.

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The table that the students

create with their recorded
measurements will suffice
as a proof of completion of
the assignment and a
means of assessment. After
completing the review of
the students
they will turn in their tables
for grading at the end of
the lesson.

Students will connect this

lesson to other math
lessons they will encounter.

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This lesson involves

movement around the
classroom and
incorporating new
measurement skills on the
2nd grade level.
REFLECTION: After the lesson, reflect on what went well and what didnt go well. Write changes you might implement the
next time the lesson is taught.

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