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Tudja mi az az agilis marketing?

- A sikeres
tartalomstratgia kulcsa
Szakemberek szerint az agilis marketing hamarosan
a sikeres, kznsg-fkusz tartalomgyrts fel
vezet legrvidebb t lesz. Kvesse Andrea Fryrear
tartalommarketing szakrt tmutatjt s tudja
meg, hogyan szervezheti t marketingcsapatt gy,
hogy a lehet leghatkonyabban adaptlhassk ezt a
Mi az az agilis marketing?
Amennyiben egy marketingcsapat munkja adatvezrelt, s kpes
knnyen alkalmazkodni a vltozsokhoz, nevezhetjk ket agilisnak.
Ahhoz azonban, hogy valaki egy Agilis csoportban dolgozhasson,
komplex mkdsi struktrra van szksg, amelynek segtsgvel
tovbb nvelhet az alkalmazkodkpessg is olvashat a Content
Marketing Institute cikkben.

Els lpsknt llaptsuk meg cljainkat, s dolgozzunk ki egy hossz

tv tervet. Agilis marketingcsapatknt gy lehetnk a
leghatkonyabbak, hasprintekben dolgozunk. A sprint egy elre
meghatrozott idintervallum, amely alatt mindig a teljes terv egy-egy
darabjt teljestjk. Ezek a leggyakrabban kt hetesek, de egy ht s
egy hnap kztt brmilyen idszakot megszabhatunk.
Az Agilis hozzlls msik f pillre a stand-up meeting, azaz egy
nagyjbl 15 perces megbeszls minden munkanap elejn, melynek
sorn a csapat tagjai elmondjk, hogyan haladtak munkjukkal az
elmlt 24 rban. Brmilyen furcsn hangzik elsre, a rendszeres
stand-upok rengeteget segthetnek abban, hogy idben
felismerhessnk olyan hibkat, amelyek ksbb akr a vgs cl
elrst is ellehetetlentenk.
A hatkony munkavgzs rdekben pedig az albbiakra kell
gyelnnk egy Agilis marketingcsapat rszeknt:

A vltozsokra mindig adatokkal is altmasztott

megoldsokat keressnk

Stratgink legyen rugalmas

Tartalomgyrtsunk mindig legyen clcsoport-fkusz

A sprint lnyegben egy aprbb megszaktsok nlkli

tartalomgyrtsi folyamat kivitelezhet ez egyltaln?
Zr zavar tnyez? Lehetetlen! gondoljuk elsre. Fontos
azonban tisztzni: nem a megszaktsok teljes hinyrl van sz,
hanem a kisebb volumenek kizrsrl. Fel kell lltanunk teht egy
fontossgi sorrendet: melyek azok a kiegszt feladatok, amik miatt
flbehagyjuk a munkt, s melyek azok, amiket rrnk a sprint utn
is teljesteni?
Hogyan gyzzem meg a tbbieket arrl, hogy rdemes Agilis
attitdre vltanunk?
Fryrear szerint ez a kt mdszer lehet a leghatkonyabb:

Kezdjk kicsiben! Vltsunk egyedl, s nhny httel ksbb

mutassuk be, mennyivel nvekedett munkavgzsnk

Ha mr sikerlt egy-kt kollgnkat meggyzni, ksztsnk

egy alacsony kockzat pilot-stratgit, s teszteljk ezen az
Agilis hozzllst.

Mindkt esetben folyamatosan mrjk a munkavgzsnkben bellt

vltozsokat: ezek a mrszmok segtsgnkre lesznek akkor,
amikor vezet(i)nknek szeretnnk bemutatni az attitd elnyeit.

Valban hatkonyabb az Agilis tartalommarketing stratgia?

Egy szval: igen!
Mivel az Agilis csapatok a fenti lpseket kvetve knnyebben tudnak
feladataikra koncentrlni, egyszerbb szmukra a clcsoport-fkusz
anyagok gyrtsa is. Ez pedig nemcsak az elkszlt anyagok
mennyisgben, hanem azok minsgben is megmutatkozik.
Mennyi id utn lesz szemmel lthat eredmnye az Agilis
Nhny sprint lefutsa egsz biztosan szksges lesz ahhoz, hogy
elegend adatot gyjtsnk igazunk altmasztshoz, s valban
megmutatkozzanak az elnyk. Emellett pedig az is idbe telhet
(nhny htbe, akr hnapba is), hogy csapatunk teljes mrtkben
adaptlja az Agilis attitd alapjait.
Vannak azonban olyan eredmnyek is, amelyek szinte azonnal kzzel
foghatak: ilyen pldul a preczebb, pontosabb munkavgzs a
kitztt hatridk miatt.
Tovbbi rdekessgeket olvashat az eredeti cikkben! (Angol
nyelv tartalom.)

Az oldalon elhelyezett tartalom a HVG Szeminriumok & Konferencik

kzremkdsvel jtt ltre, amelynek ellltsban s
szerkesztsben a szerkesztsge nem vett rszt.
By ANDREA FRYREAR published MARCH 3, 2016

Content Strategy / Operations, Teams and Process

Your Content Team Can

Sprint With Agile

Agile marketing is fast becoming the way for marketing teams to produce
impactful, audience-focused resources consistently. I was delighted to hear
members of the content marketing community embracing Agile
methodologies in my recent #CMWorld Twitter chat. As I answered
questions, others chimed in, making the conversation a gold mine of
insights and ideas on Agile marketing that I wanted to share with you.

What does it mean for a marketing team to be Agile?

Some teams are naturally adaptive and data-driven, and could technically
be considered agile (lowercase a). To qualify as Agile (capital A), a
marketing team needs a structure that enables it to adapt and iterate.
This structure could take various forms, including Scrum (the classic Agile
process based around sprints), Kanban (a pull-based system that uses
work-in-progress limits), or a hybrid of the teams invention. Most Agile
teams work in sprints set periods during which team members aim to
complete a set amount of work thats connected to a long-term plan. Each
sprint lasts between one week and one month, with two weeks being the
most common duration.

A mainstay of the Agile approach is the stand-up a 15-minute meeting,

usually held at the beginning of every work day, during which team
members stay on their feet. They take turns updating everyone on what
they did yesterday, what they plan to do today, and what obstacles they
need help to overcome.
Whatever form the structure takes, some kind of systematic foundation is
needed to keep an Agile team from descending into frenetic reactions
disconnected from a long-term plan.
Changing your mind all the time does not make you Agile.

Changing your mind all the time does not make

you #Agile says @AndreaFryrear
#contentstrategyCLICK TO TWEET
Agile marketing teams, like Agile teams in other departments, share the
following hallmarks. They:

Respond to change based on data

Follow a flexible plan
Keep their focus on the audience


Intelligent Content + Agile Approach: How This Combo Paid Off for My

How do you convince others (teammates or higher-ups) to use

Agile marketing if youre the only one whos interested in
In the #CMWorld Twitter chat, three themes emerged:
1. Try it as an individual and show off your increased productivity.
2. If you have allies, create some low-risk pilot programs.
3. Use force.
Im a fan of the first approach going Agile alone because even if you
cant convince anybody else, your own sanity and output will benefit.
Many chat participants reported good success with the second approach
because it produces data that you can use as an argument. On the flip

side, you could identify examples of the pitfalls of non-Agile teams and
encourage your organization to avoid similar mistakes.
Finally, some mentioned NERF guns and hostages. I dont condone the use
of force except in extreme cases.

Do Agile marketers produce more or less content than those on

non-Agile marketing teams?
I loved the responses to this question because people resoundingly agreed
that the metric that matters is not more content but better content.
So, while Agile marketers typically produce more content due to their
ability to focus within project parameters, they also typically are more
audience-focused. Agile marketing fires both barrels: Quantity and
One possible detriment to output: Agile marketers often are crossfunctional; they can perform just about any marketing function as needed.
If a priority project is in jeopardy of failing, they may need to join the rest
of the Agile team in swarming it, pulling away from content during that
Agile Principles + Content Marketing = Long-Term Success

Whats the biggest hurdle your team faced in its early Agile
As echoed by dozens of chat participants, communication within the
team and across the organization is especially vital in the early days of
an Agile transition.
When your team comes upon hurdles, you can feel like youre the only
ones in the world trying to make this process work. Youre not!
I recommend attending an Agile marketing meetup. These gatherings are
springing up around the country. Also, more marketing conferences are
creating training and breakout sessions to help guide marketers along this

When in doubt, tweet me your Agile problems @AndreaFryrear. Im happy

to help if I can.
How to Make Content Marketing Work With an Agile Team

What strategies does an Agile team use that a traditional

marketing team might not?
I cant say enough about the power of daily stand-up meetings for
enhancing communication within the team and between departments.
For non-Agile teams, the idea of meeting every day to talk about what you
did in the past 24 hours can be horrifying. But, when done right, these
meetings clear up many issues before they create bottlenecks.
Between these daily check-ins and the visibility of the marketing backlog
(a prioritized list of upcoming projects and tasks), you all but eliminate the
question What the heck does marketing do all day?

What are your favorite tools for managing the Agile process?
Im not a fan of blowing your marketing budget on a tool that promises to
make you Agileovernight, but tools can be a big help in the process.
Slack, Trello, and Wrike were mentioned a number of times during the
chat. Many practitioners swear by their white board and sticky notes and
pencils. You dont need special tools, but if your team finds a tool that
enhances communication and visibility, by all means, use it.
Keep Content Flowing With This Easy Agile Marketing Tool

Agile teams focus on sprints heads-down content production

with no small interruptions. Is that realistic?
You could almost hear people scoffing at this question through their Twitter
feeds. No interruptions? Are you joking?
Notice that the question is about small interruptions, not interruptions in
general. Interruptions always rear their heads. If Agile teams could figure
out a way to obliterate interruptions, we would rule the business world.
Agile methodology does help team members decide which interruptions to
act on immediately. An Agile team member might respond to an

interruption by saying, Im in the middle of project X. Is your

issue more important than that?

An #Agile approach helps teams decide which

interruptions to act on now and which can

If the interrupting issue is more important, cool. You stop and

address it.

If the interrupting issue is not more important, you record it as

something to address in a future sprint, and you keep on keeping on.

Our team limits our sprints to two weeks for this reason. When we tell
people, not right now, we can assure them that well get to their
requests soon.

After you go Agile, how long until you start seeing a payoff?
Getting data that you can compare with your pre-Agile output can take
several sprints. Likewise, it can take a couple of weeks or even months for
a team to fully get onboard with everything that falls under the umbrella of
going Agile.
At the same time, as a content marketer, I experienced an almost instant
relief of pressure when our team started doing Scrum. The chat
participants reported that, although it took a while to get comfortable with
the process changes, they saw some payoffs immediately.
For me, deadlines didnt seem so scary, and I felt secure in what I was
expected to produce in a defined amount of time. Here I am, 200 articles
later, still going strong. I think thats a pretty good argument for Agile
marketing. (If you need more persuasion to adopt Agile marketing, check
out my other CMI posts on the subject.)
To learn more from Andrea on Agile marketing, attend her sessions at
the Intelligent Content Conference March 7-9. Use code BLOG100 to save
$100 off of the main event and all-access passes.
Want to expand your content strategy skills? Subscribe to Content
Strategy for Marketers, our weekly email newsletter for forward-thinking
Cover image by Viktor Hanacek, picjumbo, via

Please note: All tools included in our blog posts are suggested by authors,
not the CMI editorial team. No one post can provide all relevant tools in
the space. Feel free to include additional tools in the comments (from your
company or ones that you have used).

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