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Fact Checking Worksheet

Debate Date: 09/26/2016

Location: Hofstra University, NY
Partner Names: Cady West and Miguel Garduo
Candidate: Donald Trump
1. View your assigned video (take notes here about the video and the
context), and copy down your assigned quote.
Trump: In Chicago, theyve had thousands of shootings--thousands--since
January 1st.
-he wants to bring back law and order to reduce shootings, inner-city communities are
dangerous, you get shot walking down the street, he suggests we bring back stop and
frisk, uses Obamas term as a point of reference for time
2. Check out what other fact-checkers have said about this specific statement.
START WITH: Politifact-- (Others to check if you want:, the
Washington Posts Fact Checker) -- credit them appropriately!!
Politifact says that Trumps statement is true, and there have been more than
3,000 shootings in Chicago this year.
3. Do a DETAILED Google search for answers: Search using as many
different combinations as you can. If were writing about something like "carbon
emissions," "carbon capture," "electricity," "EPA regulations. List one source
besides the fact check website that can help fact check this quote. Write a brief
analysis on what you found (2-3 sentences).
The Chicago Tribune reports that in 2016 alone there have been 3,221, an increase from
the total 2015 reports. On average, that means there are 12 shootings per day. Other
sources also confirm that there have been over 3,000 shootings this year, but also tells
us that the majority have been wounded, and around 500 of those shootings resulted in
someone being killed. These sources back up Politifacts analysis and confirm that what
Trump stated is true.
In context of Trumps suggestions, though, stop and frisk was ruled unconstitutional,
and he does not go into more detail on how to reduce violence other than saying we need
to bring back law and order.
4. Find an EXPERT OPINION. What does the expert have to say about this
quote? Do you agree with him/her? Why or why not?
A data journalist from Forbes reports that In 2015, 2,988 people were shot and 2016s
figure already stands at 2,949. on September 8th. We agree with him because we have
other sources to back up his quote.
5. List 2 questions that you still have about this topic that YOU would like to ask the
candidate if you met him/her face to face.

-How can we prevent access to dangerous weapons used in shootings?

-How do you propose we lower the rate of violence in Chicago aside from reducing gun
access? (How can we make Chicago a better environment so that people are not driven
to the crime and violence that causes these shootings?)

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