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UNIVERSIDAD SAN IGNACIO DE LOYOLA . ENGLISH VI EXAMEN PARCIAL 16.00 VERSION 1 Profesor(a) Todos. Bloque : Todos. Duracion 90 minutos. Instrucciones * No se permite el uso de ningtin tipo de material de consulta, ni de calculadora, celulares, palm, tablets, ipads,ipods, iphones 0 laptop + NO ESCRIBIR SU NOMBRE NI APELLIDO EN NINGUNA PARTE DEL EXAMEN, | READING (24 POINTS) A. READ THE TEXT AND CIRCLE THE CORRECT ANSWER. CIRCLE ONLY ONE (1) LETTER, (12 PTS, 2 PT EACH) TIM WHEELER, LEAD SINGER AND SONGWRITER, ASH InMoving en Up high achievers in ctfarant was of life explain how they attained ther sucess, This extract is Tim Wheeler's aocount. | have been with my band Ash since | was at school. Our big break came in 1994 when we were signed to Infotious | Records and released the mini album Trailer. Tours followed withthe kes of Elastica though we needed the permission | of cur headmaster at school before we could goon the road! We had cur fst top 20 hit in 1995 with ‘i from Mars? \2nd, in 1996, we released our fist full lbump4977, which went straight to the top of the UK charts, We had two Top 5 |ngles andthe bum went ono sel wellovr aii cries Cur second album was released in 1999 and charted at number 7 in the UK. After that we took a well needed _ | break and | surfed from writer's block fora while before starting fo wits again We set about recording our third album, jee Al Angels, and fet thatthe publ nededre-convincing -no easy task and we needed to gt bark to our sols Using the Itemet, we reestablished our fan-base iting small venues voted for by fans one, _The touring and rethinking pat of enn 2001, flr most two years, or snl, ‘Shining Light,‘fashed into the me Tes) (to }The album was released if May 200} and beat CanetJacksonfo te top sot inthe chars, This put us back in our { clement and we had a summer full of touring: 44 European festivals culminating in a triumphant headline set at |, Reading Our latest album, Intergalactic Soni 7s, reéthed flmber 3 in the UK album charts and we have recently signed a new record deal stateside where Free All Angels will soon be released. Back at school | had a great English teacher called David Parks, He taught me right through high school. He's @ maverick kind of eacher, always doing thirgs his own way. Pupils could identify with him; he wasn't too hung up on ciscoline. His literature classes were realy inspiring for me; the dusty old school books came alive instead of putting you to sleep. When he heard my band Ash playing at @ school concert, he gave me a stack of his old records to listen to, and it was great stuff ike.The Roling Stones, The Kinks, The Undertones and The Clash. | thought teachers were meant to be into Bary Maniow! I was really chuffed last year when he wrote me a letter saying he'd bought our latest album and he thought it was great, That meant more to me than a five-star review. Vi_MIDTERMEXAM_V1_ 2016.00 Page 1/6 1, The aim of the book Moving on Up was to collect articles about “A. famous musicians (é _ iter professions (© svecossil people. D. popular heres. 2. What did Ash have to get permission from their headmaster for? ‘Ao sign a deal with a record company ogo on tour wit ther performance / ©. tomake appearances on TV . to travel abroad with their act ey 3, What happened to Tim after the releabe of Ash's second album? : A, He wafilfora few months B Ne eee C.e decided to charge Ash's style © “He had no ing bite tteng 4, How did the Intefnet help Ash? ®t ai band direct contact with their fans. lB. | Itallowed the band to search out better venues. C._Ithelped the band decide which songs to perform. D. Itenabled the band to publicise themselves more. 5. What does the extract say happened to the album, which included ‘Shining Light? (8) immediately made it into the Top 10. 8. ts sales were besten only by those of Janet Jackson. C. twas particularly successful at the Reading Festival. /DItyesulted in some good interational \-_ Arokings. 6. What does Tim Wheeler expect to happen soon? A. Ashi sign an important intemational /-™ business deal. ( 8, Ye of Ash's albums wil go onsale in "the USA. C.- Intergalatc Sone 7s wll continue fo ise inthe chats, (D)_ Free All Angets wil be released in the UK B. YOU ARE GOING TO READ AN ARTICLE, SIX SENTENCES HAVE BEEN REMOVED FROM THE ARTICLE. CHOOSE FROM THE SENTENCES A - G THE ONES THAT FIT EACH GAP. THERE IS ONE EXTRA ‘SENTENCE WHICH YOU DO NOT NEED TO USE, WRITE YOUR ANSWER IN THE BOX, (12 PTS, 2PT EACH) a ENGLISH VI_ MIDTERM EXAM_\V1_2016.00 Page 2/6 ‘THE HISTORY OF THE OSCARS In the 1920s Hollywood grew up fast. Films were so popular that making them became America's fourth largest industry. In 1928 100 milion tickets were sold each week, yet the movies were far from universally approved of Many church leaders, vote-seeking policians, educationalists and conservative citizens attacked them for having a negative effect on people's morals and on children's upbringings (1). ‘As a result The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, a non-profit professional group, was formed in 41927. ts aim was to provide a collective voice against its critics and to encourage the advance of cinema. Some studio bosses hoped that the new Academy would help crush the growing power ofthe unions. Cihers, however, hed high ideals. (2) The first Awards ceremony was held in 1929. It was a modest dinner ata hotel in Holywood and there were no surprises. The winners had all been announced three months earl. Indeed, one of the winners ~ the actor Emil -Jannings — had been given his in advance, as he was unable to attend the ceremony. (3). 250 people attended the ‘ceremony and each had paid 10 dollars for their ket. Just as the fim industry has changed and developed, there have, of course, been meny changes in the Academy's award ceremony since then, Some of the changes happened in the first few years after that first event. Initially, for exemple, the 12-month qualifying period ran from the middle of one year to the next. (4) _. The name Oscar was also introduced in the 1930s, The proper name for the Oscars the Academy Award of Meri No one knows for sure where the name came from and a number of theories have been put forward. (5)__. Margaret Herrick herself has given her name to the huge archive of flm materials, which belongs to the Academy. There have inevitably been chenges too in the types of awards that are given. In 1967, for instance, the Academy award for black-and-white cinematography was abandoned and various new awards have since been introduced. Some ofthese are named awards. (8)_, There are also honorary awards, which have offen been presented to outstanding creative figures ~ Cary Grant and Alfred’ Hitchcock, for example — who, in spite of their obvious talent, never received competitive awards, ‘The system for announcing all these different types of awards is also, of course, now very different. Awards are kept strictly secret untl the night of the ceremony itself. Who receives awards is decided by a vote among the 6,000 members of the Academy. Itis known who has been nominated but not who will win. So in the weeks es ‘Awards ceremony there is considerable speculation in the press and there are many tensions among the professionals, All prepare their acceptance speeches and wear their most stunning clothes and jewellery justin case. y Whoever gets the oPpartunity-6 usé ther speeches atthe next Awards ceremony wil be making these to an audience of 250 but to millions of viewers worldwide. The Oscars have indeed come a long way in the last 80 years” ANSWERS: a te 27 DY 737 Ae 4 mp e * 16] G* | A | Partly, of course, because of his absence, the ceremony itself fook just 5 minutes|during the course of the banguet. 3 Many assis have won Oks Casablanca, The Guaher, Bon Hr, Baveheat. Gone wih Be Wid ae al films which achieved Academy Awards and have stood the test of time, retaining their popularity today and Tequiarty reshown on TV | Tn 1934,the mules were changed so thet Only fms released during the previous calendar year were eligible D | Iivthe face ofthese atfaoks jhe indus jan to feel the need fordefence and seffregulation E |@yfavo fatgatet Hemick)who, n 1994, was lbrerian at the Academy, said thal the golden statuatia Was presented fo the Avard winner, reminded her of her Uncle Oscar. F ish awards inthehopsithat rewarding creative achievements in fim would help the public to positive light. G fe) there is. a Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award which is given for ¢haritable work)and a Gordon E. ‘Sawyer Award for technisal-achievement. Pr MIDTERM EXAM_V1_20 Page 3/6 IL USE OF ENGLISH (16 POINTS) ‘A. KEV WORD TRANSFORMATION: COMPLETE THE SECOND SENTENCE SO THAT IT HAS A. ‘SIMILAR MEANING TO THE FIRST SENTENCE USING THE WORD GIVEN, DO NOT CHANGE THE WORD GIVEN. YOU MUST USE BETWEEN TWO (2) AND FIVE (5) WORDS, (3 PTS, 1 PT EACH) 41, Peter said, “I didnt speak to her’. THAT os Heseid That” Ine des + spo) to her. | 2. She really knows how to deal with customers face-to-face, VERY L ~ re 7 Sheje Jovy 004 _——— vith customers faoeo-ace, }. |left the party at 11:00. My friends arrived at 12 pm. i / 7 ALREADY / Uv When my fiends arived I nod already Wht the party! J B. OPEN CLOZE: FOR QUESTIONS 1-6 THINK OF THE WORD WHICH BEST FITS EACH GAP. USE ONLY ONE WORD. WRITE THE ANSWERS IN THE ANSWER COLUMN (6 PTS, 1 PT EACH) PREDICTIONS FOR 2050 ANSWERS: People will spend less time at work. The average working week willbe 20| | O02 ~ hours, but most people will wor from home, most ofthe time. Colleagues [2] 55 \Jt 1 = will meet once a week (1)__ once a month. Companies’ headquarters |-3-| ~~ N we, buildings will stil exist, with (2) impressive architecture, but almost no wi * ‘one will actually work in them. Most employees (3). get least 10 © | Spoor weeks’ holiday per year. NB bein Soccer will stil be the world's biggest (4)__, and Real Madrid wisi be| 5 the sichest club, with the second and third richest clubs in Asie) L—~| Tian Intemational ownership wil be normal -most big European clubs wil (5)__ Asian owners. Basketball and American football will be much less popular (8) = they are today. a ENGLISH VI_ MIDTERM EXAM_V1_ 2016.00 Page 4/6 ©, WORD FORMATION: USE THE WORD GIVEN IN CAPITALS AT THE END OF EACH LINE TO FORM. AWORD THAT FITS IN THE SPACE IN THE SAME LINE. (5 PTS, 1 PT EACH) ANSWERS 4, Jane's husband is a nuclear (1)_. * SCIENCE [1 Jo ioninsr 2. During our trip , we were biten by a(2)__ snake. POISON [2 | co. 3. dike to help, but (YE | cant. FORTUNATE | | ynjortorklly) | / 4, Tum off the lights ~_do not waste (4). ELECTRIC [A Vochricity 5. ltd be viel to reduce the amountof (5) used CHEMIST (15 [ofaeon fasds—] |“ in food production. ) le D, MULTIPLE CHOICE : READ THE FOLLOWING STATEMEMTS AND DECIDE WHICH ANSWER (AB or C) BEST FITS EACH GAP, CIRCLE THE CORRECT ANSWER (2 PTS, 1 PT EACH) 4. Im late because there was (=) on the road this fromig. a, much trafic Ga lotof traf c.alitle trafic Y 2, We've gat (+) before our train leaves, so let's have a coffee, a. plenty of times b. much time O©plepty of time Il WRITING (20 POINTS). In your English class , you have béen talking about studying abroad, Now your English teacher has asked you to write an essay. Write an essay using all the notes and give'Reasons for your point of view. ‘+ Essay question: All young people should have the opportunity to study in a foreign school or college for a year, Do you agree? «Notes: Write about: 4, what they leam 2: growing up 3) (your own idea) Write your essay Write between 140 to 190. words in appropriate style, AP i VI_MIDTERMEXAM_V1_ 2016.00 Page 5/6

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