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In chemistry, limewater can be used to detect the presence of carbon dioxide because
limewater reacts with carbon dioxide to produce a precipitate of calcium carbonate:
Ca(OH)2 (aq) + CO2 (g) CaCO3 (s) + H2O (l)
If excess CO2 is added, the following reaction takes place:
CaCO3 + H2O + CO2 --> Ca(HCO3)2 (colourless)
Limewater is also used in experiments involving aerobic or anaerobic respiration, to
determine whether carbon dioxide was produced, by first boiling the limewater and then
pouring the solute into the boiling limewater. When limewater reacts with CO 2 it becomes
milky, because of the calcium carbonate, or chalk, produced.

Supplies of electricity come in all shapes and sizes. The computer you are using is probably
plugged in to the mains - but you might be reading this on a mobile phone!
Small things - like mobile phones - often run on batteries. But you have to plug them in to the
mains to recharge their batteries!
Connecting 230 V to a mobile phone battery would make it explode (don't try it!). To recharge
safely a lower voltage is needed. The mobile phone charger contains a transformer to do this.
Making Transformers
Transformers use the magnetic effect of generation, but first change the electrical energy into
magnetism using an electromagnet.
You may remember that electricity requires a changing magnetic field to be generated, and so
the electromagnet in a transformer must produce a changing magnetic field.
There are two possible ways of doing this. First, turn the electricity on and off continuously (not
very easy). Secondly, use a source of electricity which changes direction repeatedly (easy! Use
Transformer Parts
There are three main parts to a transformer: two coils of wire (called the primary and secondary)
and a laminated iron core connecting them:

The primary coil is connected to the input electrical supply, which has to be AC to work properly.
An AC current through the coil creates a changing magnetic field which is concentrated through
the iron core.
The secondary coil is not electrically connected to the primary. But inside it is the iron core,
which is repeatedly magnetised and demagnetised by the changing current in the primary coil!
This is just like pushing a magnet in and out of a coil!
So if the secondary coil experiences a changing magnetic field, an alternating voltage VS will be
induced across it! The size of this voltage will change depending on the number of turns of wire
in each coil:

In the diagram above, the primary coil has more turns than the secondary. This means that the
changing magnetism has less effect on the secondary coil and a lower voltage is produced. This
is a step-down transformer because the voltage goes down.

It consists of two coils, primary and the secondary, linked by a soft iron core. When
magnetic field is changed across the primary coil by connecting it with A.C.
(Alternating Current), an e.m.f. induces across the secondary coil. The iron core
channels the alternating field through the secondary coil, inducing an alternating
e.m.f. across it.
The output voltage from the transformer depends on the input voltage.
If there are more turns in the secondary coil as compared to the primary coil, output
will be higher than input and the transformer works as step-up transformer.
If there are less number of turns in the secondary coil as compared to the primary
coil, then out put will be less than input and the transformer works as step-down
There are two important equations of the tranformer which are as under.
First equation:
Vp/Vs = Np / Ns
Vp = Voltag across the primary coil

Vs = Voltage across the secondary coil

Np = Number of turns in the primary coil
Ns = Number of turns in the secondary coil
Second equation:
Vp / Vs = Is = Ip
Vp = Voltag across the primary coil
Vs = Voltage across the secondary coil
Ip = Electric current flowing through the primary coil
Is = Electric current flowing through the secondary coil

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