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Joshua Hurst

Location release form

PICTURE TITLE : Tell Me You Love Me
Permission is hereby granted to: Define Productions to use the property
located at:
City Of London Cemetery & Crematorium
Consisting of filming of the media project : Tell Me You Love Me the
photography and recording of the opening sequence will be produced by
Define Productions.
The above permission is granted for a period of one day:
From : 26th October 2016
To : 26th October 2016
Permission for Define Productions includes the right to bring personal
equipment to where will be filmed and remove it afterwards to how it was
when first starting. You have the right (but not the obligation) to photograph
and include the production company logo and name in the opening sequence.
The permission to Define Productions to its agents, assigns,licenses,
affiliates, clients, principals and representatives all the right to copyright, use,
display, exhibit, print, reproduce, televise, distribute and broadcast whenever
wanted for lawful and advertisement purposes. This inlcudes the right to
Runaway Productions of any scene without inspection from everyone or
further approval of the finished product.
Define Productions hereby agrees to hold the responsibility to harm to anyone
working in the environment of when the film is being produced. It will try its
best to make the environment safe for everyone. However this doesnt include
deliberate acts of harm from anyone involved with the film with Define


Joshua Hurst


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