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Backseat staring out the window, a new street, here: what are we doing- no info

Mommy looks frustrated is it related to the people staring at us captivated

They stare at me with the same skin complexion like looking at my own reflection-two peas in a pod, thats my perception-please can we stay here, thats my confession.
Pulled up to a building with children screaming and running on grass that was browner than brass.
Three mommies wearing shower caps, my mommy didnt have skin that looks like that
Three stories high, AC hanging out the window-mommy tears in her eyes but I have my Nintendo
She turns off the ignition, she stays in the same position, looking at the building like a new mortician
I got out the car seeming jubilant, I look on the ground a used condom with lubricant
Three dudes shooting dice against the wall, with an attitude that didnt look nice at all
They stare for a second, they roll a seven, as Im stepping Im scared to look but Im checking
Middle of the day: what are these people doing? My mommy signaled her way then I went pursuing
Guy passed out on the concrete in the middle of street with grandpas bottle he used to call sweet treat
We got to the door - a guy with the same skin complexion, a look in his face like a rejection
My mommy says I need an eighth, and Im willing to do whatever it takes. My spine starts to shake-I dont understand, my soul starts to ache, its warning me like this is a mistake.
He looks at me smug and shrugs, he grabs the grip of the door like a mug.
We enter the room, mommys fingers in between mine, the room gloom she pushes me behind
A weird smell resonates, a group of guys stand up to investigate
Were in the room, three dudes pull out their guns
Funny smells, my tummy rumbles, mommy what have you done?
Someone screams What the hell? I told you Lucy-I told you Lucy he had a Glock and an uzi
He said Pick one, dont be choosy-cause Im about to set this clip off like someone talking in the moviesBecause I told you to never come here now you leave me no choice like I just been roofied.
Now at this point I barely remember, my body stayed but mentally I went to a blender
All I recall is seeing my mommy fall after their guns went clapping-curtain call.
Until I-realize why my eyes decide to compromise Ill disguise as a pint size butterfly and rise high-but Im standing mesmerized, demanding and commanding get up and be mobilized-otherwise, my heart cries out terrorized!
Mommy you alrigh, you gotta get up-thats enough, please wake up!
I drop my controller, I tug at her shoulder, sirens sounding: theyre getting closer
Hands soaked in blood, three mothers keep their composure-but I hug her body, its getting colder.
You don't recall? You don't recall?
How do you not recall? I was eight years old and all I saw was my mom fall
Gun raised, his hands up in an alleyway. Dark night, man up, you cant run away
I remember, I remember, he said. I know its you-doesnt matter because you're dead-when I saw you walking alone, I thought it was a dream but God reigns down just supreme
Then I go on to say, I was just a kid, there wasnt anything I could do, it was over
But now Im older-Im panicking and agitated, voices in my head babbling Im getting aggravated-another youth abandonment, still remember like a mannequin-mentally damaging but put this through your skull like a javelin-ravishing in your death, tell me why you did it - you better start unraveling.
Are you gonna let me live? he murmurs, If I did thered be observers-Am I gonna let you live? I should make you jump-thats the dumbest thing I heard since Mexicans for Trump
Whyd you do it? Who put you up to do it? I watched my mother die, I think Im about to lose it
WAIT! he yells. Internally he debates but eventually he rebels, he stares and contemplates
I pause for a second, my gun still aimed
The fear in his eyes, I hope he feels ashamed.

I say I want to have blood gushing, tons of it, like Noahs flood coming
I want you dead, I dont want no concussion. Your dead body imma start stuffing
Strike this gun like a percussion
The cops are gonna think its just a gone wrong mugging, standing there huffing
No bluffing, straight roughing, bullet to the brain-straight through touching, Im gonna push, push, and
push like Im plumbing; cosmic radiation after the gun-nothing but humming.
If I pull this trigger, Ill be looking at a mirror with a drop dead reflection
Am I God? Im a flawed human at odds, thats my confession
Who am I but a man God gave life to? Hes staring down at me as Im planning to strike you
The Marriage of Heaven and Hell: my two existing principles contrast with each other
Love life? I only cling to the thought of my mother.
Convinced I should just cleanse, eradicate, then on his body masturbate, that just makes sense
On the other hand, in one single motion, well be the same man, both banned from Gods devotion.
I have pure intentions; did I mention eye for an eye for sure vengeance
Dear Mr. Omnipotent give me a vision, so his sins can be forgiven-by all means intervene, because my will Ill impede on this disease that ruined my reality.
Im magically conflicted, wanna drastically inflict a horrific event where even the ballistic come out-explicit. But if I do will I be forgiven? Or will God be so livid hell reign down apocalypticCausing a war between Heaven and Hell, wont go into specifics but even the critics wont be cryptic.
Listen, lets be realistic this isnt my real ambition cause I went from sane brain to autistic.
If I shoot, Ill beg the Devil to have mercy, hell understand my journey-because he knows what its like to lose once Jesus turned early thirty.
My heart discerns, burns and somewhat yearns for his soul to crawl with worms.
The marriage between Heaven and Hell will have an everlasting effect
Because it's gonna take William himself to come down and put me in check.
Dear Mr. Omnipotent, I have a proposition I know youre listening-Ill lead, Ill follow, Ill bleed of sorrow, Ill heed-I just need to see thee today and not tomorrow.
The hands of time has had several ticks, I look around hoping for a sign, nothing-so I grip the clip
A mother willing to defy all odds, killing if it means her son is a God
As a child inhales his mothers breast, she feeds him life thus that child is blessed.
When a mother prays: God acknowledges, whether blemished or flawless-alcoholic or honest, at this moment the mother is polished-he that be omnipotent looks down at his daughter and hears her prayer-he stops what hes doing and hes right there.
God will listen and prayers hell fulfill and there isnt anything beyond his will
Hell cure millions, hell expose the dealing if you're fearing the institution just to let his daughter live
A mothers womb embodies the same traits of Jesuss tomb-thus its safe to assume that once that mother prays shes able to flip the coffee table-rip the Holy of Holies then and then only does he that be omnipotent stops as if her life is fatal-He is eternally grateful and listens as a mother near a cradle.
The mother is the first teacher; the mother is there right after Easter
Thats what you took from me, a mother, unable to be there like she had an absentee
I should take the same like a last name, unfortunately for you she died, what a shame
I pull back the clip, this is it, emotions imploding as the metal kisses his lips.
If death came tonight, Id be no better than you despite our plight
Well maybe just a slight, plus if I do God might smite.
But Death doesnt come for the Archbishop, he couldnt be so vicious
Lord if you continue to shield-his death it will yield .
Gun pointed-he that be omnipotent would be my witness, if he wasnt too busy to visit
Twist it, now its aiming at me; Im highly malicious. Am I that ambitious?

Whats worse than death? Christmas! Because he sees my condition and didnt give me a vision.
Put the gun in my mouth as if to kiss it, death: my only ambition
Death to the riches, because to God were all dead isnt that a little suspicious?
Took it out my mouth and placed it on his forehead- Kill us both? Horrid!
God stop me, because his death will be gorgeous!
His eyes dilate, Shhh. Im tryna concentrate. Internally I debate-Should I desecrate your soul just to fascinate? NO I must show restraint
I take it off his forehead. Maybe were all dead? But to God I must obligate
Shoot. Pow. Now were both roommates.

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