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Syria crisis: Quick facts1

12 million Syrians have fled their homes because of conflict; half are children.
4 million Syrians are refugees; most are in Turkey, Lebanon, and Jordan.
Children affected by the Syrian conflict are at risk of becoming ill, malnourished, abused, or

exploited. Millions have been forced to quit school.

More than 700,000 Syrian refugees and other migrants risked their lives this year to travel to

Why Syrians are fleeing: Three reasons

Violence : Since the Syrian civil war began, more than 240,000 people have been killed, including
12,000 children. One million more have been wounded or permanently disabled.
The war has become more deadly since foreign powers joined the conflict.
Collapsed infrastructure : Within Syria, healthcare, education systems, and other infrastructure have
been destroyed; the economy is shattered. An estimated 4.8 million people are in areas of Syria that are
difficult to access because of the conflict. Its hard for aid groups to reach them.

Syrian children the nations hope for a better future have lost loved ones, suffered injuries,
missed years of schooling, and witnessed violence and brutality. Warring parties forcibly recruit
children to serve as fighters, human shields, and in support roles, according to the U.S. State

Current development.
Some countries have done more to help refugees than others. The top three host countries
Turkey, Pakistan, and Lebanon are now home to 30% of refugees worldwide. The top 10 host
countries harbor 57% of all refugees. Using data from the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR),
these are the countries hosting the most refugees.2
Turkey is hosting more than 1.9 million Syrian refugees. Iraq, facing its own armed conflict, is
hosting about 250,000 Syrians. More than 1.1 million refugees are in Lebanon. Many have taken up
residence there in communities abandoned buildings, sheds, spare rooms, garages, and in tent
settlements on vacant land. Conditions are often crowded and unsanitary. Even so, families struggle to


10 Countries Sheltering the Most Refugees - 24/7 Wall St.

pay rent for these spaces. About 630,000 refugees have settled in Jordan, mostly with host families or
in rented accommodations. About 80,000 live in Zaatari, a camp near the northern border with Syria,
and about 23,700 live in another camp, Azraq, where World Vision set up much of the water and
sanitation system.
The European Union is a main benefactor in the reaction to the Syria emergency with over 4.2
billion of aggregate spending plan assembled by the Commission and Member States all things
considered in philanthropic, advancement, monetary and adjustment help.
In November, the Commission declared that it will allcocate 133 million to address needs inside
Syria and in addition the needs of Syrian displaced people and host groups in neighboring nations,
specifically Lebanon and Jordan. This extra subsidizing will go towards tending to the deficit in
financing for the Syria emergency, giving prompt assets to helpful associations working inside Syria
and in the neighboring displaced person facilitating nations, to upgrade life-sparing help to
individuals in need.
An EU far reaching procedure was at that point propelled not long ago to handle the emergencies
in Syria and Iraq, which included 1 billion in subsidizing more than 2015/16. Amid the Third
International Pledging Conference for Syria in Kuwait in March 2015, the EU and its Member States
swore 1.1 billion the biggest vow by any giver in compassionate and advancement help to the
Syria emergency. Half of the Commission's compassionate help goes to quick life-sparing crisis
philanthropic operations inside Syria. The Commission's philanthropic help gives safe drinking water,
sanitation and cleanliness, procurements of sustenance, tyke security exercises and crisis things to
individuals inside Syria needing compassionate help. The European Commission's helpful guide is
supporting more than 1.15 million Syrian evacuees with the procurement of life-sparing wellbeing
help and medicinal consideration including immunization projects of childrens.
However, in Malaysia, as of end March 2014, there are some 143,435 refugees and asylum-seekers
registered with UNHCR in Malaysia. 133,070 are from Myanmar, comprising some 51,845 Chins,
35,563 Rohingyas, 11,764 Myanmar Muslims, 7,828 Rakhine, 3,623 Burmese & Bamars, 5,396 Mon,
5,218 Kachins, and other ethnicities from Myanmar.
There are some 10,365 refugees and asylum-seekers from other countries, including some 4,216 Sri
Lankans, 1,139 Somalis, 902 Syrians, 776 Iraqis, 319 Afghans, and others from other countries. Some
70% of refugees and asylum-seekers are men, while 30% are women. There are some 29,996 children
below the age of 18.
There are also a large number of persons of concern to UNHCR who remain unregistered. As part
of UNHCRs ongoing data gathering and analysis, UNHCR believes that there are some 35,000
unregistered asylum-seekers, who UNHCR is progressively working to register.

The various refugees communities are scattered all through Malaysia, living generally in the Klang
Valley. There are no displaced person camps in Malaysia. Rather, displaced people offer living spaces
in gatherings of up to 40 individuals or all the more, living in minimal effort pads or lodging zones next
to each other with nearby Malaysian homes in urban areas and residential areas.
The circumstance of evacuees is troublesome as an aftereffect of their absence of authority status.
They have no access to lawful legal employment. They tend to work in employments that the local
population do not wish to take (the 3D occupations: messy, risky what's more, troublesome). A few
managers abuse their critical circumstance by paying to a great degree low or no wages by any means.
Their children do not have access to formal instruction. However, some children are able to attend
community-run learning centres and learning centres set up by UNHCR and NGO partners. They are
able to access healthcare facilities in Malaysia, but the cost of treatment and refugees irregular income
make healthcare unaffordable to many refugees.
What is the law governing them (refugees)?
Refugees are among the most vulnerable people in the world. The 1951 Refugee Convention
and its 1967 Protocol help protect them. They are the only global legal instruments explicitly covering
the most important aspects of a refugees life. According to their provisions, refugees deserve, as a
minimum, the same standards of treatment enjoyed by other foreign nationals in a given country and, in
many cases, the same treatment as nationals.
The 1951 Convention contains a number of rights and also highlights the obligations of
refugees towards their host country. The cornerstone of the 1951 Convention is the principle of nonrefoulement. According to this principle, a refugee should not be returned to a country where he or she
faces serious threats to his or her life or freedom. This protection may not be claimed by refugees who
are reasonably regarded as a danger to the security of the country, or having been convicted of a
particularly serious crime, are considered a danger to the community.
Some basic rights, including the right to be protected from refoulement, apply to all refugees.
A refugee becomes entitled to other rights the longer they remain in the host country, which is based on
the recognition that the longer they remain as refugees, the more rights they need.

Who are they (refugees)?

A refugee is a person who, owing to a well- founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of
race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is outside the
country of his nationality and is unable or, owing to such fear, unwilling to avail himself of the
protection of that country. - 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, Article 1(a)(2).

The difference migrants and refugees.

Unlike migrants, refugees do not choose to leave their countries; they are compelled to do so
because serious discrimination in their home countries, armed conflict, serious public disorder and
other complex human rights issues. Economic migrants are persons who leave their countries to seek
material improvements in their lives. The key difference between economic migrants and refugees is
that economic migrants enjoy the protection of their home countries; refugees do not. Economic
migrants do not fall within the criteria for refugee status and are therefore not entitled to benefit from
international protection as refugees.

How The World Is Reacting.3

Germany - Germany is expecting to receive 800,000 migrants this year, more than any other UN nation
and the refugees who seeks fo asylum feel more safer in Germany.

Austria - The country has accepted 12,000 migrants, but is seeking to reduce the influx.4

Finland - Finnish Prime Minister Juha Sipila, a former telecom executive, offered his spare house to
host a refugee family from 2016 in proving that the refugees are welcome there.

Hungary - More than 140,000 migrants have entered Hungary this year. Hungarian Prime Minister
Viktor Orban appears to be opposed to allowing Muslim migrants into his country claiming the crisis
threatens Europe's prosperity, identity and "Christian values". At first Hungary tried to keep migrants
from moving on to other countries, wanting them to register in their arrival country. It soon relented,
providing buses to take thousands of marchers determined to reach Germany on foot on the weekend. It
is building a 3.5 metre high wall on the border with Serbia to keep migrants out. It has vowed to close
its southern border by September 15.

Slovakia - they will take 200 Christian Syrians, not Muslims, under the UN's distribution of 40,000
refugees. According to the BBC, Slovakian Interior Ministry spokesman Ivan Netik said Muslims
would not be accepted because they would not feel at home.

The Sydney Morning Herald world, September 9, 2015


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