Lesson Plan Components Content Standard

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Lesson Plan Components

Content Standard:
ELAGSE6RL7: Compare and contrast the experience of reading a story, drama, or poem to listening to or
viewing an audio, video, or live version of the text, including contrasting what they see and hear when
reading the text to what they perceive when they listen or watch.
Student Learning Goal(s)/ Objective(s):
Student will be able to compare and contrast what they see and hear when reading the book Holes to what
they perceive when they watch the movie.
Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks
Launch: __________ Minutes

How will you start the lesson to engage and motivate students in learning?
I will gain the attention of the class by telling the students all eyes on me. I will provide specific praise
to students who give me their attention. I will instruct the students to move into their assigned reading
groups. I will remind the students of the classroom rules, which are to be respectful and to stay on
task. I will also remind the class to make sure you raise your hand if you need help. I will gain the
classroom attention back, while providing praise. I will then ask the whole group a question what book
and movie did we just finish reading? The students should answer Holes. Before I began my lesson,
I will play the music video dig it based off the movie/book Holes. After the video ends, I will introduce
today standard (which is written on the board). I will also inform the say to the class today we are
going to dig in to the text and the movie to compare and contrast what they saw and heard in the book
to what they perceived when watching the movie.

Instruction: __________ Minutes

Write up with: I will, We will, They will
I will provide my students with visuals by showing a power point on the board, and explaining to them
that today we will be completing a venn diagram to help see the differences and similarities between
the book and the movie. I will then use self-talk strategy to explain the differences between compare
and contrast. When we are using comparison, we are looking for things that are similar to each other.
For example; apples and oranges are similar because they are both fruit. Contrasting is when things
are different, they are not the same. For example; apples are different than oranges because one is
red or green, while the other fruit is orange. (these definitions will also appear on my power point) I will
also use self-talk to explain what a venn diagram looks like. What does a venn diagram look like, it
consist of two circles that interlock in the middle. I will then ask the students, What does this
comparison mean? What does contrasting mean? What does a venn diagram look like? We will then
discuss their answers to make sure everyone comprehends what the mean. I will then instruct the
students how to label the venn diagram by using self-talk. I will tell the class to pull out a piece of paper
to take notes on if needed. The first thing that, I am going to draw is two circles interlocking on my
paper. (I will draw this on my white board.) I also need to add four title sections on to my venn diagram;
the main title, and three subtitles. Now it is time for me to label my venn diagram. I know that our
lesson is about comparing and contrasting the book and the movie Holes. The main title of the diagram
is Holes the book vs Holes the movie. I wonder what the subtitles are titled, the title on the left is title
Holes the book and the subtitle on the write is titled Holes the movie. That is where we are going to list
the differences between the movie and the book. That leaves with the middle section of the venn

diagram. I wonder what goes there. The middle section is titled the book/movie similarities. This is
where, I am going to list the books similarities. Now that we figured out how to label our venn diagram,
we have to figure out what goes in our sections. I am going to whisper hey class does remember,
when we made that list of everything we made that list of everything we wanted to see in the movie
and when we took notes about what we saw in the movie. Students respond yes. We are actually
going to use our list to compare and contrast the book from the movie. I need everyone to pull out their
notes. Now that I have my notes out, I am now going to try to figure out some of the most important
differences and similarities from the book and movie. When comparing and contrasting movies to
books we should always look for changes in characters, scenes, and content. Lets look at the main
character Stanley, let me look at our notes the book says Stanley was not skinny, was Stanley skinny
in the movie. According to my notes he was skinny in the movie. So we would write under Holes the
book Stanley was not a skinny kid. Then under the Holes the movie side I would write Stanley was
skinny in the movie. Now that I have some differences, lets try to find some similarities between
Stanleys character in the book and the movie. Let me look at my notes, I have written down that
Stanley was an ordinary kid on both of my papers. Stanley was an ordinary kid in both the movie and
book. I would write down under similarities that Stanley was an ordinary kid. Now that I have a
modeled how to compare and contrast lets work on doing find some of the characteristics together. So
in your reading groups, I want all of us to look together to see if we can find differences between the
movie and the book. I will give the student two to three minutes to complete this task. Remember
everyone we were contrasting the book and the movie, lets see what my reading experts (the entire
class) has discovered. Raise your hand if your reading group can tell me a difference between the
movie and the book. Students respond. After the students respond, I will instruct the class to raise
their hand if they agree with that contrasting statement. I will correct their response if it needs
correcting and I will also praise them for trying. If the response is correct, I will provide specific/group
praise to the reading group. I will then ask another member of the group to come up to the board to
write in their response. Now we need to decide whether the contrast belongs to the book or the
movie. I will ask that reading group to repeat their response. I will instruct the student to write the
responses on the board beside the venn diagram. We will then have a class vote, I will instruct them
to stand up if the contrast is from the movie or stay seated if you feel like the contrast is from the
book. The student will then write down the contrast responses into the proper section of the venn
diagram. Now that we understand how to contrast, lets see if we can dig in to our notes to see if we
can find some similarities between the movie and the book. I will give the students two to three
minutes to look for similarities. I will regain the attention of the class. All eyes on me, I really enjoyed
walking around the room hearing everyone compare the movie and book. Raise your hand if your
group can tell me a similarity that they found. I will call on a group, then they will respond. I will then
ask the class to raise their hand if they agree with the similarity. I will also give the students praise for
answering correctly but also provide correction if needed. Then I will call on member of that group to
come up and write their response on the board. We all did a fantastic job at comparing and
contrasting the movie and the book together. Now, I want to see how well your groups can dig in to the
text and work together to find the similarities and the differences. When I say go, I want a member of
your reading group come up to the front to grab a big piece paper and some markers. I want your
group to construct a venn diagram that continues contrasting the movie and the book. If you have any
questions dont be afraid to ask. On your mark, get set GO. While the students are completing their
venn diagram, I will be walking around the room completing a checklist on each student. I will put an X
by their name if they understand how to compare, how to contrast, if there using their notes, if there
working in their groups, and if they set up the venn diagram correctly. This check list will be a great
indicator of what the students understand and do not understand about comparing and contrasting.
Closure: __________ Minutes
How will you end the lesson?

I will make sure, I have the classs attention, all eyes on me. If you did not finish, your assignment
today, we will have an opportunity to finish it tomorrow in class. We are going to play a quick game to
see how well you understand todays lesson. This game is called true and false. I am going to say a
statement, I want you stand up if its true or sit down if its false. First statement When we are
comparing two or more things we are looking for the differences. Students should stay seated. I will
then ask the students what does comparing mean? Students respond. Second statement;
Contrasting is when you are looking for the differences between two or more it. Students should
stand up. Before we leave, we have a ticket out the door. I want you to write down two similarities and
four differences from the book and the movie. Now you can compare and contrast what you saw and
heard in the book Holes to what you perceive when you watched the movie.


Describe the tools/procedures that will be used in this lesson to monitor students learning of the
lesson objective(s).

Evaluation Criteria

Type of assessment
Description of assessment
(Informal or Formal)




Worth 25 pts

What evidence of student learning (related to the learning

objectives and central focus) does the assessment provide?

Checklist: I will complete a

checklist on each reading group.
I will put an X by their name if
they understand how to
compare, how to contrast, if
there using their notes, if there
working in their groups, and if
they set up the venn diagram

This check list will be a great indicator of

how students compare and contrast what
they experienced in the book to what the
experienced in the play.

Venn Diagram: The students will

list construct a venn diagram
that compares and contrast the
movie from the book.

This assessments allows me to see if the

students comprehended the book. It also
shows me the students are able to compare
and contrast the book to the movie.

TOTD: The student will list two

This assessments allows me to see if the
similarities and four differences
students had any issues comparing and
between the book and the
contrasting the book and the movie.

5 points for focus/standard/objective alignment

10 points for completed/coherent instructional strategy/learning task section
10 points for completed/coherent assessment section

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