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DATE: 01.08.


Reg No:

Indira Institute of Engineering and Technology

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

Assessment Test I

Time: 1.5 hours

Total Marks : 50
Part - A: Answer the following ( 2 x 5 = 10 marks )

1. Express the emf equation of DC generator.

2. List the conditions of self-excitation of DC generator
3. Give the circuit model for DC shunt generator and write down the current and voltage
4. Mention the significance of back emf.
5. Write the condition for the maximum efficiency of DC motor.
Part B : Answer the following ( 2 x 13 = 26 marks )

A) Describe with neat diagram the constructional features of DC machines with neat
B) Explain Principle and Operation of DC Motor with neat diagram.


A) A separately excited dc generator running at 1000 rpm supplied 110 A at 220 V

to a resistive load. If the load resistance remains constant, what will be the load
current if the speed is reduced to 800 rpm? Armature resistance is 20 m ohm.
Field current is unaltered. Assume a voltage drop of 1V per brush. Ignore the effect
of armature reaction.
B) A 4 pole generator with wave wound armature has 51 slots each having 24 conductors.
The flux per pole is 0.01 wb. At what speed must the armature rotate to give an
induced emf of 250V. What will be the voltage developed, if the winding lap
connected and the armature rotates at the same speed?
Part C: Answer the following ( 1 x 14 = 14 marks )
8. Derive the Torque equation of a DC motor.

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