Human Body Systems Lesson Plan 3

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School of Education and Teacher Preparation

Dynamic Educators Facilitating Student Achievement

Lesson Plan
Name: Justin Ray
Age/Grade Level: 7th Grade
Number of Students with IEP:
English Language Learners: 0

Date: 10/19/16
Number of Students: 27
Number of Gifted Students: 0
Unit/Lesson Title: Human Body Systems 3
Lesson Length: 1:15 minutes

Students have previously studied cells and cell organelles.
Introduced to progression from cells to organism
Students have been introduced to the names of the different human body systems.
Students have begun digging in deeper into the Nervous, respiratory, and circulatory
Second block is my low block.
o 7 students in this block were retained last year
o They will be given an extra time, beyond this unit plan, to complete the
o Notes will be provided on Google Classroom for them.
Learning Objectives(s)
By the end of this lesson students will be introduced to the digestive, endocrine, excretory
systems and will begin adding that knowledge to their culminating activity.
S7L2. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to describe how cell structures,
cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems interact to maintain the basic needs of
b. Develop and use a conceptual model of how cells are organized into tissues,
tissues into organs, organs into systems, and systems into organisms
c. Construct an argument that systems of the body (Cardiovascular, Excretory,
Digestive, Respiratory, Muscular, Nervous, and Immune) interact with one
another to carry out life processes.
Essential Question(s)
How do Body Systems work together to form organisms?
Resources, Media and Technology
Pictures of different body systems
Google Classroom
Bell ringer
Graphic organizer assignment
J. Ray pg. 1

Students will use for bell ringer
Students can look at pictures of different body systems
Research for human body systems assignment
White paper, color pencils, crayons, markers

Students will begin working on bell ringer in Google Classroom on their chromebooks.
(15 minutes)
o What are hormones and what is their function?
o What is insulin and what is its function?
o What are the three types of human waste?
o I will be available to answer questions and give direction.
Lesson on major body systems. (40 minutes)

Brief overview of the following body systems:

NOTE: This is an overview lesson to introduce the body systems and expose the students to the
content and concepts. Each Body system will be explored in more depth later and individually.
The idea here is to help them see the complexity of an organism, the complex relationships of
organ systems, and to begin scaffolding information for when we look at these systems later.
o Digestive System
Chemical and mechanical digestion
Hydrochloric acid
Gall bladder
Small intestines
Large intestines
o Endocrine System
pituitary gland
thyroid gland
parathyroid glands
adrenal glands
ovaries (in females)
testicles (in males)
o Excretory System
J. Ray pg. 2

Solids: feces
Liquids: urine and sweat
Gas: CO2 (largest amount of waste we produce)

Explain that some organs can be part of multiple body systems

o Example the pancreas works with the endocrine systems and the digestive system
Brief explanation

Continue researching body systems for assignment. (15 minutes)

o Students will begin working on the culminating activity that was assigned on day
one of this unit.

Informal Assessment
Bell ringer in google classroom
Assignment for future assessment
Human Body Systems Graphic Organizer:
Students are to create a graphic organizer with the following information: Name of system,
basic functions, organs, brief description of how it interacts with another body system.
This is to be done on white paper ONLY. Each student must turn in their own graphic
organizer but you can work together to answer questions and look up information. I will
be available to answer questions as well. Also, you have your chromebooks! There is a
whole internet of information and pictures that will help you with this assignment.

Systems to cover:
Circulatory System
Endocrine System
Immune System
Lymphatic System
Reproductive System
Muscular System

Digestive System
Excretory System
Integumentary System
Nervous system
Skeletal System

This will be a formal assessment and will be taken up at the end of the week.

(NOTE Differentiation: Second block has 7 students who were retained last year. This class is
the low class out of our 4 blocks. They will be afforded more time if needed to complete this

J. Ray pg. 3

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