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Grabavoja) - Better, Finance and macrosalvation fo r all!
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Good day. Today is 12.12.2015. year, says Svetlana Novak, a licensed instructor
teaching others. Grigory Grabavoja of macro salvation and harmonious development
of all.
After the seminars in Belgrade and Ljubljana on "Abundance and personal finance",
we decided to start community concentration for plenty of personal and abundance.
Seminar "Abundance and personal finance" is made on the basis of 11 copyright
seminars etc. Grigory Grabavoja, the greatest scientists of our time. The seminar
participants had the experience of a deeper understanding of the material abundance
of the two-day seminars. Now we are working together in 21 days time from 22h to
23h or doing much when can in that time.
Learning others. Grigory Grabavoja learning about makrospasenju all and any
technology that we do is always the first to say that it applies to all
makrospasenje and then doing our personal goal. Further, it is learning about the
harmonious and safe development, it is learning on the prevention of possible
disasters, learning about creative creativity for the good of all, the doctrine of
eternal life and eternal development, learning that directs us to directing
jasnovienje, which means that managed futures desired way for the good of all
and their own good. Learning others. Grigory Grabavoja directed that teach us
how to manage themselves, their events, exterior, with every cell, so the interior.
This is a doctrine that raises our awareness and awareness of the complete
humanity to the Nth degree. Learning others. Grigory Grabavoja is given for
thousands of years in advance. Before us is a long time, but it is the way of joy,
self-knowledge, creation, creativity, according to the plan of God because we
carrying out personal tasks of the Creator, and we carry out our various tasks.
This is the mission of the Soul.
Before the start of management is necessary to enter into a state of complete
peace and harmony with ourselves and the whole world. In order to do that we
can say the numeric string 71,381,921th It is the focal point of your coordinate
system, point your creativity and your greatest strength. This numeric string can
say 3 times before the start of administration. So tell 71381921, 71381921,
71381921 and enter the point of its highest power that you create from your now
and your future for themselves (Fig. 1). We manage the knowledge of God

Slika br. 1
The next thing we will do, we will place ourselves in the sphere of silvery color
and in that sphere to put numeric string 11981, direct contact with the Creator,
and let this numeric string. Each number is a three-dimensional, happy, cheerful,
and that is to help us to convey the information of God. We let the numeric string
to rotate in a clockwise direction around us as we work concentration with the
aim of making information from God and to receive this information immediately,
understood immediately that we can apply them immediately, for your own good
and for the good of the whole world. Track technology 1!
FIRST TECHNOLOGY: "Lifeline", we do it all together. Visualize your life line and
highlight the srebrnobelom color (this is the first drawing) to the right is the
future, the left is the past. Now look at where in the past are black parts that
indicate poverty you and your generation, and that part of the cut as scissors and
now connect the bright regions (that's the drawing in the middle). Light up again
his line of life and look great sphere of abundance that you came from the future
(that is drawing number three) the last to see (Fig. 2).

Slika br. 2

Slika br. 3

Now get in that sphere, the sphere of plenty that you gave to the Creator and
stay there forever. Such an objective specify itself, and that is "I live in the eternal
body and the eternal abundance, healthy and happy" (Fig. 3). This new program
will be established in Vasya Consciousness on all its levels, awareness,
subconscious, Nadsvest. Feel the pleasure and eternity of the Creator donated. In
this sphere of eternal abundance of eternal life, stay 2 to 3 minutes, we work all
together and then move on to the next technology. I note once again that we
always do for macro salvation of all, harmony and harmonious development of all
and then for our abundance and personal finance. Let's give a lot of light to

others and many times multiplied light is returned to us. What we give to others,
the air to get back. Melting transmitting our brightness is also the point of
acceptance of light from all of the physical body of the one God or of the entire
cosmos. So, positive thoughts we give, brightness and immediately to get back.
There is no time delay, everything happens at the same time.
OTHER TECHNOLOGY: "Where is Norma abundance in your soul"? I ask my soul,
where the standard of abundance that the Creator intended me and the whole
world? Look at the picture no. 4th Our soul is bright blue. All happens in the soul
are as small spherical, and we ask: "Where is Norma abundance which the
Creator intended me and the whole world"? Appears glaringly belosrebra sphere
soul and my willpower exposes out in front of his chest, and there is unarchived,
and it starts to glow with immense light. We have launched plenty for us and for
the whole world. Watch the sphere of a time to light up on us, your city, your
country in the whole country, to our planetary system, the Milky Way galaxy and
the whole body of the one God. Let's stay here with the aim: "We are aware of
the development of abundance" and feel the pleasure and deep peace.

Slika br. 4
n this we will remain 2 to 3 minutes, as much as feels comfortable, and if
someone feels tingling, cold, heat, pressure ... know that these great works and
how, collectively conscious, stating information misery, wars, poverty,
insufficiency of species and subspecies. In order to get rid of these tingling, cold,
heat, pressure, speed is set in a cylindrical column of light of the Creator, which is
concentrated belosrebrne colors. Feelings that we have in the body, they tell us
that the field of information in us changes, negative programs leave our
existence, now being built and put new programs, these are programs at will and
desire of the Creator. The creator is eternal, and we are created eternal, in his
whole physical body Government abundance, we on Earth was given the freedom
of the will, and sometimes people are going in a different direction of
development of the Earth, the development of the polarity, and today the plus
and the technogenic development, that this level of consciousness and is not
suitable. We have an obligation to develop their awareness far faster than the
level of development of technogenic appliances and tehnologija.Dakle set the
goal of "Norma". We went into a cylindrical column of light of the Creator that is
concentrated silvery color. The goal of the "Norma". Still doing their technology
and visualize the pillar of light that brings you to Norma, and for a few seconds,
all of these side effects disappear. They appear on the ground, as our bodies and

even our existence and of the whole race, leaving the old negative programs and
there are new programs, these are programs of eternal life, the development of
positive developments. So choose from today, to cultivate positivism, toward
yourself, the world and all the elements of reality.
THIRD TECHNOLOGY: "Kolekotivno consciously". Around the Earth is an
information field or the collective conscious. Vizuelizujmo sphere of the original
matrix of the Creator and of eternal life and zasvetlimo is srebrnobelom bright
sunshine, and leave it in the collective conscious that bright and clean programs
misery, poverty, fear, old age, sickness and death. Turning this sphere goes in a
clockwise direction. And when we see that even the collective conscious lit up by
light of our work, we stay there for a while until the feeling of complete harmony
and joy with the aim of "Norma Creator for all", stay all in this together, 2 to 3
minutes (Fig. 5).

Slika br. 5
FOURTH TECHNOLOGY: "boundary conditions":
A) denote its awareness in one srebrnobeloj sphere, which put in front of you.
Find an event that will appear as a bright sphere in the sphere of our
consciousness when we had the most money, at some point in our lives, and that
sphere of silvery color turn to move at high speed on the border of the inner and
outer part of our sphere of Consciousness or may sphere that stands illuminated
large light. It would be better if the sphere can run in a clockwise direction and to
rotate at high speed. So the launch of abundance. The goal is "to enable the
amount of money in our lives and that we are constantly available, for example,
on a monthly basis or on a daily basis" and stay there as long as we like. We will
stay for about 2 minutes in this technology (Fig. 6).

Slika br. 6

And then we will continue the same thing, but instead of money we raditit with
B) We work with a lot. Tag your awareness in one srebrnobeloj sphere that we set
before ourselves. Find an event that will appear as a bright sphere in the sphere
of our consciousness, and that is the "original matrix of the Creator", an
abundance of which he is not specially intended for us in our eternal life, here
and now. And the sphere of silvery color we direct that moves at high speed on
the border of the inner and outer part of the sphere of our consciousness. The
goal is to "activate the abundance that the Creator intended for us in our eternal
life." And now we will stay here about 2-3 minutes (Fig. 7).
A onda emo nastaviti isto ovo, ali emo umesto novca raditit sa obiljem.

Slika br. 7
I make a difference to how it was before, when you are working with a certain
amount of money. Because money is illusory plane, not by God, but plenty is
given by God. Plenty of the original matrix of the Creator, money created by the
people, free will of people has emerged, and the creator is allowed to create all of
their own free will, and thus illusory plane which is called money. Plenty of the
original matrix of the Creator, Creator supports abundant, creator of all of us
always give more than you can imagine, but when you focus your awareness on
the abundance and not just the money, because the abundance is far broader
and deeper concept of money. It is also compatible family and a good life, and a
nice house, and a beautiful and successful children, and delightful family corner
where we have the pleasure, happiness, joy, handsome wardrobe. Do we have
the joy and abundance in all areas of its existence. So, make a distinction
between the work that you do with the money and the work that you've worked
with a lot. Then you notice yourself that the work stronger and why.
PETA TECHNOLOGY: "Work with your date of birth":
A) The objective is "to activate the mission of his soul." Write your date of birth
on the paper and concentrate on the numeric string at least 3 minutes. You can
date its birth napisatii on A4 paper and stick it somewhere where you
conveniently to watch during the day, to activate the mission of their soul, or
tasks that the Creator intended just for you, and when you perform these tasks,
then you live in abundance and work with joy.

So we concentration on the date of his birth. When he was born, for example
08.06. 1960. I can not decide whether to write zeros to the date of your birth,
then you work intuitively. We work all, the next 2 minutes, looking at the printed
date of birth on paper or who has a strong power of visualization, print in front of
you your birth date, highlight a silver white color and look. Listen for what's date
of birth that you communicate, what are the tasks that you are destined by God,
written in the soul, that is. What is the mission of your Soul (Fig. 8)

Slika br. 8
B) Look at the picture No. 9. View the realm of their soul. Soul is located between
the chest and she was bright blue. In his soul to illuminate your date of birth
srebrnobelom color, to someone might appear and gold-silver color (Fig. 9).
Watch long your date of birth in his soul and to listen to what he tells you to your
soul, then connect his soul with the Soul of the Creator and enjoy the immense
joy that the Creator gives to all (Fig. 10).

Slika br 9

Slika br 10

I extend that joy to the whole world and feel to us from around the world, ie. from
the physical body only God coming reflections of light that heal rejuvenate and
bring abundance into your life and the lives of all the current (Fig. 11 and no. 12)

Slike br. 11 i br. 12

n this we will stay the next 3 minutes and shed light on the end of light even the
physical body of the one God. The whole physical body of the one God there are,
all the planets, the stars, all the planetary systems, all galaxies, all the universes.
So everything that exists, exists only in a single physical body of the one God. So
we illuminate, our work, even the physical body of the one God, at the end of the
fifth technology and we remain in a state of peace, joy and happiness, as the
informative level, together we create abundance, health, joy, podmaivanje for
all and stop the Earth disease, old age , death and all fears. So illness, old age,
death and fears erased from kolegtivnog conscious and each of our work that we
do every night stays in the collective conscious that permanently light up
everyone. We technologists, ie. practitioners who do new technologies
Consciousness by knowledge of God that has given us others. Gregory Grabavoj,
remain there to enlighten everyone and ourselves, each of us becomes a beacon
in the cosmos, the universe we read as a beacon and help us immediately. Each
of our upcoming technology, which we work on healing themselves, all over the
world, to prevent possible global catastrophe will be faster and faster and the
results we have after some time now. It is important at the end and say this, that
when we have done all of this technology for abundance, we give the next step.
The next step is that everyone is eternal, to live forever in abundance, health,
happiness and joy, all in accordance with the original matrix of the Creator and
the will of the Creator. Thanks to everyone at work, some next time we'll do some
other technology for rejuvenation, for the healing of various diseases which are
currently not many people. So long and thanks for listening.

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