Curriculum Plan

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Curriculum Plan
ECE 302
Winter 2016

Julie Modson

Philosophy of Teaching

I have always wanted to work with young children since I can remember. I believe that an early
education teachers role is to be a strong, positive and nurturing person that helps children lead
themselves through play, as well as teacher assisted to go into deeper thinking. I hope that I am able to
make the children in my classroom strive to become the best that they can. Going along with the
constructivist theory by theorists such as Piaget, Montessori, and Vygotsky, children learn the best
through playing by visiting various age appropriate centers where children are learning what matters to
them as well as social skills with peers/teachers.
A child's greatest achievements are possible in play, achievements that tomorrow will become
her basic level of real action and morality Lev Vygotsky, Mind in Society.
Play can be structured where children are focusing on specific outcomes, where children are
free to follow whatever ideas come to mind to create independence and self-esteem. Though play in
my classroom I hope to incorporate various aspects to ensure that what my children will be learning is
developmentally appropriate, child centered emergent, creative, and differentiated. I will listen to the
childrens ideas and input for what they are interested in. Each child will learn various skills though
discovered exploration. They will learn patience and sharing from working with other children, and be
engaged in various activities that will encourage them to be creative. Children learn best being hands
on. Hands On = Minds On! Everything is a teachable moment; it just depends on what the children
bring up!
I feel that we need to explain to children what to do when they hurt someone or their feelings
and what it means to be sorry. Sometimes children just say sorry and dont mean it. Sometimes it is
better to ask the child who is upset or what can I do to make you feel better.

Family and other staff collaboration is extremely important for the success of the child. As a teacher we
always have to respect families and make sure that we are communicating with them, not just the
positive items about their child, but positive aspects as well to strengthen the relationship. This also
allows the parents to feel more comparable discussing any given situation with me, or I to them.

Area of Investigation and Broad Concept

The area of investigation that I chose is science, but more specifically plants/seeds. I chose this topic
because children love to be hands on and can be used to see change over time. My idea would be to
have the children investigate different things that have seeds and how they grow. To start, we would
think of different items that we have in our classroom, whether from morning or afternoon snack or
even lunch, to see if we can find some seeds. The children will be able to examine various seeds and
fruits/vegetables that have seeds. We could investigate more about different types of seeds and what a
plant/seed needs to grow.
From there, each child would choose one seed to see grow. We will be placing wet paper towel into a
clear plastic baggie, where we will place the seed, and adhere it to the window for the seed to get
sunlight. Over time we will observe our seeds, take care of them (water, sun, heat) and note the
different changes that have occurred with their seed(s).
Depending on the weather, we could also plant some sunflower/tomato seeds to observe how a plant
grows in soil on the Earth. Since the children wouldnt be able to see the different changes going on to
the seeds, they could reference their seeds up on the window. Over time we could transplant our
sunflowers/tomatoes to a garden where the children could help take care of it and see the changes on a
daily basis.


Reproduce to make more plants by making seeds.

Seed Coat thin shell on the seed to protect it
Embryo baby plant
Roots Under the dirt to get water and food for the plant
Leaves Thin and flat. Absorbs the energy for the sun and makes food for the plant.
Stem thin strong part of the plant that carries water from the roots to the leaves
Food in the seed the part around the embryo is all food to help the plant grow
Carbon Dioxide Part of the air we breathe. We exhale this.
Oxygen Part of the air we breathe. Plants create this.
Seed seeds are a way for a plant to reproduce/make more plants.

1. The seed of a plant allows the plant to make more plants like its self; seeds allow the plant to
2. The seed coat protects the embryo from being damaged and from drying out
3. Inside each seed lives a tiny plant (embryo) that has baby leaves and a root.
4. Inside each seed there is a baby plant (embryo) with food around it so that it may grow.
5. Seeds need water, sunlight and carbon dioxide to grow.
6. Roots get water and food from the soil
7. Stems carry water and food to the leaves
8. Carbon dioxide is in the air we breathe. Plants breathe carbon dioxide while we breathe oxygen.
9. Plants breathe carbon dioxide while we breathe oxygen.
10. We eat seeds from plants all the time: fruits, vegetables, and beans.

1. Early Learning Expectation: Observation and Inquiry. Children develop positive attitudes and gain
knowledge about science through observation and active play.
2. Early Learning Expectation: Living and Non-living Things. Children show a beginning awareness of
scientific knowledge related to living and non-living things.
3. Early Learning Expectation: Knowledge about the Earth. Children show a beginning awareness of
scientific knowledge related to the earth.
Language and early Literacy Development:
1. Early Learning Expectation: Emergent Reading. Children begin to understand written language read to
them from a variety of meaningful materials, use reading-like behaviors, and make progress towards
becoming conventional readers.
4. Early Learning Expectation: Spoken Language: Receptive. Children grow in their capacity to use
effective listening skills and understand what is said to them.
5. Early Learning Expectation: Viewing Images and Other Media Materials. Children begin to develop
strategies that assist them in viewing a variety of images and multimedia materials effectively and
Social, Emotional, and Physical Health and Development:
8. Early Learning Expectation: Healthy Eating. Children become aware of and begin to develop
nutritional habits that contribute to good health.
3. Early Learning Expectation: Classification and Patterns. Children begin to develop skills of recognizing,
comparing and classifying objects, relationships, events and patterns in their environment and in
everyday life.
6. Early Learning Expectation: Measuring. Children explore and discover simple ways to measure.



Children have been talking about plants growing underneath our bird feeder and were
wondering how they got there.
Grow a plant in a bag
Observe different stages of a plant
Looking at various fruits/vegetables to see where seeds come from and their different
How do plants make new plants?
Things a plant needs to survive/grow
Soil (optional)
Planting different seeds to see how they are different/similar to each other


The children talked about planting flowers at home with their parents. They wondered where
the seeds came from. I asked them, Do you think that all plants came from seeds? The
children thought about the question for a while and some children replied yes, while others
were unsure. Should we get some seeds and see what they grow into? I wonder if there are
seeds in fruits and vegetables too Perhaps we should investigate more to find out! Do you
think we have seeds here within our school? Lets find out!

First Hand Experiences:

Growing a seed
Planting seeds within the classroom
Planting seeds to create a garden
Observing daily growth of the seed
Reading books about plants
Have a gardening prop box out for children to know different items needed to plant seeds.

Where do seeds come from?
How do they grow?
What is needed to help them grow?

Day 1

Related Standard

Learning Objective

Classification and Patterns. Children

begin to develop skills of recognizing,
Child will sort seeds in at
Sorting Seeds comparing and classifying objects,
least two different ways
relationships, events and patterns in
their environment and in everyday life.





ELE Area


Place various
Various seeds/beans
seeds/beans on table.

Place material on the

After planting their own
table and allow
seeds, child will create a
children to create
drawing of what they
their predictions
think their plant will look
about their plants
like when it grows bigger.
after planting seeds.
Child will interact with
Relationships with Others.
peers while creating
Children develop healthy relationships
various paths for the
with other children and adults.
monster trucks

Materials/ Resources/


Have mud pre-mixed

in table with monster
trucks in the mud.(not
too watery)

Set out My Family

worksheets with
Child will express their
Understanding Self
various media
emotions by drawing
Children develop and exhibit a healthy
Emotional (markers, crayons,
their own original family
sense of self
colored pencils, ect.)
as well as childs
family photo
Fine Motor Development.
Child will exercise fine
Children experience growth in fine
motor skills by
Set out mini books,
motor development and use small
independently using
Physical markers, crayons,
muscles to improve a variety of fine
stickers, pencils and
pencils, and stickers.
motor skills both in structured and
other materials provided.
unstructured settings.

Low- Make AB
High- make
ABC patterns

Seeds, Plastic baggies,

water, paper towel,
Have child
sharpies, My Plant
draw a plant
Prediction paper,
crayons, markers,
colored pencils, tape
Monster Trucks
My Family Worksheet
Various Media
Have child just
crayons, colored
draw self for a
pencils, markers, ect. self portrait
Childs family photo
Mini paper books

Day 2

Related Standard

Learning Objective

Child will examine

Observation and Inquiry. Children
and verbally state the
develop positive attitudes and gain
differences between
knowledge about science through
at least two different
observation and active play.
types of produce

Seed Name

Visual Arts. Children show how

they feel, what they think, and
what they are learning through
experiences in the visual arts.

Relationships with Others.

Children develop healthy
Sensory Table
relationships with other children
and adults.

Child will use liquid

glue to write their
name and completely
cover the glue with
various types of
Child will interact
with peers while
creating various
paths for the monster


Expressing Emotions
Children show increasing ability to
regulate how they express their

Child will successfully

match at least two
different emotions.


Fine Motor Development.

Children experience growth in fine
motor development and use small
muscles to improve a variety of fine
motor skills both in structured and
unstructured settings

Child will use fine

motor skills by
creating a book filled
with pictures and/or

ELE Area


Materials/ Resources/



Have fruit and

vegetables cut in half
for children to see
Fruit/Vegetables with
seeds inside. Have
magnifying glasses on
table for them to have Magnifying glass
a closer look at the

Have just fruits or

Have more produce
to tell differences


Have paper and

bowls of seeds out
on table. Children
are to write name
with glue & sprinkle
seeds onto glue.

Liquid Glue

Lower- children can

create any glue
picture and add
seeds to it/teacher
writes name


Have mud premixed in table with

monster trucks in
the mud.(not too

Monster Trucks

Cut out various

emotions of
Emotion Memory
different colors and Cards
place on table


Make mini books

from half sheets of
paper and staple
together and place
on table with mixed

Have fewer
emotions. Have
emotions but not
color coded to make
it harder to recognize
emotion on card.

Mini Books, markers,

pencils, small stencils, Larger books or
crayons, colored
pages with lines
pencils, ect.

Day 3


Related Standard

Learning Objective

Observation and Inquiry. Children

develop positive attitudes and
Child will observe and
gain knowledge about science
predict what the three
through observation and active seedlings will be.

Visual Arts.
Making Play- Children show how they think
and what they are learning
though experiences in visual arts

Child will help create

their own Play-Doh by
adding at least one
additional item to it.

Relationships with Others.

Children develop healthy
relationships with other children
and adults.

Child will interact with

peers while using
various materials to
clean the monster



Understanding of Self. Children

develop and exhibit a healthy
sense of self.

Fine Motor Development.

Children experience growth in
fine motor development and use
Writing Table small muscles to improve a
variety of fine motor skills both in
structured and unstructured

ELE Area


Materials/ Resources/

Mini plants
(Seedlings) out on
Magnifying glass
Cognitive table with magnifying Prediction paper w/
glasses, pencils and pictures
prediction papers.
In a large bowl mix
together play-doh.
Creative Children may add
what they like to
their play-doh.


Have soapy water in

the sensory table
with small pieces of
cloth and tooth
brushes to clean the
monster trucks.

Low- have children
match seedling to
High- have child
guess what the
seedling will be.

Flour, Salt, Water, Cream

of Tartar, vegetable oil, Children may add
Food Coloring, Glitter
one item, or more
Essential oils, latex-free items to their liking.
gloves, bowls, baggies.
Monster Trucks

Child will demonstrate

Place play-doh in
Hi- have children
personal preference
middle of table with Play-doh, trays, play-doh
make themselves
when selecting play-doh
4 trays out and the tools.
out of play-doh
and tools to use with it.
bucket of tools.

Child will use fine motor

Place paper,
Paper, Colored pencils,
skills effectively by using
stamps/stamp pads,
Markers, Crayons,
various materials
and other materials
Stamps , Stamp pads
out onto the table.

Limit materials to
one or two types
Use larger stamps

Day 4


Related Standard

Learning Objective

Living and Non-living Things.

Children show a beginning
Child will match
awareness of scientific knowledge names to plant
related to living and non-living
parts accurately

Visual Arts. Children show how

Grass Head they feel, what they think, and
what they are learning through
experiences in the visual arts.

ELE Area



Place plant pictures on Plant pictures

table with scissors,
labeled, Scissors,
glue, and plant names Glue, Plant parts sheets.

Place bucket of dirt on Pantyhose, Dirt,

Child will help
table with small bowl of
Grass Seed,
create, fill, and
seeds. Cut pantyhose
Empty/Clean yogurt
into small squares; tie
decorate their grass
off one end. Place seeds cups, Water, Sharpie
and cover with dirt.

Child will interact

with peers while
using various
materials to clean
the monster trucks.

Have soapy water in

the sensory table with
small pieces of cloth
and tooth brushes to
clean the monster


Relationships with Others.

Children develop healthy
relationships with other children
and adults.


Child will
Expressing Emotions
demonstrate and
Children show increasing ability to
Place puppets in
express at least one Emotional
regulate how they express their
dramatic play area
emotion using


Fine Motor Development.

Children experience growth in fine
motor development and use small
muscles to improve a variety of
fine motor skills both in structured
and unstructured settings



Low- Have child draw

a line matching the
different parts
High-have child glue
part names on to
Have seed heads
already made and child
could decorate it or
have the child do the
activity completely on
own by following card.

Monster Trucks


Child will effectively

Place various coloring
use fine motor skills
Coloring Page,
sheets and coloring
to color and cut
crayons, markers,
materials on table
picture to create
along with scissors.
their own puzzle

Have bag filled with

different emotion
pictures for the
children to act out
via themselves or
with puppets
Have pre-colored
picture for child to
cut out.
Challenge child to cut
more pieces.

Day 1

Large Group


Small Group



Day 3

Day 4

Mystery bag- where descriptive clues

Morning message on white board How are you today? game where one Wheels on the bus with hand motions.
are given and the children can guess How does a seed grow? Sound out child will stand up by teacher with their Have children help you sing the song
what the items are- about seeds. Once
question and ask class. Hear their back to the group & one child will be and remember the hand motions that
selected at a time to come up and say
children have guessed it, talk more
answers and Read How a Seed
go with it.
How are you today? and they will
about seeds.
Grows by Helene J. Jordan/Loretta
have to guess who said it.

Children will be dismissed by saying,

If youre wearing the color _____,
you my stand up and go to your
small group.

Using pattern blocks to create

patterns and/or pictures.
Patterns- AB,ABC or ABCD patterns
Pictures- using picture cards or
creating their own.

Early Learning

Day 2

Children will be dismissed by

Children will be dismissed by
Children will be dismissed by
saying, If you like fruit/veggie
saying, If youre first name saying, If you played in the _____
you may put away your carpet starts with the letter _____, you area, you my stand up, put away
square and go to small group.
my stand up, put away your your square, and head over to your
carpet square & go to your
small group area.
small group.
Have children cut out various Cooperative drawing- child will; Letter walk have children walk
magazine pictures that match the write their name on a paper and with you and mention things that
first letter of their name.
draw for 30 seconds. When start with various letters and match
done pass around the circle and them to the letter cards. Could list
continue the process until they other items not in the hallway too.
have their paper back

Classification and Patterns. Children

begin to develop skills of recognizing,
comparing and classifying objects,
relationships, events and patterns in
their environment and in everyday life.

Fine Motor Development. Children

experience growth in fine motor
development and use small muscles
to improve a variety of fine motor
skills both in structured and
unstructured settings.

Animal crackers, strawberries, water

Cheese stick, pretzels, water

Parachute lifting have children sit

outside on the grass or in the gym in a
big circle around the parachute. Have
children take turns crawling across
while under the parachute.

Hopping down the hallway- have

children go with you on a walk down
the hallway, but have them hop
instead! Could tape different items
to the floor for them to jump on.

Visual Arts. Children show how

they feel, what they think, and
what they are learning through
experiences in the visual arts.

Early Learning Expectation: Spoken

Language: Receptive. Children grow in
their capacity to use effective listening
skills and understand what is said to

Vanilla yogurt, blueberries,


Carrots with dip, wheat crackers,


Ribbon dancing While outside, Balloon Toss while in the classroom

have rhythm ribbons out and play
have children partner up with an
some music for the children.
already blown up balloon. Have them
Encourage them to move around toss the balloon back and forth moving
the playground to the music with
closer/further away each time.
the optional ribbons.



Pictures of children at various activities

Progression of plant growth over the week
Documentation panel for outside of the classroom.

Childs work:

Making predictions
Art work

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