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Christopher Beach
Department of State Hospitals-Coalinga
24511 West Jayne Avenue
Coalinga CA, 93210

Dear Mr. Beach,

I am writing this letter of recommendation on behalf of Ms. Tiffany Wieland. I had the pleasure of having
Ms. Wieland as a student for her RA 144B class (Facilitation Techniques in Therapeutic Recreation) during
the Spring 2015 semester. Ms. Wieland as a strong foundation to excel as a professional in the field of
Therapeutic Recreation. She is a quick study and easily makes meaningful connections to the material she
is studying and asked to respond to.
During the Spring 15 semester I was able to observe Ms. Wieland facilitating mock interventions with the
class on two separate occasions. This is always a nerve wracking process for students as most have limited
experience, if any. Mrs. Wieland was able to work well with her peers to create a meaningful intervention
for their target populations. She shared facilitation roles well and demonstrated good communication skills.
In addition, Mrs. Wieland demonstrated effective written communication skills through other assignments
such as her evidence based research paper and poster presentation which she completed on Pet Therapy as
an intervention.
I believe that Ms. Wieland will serve as an excellent intern for Coalinga State Hospital. I have no doubt that
she will take every opportunity offered to learn and grow her skills as a future Recreation Therapist. As a
student, Ms. Wieland was timely, responsive and engaged. I have no doubt this will continue and carry over
into her internship and future professional endeavors. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have
any questions or need further information. You may reach me on my cell at (559) 696-7947 or via email at
Best Regards,
Samara Trimble, M.S., C.R.C., R.T.C., C.T.R.S
Recreation Administration Lecturer
California State University, Fresno

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