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The main objective of this paper is to investigate the unemployment and

growth. Fresh graduates are involved in the study and data were analyzed.
Unemployment is an important issue for developing economies in a country.
Inefficiently of using labor resources will cause to high unemployment rate.
The result shows that the economics in Malaysia is better with high
In economics, unemployment statistics measure the condition and extent of
joblessness within an economy. Full employment should be a major
macroeconomics goal because it maximizes output. For many years, the
manufacturing has been the strongest sector in the country until it is now
being progressively replaced by the service sector.
In this research, we will measure how unemployment affects economics
growths in Malaysia and also the reason of high unemployment rate of fresh
graduate. Thus further research and relevant factors is required.
How unemployment affects economic growth in Malaysia.
In a 2011 news story, Business Week reported, "More than 200 million people
globally are out of work, a record high, as almost two-thirds of advanced
economies and half of developing countries are experiencing a slowdown in
employment growth".
Cause of unemployment
The level of unemployment differs with economic conditions and other market
forces. Unemployment occurs when an individual is out of his current job and
looking for another job. It also means that they are unemployment during the
time period of shifting between two jobs. Normally the job seeker needs few
months to hunt for their favourite job.
When there is a mismatch of skilled workers in the labor market, the structural
change within an economy will influence the unemployment. Some of the
causes of unemployment are geographical immobility, occupational immobility

and technological change. Nowadays, most of the companies are using

information technology to carry out the job. The employees who have no
upgrade himself will disqualify from the company. Moreover they need to go
for training to increase their knowledge on the working field.
Unemployment will occur when trade unions and labor organization bargain
for higher wages, which leads to fall in the demand for labor. Currently the
fresh graduates are hunting for the job which has high salary, nice
environment and easy task. They do not have determination and bear
hardships to face the challenges.
Unemployment occurs when there is a downturn in an economy, the
aggregate demand for goods and services decrease and demand for labor
decreases. At the time of recession, unskilled and surplus labors become
unemployed. When there is insufficient demand in the economy to maintain
full employment, the problem of unemployment will occurs. If demand falls,
firms sell less and so reduce production. If there are producing less, this leads
to lower demand for workers. Either worker is fired or a firm cuts back on
employing new workers. In the worst-case scenarios the fall in demand may
be so great a firm goes bankrupt and everyone is made redundant.
Reason of unemployment in Malaysia
Lack of experience.
Nowadays most of the companies prefer to employ people with experiences
rather than those without working experiences. Based on our research, there
are several reasons leading to the high unemployment rate.
People lacking of experience are mostly fresh graduates from university or
college. The syllabus in university should provide more exposure on real-life
industrial training, such as industrial attachment and internship program.
Different circumferences have to be managed in different solutions, and the
problem-solving skills can be accumulated from the real-life experiences. For
example, a programmer has to be familiar with a series of computer
languages such as C++, PHP, Java and etc. If the applicant did not meet the
basic requirements of the company, the company cannot offer the job to this

In University, the knowledge is mostly gained from textbooks, but sometimes

the knowledge learnt is hard to be applied on working environments.
University may extend the required internship period from 3 months to 6
months or even longer. If the training duration is not long or sufficient enough,
students may not be able to apply what they have learnt in school on their
works. University students are suggested to apply for companies related to
their courses. This may help them improve the learning and practical skills. It
is not recommended to join those companies which simply arrange the
trainees sitting in front of the computers and do nothing but day dreaming.
Firstly, the reason why employers prefer experienced employees is because
experienced employees can complete the jobs easily without spending much
time on learning their works. Having employees without experiences,
companies need to provide additional training and courses for those
employees. This will definitely contribute to the cost of the company.
Besides, the employee may be not familiar with the industry, thus, it is
possible that they cannot complete the job well on time. It is not ensured that
they are able to complete their jobs precisely and correctly with their assigned
supervisors. They may spend some time on adapting to the new environment
and less focus on the jobs.
Thirdly, the skills learnt from school are insufficient in real lives. In real life,
company job is based on project and it requires the employee to
communicate with colleagues. Universities also have to provide more projectbased modules for students. This can create more chances for students to
discuss with their group members. In addition, it helps improve the soft skill of
Last but not least, the fact that new graduates demand for high salaries also
causes the high unemployment rate. Some of the graduate job-seekers are
with high expectation for their first jobs. Even they are aware they lack of
working experience, they still try to apply for higher salaries compared with
those with one or two year's experiences. Furthermore, students who
graduated with excellent academic results are no longer secured with good
jobs or competitive edges in career advancement.
Lack of social and communication skill.

Most of the graduates with rural background lack of communication skills

compared with those from city. The reason may be because most of the
residents staying in villages communicate with their elder adults and friends
using their own dialects or mother tongues. They seldom speak in English.
However, the working environment in Malaysia mostly requires people to
communicate efficiently in English and Malay. Therefore, "Kampung" students
may not be competitive in terms of communication skills even though they
graduate with excellent academic results.
Besides, a number of town students who further study in university seldom
use English to communicate with their teachers or friends. For example, the
author mostly speak mother language, Mandarin, with her friends. This
situation also makes the communication skill in English poor among town
According to a survey conducted by Ministry of Human Resources, it shows
that in Malaysia compared with male graduates, female graduates become
unemployed because the female are weaker in communication and social
skills. Furthermore, the female have a poor command of language and low
levels of self-confidence. The unemployment rate of female graduates is
much higher than that of male graduates. The result also indicates that a lot of
female graduates are able to achieve excellent academic results but they
could not secure their employment without the relevant skills required in the
labor market.
According to which conducted an English Language
Assessment (ELA) test whereby it had ranked Singaporeans is first, Filipino is
second and Malaysians is third. This has proven that Malaysian English level
standard is not up to satisfaction. The survey reveals that 65% of employers
have turned down job seekers due to poor communication of English, which is
the official business language for 91% in Malaysia's companies.
Another report shows that, graduates throughout the country were
unemployed due to poor communication skill in English. Though the fresh
graduates possess excellent qualification and technical backgrounds, but they
are unable to speak English efficiently when facing an interview. They
definitely should improve their English language standards.
For the basic process of an interview, the first point that the interviewer would
assess the interviewee is his/her English communication capability. The way

in which the interviewee speaks and interacts with the interviewer is a

benchmark when the company measures suitable candidates for the job. If
the interviewee even could not talk properly, it is impossible for the supervisor
to assign a task to this interviewee.
Most of the fresh graduates are not good team players. They are somehow
arrogant and believe that they are talented and able to complete the tasks. If
the fresh graduates did take part in co-curriculum and be the main committee,
this will help prove that they are well trained and capable of managing the
task. Co-curriculum also can build characters of people. It provides a platform
for students to show their personalities. In addition, the social skill, which is
also essential for each graduate, is practiced with various co-curriculums as
Education in Malaysia. Choosing the wrong course and the poor result.
Bahasa Malaysia is the national and official language in Malaysia. Bahasa
Malaysia is used as the teaching language for primary school and secondary
school. In recent years, Ministry of Education Malaysia has begun focusing on
English teaching. However, so far Malaysian education still mainly uses
Bahasa Malaysia as teaching media, while in working environment people
mostly communicate in English. The fresh graduates who are unable to
communicate in English fluently will be very tough when finding a job.
Generally, the citizens in government organizations use Bahasa Malaysia as
communication language. The citizens have got used to communicating in
Bahasa Malaysia. However, there are a lot of Multinational Corporations
which set their head offices or Asia pacific offices in Malaysia. They require
their Malaysian employees capable of communicating in English efficiently.
Could Malaysia provide sufficient manpower armed with English
communication skills? This is a big challenge for Malaysia educations system.
Besides, high-level education of Malaysia is not competitive compared to
overseas education. In Malaysia, the top university is University of Malaysia
(UM), but its ranking is the 167th so far, among the worldwide university
according to investigation of Compared with our neighbour
country Singapore, the National University of Singapore (NUS) ranks at the
28th and Nanyang Techonological University (NTU) is the 58th. This is a great
distance between the education systems of the two countries. Therefore,

Malaysia government has to put a lot of effort into the education sector to
upgrade the ranking and provide talents to international labour markets.
The syllabus in local university is not sufficient or up to the satisfaction of
working environment. Most of the students gain their knowledge purely from
textbooks. They lack of practical skills. Facilities in university have not
reached the global standard and still maintained in "Kampung" standard.
Professors and researchers are not graduates from world-class Universities.
Equipments in the laboratories are 10-20 years backward. These are all the
reasons why more and more students are willing to study in overseas
universities although the cost of education is expensive.
Moreover, the qualification lines of entering the universities are very low, as
the corresponding university standard is low as well. University should set the
higher entry qualification to increase the standard of coming students.
Besides, the university should increase their level as well by employing
professional stuffs to strengthen education levels. A lot of private colleges
which are unqualified set by the Ministry of Education intend to promote as a
university. The official explanation is this can improve the quantity of
undergraduates. However, it seems the government did not include the quality
of undergraduates into their consideration.
It is suggested that Ministry of education should review the education system
in Malaysia by referring to foreign education systems to improve Malaysia
education system.
With a huge number of students graduating with CGPAs below 3.0, it is
unsurprising that these people become "unemployable" in the Malaysian
private sectors. It is recommended that students should take courses based
on their capabilities and interests but not based on what is apparently "indemand" in the society (e.g., IT courses). If students are not interested in the
courses, less effort would be put in the study; hence, the result would not be
scored in flying colour. Normally the company hire employees based on their
paper results and abilities instead of their capabilities in other fields. Student
with lower scores would probably get lower opportunities of interviews.
Type of unemployment

After the research, we found that there are four type of unemployment. And
below is the summary of structural unemployment, frictional unemployment,
and cyclical unemployment.
Structural unemployment
When there are less suitable job provide for the people will cause to structural
unemployment because there is a mismatch between the skills needed for the
jobs and the skills of the unemployed workers. For example, A employee fired
by his car maker company because machine had replace human in making
car and the employee does not know how to operate the machine, so the
employee only have the skills of make car and he have the difficulty in
searching a new job.
Structural unemployment may also be affected by cyclical unemployment. If a
nation's economy is suffers from a recession, that means many of the
unemployed workers become discouraged, while their skills become rusty and
outdated. This means that they (unemployed workers) may not suitable for the
job vacancies that are reserved for them when the economy turns to normal.
Some economists see this scenario "The implication is that sustained high
demand may lower structural unemployment" under the speech from British
Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher during the 1970s and 1980s. This theory
has been referred to as an example of path dependence.
A lot of technological unemployment occurs, because of the replacement of
workers had change into machines to produce more effectively, we called as
structural unemployment. Thus technological unemployment refer to the way
in which production increases by machine but lesser workers to produce the
actual same level of output or more output every year. The fact that aggregate
demand increase suggests that this problem is instead one of cyclical
unemployment. As like we said before "Okun's Law", the demand side must
grow rapidly to absorb the growing labor force but also the workers made
redundant by increased labor productivity.
Frictional unemployment
Frictional unemployment is the time period between jobs and unemployed
workers when a worker is seeking for a better job and or a new environment.
Frictional unemployment is always present in an economy no matter which
country are u, so the level of unemployment is calculated by the

unemployment rate minus the rate of frictional unemployment. This means

that any changes in unemployment rate are normally represented in the
simple statistics.
Frictional unemployment exists because both jobs and workers are
multifarious, and a mismatch between the demand and supply. Such a
mismatch can be related to skills, payment, work-time, location, attitude, and
other factors. New entrants of employee such as graduated students and
homemakers that want to return to the career can also include in frictional
unemployment. Workers as well as employees accept a certain level of
compromise or risk. Time and effort will be invested to find a better match but
there is always a risk. This will increase the economy growth since it results in
a better allocation of resources.
However, if the mismatches are taking too long finding a job or too frequent,
the economy will suffers a decreasing, since some work will not get done.
Therefore, governments should search for multiple ways to reduce
unnecessary frictional unemployment happen too deep through planning
nicely which means including providing education, advice, training, and
assistance such as having some camp providing the more information about
how to seeking job.
An increase or decrease in labor market frictions will shift the curve outwards
or inwards. The frictions in the labor market sometimes will illustrate
graphically with a Beverage curve, a downward-sloping, convex curve that
shows a relationship between the unemployment rate and the vacancy rate.
Changes in the demand or the supply for labor cause movements along the
Cyclical unemployment
Cyclical unemployment, also known as deficient-demand unemployment,
occurs whenever there is not enough aggregate demand in the economy to
provide jobs for everyone who needs a job (People who seeking for job).
Demand for most goods and services decreases will lead to less production
and for sure fewer workers are needed when they are less product in the
market, wages fall and fail to meet the equilibrium level. Its name is derived
from the frequent shifts in the business cycle although unemployment can
also be persistent (during the Great Depression of the 1930s).

Besides, with cyclical unemployment occurs, the number of unemployed

workers will increase and exceeds the number of job seekers, so that even
with full employment and all open jobs were filled, they are still some workers
will remain unemployed. These two friction "cyclical unemployment and
frictional unemployment" happen because of the cyclical variables. For
example, a surprising decline in the money supply may influence the entire
rational economic factors and will cause to restrain aggregate demand.
Structural unemployment - Where their skills becomes outdated.
(Example: Someone who do not use computer get fired because he do not
know how to type in information into computer.)
Frictional unemployment - where people lose their jobs in order to look for
better ones or still searching for job.
Cyclical unemployment - Unemployment occurs when there is a recession of
economy in a nation.
The thing about unemployment is that the economy has to do with gross
domestic product (GDP). We can produce more stuff with full employment. So
if there is high unemployment, we should produce more but if we don't, this
will lead to a bad economy growth in a nation.
Malaysia Unemployment Rate
Normally unemployment rate in developed countries is higher than developing
countries due to higher competition. For example, in the last three quarters of
2011, United Kingdom's unemployment rate has rose from 7.8% to 7.9% and
followed by 8.3% respectively.
At the same time, Malaysia's unemployment rate has went up from 3% to
3.2% and followed by 3.3%, and was ranked at 170th place out of 198
countries based on their degree of severity (The Human Resource Ministry of
Malaysia and CIA World Factbook, 2012). Observation reveals that youth
unemployment rate is even greater than the overall unemployment rate for
both of the countries suggesting that youngsters are facing more difficulties in
finding jobs as compared to adults.

In Malaysia, one of the badly affected sector is the nursing field whereby in
2010, more than 54% of the private nursing graduates were unemployed
three to four months after graduating, compared to only 21.7% in 2008 (The
Star, 2012). It is a worry situation as fresh graduates find themselves difficult
to get employed despite having a solid academic qualification.
Graph 1: Unemployment rate between Malaysia and United Kingdom.
This above research article and graph we are got from this website by Jackie, Researcher.
Malaysia Unemployment Rate (From July 2010 until January 2012)
The unemployment rate in Malaysia was last reported at 3 percent in April of
2012. Historically, from 1998 until 2012, Malaysia Unemployment Rate
averaged 3.3600 Percent reaching an all time high of 4.5000 Percent in
March of 1999 and a record low of 2.8000 Percent in March of 2012. The
unemployment rate can be defined as the number of people actively looking
for a job as a percentage of the labor force. This page includes a chart with
historical data for Malaysia Unemployment Rate.
Needs of the labor market
Quality of education
Firstly, the quality of education has become a significant cause in current
situation and it getting worst. Seems like every year our country produces
more and more excellent students. This is proved where our students get
better and better result (straight A) in SPM or PMR. With the increasing
number of straight 'A' students in SPM and PMR, it seems like our student is
improving a lot. Besides that, it is also easier to find degree holders
anywhere. Surely, this is a good sign of the graduate's quality.
This statement may not bode well with some of the institutions out there but
this should be taken as a challenge, not a mockery. (Abdul Razak Ahmad,
New Straits times Sunday, March 20 2005) Most of the students will concern
only on the major subject instead of minor subject.

Besides, government also offer less minor subject to the students. Now the
majority of student studying only for certificate, so they do select the easier
subject compare to others. Most schools also began to commercialization to
benefit, they will reduce the level of subject, resulting in a lot more apparent
(look impressive but is worthless) of the University.
2. Economy
Secondly, fresh graduate unemployed because of the recession of economy
in our nation too. The changing of the economic structure is a probably cause
for the increasing number in unemployment.
For many years, the manufacturing has been the strongest sector controlling
the unemployment rate in the country until it is now being replaced by the
services sector step by step. The services sector requires people who do not
only know the right technical knowledge, but also those people who know the
right soft skills - wisdom, communication, interpersonal, maturity and business
Economic growth
Economic growth can be defined as a process for indicating the increase or
decrease in per capita GDP. There are a lot of other factors such as
increasing in aggregate income of the individuals reflect economic growth.
Economic growth is usually calculated as the rate of GDP changes in a
particular period.
The total of goods and services produced considered as a reflection for
economic growth in the country. It can either be negative or positive in depend
on the decrease or increase compared to data of previous years. Negative
growth is often indicated to economic recession. When the GDP of a country
increases means there is a economic growth existed in the country or the
global economies.
Advantages of Economic Growth
Standard of living of the people will increase.
-Economy growth is an important point to bring better living standards and
lower rates of poverty. The average income of people can said that increases

and indirectly people able to consume more and motivate the economic
growth increasing.
Rising Employment.
-Economic growth stimulates employment. The economic growth produces
more vacancies for job and bring better standard of living to them.
3. Increased capital investment.
-Economic growth can use to increasing the capital investment.
Benefit to Government.
-Economic growth brings advanced tax incomes for the government, Because
of this, the government spends less unemployment benefits.
Superior public services.
-Due to government got government income as economy growth, it can spend
more on public services like education for contributing in superior public
Enhanced business confidence.
-Economic growth creates positive effect as encourage people running their
businesses. As profits of small firms and business increase with economic
growth, their business confidence and will to grow up to meet more
Graph 3: Real GDP and Claimant Count Unemployment.
Disadvantages of economic growth

-Potential High and rising inflation will occur due to demand grows faster than
long run productive. It may destabilizing for an economy as interest rate may
increase and can cause a loss of competitiveness in international markets.
Regional disparities
-Although average living standards may be rising, there is a gap between rich
and poor. It can widen the issues of poverty and make a wide gap between
different regions.
-Economic growth never separated from environmental issues. Rapid growth
of production and consumption may create environment pollution such as
sound and air pollution and road congestion.
-Environmental damage may bring negative effects on our quality of life. For
the example, road congestion will produce more Co2 in a high density area.
The health of residents in that area will been affected.
How does unemployment affect your economy?
Wealth drainage.
The government need provides monetary assistance when someone
unemployed, so a high unemployment rate means that it has to pay more
fund to help a large number of unemployed people. It is creating a heavy
burdenfor a government. Wealth is drained for unproductive purposes and
economic growth slows down.
Slack in flow of money
Unemployment slows down the circular flow of income by the lack of money
inflow and outflow. When money does not pump into the economy, its growth
becomes slowed down even stuck.
Wage inflation
As the increasing in competition for vacancies of jobs and wide availability of
labor, the cost of labor reduced. For those who are employed will be affected
as rise in unemployment. So that we can see that reduction in salaries and

wage leads to decrease in the amount of tax collection on the income. This
will decrease sufficient funds to pump into the economy.
Reduction in consumer expenditure
The unemployed are naturally trying to cut-off their financial budget for
expenditure during the period of unemployment. This issue leads to reduction
in consumer expenditure due to financial limitations. In the retail sector, the
companies often fire their employees due to reduction in output and maintain
profits and cut off their budgets to survive as decreasing in sales translates.
Increase in debts
Due to decreasing in availability of funds with the government to invest in
public spending, gain from investment will be reduced. The government will
raise tax rates. Lesser capital flow in the economy will case debts and
borrowings come with interest. it will increase the financial burden for people
who unemployed or earning lesser income, it will be harder to repay debts.
This increases mortgages on housing, instances of bankruptcy and deflation.
Under-utilization of resources
High unemployment rate will produce wastage of labor productivity, underutilization of the machinery and raw sources to produce output to match less
demand for goods and services. Negative growth in demand and supply leads
to deflation
Decrease in return on investment
High deficit is an outcome of high unemployment in the economy. Due to high
unemployment, national income tax is low .So, government get less return on
investment (ROI) as fewer budgets to invest. After that, this will affect
confident of investors to government, they may start pulling out money from
the economy to invest in other more effective industries.
The consequences of unemployment to the Malaysian economy
Unemployment Rises
Many issues will be occurs if cases of unemployment would not be reduced.
Many people who unemployed are looking for limited job and this will benefit

the employers that they need paid less salary for employees only as
employees need to get the job , in the most simplest way, they willing to work
with a few of salary. In the other side, the wage inflation will rise. Price of
goods of service will maintain but their salary is few. People need to cut off
their financial budget by reducing expenditure for surviving. After that, profit of
business will affected. The owner of business may decide to fire his/her
employee to shorten the budget and the unemployment occurs. That is a
negative circular.
Unemployment reduced
With the economic growth, unemployment reduced but inflation occurs. Cost
of all goods of service rise. Besides it, the economic growth will cause
environment pollution because many factory and company is built up such as
water and air pollution.
Unemployment influence and effect economic growth
Unemployment financial costs
In many countries the government has to pay the unemployed some benefits.
The greater the number of the unemployed or the longer they are without
work the more money the government has to shell out. Therefore, the nation
not only has to deal with the lost income and decreased production but also
with additional cost.
Spending power
The spending power of an unemployed reduce drastically and they would like
to cut off they expenditure, so that their consumer power will decrease, the
economy growth will slow down.
Reduced spending power of the employed
Increased taxes and the insecurity may affect the spending power of the
working people and they too may start to spend less since they worried meet
the unemployment.

With the increase rates of unemployment, other economy factors are

significantly affected, such as: the income per person, health costs, quality of
health-care, standard of leaving and poverty. This will cause all economic
growth slow down even stuck.
Unemployment and Inflation
Inflation and unemployment is an inverse relationship, so an increase in
unemployment will cause a reduction of the inflation rate. The more the
entrepreneur create employment opportunities the more he has to pay for
production and the more the cost of producing a unit need to paid .So in order
to maintain the profitability, the entrepreneur will increase the price of that
There is another similar process will be observed throughout the economy
when the government intends to create job. The price of products or services
once the workforce is installed will increase the rate of inflation. But it is still
possible for a nation to have high unemployment and high inflation at the
same time. It is because of factors such as oil prices, which is a situation
known as stagflation. Central banks set an acceptable level of inflation. To
reduce it, they will reduce the amount of money for businesses to borrow
when the unemployment rate is too low.
Okun's Law describes that there is a inverse relationship between
unemployment and national output, show that low unemployment will result
higher national output. In the other word, as more people work, the output of
the nation will increase. As a economist, A. W. Phillips said, there is as more
people work, output increases, then the wages rise, cause consumers have
more money to spend more. In the result, as consumers demand more goods
and services, finally will cause the prices of goods and services increasing.
So, we know that Phillips showed that unemployment and inflation are in an
inverse relationship: inflation rise as unemployment fell, and inflation fell as
unemployment rise.
In the end, we can know that unemployment rises during business circular
recessions and drops during business circular expansions. Inflation drops
during recessions and rises during expansions. When unemployment
increases, the inflation will decrease. Inversely, the unemployment drops, the
inflation will increase.

Malaysia Economic Outlook 2011:

GDP Growth Rate, Inflation & Unemployment
The economic condition of the entire world attained significantly rise from final
quarter of the previous year to the first two quarters of 2011.
In the current financial situation, the financial condition of Malaysia has shown
some recovery. This fact is clearly reflected by Malaysia economic outlook
2011. The economic growth of the country is predicted that it may rise at
highest rate of 3.7 percent.
After we have completed this study, we know that unemployment and
economic growth are highly correlated. Authority cannot overlook factor
individually. In Malaysia, unemployment is one of the major economic
problems, especially for the fresh graduate.
What is unemployment? Unemployment means people whose are under
working age but jobless yet actively seeking for job. There are many different
reasons why a person could be unemployed. There are four types of
unemployment, those causes are structural unemployment, frictional
unemployment, cyclical unemployment and classical unemployment. Besides
that, because the unemployment rate grew, so the government is trying to find
solutions, in order to reduce the unemployment rate.
Economic growth is the sustained expansion of production possibilities
measure as the increase in real GDP over a given period and in real GDP per
capita over some time period. The economic growth rate also tells us that how
rapidly the total economy is expanding. Economic growth is affect by an
increase in demand and / or an increase in supply.
Everyone thinks education, unemployment and the economy growth are
closely related. But we don't think this is the only factor. In our opinion, we
believe that the gender equality, the influx of foreign workers, inflation, and
foreign investment also are the few main factors. This will also rising
unemployment and economic decline.

Last but not least, although education is not the only major factor but it also
caused a certain degree of influence. Hope that the Government will be able
to improve our education system and the control of foreign labor population to
reduce domestic unemployment rate and increase the economic growth.

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