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#1 Filtered Target List Worksheet

The purpose of this tool is to narrow down the targets that you will be contacting. You may eventually sell to
everybody in the world, but you have to start with just a few.

Sales Goal:
Filter Target:

Filtered Target List :



Approximate # of Companies


Companies with Salespeople

100,000 of options

Company size

Companies with 1-2 salespeople


List of Targets:
For personal use, not to be included in Coursera Assignment.

Name, Title, Contact information

# 2 Sales Trailer Worksheet

The purpose of this tool is to help you perfect your Sales Trailer Sales Tool: Your immediate, short, intriguing
answer to the most common

question y ou get asked in your life; " What do you do?".

Sales Goal:

Sales Trailer:
Your sales trailer should be one sentence that clearly and concisely answers the question, what do you do?

# 3 Art of the Conversation Worksheet

The goal of this tool is to create the next part of your sales conversation. When someone asks you; " What
do you do?"

and you answer with your Sales Trailer, now they will ask; " What does that mean?" In this
assignment, write down the answer to that question.

Sales Goal:

Art of the Conversation Script:

Prospect: "Hi, so what do you do?"
You: State your Sales Trailer.

Prospect: "Oh. What does that mean?"

You: "What that means is ."

# 4 Prospecting Script Worksheet

The purpose of this tool is to gain access to your prospects. The script will give you the right words to say to
cause prospects to want to meet with you. This worksheet is meant to guide you to think about how your first
conversations with a prospect may happen. You should make it your own.

Sales Goal:
Prospecting Script Opening:


Your Initial Call

Your Response
Hi, this is__________ from ________. May I speak to___________________?

/assistant answer

Where are
you calling

Im calling from __________, and Im hoping to connect to ___________. Is

he/she available?

/assistant - Target is
not available

No, ______ is
not available.

May I leave a voicemail?

If no - Thank you
If yes - Go to voicemail script

/assistant - Target is

Yes, ______
is not

Great. Thanks so much.

Voice Mail Script

Continue to Conversation (see below)

____________________ [targets first name], this is ______________ calling

(continue to pain points)


point #1

________________________ [address pain point #1]

If you would like to chat for 5 minutes about how we can make this problem into
a great opportunity, please call me at Thanks for your time.
Have a great day.

point #2

________________________ [address pain point #2]

.. please call me at Thanks for your time.


point #3

________________________ [address pain point #3]

.. please call me at Thanks for your time.

Prospecting Script Conversation



Your Response

Explain the purpose of

the call, the benefit that
the customer is going to
get out of the call and
check to see if they are
in agreement.

Hi, _________ [targets name], this is __________ [your name] from

_____________ [your company]. Im the _____________ [title], and
_______________ [sales trailer]. The purpose of my call is
________________________ [go to appropriate pain point below];


________________________ [address pain point #1]

point #1

Do you have 5 minutes to discuss how you could solve this problem?
PAUSE, WAIT for Answer:
If no
If yes
No, I do not
have 5 min.

I totally understand. May I send you a follow up email that will introduce us
and describe why we think we are different?
PAUSE, WAIT for Answer:
If no -Thank him/her.
If yes - make a note to follow up with email

Yes, I do have
5 min.

Great. Heres what I did ____________________ [mention research].

Additional questions to ask Target.


point #2

________________________ [address pain point #2]

Do you have 5 minutes to discuss how you could solve this problem?
PAUSE, WAIT for Answer:
No, I do not
have 5 min.

I totally understand. May I send you a follow up email that will introduce us
and describe why we think we are different?
PAUSE, WAIT for Answer:
If no -Thank him/her.
If yes - make a note to follow up with email

Yes, I do have
5 min.

Great. Heres what I did ____________________ [mention research].

Additional questions to ask Target.


point #3

________________________ [address pain point #3]

Do you have 5 minutes to discuss how you could solve this problem?
PAUSE, WAIT for Answer:
No, I do not
have 5 min.

I totally understand. May I send you a follow up email that will introduce us
and describe why we think we are different?
PAUSE, WAIT for Answer:
If no -Thank him/her.
If yes - make a note to follow up with email

Yes, I do have
5 min.

Great. Heres what I did ____________________ [mention research].

Additional questions to ask Target.

# 5 Introductory Email Worksheet

The purpose of your Introductory Email should be to ask for a face-to-face meeting or phone call.

Short Description of Recipient:

Catchy Subject Line:

Personalized Email Text:

Before you hit send, check for the following.

Do you have a catchy subject line?

Do you have two clear points?
Is there a call to action?
Did you include your contact information?
Did you read it out loud?
Do you use common language?
Will it fit on a smartphone screen?

#6 Qualifying Question Checklist Worksheet

The goal of this tool is to create a list of questions you will ask a prospective customer that will help you
determine whether (or not) that person can do business with you.

Sales Goal:

Qualifying Questions Checklist:

General Questions:
Does this initiative have an established budget?
Are you the decision-maker?
What is the timeline for a decision?
Your Business Specific Questions:
How does your ________________ [service you offer] fit in your list of priorities?

#7 Impact Question List Worksheet

The goal of this tool is to create a list of great questions you will ask a prospective customer that will help
you understand their situation in more depth, figure out what they really care about, and begin to learn who
they are and how they make decisions. The general questions can be used in many situations. Keep what you
like and add new ones while you create your Business specific Impact Questions.

Impact Questions:
General Questions:
What would happen if you/your company stayed at status quo?
If you could focus more resources on one problem your company is facing, what would it be?
When you think about your company five years from now, what do you envision?
What is the smallest action you could take today to have the biggest impact?
Why isn't your current provider/vendor working for you right now?
What's holding you back from reaching your goals?
If you were able to make this happen, what would it mean for you personally?
If you don't solve this challenge now, what difficulties will you face going forward?
What does success look like for you? What does failure look like for you?
What three words best describe you as an individual?
What is unique about you that leads to your happiest times and best performance at work?
Reflect on a specific time when you were acting the way you were born to act. How can you repeat
that behavior today?
What are your signature strengths and how can you actively use them?
If I pulled your oldest child aside and asked him/her to describe you, what would he/she say?
What characterizes the best project youve ever worked on?
What gives you energy? What drains you?
Your Business Specific Impact Questions:


# 8 Objection-Handling Checklist Worksheet

The goal of this tool is create a list of the common objections, clarifying questions for each objection and a
response to each objection.


Clarifying Questions

Your Response

I like you and your

services, but they are
just too expensive for
us right now.

Is the expense a matter of not having

enough budget set aside, or is the
budget just allocated to other priorities
right now?

I totally understand that this solution is not

inexpensive. But, given the value of all of
your other priorities, I think that the payoff of
our solution will actually be nearer-term.

As you think about your other

priorities that are using the budget,
how does the immediate value stack
up against what I am proposing?

#9A 3 Page B2B Proposal Worksheet

The goal of this tool is create a Proposal t hat will outline your product in a clear and compelling way.





Communication Plans:


B2B Proposal Checklist:

The purpose of the proposal
Your approach (how you will deliver your product or service)
The deliverables (what you will deliver to the customer)
The scope (what's included and what's NOT included)
Your communications plan (how you will communicate with the customer)
The fees for the product or service
A call to action (what does your customer do next)

#9B Pricing Page (B2C) Proposal Worksheet

The goal of this tool is create a pricing page t hat will outline your product in a clear and compelling way.

Pricing Page Template:

Call to Action:

B2C Proposal Checklist:

Did you clarify the packages you are offering
Did you detail what features are included in each package
Is the Pricing clear (if needed, include Education or Government account discounts)
A Call to Action (how does a customer purchase? If online often submission form fields.)

#9C Cover Letter Proposal Worksheet

The goal of this tool is create a cover letter that will outline your job search goals in a clear and compelling
way. Cover letters are sometimes hard to start, the cover letter template is provided to assist. You do not have
to use it and you can change it as desired.

Example Cover Letter Template:

Dear [First Name],
The purpose of my letter is to connect with you regarding [ job title].
I am eager to discuss this opportunity with you, as I think I have at least two compelling reasons why I am a
great fit.
First, [detail specific reason that you are good for the position]. S
econd,[detail specific reason that you are
good for the position].
I will follow up this letter with a [letter, phone call, email] to you next [time and day].
Thank you for considering me.
[Full Contact Information]

Before send your cover letter:

Did you explain why you are contacting this person?

Did you detail what you can offer that is specific to the job opening
Did you include a clear ask?
Did you detail how you will follow up?
Did you include your contact information?
Did you read it out loud?

#10 Story Matrix

The goal of this tool is create a Story Matrix so you can find the right story for the right reason at the right time.




New Leads
The Traveler

1. The Traveler
A long time ago, a traveler walked up to the gates of a walled city. In his travels across the world, this
traveler had seen many cities over many years. There was a man sitting just outside the gates, and so
the traveler asked him; "How do you find the people in this city?"
And the man responded with a question. He said; " How did you find the people in the last city you
visited?" The traveler said; "They were angry and they were mean. I didn't like them." And the man
said; "Well, I think you will find the people in this city the same way."
A few hours later, another traveler walked up to the man sitting outside the gates of the same city. This
traveler asked the man; "How do you find the people in this city?"
And the man responded with the same question. He said; "How did you find the people in the last city
you visited?" The traveler said; "They were amazing, friendly and warm. I really liked them." And the
man said; "Well, I think you will find the people in this city the same way."

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