250 To 5000 Watts PWM DCAC 220V Power Inverter

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250 to 5000 watts PWM DC/AC 220V Power Inverter

by nickk on April 7, 2009

Table of Contents
250 to 5000 watts PWM DC/AC 220V Power Inverter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Intro: 250 to 5000 watts PWM DC/AC 220V Power Inverter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Intro: 250 to 5000 watts PWM DC/AC 220V Power Inverter

This is my schematic design of a Pulse Width Modulator DC/AC inverter using the chip SG3524 .
I have built this design and using it as a backup to power up all my house when outages occur.
If you intend to build the circuit please vote for me so i know how many people benefit from the design, Thanks
-The schematic circuit design is for a 250 watt output, while the pics are of my 1500 watts inverter that i built, to increase the power of the circuit you have to add more of
the Q7 and Q8 transistors in parallel, each pair you add will increase your power by 250 watts, ex: to get 750 watts of power from the inverter you need to add 2 of Q7
and 2 of Q8 to the original design.
--If you increase the power transistors you have to enlarge the T2 transformer to match the new needs, the circuit's transformer is rated 25 amps to handle 250 watts of
220v, for every 1 additional amp you need on the 220v side you have to increase 10 amps on the 12v side, of course there are limits to the thickness of the winding so if
you need more than 750 watts i recommend that you use a 24VDC supply instead of 12 volts:
DC voltage and Transformer "T2" winding recommendation:
Power Supply Winding
12VDC P:24V "12-0-12" / S:220V
1500w 24VDC P:48V "24-0-24" / S:220V
2250w 36VDC P:72V "36-0-36" / S:220V
3000w 48VDC P:96V "48-0-48" / S:220V
3750w 60VDC P:120V "60-0-60" / S:220V
4500w 72VDC P:144V "72-0-72" / S:220V
5250w 84VDC P:168V "84-0-84" / S:220V
*The transformer should be "center tapped" at the primary side.
**You can make the secondary 110v if needed.
***The transformer in the pic is a custom made (48V center tapped / 220v ) 2000 watts
--R1 is to set the PWM to 220v
--R2 is to set the frequency to 50 or 60 Hz
--Use either tantalum or polyester film "as in pic" for the 104 caps, ceramic disc caps change value once hot and this in turn changes the frequency of the inverter so they
are not recommended.
--Wiring should be thick enough to handle the huge amps drain from the batteries.
--The design does not include a battery charger since each person will be building a custom version of the inverter with specific power needs.
--A cooling fan will be needed to reduce heat off the heat sinks and transformer, i recommend getting a 220v fan and connecting it to the output T2 transformer, when you
power up the circuit the fan will start this will always give you a simple way to know that 220v is present and everything is OK..
--2 circuit breakers are recommended instead of fuses, one on the DC side and one on the AC side, depending on your design
Ex: for a 24vDC ( 1500 watts design ) put a 60Amp breaker on the DC side and a 6Amp on the AC side.
For every 1amp of 220vAC you will be draining like 8 to 10 Amps from the 12v battery, make your calculations !
-- The 2 Heat sinks should be big enough to cool the transistors, they are separate and should NOT touch each other. "see the pics"
--Be cautious when building this circuit it involves high voltage which is lethal, any part you touch when the circuit is ON could give you a nasty painful jolt, specially the
heat-sinks, never touch them when the circuit is on to see if the transistors are hot !! I ate it several times :)



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50 comments Add Comment

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maxolous says:

Oct 9, 2010. 1:38 PM REPLY

i mean to say b/w 2.60V -3.60V(point of correction , please)

maclee4real says:

Nov 12, 2010. 7:20 AM REPLY

hello max,
u have been really helpful, but i don't know if u know any transistor that i can use to replace the 2N6277 cos i used BUT92. i could not get 2N6277 in my
area. so i would like to know what u used or any other equivilent that will work.

maxolous says:

Nov 12, 2010. 1:22 PM REPLY

@maclee4real , i did not use 2N6277 for the reason of component count. So i used IRFP260N MOSFET which is a moster that can deliver 500Watt
in its pair.therefore i did not include bc 337 or TIP transistor in my circuit. What i did was to put 1k5 @ each gate and 22k b/w gate and source of
each FET ,that all. mind you if your circuit is not inverting you are going to fry some if not all FET


Oziel says:

Jan 7, 2011. 2:12 PM REPLY

hii, max..
I also want to use IRFP260N, but how about the efficiency?
whether still 75%?
and how many watt resistor? 1k5 1/2watt, and 22k 1/2watt ? is'nt ?
thanks in advance.

maxolous says:

Feb 3, 2011. 12:14 PM REPLY

@Oziel, the frequency is very high especially when your Xformer is well re-wounded. because since you're using MOSFET and in the wave
form there is no angle so your MOSFETs wont be hot. efficiency= 90 % and above.
For your 24V Battery charger ....www.instructables.com/id/24v-battery-charger-schematic/
I design this to meet your need and others who need this

Oziel says:

Feb 28, 2011. 1:27 PM REPLY

thanks verry much ^^

maclee4real says:

Nov 18, 2010. 8:55 AM REPLY

back of the MOSFET is also the Drain should i connect it as to where i was to connect the collector of the 2N6277 cos the collector of the 2N6277
is connected to the heat sink, so should i connect the drain to the heat sink. and after completing it will i still get my 220v without connecting my
filter capacitors?

maxolous says:

Nov 18, 2010. 12:04 PM REPLY

yes and yes but you still need your filter caps

maclee4real says:

Jan 8, 2011. 3:47 PM REPLY

please check the circuit diagram and complete it.Thanks.

maxolous says:

Jan 27, 2011. 11:08 PM REPLY

@mac,sorry have not been arround. both MOSFET has to be fliped horizontally .that is the source are to meet and hence connected
to earth not drain. If that is done, both Drain meet with your Xformer low voltage side , while the center tap is fed by your battery

maclee4real says:

Feb 10, 2011. 3:16 PM REPLY

hello max,
i still don't understand u cos what u said right now is different from what u told me before. please i would appreciate it if u kindly
send me a copy of ur diagram of the inverter u built, u can draw, scan and send it to me.
here is my address, maclee4real@yahoo.co.uk

maxolous says:
@ mac , this is what i mean.


Feb 14, 2011. 12:41 AM REPLY

maclee4real says:

Nov 18, 2010. 8:49 AM REPLY

and u put 1k5 @ each gate that is pin 1 of the MOSFET but u did not say where u connected it to, and 22k between gate and source that is pin 2
and pin 3 please tell me where u connected them to. and can i use a normal 12v center tapped transformer to test my circuit b4 building the main
transformer for the circuit.
thanks once again, u r really good to me.

maxolous says:

Nov 18, 2010. 12:16 PM REPLY

@mac, oh yes pin 1 is the gate of MOSFET and it's connected to o/p of sg3524 which is pin11 and 14 in any case, therefore you continue to
loop to the gate of each Mosfet as many as the number you are using. 12v center tapped is ok so far you are using a12v battery

maclee4real says:

Dec 6, 2010. 4:30 AM REPLY

since u did not use BC337, TIP122, 2N3055 and 2N6277. where did u connect pin 12 and 13 that was connected to the collector of
BC337? and the output coming from the 8v regulator is still entering pin 12 and 13 and also to the collector of BC337. since i'm not using
those transistors should i just connect the output from the 8v reg. to pin 12 and 13 alone?
Do i still need to connect the 100 ohms to the gate of the IRFP260N and 1k ohms across the two output of the SG3524?
one more thing did u build a charging circuit in ur inverter?

maxolous says:

Dec 9, 2010. 7:11 AM REPLY

bc337 is connected in emitter follower mode ,not common emitter mode as i stressed before. correction, please

maxolous says:

Dec 8, 2010. 1:03 PM REPLY

@maclee4real,Pin12 and 13 are only bias with o/p of regulator that is, 8V same as pin15. In Nickk cct, transistor bc337 is connected
in common emitter mode for amplification therefore, the collector is only been connected to pin12 and 13 for bias voltage pin12 and 13
already has 8V supply. it can as well be connected to output of 7808 that is just after the 220uf cap. you wondered why all these
circuitry did not apply to the mosfet ,this is because Logic mosfet like irf260 does not require current to switch but voltage, even 5volts
can fully switch it. so pin 12 and 13 was not connected to to any but only been charged by 8V supply.
No sir, those cct where removed,it became pin 11 and 14 straightway to gate resistors of mosfet.
Yes a charger cct was built

maclee4real says:

Nov 18, 2010. 8:41 AM REPLY

thanks, i'm really grateful for ur help.
so what about the 2N3055 do i still connect the base to 100 ohms resistor going to pin 14 and same thing to pin 11 the connect the 1k +1k
resistors accross pin11 and pin 14?

maxolous says:

Nov 18, 2010. 11:59 AM REPLY

@mac, If you are going to use MOSFET you don't need any of those transistors.If you are using 2N3055 transistors do it the way you see it in
Nickks circuit.

adil.ali2010 says:

Feb 16, 2011. 1:38 AM REPLY

nick friend.
now my inverter is working perfect.
this is very good inverter.
thanks a lot.

nickk says:
You are mostly welcomed :)


Feb 28, 2011. 11:32 AM REPLY

gie_lostdream says:

Oct 3, 2010. 10:39 AM REPLY

hallo nick ..
I am glad you have shared schematic ..
I want to make a 5000 watt inverter,
I want to ask ..
1. should i use a transformer 65 amps for 5000 watts inverter? and supply 84VDC ?
2. to get 5000 watts of power from the inverter, i need to add 20 of Q7 and Q8 to 20 of the original design?
3. then what else should I change? resistor? capacitor? or another?
please help me
I'm sorry if my english bad.
thanks before.

nickk says:

Oct 3, 2010. 8:47 PM REPLY

everything is listed in full details on instructables, follow my notes. many usefull questions have been answered by me too, i suggest u spend some time
reviewing and reading so u understand fully the design.

fearfra says:

Feb 28, 2011. 10:24 AM REPLY

I don't understand...To get 1500 watts of power from the inverter, i need to add 6 of Q7 and 6 of Q8(2N6277) of the original design?? Please answer
to my email: francescomp15000@libero.it
thanks to much

elpinrojo says:

Feb 23, 2011. 3:45 PM REPLY

hi nick cant you tell me where to buy the pcb

adil.ali2010 says:

Feb 28, 2011. 9:44 AM REPLY

hi friend.
you want to buy pcb board?
if yes.
so you can buy at any electric shop.

adil.ali2010 says:

Feb 12, 2011. 6:09 AM REPLY

i make a full inverter.
but output only 130v ac.
my xform is 500w.
my battery 12v 45A.
and transisters 2n3055 . seven one side and seven other side.
please help.

nickk says:

Feb 12, 2011. 10:28 AM REPLY

It seems that one side (7 x 2n3055) of your power transistors is not working, check to see which side.

adil.ali2010 says:

Feb 12, 2011. 10:22 PM REPLY

i check already both sides.all transistors is working i know.

maxolous says:

Feb 15, 2011. 12:15 AM REPLY

@adil, Your problem now lies on your Xformer TURN RATIO,Also see that you have the right frequency.

adil.ali2010 says:

Feb 15, 2011. 4:20 AM REPLY

no friend.
xform is right.

adil.ali2010 says:
hi all.
if any one make full inverter and want to help me so please contact me.
my email is adil.ali2010@yahoo.com
please please please ...............


Feb 14, 2011. 6:43 AM REPLY

adil.ali2010 says:

Feb 9, 2011. 3:52 AM REPLY

please help me
ans my quse.

nickk says:

Feb 9, 2011. 4:20 AM REPLY

the inverter is made with transistors not MOSFET's, to use MOSFET's seek the guys posts below, there are many subjects on this.

adil.ali2010 says:

Feb 6, 2011. 11:22 PM REPLY

what i can use irfp150n or irf3205 for 500w inverter.And wich is good.And please tell me how many(numbers of it) use for 500w.
thanks a lot.

adil.ali2010 says:

Feb 6, 2011. 9:20 AM REPLY

hi nick
my inverter board now is working and i test voltes pin 14 give 3v dc and pin 11 give 3v dc withrecpact to battery nagitive.
this is god or not?

adil.ali2010 says:

Feb 6, 2011. 2:10 AM REPLY

acchuly i am first time bult this inverter
please answer me last question .
why is many difference between your circuit board and circuit diagram.
i.e you use 4700uf cpactor in diagram but there is no in circuit Board and you use led.220uf cap.1k R. in diagram but there is no in circuit bord.
please tell me wich is full curact board picher or diagram.
very very very very thanks.
and please send me some other pichers of inverter.please

adil.ali2010 says:

Feb 5, 2011. 6:29 AM REPLY

hi nick
you know i have make inverter bord.
now i want to atach transisters and xformers of it .but 2n3773 there is no in my city now. so please tell me what i do.

nickk says:

Feb 5, 2011. 11:48 PM REPLY

get an equivalent

adil.ali2010 says:

Feb 5, 2011. 9:01 PM REPLY

Dear nick
my board do not work.
please help me.

nickk says:

Feb 5, 2011. 11:47 PM REPLY

Please take your time to review all the details on this site. If you build the circuit correctly it should work 100%.

adil.ali2010 says:

Feb 4, 2011. 11:55 PM REPLY

hi nick
what is valeu of D1 and D2. i am hurry.please

nickk says:

Feb 5, 2011. 12:06 AM REPLY

use a general purpose 6A diode

adil.ali2010 says:

Feb 5, 2011. 1:48 AM REPLY

And 1 2 3 4 brig diodes also 6a?

adil.ali2010 says:

Feb 4, 2011. 1:32 AM REPLY

i have make full inverter board. but i don,t know how to check it. please tell me how to check it. because i want to check it without transformer and transister.i
want to check only board.


maxolous says:

Feb 4, 2011. 3:06 AM REPLY

@adil, now that you have made the circuit just the way you see it in Nickks schematic, you may wish to know if it works. What you need to do is to
connect to 12Vdc source without the Xformer and read the voltage in pin 11 & 14 with respect to earth, both should give you equal voltage b/w 2.60 and
3.80V or a little higher. then, you are set to go.

adil.ali2010 says:

Jan 28, 2011. 1:54 AM REPLY

nickk friend.
please tell me.
battery amp.

Oziel says:

Jan 30, 2011. 3:59 PM REPLY

ampere battery depending on your inverter,
the formula is, Volt (battery) x Ampere (battery) = Watts / hour
For example: if I use a 600 watt inverter, for durability 1 hour, then I just need to use a 50 ampere battery. thus 50 ampere battery can last up to 1 hour at
600 watts usage, because 12Volt (battery) x 50Ampere (battery) = 600 watts / hour.

adil.ali2010 says:

Jan 31, 2011. 4:30 AM REPLY

thanx oziel

adil.ali2010 says:
Instead of three or four batteries I could use one battery? With DC regulator?
And please tell me amps of battery.
please give me answer hurry.

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Jan 25, 2011. 2:27 AM REPLY

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