Ee332 Finalproject Complete

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The objective of this final project is to understand how the high permittivity gate materials will
affect the threshold voltage by modifying the parameters listed in Table 1. In part A, we simulate
the current MOS capacitor technology using a fixed permittivity 3.9 for SiO2. Using the value
given, we plot the graph for Threshold Voltage versus Interface Charge in part A. We observe
that the threshold voltage is inversely proportional to the Interface Charge in Figure 1 since we
got a negative slope there.
For Part B, we stimulated the high-permittivity insulator (permittivity = 14) capacitor by having
the same threshold voltage as the low- permittivity insulator. Using a range of thickness 0 to 9e-6
cm, we used Figure 2 to determine which thickness has the closest slope of Threshold Voltage
versus Interface Charge as compared to Figure 1.
As for Part C, we attempted to simulate the high-permittivity insulator by changing the p doping
level. We concluded that the plot simulated does not match with Figure 1, although we used
minimum and maximum doping density.
Since we are able to identify every parameter in order to find the VT except Qi, we first tried to
create the function of the VT in term of the QI. Since we dont know Qm, Qot and Qit, we couldnt
really calculate the value but we at least know that its around 5 x 1010 since the Qf is 5x1010
given in the table. Thus, we feed a range of Qi from 5x1010 to 14x1010 into our MATLAB code in
Line 25. We then obtain the VT plot for the current MOS capacitor technology when we
substitute the Qi,into our created function.
Next, we changed the permittivity of the insulator from 3.9 to 14. To keep it simple, we would
only change the thickness of the insulator. By sweeping a large range of thickness, we can easily
identify which thickness is the closely to the desired VT plot. We played with the range for a
while and included the best large range in this report. We then narrow down the range once we
identified the nearly close match VT plot. From the narrowed VT plots, we then can know the
thickness that would give us the same threshold voltage as the current MOS capacitor
technology threshold voltage.
Since, we only change thickness and fixed the doping density, we also wondered if we can fix
the thickness while change the doping density to get the same threshold voltage. We simply pick
10 doping density and get the corresponding MS from the Figure 6.17 of the textbook and drawn
the VT plots.


3.1 VT function in term of QI

VT = -2.8973e6*Qi - 0.1258

3.2 VT with assumed Qi

Qi = [5x1010 6x1010 7x1010 8x1010 9x1010
10x1010 11x1010 12x1010 13x1010 14x1010]
Figure 1. Current MOS capacitor tech. VT
From the function above, we observed that
the slope of the VT line has a negative slope
and an offset of -0.1258. As we increase the
interface charge, Qi with either Qm, Qot, Qf or
Qit, the threshold voltage would decreases.
3.3 Sweeping the thickness of highpermittivity insulator
Figure 2. VT with different thickness
From the range of the thickness, we found
out that the among the 10 plots, the green
one which has the thickness of 4x10-6 best
match the Figure 1 plot which is the same
threshold voltage that we want to maintain.
3.4 Narrow down the range
We narrowed down the range of the
thickness once we identified which
one is the closest match from the
previous section. We observed that
when the thickness is 3.6x10-6, the
threshold voltage is similar to the
current MOS VT plot by noting that
the intercept and ending point is the
same. Thus, in order to obtain the
same threshold voltage for the higher

permittivity insulator, we simply just increase the thickness; in this project case, we increase the
thickness from 1x10-6 to 3.6x10-6.
3.5 Attempt on changing doping density only
We already used the minimum and maximum
doping density from the Figure 6.17 of the
textbook, and yet
theres is no plot that match with the
current MOS plot when we are referring to
the y-intercept. The closest matched plot is
when the doping density is equal to 1 x 1017 ,
thus we believed that if we keep increase the
doping density and the MS changed
accordingly, we can get the similar plot as the
current MOS plot but with the current
information we have we couldnt.


4.1 MATLAB code

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