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His Church

Whenever a church is mentioned in relation to a city, it is always "the church", including all the genuine
believers in that city. Revelation chapters two and three are good examples. The only time the plural
"churches" is used is in reference to a region such as "the churches of Galatia" (Gal. 1:2), a region with
many cities. There are two aspects of the church which is the Body of Christ. One is that which includes
every genuine believer in Christ since His death and resurrection; they are all part of the bride of Christ
which has been making herself ready for His coming (Rev. 19:7). The other is the practical, visible
expression of the Body in cities all over the world. "The church" in each city should include all those
redeemed by the blood and born of the Spirit. There is one church in each city, not many churches.
When Paul wrote to "the church in Corinth" he exhorted them that there should be NO divisions among
them (I Cor. 1:10). No doubt that when there are thousands of saints in the church in a particular city,
they will meet in many small groups just as in the early church in Jerusalem (Acts 2:46). Jerusalem
was actually the first example of the one church in a city. By chapter 8 of Acts, there would have been
thousands of believers there. Yet, it was still referred to as "the church which was in Jerusalem" (Acts
8:1), not "the churches" in Jerusalem. We are told by the Lord Jesus to "love one another even as He
loved us" (John 13:34-35). Our attitude toward all believers should be that of love regardless of where or
how they meet. At the same time, the Bible warns us and takes a strong stand against those who make
divisions (Rom. 16:17-18; Gal. 5:20; Jude 17-19). The word of God says that there should be NO
divisions among the saints. I say Amen! I believe there is a big difference between those who just like to
criticize and condemn those who do things differently then themselves and those who recognize God's
design and arrangement for HIS church and aspire to work, labor, and build accordingly. In the Old
Testament when the instructions were given to first Moses for building the tabernacle and then David for
building the temple, they were to build exactly and to the smallest detail according to God's instruction
(Exo. 25:8-9, 40; 26:30; 27:8; 40:33-35; I Chron. 28:9-13, 19; II Chron. 5:1, 13-14; Acts 7:44). It was
then and only then that the house of God was filled with the glory of God. There is also the New
Testament warning concerning the material with which we build God's spiritual house today (I Cor. 3:11-
17). All of this should be enough evidence that it is not a light thing to involve ourselves with the
building up of God's house and that we should be willing to accept God's ways over mans. There is one
church in its spiritual nature that has been in existence since it was born on the cross and
through Christ's resurrection. There should also be one expression of that church in each city. It is the
oneness of the believers that will cause the world to know that the Son of God has been sent by the
Father (John 17:21-23). There is only one Body and one Spirit which is the life of the Body (Eph.
4:4). The oneness of the Body is the oneness of the Spirit of which we are to be diligent to keep in all
lowliness and meekness with long-suffering, bearing one another in love (Eph. 4:2). So yes, amen! Let's
not "mock, discredit, or bash" other dear and genuine believers in Christ. But at the same time, may we
not compromise the word of God because of the traditions of men (Matt. 15:2-3, 6) and for our own
comfort and convenience. The tone of the Lord's speaking in Revelation 2 and 3 was not that of "all is
good". Rather, there is a burden in the heart of God to have HIS church that HE died for match HIM and
make herself ready for HIM. May we all pursue toward the goal for the prize of this high-calling. May we
not cheat ourselves or our Lord Jesus Christ with anything less than the church of which He loves, for
which He died, and of which He is waiting for her to make herself ready for His coming. Come Lord
Jesus! Amen. 

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