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1) How would you define CSR?

2) In your opinion, what are the roles of CSR in a corporate? / how should the company
manage CSR?
3) Based on your opinion, what are the companys purposes in implementing CSR? /
what is your companys purposes when implementing CSR?
4) What experience do you have in this CSR field?
5) How does your company measure CSR performance? Could you give any activities or

events which your company had done?

How does your company communicate CSR with stakeholders and employee?
Is it easy to integrate CSR into the daily operations of the company?
Do you think that CSR represent an important strategy in managing stakeholders?
Do you think that CSR could be used to manage an organisations relationships with

its powerful stakeholders?

10) Based on your opinion, why management might voluntarily elect to make particular
disclosures or to embrace particular organization forms?

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