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A project report presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the course
unit: Information Technology Project Management1: BPCT.311



Department of computing and Technology

School of Business Bugema University

February, 2015

I Muwanga Yunusu Reg No 12/BSC/KA/R/033 hereby declare that this project report is my original work
and to the best of my knowledge it has not been published or submitted to any university or institution of
higher learning for the award of the degree or any other academic award.


This project report has been submitted with approval of the undersigned supervisor.

Mr. Oyango Laban
Tel: 0782472180
Department of information science & Technology
Bugema University



I dedicate this report to my dear father, mother, brothers, and sisters for the spiritual and parental
guidance rendered during my studies. I would also like to dedicate this report to my course mates
and the entire student community of Bugema University, Makerere University and finally to my
supervisor Onyango Laban


I am vastly grateful for the awesome support and whole hearted contribution rendered by the
following people: My supervisor Mr. Onyango Laban for his guidance and assistance and
resolute to my sister Nasuuna Missa and my brother Kabugo Alex during the preparation of this
project, without which the study would not have been accomplished. I also appreciate my
beloved parents, for the love, care, moral support, and financial support. Above all, to the loving
heavenly Father, whose eternal love has buoyed me up whereby His blessing kept me burning
and moving Praise be to Him.
May the good Lord richly bless everyone who has in one way or another contributed to this
research project.

The number of Internet users in Uganda is increasing continuously, it is no doubt that crime rates in
Uganda certainly sees a rapid rise due to high increase in population. With the advent of the Internet,
many people, organizations, institutions are now being equipped with Internet connections, either through
wired connections or wireless infrastructure. Internet access provides users an easy access to report their
crimes and ability to see wanted criminals and safety tips and news through Internet technologies. Police
stations and users therefore need a system to manage and facilitate online crime reporting. There is also a
need to move from traditional reporting techniques that are sometimes inconvenient, time wasting and
adopt social media methods of reporting so that anyone can report a crime from anywhere at any time.

The Online crime reporting system (OCRS SYSTEM) application enables users to register and report
their crimes online, police stations helps in solving the committed crimes and the system administrators
helps in creating police stations, so this system helps users to report their crime online without moving
long distances.The OCRS will use the internet as the sole method for reporting and posting wanted
In order to develop this website, a number of Technologies must be studied and understood. These include
server and client side scripting techniques, programming language (such as PHP), relational databases
(such as MySQL) and CSS.

Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION 1.0 BACKGROUND.....................................................................................9
1.1 PROBLEM STATEMENT....................................................................................................10
1.2 MAIN OBJECTIVE..............................................................................................................10
1.3 SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES....................................................................................................10
1.4 Scope of the study..................................................................................................................................................10

LITERATURE REVIEW............................................................................................................12
2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW......................................................................................................12
3.0 Methodology..........................................................................................................................................................15
3.4 Implementation Environment..............................................................................................................................17
3.4.1 Technologies used...........................................................................................................................................17
4.1 User Requirements.............................................................................................................................................18

4.2.3 FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS..................................................................................19

4.2.4 NON FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS........................................................................19
4.2.5 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS............................................................................................27
4.4 System Architecture..............................................................................................................................................31
4.5 SYSTEM DATABASE DESIGN..........................................................................................................................32
4.5.1 Introduction.....................................................................................................................................................32
4.5.2 Conceptual Database Design..........................................................................................................................32
4.5.5 Data Dictionary...............................................................................................................................................35

4.6 SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION..........................................................................................38

4.6.1 INTRODUCTION..............................................................................................................38
4.6.2 SYSTEM TESTING...........................................................................................................38

LIMITATIONS, CONCLUSIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS.......................................39

5.1 summary of Results...............................................................................................................................................39
5.2 Limitations.............................................................................................................................................................39
5.4 Recommendations.................................................................................................................................................39

APPENDIX A...............................................................................................................................43
A.1 INTERVIEW SCRIPT.........................................................................................................43
SAMPLE USER INTERFACES.................................................................................................44
B.1 ONLINE CRIME REPORTING SYSTEM MAIN INTERFACE...................................44
B.2 ADMIN LOGIN INTERFACE............................................................................................45
B.4 POLICE STATION LOGIN INTERFACE........................................................................47
B.5 NEW USER REGISTRATION............................................................................................48
B.6 CREATING POLICE STATION.........................................................................................49
B.7 USER LOGIN INTERFACE...............................................................................................50
B.8 CRIME REPORTING INTERFACE..................................................................................51
B.9 USER EDIT PROFILE.........................................................................................................52
B.10 USERS VIEW WANTED CRIMINAL............................................................................53
APPENDIX C...............................................................................................................................54
SAMPLE SOURCE CODE (NEW USER REGISTRATION)................................................54

1.0 Background
According to Lalasticlala, Uganda has the highest murder rate in the world, as stated in the
statistics report the crime of murder has reached over ninety two percent in Uganda. Not only the
murder but also other crimes such as street crimes and rape cases have been increased for a few
years (lalasticlala, 2015). The online crime reporting system is the plan that is aimed at helping
Police Stations, administrators to solve criminal rates and also users to report committed crimes
According to Amoroso (2000), the Internet is increasingly central to public access and
information. Secure reporting of non urgent incidents is one Internet application that is proving
useful. Online crime reporting allows the public to file police reports for some incidents and
crimes via the Internet, 24 hours a day, and seven days a week. Police departments can retrieve
these reports when police resources are available. This frees up patrol officers who would
otherwise spend time tracking down these incidents.
The appellant, Ssegonja Paul, was jointly indicted with another person, Kirigwajjo Charles, for
aggravated robbery, contrary to sections 272 and 273 (2) of the Penal Code. The particulars of
the charge were that on 11th October, 1992, at Kanywa Village, in Masaka District, they robbed
John Ssemwogerere of his motor vehicle Registration No. 640 UAF, Toyota Carina, white in
color, immediately before or immediately after they said robbery used a deadly weapon, a gun
and a knife said John Ssemwogerere. Kirigwajjo was released on bail and could not be traced
when the case came for trial in the High Court. The indictment was accordingly amended and
only the appellant was tried on it. He was convicted of simple robbery, contrary to sections 272
and 273(1) of the Penal Code Act and sentenced to 12 years imprisonment. He was also ordered
to receive 12 strokes of the cane, to pay compensation of Shillings 100,000, and to undergo
Police supervision for three years after serving the sentence of imprisonment (spreme court,
2011).so this there for brings up the online reporting system were by if someone is released on
bail and could not be traced when the case came for trail in the high court, he or she could be put
on a wanted list.

Thus for the prevailing situation in Uganda, theres a need to develop a Online crime reporting system to
save on the time spent while moving to police stations and also provide accurate and sufficient
information to criminals.

1.1 Problem Statement

Due to high increase in population (Bureau., 2015)leads to high increase of crimes committed as
stated in the report (lalasticlala, 2015) unfortunately even though crimes increases, the
population does not report accordingly because there much busy in their daily activities that
makes them forget their vital responsibilities like crime reporting.

1.2 Main Objective

To develop on-line application system so that if anybody wants to report any kind of crime can do
it conveniently at their desk and with ease online.
1.3 Specific Objectives
The specific objectives of this research project are:
To design a system for the community to report their crimes via internet at all the time.
To provide a better way of providing information concerning committed criminals.

To implement, test and validate the online crime reporting system

1.4 Scope of the study

The Research was focused on developing Online crime reporting system to enable users create accounts,
report their crimes, browse for most wanted criminals and view safety tips and news online. In addition,

Administrator manages Police Station and uploads safety tips and news. And also Police Station
can upload information of the Most Wanted Criminals. Police Station also view the complaints
from user and solve their complaints.

The system will widen the researchers knowledge in computing and make him prove the theory
with practical. In addition, the project will help the researcher to be able to complete his course at
the University and to prove to lecturers that in the three years of the degree, something has been
The system will aid the community to report their crimes hence helping the government to get
people who commit crimes
The system will help organizations such as universities and other companies to read safety news
and tips since now days people come from abroad for the purpose of committing crimes in the
foreign country.

The study will benefit the staff and management of police station by highlighting the
weaknesses in the using of the manual system to users.
To other researchers, this system helped to add to the existing literature in the field of research.
Therefore future scholars and researchers will be able to refer and use the findings of this project
in their academic research.
The system further cuts down the congestion of crime reporting to the police stations they will
not be required to spend any extra time in reporting the committed crimes as it was the case
More so, this project will equip other researchers with enough information to develop related or
more advanced systems or to make some improvements.


Literature Review
2.0 Literature Review
There is a massive number of research work from journals, newspapers, text, video, and other
documents available on the internet, on about any subject. Police Station need to be able to find
relevant information about people who commit crimes to satisfy peoples needs and also users
are able to report different crimes committed by different individuals. There are two ways of
searching relevant information of online crime reporting system to use a search engine or to
browse directories organized by categories (such as Yahoo directories). There is still a large part
of Internet that is not accessible (for example private databases and intranets). This can be
achieved using Information Retrieval Systems.
Therefore, Online crime reporting system falls under information retrieval systems as it is also an
information system in that, it helps people to simply report the crime online without going to the
police station
According to KANUE (1980), Online crime reporting system Technology ws not good most of
the people used to commit a lot of crimes such as killing people, robbing, stealing and so many
others and those people who used to committed the crimes used to live normally like the person
who has not committed any crime. And for him he says that there was a need to develop any
online reporting system so that people that is to say either from villages or towns if they have
their mobile phones which can access internet they can easily report crimes at a fast rate instead
of moving to nearby police stations hence limiting the problem of people who commit a lot of
According to Bohan (2006), online crime reporting system is a prime example of modern day
technology designed to make the world a superior place to live. When used properly this
technology will not only enhance a humans environment when it comes to convenience, but will
also significantly enhance the safety of our community at a reasonable expense. An online

system affords police officers the opportunity to patrol hot spots and remain available to
quickly respond to violent crimes. This is accomplished by allowing citizens to self-report nonviolent minor crimes with no suspect information. Of course like anything in life a good situation
always has the potential for a negative to make its way in. In this case the negative being the
potential of false reports made through the online system. One strategy to combat this negative
includes posting an eye-catching warning on the Internet site of the penalties a person may face
for making a false police report.
An Online crime reporting system is a more affordable alternative to hiring additional police
officers to respond to increased call volumes. For example, it costs an average of $64.00 an hour
for a police officer to take an on-scene report. The average costs for a telephone transcription
service is $36.00 an hour. Whereas, the average costs of emailing a report through an online
crime reporting system is pennies (Geiger, 2004) Added benefits include: offsets the workload
demands of both sworn police officers and community service officers who are required to write
reports; allows citizens to report certain non-violent crimes, with no suspect information, at their
convenience (24/7) from the computer location of their choice without having to wait on the
response time of law enforcement; provides citizens with an emailed copy of their report
eliminating the extra step and expense of driving to the police department and paying for a hard
copy (Johnson, 2006); provides an outlet to piggyback other services on the system such as:
paying a parking ticket, requesting a vacation house check, completing a business emergency
contact form, registering for Neighborhood/Business Watch program, signing up for volunteer
opportunities, (Schroeder, 2004); and the system may be compatible with surrounding law
enforcement agencies allowing for information sharing such as: collecting statistical data to
develop crime patterns in a specific geographical area, which ultimately could lead to the arrest
of a suspect.

In (2003), the Federal Bureau of Investigation reported that10.3 million property crimes and 1.38
million violent crimes were committed. However, the Department of Justice reported in the same
year only half of all violent crimes committed and a third of all property crimes were actually
reported to the police. There are several reasons crimes may go unreported including: fear of

repercussions; embarrassment or shame; assumption that the crime is too insignificant to warrant
reporting; or a belief that reporting the crime will make no difference. Perhaps the single most
significant factor in determining whether or not to report a crime is the convenience aspect to
reach police
According to Garrett, Iriberri & Leroy (2006), Online crime reporting system offers victims this
convenience and may be the solution to bring into balance the number of crimes committed
versus the number of crimes reported While the internet has been used by government agencies,
including policed apartments, to post information about themselves and the communities they
serve, the communication was one sided. Until recently, information posted on a government
website was usually followed by a telephone number to call if you had questions or needed to
report a crime. There were attempts to facilitate better communication through the internet in the
form of printing out police forms to be filled out and mailed in or dropped off at the local police
station. While this was a step in the right direction it did little in the way of speeding up the
reporting process. The success of the Online crime reporting system may be measured by the
hundreds of law enforcement agencies now offering this reporting option nationwide and the
number of law enforcement agencies launching their own online programs each month.
According to Coplogic (2009), there is no denying we live in the age of technology. To turn our
backs on the worldly innovations of mankind is an injustice to the public for whom we (law
enforcement) are sworn to serve and protect. Technology is the ticket to the future, and those
standing without a ticket must be prepared to survive in a world where computers will one day
control everything from our televisions to our toothbrushes.
According to Larocco (2009), Faced with continuing budget cuts and an economy in recession,
law enforcement agencies continue to look for ways technology can help them meet the everyday
demands placed on them to maintain their current level of service with less money. When the
idea of citizens reporting crimes online was introduced earlier in this decade, the timing seemed
optimal, but would it work. There are several major benefits to implementing an online citizen
police reporting system. Chief is the reduction in time and resources spent on responding ton and
writing reports for minor incidents that rarely have a suspect and are primarily filed for insurance

3.0 Methodology
This is a detailed description of selected procedure that is step-by-step methods of how the researcher
intends to achieve the objectives of the study;
3.1 Research design
The study was conducted using a descriptive case study design because it was appropriate for the design
since it was mainly used to assess the user requirement for the design of the online crime reporting
system. The study was both qualitative and quantitative in nature.

3.1.1 The target population

According to Churchill and Iacobucci (2005), a target population is defined as the totality of
cases that conform to some designated specifications. For the purpose of this study, the
population included both males and females, ranging between 14 - 45 years, from Kampala. The
reason for such an inclusion in terms of age was based on international research which found that
this segment of the population have a high rate of committing crimes (Bakewell & Mitchell
2006). In addition the study undertaken by Shoham and Dalakas (2006) revealed that these
individuals within this age category have the mental and cognitive capacities to respond to a
questionnaire used.
3.1.2 The sampling method
A snowball sampling method was used for this study to access the initial sample. "Snowball or referral
Sampling is used when the population being researched is difficult to reach" (Grossnickle & Raskin,
2001). The method relied on finding initial respondents who fit the profile for the study, contacting them,
asking them to participate in the study, and asking them to refer to other potential respondents. The initial
group of respondents of the snowball was a non-random "quota" sample, selected to represent the
population. The strengths of the snowball sampling were cost-efficiency and time-saving. Snowball
sampling allowed researchers to reach the potential qualified respondents by the distribution of
interpersonal relationships.

3.2 Data collection methods

Qualitative research was used in this case where by it was typically used to answer questions about the
complex nature of phenomena, often with the purpose of describing and understanding the phenomena
from the participants point of view. In this section the researcher investigated the research design which
involved the logical structure of inquiry. This was achieved through a number of data collection methods
and in this case primary data collection was used.

3.2.1 Interview.
An interview is a conversation between two people (the interviewer and the interviewee) where questions
were asked by the interviewer to elicit facts or statements or to obtain information from the interviewee
with a specific purpose. Interviews provide first-hand information and the question of business can only
best be solved through the use of interviews in that it will involve gathering of the most important
information about the use of local advertising techniques and usage of on-line applications.
Face to face interviews where used thus enabling the researcher to establish rapport with potential
participants and therefore their co-operation. They also helped the researcher to clarify ambiguous
answers when appropriate.
3.2.2 Questionnaires
It is a research instrument consisting of a series of questions and other prompts for the purpose of
gathering information from respondents. The questions were produced and distributed to respondents,
who can then complete the questionnaire on their own time. This helped to find out the reason for the low
utilization of on-line applications in marketing crime reporting.

3.2.3 Observation

Observation a fact-finding technique where the researcher either participates in or watches a

person perform activities to learn about the system. Observation provides insight on what
organizational members actually do. See firsthand the relationships that exist between decision
makers and other organizational members.

3.3 Analysis of data

3.4 Implementation Environment

3.4.1 Technologies used
The system will be developed using Dreamweaver CS3 as the platform. The web pages will be
developed in PHP and HTML, and will also contain Java Scripts. CSS.PHP will be used as a
server-side scripting language together with MySQL Database Management System (DBMS).
The Operating Systems (OS) platform on which the system will run include: Windows XP,
Windows Vista, Windows 7, and Windows 8.

The system was designed to meet the needs of fashion plus as concerned to its requirements.

4.1 User Requirements

These include the functionalities under the different constraints that the proposed system should provide,
according to the demands of all affected stockholders.
From the system study the system stakeholders were identified. These are systems administrators, police
station and Users.



System Administrators
Add system administrators
Create police stations
Upload safety tips and News
Edit and delete system administrators
Edit and delete police stations
View Most Wanted Criminals
Police Station
view the complaints from user
can upload information of the Most Wanted Criminals



View safety tips and News

View Criminal details

View Wanted list

Edit police station details
Report their crimes
Can view most wanted criminal
View Safety tips and News
Edit their own profiles
View their profile

4.2.3 Functional Requirements

These include the services that the proposed system has to provide to the entire system users. The system
will perform the following functionalities:

Store user details.

Store criminal details.

Store police officer details.

Store police officer details

Provide users with a view of the safety news and tips.

Provide police station with a view of the crime committed.

Keep record of the criminal details.

Verify and authenticates users with the use of email address and passwords.

Provide users with a way of creating a new password when forgotten

Provide users, police officers and administrators with a way of changing the passwords.

4.2.4 Non Functional Requirements

These are constraints that should be imposed on the services provided by the proposed system. The
system was designed to fulfill the following non-functional requirements.

All its operations should be correct, that is, should produce expected results when supplied with
the right inputs.

System should verify/validate all user input and users must be notified in case of errors.

System should be complete and consistent that is, able to deal with all the possible outcomes
during its operation.

System should be robust that is, able to run on the specified platforms with no predictable failure.

Allow users to use it simultaneously on computers with minimum system requirements and
connected to internet.

System should be able to sustain the heavy load offered to it due to network requests (provide
high performance in all situations).

System should be reliable, up and running every time its operations are needed.

System should operate efficiently under the TCP/IP protocol suite.

User should easily register with the system.

The system should be extensible.

It should give fast, accurate and inexpensive process of results to users

4.2 Analysis model

To come up with a modal that is complete and consistent the researcher constructed the analysis model
which focuses on structuring and formalizing the requirements of the system. This model contains three
things that is functional, object and dynamic model. Where by the functional model can be described by
use of case diagrams and objects are also described by class diagrams. Dynamic model can be described
in terms of activity diagrams.
4.2.1 Analysis and design tools
This shows how the system was getting data, how this data was got and where it was got from
This enabled the developer to know the flow of data in the system.
4.2.2 Use of case diagrams
User case diagrams showed how the different actors or personnel like the administrator, seller and
Customers actually interact with the platform as well as reflecting the functional requirements of the

4.2.3 Activity diagrams

The activity diagram shows how logically the different activities will flow and interact with each other.
The activity diagram helped us not only in the debugging process, but also laid out the logic. It acted as a
blueprint during the systems analysis and design phase.

Activity Diagram for Administrator

Activity Diagram for police Station

Activity Diagram for User

4.2.3 Actor description

Name: administrator
The administrator will supervise the entire system and will have access rights to all the modules and
pages of the application
Name: police station
The police station will assign the crime with the police officer to run the case, view reported crimes and
deliver orders and post wanted criminals
Name: citizen
Citizen can view wanted criminal, view safety tips and news. They can also register to the system in order
to gain privileges of seeking help from the system and other services as well and they can report their

4.2.5 System Requirements

In order for the proposed system to perform as expected, the following system specification for hardware,
software, security and operations are required.

a) Hardware Requirements

System Requirement (Minimum)

Processor Type

Intel Pentium III or higher

Processor Speed

0.98 GHz or higher


256 MB of RAM (1 GB Recommended).

Disk space

10 GB free space

USB Port

Version 2.0

Table 4.2 Hardware Requirements

b) Software Requirements

System Requirement

Operating System

Microsoft Windows XP or higher

Firefox Mozilla

20.0 or higher

Wamp server

2.3 or higher

There was a creation of the new system. This phase was composed of several systems. This phase
focused on detailed implementation of the feasibility system. It emphasizes on translating design
specification to performance specification the system had two phases of development logical and physical
In the previous chapter we had identified the functional and non-function requirements of the system and
produced the analysis model. The following discussed in this chapter context diagram, Level one data
flow diagram system goals, system architecture, system decomposition, deployment and database design.

4.3.2 Context Diagram (level Zero)

4.3.3 Level 1 Data flow Diagram

4.3.4 Design goals

This describes the qualities of the system that developers should optimize .such goals are normally
derived from the non-functional requirements of the system.
They are grouped into five categories these are
1. Performance
2. Dependability
3. Maintenance
4. End user criteria
The system to be used should have a fast response time with maximum throughput. The system should
not take up much space in memory .there should be a fast response time over throughput and hence the
system should try to be more interactive and therefore the system should be more reliable to satisfy
constraints than fast response time.
Crime reporting needs a system that is highly dependable as its excepted to be used by non IT
professionals. The system needs to be fault tolerant and strong. As the system is handling data of the
crimes, high emphasis should be given with regards to security.
The system should be easily extensible to add new functionalities at a later stage. It should be easy to
modify any changes to features and functionalities.

End user criteria

From the end user point of view the system is designed in such a way that it is easy to learn and use.

4.4 System Architecture

This gives a high level view of the new system with the main components of the system and the services
they provide and how they communicate. The system is implemented using a three-tier architecture that
comprises of user interface, process management and DBMS as illustrated below. This structure ensures
that users interaction with the system is independent of storage consideration.

4.4.1 Architectural design of OCRS

Architectural design


4.5.1 Introduction
The DBMS used was MS SQL and this section includes details of the database design. The
conceptual and physical database design and the data dictionary are described below.
4.5.2 Conceptual Database Design
After system investigation and analysis, the concept of the new system was designed and all the
relevant entities involved in the system were identified. The following entities were chosen to
capture this information.



Police station







This describes the Entity relationship diagram extracted from databases tables using MySQL


User (R_id (pk), firstname, lastname, phone, sex, Email, Residence,
Crime_report (id (pk), reporter_name,residence,crime_name,phone,date,user_R_Id(fk));
Wanted (id (pk),fname,lname,committed_crime,img,area,gender,user_R_Id(fk));

Admin_page (A_id (pk),fname,lname,phone,email,Residence,password,secret,sex);
Upload (dd (pk), position, news, date, admin_page_A_Id(fk), user_R_Id(fk))

4.5.5 Data Dictionary


Contact us

Crime report


Type and Size





Primary Key

















administrator email
Administrators secret
Administrators gender
Unique identifier of a
User name
User email address
User comment
User gender









Place where crime is

Committed crime name



User phone number

Primary Key

Unique key for the

reporter of the crime
Name of the person
reporting the crime
Primary Key






Image of the crime



Date of the crime

User details



User status



Police officer name



Police officer phone




Police officer mail















Password of the police




Secret question of the

police officer



Gender of the police










Primary Key

Primary Key

Primary Key

police station officer
First name of the police
Last name of the police
Phone number of the
police officer
Email address of the
police officer
Place where the officer
is located

Uniquely Identifies the

Position of the police
News uploads
Date of the uploaded
Uniquely identifies the


First name of the user
Last name of the user
User phone number
Gender of the user
User email address
Place of the user
Status of the user
Secret statement of the
Date of birth for the













Uniquely identifies the

First name of criminal
Last name of the
Committed crime


Area of the crime
Gender of the criminal

Primary Key

4.6 System Implementation

4.6.1 Introduction
The implementation environment used to support the online crime reporting system was Microsoft
windows 7 and the main scripting languages used were PHP/JavaScript. Wampserver and Mozilla Firefox
were used to execute the system
This section introduces the developed application with emphasis on h ow it was developed and it further
shows the samples of the implemented online crime reporting system interfaces in use as well as the
methodologies used in testing the application..

4.6.2 System Testing

System testing included the execution of online crime reporting system in so as to find out whether it
matches its specification and executes as per the design. The following testing modes were used to carry
out application testing of the online crime reporting system

a) User Testing
A reasonable number of users were selected at random to test the system interfaces and to comment on
the usability of the system.
c)Unit Testing
Each executable module of the system was tested for the desired functionality.
d) Module Testing
Each executable unit was integrated and tested as a module.
d) Functionality or System Testing
Online crime reporting system modules were incorporated and tested as a whole. The different modules
were integrated to come up with one functional system which was then be tested as a whole to make sure
that it meets the general objectives of the project.

5.1 summary of Results
The project was successful in implementing the objectives stipulated in earlier chapters. The online crime
reporting system offers a number of benefits to the intended users. The users are able to easily report their
crime online using either their computers in the shortest time possible and the System Administrators are
able to effectively manage the entire crime reporting system
Some of the graphical results generated from the system are discussed below:

5.2 Limitations

The Researchers faced a number of limitations in the course of this project development as
enumerated below:
The timeline imposed for the project duration limited the extent to which we could carry out the necessary
research as we also have to divide the available time with other course units in the course of the semester.

The Researchers also experienced difficulties eliciting the System requirements from the various
stakeholders of police stations as some of them were not readily available on the scheduled interview

The researcher also experienced difficulties in generating size of the products due to variations in the
sizes of customers so in that case size was left out.

The unstable internet connection limited the amount of research information that would be
access to help with the Research Project.

5.4 Recommendations
The Ministry of Defense in Uganda does not have an application that can aid users who are newly joining
the crime reporting system to report crimes and details concerning the criminal cases. Adopting the online
crime reporting system will effectively help the users to be report their crimes online, view wanted
criminals and also view safety tips and news and to the other side police patrols will be stopped since
crimes committed are reported directly online this will reduce on the crimes committed and also saves

Further research is recommended to widen the scope of this application to include the following:

The system should be extended to allow users to register online and also be able to report crimes

It should be extended to provide crime galleries where numerous crime photos can be viewed by

The System should be extended so that even mobile phone users can access it via internet.

5.3 Conclusion
In the modern world, the use of computers and Mobile phones is becoming rampant. More so, recent
developments in the ICT Industries has revolutionized and consequently brought about a paradigm shift in
the way activities are accomplished. As a result the, crime reporting system needs to embrace these new
technologies. This report has presented a simple, convenient, cost-effective, but efficient online crime
reporting system with a user-friendly, sensitive and intelligible web interface. Whereby it can be accessed
at any time provided there is internet connection.


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Appendix A
A.1 Interview Script

The main reason for this interview was to obtain a profile of the some of the stakeholders (students) who
use the manual system of finding universities and courses, how the this finding is done, to assess students
satisfaction with the manual system and to find out whether a computerized system was needed. All
possible problems with the current (manual) system were found and thereafter devised a solution to
improve the students searching experience for courses and universities.


Are you interested in reporting crimes online?

2. Do you have enough information concerning the crime you are reporting?
3. How do you obtain the information concerning your crimes?
4. Does it take you long to obtain the necessary information about criminals?
5. Does it cost you much to obtain the necessary information about crimes?
6. Are you interested in doing any crime reporting online?
7. Do you have enough information concerning the crime you want to report?
8. Do you know how to report the crime online?
9. Are you reporting the crime the way you wanted?
10. Are you satisfied with the manual way of reporting a crime?
11. Do you see any need for improving the current system of reporting the crimes?
12. What do you think should be done to improve the current system?
13. Would you recommend the reporting of the crime using the aid of an online system?

All the answers to these questions were combined with other techniques described earlier in the report
and this actually provided valuable information for the research project.

Appendix B

Sample User Interfaces

B.1 Online crime reporting system main interface

B.2 Admin Login Interface

B.3 Admin Home Interface

B.4 police station Login Interface

B.5 New user registration

B.6 creating police station

B.7 user Login Interface

B.8 crime reporting interface

B.9 user edit profile

B.10 users view wanted criminal

Appendix C

Sample Source Code (New user registration)

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>User Registration</title>

<link href="styles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">

<style type="text/css">
<!-.style4 {color: #0000FF}
.style5 {
font-size: 24px;
color: #0033FF;


<table width="800" height="600" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0"

cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" vspace="0">
<td height="55" colspan="2"><img src="images/BANNNA12.JPG" width="832"
height="127" /></td>
<td height="30" valign="top"> <div id="menu" align="center">

<li> <a href="index.php" >Home</a></li>
<li><a href="#" >Contact</a></li>
<li><a href="#" >About</a></li>


<td height="470" valign="top"> <form action="" enctype="multipart/form-data"
name="myForm" id="myform" method="post">
<table width="560" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0"
cellspacing="3" bgcolor="#FFFFCC" class="slideshow2" >

<td height="31" colspan="4"><div align="center" >
if (isset($_POST['fname'])) {

include ("config.php");

$fname = ucwords(strtolower($fname));
$lname = ucwords(strtolower($lname));

$residence = ucwords(strtolower($residence));
$bday = trim($_POST['month']).'/'.trim($_POST['day']).'/'.trim($_POST['year']);
if(!$lname or !$fname or !$sex or !$phone or !$ss or !$residence or !$pass ){
echo "<font color='red'>Error: All Entries are required to be fielded. Please fill
else if(!eregi("^[A-Za-z]+$", $lname)){
echo "<font color=red >ERROR:Invalid last Name</font>";}
else if(!eregi("^[A-Za-z]+$", fname)){
echo "<font color=red >ERROR:Invalid First Name</font>";
else if(eregi("^[0-9]+[ ]+[0-9]", $lname) or eregi("^[0-9]+$", $lname)){
echo "<font color=red >ERROR:Invalid Last Name</font>";
else if(eregi("^[0-9]+[ ]+[0-9]", $fname) or eregi("^[0-9]+$", $fname)){
echo "<font color=red >ERROR:Invalid First Name</font>";
else if(!preg_match('/^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{3}$/', $phone))
echo "<font color=red >ERROR:Invalid Phone Number (Please use the format 0000000-000)</font>"; }
echo "<font color='red'>Password and Confirm Password don't match.</font>";

else if(!eregi("^[a-z0-9_-]+[a-z0-9_.-]*@[a-z0-9_-]+[a-z0-9_.-]*\.[a-z]{2,5}$",
echo "<font color='red'>Invalid E-Mail Address</font>";

$check_mail = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM user WHERE email = '$email'") ;

$user_exist = mysql_num_rows($check_mail);

if($user_exist >0){
echo "<font color='red'>Email Address is Already in Use.</font>";

$check_user = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM user WHERE phone = '$phone'") ;

$user_exist = mysql_num_rows($check_user);

if($user_exist >0){
echo "<font color='red'>Phone Number is already registered.</font>";

$query= mysql_query ("INSERT INTO

ay','$pass')") or die (mysql_error());

// Place image in the folder

$rR_Id = mysql_insert_id();
$pId = mysql_insert_id();
$newname = "$rR_Id.jpg";
$idname= "$pId.jpg";
move_uploaded_file( $_FILES['fileid2']['tmp_name'], "user_photo/rgids/
move_uploaded_file( $_FILES['fileField']['tmp_name'], "user_photo/

echo "<p><font color=blue align='center' >THANKS FOR REGISTERING: $fname

echo "<p><font color=black align = 'center'>You have successfully created an
echo "<font color=black> Your name is: $fname &nbsp; $lname </font>";

echo "<p><font color=black> Email: $email</font><br /></p>";

echo "<p><font color=black align ='center'>You can now login to our official
website as a User </font> <a href='user.php'>login Now</a></p>";


<div align="center"class="style5"> Please fill up the following form
for registration: </div></td>

<td width="219" height="34"><div align="right" id="contact_us">First
<td colspan="3"><input type="text" name="fname" id="txtbox" value="<?
php echo $fname; ?>" />
<div align="center" id="contact_us">
<div align="left" class="style4"></div>
<td height="37"><div align="right" id="contact_us">Last
<td colspan="3"><input type="text" name="lname" id="txtbox" value="<?
php echo $lname; ?>" />
<div align="left" class="style4"
<td height="34"><div align="right" id="contact_us">Phone :</div></td>
<td colspan="3"><input type="text" name="phone" id="txtbox" value="<?
php echo $phone; ?>"/></td>
<td height="25"><div align="right" id="contact_us">Email:</div></td>
<td colspan="3"><input type="text" name="email" id="txtbox" value="<?
php echo $email; ?>"/>
<td height="40"><div align="right" id="contact_us">Profile Picture
<td colspan="3"><input type="file" name="fileField" /></td>
<td height="26"><div align="right"

<td colspan="3"><label>
<input type="text" name="residence" id="txtbox" value="<?php echo
$residence; ?>" />
<td height="42"><div align="right" id="contact_us">Gender</div></td>
<td colspan="3"><p>
<input type="radio" name="sex" value="Male" id="RadioGroup1_0" />
<br />
<input type="radio" name="sex" value="Female" id="RadioGroup1_1" />
<br />
<td><div align="right" id="contact_us">Password:</div></td>
<td colspan="3"><input type="password" name="pass" id="txtbox"
<td height="21"><div align="right" id="contact_us">Confirm Password:

<td colspan="3"><input type="password" name="cpass" id="txtbox"

<td height="10"><div align="right" id="contact_us">Marital

<td colspan="3"><select name="marital" id="txtbox" >

<td height="40"><div align="right" id="contact_us">Secret question
<td colspan="3"><input type="text" name="ss" id="txtbox" value=""/>
In case you forget the password</td>

<td height="11"><div align="right" id="contact_us">Date of
<td width="71"><select name="month" id="txtbox">
$N = 13;
for($i=1; $i < $N; $i++)
echo '<option>'.$i.'</option>';
<td width="65"><select name="day" id="txtbox">

$N = 32;
for($i=1; $i < $N; $i++)
echo '<option>'.$i.'</option>';
<td width="188"><select name="year" id="select">
$N = 2020;
for($i=1940; $i < $N; $i++)
echo '<option>'.$i.'</option>';
<td colspan="3" rowspan="2"><input type="submit" name="Submit"
id="btn" value="Finish Registration" /></td>
<td height="30">&nbsp;</td>


<td height="70" class="footer"><div>
<div align="center">Designed by Muwanga Yunusu:2015
<div align="center">



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