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Minorities Problem And Its Solution: Prof Balraj Madhok

Minorities problem is linked with the building up of nation-states. In a nationstate exists a national society, whose constituents have feelings of ownness with
the land and the culture of that nation based on emotional attachment and
common beliefs, and they are always prepared to sacrifice everything for
protecting the nation-state. The national community rules over the nation-state,
and the country as well as nation are known by the name of that society. In such
states there are some elements or sections of people, who are less in number
and different from the national community in respect of language, race or
religion, and they are called minorities of that nation-state. Thus the question of
minorities arises only in that nation-state, where the majority community is
regarded the nation of the state. Where no specific community enjoys
recognition in the form of the nation, the question of recognising any other
community as minorities does not arise at all.
The United Nations Commission on Human Rights in 1950 had defined minorities
as below:
`Only those communities other than the ruling national community can be
termed as minorities, who want to have a language, religion or race different
from the language, religion and race of the national community. It is essential for
being recognised as minorities that they should be sufficient in number and their
constituents should be faithful to the nation in which they live.'
All nation-states are expected to grant equal legal and human rights to such
minorities, and not to practise any sort of discrimination against them. The
U.N.O. lays stress on it. But in actual practice, the attitude and approach of
several nation-state towards the minorities is not alike.
Linguistic Minorities
Among three types of minorities, the problem of linguistic minorities is not
complicated. In various states they have to adopt the national language, but
arrangements for the study and teaching of their separate languages are also
made. Where the script is common, it is very easy for the minorities to study
their language and the national language together.
As the Roman script has been adopted for all languages of Europe, there is no
problem, as such, of linguistic minorities in those states. The national language is
used for official purpose. But where the community having a separate language
has a specific and big area, their language can be used in the local

Racial Minorities
The problem of racial minorities is more complicated than the problem of
linguistic minorities. Racial characteristics are manifested on face, features and
colour. It is impossible to remove them.
But the racial minorities can be brought nearer to the national community on the
basis of inter-caste and inter-race marriages, common language and religion.
U.S.A. represents a good example of this type.
Religious Minorities
The problem of religious minorities, particularly muslim religious minorities, is
the most complicated. Religion being the foremost centre of their faith and the
contentions of Islam being "Millat and Kufr", "Dar-ul- Harb", their peaceful coexistance based on equality with non-muslims has not been possible anywhere in
the world.
Where muslims are in majority, or where governmental power is in their hands,
their attitude towards the non-muslims is oppressive. Where they are in minority,
their attitude is disruptive. This thing applies to some extent in the case of
followers of other semetic-religions - Christianity and Jewism also. But the jews
have since concentrated themselves in Israel alone, and a large part of Christians
have since modernised and humanised their religion to some extent.
There has been some difference in the approach of democratic countries and
communist countries in regard to minorities. Democratic countries like U.S.A. and
U.K. have adopted the Hindu principle of Equality of treatment for all religions.
They allow equal concessions to the followers of all ways of worship and provide
common law and equality before law to all citizens in their countries. As such,
those states are in practice secular or unconcerned with religion, although they
are declared or undeclared Christian states. But such states also are specially
alert in respect of muslim minorities, because the Christian population and rulers
of those states better understand the true nature of Islam. There are historical
reasons behind it. World wide conflicts continued for centuries between Christian
and Islam. After the First World War, when Islam had become a very weak
political power, and communism had emerged as a new challenge to Christianity
and democracy, the conflict between Islam and Christianity had slightly come to
a stand still. Communism had taken the place of Islam. Communism and
communist countries had become the first target of Christianity and Christian

That situation is now changing. Ideological base and behaviour of communism

and communist countries are undergoing a sea change. Democracy and
humanism are again emerging there and Christianity is again gaining ground
there. For that reason, atmosphere of co-operation is prevailing instead of
conflicts raging between them. On the other hand, increasing power of muslims
and Islamic countries due to Petro-Dollar factor and Islamic fundamentalism
prevailing in muslim countries like Pakistan and Iran, and spread of fanaticism,
old conflict between Islam & Islamic countries on one hand, and Christianity &
Christian countries on the other hand, had again started. Rushdie episode has
made a special contribution to the re-start of this conflict. Christian majority
nation-states in Europe are realising that the first centre of faith of muslims is
only Islam and Islamic countries. Therefore, their loyalty is being doubted. I had
this experience in U.S.A. I went to see a black muslim leader in Chicago. I had my
guide Roosewelt junior with me. That black muslim leader talked in the same
fashion as Maulana Bukhari or Shahabuddin talk in India. He described a
separate nation of black muslims and claimed that a separate countries should
be carved out of U.S.A. and declared as a muslim state. On return after seeing
him, I told Roosewelt that "when muslim population in U.S.A. goes up to about
10%, you will be able to appreciate the gravity of our muslim problem." His
reaction was very emphatic and startling that "We are not like Hindus. We shall
crush these muslims before they reach that stage." No nation wants that the
disruptive or disintegrating forces should flourish in their countries.
Communists are more alert and conscious about their minorities than the
democratic Christian countries. They endeavour to completely assimilate
muslims and other linguistic, racial and religious minorities and integrate them in
the main stream of the nation, and such a situation is created that they are not
in a position to indulge in any kind of disruptive activity. Soviet Russia had in a
planned manner Russianised their minorities and also settled white Russians in a
large number in predominently muslim areas and states, so that it may serve as
an effective control over the secessionist and disruptive tendencies of muslims











Yugoslavia, Bulgaria and China have also adopted similar policy towards their
18%, 12% and 5% muslim minorities respectively. The main thrust behind this
policy has been that their population should not be allowed to increase. With that
end in view, all these countries have adopted special preventive methods.
It is being experienced in the communist countries that is not possible to bring
those muslims in the main stream of the nation and their loyalty cannot be relied
upon. Russian muslim militarymen posted in Afghanistan have startled Russia by
their behaviour. She had to withdraw her muslim militarymen from Afghanistan.
The secessionist movement erupted in Muslim majority state like Azerbaijan has

also startled communists. Now they are realising that muslims minorities are a
danger to the unity of Soviet Russia, Yugoslavia etc, communists countries.
Communities of Indian origin have a feeling to tolerance for various ways of
worship and persons following those ways. That is way they cannot adjust
properly with semetic religions, especially Islam being religiously dogmatic. But,
on account of their old Vaidik Hindu traditions they treated the semetic people
with the same feeling with which they used to see other religious of Indian
origion and their followers. That is why they were deceived and are still being
deceived. But after the partition of India in 1947, due to the ill-behaviour of
muslims with non-muslims in Cyprus, Lebanon, Pakistan, Bangla Desh, Thailand,
Philipines and re-emergence of muslim problem in divided India, many nationalist
and awakened Indians are also compelled to re-consider their approach about
the Islam and followers of Islam in India. The problem of minorities in India can
correctly be assessed and gauged and its solution found out only in the context
of the above mentioned facts and the happening in India, Pakistan, Bangla Desh
Minorities problem in India
Bharat or Hindusthan is a big and old country. It has several diversities of
languages, caste and religion. But inspite of these diversities, its origional
geographical and cultural unity is undisputed. Despite the fact that it was divided
politically in several states during different periods and remained under the
control of foreign rulers for a long time, its original unity remained intact.
From the point of view of race, language and culture, muslims in India are
inseparable constituents of the Hindu national society of India. The progeny of
foreigners - Arab and Turk muslims in India is not more than two percent in any
case. But, on account of the mentality of separatism created among muslims by
Islam and Quran, which was encouraged by British rulers for their imperialistic
designs and interests, they had raised demand for partition of the country.
Accounting to the census of 1941, muslims in British India were about 23%, and
the princely states whose total population was only one - third of the total
population of the country, percentage of muslims was less than 10%. Hence in
the total population of the country, muslim population was about 20% in 1947.
But, as a result of partition of the country, they got 30% of land of India. The
demand of separatism and secession was supported by almost the entire muslim
community. During the elections held in 1946, the main purpose of which was
Unity versus Partition, 93% muslim voters has voted in favour of partition and
Pakistan. The 7% muslims who voted against Pakistan, belonged to Sindh,
Frontier province and West Punjab. The Congressmen supporting their decision to

accept partition of the country used to say that it would provide a permanent
solution of the problem of muslim minorities in India. Gandhiji had then stated
that Muslims are not prepared to live in India along with Hindus. And for that
reason they had divided the land of the country, so that muslims may remain
happy in Pakistan and Hindus in Hindustan. But the expectation was not fulfilled.
Dr. B.R.Ambedkar had prepared a detailed scheme for the migration of
population of Hindus and Muslims from Pakistan and India on the analogy of such
migration of Muslim and Christian population held between Turkey and Greece,
which is written in his famous book "Thoughts on Pakistan". According to him, it
was a natural corollary of partition of India on the basis of two nation theory to
have Hindus and Muslims settled in separate countries. But the then leadership
of India, particularly Gandhiji and Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru were not prepared to
implement the same. At that time that was not a difficult task, because the
number of Hindus left in Pakistan and Muslims in divided India was almost equal.
Two and half crore Hindus were left in Pakistan, while the same number of
muslims was left in the partitioned India.
In such circumstances and conditions it was appropriate and essential for both
the nation-states to mutually decide to provide similar treatment to the Hindu
and muslim minorities left in Pakistan and India. But such a reasonable and
practical step was not taken. Had the rulers of Pakistan been told clearly that the
muslim minorities in India would be mated out with the same treatment which
would be mated out with Hindus in Pakistan, most probably their behaviour and
attitude would have been different from what it was. Thus the minorities in both
the countries would have received equal relief. But unfortunately that was not
During the last 43 years, Pakistan sought of the Hindus minorities problem in
that country by resorting to forcible conversion their exodus from Pakistan. In
1947, Hindu population in Pakistan was 23%. Now Hindu population in Pakistan is
not even 1%. The same position prevailed in the East Pakistan, now called
Bangla Desh. Her Hindu population consisting of Vaishnavas, Buddhists etc, was
about 33%, which has since been reduced to less than 10%, and the remaining
Hindus are also counting their days of stay in that country. How unfortunate has
been the plight of Hindus in Pakistan & Bangla Desh!
On the other hand, the Muslim minority problem in the divided India again
assumed the same proportion which existed before 1947. Their population had
increased to four times. In the census of 1981, their population reached the mark
of 8 crores. In fact, the situation had become more grave than what is was in
1947, because some political parties are also now supporting the cause of this

minority community for catching their votes, apart from the support they
received from Pakistan, Bangla Desh and other Islamic countries on the basis of
religion. In Kashmir valley, where they are in majority, they are emitting poison
and hatred against India, and they are working upon a conspiracy to create
another Islamic state by increasing their population. They are again indulging in
creating riots in several places as they did before 1947, and they are increasing
their secessionist demands in progression. The secessionist tendencies of
muslims have cast their adverse effect also on some Christians and haired Sikhs.
The minorities problem has thus again raised its ugly head and the country is
moving towards a new disintegration and division.
The divided India can be proud of the fact that it has behaved very well with the
minorities according to her Hindu traditions and culture.
Four time increase in the population of muslims in divided India is a concrete and
unrebuttable proof of this fact. But, still the muslim leaders are indulging in
making false propaganda in the entire world that they are being meted out with
ill and inhuman treatment in India. In this manner India is being beaten on both
ends. The national community of India - Hindus are feeling insecure within their
own country, and on the other hand Hindus are being defamed in the whole
world by the muslim minorities. This is a dangerous situation in which we have
been placed by following unrealistic policies.
It has now become Imperative and essential to improve the situation and to find
out a solution of this grave problem, consistent with reason and national
interests and based on the experiences of other countries in regard to their
problem of minorities. For that purpose, following suggestions need serious
consideration :1. For stopping false propaganda being carried on against India in the world,
it is necessary that correct information be supplied to the world. As such, it
will be appropriate for the Government of India to issue white paper in
regard to the minorities in India at the earliest possible, in which the
statistics in regard to the position of the minorities in undivided India that
existed before 1947, and other relevant information be made available.
The population of the minorities in divided India and Pakistan during post
1947 period and other related information should also be given. Similarly
the detailed position of Hindu minorities in Bangla Desh including their
population etc, should be mentioned. Such a white paper will not only
check effectively the wrong propaganda being made against India, but will
also prove helpful in reaching an objective understanding of the minorities

problem in India as well in finding out a realistic and practical solution of

this grave problem.
2. In addition, it will have to be emphatically, made clear as to which is the
national community in India. Muslims have already got a separate country
by declaring themselves as a separate nation. Hence the muslims left in
India should have no hesitation to accept that India is a Hindu nation and
Hindus are its national community.
3. Muslims who did not got Pakistan at the time of the partition of India,
should remain loyal to India and they should live like other loyal citizens in
India, abandoning their demand of separation. In this matter by
government of India, statesmen and political parties are duty bound and
responsible to stop encouraging muslim separatist tendencies for their
petty party interests, and also stop talking of special rights to muslims and
other minorities, and thus stop appeasement of muslim minority for ever.
For this purpose, the following things are necessary to be done :-

(A) Articles 21,30 and 370, which are discriminatory being in favour of
minorities should be abrogated from the constitution of India. Such
provisions be made in the constitution that no discrimination between the
citizens of India will be made by the Government on the basis of religions
or methods of worship.

(B) There should be common law for all citizens in India. Article 44 of the
constitution should at once be implemented for the purpose. Such
provisions contained in the Muslim personal law which go against the
constitution of India and humanity, be declared illegal, unlawful and

(C) All citizens should be equal before law. Muslim women should also be
given the same rights as are given to Hindu women.

(D) Granting full freedom of the ways of worship to muslims and other
minorities, they should be inspired and expected to have their first faith in
the land of India and culture of our nation.

(E) Such muslims and other minorities who are not prepared to abjure their
separatist tendencies should be declared foreigners, and they should be
divested of the right of franchise.

When the muslims of Iran feel proud of linking themselves with the Pre-Islam
entities of Iran like Rustam, Sohrab, Shahnama and other Iranian things, there is
no reason why the muslims in India, 98% of whom are progenies of their Hindu
ancestors, should not link themselves with Ram, the greatest son of Hindustan.
Muslims who want to link themselves with a brute foreigner-invader Babar, their
loyalty to the country and nation should be treated doubtful.
It is the duty of the rulers of the country to clearly tell the muslims that the
discriminatory and inhuman policy adopted by Pakistan and Bangla Desh against
minorities in those countries was not adopted by India against her minorities, nor
will it be adopted in future. But at least this much expectation shall be had from
the muslims that they do not ride on two boats and that they live in India,
Bharat, Hindustan like Hindus having full faith in the Indian Hindu nation and
culture by thought, deed and speech, and not live here like Pakistanis,
Bangladeshies or Arabs.
While granting freedom of conviction of religion and method of worship, the
muslims and other religious minorities should be told clearly that religion or ways
of worship shall remain confined to their personal lives. There is not relevance of
minorities commission and minorities institution in the field of education. The
Minorities Commission should be wound up. In its place a commission on Human
Rights should be set up and minorities' educational institutions should function
under common rules. Laws and rules should be common for all central
universities including Aligarh Muslim University, and no discrimination should be
allowed in favour of minorities.
So far as the question of linguistic minorities is concerned, there is no specific
problem about it in India. Most of the Indian languages are the off-shoots of
Sanskrit language, and other language contain abundant words Sanskrit. If
Devanagari script is adopted as an alternative script for all these languages, and
special stress laid on the study and teachings if Sanskrit language, there shall be
no problem of linguistic minorities in India.

Fortunately no special problem of racial minorities exists in India. The people

living in eastern states have some effect of Mangol race, but the Buddhist stream
of Hindu community has assimilitated them with India to a great extent. Foreign
Christian Missions are trying to disrupt that oneness. Effective control and check
on their activities in this regard is essential.
The above given picture is based on facts and the suggestions made are
reasonable and practicable. Secularism or equal treatment for all religions have
certain well established norms throughout the world as also in the constitution of
India. There are as given below
1. The state shall not discriminate against its citizens on the basis of religion
or ways of worship.
2. Common Laws shall be enforced for all citizens.
3. All citizens shall be equal before law.
It is a matter of great concern that during the last 43 years the policies are
actions of the Government of India have been to openly flout and violate these
principles. As a result, India did not remain secular in practice, but has become a
state inclined towards one particular minority religions by special rights to
minorities, especially muslims, at the cost of the interests of the national
community. It cannot, therefore rightly be termed as a secular state.
For making India truly secular, laws and constitution of India should be based on
Hindu ideals. Hindus recognise relevance of ethos and ways of worship adopted
by its followers. That is why Hindu state never became a theocratic state in its
entire history of thousands of centuries. In the Hindu state, minorities were
meted out with treatment of equality and it will continue that same in future
also. Entire history of Hindus is its proof. As such, there is no reason or cause for
the minorities to oppose or come in conflict with Hindu nation and Hindu nationstate of Bharat, i.e. Hindusthan.
Therefore, it is the need of the hour that thinkers, intellectuals, philosophers,
statesmen and politicians in India appreciate and assess the minorities problem
in India in the light of the world history and the experience of other countries as
also the past and present happenings of undivided and divided India, Pakistan &
Bangla Desh. They should recognised India as a nation-state and Hindu
community as the national community of India, and openly adopted and declare
Hindus as Hindu Nation. Only then they will be able to follow a correct policy
towards minorities and protect the unity and integrity of India and India's

national community of Hindus, otherwise the unity and integrity of India are in
great peril. (Translation by Shyam Lal Kohil)
Israel's (Jews) experience of India
While most of the jews came to Israel (from countries other than India) driven by
persecution, discrimination, murder and attempts at total genocide, the jews of
India came (to Israel) because of their desire to participate in the building of the
third Jewish Common-wealth, because of their unshakable belief in the
redemption of Israel. Throughout their long sojourn in India, no where and at no
time were they subjected to intolerance, discrimination or persecution. "Indian
Jews in Israel" (Published by the Israel Consulate General) Hindu mind is broad,
not fundamentalist Hindus cannot be fundamentalist, because it has never been
their mode of thinking to have faith only in one way of worship or only one book
or only one prophet or priest, and hatred against all others.
Shri Bala Saheb Deoras
"The theory of Hindu nation meets the requirements of all criteria. It is supported
and confirmed from all angles- reason, history and experience. This principle is
the basic thought of India, it is her soul. This all- embracing, all-assimilating
principle is India's special characteristic - it is her force. Just as the act of treating
a saint's dead body as a saint, or treating a king's cropse as a king, is a foolish
act, similarly to call Bharat divested of this element as Bharat will be an indicator
of ignorance.
Shri Bala Saheb Deoras Replies
Qun. Is it not more difficult to make the people understand the concept of Hindu
nation than that of the Bharat-iya nation?
Ans. Yes, it may be difficult in the case of those people who have taken it for
granted that the national life of India started only after the arrival of Britishers in
India. But once they come to accept that ours is an old nation and our national
life-stream has been flowing since the past thousands of years, they will have to
admit that is the Hindu Nation.
Qun 2. Will the resurgence of the Hindu nation not amount to new birth of
several blind traditions of the past and tantamount to obscurantism?
Ans. In fact this is a very delicate and difficult issue for the supporters of
consolidation of Hindus. We have great pride of our Dharma and culture. Many of
our things are worthy of feeling proud. The thinkers and philosophers of the

world have given highest respect to the philosophy and values of life as
propounded in India, and called them capable of providing a very valuable
contribution to the world peace and welfare humanity. These values have proved
to be true and worthwhile on the occasions of hard trials amidst attacks on our
country and historical and political upheavels which continued for a long time.
Naturally we feel that these ever- lasting life-principles and values should be
protected at all cost.
But it is quite clear in our mind that while defending and keeping in tact this
glory and self-respect, this type of thinking that all that is old is good and useful
will not work. Not only this, our ancestors also had a clear vision about it, as it
emphatically stated -"One who drinks saline water simply because that well was constructed by his
force-fathers, is coward and fool hardy."
This type of blind faith will not benefit any one. Hence there is no reason, no
justification for sticking to the worn-out, obsolete, anti-social and time-discarded








No uninhabited part of land can be called nation. The land on which people of a
particular race, specific religion and traditions and specific history live is called a
nation. And that nation is known by the name of those people.
England is the country of the Englishmen, France of the French people and
Germany of the German people. The people of these countries gladly declare this
fact. But the Hindus - owners of this unfortunate Hindustan - do not dare to call
themselves as Hindus and owners of this country. This country was named
Hindusthan after the name of our great Hindu community.

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