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INDIAN SOCIETY OF HEATING REFRIGERATING AND AIR-CONDITIONING ENGINEERS HVAC Handbook tLe Part 1 - Air Conditioning 9 9 9 Oo oO oO 9 oO Oo DEDICATED ‘TOTHE ADVANCEMENT OF 9 ‘THE AC & R PROFESSION AND INDUSTRIES 9 9 oO ISHRAE has compiled this publication with care, but the appearance of any technical data or editorial material in this publication does not constitute any endorsement, oO warranty, or guaranty by ISHRAE of any product, service, process, procedure, design, or the like. ISHRAE does not warrant that the Information in this publication Is free of errors. The oO entire risk of the use of any information in this publication is assumed by the user. ) Comments, criticisms and suggestions regarding the subject matter are invited. Any errors, : of omissions in the data should be brought to the attention of the Editor. Oo Oo 0 O Oo INDIAN SOCIETY OF HEATING, REFRIGERATING & AIR-CONDITIONING ENGINEERS O Head Quarters: K-49, Kailash Colony, New Delhi- 110.048, oO Bangalore Chapter: 289C, 38th Cross, Jayanagar IV Block, Bangalore - 560 011 oO V First Edition - 1997 ‘Second Print - 1997 oO Third Print - 2000 v oO v Kin Feeinsnn Se Derg Engineer Crure) | FOREWORD ‘Today our dream child ISHRAE crosses a milestone. For decades, HVAC engineers all over India have been guided only by ASHAAE Handbooks, which contain a wealth of information on Fundamentals, and on EquipmenvMaterials available in the Westar Countries. Inthe absarice of any authentic infor- ‘mation we have had to extrapolate the published information to suit our requirements. Having been a teacher and consuiting engineer for more than 35 years, | have personally endeavored to assimilate reliable data for India. ‘What has waited more than 50 years, has been accomplished by ISHRAE Bangalore Chapter through ‘one year of dedicated hard work by a team of five eminent engineers. | salute them on their Incredibleachievement. ‘The HVAC Handbook 1997 creates History. Just as we wonder In awe at the architects of the Consti- tution of india 60 years ago, generations to come will admire and feel a deep sense of gratitude for the brilliant team which has compiled the first ever HVAC Handbook. The students; the researchers, the professors, the consulting engineers, the manufacturing engineers, the sales engineers and tha work- ers on the floor will all benefit immensely from the authentic data and guidelines contained in the Handbook. | am honored and humbled in sharing this Moment of Glory for ISHRAE and for HVAC Engineers Fraternity in India. ) Dr, Prem C Jain eiaausberkers'shnown ; President Emeritus - ISHRAE Buca yeh. ) aM CNC ) ) ARO } Pr ; V ) av ce Eo ‘ o~ Pra : L% si BY 2 Ql, & PREFACE The project of bringing to you this handbook has taken a year of hard workby the Editorial Committee, to bring to you data compiled from many sources into one handy volume. The contents of this Handbook will be useful to all air-conditioning personnel whether they are technicians or senior engineers. The contents have been presented in the form of tables, graphs and thumb rules to serve as a Handbook and not text book. This Handbook covers only the basics. It does not cover Equipment, applica- tions and systems etc, The Handbook has been presented in IP units, which Is followed by and large by HVAC technical personnel, Recently published data has been presented in SI units. Conversion to SI units or vice-versa can be done using conversion tables provided in the handbook. The contents of this Handbook has been decided after considerable deliberations by the committee, There can be diverse views, opinions and convictions from users and experts, but the committee in its wisdom has shaped the Handbook hoping that it will give maximum benefit to the user. Any suggestions from the users will be most welcome, so that the next volume can be improved. The data given in this Hand Book have been collected from various Manufacturer's leaflets, Instruction booklets, Standard text books, Indian and other international Standards. The Hand Book committee gratefully acknowledges the varlous sources from which the information has been taken. In a compilation comprising essentially voluminous data, it is inevitable that errors will be found. The committee appreciates feed back from the users. Lastly, the Handbook has been designed so that the AC & R personnel fiave a source of information which will be handy, light and easy to carry and will serve as a ready reference for day to day work. The committee hopes that these objectives have been met. N. RAGHURAM Editor - Handbook ISHRAE HANDBOOK COMMITTEE R.V. Simha G.V. Rao T. Hari Rao P.V. Balasubramanian N. Raghuram - Editor ) CONTENTS 7. SECTION-1 - Design Data, Psychrometrics, |AQ and Comfort QO Tablo1 Outside design data RAAIOR 12 Table 2 Typical Inside conditions - industdal RASOR 14 ) Table 3 Corrections in outdoor design temperatures for time of day RAs Table 4 Corrections in outdoor design temperaturas for time of yes Ris ) ‘Table S ~ Over-all factors for solar heat gain through glass RAT ) Tabla Transmission Co-eificient U - Windows PAz Tabla7 Solar heat gain through ordinary glass PAB to P 1.40 ) Table ——Thormal resistance R - Bullding & Insulating materials RAAT OP 1.13, Table 9 —- Equivalent temperature difference for walls, Bid ) Tabla 10 Equivalent temperature alilerance for roots, P18 ) ‘Table 14 Corrections to equivalent temperature difference R15 Table 12 Hat gain from people P16 ) ‘Table 13 Typical bypass factors (Colls) R146 Table 14 Typleab bypass factors (Applications) BAG ) Table 18 Apparatus dewpoint RAAT 10 1.48 “ Heat load estimate form R120 ) Chart 1 —_Psychrometric Chart Normal temp. (IP) P24 ) Chart 2 Psychrometrle Chart Low temp.(iP) R122 Chait Peychrometrle Chart High temp.(1P) R123 ) Chait 4 —_-Psychrometric Chart Normal temp.(S!) R126 Chart —_Psychrometrie Chart Low temp.(S!) R125 > - Psychrometrie formulas P.1.26 10.7. 1.28 Table 16 Relative density of alr at various Temp, R129 : ‘Table 17 Relative density of air at various altitudes: 120 ) Table 18 Standard atmospheric data P1429 Table 19 Dow point in Deg. C 1.30 > Table 20 Temperature convertor P.1.30 Table 21 Relative humialty in percent P.1.80 ) Charts Comfort Chart P31 ) Table 22 Desirable wind speeds for thermal comfort conditions. P18 ‘Table 25 Desirable wind speeds Tor just acceptable warm conditions Pat ) Table 24 Beaufort scale of wind force with velocity equivalents P1g2 Table 25 Equivalent wind chili temp. of cold environment Po1ae Oo Table 26 National ambient alr quailty standards P33 Table 27 General emission standards R136 > Table 28 US ambiont air quality standards 7.1.88 ) Table 20 Guldetinas for concentration limiis of selected air contaminants of Indoor origin 1.35 Table 30 Sources, possible concentrations and indoor to outdoor concentration ratios P1495 ) ‘of some indoor pollutants . Table 31 Generation of gaseous pollutants by building materials, 1.36 ) Table 22 Typical outdoor concéntrations of selected gaseous air pollutant P1.36 Table 33 Total body emissions of some gaseous pollutants from humans. P98 > Table 34 CO, level measurements In Delhi (by ASHRAE India Chapter) in 1994 R187 ) Table 35 Speciiic causes, contributions to IAQ-rslated problem 1.87 Table 96 ASHRAE Standard 62-89 : P.1.98 to P. 1.99 J Table 37 Storage requirements & properties of perishable products P.1.40 10 R149 Table $8 Storage conditions for cut flowers and nursery stock Pat ) Contents. 2 ISHRAE Handbook |) ) - Soma relationships in religeration caletations 7.14510 P 1.48 Table 39 Estimates of sarvice lives of varlous system components: P1467 ) SECTION -2 - Air Ducts - Design, Materials and Installation ) ~ CGlassiiation of duets Pad ; - Fan Laws pes . Table 1 Recommended Max. duct veloctes for low veloc eysteme P22 ) Table 2 Occupied zone room air velocito Raz Table 3 Recornmendad design velocities for HVAC components R22 ) Table4 Recommended outlet veloctos Paz : "Chart 4 Duet friction chart Res ‘Tabla S Duct material rougtiness factor Pe Chart2 _Fileion toss correction tector Pee Table 6A Circular equivalents of rectangular ducts P26 ) Table 6 18 655 - Shoat thickness and oinis P26 Table 7 18 277 - GI Sh P2e ) Table 8 Round ducts 1s 055 P26 ) Table 8 Class of GI coating P26 Table 10 Atlowable trapeze angio loads P27 ) Table 11 Rectangular duct hanger, commercial systems par Table 12 Velocity pressures p28 ) Table 19 Minimum duct seal levels p28 ; Table 14 Duct sea! lvots R20 Table 15 Aluminium Sheets Table 18 Cold rolled carbon steel sheots P29 Table 17 ghd PVC sheets R29 “Chart 3 Louver pressure drop P2410 Chart 4 Louver dampar leakage R210 Table 18 Louver Dampers P2410 Taba 19 Rolled steo! boams Paar Table 20 Rolled ste! channels Peat Table 21 Ste9! equal angles PRae Table 22 T Beams Peas Table 23 Stool fats Rew YFable 24 Round and Square steel bars Pets Table 25 Stoel rll sections Paid Table 26 Steel chequored platos Peta Table 27 Mild stool shoots Rate Table 26 Nominal woights of galvanised plan sheets Pats Table 29° Wire and sheet - meta! gauges P26 Table 30 Bolt and Nuts - Strength of whitwerth bots Pea7 Table31 —Strongth of Stee wires and cables pear Table 32 Strength of wire ropes PAT Fig. 2.1 Hanger attachments to structures Pose Flg-22 Upper attachment devices -typleal peste Fig. 2.9 Lower hanger atlachments: + P220 Fig.24 —Rlsor suppats- from tloor P22 Fig.28 Supports trom wall P22 Fig. 2.6 HVAC unl suspension ot cies pia Fig. 2.7. Traneverse (girth) joints R224 ISHRAEHandbook SECTION'- 3’ = Water and Steam Piping Chart!" Filion loss of closed piping systems Chart 2 "Friction loss of opan piping systems Table 1 Stee! pipe data Tobie 2 "Steel pipe data is -1230 Table S —- Appitcation of pipe, fitings & Valves Teble4 Steel pipe datas - 3589 Table S Manufacturers recommendations for plastic pipe materials Table Fitng tosses In Table 7 Special fing losses Table 8 Suggested Hanger spacing & rod size for straight horizontal rune Table 9 Valva losses in oquivalant metres of pipe Table 10 Fouling factors - Hardness of water Fig. Reverse return piping Fig. 2 Direct return water piping Fig. Reverse return headers with direct return sors Table 11 Recommended water velocity Table 12 Maximum water velocity to minimise erosion Table 19 Expansion of water Chat’ Pipe sizing (Steam) Table 14 Table 18 Lew pressure stoam systom plpe capacities Table 16 Medium pressure steam systam pipe capacities (30 Pig) - MS flanges Table O, E, F and H Table 17 —_Proparties of gasket materials - ‘Commonly used pump formula = Practical formulae for oaleulations Fig. 8.1 Fastenere & clamps Fig.8.2 Supporting. detalis for single pipe with insulation, Fig.8.9 Supporting dotalls for pipes Fig. 3.4 Chilled water pipes running below the ground level Fig. 8.5 Insulation detalls for pipes laid above groundiunderground Fig.9.6 Supporting detall for singe pipe with insulation Flg.3.7 _Typleat coll connection deals Fig. 3.8 Typleat coll connection detalle (2 colts) Fig. Typleal AHU connection with S-way diverting valve Fig.3.10 Typical condensor connection deta! Fig.3.11 Typical chiller connection detail SECTION - 4 - Refrigerant Piping Table 1 Test pressures for refrigerant piping Table 2 Compressor capacity ve. Line pressure drop Table3 Flow rates of refrigerants Table 4 Recommended ine velocities - Application & Design considerations Chart 1 Sizing of Suction lines, copper tubing A12 Chat2 Sizing of Hot gas lines, copper tubing R12 Chart 3 Sizing of Liquid lines, copper tubing R12 - Correction factors, copper R12 Pas ulvalent motres of pipe (screwed, welded, flared 8 brazed connactions)P. 3.6 P36 R37 p37 R37 P37 P38 P38 38 R38 P3e P39 R310 Pato Pan Patz P13 Rota Pate Pats Pate Raa R310. Rate P.3.20 Raat Rae R323 Ra24 R325 Contents. ) Contents,4 ISHRAEHandbook: ) Chart 4 Sizing of Suction nes, steel tubing R12 Pad Chart 5 Sizing of Hot gas fines, stool tubing R12 Raa ) Chart izing of Liquid tines, see! tubing PAZ Pas 7 had Correction factors, stee! R12 P48 7 Chart 7 Sizing of Suction ines, copper tubing R22 Rae ) Chart 8 Sizing of Hot gos lines, copper tubing AZ Pa Chart 9 Sizing of Liquid tines, copper tubing R22 Par ) - Correction factors, copper R22 Rar - Chart 0 Sizing of Suction lines, stec! tubing R22 P48 ) Chart 11 Sizing of Hot gas lines, stool tubing R22 P48 ) Chart 12 Sizing of Liquid tines, staal tubing R22 Pao ~ Correction factors, stool R22 P40 ) Table § Minimum Tonnage for Oil entrainment up suction risers, R12 P40 Table 6 Minimum Tonnage for OU enainment up suction risers, R22 Paso > Table 7 Minimum Tonnage for OH entrainment up hot gas tlsors, RY2 paat Table Minimum Tonnage for Oil entrainment up hot gas. Ratt , Table @ Fluid weight of Retigarant Piping Ratt ) Table 10 Suction dlscharge & lauld line capactios 134a Pasa Table 11 Suction discharge & Nquld tine capacttes for ammonia Pass ) Table 12 Copper tube data Rane Table 13 Steel tube data R495 ) Table 14 Copper tube - gauge detals PAs6 ) Table 15 Soft coppar.tubing Paar Table 16 P4a7 ) Fig. 4.1 10 P4418 to Flg.4.11 Schematic tustratons on retigarant piping practice F428 ) SECTION -5 - Refrigerants, Secondary Coolants & Lubricants ) Chart “History of efrigerants Psa : Table 1 Rottigarant propertioe Pot *Tablo2 HCFC phasocut schedule for US Psa ) “Tabie’S—ASHRAE Standard dealgnalon of revigarants R52 Table 4 Physiea preportos of retigeranta P6a > Table 5 Comparative rafrigarant performance per ton of refigeration Psa Table 6 ‘Comparative refrigerant performance par ton at various evaporating and Poa ) condonsing temperatures ) Table 7 UL - safety classification of roigerants and gases rss ‘Table 8 Safety classitication of refrigerants by ASHRAE PSS J Table 98 Elect of temperature on capacity P58 Tabs 10 Effect of temparsturd on theoretlal horse power per ton of rtrigration Pas ) el “Moisture in refrigerant systems P56 ‘Table 11 ‘Solubility of water in the liquid phase of refrigerants P56 ) ‘able 12 Pressure temperature tablos At1, R12, AZ2, R12, RIGda & A717 PBTIORSA Chant © Pressure enthalpy dlagram for R. 11 Rs. Chart’ Pressure enthalpy diagram for R. 12 P.6.10 ) Chait 4. Pressure enthalpy diagram for R. 22 Psat Chant'$ Pressure onthalpy dlagram for R. 129 pee Chart 6 Pressure enthalpy dagram for R. 1340 P69 : Chart 7 Pressure onthalpy dlagram for R717 P5.16 Table 13 Typical brine applications “p55 ‘ ISHRAE Handbook Contents. ‘Table 14 Brine proporties P55 Chart 8 Sodium chloride specitic gravity P6168 Chart § —Sodium-chloride specie hoat P87 Chart 10 Calcium chloride specife gravity P5618 Chart 11 Calctum chloride specitic he: R519 Chart 12 Ethylene glyco! specific gravity R620 Chart 13 Ethyleneeglycol specific heat P6521 Chart 14 Propylene glyco! specific gravity R522 Chart 1 Propylone glycol specific heat 5.23 Table 15 Recommended viscosity ranges for lubrleante, F524 Table 18 Mutual solubilty of refrigerants and mineral olls R524 Table 17 Typical properties of refrigerant lubricant R624 Table 18 Solubilty of water in liquid refrigerants R625 Tablo 19 Propertias of refrigeration olle and supplies P5258 Table 20. - Olls for compressors 5.26 SECTION-6 ~ Thermal insulation (Cold) Table 1 Comparison ot properties of thermal insulation materials P61 toREr - Calculation method of insulation thickness for preventing eurface condensation. P63 ~ Heat loss / gain through ducts Table 2 Maximum diferance between supply alr temperature and room daw point Pes ‘without condensing moisture on ducts (F) Chart! Duct heat gal / toss - Manutacturors recommended Insulation thickness Table 3 Phonolle Foam P66 Table 4 —_Expandad polystyrene Pes Table S ‘High density polyethylene er Table 6 Polyurethane Foam P67 Table 7 —_Nitele Foam for pipes Ree Table @ —_Nitile Foam for fat surfaces Pee SECTION -7 - Noise and Vibration ‘Tablert — Sout sources, wansmission palhs, and recommended noise rediction methode RTA Table 2 Sound pressuras scala . RTs Figure 1 International Standard’A, B & C - weighting curves for sound level meters Bra Table 3 Typleal sound pressure and sound pressure levels R72 Table 4 Subjective effect of changes in sound prossure levels broad band sounds R72 Tabla S Guidelines for determining equipment sound feveis in prosence of contaminating background nolee P72 Table — Typleal sound power outputs P72 Table 7 Combining two sound levels R72 Figure 2° Frequoncles at which dliferont types of mechanical equipment generally P72 ‘contro! sound spectra Figure 3 Frequency ranges of ikely sources of sound - related complaints R72 Table 8 Racommendad indoor design goals for alrconditioning system sound control R73 Table 9 Recommended ambient sound levels Australian Standards R73 Figure 4 Nolse criteria curves P73 Figure $ Room erfterla curves a7 Table 10 Recommended indoor design goals for airconditioning system contro! R74 Table 11 Maximum recommended supply and return alr veloitios to achieve specified RTA ‘ecoustic design criteria Contents, 6 ISHRAE Handbook . ’ ) » Table 12 Sound attonuation in unlined rectangular shoot metal dusts P74 Tabla 19 Insortion loss for acousticly lined croular duct wih 26 mm fibre gles tng Table 14 Insertion loss for acoustically tid elreular ducts with 50 mm fibreglass ining Table 18 Insertion toss for rectangular shost mete! ducte with 25 mm fibre glass lining ) Table 16 Insertion loss of untined and lined square eltows without turing vanes ; Table 17 Insertion loss for rectanguiar sheet metal ducts with 80 mm fibre glass ning Table 18 Insertion loss of untinad and tined square elbows with turing vance ) ‘Table 19 Transmission loss and insertion loss for typical construction ma Table 20 Insertion loss values for an ideal sod barior ) Figure 6 Nolse basrier Table 21 Octave band In which Blade Frequency Increment (BFI) occurs ) Tabie 22 Correction factor © for off peak operation (Fans). ) Table 23 Specific sound power levels & blade frequency Increments for vatous types of fans Table 24 Sampiecaleutation 0 Tablo 25 Typical noe favels produced by mechenical room equipment Table 26 Attenuation of miscellaneous items of equipment ) - Isolaoratficincy ; Figure 7 Bling woration criteria Figure 8 Vibration severity rating ) Table 27,28 Equipment vibration entena Table 29° Equipment vibration ertoia : ) Table 30 The natural frequency of an isolator as a function of stale detection Table 31 Recommended deflection ranges for common types of industrlal Isolators ) Table 32 Recommended spring diameters for tro standing springs ) Figuis’@ —Isolator natural fraquenclee and atfcionces Table 99 Gommon causes of vibration other than unbalance at rotation frequency ) able 04 Selection guide for vibration Isolation P72 ~ Notes fr Table 94 P7190 P75 ) Table 95 National Stendard on occupational nolse exposure tints P76 Table 36 Pumping system noise analysis guide P76 ) Table 37 Recommended ive length of lxible rubber and motel hove P7416 SECTION -8 - Electrical ) Table + Ready reckoner for DOL Stat motors Table 2. Ready reckoner for Star-Delta Start Motors. ) Table3 —_Recommonded capacitor ratings is Table 4 —_Erthing- Roady Reckoner Table S Currant ratings (AC) for 2,9, and 4 core, 60/1109 volts ) Table § Rating factors for vavaton in ambiont temperature Table 7 ating factors for variation in ground temperature ) fact of votage and frequency variaton on induction motor charactristics ‘Standard equations: } Compatison of Starters ; Tablo 12 Table 13. Table 14 Tablo 16 Table 16 Table 17 Details of motor protection Motor Types. Comparison of starting methods ‘Classitteation of motor insulating materials ‘Colour Identiication of cores of non flexible cables and blra conductors for tixed wring D 50S-W rectangutar bus bar current ratings Weight of GI Flav wire ‘ SiS ee aa ne tosh ) ) . ISHRAEHandbook Contents.7 , Table 18 — Walght of copper strips electrolytic grade. P86 ) Table 19 Capacitas of PVC consult Pes Table 20 Gross sectional aroas of sioal condult Pes ) Table 21 Sorvct factor for AC Induction motor Pee y SECTION -9 - Conversions and Tables A Table 1 81 Base & Supplementary Qty. & Units Pos y Table 2 Derived uns of SI which have special names, Ret y Table 3 Additional common darived 81 Unite Pas Tables 81 Protixes : Pot ) ‘Table § Conversion factors : US Customary & commonly used units to SI units, REZOROT Table § Alphabetical iting of common conversions Pestoren ) Table 7 Unite and Conversions commonly used in HVAC Pot ) Table. _ Conversion factors commonly used in HVAG Pars ) SECTION - 10 - 1S Codes and Standards - ‘AitCondltloning Equipment R104 ) - Chimneys P04 7 Electrical Wire & Cablos F108 ) - Earthing R101 ) a Fuses Pto4 ‘ = Motors P04 ) - Switehgoar & Controle Pt02 ~ Wiring Accassorles Pto2 > - Noise & Vibration P02 5 7 Pipe & Fitings R102 - Pump & Valvos R103 ) - Roltigorants & Lubricants R108 - Satoly F103 ) - ‘Sheotmetal work P04 = ‘Therma insulation Pt04 = ‘Ventilation P04 ) - International Codes & Practicd F105 10106 d SECTION -11 - Safety - Physical Injuries from mechanical causes Pant oy - Elacticalinjurlos & oloctiical safety rules Past. y re Injuries due to high pressure Pe - {Injuries due to buns & scalds rita ) ~ Injuries duo to rotigerant and other gases Pts - Fito fighing precauttons Pie ) - Precautions. against breathing toxle gas Pits ) SECTION - 12 - Glossary R124 0 J P1218 Section 1 ) . 7 ) Design Data, Psychrometrics 7 Indoor Air Quality & Comfort ae | am) ) ) ) d d ) > > ) ) 2 ._ Table - 1 Outside Design Data “Ait [Dally | Summer oF Winter ]]- Summer * ] iioraoon *@ | Winter Mts. |Rango| 08. WB. RH ba. 3, RH |] OB. We. WB. | DB. WB, bi * % : ‘Andhra Pradesh Kehinade 1687] 8 | 10 ]103 62 at [es 00 06 [6s o7 60 || 304 are 139 Wieyawada 10.5] 106] 24 |110 89 se | ee 2 60 | 5 49 65 || 42a aaa | saa 28 94 Vishakapatnam i742] 3| 1 [oe ez ¢ | or az a0 | 65 67 60 |! 33 306 278 | 103 190 Kurnool 1880 204 | 23 [108 go a0 | oa st 0 | 60 59 62 || eae s39 272 | 86 117 Hydorobad — 178] 646 | 4 [105 7@ a8 | os a1 a2 [ss a3 oo |] an mA 272 | 128 99 Notore —s4ar| a0] ae |t08 3. a5 fos a2 oo fos sv oo faze us 193 139 Assam Dig 2720} 106] 1 [eo 7 so | ox re 0 |se si 95 | a2e ze 28 | int 108 Gavhati 26.11) 8] [90 7 so | ee Be 78 | 52 47 6D 82.2 11 are W189 shitong 25.06] 1600] 14 Jes 71 80 | 74 10 a2 | a8 ae so |] 204 arr | asa 211 | aa 00 Biner Jamsnedpur 22.49| 120| a7 |110 78 26 | 90 #3 78 | 50 48 7 |] 499 256 | s22 20a | 100 78 Raven zany ess | a7 |100 62 a8 | as 78 76 fue 42 60 |] ove 278 | 209 258 Patna asar| 53] 28/108 78 28 [oo es 70 | 50 a4 eo |] azz 256 | 22 Gaya + zeao| ste] 25 [110 7 18 | 00 69 78] 50 «4 00 || sa 200 | a2e a was} e} 9 [oe 7 | os ot os les oo 75 |] a2 278 | 239 are | wos 56 Gujarat vamnagar 22.20 23] 20 100 ao as | os a1 az | ss 49 06 |] ozo 267 | 204 o72 | 20 04 Avmedaoas 20.02] 65] 26 |110 73 24 [oo a a2 | eo s1 60 || 430 ase | soz 158 109 Vadodorm zat] a4 26 |110 78 24 | se 7 68 | 60 49 se |! 40 256 | at1 201 | 100 61 szso| oar | a |oo re as [ez me 2 | ss o« 70 | ase 256 | 278 250 Mysore t2.e| 707} 21 f100 78 58 | 88 17 e@ | 60 60 70 |! 378 a6 | 204 250 Mangaloe 1282] 22] | o2 2 s5 [os a2 a8 |r 66 72'l] o56 78 | 24 oe | a1 170 | Balary__16.00} 440-} 20. }105_7720| 04 7880-65 —s0—70-|-40.8-26.0—|-s4¢—28.6-|-10.2-180-| Seigaum —sst| 753 29 [100-77 a5 | ae 77 eo | oa so 71 | ove aso | one 250 | 144 117 Raichur seta] «= [sor 70 29 | os ee foo ss co |f a7 os | a30 are | 156 122 Kora Koshihode —1s| =| «Jos a2 ss [as ae to | 72 ¢5 09 |! ase ere | one ara | 222 109 Gochin 968} 3/10 fos ez s8 }as ez 86 | 72 65 62 |] 350 278 | 205 278 | 222 108 Tonuvarinpwam 9.26 | 44|."45)} 92 20 oo | as ao ao [72 @5 69 || 290 267 | 204 as7 | 202 109 dosh 224s] 567] 90 Jt05 77 28 | 90.82 7m | 60 45 66] 411 250 | see are | wo 72 2146} 363 | 29 [108 76 2 [eo a 70 | 50 45 70 |! «ze 229 | 239 209 | 72 50 24} ap0 | 25 [110 7 22 [se 80 os | 50 4 7 || 40.9 250 | 333 203 | 100 72 1960] 190] 25 |i 15 15 | eo a0 7 | 55 a9 63 || cs ase | ort 267 | tz om 2946] sea} 20 fio 7a 2 | a a3 os | 4s a9 so jl ass 22s | 333 203 | 72 99 esar| asi] 26 lin 76 a {or os se | ae 45 a0 || aaa 244 | 381 200 | a9 72 12 ISHRAE Handbook 9 Table -1 Outside Design Data (Contd.) ‘Stato & tat] Alt ‘Summer °F | Monsoon °F | Winter Deg. F.]| Summor °C] fonscon °O ‘Winter °C ) SE Say [ee PY |] Mumbat ase? 1} 12/95 69 60 | a5 a2 68 / 6s 55 65 |! a50 285 | 204 103 144 ) Pune 18.92) 659] 31/106 76 28 | 83 7 ez | 50 42 50 |} 400 244 20.8 10.9 61 ) ) - Orissa ) Cuttack 2029) 27| 2 |105 #2 37 | 90 62 as | 55 49 55 |] 40.6 278 822 288 | 139 ) ‘Sambalpur ) Punjab ) Aajasten ) Jaipur 2627) 990) 27/110 75 20 | 05 78 48 | 40 a1 os I] 433 230 | 350 256 | 78 50 ) Kota Bt] as7] a7 |tis 7 17 | 99 oo 43 [as 41 m0 ff aso 208 | a2 os | 72 5.0 ) Tamit Nadu ) Ceimbstor 1400/4090] 29 | 98 76 97 | 6 75 72 | e657 80 || 06.7 44 | ore | 18.3190 -| ) fa” te] fl elena fee ale oe we asf mes] ) Now Doth 28.95] 216) 25/110 75 20 | 8 03 60 | 4s 41 70 |] 49.9 50 28.8 5.0 ) Lucknow 2682) 11} 0 [109 7.26 | 4 63 6s | 4s as or Il aoe 4 288 ot Denatun 30.19] 682] 26 |108 75 25 | 00 00 65 | a2 oo 70 || aoe 32 eT a8 ) Kanper 26.26) 126] 29 [100 77 23 | 97 3 68 | 45 42 00 |! 420 364 8 ‘Agra & Aligarh 27.10] 169] 28 |108 75 21 | 98 93 58 [4s 49 67 |] 422 35.8 E 64 ) “| Varanas! 25.18| 76) 29 /100 76 21 J 94 83 64 | 50 47 0 || 428 4 28 8.3 ‘Mahebad 25.27 98 26 110 78 22 | 99 es 58 | 48 46 a7 |! 433 98.8 (20.9 18 ) ) Seis 2 ISHRAE Handbook 43 Table 2-Typical Inside Design Conditions - Industrial {Usted consitons are oni Wolk nel dasln condilons ate eslablshed by euslomer roqurements) DRY ORY puis | RH euip | rH inoustry__ | Process: ©) |e) Inoustay | PROCESS f) (%) [ABRASIVE —[Wanufacturs 75-80 [48-50 ‘cosMencs | Wits. 65-70 | BAKERY | Dough Mixer 75-80 | 40°50 Fermonting 75-82 | 70-78 oisTiuna | Storage - Proat Box 22-96 | 80-85 ag — |] ‘Broad Cooler 70-80 | 60-05, Liquid Yeas 92:84 old Room 4045 | ity. 60-75 | 48.40 Meke-up im. 76-82, | 65-70 Aang 65-72 _| 50-60 ake Mixing os-105 | [Crackers & Biscuts |60-85 | 50 ELECTRICAL | Electronlé & X-ray Wrapping 60-65 | 60-05 PRODUCTS" | Coils & Trans. Storage Winding cal 8 i a5 Tube Assam. 6 40 Frosh Ingrod 0-48 60.06 Electrical inst. Flour 70-15 | 50-66. Mig. & Lab, 70 60-55 ‘Shoriaring [45:70 | "55-60 Thermostat Assom & ‘Sugar 30, 38 « Calb. 7 50-55 Water 3256 | Humidistat Assom, Wax Papar 70-80 | a050 ‘Call 78 50-55 + lose Tol. Assom. | 72 40-45 BREWERY — | Storage - Motor Assom.Test | 74-76 | 60-63 Hops 3Oas | “560 Switchgear ~ Grain a 60 Fuse & Cut - Out guid Yeast 22-84 | 75 Assom, 73 50 ager [S235] 75. Cap. winding 73. 60 ae 40-45 Paper Storage [73 50, Formaniing Caller Conductor Wrapping | 75 85:70 ag 35-35 —|“TE Lghtoing Arrester | 66 20-40 Ke 35 rs heut Br. Racking Galar _|32387"] “76 ‘Assom. & Tost | 76 30-60 CANDY Candy Cantera 80-85 | 40-60 Vocess Saint CHocoLaTe |HandDippingAm. [60-65 | 50.85 & Copper Oxide EEnrobing Rim. 75-80 | 58-60 Plates m 30-40 Enrobing ~ ead Ea % 3 Furs Dying 10 | | Enober 30" a Shock Treatment |. 16-20 Stringing 70, 40-60 Storage 40-50 | 55-65 Sta 10-48 —|DP a Packing 85 55 auass. cutting Pan Speoalty Rint] 70°78 —|-a5 Vinyl Lar. Rm. | — General Storag | $$ teamHen | Drying CANDY - HARD] Mig, 75-00 | 30-40 Vag. Tanned 7, % Mixing & cooling [75-80 | 40-48 Ghiome Tanned 120] —75 Tunnel 85 oP-85 Storage 50.00 | 40-60 Packing 65-75 | 40-48 Storage 85-75 | 45:50 tenses- | Fusing Confort Drying - Joltes, Gums | 120-160 | 45 OPTICAL | Grinding 80 50 Cold Rn Marshmallow 76-00 | 45-60 MATCHES | Mig. 7e-74 | 50 Drying 70-75 | 40 cHewnacum |htg, 7 33 Storage e082 | 50 Rolin es 63 ‘Sipping 2 53 MUNITIONS | Motel Percussion Breaking 74 ar ‘Elorponts.- wrapping 74 58 Drying Paria 80 ‘Diying Pains Te ceramics — | Refractory 110-180 | 50-90 Black Powder Oniig | 125—[—> Molding im, 20 80-70 Condon & Load Clay Storage 0-00 | 35-65 Powder Type Fuso | 70 40 Bacal & Decorating {75-80 | 46-50 Load Tracer Pellets | 80 40 ceREA. | Packaging 75-80 | 48-50 14 (Listed condittone ISHRAE Handbook Table 2 -Typical Inside Design Conditions - Industrial (Contd.) ro only typleal; final design conditions DAY sus | mi Inoustay [Process ©) |) FHARWACED [Powder Storage TIcaL re Mig oF] after Mig: 7580 | 18538 has Tablet Compressing | 70.80 | 40 HfatietCoating | 80 x Ettervascent ‘Tablet & Powder € perme Yat) 7530 30 20.80 ough Syrup wo | 2 Siendular Prod. | 78-80 | ex10 Ample Nl. a | 36 Gahincapeve [78 | fsa apoule Storage 3540 Microanalysis Confon Biotgical tig. §— | 80 la Liver Extract 70-00 | 20.00 Serums ‘Confort Animal i. Confort PHOTO Drying zoi2s | 40-80 MATERIAL — cutting &Packing | 65-75" | 40-70 Storago « Pl esa Bear Coated i per: roe78__| 40.6 safety Fi 30:80 45-60 Neato Fim 0:80] 4050 PLASTIC ‘|g. = erro Seting ‘Compounds cstophene—| PLYWOOD [Hot Press-Resin | 00 3 fecld Preas 8 18-25 PREOISION. | Spectrogriphie Anal] Confort MACHINING hatching & assem 75.00 | ss-40 se Semont& Gees 40 Machinings [Gaging. Assom. confor /Adusting Precision Parts Honing 75.00 | 06-46 PANTING | Mutlcotor Litho Pressroom 4048 Stockrcom “81 2 Wab Pant Folding, ete | Comtort EQUPMENT RUBBER ite wo |. BePEDGoooS | Gerventng 2 | 2500 Surgical Artctes | 75-00 | 28°30 Storage Botore tg 60-78 | 40.50 tab (astista) "| 99.4" | 80 steblished by customar requirements) ipustay | process TEXTILES, Ge AI Drawing & Roving ing Splonin convent ‘ong Dre ina ic ar Knit e088 oF Synthetic Floer rep. & Weal Viscose. Nylon Cigar & Cigarete Na Eoltoring | 90 Stemming & Sipping 75.05 Storage’ Prop. | 78 Conditioning | 75 Packing & Shipping 75 d ) ISHRAE Handbook 15 gy ‘Table 3 - Corrections in Outdoor Design Temperatures for Time of Day (For Cooling Load Estimates) YM ) ory | ony ee SUN TM ANGE OF| OR : ny TeMPERAT| WET a PM. une] sus [8 19 | ea ) =e wo foneus| -0 | -7] -s| -1] 0 | -1]>-2]) ce ] we |e ) WET-BULB +2 +2 ot o 0 ° a1 a +2 +2 1 forveuts| -i@ | -e |e] a po | oa | ee | 8 pio Pe ve WET-BULB_ 23 22 cal oO o 0 al ot -3 “4 ) 2 [onveua| | -w0 | -s] -1 | 0 | 1] 8} -7 bon] oe wersrs| 4 | a | -+ | of -o | of -+| -2 | -3 | HEAT ABSORBING GLASS ) 40 10 485 aasring wo.| ss | so | re) 'a2| | ae | ae| ae 48 16 56% Absorbing 7a} 63 | 0 at} oso] as | oat] cas ) 56 to 70% Absorbing ez | st | sa | so{ 10 | 10 | 14 | to] te DOUBLE PANE ) Orcinary Glass so | se | ot | or] ae] ae | 20 | as] a0] 20 : guar Piate so | s2 | so | es] a2] a1 | a3 | a2] 16] 20 48 to 50% Absorbing outside] 52] a6 | oo | aa] 10 | 10 | a1 | to] 10] te ) Ordinary Glass Inside ‘ 48 10 50% Absorbing outside) 50 | ag | so | as] 10] 10 | a1 | to) 40! te ) Regular Plato ineide. TRIPLE PANE ; Ordinary Glass af aa | ss | ot] te} oar | te | a2] te] 20 ) | Baguiar ate so | a7 {se | sr] so} to | is | to] sa] az PAINTED GLASS ) Light Colour 28 Medium Cotour 39 ) Dark Cotour 50 STAINED GLASS 2 | Ambar Colour 70 ) Dark Red 56 Dark Blue 60 ) Dark Groen a2 Greyed Green 46 > Light Opstescent 3 5 Dark opalescent a ) Table 6 - Transmission Cosfficient U - Windows, Skylights, Doors & Glass Block Walls tu / (nr) (sq ft (deg F temp aiff ) GLASS ; Vertical Glass Herizoral Glass Bingie Double Triple Single | Double (7) ) Alc Space Thleknees (in) sa [va [aus [14 [102] arect [Summer] winter [Summer] winter Winout Siom Windows [i.t3 |o61 | oes | 089 | oat | og6 | oae] age} io] pert ose > With Storm Windows [0.56 043 | 0.64 ISHRAE Handbook. 10° Table 7 - Solar Heat Gain Thru Ordinary Glass 10° ‘Btu / (hr) (9q ft sash area) [TeRoRTCUDE sun aie [ee soorm TE Tine of | Exposure [8] 7] —@] BS] W] HW Woon | 7] 2] 3] 4] @ |] 6] Biwowre] Tine at oar vee Noa oa pale la, epal ey] aye ley a) sm Nomtanst | as | a1 [607] v00 | 100 | os | ao] uw | te] sa far] t | 2 [Soumeas East | toa Fre} sao | "so | a | ee | te] | oo | elem 7 Southeast a ‘2 | Northeast ste 21] oun 2{efufofululul el w]e a] es | 2|nom | occ ‘| soumor_| 2} 0] os] of w]e} wl | | o] | o | [Nomen Ce ee Ce Norwest | 2] 9] 8] 3] | | ze] e | 100 | 10 131 | 55 / souvent retort |_| at | sor | os | aos | ono | nt | ose | ae | tee Fort “u_| SS [peo Nath a ee Nonteast j 2 | a7 | seo] asa | 109 | os | 2 | te | ue | as] at] “7 | 1] Sounean wuvy 20 | East | 135 elaetwl wl wt el at 7 | fem | save aa Pe] a ‘ | 07 wlujuy ull a] ul 7 | afnome | il el utiu| wu] 2 | a] os} or | a6 |notmoon wavs TF [ETS |e Hee | Hee] Tos] West | Novas i] | | 22 | se | soo | s20 | tae | ar | a2 [soumen a| a 210 | ooo | oer | eos | a00 | too | tor | “fe | “S [onze yas a | 0 el alul | a] is] > | s] sumone nua ail {rofl | ut wl ul a} wt 7 | ten | eo20 wep ep wep es a fe ae ae tee] a} a v} 7] ull wy wl ula] w] ala] > | afnome | « . ita att wl wl a] | a] es] | oe | we |nonwost aeiz0 ee Cr tr] 7} om] oy we] te Lae] ot] 38 fa] seo | tte | $7 | Sounwon oizotel | 2 | og {os | sor | ota | ace [ast] ove | ots | ser | tos | ‘ce | ‘2 [Honeomer Nod Tear pe) eps pe wpe] a] 8] Tau otros | 1] 9 [wo] | | | i wf os] an] | 1 Psouman seer |.eaat 4 | 90 free] ass | 108 | | ta w|i] |e | tear wanes cae ee a | a | sown t| oli] | a] alate] ale] a] & | s|nom | o sourwost | i | o| nf ol w]e] of oo | oe | ze | var | or | 1 |Nonmost nanee | Woat + | ae Par ater 60 -[ 1] Wast | seprae Nonrwost | ot] of mf as] om] | se | | “as | oo Freed “oe | 1 | Souter nonzanea | 1 | st | or | woo | aor | aas | au | cas | aor | seo | “or | 81 | 4 [Homo Nor a notteast | 9 | | ss | um | 2s we] iw] wl] s] to | s | 0 | Soumeon coors | East a] se | ass | 148 | soo w|i a] | wo oles | apazo Souteant [0] ae] er | ae | Yeo w]e Tee] wo] 8] 8 | Nomen ‘ o| "te | “eo | ‘ss | ‘es m| ne] ss | io] w | olnom | « o|'s| | | te | Gi | veo | sao | sar | woo | 0 | Norton | Fe 20—| aamanaeae Pao Pop Went] ave 2} of sf wo] is] wu] wl a] w] as] a | co | oe | 0 | sour o| 2 | os | ose | som | oan | amo | am | oa | ooo | oe | a | 0 nonsona Cn olalalalal ul ul w{ a] al o| « | o/soune novat o | o | wo wi wt ole] ote | olea | waves Te] Papa a ara * o| a | woo] soe | so] or | os} as | ofnom | a 0. 4 a Jo} i46_| i6t_| 153 | 99. 0 | Northwest | sania oye y 8 fe] ae] eo | toe | 00 | oo] 0 fost | any 29, o| 4] 3 ta] ey 3 |e | ar | a | 0 | mwas o| | oa | at | ss | ooo | oto | ome | sre | wo | ce | te | 0 |Homormt a a o{ | ala] sf ulw| wl a] 2] a] 4 | ofscunn | lolelywi wil el el 4}o pear ope |i [ee] wo Pa fe] of |e] 7p po ves 22 | ‘sou o | | 7% For] too | 6 [azo] vs | soe | ow | | oo | o soutwon | o| “| “o | se | ‘as | 's5 [my as | tio-[aer-] eee | oe | 0 Tost o 4 TTR ee wey aor |e v +{wartwer [oles] ofa] isful a] us] | a] as | oweoat | _o{ 16 | os | wo | sor | wo | ace | woo | wr | | @ | te | 0 : : Dew pot Deion Stoo! Seah, Haze ‘attude "| Oocraase From 67 F| Increase From 67 | Deo. orden | / sourcan | Nosesn congeton_|_xvsserttr | tet |+o7%oertocor| ermperioe | -reperior | sie Ye eutea Pkt aarti eeetetcoa Sos Dua oto iy (5) [SHRAEHandbook ) 20° Table 7 - Solar Heat Gain Thru Ordinary Glass (Contd,) 20° Btu / (hr) (sq ft sash area) [ ” [20S NORTH LATITUDE, ‘SUNTIME zo sounsiantuod Tireot | expesue ] @] 7] 8] 8] w] a [noon | a] 2] a ©] Exons | Tina of yaar 1 year ) Torr SS Ss ews ee [soa Norteest | 1 [ier] w]e] a] a | is] ul w|i 3 | souhoast ° est si Fre] wo | ws | oo | os | ie | te] | 3 lees a a 3 | Nonaner auive 21 | sou a} ef} 2) «jul ul wl ul w]e 3 [Norm foeo2e ) soutwet | 3] o| ai u{ wi ula} a] a | o 28 | Norte : ‘West TOE ear at [West wortwet | 3] 9 | 2] w|i] ae | 18] oe | o9 | se 81 | Soutwest ) onzonial | | oo | 121 | v7e | ate | ase | aso | ase | ete | 0 | ‘| Honan rth Pa eee ae ea Bie aa So ) Niormoat | 71 | rae | se} mm | x] or | i] i] i | ae] 2 | “8 | 3 |souncan suyy 23 | ast wets | ios jos | oo | as | | | | is] |e | alee luanes Souneast [3] 70] es-[ ve] ar [aa] Pie] te Ps | ae | Nonbiea ) ‘ ‘south a vl alm] wl] wl wf wa] it @] oe | afnonn a , sourwet | 3] e| 2] | «| w| wt aol sr] | os | vo | ot |nonmen | waver Wost z ey, ae ey ay we ia [as | oo | 14s | tes | i481 98 Tweet NOV 21 oy Northwest 3 ey zw] wo] me] om] | ot] 73 | i | 498 | 192 | 71 | Southwest] odronat |e | ss | 1a | 15 | ate | oto [ast] 200 | ate | vs | se | ‘ss | “5 | oncom ) North SPO ae ee eet] 1 8 Sr onnesst | 45 | m [ust eo | sof sa] | is] a] ao] | 7 [2 | sounoas savas | east ss {ve [ros] vo | roo} | wt | wl el a] 7 |e ) ‘Souteast [20] 88 | tis] Wee | se] ss] ao] ie |e] a ae} te . South 2/7 al alalol iw) a] 7 |e souhwest_ | 2 | 7 uw} 2 | ss | | we | wa | os _| oo ) apn20 [Wea 27 ie] st | woe | eo [tos] eat Norwest | 2] 7 uw] ] | so |‘ fy im | as 9 Horzontal_| 5 | as se | 2a7 | 235 | ato | ser | 107 | “a | “t | Noneonst Trin oT 6 wpe] et a> wy e6] oy sou > ‘ Norteast | 0 | as wef} we] et as | om] 6 | 0 | soutneast ) seprze | cast o | 99 wil} we} is] uf | oleet Iuanze : aieaat— 0] ate 0 ers | a sour o| 6 |e) o| |x| 2] 2 | olnom | « ) Soutwet | o| 6 ss | at | 64 | 120 | seo | 198 | od | 0! sounwest ane [West ote re ) Nontwest | 0 a} oe | se | 22 | oso | or | ‘es | 6 | Sounvest Hoizonat_ | 0 | oo | 00 | tea | tes | 205 | 205 | zzs | v00 | 15s | oo | 20 | 0 |Nonsonml Nort TEP ee ) cctza | nomveat | of | ez} ao] stu) w] wi a] we] o| 4 | olsounean east olaiwimtolwlulul isl wl os] 4 | cleans southeast | —o-] ot Pas | toa [sao] ie | te] ar [a | te | 8 4 To [Noraaat ) ‘ oun of} at | so] 7m | es | toe | at | a0 | 03 | 76 | 5] at | olnom | sourwest_| o| 4 | o| @| 13 | a so | veo | s4a:| 61 | 0 |Nontwest| ) Fee20 | Wost Tp ee 100 S| Op West lava 2 — }0-| 4} 9} 2} 13-| 10-| [-13-}--20-} sa] ae} of sourees | — o| | os | vay | va | v8 wil wz | es | te | 0 | Hotzonat ) o7 ay, sy ay 8] ve a of a} a| we] a} i al i 3 | 0] soutneas wovar | east o| 7 | me | a | a |e | 3 | ol east |uavar ) [ Souneast |} ae 86-1888 wp] 0 Nor 4 South 0 | 2 | 69 | s00 | saa | 198 aa |.s00 | 2 | a | ofnonn | @ > sounwest | of “3 | “e | Sn} se | “ae so [ise | ws | 3 | o van ar [West ce or fir | ia] 8 jy 29 Norimet | 0] 3} 0] m | ie | io | |-m| a | 0 ) vomonat | _o| 5 | 4s | wot | va | v0 we| oil «| “| o : North op ap ry ry @y re Nornoost | 0} w]e} 2] 2 | ie ej nj 7] 2]o J East O.| s6 | se | 121 | 95 | 34 | oO ‘souieast | 07] 89] tas ier] 160] 4 a 20 7 ec ze | Sov vo] as | Fit sae | 8 sae [oan 2 | 0} Now bune 2s souttwost_| ‘o| 2 | “7 { ‘| ‘ao | ‘to s0_ [er 52_| 0 | wortwost West o TY) WT a | |e | ar — 0 | West ) voamwot | of 2] 7] nf 2{ w]e] a] 2] 2 14 | of soxtnwost Hoszontal | _o | ¢ | a6 | o2 | 125 | cet | a70 | wot | 195 | ce 4 | 0 | ronzona! ) Dow point Dewpint ‘oun tat. Steel sash or | Haze sattudo | Decrease Fram 67 | Increase From 67 F | Dae. ordan : sourcain | “'Nosash conection | x vasert.s7 | -ssnoten | so7%perioooet| +7%per10F | - 7m pertor +m 440 ISHRAE Handbook ; 30° Table 7 - Solar Heat Gain Thru Ordinary Glass (Contd.) 30° Btu / (hr) (69 ft sash area) ) SGNOATHLATTUDE [Aa sun TMe Bi _TaPsooTRLATTUBA Time of ey 7] 8] 8] @] a hoon [1] 2] 3] a] 6 | 6) tues] tee Ye Your See ee eae ae a ae wes [aso] mo | o | ss we) we] is | se} ie | ae | wo | “S| Sotmoant ) 10, wofolul ul! wll al ol] eleen A JUNE 21 s{ wo} 2] ul} wl a} a] | a] 2] wo] lnm | ceca sourwot | 5 { ol wz {ul ul ul {a | oo] | we | ao ltmeon Wast SP ae a ae aa pate Yet ae ae ) Nonmwost | 5) wo | 2] | ue | te] a] to | os | ar | seo 105 | Soutwesy Moizonel | 9 | os | sos | 100 | arr | exo Fasom ano | ovr | 180 | tai fer] ‘wo [rosemma ee fs | rat js | of | | wv] uw | wl is] te | 0 | 4|sonroost uy 23 soo} 165 | ves | vas | oo | aw | | | | to] | oo | Stem") savas ; a a a tra ‘ 4} e| 2) ul ola] ol al|m| w|i] s| sium | 4 4fiol wz} fiw | ie! we] oo} | soo | ito | oo | a2 |nomwoet ; Mavi SP eT BP ee ae a Pee aera] 100 Tee ovat : ay oye | stom | ots | te | ae | as | eo | tea | sat | a [ecctrwost 1s {_s8 | 125 | sre | ave | aos | ae | 200 | ave | s7e | tea | ‘os | 8 [nomena ) Nort eae ry} eto Nortwest | ss) 103 | soo} os | a7 | wv] se] ae] is] | on] | 2 |scman auoze | east fi {ie} ve | oo | | | | | et le | 2 let | reco Southeast |~a7 | ee [ar [aati a2] 30] 8] a8 Tas at |e] har 8 Sou 2) ef wl al a) al eol al aol al] a! a] aimme | 4 sounwes | 2} o{ w/o | ra] te | oo | a2 | se | woo | v27 | oe | ot [Noerwest aenz0 [West BA aaa aaa as estar oct2s Nentwot | 2} oe} a | io | so} ae] se] ia] 27 | co Pro] sao | fe [Sermon Motzonat 1 _¢ | at | sor | ser { 200 | cos | aos | oes | oo | set | tor | ‘wr | “sl curmes North of ep ey ep ee pw fw ey ey fs] oe Nonteest | 0 | 74 | 99 | a0 wyal i) a] wo] s | o| scutes sepraz | east © | sor | sos | 144 wi ia{ lia} wl 6] feet | mance pais 00a a a a South eo} 3] | @ ws} oo | | so) ww] 9 | olnom | o souttwest_| o| 5 | | ‘2 ot | vo | vat | vee | sot | oa | | norvast wanze [West ce F Nontwost | o | s | 1 | 2! 3) ca} wl is | ts | ao | oo | on | oleetiwest Hotzonit_| o | 26 | as | s05 | 170 | ove | ate | ae | wo | 195 | or | a | oi ecu! Tn ees tr [ot sour cores | nonteat | o | a] | w]e | is ofall of] 3 |b soumeas Exat o| mw {ws | we] o | a oial {isl 3! oles | aazo Southeast] 0) 95} 142-468] 60 | Tas a [is |] 6 | a] 0] Nomthoast a Sou o | ww | er ar] at | 18 ss | rar | se | or | ae | ofnom | a : sourwest_| o| 's | ‘a| st | ‘ss | ‘a sso | 199 [Fes] vse | 73 | 0] Nontwost Fea 20 [Weer 3 Fae ant Wes ave | fp Baines oa eo Pe fas | te] as | ae | | ae | | olen Hosgonal_| 0} 6 | 49 | 100 | vo {in| wo | or | va | woo | ao |_| olecuee Noa ope ey eye] eo © | 10] sour Nornoast | oo} a] ei} of u | ale! 2] a S| 4] 0} Southoost over | east ola iwi} ols] zl 2} an o| 4 | ogee) waver ‘Souheat—|—0-] 35 Yer ea S| Tor or oT “ ‘euh 2] 10 | es | t00 | ia7 | ast | aso | 182 | sor @} woo a }gourwer | of s} 6 | ot es | ‘or | soe | tes | dee | ser | 1 o sana West a suuy 29 Nonmwest | of s} 8} of uv] a] zl 2] {el wl s| ¢ Horzontst | of 2 | a7 |r | woo | sae | vas | so0 | soo | 7 | | 2 | 6 Nari oy ey ee rp ey ey ey tsa ete Normoast | 0} of | o| wn] w]e] 2) in| o| «| o| o East oi otetiiolazal ele! ni el s| 6 Soutieast | 0 | 0) sw tor | tea | oo [aos te | ae] —s| to peo ze oO} | ot | ae | saa | so Hoa} veo | 2 fos | oe | oo une 21 o} of «| e| ze | ‘2 vo [refi | | 6 5 eo} eo} at os} a} 2] ele] nf os|-ol 0 oj ol wo] ml w}mim|m} | of] | o Dewpoint ew pint Steet Saeh.or | Haze ‘xituse |] oecroaso From a7 F| inorease Pom 7 F Soircain |" 'Nosasn eoreston | xvasorta7 | ree [rorpertooort| +7mpert0F | -repertor + HINGES Vater deans aa ISHRAE Handbook 1 Table 8-THERMAL RESISTANCE R - BUILDING AND INSULATING MATERIALS (deg F per Btu) / (hr) (eq f) RESISTANCER THICK. weiaht |Per inch [For Listed MATERIAL. DESCRIPTION NESS. (lb per Phicknesgthickness x (in) sqtt) | the | te BUILDING Mar BULDING 120 = oa | = BOARD we | 120 = | 003 Boards, sie | 50 = | ose Pans Gypsum or Piastar Board we | 50 = | 04s Sheathing,.| Plywood 4 425 | ete Plywood ws | 34 = | ost Plywood aia | 3 = | o47 Plywood wz | 34 = | 06s Plywood or Wood Panels 34 | 38 = | 004 Wood Fiber Board, Laminatad or Homeganeous 28 200 | at = 200 | = ‘Wood Fiber, Hardboard Ty 65 ~ ora | Wood Fibar, Hardboard Type wa | es | tas ~ | ote ‘Wood Firor Pine Sheathing jesz2 | so | 208 = | 098 Wood Firor Pine 16@ | 32 | 434 =| 203 BUILOWG Vapor Permeable Fet - = — | 006 PAPER Vapor Seal, 2 Layers Moped 15 fo fat = = = | one 7 Vapor Seal, Plasto Fim = = =| Negi woons, ‘Maple, Oak, and Similar Hardwoods “6 - os | Fir, Pine, and Similar Soltwoods 32 = 12s | = MASONRY ‘ilk, Common 4 | tz “0 ~ | 080 UNITS 4 | 430 “a = | 04s a | 60 18 = | oso fy a | a 16 = foun 6 | 50 25 = | tse a | 4 20 = | 105 wo | a 35 ~ | 222 3Calls Doop 2 | 4 40 = | 250 Concrete Blocks, Three Oval Gore 3 | 19 | —Send-&- Gravel Aggregate 4} fas 6 22 = a] 6 3 = 2 | 6 8 = CCindor Agr 3 | 6 7 = : 4] 6 20 = 6 | 5 27 = a | 56 37 = 2 | ss 53 = Lightweight Aggregate 3 | 18 = | 27 (Gxpanded Shale, Cay, Sate or 4] 8 7 = | 180 Slag; Pumice) a] 4 32 = | 200 wz | a 49 = | 227 ‘Gypsum Parition Te: Bx 12" x30" sold 3 | " — | 126 BY x 12" x30" aca 3 | a 3 = | 138 $12" 430" doll 4 | 3 13 = | 187 Blons, Line oF Sand 750 = 008 [= 442 ISHRAE Handbook 2 Table 6 - THERMAL RESISTANCE R- BUILDING AND INSULATING MATERIALS (Conta) (dag F per Btu) / (hr) (sq ft) ) RESISTANCE R . THICK: | DENSITY | WEIGHT [Per Inch |For Listed / MATERIAL DESCRIPTION wes | (lb per | (Ib per fhioknesdrhichnees ny [teu | aay a sie BOLONGWATERALS CONT MASONRY ‘Cement Mortar 116 - 0.20 _ : warenias | Gypaumiber Concrato 87 12% gypsum, Concrotss | v2"1a% wood chips o_ | - - ‘ighinetaht Asgreg J = 7 Including Expanded io | = a Shale, clay or Sia % ] = 7 Expatied Sieg eo | = = : Puree; Palle, Vermeuite o | 2 = ‘io, Collar Concratee o | = = a | = = Sand & Gravel or Stone Agaroget (Oven Drea 0 = Sand & Gravel or Stone Agprogate Not ried) w | = = Stuceo we | = 7 PLASTERING | Comeni Prastor Sand Rogrepale te) = MATERIALS, | Sond) Aggropea w | ue | as on Sand Aggrogats a | ne | 78 = La Gypsim Paster lghiwelght Aggregate w | a |r | — | os Ligntweight aggregate se | as fas | = | 8s Lighiweight Aggrevete on Mal Lath ws | ts | aa | = | oa Ponte Apsroga | 2 | oa | Send Aggreg ws | = | tte | = Sand aggre we | js | da | 8) ce Sand Ag9 se | tos | ss | = | oe Sang Aggregate on Mal Leth aa | ios | be = | ots Sane Aggregate on Wood Lah ws | SS = | oo Vormiulte Aperegeta | = | om | TOOFING ‘Atbesios-Coment Shingies 0 =| eat Asphalt Rot Rooting we | = = | oie : fat Sings pls | = | oe sult ae | 30 = | 38 Sil eee 12 201 8.4 - 0.05, Sheet Metal ~ | Twa | 88 Wood Shingles o |= a [ose SONG Shingle tateria.s ood 16%, 7 12" exposure =p ——}-(orrFatsuracey | —Wood Double, 16% 12" exoouure Sie a ot Wood, Plus Ingul Backer Board, 5/16" _ = _ 1.40 ‘Sng ‘Asbostos-Coment 14" lapped - a Apna Rot Sag Asphalt neu Slang, 172" Board Wood brop. tex Wood, Bove, 12" 8" lapped Wood: Bovel, 3 10 appa Wood, vel, /% 1" lapped = Stelural Glass = FLooAN ve = MATERIALS = 1 = : tae 1 = Felt Flooring = Fleer The mn = fe Unoleum te we | = . Phyood Subticor 5 wr | = Fubbor or Paste Te ie ue | Torrazzo 1 hf Wood Substoor asisd zoe | = Weod, Hardwood Finish 34 aor | > ISHRAE Handbook AM: >) Table 8 -THERMAL RESISTANCE R - BUILDING AND INSULATING MATERIALS (Contd) (deg F par Btu) / (hr) (sq ft) . ) i RESISTANCE A titex- | vensiry | weianr! Par inch ) MATERIAL DESCRIPTION nuess’| “(ib per | {lb per [thickness (in) (cu ft) sq ft) tlk y INSULATING MATERIALS: BLANKET AND [Coton ber aa Batt Mingral Weal, Fibrous Form aro | = From Rock, Slag, or Glass ) ‘Wood Fiber 4.00 _ Weod Fiber, Multi-layer Stitched Expanded aro | ) BOARD AND | Glass Fiber 00} Stans Weod or Oona Far ) heousteal The v2 149 ‘couse THe oa ie Interior Finish (Ti, Lat, Plant) - ) Interior ie (fo, Lath lank) 1 148 alts te oom a : sheathing (preg or Coats) er ) ‘Sheathing (Imprag or Co. 12 20.0 0.83, = 1,32 Sheathing Umpreg or Costa} Ea ) + ‘Golular Glass = 250] Conk Board (Witnout Added Binder) =] a] = ) og ate (vtn asp inde) =} se] = ; Plasto (roamed) =] 3a] 2 Wood Shreded (Comanted in reformed Slabs) =f te [= ) LOOSE FILL ‘Macerated Paper or Pulp Products = 357 i Wood Flber Redwood lamest or ir =] 383 ) Minatal Woot (Glass, Siag, or Rock) a 333 Sawdust or Shavings = | 23 ) Vermioulite (Expanded) = 2.08 ROOF ‘al Types : TBULATION | Protermed, (Gr use above dock ) Approximately 12 18.6 0.7 - ‘pone vi | as] 83 = ronal wa | ows | ts z ) aeproxmately 2 | ts | 28 7 ‘nproximatly a | ise | 32 7 ; ‘rproximaly 3 | tes | 39 a win spaces | Fosmion HEATFLOW d Horizontal Up (Vtinter). Horizontal Up (Summer) ee eo = Horlzontal Down qin) §— frag | = = = d Horlzontal Down (Winter) 142 - - - Hetena Ben is |" mee seer = Horton Down (Win @ eect seo i ) Horizontal Down (ounmey | ame | = | = a Horizontal Bown (gunme) frie | = | = a ) Horzontl Bown (Summer) | 4 eee Ieee = A Sloping ‘Up (Winter) 84 = - - - Bown (Gunmey fades | = | = = J Horz, (Winter) B14 = 4 - a - Vortsat How (Summa) faraca | | > = d AIR FILM POSITION HEAT FLOW ferent ie - |- - | ost loping 45° ea = | ee ) ‘Stilt Air Vartleal Horizontal - - - 0.68 siping #9° Bown Sean = | ote ) oreonal Down See = | tse ) 15 Mph Wind Any Position (For Winter) Any Direction - - - O17 Hy ‘7112 taph Wind | Any Position (For Summer) Any Direction = =~ — Wess > i ) . la 444 ISHRAE Handbook . Table 9 - Equivalent Temperature Difference (Deg F) For Dark Colored +, Sunlit and Shaded Walls* ) Basod on Dark Colored Walls; 95 F db Outdoor Design Temp: Constant 80 F db Room Temp; 20 deg F Daily Range; 24 hour Operation; July and 40° N. Lat. ) Weight 7 SUNTIME ) Exposure | of Wall am [em Ath ) Seal eT 7] eo] ef way apa] a] a] «| s] sa] a) 8] | ala aT ay spare 20 5) 16) 22 | 28) 24) 19] 14) 19) 12) 13) 14] 14] 8} 12) | 8] 6] af 2] ol-2]—3 [oa [me ) : fo F-4}-2|-2] 5/24) 22} 20/ 18] 10] | 12] 10] se] 19 | 12] 11] 10] ef 6 «| 2] 4] ofa ao | af 3] 4] 4) 4] so] v0] ss] 14f 2 (GO! | v2] 2/12! | 0} o| of 7) €| | sl ¢ ) vo | s1 5] 6] 6] 6] 6] 6/10] 4] 16] s6| 12] 10) 10} 10] 10 10 10] 10] 0 | of @| 7| 7 zw | s[ 17} a0] s0[ eo] es [2 l20] v2] 10] 14) [14] | 10] 0] 6 «| a] o ovica alae go f-1f-s] of ar) ao/ ss] a1] 10] 4/10) v2] 3] 14 | 13] 2} | of o| s| af sta] ato ) san | 600; | 5/ s]-| | s6} 20} a0 fas] ac} 20] 10] 10/10/18 1] 9) 2 fae) el el of oto v40__{ 1} 10] 0} 9] a] 9] 10] 15] 10] 194 sa] 97 v6 | 4| 12] 15 16] 26 | «| 18 | 19} | 20 12 ) zw [10] 6/18] 19 26] 27) 20 [25] 20] sof vel a5] | v2] | of of «| a) oft alee eo [1] 1] of 9] 20] 24] 26 | 26 25] 21 | 10} ss] 14} 19) 2] mj 10] | of 3} «| s| of 2 ) souneast L100 | 7] 7} 6] 6] 6) 11] 16] 17] 19) 10] Bl v6 14] 13] 12] | 0| 10 | 10) 0] 9] ef ol sao _{ 9} e} of a] 8] 7] 6] 1m] 16) 15] 16) 18/16! 15] 14| 19/12 t2| v2] 144 1 10 10] ) w Filet) 1/4) s4{ 2227/0] 26] 26] 20] 16] 2/10] 7] 6] sf ef ata] of ol ’ ao [tls |-4[-a]-2 7] 12} 20| a4 | 26] 26) 20| 20/15 | 10] 10] 8) ef «| 2] 1] 1] o lat sou J1o0 fs) 4} el 2} 2] of 4] sf reli) ve| 0] 10 | 15] 18) 1] 0) ©] @| e| 7| 6] els ) vo {zl sl el sf al af a} of 4} 7{ 10) 19| 14) 5] 16/8 1/12 10] 10| of of | 3 w f-al-al-«)-2[ of a] 6] te[26]ar[ 40] ai [a2] a0] ee] a] e| af 2] 1] 1] ofan : | 2} 1] of of of 1) 2} al te/es) se} as] se] 5] 0] 20| 10] 7| 6] 5| «| «| | fsounwest js00 | 7/5) 6] s| 4] 5] 6| 7) 6/12 | af s0| ze] 2o| 2+] 2s| 22|15| 10] 10] 9] 3} e| 7 ) sao_| 8] e} a] e| 8} 7] 6] 6| 6] 7] 6] o| 0] 15) 13] 19| 20/15] 0| o| | ol 8) 6 20 }-2 |~3 |—-4 |-2] 0} 3] 6] 14] 20} 32] 40 8] 5] 2) 1] of alma jaa ? so 2} 1} o| of of 2} 4] 7/10) w/a 16/10} 6] 5] s] 3) a] 2 West | 100 7] 7) 6) 6] 6] 6] 6] 7] 8) 10} 12 26) 10) 14] 12) n] 10] 9] @ ) 140 W2) 1] 10] 8} 8] 8] 8) 9] 10] 10] to 22 | 29] 22 | 20) 18] 16] 18] 13. 3 Lo [aa] opape ew f-2[-s|-«-s[-e} of 2} 6! s| 1/2 2| ol] 6 ) IMorthwest. oo] 5] 4] «| 4] 4] «| a] «| al 5] 4 ait] oe 10 | 8} r] 6/6] 6 of 5] 6] 6| of 6 18 | 10 20 ) % a] (tel ey aay] apo] of ela] apo ao of s).6] ef so} mj ref | ve} s0| 9| 6} 6] 2} 1] of-s|—2 worn 100 1] s{ of of of of of s] 2] af af 5] cl 5] ef 7] of 5| «f a] a] 2] 2} 1 (Shade) | 140 | t[ 4] of of of of o| of of s| 2] | 4].s] 6} 7] 8] 7] 6f 4] a} 2] oft ) Ai PR ait : SUNTINE. ) Equator: Heat Gain ough Walls, Blut = Ara, sat) X (eqn emp di) X (ranemision coon! U. ; + Allvaues are for both Insulated and unineviated wal + For cher conditions, rele io corectans on page 1.15. For wall constructions lees than 20 loag fuse lted values of 20 b/g ft . ISHRAE Handbook Table 10 - Equivalent Temperature Difference (Deg F) : + For Dark Colored +, Sunt and Shaded Roots* Based on 95 F db Outdoor Design Temp; Constant 80.F, db Room Temp; 20 dog F Dally Range; 24 hour Operation; July'and 40° N. Lat.t Wolght ‘SUN TIME conor Jot Root Pa AN TON [tbveast a 10 15] 24] se} se | 43] 46] a5] at | 25] 28] 22] 16! 10] 7] 9] 1 [-1]—s Exposed | 20 16] 23} 30} 96 | «1 43} 43 | 40| 95 90|'25| 20/15] 12| 8) 6} «| 2 to | 40 18] 23) 28/ 93 | 96 40] 41 | 99/35 52| 20] 2¢] 20] 17] 13) | 0 | 6 sun | 60 18] 22) a7/ 31 | 36} s8} s0] 38 96 4 | s1| 28) 25] 22| 10] 15) 19] 11 a0 10] 22| 26] 28 | s2| 25| a7] 37] 35 | 34] sa] 32 20] 27 2a] 20| 10 | 14 20 16 10] 22| 20] tel 10/14 tf 1[-1 [2 |-3)-e[-s 0 10} 19) 15] 15) 16] 15] 45 5| 9] 1)-1]-2|-3|—2 water | 50 8{.7| 10] 12| t4] 45] 10 a 6] 4] a} 2] sf o 7 20 v2) 5/19] v7 [v6 [ 45{ sa] 12 10 [Rey 2] + | 0f—1|—2|—2 [os [oa Sprayed | 40 5] ofa) 4} aal cal tet so} t2| 8} 7] 5] a] 1] of ol—rf—s 60 2| s] s| tol v2 val ss] sa} 2] | ro} of 6} 4] 2] 1] oft 20 6} 9/12] 13] 14] 13] 2] 10) 8) 5] 2) 4} of—1|-s|—«|-s [os Shaded | 40 2| 5] 8/10} se} 3] 2} | to} 8] 6] «| 2] of-t[-s [ales «0 o| 2} 4] 6] 8} 9} 10} 10] 10] 9] 9) 6| a] 2] 1) ol-t]-2 [7] a] sf wl afeel a] 2f a] a] 3] sf 7] e[ eo] aol a] a] 4] 2] | a] s tH i ‘Atk SON TINE Equation: Heat Gain Thru Roots, Bt = (Area, sa) X (equivalant tomp di) X (vanemisslon costiciont U) * With ate vantiated and celing Insulated rots, reduce equivalent temp cit 25%. For peakad rots, use ine root aren projected on a horizontal pla + For other conctons, refer to covrectons in Taba 11, ‘Table 14 ~ Corrections to Equivalent Temperatures (Deg Fy ‘oitdosr : nig geen for ttentn to senin | DAILY RANGE (deg. F) bins Room frempeg | 6 | to] x2] 14] se] 19] 20] ze] ze] 26] 28 | 30] 22 30 | 40 30 |=39 |=a0 |=at |=a2 a8 44 [as [a6 [a7 maa [a9 [=50 [at 54 |=35 =20 |~29 |-20 |~01 |-se |-s3 |-s4 |-a5 |-s0 a7 [20 |-20 |—40 |—a1 44 | as 10 19 |-20 |-21 |-22 |-2s |-24 |-25 |-2e |~27 |~20 |—20 |-20 |—a1 34 |-35 ° ait [12 |-10 | -14 [-15 [16 |-17 |-10 21 24 |-28 5 6 | =7 [=e | 2 |-10 [=a [12 [19 16 |-17 [18 |-19 |—20 10 ~1| 2/3] -4}-5|-6| -7 | -2 oii |-t2 [13 [ta |i 6 | e] 5s] 4] 9 +] of 1] -2] 3 -8|-7| -8 | -9 |-10 soe [nfo] sf a] Of ef ef) a] aS [al x | sels] [asl e| [tof of ef 7] s/s] «| aj 2) a] 0 go | at] a0) 19) wl az} sof ss] te] is] 2] nba] o| e| 7] 6] s sf | 28) a5] ae] a] a2] ar] 20] 19] 18} 17] we] 15! «] ao] 2] m| 10 4o__|_st| 30} 29] 29} 27} a6} 2s | 2s] 23! 2 | ai} co] | | 7} 16] 15 * = ual! ; 1.16 : ISHRAE Handbook - 9 Table 12 - Heat Gain from People ; ro ay ROOM DRY - BULB TEMPERATURE . veonee oF | rreicat uw. | £2 Aenny’ | APPLICATION foe | fed | a oF TF Ter TF ' fast | Seale [Bute Biome ium Biutir Biuie eae) | Rat” atu | Btuty | Sensible Latent |Sensible_Latent | Sonsiblo talent | Sonsile Latent | Sensible Latent ) Seatac at : j390_ | 3501178 176 «| 195 = 155 | 210 «140 | 230 = 120 | 260. 90 ) Seated, very | tight work High School_{450_| 400 | 160 220 | 195 205 | 215 105 | 240 160 | 275 125 ; Office worker | Offoes, Hotels. Apis., College [475 450 | 180 270 | 200 250 | 215 205 | 245 205 | 265-105 ) standing, —_—_|Dopt. Ga walking slowly |Varlety Store |§50. 7 ) Walking, seated [Drug Stora [650 800 | 180 s20 | 200 s00 | 220 200 | 255 248 | 200 210 standing, walking slowly | Bank *_ |s50 ) ‘Sodentary work|Rostaurantt |600_| 220 | 190 se | 220 —aa0_| Bao 310 | aao B70] a0 — a0 Light bench worl Factory, ight ; ) work |e00 | 750 | 190 s60 | 220 sao | 24s 505 | 205 48s | 365 _s0s ) - [Rcaraia dansing|Bance Halt —[000_| 860 | 220 a0 | B46 G08 | 275 878 | 805 _beB | 400 a50 Walking, mph | Factory, faiiy heavy work |1000 | 1000 | 270 730 | 300 700 | 390 670 | 980 20 | 460 _s40 eavy work | Bowling Alley ) i Factory, {1500 | 1450 | 460 1000 | 465 98s | 485 965 | 525 925 | 605 845 Siksiel Neticls Gui Wa euuWAad uu ie van “osaurant-valuvs forthe applcaion inside e0 Blu perf Tor ood miigigoupqpenlowintaycalpocent carponton seen Fl (208 erat an 20 Ba Measure eae sl sits foes bah alo ba ditog,metaoae rate 400 tu por ho standing, 860 Bs per M, ; Metaootc rate, enlidran = Metabole uit male x 078 Table 14 -Typical Bypass factors (For Various Applications) ‘Table 13=Typical Bypass fact (For Fined Cotls) cok. ) Bypass | TYPEOFAPPLICATION EXAMPLE WITHOUT SPRAYS WITH SPRAYS™ FACTOR ePtk Fema foal load or atoad 7 i ‘OF {8 inslin. | 14 finelin. | 6 fnafin. | 14 fnaln, thal crsaad tal wt cous 103010 0.50 | a low sensible heat factor | Residence ) Velocity Gem {high latent oad, (rows)] 300-700 | 300-700 | 00-700 | 00-700 “ypical Cambor sbplGsion ca ‘witha relatively smell total | Residence aoa oe eer 0.2010 0.30 | lead or alow sensible heat | smal a | 27-40| 10-29 | 3 factor with a somewhat larger| Retell Shop, ; load Factory eee etre eeeeee errr 0.10 19 020 | Tpleal comtort application | Bopi. Store, ) 6 [12-23] o2-09 | 00-44 Bank, Factory ‘pplcatons with High internal OS pee eee ra ansible loads or requiing. | Dept, Store, 8 | .03-.08 02.05 0.08 100.10 | atarge amount of eutdoor alr | Restaurant, for ventiaton. Factory ‘he bypass tactor with sray-ol te dacros eplial shiny prowdee move sutace or conachng 0100.10 | All outdoor eir applications. | Operating ) Room, Faotory p ROOM ‘CONDITIONS ER Ww tg EFFECTIVE SENSIBLE HEAT FACTOR ‘AND APPARATUS DEWPOINT” 20 fesue] 1.00] 42-01 no? [43.5 25 fesu®| 1.09] 52.7 | pop [40.8 90 ESHF| 1.09] ADP {54.5 38 42. fesnr 1.00 ADP |58.9, «0 fesue] 1.00) 48 oP [e2.4 985 ESHF| 1.00 Ao? [5.8 jros.4 SHE] 1.00 ADP [68.91 ESHF| 1.00] 175] gop [71.6 1204 ESHF| 1.00, ADP [74.2 39.6 SHE 1.00 aoe [78.8 70 151.0 ESHF| 1.00, jAoP [79.0 20 ESHF] 1.00 #58! aor |s04 ao 98 a 443 ESHF 1.00 ADP | 45.21 30 ESHEF| 1.00 541] oP |502 04 |. ae 1.00 B44 92 |. 52 1.00) 579 fe 38 00 612 0 00 42 55 66.9 +00 00 69.5 es 18.2 ESHF| 1.00 aor {71.9 27.6 ESA 1.00 ape [74.0 35 40 ‘57.0 | ESHA 1.00] ape | 54.6 ee] 4 65.1] £S4F 1.00) AoP [55.2 {ao |. Table 15~ Apparatus Dewpoints EFFECTIVE SENSIBLE HEAT FACTOR loa “RH WW ‘AND APPARATUS DEWPOINT" ayes Sees 1.18 ISHRAE Handbook preerysscy Table 16 - Apparatus Dewpoints (Contd.) oe aw we w | © “TTRSSYBSRNSGUELRALEA? larme wow] YESS gems new cron ED (4) AF) fray pO ce te ove | 610] sus|hon [aoa ea | [as [aa [a7 [30] ae] | [58° “°7haom laalas [es (ae (see alee + |e21| so2} op |szfez|30| 08 a || c0 [a8] 29] | [°° |S4] 997] nar lana| ae 08 [a8 Hes 4s | 56.3 |oor eset ne fas 28) 28 FUE [tz 72 ez 1e5 17 fas e.0| ena ESHA|! 004 28 [er ols vol 22] 72 [aor [sealer ase ||| 7 [5 [| 4) aap eee ss [ea a fo] [ss 5s | o7.4| ox. 9| SH 00/89 [0 {at} [5|%9] %°| aoe lanr[ so | | ee | ee fan] os (a hed to | se] ona SHA 1.99/00 78 ‘a [a1] | [2]22] [aor jon feo| o | s| se) sas [se is |roa| a si [ 5] S/S] | eeleel elie stl lesa fa] 2 | f+ some re) at [oa et [ar so | |_|] 9] ® [nw Jes ef] | 0 Se So +5] 603] soo rea} | 22] #22] 252] [ate] | aos |e [ae | [ena] sa rset | [25| see] 909 ese a] 8s FE a aiaden tse] | foo ‘oofe7|[ sa se] 7a ESHF| 1.00] 50 | 65.0} 71.9) Fon | go ESHF| 1.00] 55 | 68.6] ro.2| FSH] 00 ESHF| 1.00 app {63.0| ESHF| 1.00) [ADP 65-2 SHA] 1.00 | AoP [e755 70 | 70.8}101.2 ESHA] 1.00] ADP | 47.) ESHF| 1.00] ADP {50.9 SHE 1.00] ADP [54.1 site| 1.00.94 [24 |.77 [79 |.70 | 68 65 S| 8421 88.7 aap |57.0/ 56 «4 | 52 | 50| ee | 46 | «2 sit] 00] 96 [63.75.70 |.67 |.63 |r bp {59.6 50 §7 | 55 {53 | 51 | 40 | a4 ‘ESHF| 1.00 [8 | 62 [77.79 [67 [02 68 op [62.0161 | 60 | 59] 58 | 56 | 53 | 49 ESHF| 1.00 4 | 72 | 66.60 [7 [68 [64 | app {64.6 63 {'61 | 59 | 57 [55 | 89 | 51 sue] 1.0079 [68 |.60 |. | |.s1 |.so abe [6.516563 | 61 [so] 57155 [53 25 | 59.6) 48.3 49] 61.2) ss.3 62.7| 624 Fa 7 ss | 65.6] 76.8] 6s | 68.5] 90.8} 70 69.8] 97.9 )ISHRAE Handbook 446 : Table 15- A fable 15 - Apparatus Dewpoints (Contd. ° Ps pointe (Contd) 72-55F DB a consi (> (PHT | ergeeememevem cron. | EME | rece seus ear rcron 5 1 0) (oe 2 EUS Dera 6 ior] Te EBiF|.00[ 6.73 [er |.60].8 [ae [se a zal [282 | 78°] aoe | see] 0 | so | se| 32 [so | a8 [a7 60) 823] 462/506 faao[ se [oe re hee 1.00} .¢9].s2|-so/.se [se] sa 3] 70 os. svi 00 ar hes e1.6|c0] so] so} s4[ 51 [40 [a4 65 | 53.9] 80.0 op Laat ealliah ) esnel1.00]98 [06 f.9« [2a EsHF| 1.00] 63 [2] 29) 488] 25.8) sop | 27.6| 26 | 24 | 20 | 21 7° [843] £99] por [sot a7] 34 ) Eau 00] [ae 32 [30 [ae SH] s.00 oo | se 25 | $1.5 279) sop 33.7} 31 | 29 | 27 | 25 | 22 ls 75 65.9) Sra |AOP |52.0] 40 | 37 ) este 1.00) 8 [266 | 2 esHF 1.0045 76 [70 [08 | 6x] 50 far [se 20 | 53.0] se. EHF 1.00 ‘0 [2 | 25 | 20 £18531 17 gop [s99{5s |s2 [1 [so | «a a | (se ) esne| scolar | [0] |e} sa eon .00|76 [er Lee [7 [a6 fe] sa 98.0) jOP 41.41 40 | 38 | 96 | 34 | 32] 30 5] 872 85.5] sop 55.4) 84 | $3 | 62] 80] 49] 47 | 45 ‘ ESHF/ 1.00.95 |.90 |.86 /.83 |.80].78 |.76 |.74 ESHF] 1.00 /72 |.62 | 87 | 54 |-S2 [50 [a9 ; {0158 | lao [es] a8 41 30 'a7 [95/3220 20} | |99|522] 84 fano [aro|ce [| [fag rea hae /ESHF} 1.00].93 |.87 |.¢2 [.79 [77].76 | 79 L714 JESHF| 1.00 169 |.55 |.49 |.47 |.46 | 45 ; ; #5] 5] 424 aor [477] a6 | a4 [<2 [40 [20 28 33] 271 ||| "| aoe [sae sue c0fo2 [ea {a0 [28 [ze 7: Leo jor > ) #9 | $85] 688 foe [50s] 49 | a7 | as | 43 |r| a8 [a8 | 25 60 47.9] 98.4 ey A es | 527] oon |S4H 00/82 [20] 77 [79 reo feo fen | ye foal S222] Set faoe [s.r se [0 fea [46 [afte 50] S2] | fost aoa] ana 70 7 60 | 60,9! 65.) ESHF] 1.00}.80 |.70 |.73 | 69 |.66 | 64 [62 | 61 cat ) }70 | 49.7] 44.6] 87 |.66 ("| safer es] e2a] ria ) ee 78 | $0.6] 48.0] 64 | 63 25 | 28 70] sa} 76. 80] 51.5] 51.2) 61.60, my 99 | 37 75 | 64] 225 a7 : 5| sa] sa : “0 20 es.2) 90 ) 0| 22] 572 ) | Jes} seal sx. ) 60 | 58.6] 55.0) 0 [ar bee a0 [a0 37 ra ) 6007 | 05 6s [ee] 82 ral eval aoa q i a one ling eb : tt of raat, Trg con woreectethowanraten chive, | [70] 880] 64. ; fuscpoiar en 75] so] soa ) ls 7 7 80 | 51,0] 73.8] ) as] 20] 75.5 ) so} 630] ex ) es] 6.0] 20.9 ) a 1.20 ISHRAE Handbook. Cooling & Dehumiditying Heat Load Estimate SUNTIME, Conpmions [08 | we | “AH] oP | Gab Estimated for Local Time PeakLoad LOOAL TINE jitem Area or Sun Galn of Quantity Temp. Dif, asa Room tT ‘SOLAR GAIN GLASS au SghiX x Ditierence roo | xxx [30 ic Sax x [Selected Room Condilions 08 WA “RH Glass x VENTILATION lass a Poopiox ‘GimvPersons ‘Sky Wght Sqrtx x INFILTRATION SOLAR & TRANS. GAIN - WALLS & ROOF Sq. FLX Ctmisq. ft = —___} Walt SqAx x ‘im Ventiaton * Wat SqFt x ‘swinger wal a REVOLVING O00RS - PEOPLE X__ceM/pERsON «| Wer a Opan doors X —orWoOOR= ~ ——| i x Exhaust Fan Grace FeetX —_cinvFt= Foor Sur Sark 2 ‘CFM OUTSIDE AI THRU APPARATUS * « [Roof Shaded —SaFiX x ‘SENSIBLE HEAT FACTOR & APPARATUS DEWPOINT TRANS GAIN EXCEPT WALLS. ROOF A Glass, SaFtX Eft room Sons. Hoat | ___ sang oat Factor [Pain SqFt x Et room roar Haat — * PEPEeEE Ee Indicated adp SF Solectod adp. (1 BF) (Room Tomp-ADP) = Dahurniiti INFILTRATION AND OUTSIDE AIR lntiration tmx. X1.08 Room Sensible heat - Dehumidited Ctr Outside AT___———“Gim XK BF TOT 1.08 X Dehumnidliied isa INTERNAL HEAT ‘NOTES People People x ‘Sonpy Supp Saray “| duet Duct H.P% Factor [Heat Gains ‘Leak Loss | EFFECTIVE ROOM SENSIBLEHEAT. ; Infitraion _GimX grb X 0.68 ataTge-AT 37 : pe on 2S | ‘Appliances, Ete fapor Vi [oe om Late Haat STE SUPPLY] + SAFETY EROTOR LEAKAGE Loss EFFECTIVE ROOMLATENTHE, Sensible: Ctm x” SFX (1-BF) X 1.08 ib X (1-BF) X 0.68 Heat Gain% Leak Loss TONS = GRAND TOTAL HEAT" ISHRAE Handbook ©) Psychrometric Chart 1 - Normal Temperature (IP) ISHRAE Handbook | Ria ey Psychrometric Chart 2 - Low Temperature (IP) Yoana ota ISHRAE Handbook 12 Psychrometric Chart 3 - High Temperature (IP) 1 t * ¥ ) Ng ) "0 gral ENTHALPY - BTU PER POUND OF ORY AIR QO ) 124 ISHRAE Handbook 9 Psychrometric Chart 4 - NormalTemperature (SI) 2 s : $ © 2 ER Ee a ee <>). ISHRAE Handbook 1.25 “) " Psychrometric Chart 5 - High Temperature (S!) bi ‘nr aus TeMPenarune © 1.28 ISHRAE Handbook Psychrometric Formul: .A-AIR MIXING EQUATIONS (Outdoor and Return Air) C. SENSIBLE HEAT FACTOR EQUATIONS (eftigg X fg) + (Clie X Log) 4 _ __RSH ASH ‘os FEEEEE rena eeeerre fi ASHES SSH e AL 7 “RTH fo olny XP) + (ot Pg) ERSH RSH bm cme ) ESHE= RSH y ERIN” ERTH (5) (chrtigg X Weg) + (oft X Wry) TSH TSH 2 Fe Wn ality ® SSHF* ean "GTA er B. COOLING LOAD EQUATIONS D. BYPASS FACTOR EQUATIONS: ERSH == _-RSH+(BF)(OASH)+RSHS* (4) ty ERLH == RLH + (BF) (OALH) + RLHS* 6) Br= 2 (1.BF) 2 (28) ERTH ERLH + ERSH (8) (29) ‘TSH = RSH +OASH + RSHS* (7) TLH = RILH + OALH + RLHS* (@) GTH TSH +TLH4+ @THS* ®) (30) RSH 1,08 x cfm ,9 x (tinted (10). TEMPERATURE EQUATIONS AT APPARATUS LH 0.68 x ctr, x (Wrn* Wea) (it) RTH 4.45 Xt 5X (Din Nyy) (12) (chy ty) + (etx t) = tear Tea K hl (Cl on) 1) RTH RSH + ALH (13) elie OASH = 1.08 xc log ta) (14) a tog tip + BF (het OALH “0.68 xf, (Woq= Won) (15) Mahan BE (aer-tas) 2) OATH = 4.45 xc, x (Mg Men) (16) ‘and ty Corrospond to the calculated values SEEEEEEE 77 OASH+OALH. (47; of and in, onthe psychrometrio-chart (BF}(OATH) = (BF)(OASH)+(BF)(OALH) (18) (ofingg X Py) + (cfg X Pg) . age —— oe (33) ERSH = 1.08K fms X(t“ tgl(t-BF) (19) ofr ERLH = 0.68x cfm 4.4% Wyn Weg (1-BF) (20) a= heap BF (y= Pag) (34) ERTH = 4.45 x chim gg 1X (My Nygg)(1-BF) (21) TSH 1.08xef my $X (ayy) (22) TLH = 0.68x cl, 4x (W,,-W)"” (23) TEMPERATURE EQUATIONS FOR SUPPLY AIR GTH 4.45 x cli gg 3X (hgh) (24) RSH teas t= (35) 1.08 (ctm,,¢) R123 Is the nearest alternate Refrigerant to replace R11. ) ; ) ) ISHRAE Handbook 6 ‘AIR QUANTITY EQUATIONS, RSH a Ohm ee = OBB a) 8) ERLH otmea* Sa T-BEIM = Wea) (37) ERTH Otte” aE GBF a) (38) TsH a ont = aa ) TlH Oat « —— a Wi) (40) GTH 7 Sat Tash te RSH * Clrmtoa) (a2) RLH 43 One® — a ay (43) ATH a ot —— ER 4h ohmda (44) Note: cfmge will be loss than cfmsa only when alr Is physically bypassed around the conditioning appara ‘us. chitga = ctioa + chia (48) 127 H. DERIVATION OF AIR CONSTANTS: 1.08 = .244 x 60 35 where.244 = specific heat of moist al at 70.F db ‘and 80% rh, Btu/(dog F) (lb dry air) 80 = mine 13.5 = specific volume of moist alr at 70 F db and 50% th 60, 4076 *8* 438 * “7000 where = minthr 19.8 = spacitic volume of moist aif at 70 F db and 50% eh 1076= average heat removal required to ‘condense one pound of water vapor trom the room att : 7000 grains per pound 60 45 = 00, Se igs wheres = mine 1.5 « specific volume of moist air at 70 F db and 50% th " RSHS, RLHS and GTHS are supplementary loads duo to duct hoat gain, duct leakage toss, fan and pump horsepower gains, otc. To simplily the various examples, these supplementary loads have not been used in tho caloulations. However, In actual practice, these. Supplementary loads should be used where appropriat + When no aris to bs physteally bypassed around the conditioning apparatus, clrngy = ofm,y. “+ Whon tay Wa @Nd hy are equal to the éntering conditions at the cooling apparatus, thoy may be SUbstIUtEG f0F tay, Wy, and A, raspactvely. R134a is the nearest alternate Refr rant to replace R12. 1.28 ISHRAE Handbook ABBREVIATIONS SYMBOLS dp apparatus dowpoint im, bypassod alr quantty arcund apparatus at dehumiited air quantity oF bypass tactor ote, uldoor air quantity (8F) (OALH) bypassed outdoor air latent hoat ae Seti ehitla (2) (OASH) Dypeeed ctor a senso nent pemnenrhend (BF) (OATH) bypassed outdoor air total her Bune Bish thorfal units por hour h specie enthalpy fm cuble foot por minuto hp apparatus dowpolatentholpy bw fective surface fomparalure enthalpy ® dy -butb om ntaring alr enthalpy ddowpolnt h foaving air enthalpy ty rintur of outdoor and ratum alr enthalpy EAH affective room latont hoat kK abc ERSH stfootve room eensiba he a I bia eH ‘tectve room total heat SHE effective sensibie heat factor, Ye ‘supply alr enthalpy F Fehrenholt degre t temperature fm foot por minute be apparatus dewpoint temperature ie entering dry-bulo temperatiro sm salons por minute le affective surface temperature sf rains per pound te antering water temperature oar lorena nenetale yee fable fon entering Wet-bulb temperature ot pease Heat tow leaving dry-bulb temperatura ats grand total heat supplement ‘iy foaving water temperature OALH ‘Outdoor alr latont heat ‘no teaving -wetbulb temperature ons Outdoor alr senate at ‘inture of ouldoor and ftw alr oxnH Outdoor ai otal heat ‘ry-bulb temperature ‘a ‘Bodoor alr yD TaMpeTaTTe m relative humidty bn room dty-bulb tomporature PH oom latoat he te supply alr ry-bub temperature LHS room latent heat supptoment pert w ‘molsture content or specific humidity ia ane en ee W, ‘@pperatus dewpoint moisture content ‘RSHS toom sensible heat supplement fad ani My entering a motsture content Wey fective surface temperature molature Sat Ett saturation efticlency of spray content sHF sensible hi My leaving ale malate content Wy ‘isture of outdoor and retum ir _ TH moleture content TSH {otal sensibie heat Woe ‘outdoor ait molsture content 7 at Wy ‘0m melsturecontont We ‘supply air motsture contont «Jamies “t BACHE ie ISHRAE Handbook zl . 42 Table 16 Relative Density of Air at varlous temperatures - ) (70°F = 1.00) r 7 ) Temp |. Relative|] Temp | Relative || Temp | -Relative |] Temp | Relative || Temp | Relative (F) | Density |] (F) | Density |] (F) | Density |} (F). | Density || (F) | Density ) -40 1.261 |] 110 ,| 0.93 | 260 | o.7a6 || 410 | 0609 |] seo | ose ) -30 1.293 || 120°] 0.914 |} 270 | 0.726 |} 420 | 0.803 || 570 | ois -20 1.205 |] 130 | 0.808 |] 260°] 0.716 |} 430. |. 0.808 |} 580 | osto : “10 4.178 | 140 | 0.883 || 200 | 0.707 |} 440 | ios89 || seo | o.sos ° 1.152 || 160 | ose |} 300 | 0.697 | 460 | ‘0.582 |) Goo | 0.500 ) 10 1.128 || 160 | 0.985 |} 310 | 0.688 |} 60 | 0.576 |] sso | 0.477 20 1.104 || 170 | 0.841 || 320.| 0.680 |} 470 | 057 |]-700 | 0.487 ) 30 1.082 || 180 | 0.828 || s30 | 0.671 | 480 | 0.865 || 750 | 0.438 40 1.06 || 190 | 0.815 |] 340 | 0.622 |} 400 | 0869 |!'a00 | o.aat 50 1.038 | 200, | 0.803 || 360 | 0.654 || soo | 0.553 |} as0 | 0.404 7 60 1.018 || 210 | 0.791 || 360 |- 0646 |} 510 | 0.847 || 900 | 0.99 ) 70 1.000. | 220 | 0.779 || 370 | 638 || s20 | 0.541 || 950 | 0.976 80 o.gs2 || 230 | 0.768 || 380 | 0.631 |! 530 | 0.535 || tooo | o.364 : 90 o.s64 || 240 | 0.767 |} 390 | 0.624 |] sao | 0.530 || 1050 | 0.952 100 0.948 || 250 | 0.747 || 400 | osie |! 550 | 0.525 || 1100.) 0.340 ; 7 ) Table 17 Relative Density of Air at 7 7 Various Altitudes Tabie 18 Standard Atmospheric Data for ) (Sea Level @ 70 °F = 1.00) Altitudes to 60,000 ft } Corresponding Altitude Relative Barometde Anttuée__Tanperetore, °F ) Foot Danity Pressure a eae ) Sea Lovel 1.00 2092 a aout 200 0.996 207 . 50.0 ) 400 0.985 20.49 500 s72 600 0.978 29.28 +000 55.4 ) 800. cart 29.08 000 51.8 1000 0.984 28.85 aon) 40.8 ) 1200 o2s7 veoh aa 1400 0.981 ) tase foes ‘5000 ana 1800 0.937 a cs ui 2000 0.93 7000 340 7 2500 0913 8000 90.5 3000 0.896 8000 269 ) aso oars 10,000 204 o. ) 5000 ogs2 eee re a 0709 20,000 123 ) 7000 0774 0,000 478 8000 0.738 40,000 607 ) 8000 078 50,000 097 ; 10000 0.687 60,000 69.7 400 100 9986 130 ISHRAE Handbook Table 19 Dew Points in °c Table 20 Temperature Converter Dry Relative Humllty Per cent 10°C From Te] WO From Te] Toi Fon Tew iemp.| ' % © 4 6 €0 7 G9 G0 100) | aoa9 -40 -400) -084 +15 v600] 200 9 0 go Temp, 9944-39 -202| 889 416 +608|42167 371 + 1808 or }- 98.89 - 38-364) -0.53 +17 4626/4 2222 472 +1616 88.99 -37 348] «770 +18 +644) $2278 479 4 1604 pleted oe ee eB] Varm s lizel “nae tis fecal? 22% +74 41052 +8722 -95 910] -667 +20 +a80/+z389 475 < 1670 870 6 0 13 8 we a +9687 +94 292) -6.11 421 + 698/4 2444 +76 + 188) {7 1 7 Mf 18 18 20 2 Bh 2B 96.11 -33 274) - 856 422 +716) 425.00 +77 +1706 a 6 3 9 18 tT me me wm 2 95.56 +92 = 25.6] 600 423 +734]+ 2556 +79 + 1724 + 4 8 He 8 at 24 80) J. 35.00 - 31 B38) 444 624 4752) 426.11 479 + 1742 2] 9 6 2 t7 20 23 2 2 3) ae 8444 90-220] +369 *425 4770/4867 480 + 176.0 ol og a OS BB B % 8 Hl I ae49 29 ane] -a39 926 steslsare ler che 3) 0 9 18 2 m4 er a a2 3 -8 184) -270 +27 +606) +2759 +62 41706 a] 1 1 1 26 2 oH 88 +27 166/222 +23 +426) 2099 +00 4 1814 40) 3 13 19 at co at of 08 a8 82.22 -25 148) -167 429 4042] +2089 404 + 1002 a2] 4 4 at 28 90 93 06 8840 +25 +190) 441 530 4060/4 2048 405 a) ow a no 8 0 -%4 -11a] -056 +31 s87s]+a000 +35 5 1008 4] 8 a 2 33 8 4 “2 +84) 000 +32 +895] 63058 +57 4 1088 aa] ot 2 of a a at wae 22-76) +058 +35 sora} e91.i1 +38 « 1904 alam is 7 0 8 8 BOngin® S0ygim? 2, Gas Phase Chemiluminescence: ) [Suspended Particulate ‘Annual Average’ 360ug/m? 140ugim TOghn> + High Volume sampling. | Mattar (SPM) 24 hours ** 500ug/m? 200pg/m> 100.g/m? (Average flow rate not fess than ) 1.Am%/minute) J |Respirable Particulate ‘Annual Average’ 120ug/m? 6O.gim? BOugim? Resplrable particulate matter Matter (size less than 24 hours: 180ugim® 100pgim3 ‘T5agin? sampler ) 1 ym) (APM) ) Lead (Pb) 120,gim? Ogi SOugin? = AAS Mothod after sampling using 1.5ygin? 1.00 g/m? 0.75ygin EPM 2000 of equivalent filter paper ) : ‘ | Carbon Monoxide (CO) ‘8 hours™* 5.00mgim? = 2.0mgim® 1.0mgim? + Non dispersive infrared d 1 hours 10.0mgim? —4.0mgim* 2.0mgim? ‘spectroscopy d + panualarthmate mean of minimum 104 measurements in a yar taken vice a week 26 howl tun int ) _ * Bt'houry 8 noury vue should be met 8% ofthe tine Ina you, However, 2% of heme, k may excaed But on wo coneeaulve days. ’ Nove: ) 4. Natlonal Amblont Air Gualty Standard The lovee of sr qully nocosear wih an adaquate margin of ealey, 0 protect the pull hoat, vegan and property ____2 Whenever and wherover two conseculve values exceed th tnt specad shore forthe respective category, would ba onsdered edequae reason to Intute regular / coninuove monfoing and lurherIwvestgation, ) & The Stato Governments / Stato Board shal ely the sonlve and otha ar in the rospeotve eats within a perod of sk ‘months fom the date of Noifcation of NatonalAntlent lr Guay Stender, ) Soute: Cental Palin Cont! Beard, Deh - 11 Ap 1984, ? Mere increase of outdoor air : may not improve » indoor air quality. ) Quality of outdoor air J Plays an important role. 1.34 ISHRAE Handbook. ‘Table 27 General Emission Standards Standard Concentration not to exceed (in mg/Nm?) 1 ‘Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM) 160 2 Fluoride 10 3 ‘Asbestos 4 Fiore sco 4 Mercury oz 5. Chiorine 16 8, Hydrochloric acid vapour and mist 95 2 Hydrogen Sulphide 10 8 Sulphuric acta mist 60 8. Carbon monoxide 1% tax 10. Chloride 100 1. Lead 20 12, Sulphur dioxide 50 “Il, Equipment Based Standards: Proweribed ot ehut dioxide emissions are achieved through dlspersion. Minimum stack height limit is accordingly prescribed as below: No. Parametor ‘Standard 1 Sulphur dioxide Staci-height limit In meters (1) Power generation capacity + 500 MW and more 275 +» 200/210 MW and ‘above to less than 500 MW 220 + lees than 200/210 MW He tacqy2 (W) Stoam generation capacity Coal consumption per day + Less than 2T/hr Less than 8.5 MT ° + 2to 8 The 85t021 MT 12 + 5t0 10 The 2140.42 MT 18 + 1010 18 Tine 4210 64MT 18 + 180.20 7/hr 64 10 106M at + 201025 Tir 104 to 105 mT 24 | + 251090 7/hr 105 to 126 MT 27 + More than 30 Tir More than 128 MT 30 ‘or using the formula H = 14 (aye NOTE: H+ Physloal height of the stack in meters Q = Emission rate.of 80, in Kgihour MT | = Mattie Tonne Source: Central Pollution Control Board. Increase in CO2 content in atmosphere leads ‘to global warming. : {SHRAE Handbook 1.35 Table28 U.S. Ambient Air Quality Standards Table 29 Guidelines for Concentration Limits of Panay Secondary] __ Selected Air Contaminants of Indoor Origin ‘Averaging Standard Stendard | [Contaminant Concentration ppm Exposure Poitutent Tmo. Levels - Levels ° Partutste mater Annual. 75 gin? 60 gin? | J————__________time_| u {geometric mean) [Carbon dioxide" 1.8 gicum. 1000 Continous 24 260 ygin? t80¢aHm | | oaiy i . 8 ) Sulphur oxides ‘Annual 80 ygim? =| [Carbon monoxide 65 ma/cum. 50 ud ) {arithmetic mean) (0.03 ppm) Chlordane 55 yg/cum. 0,0003 Continuous ” 24 he 385 gin? _ i (0.14 ppm) Ozone 100 pg/eum, 0.05 Continuous ) 3h ~ 1900 ygim | | Radon** 0.02z7WL Annual {0.5ppm) ) | Carbon monoxide ar 10 mgin? 410-mgim? aeeee > (@ ppm) (9 pom) | | Nitrogen dioxide 9 mgicum. 5 Continuous 1 domain 40mg? ‘Sulfur dioxide 13 mg/cum. 5 (35 ppm) (85 ppm) a Nitrogen dioxide Annual — 100 4g? 100m fot {aritumettc mean) (0.05 porn) (0.08 ppm) iu ) ozone 1 240 ygim® 240 ugim? Total Suspended Particulates = 100 gim/oum, thr ; (0.12 ppm) (0.12 ppm) Hydrocarbone 3h Yeo xotn? 1600 | |. Tyreshold Value « 6 (nonmothane}* (6109 AM) (0.24 ppm) (0.24 ppm) eee Ere icer ) Lead Smos, _1.5ugim?__1.84g/m*| | ** 3200 piococuries » * Aoatoalivleed andar used ai & gl for ozo Cotol : i Not to ba excesded more than once a year ) ‘EPA has proposed a reduction of the standerd {0 25 ppm (29 mglm®) + Source: U.S, Enviranmantal Protection Agency ) ‘Table 30 Sources, Possible Concentrations, and Indoorto-Outdoor Concentration Rallos of Some Indoor Pollutants Sources of Possible Indoor V0 Concen- ) Poltutant Indoor Pollution Concentration ® tration Ratio Location Carbon monoxide ‘Combustion eaupment engines, fly eating eytome 100 ppm >>1 Skat ink, ofns, ) ‘homes, cars, shops | Respirable particles Stoves, tIreplaces, cigarettes, condensation of volatiias, 100 to 600 jugim? >>1 Homes, offlees, cars, public ) ‘aerosol sprays, resuspension, cooking ‘faclites, bars, restaurants ) | Organic- vapours ‘Combustion, solvents, resin products, pesticides NA at jurants, public aarosol sprays inespils ) Nitrogen dioxide: ‘Combustion, gas stoves, water heaters, driers, 20010 1000 g/m? ~— >> Homes, staking rinks elgeotes, engines ) sulphur dioxide Hecting systom 20 noir? <1 Rovomal inside Total suspended particle Combustion, resuspension, healing system 100ugin® 1 Homes, offices, transportation} > without smoking testaurants ) | Sulphate: ‘Matches, gas stoves 5 ygim® <1 Removal inside + [Formaldehyde Insulallon, produst binders, particleboard 0.05 10 1.0 ppm >t Homes, Offices ) Radon and progeny Bullding materials, ground water, solt 0.1 to 200 nCitm® >>1 Homes, buildings |Asbestos, Fireproofing ‘<1 fiberim® 1 Homes, scheois, Oftices bora an eytote bere Products, cloth, rugs, va NA = Homes, schots,otees a [Carbon dioxide: Combustion, humans, pats. 3000 ppm >>1 Homes, schools, Offices abe organisms Humans, pels, redets, inet, pans, url, NA >t Homes, hospitals, sehoos, ) ‘humidifiers, air conditioners. offices, public ozone Elec ating 20 pp <1 Alplanes ) UV Bght sources 200 ppb >1__ Offices rans Tstad are oy those reported Indoor. Goih Nigh and Tower concontialons have Daan moasUrGa- NO BVOTaGRL times are given. NA Indicates itis not appropriate to list a concentration, 1.36 Table 31 Generation of Gaseous Pollutants by Building Material ISHRAE Handbook Table 32 Typloal Outdoor Concentrations of Selected Gaseous Alr Pollutants ‘Average Generation Rate, yol(hem?) Typical con] ‘Typical Con] ‘Adhere tae centration, centration] |Conteminant Caulk sive teum Carpet Paint Varnish quer| Pollutant g/m? Pollutant Bg/m? [o-10 Akane 1200 i, a iesneirizaesen 740 | |Aestaldonydo Methylene chloride 2.4 InDecane 6800 Acstone 3 Nite eels 6 Formaldehyde 44180 JAmmenia, 1.2 | Nite oxide 10 Emenene ee Benzene 8 Nitrogen dioxide 5t Nonane 250 Toluene 20 750 110 160 160 ato | |@Butenone (MEK) — 0.3 Ozone bad etry! benzene 7200 carbon dioxle 6120004. Phenot 20 Trimathyt 129 [Carbon monoxide 3000 Propane 18 bonzane “Tundecene tae Icaondisuige = 310 | Sulturdioxide 240 xylene Ey 310 | [carton tetracnoriaa 2 Sulfur acta 6 xarthem®y] | Chloroterm 1 Tetrachloroathylene 2.5 e le Prin Ethylene dichloride 10 ‘| Toluene 20 nou fit P Contaminant —_| ton [tier wood | | Formaidenyde 20 | 1,1,1-THohtoroothane 4 Acetone “ nsHoptane 29 Trichloreethyione 15 7 6 Mercury (vapor) 0.005 | Vinyt chloride monomer 0.8 |Benzaldehyde _ | Methane 1100 Xylene: 10 2-Butenone 28 od Formaldehyde 7 2 4 340 260 600 300 lethy! chloride ® a a © Normal concentration of carbon dioxide In air. The concentration 2-Propanat 8 coccuplad spaces shouldbe maltained al no greta’ tren hve nes ia GF = glass fiber; UF = urealormaldehyde foam ‘eval (3000 pr Table 33 Total-Body Emission of __"_Some Gaseous Pollutants by Humans___| Typloal Typical Emission; Emission, The productivity Contaminant gi | Gentaminant—ug/h associated with comfort, Acotaldehyde 35 | Methane 1710 though hard to quanti lactone as | mato ‘ quantify, Ammonia, 15600 | Methylene chloride 88 is as important to lB 70, . aoe a eet ene 1s economics as }2-Butenone (MEK) 9700 | ‘Tetrachloroethena 1.4 Jcarton dtoxide ——sexto®| Telrechloroathyiona life, energy, and [Caton monoxide t0000 | Toluené 2 maintenance. Chloroform 3 A,t-Trichloroothane 42 -]otoxane 0.4 | Vinyl entrée monomer 0.4 Hydrogen suite 15. | Xylene 0.003 ISHRAE Handbook 187 (Measurements taken by ASHRAE india Chapter in the year 1994) ‘The ASHRAE - India Chapter had [Type of Spaces Time (AM = PM) Outdoor GO; Indoor GO recently conducted a survey In Delhi to | (Alrconditioned) level (PPM) tovel (PPR) imeseure indoor ArQualtylovelsindense | Hoiale "980 1400 ‘and solect areas ofthe capital using CO2 as the measurable variable to ardve at | Fast Food jolnts/ some Indication about the quallly of air ase es theh Inside and outside. A wide spreadsample | showrooms ee ATnee ba of hospitals, hotels, restaurants, banks, | Departmental Stores 650 © 1002- 1460 oces, showrooms wore taken to gauge the polution levels existing indoors and | Hospitels / Nursing Homes 784 - 1028 ‘outdoors. An interesting data emerged. | Giicgs eta -hdao Table 35 Specific Causes Contribution to IAQ = Related Problem In 85 Buildings Number of Times Percentage of Times cause was. ‘cause was Cause identified Identified Vontilation Controt 87 36 Lack of outside alr Poor air tribution Thotmal Contros 30 19 Inadequate capacity Operational deticiencias Ventilation tnfitration 16 10 ‘Outside ar intake location Cross-contamination 18 " Parking garage Print shop Smoking lounge Indoor Sources 4 ° Intarior furnishings Fibrous insulation Microblat Contamination " 7 Poor maintenance Water leakage Site Infiltration 4 2 ‘Adjacent Industry Underlying sol! Undetermined Cause ° 6 Tight building syndrome is the term expressing the idea that poor air. quality is “slowly killing the occupants" of modern office buildings. 138 ISHRAE Handbook! ) Table 36 ASHRAE Standard 62 - 1989 Ouldoor Alr for Vent ) Faaiiee (otoes, Stores, Shops, Hotes, itdoor Air Maximum etm! otm ) Application Occupancy (Sitiierson) Persone ‘sft. room Remarks Caundries Diy Cleaning processes ) sundry 100 2 may roqulre more ir Commorcal dry Gleaner 35 20 Storage, plek up 35 35 : ) Col-operated faundiles 50 18 : Coln-operated dry cleaner 50 15 j Food and Beverage Service Dining rooms 15 20 ) Caleteria, fast food 0 20 «| Bars, cocktalfounges 10 30 Supplemontary smoke ' removal equipment may bo requried Kachens (cooking) 50 1 Makoup ait or hoot ‘exhaust may require more ventlating ar. The sum of ) the outdoor air ana transfer alr of acceptable ‘rom adjacent ) spaces shall bo sufficient {0 provide en exhaust rete ) of not lees than 4.5 cfm (75 Us- mi?) , Repalr, Service Stations ) Enclosed parking garage 180 Distribution among people ‘Auto rapalr roome 180 ‘must consider worker location and concentration , of running engines, stends wharo engines are run, ) must Incorporate systeme do: for postive engine exhaust withdrawal, ) Contaminant sensors may bo used fo contol ) vontlation. Hotels, Motele, Resorts, ) +| Dormitories Badreoms 30 ‘Living roome 30 Independent of oom size ) Baths 35 Installed capac for Intermitont us ; Lobbies as 15 Conference rooms 20 20 Assembly rooms 3 18 ; Dormitory sleoping ar. 50 15 ) chandising, barber and \boauly shops, g Gambtng casinos 8 20 ‘Suppiamantary smoke ) : removal equipment may be ‘oquited. ) Oftices «| offices space 18 20 ‘Some offéo equipment ; Reception areas 7 7 ‘may require local exhaust Telecommunication contres end data enty aree 17 20 ‘Supplementary smoke ) Conforence rooms 20 20 removal equipment may be requir, ) Publi Spaces Conidors and uttties : 0.08 Public restrooms 60 ? Locker and dressing rooms 08 Macharca ehaut wit no {ectosatonsaconmenced ) ASHRAE Standard 62-1989 (Contd.) 1.39 Eetinated Ouraesr AW Requirements Maximum Sea Solos @ Ey oD " 0 10 100 24 ° Sale 09 ) ° 8510100 Brusslsprous $ 859 00 eathge, ato : 80100 seeped - nat ° 2 3 = matte ; Topped mate $ se ) cauttover $ 3. atarae ‘ & 7 ) celey ° Fy 202 Colas Q @ ‘3 am, Svat ° % ive ) Seotebars 113 & 204 gnu We © 200 [Endive (Escarote) 0 93 2.00 ) Frozen Vagetablos = 2310+ 18. fe ° 8 180 0 8 2.00 ) ies me wows Pane nen ee ete epee iy gue CiLtEHabe Eee amore ) Maple $3. 4.94- 4:25- 410- SEH eric ier tae eee an Swen ee har--Heee nae tee OLEEEH neenaranier erie teEea CHEE a wee cos ae eeeeeH ag Cee eer ; See tie : sate — a itt aad Ursa een tae tr ; oe Aenteeae ete name JS Storegetite's not besad.on maintaining auton value. * Lomons stored in production areas fr conditioning ae held al 13 to 14°C, but , PERERA ewer ‘eich “i _sbavefieezing, Gp = 0 + 0.837 where als the percent water content of the . ak alouman fraaze just below -1°C, cermmrramimttcr tine cece | Rita cee ane oe eS masugmaytdy te» Setceareatinaomiiaewen en mace Di2Sionsumgmmusyee + Leeeeaatiamamatataietls , See Fedazatn fat rence ann heme a ae ISHRAE Handbook ) 38_Storage Conditions for Gut Flowers and Nursery Stock Relative “Approximate Method of Highest ) Commecity Mumidy,% Storage tite Holding Frezing pat, * Cut Flowers d Calla Lily, 44 90 10 95 1 week Dry pack Camellia 7 90 to 85. 9 10 6 days, Ory peck +08. d Carnation -08t00 991005 B04 weak Dry pack to7 Chrysanthomam 08100 01095 Sto ¢ weeks ry Pack 108 ) Dect (arises) ow 06 01095, 1105 weoks Ory Pack sot Danie aa S105, 3105 cays Dry Pack ) Cardona ows 0 095 2 wooks Dry Pack 08 Ghdious 21955 80095, 1 wack Oy Pack +03 ) és, dg bude =08t00 so i085 2 weeks ry Pack ‘08 Uy, Easter Owi7 0 95 2ioSwosis Bry Pack "05 ) Uiy-otthewvatay =08t06 01095, 20 Swesia ry Pack orchid 7013 s0t05 aw water -03 Paony, tg bude own 01095 4406 nooks Ory Pack i oso, tot bude ° sons 2 wooke Dry Pack +0 Snapdragon 440 65 totes Vo 2wosks Dry Pack *08 Snect Poss 08100 0095 2 woaks Dy Pack 108 Tape 108100 01095 2103 weoks Ory Pack oroens Aspacagus (lumosis) 24 tor s5 2to3 weeks —_Foiyned Cases a8 Fern, dagger and wood “1860 20 065 2109 mons Ory Pack 27 Fern, loahareat 194 01095 to2menhs Dry Pack Holy ° 901095 4410S maoks ry Pack 28 Hucklobery ° 801095 $104 wooks Ory Pack 128 taut a 01095 1 6 we Dry Pack sa Magrota iT 4e 9010 to éweets ry Pack 28 Ahododendon « 90095 Sto 4 weots Dry Pack 129 Saal a 90095, {104 wooks Ory Peck 229 Butts Amarytis aur 70075 § monhe oy Caladium a 10076 210 4 mone Crocus Swi7 203 mons Data 408 Tow76 5 mons oy + | Gladius 70010 101075 Sb 8mots ov Hyseinth W920. 2 mon is, Ouch, Spanish 20025 Tow 400 f2monhs Ory Gloves 10017 70175 39 ¢monks,Palyner Candldum 081008 201075, {fo ¢monts —_Polfner and pot crt 081008 701075 {06 mons Polymer and poat Loaltonm ‘081008 701075 410 monis —Potjinarend peat «4.7 Speciesum 081006 701075 106 monhs ——Polyner and post Peony O80 47 701075 5 monte bry Tubes 407 71075 4 mont Dry Tip ” 107 2t06 monte ry 24 rsry stock Tees and shade owe 6s 4106 mens ote bushes +05 t02 85 1095 4105 montis - Bare rete with pojinar avbery plans - we fo i085, 80 10montts Bare reoted wih poynar «1.2 Rote cutinge +5102 251095 ~"Pelyrap Noracoous peannate “28t0-28 tones 4108 minds +08 47 201085 3107 mone Chistmes tos “55100 01005 6107 weoke D ISHRAE Handbook 14 5 ‘Some Relationships in Refrigeration Calculations 9 4. Not Rotrigerating Heat Content of Heat Content of 7 Effect, Btu/b Vapor Leaving = | Liquid Entering Evaporator, Btulb, Evaporator, Biullb ) ) 2. Net Refrigerating Latent Heat of ‘Change in Heat Conteht Effect, Btullb| Vaporization = *.Jof Liquid from Condensing ) Btufb to Evaporating Temperature cece Btu/lb ) ) 3. Not Refrigerating Btu/min) : Effect, Btullb| ) (Refrigerant Circulated, tb/min) ) 4. Refilgerant Circulated, (Load or Capacity, Btu/min) > ‘b/min ) (Not Refrigerating Effect, Btulb) Refrigerant Volume of Ges 5. Compressor Circulated x | Entering Compressor, > Displacement, ou f¥min Ib/min cu fib ) Volume of Gas ) 6 Compressor Capacity, x Entering Compressor, ; Displacement, cu {ymin Btu/min cu fv ; [Net Refrigerating Elfect, Btu} ) Heat Content of Heat Content of ) 7. Heat of ‘Vapor Leaving - Vapor Entering ; Compression, Btu/Ib Compressor, Btuib Compressor, Btu/b ) 8 Heat of (42.418 Btu/min) (Compression Horsepower) Compression, Btulb, , (Refrigerant Circulated, b/min) ) . 9. Compression Work, Heat of Compression] x [Refrigerant Circulated ) Btu/min Btufb tb/min > 10. Compression (Compression Work, Btu/min) ) Horsepower : (Conversion Factor, 42.418 Btu/min) 1.46 ISHRAEHandbook . 9 ‘Some Relationships in Refrigeration Calculations (Contd. a » Heat of Compression, | Capacity, 11. Compression = Btu/ib x [Btu/min ) Horsopower 42.418 Btumin x _[Net Refrigerating ) Effect, Btu/ib ) (Capacity, Btu/min) ) 12, Compression = ee Horsepower ) [42.418 Btu/min) x |Costficiant of performance ) ) 18. Compression (4.718) Horsepower per Ton = _ ) Coefficient of Performance ) ) 14. Power, watts = ‘Compression Horse- power per Ton 748.7 ) ) 15. Coeffient of = (Net Retr ing Effect, Btu/lb) 3 Performance —$_$_$_$__—___, (Heat of Compression, Btu/lb) ) ) 16. Capacit Refrigerant ‘Net ) Btu/min = Circulated, x Refrigerant Ib/min Effect, Btu/b ) ) ‘Compressor Net ) Displacement} Refrigerant 17. . Capacity, cu ft/min x Effect, Btu/lb ) Btu/min Pee eee ee [Volume of Gas Entering Compressor, cu’ ‘ft/lb ) ) 4 ; ‘Compression 42.418 Net Refrigerating ) 18. Capacity, Horsepower | x Btu/min |x Effect, Btu/b Btu/min = ee eee ) (Heat of Compression, Btu/b) ) R407C is the nearest alternate Refrigerant to replace R22. ) ISHRAE Handbook ) 4.47 Table 39 Estimates of Service Lives of Various System Components ) ae Median Median Median] : Equipment tem Equipment ttem Years | Equipment item Yoars Air conditioners Ar terminals Air-cooled condenser 20 ; Window unit 10 Ditlusers, grilles, and registers27 Evaporative conde 20 ) Rosidental single or spit package 15~<~] Induction and fan-colt units 20 Insulation ) Commercial through-thewal 15 VAV and double-duct boxes 20 Molded 20 ‘Water-cooled package 18 Alt washers 7 Blanket m : Hoat pumps Ductwork 30 umes ) Resident at-to-air 8 Dampers 20 ‘Base-mounted 2 ) Commercial alr-to-elt 6 Fans Pipe-mounted 10 Commorcial water-to-a 19 Centitugal Eo ‘Sump and well 10 ; Roottop alr conditioners Axlal 20 Condensate 8 ) ‘Singlo-zone 8 Propelior 18 Reciprocating engines 20 ) Mutizona 6 Ventiating root-mounted 20 Steam turbines 30 Bollars, hot wator (t Cols Electro motors 18 : Seo! waterube 260] Ox, water or stem 20 Noto tarts " 9 J Stoot fire-tube 25 (28)| Electric 18 Electric transformers 30. ) Cast iron 38 (90)| Heat Exchangers Contra Elect 15 Shot-and-iuibe 24 Proumatie 20 , Burners at Reciprocating compressors 20 Eloctre 16 > Furnaces Package cil Electronle 18 5 Gas-orolttred 18 Pociprovating 20 Valve actuators Unit nesters Contritugat 23 Hydrate 48 > a8 oF iectra 8 ‘Absorption 3 Poumatic 20 Hot watar or steam 20 Cooling towors Self-contained 10 ) Radiant heaters Gavvanizod metal 20 Electric 10 Wood 20 ? Hot water or steam 25 Coramie 34 ) > Successful design-build Projects, however, never occur accidentally. > ‘They require thorough planning on the part of the client as well as ) the contractor. Only through this joint and sincere effort ) can a successful outcome be assured, Section 2 Air Ducts - Design, Materials & Installation _ ISHRAE Handbook: 21 CLASSIFICATION OF DUCTS ~* FAN LAWS Independent ‘Supply and return duet aystoms are clasied with respect to Varlab the valocty and pressure of tha alr within the duct R= a x (OYDy*(N YN) miei Poo RX PyDARWYNRa a, There are wo types of ar ansmiasion systems used fr ar |, a Wy XK (OYOQIM NG conaitioning application. They are called Conventional or Low Velocity and High velocity systems. The dividing line between = Q% - XK _— YD,I(Py/p,)"* ald)" these systems Is rather nebulous but, forthe purpose of this i ae section, the following inital supply alr velocios are offered as | ™ Ne X * (Oy/0s}0y/g)"* (yl) oor Whos We X © (YDS) (Py Pe) tee.) 4. Commercial comfort air conditioning N= N% xX (0J0,)?(aya,) 1. Low velocity - up to 2500 fpm. Normaly between tae 1200 and 2200 fpr. Ros fe XK (By0,)* (010,)" PylPg b, High velosty - above 2500 fp, Wo MX yONO/E,) poy 2. Factory comfort ale conditioning 4. Low valocly - up to 2500 Normally between 2200 and 2600 fp, LSOEND ace . High volosty - above 2600 to 5000 fp. N= olational Speed 4 = Gas Density Normally return air systems for both low and high velocity Q = Volume Flow Rato supply alr systems are dosignod as low velocity systoms. The west poeen velocity range for commercial and factory comfort application Is as folows: 4. Ainpower 4. Commercial comfort lt condoning low valocty up to SI Unite 2000 Ipm. Normally between 1500 and 1800 fpm. Meroe ae. at porn & 'O'lsinmes 2, Factory comfort alt conditioning «low velocity up to ta Leda 2 5 o ° AirPower=pxQ/6360, HP fom. Normally between 1800 ané 2200 fpm, Whore fen Ine, & tn tm Note: If ‘p’ Is the fan pr {p)): the result is Air Pressure Air distribution systems are dlivided into three pressure cat- ‘egories; low, medium and high. These divisions have the same pressure ranges as Class J III fans as indicated: 1, Low pressure - up to 9 2/4 in. wg - class | fan 2. Medium prassure - up to 9 2/4 10 6 9/4 in, wg - class 1 fan 3, High pressure - up to 6 8/4 to 12 2/4 In. wa - class Ii) fan ‘Those pressure ranges are total pressure, Including the losses, through the alr handling apparatus, ductwork and the alt tormi- ‘al In the space, Power (Total), It on the other hand, "p' Is static Pressure (p,)), the rosulting value will be Air Power (Static). FAN EFFICIENCY Fan ellclency is the ratio of the Alr Power to mechanical Input powor and is usually expressed ae @ percentago: alr powor (total) Fan total elficlency n, = x 100% measured fan Input power alr power (static) Fan static aticiency (0, x 100% "measured fan input power 9. TEMPERATURE RISE: Brune tn Lb. Unite tet :PEPasiaae a nea? ax 123 22 ISHRAE Handbook Table 1 Recommended Maximum Duct Velocities for Low Velocity Systems (FPM) = senucinon | 2rtnouina CONTRQLNG TOR eT FAG FACTOR - NOISE iad ign [an Dirck Bas Main Ducts. Supply Return ‘Supply, Return Feaacs on io 220 oot oi ‘parr ft oedecne 100 0 120 120 so Hospital Bedraoms Coe oe =o fits ofa Dinca Roos vere zoo 10 00 s0 terse Theaer Kates 0 00 sen sco on | General Off Hcy Goss vivans | a6 so 10 woo ‘0 tas Gar cere ae Ags 5 iis ai i Ts va sie wae i oo 5 2 eo Table 2 Occupied Zone Room Air Votocities (3 ft. above floor level) ROOM AIR RECOMMENDED Table 3. Typical-Design Velocities for HVAC vexocery REACTION ‘APPLICATION Components oi apart Ba oa Fass Wo e | Beamon teen | aveemocer | OVERS es 25-80 | Probably favourable but 50 All commercial baal fpm Is approaching may. applications 7000 cfm and gre 400 Scares ee taste | Sateen azn Sono inend pes son: sete a 8 ‘Upper limit for people moving! etal! end dept. FILTERS eating ee) Sa Povo 78-300 | Some factory alt conditioning | Factory air Viscous Impingement Laut | Sse Ost, exes Fat for afte Siig Pt ma fs i pe vem a Table 4 Recommended Outlet Velocities Renewable media filters TALE TERING EOS Mevepeutantese roe08 a ea Mosrgeaan aymeda 200 Fava gene Ect a ee fours sono ing ee ssarost0 cha sroree Temmacats ft atone Sent sm ad : Loglimate theaters, 500-760 eee pee Private offices, acoustically treated 500-760 200 min, 1509 max, Pov ace ot we senses DERDADRESSTS atin woton Saran ico a Gnu acer canes S Dept. stores, upper floors 1800 Low-Velocty Spray type beaded Dept. stores, main floor 2000 High-velocity, Spray type 120010 1800, ISHRAE Handbook * Chart 1 Duct Design - Friction Chart 333 3 38 383.8 100,000 200,000 409650 °° ‘50.000 0.0008 ty. "20.000 10,000 AIRQUANTITY, cfm at 0,075 fof (€ 5,000 2,000 11000) oe 3 832 2 ag eee eg Sed bale bettie 10 7 5 4 2a ISHRAE Handbook? Table 5 Duct Material Roughness Factors {All based on good workmanship) ) ‘ABUSING HGUGITESS FATT TET Roughness ) Duct Matarat Category tt mm { Thermoplaste Duet (PVG) Smooih 0008 08 ) {Uncoated Carton Sten! Duct, Clean {Aluminium Sheet Duct (12 Jlnia/100 foot) ; ‘Spiral Galvanized Duct (20 to 28 Joine/100 feel) Wodam Gas o08 + Aluminum Sneot Duct (20 to 25 Jonts/100 foe) Smooth Fibrous Glass Duet (Figc) ‘Mesum ‘O008 080 Fibrous Glass Liners Rough i Sie wih Facing Material Mechanleaty Festonad) ; ‘Gls Line (A Side Spray Coated, Macha/caly FHaTsTe0) Roigh oor 3e ‘uct, Metalic (Fuly extanded) 7 j { Floaible Duct All ypos of Fabio & Wire (Puy extended) * Cencrate Duet 1. Gonsider 12.00 cim 7,000 fpr. the duc sizo 6 16° da. at 0.17 100 f equl engin Wilon laon © > ‘Say the system has 70'N aqui, logth of duct, 3. I duc fale under smosth category {Tables Reler chart 2 Covteston actor for Gl surface ie 0.91 "5. Not ton drop = 0.1 X O91 X 707100 » 0.0697" Wo 8. Incase of caerete duet the net htlon drop = 0.1 X 1.62 X 70/100 = 01274" Wo : Chart 2 Duct Friction Loss Correction Factors ) ISHRAE Handbook 2! ) Table 5A: Circular Equivalents of Rectangular Ducts for Equal Friction and Capacity Dimensions inches ) Side Rectan- § ’ ) 5.5 15 | 80 | 90 |100 |10 {120 [130 ae st | 52 | 88 80 | 62 | 6a ) a 59 | 61 | 64 70 | 73 | 7 54 83 7a |e 87 87 a3 | 8s ) 60 10 a7 | 90 ) ) sol nm} vl 13] sa] s5] tof a7] sol so] col Zo] ae] a6] os} 90 ) ) 109 115 | 120 12.0) 128 | 13.1 } ya fiat | 13.7 | 142 29/135 | 142 | 167 |15.9 ) 153 |158 | 164 187] 18.4] 159 [175 J) 162 18.0186 187 183 | 19:1 | 10.7 4 175 190 | 198 |20.2 |200 195 |20.1 20.7 [21.3 J21.9 20a |2i.t |2s.7 |22. [229 | 20.0 24.8 | 220/227 |25.3 |25.9 |25.1 |20.2 1938 | 200 |21.4 [22.1 | 229 [23.5 | 26.2 | 24.9 [26.1 |27'3 [20.4 20.5 21.3 {22.1 |22.9 |20.7 |24.4 |25.1 |25.8 | 27-1 | 28 | 20.8 130.6 a1.t |22.0 | 22.9 j23.7 |24.4 |25.2|25.9 |266 | 26.0 | 20. |308 (31.7 (92.9 18.8 21.8 [22.7 |2a.6 | 24.4 |25.2 |26.0 |26.7 |27.5 | 2.9 | 902 | 31.5 | 52.7 [99.9 ) 19.3 22.4 | 23.9 | 24.2 | 25.1 [25.9 |26.7 | 27.5 | 26.9 [28.7 131.0 {32.4 [33.7 1360 188 22.9 | 23.9 |24'8 |287 |28.6 |27.4 20.0 |30.5 |920 [3.9 {34.9 |a5.9 ) 202 205 [24.5 |26.4 |26-4 |27.2 [28.1 208/313 | 328 38.8 207 24.0 | 28.0 |26.0 |27.0 |27.9 [288 |20.5 | 305 | 52.1 |96 37-8 att 245 |25.6 |26.¢ | 27.8 |2B.5 }29.4 [0.9 |91.2 | 22.8 |s44 38.7 , 218 25.0} 26.1 |27.1 [28.1 |29.1 |30.0 |30.9 | axa |g (as 302 219 25.5 | 266 |27.7 |20.7 |29.7 |90.8 | 31.6 | 32.5 | 34.2 | 95.8 | 22.3 | 26012711282 |20.2 |an.2-|1-2 |a22 fs.2—}— 22.7 29.8 {30.8 {31.6 337 |35 |372 20 ) 234 30.8 |31.3 |92.9 | 39.9 1349 |362 [379 Jans are fare 235 308 39.9 |340 40.3 | 41 238 312 34.4 [35.4 440 [42.7 [aa ) 242 317 38.0 /96.0 {0.0 fa9.8 [41.8 {42.3 ]a5.0 245 322 |33.3 [34.4 j 25.5 [26.5 {305 [40.4 [a2 [aco [5.7 Q 248 82.6 | 33.8 | 34. | 96.0 |97.1 [90.4 [41.0 [42.9 [44:7 | 40,4 25.1 35.1 | 34.3 138.4 | 26.5 |97.8 [96.8 Jan's [43.5 [45.3 [47.1 ) BS 83.5 | 34.7 | 95.9 | 37.0 [30-1 [402 | aa.e [44.1 [4.0 |a7.7 8 33.9 |35.2 ] 36.3 |97.5 [98.8 |40.7 [42.8 |4a.7 |a6.8 40.4 24 34.4 /98.6 [6.8 | 37.9 |90.t [412 [45.3 (4.3 | 47.2 [49.0 , 23.1 | 248 | 28.4 34.8 |6.0 | 572 |90.4 Jo0.5 [417 [43.8 [480 |47.0 |49.6 m4 29.3 | 25.1 [26.7 36.2 | 364 | 37.7 |30.8 {400/422 ]44 | 46.4 | «0-4 [50.9 ) % 206 | 25. }27.0 35.8 |36.8 | 30.1 J99.9 405 |42.7 |44.9 147.0 |«8.9 [50.9 78 238 {256 [273 98.0 |37.2 | 38 90.7 [40.9 [43.2 |45.4 [475 [49.5 [51.4 ) 0 24. | 288 [275 363 39.9 |402 [414 | 43.7 [45.9 | 480 [50.1 j520 a 261 |278 36.7 39.3 }40.6 /419 [44s [464 [405 [506 Jo28 8 26.4} 23.1 a7. 39.7 |41.0 [42.2 144.6 [46.9 | 49.0 [51.1 [59.2 ) 85 266 [283 314 40.1 [41.4 |42. | 45.0 [47.3 | 40.6 [51.7 [59.7 98 26.9268 97.8 | 99.2 | 40.8 41.8 |43.1 [45.5 ] 47.3 |500 [522 [54.9 3 EJ EA 38.2 | 30.5 {40.9 |42.2 [4355 | 45.9 [40.3 | 505 |s27 [548 ) ) 26 ISHRAE Handbook. Table 6 Thickness of Sheet and Type of Transverse Joint for Rectangular Duct Construction (From IS : 655) [Meximum Thickness of| Bracing Side Shoot cr ‘iuminium () @ @) a. 6 an mm mm Up 10.800 0.68, 0.80 S-drive, pocket or bar sips, ‘None on 2.5 m canteos, 301600 ——O.8S 0.0 S.drve, pockol or bar slips, on 2.6 m centros None S-diive, 25-mm pocket 25x 25xXmm or 25-mm bar slivs on Angles, 1.2 m trom joint 601 to 750 2.5 meentros T5i to 1000 0.80 1.00 Drive, 25-mm paket or 25X2EXS mm bar slips, on 2.5 m centres, angles, 1.2 m from joint 40 X 40 mm angle connections, fr a0-mm bar slips, with 35 X 3 mm 40 1001 to 1800 bar relnforcing on 25 m centres angles, 4.2 m trom joint 601 to 2250 7.00 1.60 40.X 40 mm angle connections 40X40X 8mm diagonal 9 40-mmm ber slips, 1 m maximum angles, of 40 X 40 X'3 mm angl ontres with 35 X 8mm bar reinforcing __60.em from joint ‘2251 and above" 1.25 1.8060 X 50mm angle connections, or 40-mm 40 X 40X 0 mm dlagonal angle ‘pocket or 40-min bar sips, 1m maximum Centres with 35 X 8 mm bar reinforcing ‘0 40 X 40 X'3 mm angi 80 em from joint Ducts 2250 my and larger require special flold study for hanging and supporting methods. a Table 7 Weight of Galvanized Stoel Sheets 1S. 277-1977 > Gauge Thickness Weight In kg/m? Now mm Clase + Claes 2 Class 2 Claes 4 ' “te 1.6 13.31 19.16 13.01 12.94 ) 8 125 10.58 104s 1026 0.19 20 1.00 3.60 8.45 30 a2ze ; Es 0.80 7.03 6.88 673 6.06 - Lis 0.69 5.70 55, 5.40 s.g2-t7%4 ) Note: Glass f 750 g. of Zine Coating per Sq, motre. both. : - perce Class 2 600 g, of Zinc Coating per Sq. metre. both si » ant Class 3 480 9. of Zine Coating per Sq. both side Inclusive se 2g> Glass 4 -: 376 5. of Zine Coating por Sq: matro, both side Inclusive me) Tog Mlast claselication as per 16 277 revised 1982, ls based on thickness of Zinc Coating classiied as grades, Grade <7 120 -600 are avellable. Grade 120 needs 120 gms of Zine coating per sq, mon both sides. There Including Grade 120 and Grade 600, wher 120 is the te Avallability of GI Shi 3t grade and 600 Is the maximum grad ‘grades avaliable; © Table 9 ts at Rourkela/Bhital Stee! Plants a etre eee et a Glass of Coating Zine wt gm/Mt Plant TiaMETER THICKNESS cut 750 RP OF DUCT, mm OF SHEET, mm cu 00 RSP Gishecté Aluminum sheots cum 450 se 72010 500 0.89, 080 cuv 375 AsPest 501 to 750 0.0 a0 cv 00 sPrest 751 t $000 0.60 4.00 cut 250 ASPs. 1001 to 1260 1.00 4.50 civ 200, BSL 1251 and above 125 1.80 cum we 8st ISHRAE Handbook ) 7 5 Table 10. Allowable Trapeze Angle Loads Maximum Hanger Load, 16 ) Beale Sass Ts E Sea ) 2 e bos s = 5 } i 2 xe x ks x x . g g 8 8.e oe a g g Width & = = = yes 8 = a a ) ot x xO eR ee x x x Hanger (W), 7 7 g g g ss ow = g g ) tn eb ee ecb ee roof ed x oN Upthrough 18 G0. 150 180 +~« «350-610 ~«650.~GAO”~«TaBD~«ABDO Neo ) 2% 75 15D t80 380 B10 508401280 «1800 «1960 870150, t80 380 B10 edo 1290 ©1800-1960 H 8 6043060 go. 500620201200 »«1480 «1040 4 49 110140. 820480 1000S t180 1470 ~=—ts0 ) 4 == =~ H0 280480 5807011601440 1900 S60 0250 400408401120 «14001860 ) 0 = - = 190 950 490-780-1060 13401800 6 = = = t00° 270400700 88012601720 ) n ea eee — 190 820 620-900 11801640. fee Eee - 8 210 = 500-780-1070 1530: ) aH Se -~ = 3806508401400 6 - = eee ~ = 8206001060 ) 108 SEE eee 7 = = 150610 ) ) ) Table 11 Rectangular Duct Hanger Commercial Systems* ig ys ) Types of Hanger Galvanized Straps > tena Width x Thickness (min), tn, Femi dasimum Hanger Speoing. ft > 10 8 5 4 10 8 5 4 ) Up through 72 1.0X0.0288 1.0%0.0298 1.0x0.0206 1.0%0.0288 0.25 0.25 0.28 0.25 98 1.00.04 1.0% 0.0958 1.0%0.0208 1.0%0.0298 0.975 0.25 0.25 +025 ) 120 1.0x0.0875 1.0x0.0408 1.0%0.0206 1.0%0.0208 0.975 0.975 028 025 183 1.5x0.0875 1.0%0.0575 1.0x0.0866 1.0%0.0488 0.60 0.978 0.875 075 ) 192 = 18x0.0575 1.000878 1.0x0.0575 0375 0.375 > over 192 = - - required 1 ) 1 8 Tae basodon: 1. square ducts; 2. 008760. thee so: ‘Maximum alowabe sap and rod ose ae 2.imnrcemanis a tapaze wot. 1 fr lato: Strap (W x Tinie fd (dla) In. _Lood, to ) teyneone 1 x 0.0206 250 0.25 270 sot . 41 x 00356 320 0375 580 1 x 00886 420 050 1250 ) e ¢ 1 x 0.0575 700 0.625 2000 - 48 x 0.0575 1100 075 3000 ) PS See ) ) 28 ISHRAE Handbook Table 12 Velocity Pressures velocity ] veLocity]| veLociry] vetocity || vetocity] vevocity|| vetociy | veLociy Pressure | Fusin || PRESSURE| Futtin || PRESSURE] FuMin || pREssURE | —Futtin (in.wa) (n.wa) (in.wg) (inawa) or 400 20 2150 58 3050 1.28 4530 02 565 30 2190 ‘80 3100 1.92 4800 03 805, yy 2230 62 3150 1.98; 4870 04 800 32 2260 64 3200 4.40 4730 05 895 33. 2300 68 3250 144 4800 08 980 34 2990 68 3900 1.48 4970 07 1060 35 2370 79 3350 152 4930 08 1130 38 2400 ve 3390 1:58 5000 09 1200 37 2440 74 3440 1.60 5060 40 1270 38 2670 78 3490 1184 5120 | At 1330 39 2800 78 3590) 1.68 5100 2 1390 40 2530 80 3580 172 5250 13 1440 at 2560 82 3620, 1.76 5310 14 1500 82 2590 ‘88 3670 1-80 5970 18 1860 43 2620 a6 3710 184 5420 a 1600 a4 2660 88 3750 1.88 5490 17 1650 48 2680 ‘a0 3790 1.92 $550 18 1700 48 2710 92 3840 1.98 5600 19 1740 “47 2740 94 3880 2.00 680 20 1780 “48 2770 98 3920 2.04 8710 2 1830 49. 2800 98 3960) 2.08 870 22 +880 50 2820 1.00 4000 a2 5830 23 1820 ‘81 2860 toa 4080 216 5880 24 1080 82 2080 1.08 4160 220 5940 28 2000 83 2010 a2 4200 2.24 5980 26 2040 54 2040 1.16 4310 2.28 6040 27 2080 [55 2970 1120 4980 28 2120 58 2990 124 4480 NOTES: 7. Data for standard: 2. Data darived from the following equation (29.02 in, Hg and 70 F) he (or)? wee sv = voocty in fom (exposed ductwork) Table 14 for dstniton of wg). Table 13 Minimum Duct Seal Ler Table 14 Duct Seal Levets* Duct Type Seal Level Seating Requirements ‘Supply A All transvorse joints, longitudinal seams, and ductwork Duct Location <2 in, water 22 In, water Exhaust Return Fonetalons Proseute-sanekive tape shall aot be used| {8 the primary sealant on metal ducts. Outdoors A A AA 8 All transverse joints and longltudinal seams. Pressur ‘Unconaltioned spa BLA BoB sonsiive tape shall not be used as tho primary Conditioned spaces c 8 a 8B nt on metal ducts. (concested ductwork) © Transverse joints only. Conditioned spaces’ A A es B ® Transverse joints are connections of two duols orlented perpendicular to iow. Longitudinal seams are one orientad ln the dlacton of alow, Dust wal anetration are openings made by szraws, fasteners, pipe, tubing, rods, nd lund and fat oval splral lock seams need not bo sealed por 10 sombly, but may bo costed after essembiy to reduce leakage. All ther ‘onnections are considered transverse joins, including but rot lentedt sn: In, taps and olher branch conactions, access door lames, nd duct cor. ‘nections to equlpment ) ; ‘pressure-cillerence-termod-"velocity head” (in, ) Jean sane nat > {SHAE Handbook 7 4 Table 15 Aluminium Sheet Size ‘Sizes In mm swa a MM ‘Weight per Sheet Kg. D 8x3 2498 x 914 14 6.4, 81.600 y | axe 249s x 1219 1“ ea 39,000 axa 2408 x14 aie asr7 29.500 ) | axa 2438 x 1219 ane 407 38.500 exo pase x 914 1 3251 20.000 ) ax4 2498 x 1219 18 9.251 26.200 , | aes 2438 x14 2 2842 18,000 axa 2493 x 1219 2 2.842 21.500 y | exa 2498 x 914 4 2.032 48,000 axa 2409 x 1210 4 2.092 16.000 ) axs 2498 x 914 16 1.626 10.000 ox4 2498 x 1219, 16 ‘828 13,000 ) 8x3 2498 x O14 18. 1.219 7.500, | axa 2498 x 1219 ‘8 1219 10,000 axa page x 914 20 oats 5.000 d ax 2498 x 1219 20 0.914. 7.000 axa 2ias x 914 2 omit 4.200 ) axd (2438 x 1219 22 O71 6.000 , | exs age x 014 2 oso 3.400 2 | axe 2430 x 1219 2 o.s9 4.700 ) | axa 2438 x14 28 0.487 2.800 ax4 2499 x 1219, 2 ous? 4.000 , Table 16 Cold rolled carbon steel sheets eigen ) Tensile strongth | © wm] Ss P For alt typos Typleal yoo eae ST Lk | | ater” [sutaco | apaeaton ) weer | xdwe | max | wax | Max} condion | fish 7 Kegtion® ) 23 0.15 cao | 0.060 |-«1) Scale | Coarse | Goerae or rough Di prwng | 28 248 | oso | oos0 | 0.050 |. troe | or rough | for enamaing ane ) | pp peep. za__|_0.10|_0.50| 0040 | 0.040 | (2)improved} Medium | Medtum or dut drawing Suvlage -|-or dull —|-for ganoral purpose > (not sultabe for plating) ) EDD: Extra 28 ‘oto | 0.80} 0.035 | 0.035 | (0) Best Fine or | Fine or bright oop drawing race | bight | for electroplating ) : Tablo 17 Rigid PVC sheets ie cblegeaapt ) Softening Tale ‘Dimensional change at 120° types | Palnt®O, min strength exuded or | -Calendored and > skgllem, min calendered laminated Application % % ) Wet 7 rr 2 3 Sonera purpose Typ02 7 480 20 s Pats rquiing , Shania Yositence ; Types 6 300 20 5 Parts requing high ) fapeer avant ; Type so 00 For deep draw vacuum > Foie 210 ISHRAE Handboo.,) 9 Chart - Louver Pressure Drop Chart 4 - Louver Damper Leakage ) to ) i A 2 * t ) ” 49 * tix vetocit —4 ze ) oy t z = td fp oft ) i. Es Br i = “aL | ) al a L ) s cout} ) 4 Ze eae 7 ) ®'200° Bio so a cen meee 1000 “0 30, 40 Ey LEAKAGE RATE (erm/s0.F7) Table 18 Louver Dampers ) FONGTIONOR vewoony™ LOCATION APPLICATION (pm) REMARKS ) ‘Minimum Outdoor Air Ventilation 500-800; | The Righor timit may be Used: ‘with short outdoor Gust connection and tong return alr duct, Ray ) be slngio acting dampor. Maximum Outdoor Alr Permissible system 600-800 ‘Should be double ‘acting when used for ‘throttling ) resistance and belance | ‘All Gutdoor Air Parmigsible system ‘800-800 ‘Single acting damper. ‘May be used. ) feslatance and balance Rane A armies syster 800-1200 | ‘Way ba higher velocly wily eho Tatum duet ) resistance and balance {and fong outdoor air dict. Should be dovtie, : ‘acting damper. ' aT Fa [Conor Spay conatons | —aoa-Eno——| gram eqiar SST aRION oF oR 1 for, Should be a double acting damper Dehumidifier Bypass ‘System balance 1500-2600 "Should balance resistance of dahumniaiar plus ) ‘humicitir face damper. Should be double acting. ) Teaiar Bypaas Balance 1000-1800 ~ |” Should Balance rasletanco at heater SHOUT bo double acting. ) Fan Suction oF Olacharge | Avallabia du area ‘Saie ae dil | Use double acing dampar or located in duct * Resommend veleey trough afl Open dampor Jose tyes ) _ BHRAE Hendbooie 241 ) Table 19 Rolled Steel Beams Table 20 Rolled Steel Channels » y } . ) i ) ’ y y , OESIGNATION DEPTH WIDTH THICK: “THICK: "WEIGHT ]| DESIGNATION DEPTH WIDTH THICK. THICK. _WEIGaT OF "OF "NESS OF NESS OF PER OF OF NESS OF NESS.OF PER ) Beam FLANGE WEB FLANGE m BEAM FLANGE WES. FLANGE. m O° Om 8 ) 0 2 @ © Cy @ ” 2 ew © 181875 7 80 1800100 100 4580 SLB 100 10050 Isu0 125, 125 5008068 1SLB(P)100 10050 180 150, 450 ‘553.8 8.9 ) 1818 128 12575 suo 175, 75 60888 1818 150, 15080 tsu0200 200 700 447 ) 1SLB 175 17580 181675 7% 4 3:7 80 1SL8(P) 17517580 18t¢ 100 400 500 40a 'sL8200 °° 200100 ISLC 125 2 654468 ) ISLB(P)200 200 100 WLC(R)125 125 65 487.0 isie225 228100 ISLC 160 1507548 8 ISLB260 © 250425 WGLC(P)1s0 150-750? ) 1SLB278 378440 180175 178 75 B18 SLB900 800.180 'sL¢200 200 75 55 108 } 1SLB(P)300 300440 ISLC(P)200 200 78 B74. 1SB525 328168 IsLoze5 225 80 8658 10.2 18B350 «350488 'stc.250 250 100 61 10.7 ) | tstesoo 400168 | isicaoo__900 1006.7 11.6 tete460 480 ae 'SLC(P)900 300 «G07. ) st8500 «S00 «480 ISLG350 350 100 74 0128 E| ete eee--e-tlees tet tee '8LC.400 400 10080) 14.0 stB600 gon 20 SNC 75, 7% 4 44 73 ) ismoreo tooo IsMC100 100504775 \sMB(P)100 1007 WMC 125 1256550 : IsMB\ee” tas 7 (sMC128 1256s teMe(ryi2s see IsMC150 18075, BA. teMBite” ise WeMC1s0 18078 888.0 ) feMB(e)1s0 Iso fo WSMG175 1757557 402 ISMBI75 47880 IMCI78 175777802 ) 1sMB(P)175 17585 acon ki ) Megs 75 ie 'sMc200 200 787814 Iemeees ote (tt IsMc225 2258) tk. ) iemasce | eH isMc22s 225 3.0.2 Ismc2s0 «250807114. images = 80040 IsMG250 250 829.0 141 3 1SMB350 350140 IsMC2s0 250 8411.0 IsmB400 400440 yattetsn ismeaso a0 M0 Iswc300 = $0090 7613.8 > 'sMBs00 Sona Wemcaoo 300 9210.0 13.8 Wmc300 = 300 at. 13,6 ISMB5s0 550190 isMC 'sMB600 600210 imcaso 85010081 13.5 ) JeMcaoo 409005 242 ISHRAE Handbook Table 21 Steel Equal Angles ? ) ) > ) eee . ) ) WA ) t + ) ) DESIGNATION SIZE" TWIG” GEG. WEIGHT || DesignaTion S82 THIGK”a80--WeGn ) (x8) NESS Towa en (AX8) NESS TONAL PER 0 ‘AREA Aw) 0 ‘AREA () @ @ 5 a) @ a) 4) 6 0 (a) (3) @, ® mommy —_m my emxmm mm ome ; 1A 2020 20x20 80 09 |} isa 7070 70x70 60ST SCS 40 14 60 aes ) ISA 2525 25x28 8.0 44 60 108888 40 14 100 i302 102 5.0 8 ff tsa 775. 75x75 ‘80 tar “85 ) 1A 9090 90x90 8.0 4 60 86s be 40 18 80 11388 ) 5.0 22 100 1402140 ISA 9695 95x95 8.0 46 }} 1s e080 = s0xe0 ‘60 eas 3 40 24 80 28 ) , 50 26 10.0 na 6.0 30 120 140 ; 18h 4040 40x40 8.0 x 48 || isa e000 0x00 6.0 22_| 0 : 8.0 108 50 «3788.0 10.0 03 134 ) 80 447s 120 20.49 158 1A 455 45x45 «3.0264 2H IBA t00100 100x100 eo eae NSS ) 40000 3727 1839424 50 428 Ba 1003440 6.0 40 z25e 177 ) 'sA 5080 sox50 80 29 |] isa tto10 40x10 1708194 40 30 400 12 188 ) 5.0 38 120 497 80 45 160 257 1SA 6555 5x65 8.0 41 |] 18a 130130 t30x190 ‘8.0 159 ) 60 40 10.0 197 8.0 64 120 2088 238 10.0 7. 16.0 39.16 30.7 , 1A 6060 60x60 5.0 48 |f-tsa 150160 t0xt60 40.0 aazi- 29 8.0 3. 1203477 ars ) 80 7 160. 4565 a8 a 20.0. 56.21 44.1 ISA 6565 65x65 49 |] 8A 200200 200x200 120 ©4604 S00 58 180 485 77 200 7638 60.0 34 250 9419738 virB Mates F ) ISHRAE Handbook 24 ) Table 22 Steel T Beams ) ). ; . ) » ) ) ) ) DESIGNATION SIZE THICKNESS WEIGHT SECTIONAL MOMENTS OF INERTIA MODULI OF SECTION ) nonin "OF a oo ca oe fy Za Ze ) o ® o Oy 6 ® a ® rm x mm mm Kgimm ome emt ent ems ot ) Isnt 20 20x20 40 “4 148 os o2 03 02 | swt a 90x90 40 ‘8 228 18 09 08 os > Isnt 40 oxo 80 38 48 60 20 a 6 ‘ ‘aT 59 0x50 60 44 568 123 57 a4 23 ) ISNT 69 oxo 60 54 096 a4 97 “3 az INT 75 1x78 ns) 620 m2 a4 78 ) ISNT 100 400X100 wo tae a8 16a9 788 22184 ISNT 10 150X160 took eas 2803 41s aa ) ‘Table 23 Steel Flats y \WEIGHT IN ko PER METAE LENGTH FOR THICKNESS, mn > 40° 60 80 80 6100 «12 «6S ) to 02 e408 | 1804 0:6 0.8 °, ===: = > = = 2 05 06 08 09 43 ¢ Se ee eet > 3 08 os 10 12 te 20 a4 ee ee 3 07 09 12 1s 1s fe fe s. Sa > Ft 3 oe 11 sa 18 ge fe 53 8k ge he ) 4 09 13 18 13 38 51 38 so 68s gs | OCU DO 4 it of4 a 2k 28 33 42 Bese HS ot goog oe 20 24 s1 39 47 88 1 2 of = = ) gia 67 22 26 34 43 62. Bo 7a 6 io = = , go 14 49 24 28 99 47 56 75 85 84 Ne ay = oe = =. = sr 4h sf 6: 82 82 fe 123 183 20. ) mo = = 33 fh ss 6s Be 83 to 15% | 88 woo = = ae a7 gs FS 84 toe SF tee g - = = 38 so 8s 75 io 113 j28 187 aot > go = = = 42 ge FF as ws 127 Teh 77 Be wo = =F = #7 83 7a 84 ie 14% 18? toe Be M9 = = 5 £2 8 Be ioe ie i588 173 ars | Bee ) w= = = 86 Ts of 3 te 17> tes doe | 3z:° wo = = = 82 we 122 fe foe aoe Bee | Bet wo = = = = 83 WO 182 1738 tee geo Ss | ER : fo = = = = ee ie tat tee ate Bee bon | 397 go - © 5 = Ser tee ast 203 ge 302 | Sh2 380 = = = = te 256 sis Ses 302 fet | eee ) 500 = 5 ft Bs &: 471 8076.4 ae ao = = => fF =f ft 62.8 785 100.5 1256 , ‘NOTE: The Sign "—" given tn the table indleates that the Wat of the concemed widihshiokness combination Ts not ‘manufactured in the county, 214 ISHRAE Handbook.) Table 24 Round and Square Steel Bars Table 26 Steel Chequered Plates Round Bars STANDARD WEIGHT PER ) SHHOHNESS SQUARE oeslowA—ONETER _oROSS weir ne | "TOM seoTIONN. PERVETRE AREA mm kg 2 bee tm. cm? kg ISRO 6 5.0 ¥ 5 39 ISRO 6 6.0 ¥ 8 a7 sro 8 £9 7 &s SAO 10 tao 3 3 BO 12 iH 10 v3 . Bro 18 i 2 es ho 20 2 ie te RO 35 Bs is 128 ; roe 7 * Conform fo the waghts given in: 1790-1064 “Dimon: Bo Ss s sions for stot plata, sheet and sp for stvclur! nd . BO 49 © Deneratenginering purposes” iso a 2 Bro 5 5 8 & Isho R Table 27 Mild Steel Sh Seo 8 & SEO 89 ° STaNOAAD NON | STAROARO— SraNbARO ISRO 100 100 ‘THICKNESS AND ‘SIZES ‘SIZES ) so Ne ie weir Se it ie Thieknass——Walght| mmamm mmx k a 160 160, 12 gin 180 190 4.90 31.4} 1800x600 2800 x 600 ; Sho 20 am tt 2488 ‘eo 00 890 3.15 24.8 900 900 ; ee 230 a2 1000 1000 Sere Bare 250186 +100 4100 oesione sive eros _ wegen 224178 1200 1200 TON wot scetoknneahtetne sees i 1200 7 eh i a0 142 1400 1400 SSeS eS 1.60 12.6 1500 1600 eas 50 oa 32 440 1° 2000800 3200x600 sso. 8 80 086 05 1.25 ae 760 760 isso 10 too 00 oa 142 88 900 900 . Sy fe taal tt 400 73 1000 000 isa 16. 16 285, 20 0.90 70 4100 1400 issQ 20 20 4.00 34 0.80 6.3, 1200 1200 Lissa 2s. =. e23 +2] 63 5:0} —Ta80 1260 's8Q 32 32 1024 80 0.50 39 1400 4400 ) isa 40 “ 1800 128 040 32 41500 41500 's80. 60 $0 2500 tae 2200x600 9600 x 600 | issQ 63 63, 39.69 312 750 750 : IssQ 80 80 64,00 50.2 900 900 850 100 0010000 ms 1000 1000 - 1100 4300 Table 25 Stee! Rall Sections 1200 1200 ) 1250 1260 stunoaD STANDARD wa00 1400 WEIGHTS" WEIGHTS" 2600x600 4000 x 600 j 750 750 kgimetro kgimetre 200 200 101 24.8 44.6 0 1990 4100 4100 20.8 51.9 1200 1200 . 37.4 1250 1260 * Conform to IRS No. T-126.4 ‘indian Rallway Standard] 1400 1400 Spectestion fr hat otto relay rl, 1500 1800 arian, eset ) ISHRAE Handbook 24 ) Table 28 Nominal Weights of Galvanized Plain Sheets ) SOS? Scam ism aman as seg ee cae Hee Feabei ape = nia} erat obol Fang 1 onmur-iunge Came ne ) unde koh bundle gl bundle kgy_— bundle kg ‘bundle oe oe oe ote ote ) 18x09 5 107.8 6 102.7 B 15. 10 119912 110.7 a com & 7 ome out fas ) 26x09 4 119.8 5 118.8 6 116.1 7 110.7 9 116.3 panes 3 ime fies 8 tues ges ' Stes 3 me fie goede 8 OTM , 18x07 cust 8 rss tears Bhar $ ote 6 ws of ms Wo Wee tee : Bote tothane He et gag teHl yet tae oH ghH ag ee tea eenors tome ce ows 6 ee ome 8 wee ; Setor sel Home i tal thorattlts le liaxotltl allel weatetletia ieee taxes cua 5 8k tok si mitered ) 22x09 4 5 103.0 7 v7 8 10 109.9 Pret) 7 som oe wm oF oes ) 28x09 3 4 104.9 5 106.4 6 8 111.9 Sane 7 4 oi 8 8 ttt > ‘ 1.8 x 0.75 Class It 6 106.6 7 98.4 9 102.7 12 1145 14 104.9” ; panos 5 me 6 wt 6 wm w que on wed tele ter os we 9 tee 3 Mee oe ee ; bors sHethrrog tHe thems tHelateseea-t Cha ticreact tet hess sonore 3 ‘ur 4 ee 8 ima of ote ok tee ) 18x09 Classi 5. 105.4 6 99.7 8 M6 | 10 109.0 12 105.0 senee ‘iso 8 ows 3 Wee. 8 ioe ee ) 25x09 4 74 5 116.4 6 121 7 106.0 9 109.3 tones BiCebonaetHad--tiaad-eHastttiousd-e=tett=Herateted-eetaees ) Sates Hive elle vepat cbs [chang sles na ede slime ; 13x07 cam 5 ma 7 orotate tops toes ie $a —s 9k —8 toe gta ees Beker + ms os ma 7 we fe ow ie } 2.8% 0.75 4 109.3 6 107.8 6 104.6 6 113.0 8 102.4 ; satan 3 ‘7 8 ms 8 ee 7 Hee sr tenea cms $n €or ta. 8 . 22x09 4 102.5 6 100.9 7 114.0 & 106.5 10 105.3 he {Mee of is 8 ote fee ues ) ities Stiff eve Hie Hoter it ps tf rece Hite itt ees (ce rele Saxe siilaraal elle lttwratl is (elven edits tie litera ; sees BE eee eee EERE ee tee He mere Eon : 19x078 cus 6 1a 7) aso m0 tk rst ) tener s ies 6 sme 8 wee ime olen ilar i yo os ‘me 7 we mee ME J 2.8 x 0.75 4 108.7 5 107.0 6 103.6 8 119 9 100.5, ) pies 3 93.18 4 97.8 5 98.6 7 19 8 102.2 tere BES beter teeter ee eae ) 216 ISHRAE Handbook ) Table 29. Wire and Sheet-Metal Gauges 7 ‘alu in approximate decimals of an nch ) ‘As arumber cf gaujesarein us or vatious shapes and otal itsediscbloto sal the thickness in iousands when speciving gauge number, US. ) Slsi Wie (st Armee Bir Wo}er] aie oan mings Wash- | ming. i (awe) ham | U.S. | Stan | impo. tun | ham | UL Impa- (evig)| star | gard | tal | (eWo)| stan: tal ) Brown or | dare} Bie | stan Moon | ter | dard sia ‘ stool | or | ming. | card or | toot | or ard Gauge | Sharpe wir) or] sheet} nam | Wire | Gauge | cacige fot- | wie) or| shoot Wire ) umber} (B & 8) subs | and | (8G) | Gauge | numderjmumter bing | stubs | and auge (tr iron | plete | (or | (sw3) or | kon | plate (ewe) ) ‘arte. Wre | motal | sheet | (Bntish am. | Wo | mtd (Baton ‘ous {tor} wrought | and | “loget, Stest.| tor | wrought legal wite ‘ren or | ron) | hoop | stan- & | iron or | ron) stan ) and brass rata | era) Wie | brass re) shoo) wir) ta | wee) * + (sieen | We) (or ) steel wo) ) ‘000600 Cites oer O01 0018 ae ‘000 zoe 0173 0178 0164 27 ) 0000 23 0126 ore 9198 ota8 28 0000 0.480 0454 2% 011310 0199 “0136 29 000.410 425 9 0100 “o140 9523 ona a0 ) 305 380 0 1325 340 31.0099 0192 010 01? 90 oe at ) 3 ‘0020 ‘0128 000 9402 0008 0100 52 | 300 33 0071 ov 008 ‘o084 ‘boar “0100 33, ‘2 4 0068 0104 007 0008 0077 “coe 36 ) 7 259 35.0056 0095 ‘005 0078 ‘s069 0084 35 238 ‘220 38 0050 0080 004.0070 0061 007 36, ) 37 0045 “0085 “0088 9054 “nose 37 1900208104 106192 880040 0080 0052 9048 0060 98 ) 170 160170 i764 176 7 3800850075, 10043 ‘005239 1620465 ie i570 60 8 490031 0070 9099 004840 ) 148311401160 1908 144 @ |— “350341351250. "126 10 a 0068 00940048 41 a 062 ost, “0040 42 ) M091 120842020 and ate it “a 0060 “9027 ‘0038 43 #2 081 “4055 “409 105 ‘0901 “tos 12 “ 0058, sno2t “ong 44 ) 13 072 ‘001s 065 ‘090 0082 “002 193 “6 “0085 0022 0028 48 4 r 00190024 48 0017 0020 47 ) “0015 “tot. «3 0014 0012. 49 ‘soi2 ‘0010 50 H 4) . ) ISHRAE Handbook Table 30 Bolts & Nuts. Strength of Whitworth bolts, Table 31 Steel Ropes Steel wires and Cables 2.47 Diamoiar Area at Safe oad Safe oad] [ wo, and overan Weight of APBTONate brealing insion fs eee te ol onan a of dla, 1000 yards 25ton” 40 ton 60 ton inches re : w a iti sought inin. “ints. quality quality quatty ane 018 #4 6 4 ase aatS«267—=«C7ee—e00 a a 181 120 5 aie 900 1977 aten ars ao aaa He + 6 192 295» te21 28039800 : 243 oe ned wid aay 7 76 248149 ats8 3207 8 6020511281801 702 pate oe ot sai 9 144 168 912 1458 2188 1 121 a3 sae za tat 700 tts 9700 916 155 1041 694 718 480 1470, 7e82 12607 18914 sia 208 1970 ora 7 4921185, 6364 10208 15016 ne pa 1720 1148 710.386 6985040 ao7t tanto a sae bud ‘aed mt. 3487624148 eee 040 me 12 617 sa0e 5027. 7908 si 87 60 1644 eee “ bk TAS 276 483 2611 4172 6258 Led 22 oe sain 714 240 ‘a2 1074 3150 A732 16g 496 3313 2am TAS 218 295 1596 2545 3822 1 584 3722 2481 TAS 192, 232 1260 2016 3024 118 907 4869 aia 717 468183681840 at0 an ‘aa 5907 4005 7a .t44_ 491707 stay t008 19/8 1.058 7108 4739 Table 32 Strength of Wire Ropes 112 1.209 e720 5819 Breaking Load tatoo] Description Weight} 160 17a se9t e504 edad 194 1.789 19780 7080 iba ae 224800 8800 47/ 1.90 19046, e807 o - The 30 5800 13000 2 ais 18520 10369 qvatt last pide -ttiesne au 2.926 8662 1100 {| 9118509400 20000. 2 ve 3.799 25005 0723 Holating rope sl elrands of 8/8 62 12000 23000 aaa Mad tidoe se 18.wites cach about ahemp 3/4 89 17000 33000 core. 718 14.20 29600 48000 3 8.450 sees aaa i ees sel ences eleneg awa e402 40001 20680 3 7589 soszsoaaae 9732 128 2400-5000 aan 8.673 88262 30858 SHG 18 34007000 4 10.027 67381 44920 3/8 spe ete ey rat 78 30 $200 14000 fo 11.865 7ese2 Laie ‘Standing rope six strands of 1/2 39 7400 18400 412 12.000 e071 s78zr 7 wires each. 86 60 9600 20000 43I6 14.404 96714 64520 5/8 62 12000 26000 7 faqae teeedacat fond 3I4 89 17600 87200 iapneuesEstl ss 718 1.2 24000 «8000 — eee 1 1,58 30000 62000 6 23640 158860 105007 Noe :- Working Load tobe 1/th ofthe breaking oad, 2.18 CONCRETE SLAB ETAL DECK METAL DECK (CELLULAR) STEEL BEAMS 7 CONCRETE INSERTS,SINGLE - CONCRETE INSERTS: SLOTTED 7 POWER Acar FASTENERS. weed ‘stuns FRICTION CLAMPS. STRAP ROD, THREADED, UNTHREADED BRIDGE BEAM CLAMP,HALF FLANGE BEAM CLAMP,FULL FLANGE EYE BOLT (OR ROD) WAFFLE (PAN) R* IS A BRIDGE MEMBER TEE 5 3888: ue SESSSEeESEEE R° ALTERNATE LOCATION 1S ON TOP OF JOIST CHORD OPEN WEB JOIST DRLLED HOLE AND BOLT SELF TAPPING SCREWS PLUS STRAPS OROP IN EXPANSION ANCHORS KNEE BRACKET FROM WALL LAG SCREW EXPANSION ANCHOR NAILED PIN FASTENERS RIVETS: SWAY BRACING: “FISH” PLATE OR WASHER AND ROD HOOK OR LOOP MIBERATION ISOLATOR ‘SELECT HANGERS FOR TYPE OF STRUCTURE AND SUSPENSION 00 NOT EXCEED ALLOWABLE OR SPECIFIED LOAD LIMITS ALLOWABLE LOAD ON UPPER ATTACHMENT IS 1/4 OF FAILURE LOAD, HANGER ATTACHMENTS TO STRUCTURES FIG. 2-1 ISHRAE Handbook 2.19 j MANUFACTURED CONCRETE INSERTS RETAINING cups = HANGER ROD 6 o C-CLAMP W/RETAINING CLIP 6 b C-CLAMP W/LOCK NUT (OPTIONAL) WASHER MAY BE OMITTED WITH 100 LB MAX LOAD ON 22 GA STRAP WHEN FOLDED Bon bMoa oa dep cone] poog te i HANGER STRAP “ROD EXPANSION SHIELDS EXPANSION NAIL CONCRETE ANCHORS swu0s NT$ STEEL (STRUCTURE OR DECK) “ALTERNATE, boul? COUPLIN HANGER 12° 13*\ ange stRAP 4 WELDED stuns FRICTION CLAMPS + IMPORTANT PREVENT BEARNG PLATE BENDING OF STRAP AT THE NUMBERS ASSOCIATED WITH THE ART ARE 90° BEND UNDER LOAD. ONLY FOR, CONVENIENT REFERENCE. UPPER ATTACHMENT DEVICES—TYPICAL FIG. 2-2 220 ISHRAE Handbook |) ‘STRAP HANGERS ‘TRAPEZE HANGERS ) CeO EY } STRAP OR ROD 1/7 ANGLE Vv ) INLESS_ FOOT | OF STRAP IS PLACED } UNDER “A | ‘BOTTOM ) REINFORCEMENT i ‘ i i : 1” MIN Pee 7 ged ‘SCREWS i reeduy SCREWS MAY BE TR TE) FORE nee ) OMITTED IF HANGER LOOPS : ti ) LOAD RATED HANG! FASTENERS CURE Wine I ) | 10" DIA. ) ‘MAX 24" DIA ‘BAND OF SAME SIZE 30" DIA NAX AS HANGER STRAP MAX HANGERS MUST NOT DEFORM DUCT SHAPE HANGER, RODS, WIRES ‘STRAPS: ALTERNATE. LOCATION (VERIFY UPPER: } TRAPEZE LOAD dl caPaciTY) ) BANI REINFORCEMENT MAY BE USED FOR ATTACHMENT ) ONE HALF ~ ROUND MAY BE USED IF IT QUALIFIES FOR BOTH DUTIES. IF DUCT SHAPE IS MAINTAINED D0 NOT EXCEED ALLOWABLE LOAD LIMITS. LOWER HANGER ATTACHMENTS ; FIG. 2-3 ISHRAE Handbook 221 o y oy ) ) fF ———ALTERNATIVE_ SUPPORT ) = - TO RISER REINFORCEMENT Sets ‘ABOVE FLOOR 7 I | BSE | i t i ) i IANGER ROD BETWEEN tt RISER SUPPORT & oO == = RISER REINFORCING ‘y ISER REINFORCING ) -ASTENERS + (FOR DUAL DUTY) 9 FB ), + MINIMUM NUMBER OF FASTENERS : ON EACH OF TWO SUPPORT BARS 9 ry LARGEST DUCT DIM LARGEST DUCT DIN OF FASTENERS ) 16" ond down 2 7 -mw 3 , ‘over 24” Lorgest duct dim ; Divided by 8 Locate a fostener .within 2” of the duct edges. Locate others at evenly ) paced intervals. ) 0 : UCT JOINT! SUGGESTED SIZING FOR ny f SUPPORT OF 12 FT OF DUCT ) thes wax DUCT SIZE ANGLE fs m= DotA ap SME 1 1/2at 1a ; — Bx" 11/2 ut 1/2°x1 /8" > Ne ANGLE tft 60"x30" 1 A/2x1 1/23/16 9 302020%020902090% 60"x60" 11/2xt 1/2'x1/4 ) or 2'x2"x1/8" y - 7 OVER 60” INCREASE ANGLE SIZE AS FIG.A REQUIRED FOR SPACE & DUCT SIZE, ) ; RISER SUPPORTS~FROM FLOOR FIG. 2-4 d 222 ISHRAE Handbook FIGA ~ SUGGESTED SIZING DUCT SIZE ‘BAND 18x12" 1,1/2'x16" Go 24°x20" Txi/8 TABLE ALLOWABLE DUCT GAUGE LOAD PER FASTENER « 28,26 25 Ib 24,22,20 35 tb 18,16 50 tb % WELD, BOLT OR No.8 SCREW (MIN) DEVIATION PERMITTED BY OTHERS ANALYSIS. X=1", Y=2" ADD OTHERS TO WIDTH AND UP. ADD ALONG SIDES NEAREST ANCHORS. weene- 4 ‘SHOWS SUPPLEMENTAL FASTENER LOCATION FIG.B — SUGGESTED SIZING DUCT SIZE ANGLE 30"x12" x1"x1/8" See rere Al aDxae" 1 1/4lxt 1/41 /8° FIG. 48"x30" 1:1/4'x1 1/4"x1/8" NOTES: 1.BRACKETS ARE SIZED FOR 12 FEET OF DUCT,MAXIMUM, 2.LOCATE DUCTS AGAINST WALL OR MAXIMUM OF 2” AWAY FROM WALL ‘S.EACH WALL ANCHOR SHALL SATISFY THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA UNLESS OTHER ANALYSIS IS: MADE ATENSILE LOAD = 3/8 x DUCT WEIGHT : SAFETY FACTOR OF 4, B.SHEAR LOAD x 1/2 x DUCT. WEIGHT : SAFETY FACTOR OF 4. SUPPORTS FROM WALL FIG. 2-5 ISHRAE Handbook 2.23 ANGLE SADDLE__/ CHANNEL- we RECESS IN FLOOR FINISHED FLOOR x] AIR SUPPLY UNIT l|-—tanoer ROD FIGA ANGLE ANCHORED IN CONCRETE ‘SUSPENSION METHODS SHOWN ARE SOME OF MANY ALTERNATIVES THAT MAY BE ENGINEERED BY DESIGNERS. ebadasonecs: esosececasagasace: [R q AIR. SUPPLY UNIT I ah J] FIG PLATFORM OR TRAPEZE HVAC UNIT SUSPENSION FIG, 2-6 2.24 ISHRAE Handbook q te R ss ) up T=1 DRIVE SUP 1-2 TH4 ’ T=3 REINFORCED MAK 18 GA ol at ORE | } ke S- 3S PLAIN "S” SUP T~6 HEMMED "S’ SLIP STANDING S (ALT.) STANDING S (ALT.) 1-5 (T=60 REINFORCED) TH T-12 i (seo 1 U ; ra INSIDE SUP JOINT STANDING S STANDING S (ALT.) STANDING S (ALT.) . T-9 1-10 Tt T-12 hy STANDING STANDING $ STANDING SEAM ANGLE REINFORCED (oan RenironceD) (ancte,ReNFoRcED) 1-15, ‘STANDING SEAM ) TA 4 ) a i it f =) pe t/e BR bi: 1 a a peaecael eae Tx17_ POCKET Lock BAR REINFORCED CAPPED FLANGE ; ; (T=19 REINFORCED POCKET.LOCK POCKET LOCK) 18 eo g-k Reo ait ju ) T-21 WELDED FLANGE COMPANION ANGLES FLANGED FLANGED (T210 REINFORCED W.F) . (CAULK OR GASKET) (CAULK FR, GASKE) (CAULK oR GASKET) 1-22 ‘23 24 TRANSVERSE (GIRTH) JOINTS FIG. 2-7 ) Section 3 Water & Steam Piping _ Vite seit aed ) ISHRAE Handbook y Chart 1 - Friction Loss for Closed Piping Systems: (Water) ‘Schedule 40 Pipe” as y sooo} i203 456 9 15 2253 48580 6 550 49 9 Hoi 18000 . 18000 ) 10000 19000 ; cies #000 000 sciv0 ) S000 - 000 ‘2000 4000 ) 3000 ) 2000 ) 1300 ) 1000, 200 ) 600 00 ) 400) ) 300 ) 200 '30 ) ‘60 ) 60 > «o :0 ; 0 20 20 , 8 2 10 ° .6 ) 3 ‘ ) 3 > 2 ; ts ‘o ) See Ee : FRICTION L088 (FEET OF WATER PER 100.7) J ) ISHRAE Handbook Chart 2 - Friction Less for Open Piping Systems (Water) ‘Schedule 40 Pipe s0000" 20 000" 18000 18 000 ) 10000 10.000 000 2000 000 ‘8000 8000 ‘8000 4000 4000 3000 3000 2000 2000 1800 1800 1000 1000 800 800 00 00 500 00 400 400 300 300 2 200 200 ee ar 180 Fog 100 80 80 60 « 80 80 40 40 30-| 20 20 18 10 8 ; e ‘ 4 : 2 1s 7 ko tL. io I Wr ae awe WS US 8 8 4 6 © 8 10 18 20 B80 40 20-40 100 FRICTION: LOSS (FEET OF WATER PER (OOFT.) ISHRAE Handbook 33 Table1 Steel Pipe Data fet ope a wan naw _twheeane coments wap _ASERRE RNS, Tn.’ tne Wolghtt hindi "ft _Atae, Int Aron, In? Bit Wit Process Type? _palg 80 XS 0.200 1.600 0497 0.993 1.068 1,77 3.63 (0.785 CW T 576 TH BE 10 a ounce wl Bans, {2 sa asa coos sae of 05h YB PSA AG 2 and 2665 tom PS 12 Dwg 2h oe Sr Teas We (3) Arete sora sine rah NPS 2 ‘Wenn sees wc AME 8319 th ume ba (et ree hp wal in trate sade pea an ames cng he leu wl Cpe tee 4, ‘ewace Aba canal rei he ge sips 8 dace tan Howes Abas ban he ‘ud wet uaa pb pai lo 890 or oan 28 at ISHRAE Handbook Table 2 Specification for Mild Stee! Tubes, Tubular & Other Wrought Iron Fittings EXTRACTS FROM IS 1239 (PART |) - 1990 FOR MILO STEEL TUBES Nominal Clase Wt of Black Tube Ctlevlated Wt. of Gal, Tubs Bore (NB) max i Plingnd = S&S Plin End Sas mm (inches) am mm ma gi kgim kgim kel t 2140 t.00 200 0.987 0.956, 0.999 1.008 602) ow 21.60 21.00 2.80 121 1.22 1.266 tere H 2180 21.00 320 1d 145, 1494 1.506 L 26.90 26.40 2:90 1.38 1.39 saat 151 zoiuey) Mm 27.90 26.50 2.60 188 187 1.622 682 # 2720 28.80 3.20 187 1.88 1923 1.939 u 33809320 260 198 2.00 2002 208g a5 crr) ” 4209330 3.20 2at 243 2498 515, 8 4203340 4.00 203 2.95 3.028 3048 L 42504190 260 284 257 aaa 2ert acne) 4290 4200 3.20 3.10 313 32073237 H 4290 42.00 4.00 are 3.82 3887 a9s7 L 4407.80 2.90 3.23 327 3as8 308 wow ow 4900 © 47.90 320 356 3.60 8681 572 4 4080 47.90 4.00 437 aan 4405 4.525, t 6020 8.60, 290 4.08 4225 4.205, 50) " 60.80 59.70 3.60 5.03 5.168 8.236 H 6080 © 58.70 450 6.19 63495419 L 7600 75.20 320 an 5.83 568018 05012) 7e80 75.0 3.80 6.82 54 6621.74 4 7600 75.30 450 798 8.08 e095 a2i5, L 3.20 672 6.8 692 7,122 aos) u 4.00 8.38 8.83 8586 8756 4 4.80 9.0. 10.40 10.109 10.600 _| L 18:90 —t1500 3.60 a7 10,00 10276 10.806 100 149) M 11500 113.10 450 1220 1250 1758 19.258 4 11600 13.10 5.40 1450 14.80 16252 - “16852 4 4080 19850 4.60 15.0 woo 7.49 125 6) 4 14080 13950 540 1730 18819 19.119 190 (69 ” 16550 168.90 460 18.80 19.50 19700 20300 4 1968.50 103.90 5.40 21.80 2190 zeae 22.9% TOLERANCES : Thickrose Lght tubes + Natio Medium Heavy tubes + Natimtes = 10%. Welght 4, Single tube (Light Sories) 10% - 8%, 2, Single tube (Medium & Heavy series): = 10% 8, For quantiles per load of 10 tonnes. min, ont s : 25% 8) 4, For quantities per load of 10 tonnes min. (Medium & heavy serias) Length ght, Medium & Heavy tubos ISHRAE Handbook Table3_ Application of Pipe, Fittings, and Valves for Heating and Air Conditioning 7 Fiting hppileation Pipe Material Welght___ Joint Type Material paig Recirculating Water Steal (CW) Sandaré ‘Thread 25 Cast iron 250 125 2 in. and smaller Copper, hard Type Graze or aver solder ‘Wrought Copper 250 180 Pvc en 80 ‘Solvent ‘sch ag PVC w opve ch 60 Solvent ‘Sch 80 OPVC 150 PB SORT Heat Fuslon 7B; 160 Insert crimp Melat 180 25t0 12m, ‘ASSBERW Sleel Standard Wald ‘Standard Wrought St 250 400 Flange 150 Wrought Steal 250 250 Flange 428 Cast bon 250 175 Flange 250 Cast on 250 400 Groove ior ducts ion 230, 300 Pe SOR Heat fusion PB. 160 [Steam end Condensate Steal OW) Standard? Thad 1 Cast ion % 2 tn, and smaier Thread 150 Mafleable iron 90 ASO BERW Stes! Standars® Te 428 Cast ron 100 Thead 150 Mallble ron 125 453 B ERW Steol XS. Th 250 Cast an 200 Teed 300____Malioabe iron 250 25 te ain Steal Standard Wed ‘Slanderd Wioughtsteet 250 Flange 150 Wrought seo! 200 Flange 425 Cast ten 400 AS ERW Stoel XS Wold xs Wrought Stee! 700 Flange 300 Wrought Steet 500 Flange 250 Cast fon 200 Rettig ‘Copper, hard Type Lark raze ‘Wrought copper A538 GML Stool Standard Weld Wioughtstee! ‘atin alowase wong posure baconieed, Table 4 Larger Dia. Pipes as per |S: 3589 nen derlein iis ie. ight system proses © Lead and enon ba anbo usteiloner tempers ondamaler pp set. lgs, es andvabes mal dare shod nol bo usa oe wer ayes, Badng and slve sales shout be enoyed. Ext shoe pipe ie recnamondod for al toaded eendneats png to alow loresvdion JOutelde Ole, Wall Thickness Weight Inches mm — inches mm Ko/at. 85% 219.1 0.41970 5.00 26.40 - 5. 3.45 : eter theascueres Table § Recommendations*” for Plastics Materlais 7 ae hoeecanae| PVC CPVC PB HDPE PP ABS PVOF ATRP| : : Gold waler sence RA AA SudkNeammdeennd Hot (140°F) water N R R a R R R aR to. 1979 $0 9008 | | Potabin water RoR R R A OR A A : y Y rain, West A RON ~ ROR = = : ggiee 800 2051 | lemneataegWater ROR OR OR : Osta 8.00 S220 | |Dslonizea water ROR OO ORO . o3749 9:80 6174 | [Salt ator A AR AR A RR = A tag ose 500 aeao | JMemtngmrn = ON ON ON ON ON it 0.2122 6.40 42.40 . . : O2s62 8.004702 | | Natural gas NON W*R ON NH : 0.2758 7.00 8480 | | Comprossod air NON AN ROT OL 7 0.3148 8.00 62.30 Sunlight! and weather N NOON R a R a . 03740 950 7069, isance 14 3858 0.1970 4323 | underground service ROR OR OR A - aR 7 T O2ize 48.63 | |Foodhandling RoR = — ARR 7 a ipavee 81.72 R= Recommended (N= Not recommended = = Insutticient iniormation Dt gare $2.17 |e ar adcng man ce ely of ab ge aes wd gene : Beeches 8.58 | satiny larg eto. Aso hare te manta vy ees ere papas vinci 3740 81.08 | b{aealengcferanoudbe comer contac dl he mani fo

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