Q5. What Are The Skills Required by Executives? Also Explain The Methods of Developing Such Skills. Answer

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Q5. What are the skills required by executives?

Also explain the methods

of developing such skills.
There are various skills and qualities should be in management executives:
Physical qualities required for the Executives:
It is reported by majority Human Resource Managers that they are looking upon qualities
like Ability to work long hours, less Absent from regular work, Agile and enthusiastic,
Extra Physical fitness, Energetic, Able to manage physical stress, and Practice relaxation
techniques to be physically alert in their personal life. Better personal hygiene is expected
from the new generation executives to handle the work situation efficiently and
Emotional Attributes required for the Executives:
It is reported by majority Human Resource Managers that they are looking upon
executives having Equanimity, Confidence, Emotional maturity, Patience, Optimistic,
Calm and composed, Emotional control, Empathetic, Good Listener, Accept Mistakes,
Unbiased, Understanding ability, Courageous, Flexible and Persistent to be stable in their
personal life and professional life. They should maintain equidistance to both rational and
emotional thoughts. Conscious use of professional self to be used for effective decision
making and control.
Intellectual and Analytical attributes required for the Executives:
It is reported by majority Human Resource Managers that they are looking upon
executives who are in Tune with latest business changes, Rationale in decision making,
Quick decision-making, Having Team spirit, Constant learner, Having Technical
competency and Logical reasoning, Better Human Relation, Be Creative, Good
Intelligent quotient, Be Innovative and Communicative, Knowledge based, and Having
Better Concentration Power for initiation, innovation, risk taking and proactive in
effective problem solving process.
Spiritual and Moral attributes required for the Executives:
It is reported by majority Human Resource Managers that they are looking upon
executives, who have Strong ethical base, Trust, Morally upright, Sincere and frank,
Spiritual inclination, Open / transparent, Belief in social responsibilities, Get away from
malpractices, Keep Commitments, Be responsible, No false commitments, Fair business
practices, Give respect and take respect, Belief in oneself and Control over mind. The
strong ethical attributes on executives help the organization to communicate quality of the
product ethically convincing and help in better customer relationship. Strong ethical work
force is an asset to any organization.
Interpersonal and Customer Relation Attributes required to Executives:
It is reported by majority Human Resource Managers that they are looking upon
executives, who have Better Listening, Better Communication ability, High Value

orientation, Polite and warm, Diplomatic, Ability to Control emotions, Competent to

handle redresses, Human relation, Need orientation, Networking, Healthy negotiation,
Faithful, Pleasing character, Better understanding skill, empathetic and Acceptance of
each other for better interaction and inter relationship with customers. A better market
orientation requires individuals having better inter personal skills and goal orientation.
These qualities enable the executives to develop strong relation with the customers by
understanding their needs and expectations.
Managing Time and Stress Attributes required for the Executives:
It is reported by majority Human Resource Managers that they are looking upon
executives, who practices Relaxation Techniques, are Conscious of Time Management,
do Prioritization of activities, Planning Meticulously, Leave ego aside, Faith in ones own
abilities, Delegation of authority, Distinguish Important and unimportant, Better selfunderstanding, Realistic Perception and Control over self. Among which major one is
allocation of ones own activities to important and unimportant. A better activity
prioritization enables the executives to manage their work in time with efficiency.
Conclusion: Management is an art of getting things done through and with people. Today
in the highly competitive and demanding entrepreneurship, management is not
knowledge centered alone. It is talent and potential centered. In order to enrich the
performance and potential of executives, more action oriented intellectual inputs and
transformational activity-centered are inevitable. A competent, mentally alert,
emotionally stable, intellectually talented executive are required to manage the business
with fidelity and accuracy. The findings of this qualitative research help the new
generation executive students to discover the undiscovered self and prepare towards
better personal and professional career.

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