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Studio Art Unit 3 SAT

Area of study one: Exploration proposal

Task Instructions
Due Dates
Introduction: Week One
Draft: Week Two
Final: Week Three
For this SAT you are required too:
Use of an exploration proposal to define the development of an individual design process that
includes a plan of how the proposal will be undertaken.

Write a personal & comprehensive exploration proposal that is well defined, highly detailed
and articulate. It must show your plan on how the individual design process is going to be

You need the focus and subject matter of your choice to be explored very clearly, defined &
detailed that provides an insight into your sources of motivation & inspiration to be

You must discuss your ideas thoughtfully & conceptually taking into account any
possibilities relevant to the subject matter & art forms as well as a range of related ideas to
be investigated

Provide a comprehensive explanation of the aesthetic qualities you are going to explore &
develop on in relation to your ideas. Demonstrate thorough, detailed documentation & visual

Provide a comprehensive description of the art form(s), techniques & materials you will be

Remember to give a very detailed discussion of your proposed exploration and of

appropriate materials, processes, development of techniques & skills to be investigated

Don't forget!
You need to complete an exploration proposal and a work plan that contains each of the


A written documentation that also includes visual references of inspiration

Explain the focus and subject matter you will be exploring & developing on in the design

Discuss conceptual possibilities

Describe art form(s) you will be exploring

Discuss your sources of inspiration

Explain the aesthetic qualities you will be exploring

Discuss & explain appropriate use of materials, techniques & processes


a weekly plan for how the exploration proposal will be implemented. The plan should start from
the work you completed over the holidays and conclude on
Visual reference material that may include illustrations, diagrams or images of other artists work or
sources of inspiration as a means of clarifying ideas expressed in the exploration proposal.
The visual reference material must be cited or appropriately acknowledged. It should relate
to the each area listed in bold text in point 1.
The exploration proposal should be developed prior to the commencement of the individual design
process but may be expanded upon during the initial stages of the design process. However, it
should be noted that the exploration proposal sets out the content and parameters of the students
future proposed work and is not a summary of what has been done.

Key knowledge & skills Addressed:

The characteristics of an exploration proposal

The structure of a studio process including a work plan

Conceptual possibilities and ideas to be explored in the studio process

The focus and subject matter to be explored in the studio process Unit 3: Studio practices
and processes VCE Studio Arts 20172021

Discuss conceptual possibilities and explain the ideas to be explored

Describe the art form/s to be explored

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