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Studio Art Unit 4 SAC

Area of study three: Art industry contexts

Comparative Task Instructions
On completion of this unit the student should be able to examine and explain the preparation and
presentation of artworks in at least two different exhibition spaces, and discuss the various roles,
processes and methods involved in the exhibition of artworks.
For this SAC you are required too:

Analyse and understand the conservation requirements for artworks being installed in

Explore the concern of artists and the personnel associated with the art and art spaces

Select an artist and reference a specific work SEEN and STUDIED

Research TWO or more exhibitions and COMPARE the preparation, presentation,

conservation and promotion of art from the two gallery spaces

you may select artworks exhibited in public art galleries and museums, commercial and
private galleries, university art galleries, artist run spaces, alternative art spaces, outdoor
spaces and online galleries.

Don't forget!
You must select TWO or more exhibitions to analyse
Explore a range of gallery spaces in your spare time as well as the two required
gallery visits
Remember to discuss conservational concerns, the concerns of a curator in
terms of preparation and presentation
You may select TWO or more exhibitions for comparison and discuss at least 4
artworks and their conservational etc issues.

When analysing...

You must remember to pay close attention to the galleries layout, air temperature and

Listen intently to the guest speaker

Attend gallery visits in your own time to expand your mind!

Due: Week 7
Words: 1500-2000 (90 minutes)

Gallery Visits
As a requirement for Unit 4 Studio Art, all students must attend at least 2
gallery visits
Make sure you complete each task provided below and make detailed notes as well as photograph
(where allowed) each exhibition.

Visit one in week 3

Gallery: NGV, David Hockney exhibition

Visit two in week 6

Gallery: Neon Parc, Dale Frank exhibition (City & Brunswick location)
NOTE: You will have a guest lecture from the curator & owner of Neon Parc (Geoff
Newton) prior to visiting the gallery in week 4. Ensure you ask lots of questions & take
lots of notes!

Key knowledge & skills Addressed:

the role of public galleries, commercial galleries and other art spaces;

curatorial, exhibition design and promotional methods and considerations involved in

preparing and presenting an exhibition and displaying artworks in current exhibitions;

methods and considerations involved in the conservation and preservation of artworks

including materials, lighting, temperature, storage, presentation and artist intention;

processes associated with production, presentation, promotion and marketing of art;

particular characteristics of types of exhibition spaces;

art language and terminology appropriate to the task.

David Hockney exhibition
Consider your surrounding very carefully...
1. what are the visible ways you can see how these works are protected when on display?

2. What conservation treatments do you think these works have had?

3. Is there a relationship between the works in the way they are hung and displayed?

4. What do you think the curator had to consider in terms of temperature? As it is warming up
do you think there are any issues with summer? What is the temperature in here?

5. What type of advertising/ promotional methods for this show have you seen/ what did you
see when you walked in?


Guest speaker
Answer the following questions in response to Geoff's talk.
1. What is Neon Parc's role in comparison to other galleries in Victoria/ Australia?

2. Describe & discuss Geoff's role in the gallery, what is his experience as a curator? How is it
different to other galleries curatorial roles?

3. What is Geoff's curatorial approach? How does it differ from show to show?

4. How has Geoff promoted this exhibition?

5. Discuss & describe how Geoff prepared for this exhibition.

These questions are for when you are at the galley in week 6...
1. Describe & discuss the exhibition design.

2. Describe & discuss 3 seperate artworks & how they have been presented.

3. What type of promotions, media & advertising does Neon Parc provide for their artists?

4. What type of space is it? e.g artist run, private, government etc... and what are the
advantages of this space?

5. What type of conservational requirements clash the most with curatorial?

6. What types of artists exhibit in this space?

7. What are the key concerns for Neon Parc in terms of conservation?

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