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Studio Art Unit 4 SAT

Area of study one: Production & presentation of artworks

Task Instructions
For this SAT you are required too:
1. Present a cohesive folio of finished artworks, based on selected potential directions
developed through the design process, that demonstrates skilful application of materials and
techniques and that realises and communicates the students ideas.
2. Provide visual and written documentation that identifies the folio focus and evaluates the
extent to which the finished artworks reflect the selected potential directions, and effectively
demonstrate a cohesive relationship between the works.
3. Have TWO completed works that reflect you exploration proposal and finished folio.
Key knowledge & skills Addressed:

ways of developing artworks through the evaluation of a range of potential directions

materials and techniques appropriate to particular art form/s

the depiction of subject matter in artworks

the resolution of aesthetic qualities in artworks

the methods for the realisation and communication of ideas in artworks

the techniques for the development, refinement and presentation of artworks appropriate to
the individuals ideas and the selected art form/s

demonstrate the use of at least two potential directions used in the creation of artworks

use selected potential directions to support the development and refinement of artworks

apply materials and techniques appropriate to particular art form/s and utilise their inherent

depict subject matter

demonstrate aesthetic qualities

employ appropriate terminology

The next page has suggested questions to ask yourself when following the criterion

Criterion 1: Use of potential directions in producing finished artworks

Things you should consider before final submission...

Have you evaluated all potential directions in depth/ with annotations and explained how
they might be used to produce your finished works?

Have you clearly explained how your potential directions achieve the folio focus?

Have you got a detailed and comprehensive written and visual evidence of selected potential

Have you provided explanations detailing how the potential directions have informed the
refinement and development of ideas, techniques and aesthetics in the finished artworks?

Have you provided visual evidence that links the potential directions and the finished

To score highly in this criteria a student must:

Provide clear visual (photocopies, scans, photographs) and written (notes and visual
planning) references to the selected potential directions identified in Unit 3.

Provide further refinement of the selected potential directions which could be represented in
mock ups and sketches

Provide clear evaluations as to how the selected potential directions informed the production
of final artworks.

Criterion 2: Application of materials, techniques and processes relevant to the chosen art
Things you should consider before final submission...

Have you refrained from initiating new techniques in Unit 4 and refined what was
undertaken and identified as potential directions in Unit 3?

Have you demonstrated an understanding of how to use selected materials and techniques to
communicate their concepts and ideas?

Have you discussed methods of presentation and this compliment my concepts and ideas?

Have you practiced using techniques appropriately in Unit 3 to support a more refined use in
Unit 4?

Have you presented artwork that reflects the specified and articulated concepts and ideas?

Do my selected potential directions and evaluations reveal my knowledge and understanding

of the use of relevant materials, techniques and processes in preparation for the production
and refinement of the finished artworks?

Have you demonstrated a sensitive and accomplished application of materials and

techniques to successfully communicate their aims and ideas?

Have you discussed the contribution of the presentation, be it framing or otherwise, to the
communication of ideas in the artworks?

Have you presented a substantial folio of finished artworks with a consistent presentation of
ideas and the skilful use of materials to demonstrate that I have worked consistently to
create a cohesive folio?

Have you worked consistently in one medium to consolidate my skills and application of
materials and techniques?

To score highly in this criteria a student must:

show a consistent and highly skilful application of materials, techniques and processes
throughout the folio to support a strong resolution of ideas and aesthetic qualities.

demonstrate a thorough understanding and sensitivity of the inherent characteristics of

materials, techniques and processes and their relationship to the depiction of subject matter.

demonstrate a highly skilful and appropriate use of relevant materials, techniques, processes
and methods of presentation revealing an insightful understanding of the selected art form/s.

Please note this resource was found at: however it has been
altered to fit the requirements of Studio Art (2017)

Week thirteen's task is too...

We are going to hold a group critique & class discussion session of everyones final works.
For the first 20 minutes we will move around the room looking at each others work, in front of each
students work there will be a 'STARS & WISHES' sheet (provided below), you are to fill out one
'STAR'- Something brilliant, interesting or amazing about their work & one 'WISH'- Something
they might consider for next time or something they could add to their work.
This is a productive friendly task, so nothing nasty- think constructive criticism!
Please find the worksheet attached below...



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