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Jacqueline Abend


Art I_________________

Unit: Boundaries Topic: Basquiat and Challenging Societal Boundaries Self Portrait Grade: 9-12_
Essential Questions:
1. How are our lives influenced by boundaries?
2. What kinds of boundaries have provoked artists to create?

3. How does art contribute to the breaking down of boundaries?

New Jersey State Standards:

The Creative Process: Stimuli for the creation of artworks can come from many places, including
other arts disciplines. (1.1.12.D.2)
1.2 History of the Arts and Culture: Access to the arts has a positive influence on the quality of an
individuals lifelong learning, personal expression, and contributions to community and global
citizenship. (1.2.12.A.2)
1.3 The artists understanding of the relationships among art media, methodology, and visual
statement allows the artist to use expressionism, abstractionism (nonobjective art),
realism/naturalism, impressionism, and other genre styles to convey ideas to an audience

Daily Performance Objectives:

Knowledge: Identify how art can be used to challenge different types of boundaries.

Skills: Critical thinking skills

Understandings: Different types of social boundaries.

Prior Knowledge:

Knowledge: Identification of social issue.

Skills: Ability to draw different types of line.

Understandings: Societal boundaries, communicative properties of art.

Materials and Aids: Different colored Sharpie markers, paper, sketchbooks, pencils, erasers, oil
Time Frame for the Lesson:
Time Frame of
10 minutes

15 minutes

60 minutes

5 minutes

Student Will

Teacher(s) Will

Listen respectfully to teacher, ask

questions if necessary.

Explain the assignment and the two

Work in smalls groups and as a class to

criticize Ms. Abends teacher sample of a
Basquiat-inspired self-portrait. Students
will discuss meaning behind the words
and imagery portrayed and what larger
social issue is being challenged
Students will choose a song/poem that
speaks towards their social issue. They
will first work on a sketch for their
portrait, and then move on to their final
Clean up classroom

Facilitate Critique.

options for self-portraits available for

students to choose from. Explain the
parameters of the assignment:
Students will think of a social
boundary they feel impacts their lives.
Students will choose a song or poem
that relates to the issue and
incorporate words from it within
their self-portrait.
Students can choose to work with
either colored pencils and oil pastels
or markers and colored pencils.

Walk around the room answering

questions, guiding student process

Announce to class to clean up space.


FormativeSummative- Completed Self-portrait


ELL Learners: Giving explanations in written and spoken Spanish and French. Allow ELL students to
sit next to another and work together. Model directly behavior. Use visuals.
Special Needs: Ensure comfortable art making process/space. Offer choice to work on Ipad.

Homework: N/A

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