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Answer following Question:

Fill in the spaces with the correct form of the verb in parentheses in simple past tense or past
progressive tense.
1) We (walk) _________________ by the bakery when the smell of fresh cinnamon rolls (reach)
____________ our noses.
2) Dr. Lee (treat) _______________ her patient when she (get) ______ a signal from her pager.
3) Annie and Lilly (climb) ______________ trees when Annie (fall) ____________ and (break)
________ her arm.
4) While Christopher (dig) _____________ a hole in the sand, a crab (crawl) ____________ out.
5) They (sit) ___________ on the park bench when the fountain suddenly (light) _________ up.
6) David (ride) _____________ his motorcycle on the dirt road when it (hit) __________ a
dangerous bump.
7) Mr. Walker (earn) ____________ more than anyone else in his division when he
(retire)__________ last year.
8) The lost dog (wear) _____________ his collar when the children (find) ____________ him.
9) Marcella (hope) ______________ to buy a yacht; instead she (buy) __________a small
fishing boat.
10) Nick (water) ___________ the plants in the garden when a groundhog (appear) _________.
11) The beginning art students (decide) __________ to make collages as their first project.
12) You (wear) ____________ that shirt every time I saw you last week!
13) The speeding car (crash) __________into a telephone pole last night.
14) The club members (walk) ____________ for charity when the rain (begin) _________ to fall.
15) Joe (forgive) ____________ his sister Carrie for telling her friends his secret.
16) The girls (want) __________to watch the old movie again after it (end) ____________.
17) Daniel and Katherine (make) __________ a big announcement at last Sunday's dinner; they
are having a baby!
18) The Smith family's ancestors (live) ____________ in Virginia when the war started.


Fill in the blanks with for or since.
1. Mr. Johnson has worked for this company ________ 1980.
2. Kate hasn't eaten anything ________ six hours.
3. Peter has read eleven books ________ last weekend.
4. Jason and Clara have been friends________ more than 10 years.
5. I haven't seen my uncle, Thomas ________ a long time.
6. They haven't come together ________ they graduated from the university.
7. Cindy has driven her car ________ only five months.
8. We haven't seen Mr. Parker ________ this morning.
9. David hasn't telephoned _______he left school at three o'clock.
10. The singer has sung seven songs ________ the concert began.
11. Harry is an experienced teacher. He has taught in this school ________ a long time.
12. Steven has been an accountant ________ a decade.
13. I haven't been to London ________ last spring.
14. This factory has produced cars and lorries________ about a century.
15. I miss my friend Jane very much. We haven't seen each other ________ ages.
16. Teresa hasn't taken her car to the mechanic ________ she bought it last April.
17. Today is Monday. So my mother has stayed in the hospital ________ about twelve days.

18. Theyve been married __________ nearly 50 years.

19. Syameer has worked here ___________ he left school.
20. Marlia has not called her parents ____________ last month.
21. They have moved to Germany ___________ decades.
22. Have you played the piano _____________ you were a child?

Change the verb into the correct form:

1. I

2. She

3. My family

4. I have

(read) your book several times.

(wear) that skirt many times.

(visit) Brazil a few times.

(eat) already.

5. Marta

6. You

7. They

8. It

9. I

10. We

(finish) her homework.

(break) the glass again.

(pay) for everything.

(never snow) like that.

(meet) Anna once.

(see) him before.

11. You

(buy) 4 cars so far.

12. There

(be) problems.

13. I

(have) a snake.

14. Maria

15. The kids

16. The students

17. She

18. Man

19. People

20. I

21. The class

22. Allison

(raise) a monkey.

(grow) so much!


(become) really beautiful.

(invent) many great inventions.

(cause) much destruction to the planet.

(learn) to surf.

(do) 5 tests this month.

(find) a few problems with your plan.

23. We

(consult) some doctors about this.

24. In the previous year, we

(double) our income.

25. She

(be) sick since Sunday.

26. Johan

(dream) of being a pilot since he was a child.

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