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Creating true prosperity consciousness is

..... )SE
about expanding yourvision of what can be
"for you. opportunity",
They never-think-sbmething is too good to
be true. They expect good things.
People with prosperity consciousness are
dreamers. They imagine a better way, then
workto make it so. More importantly, they
.How you can develop don't buy-in to the negative and erroneous
beliefs around them. When they are told
a have-it-all mind set. something is' too difficult or not possible,
By Randy Gage' they simply smile at the thought. They are

ow come someone can be comfort-
able spending $5,000 a month for
fresh flowers, while others would.
not-easily swayed with the cowardly cau-
The Crowd is not lying. They honestly
believethat things .can't be done. They
don't know the difference.
hesitate to spend that much on a car'iWhy Let's say a single guy moves to Detroit.
<10some people earn $25,000 a year, while He goes to a nightclub and asks a girl to
others pay ten times that much just for their' dance. She looks-him-up and-down, and
annual Country Club membership? . says, "With you? I don't thinkso," He
- It has 'to do with their mindset for :pros~
perity, And mindset is a fascinating thing., .
o beats a retreat home to nurse his wounds.
A few days later he tries anothernightclub,
'. Because it doesn't just come into' play ,
for the things you buy. It' also.dramatically ..
'. affects how you view youi: eamingand
.profit potential. The wellnessorlack of
1 arid 'a different girl. He gets rejected again.
This is all the "proof' he needs to illustratethe
."fact" ladiesare stuck up,inDetroit.
Another guy moves to Detroit the same
it you, manifest. It determines what you week. He meets the-Cduplein the apartment
believe you can' accomplish. And what you next door in the elevator, and they inVite
expectfrom your relationships. Your money him over for dinner. A few days later, his
mindset will be pretty Consistent with the flowers delivered your home each week .to car breaks down and a passing motorist
.way-you view.other forms of prosperity. Next thing you know, you're spending stops to offer him assistance. He becomes ,
'. " People-have-a chance at unlimited $1,500 a week on fresh flowers. And lov- convinced of the fact that people in Detroit
incomepotential. But no one actually.Ling it.because you appreciate the beauty it . are friendlyand, welcoming.
tliinkS,"~iilifuited." If they have been inak-' brings into your world. So which guy knows-the truth?
ing $20,000 a year; they equateunlimited Could you spend $10,000 on a purse, a Well in each case, it is the truth as they
income withearning '$30,000 or $40,000 pair of shoes, or a beautiful coat? Can you But in neither case is it a fact. Both
a year: If they are used totaIcing home see yourself spending $15,000 for a First guys have developed a belief. One has a
$65,000, they think, unlimited is making Class seat, instead of $700 in coach? Do belief that serves him, the other has one
$100,000. And if they are used to befugyou believe you could spend $450,000 for a which does not. Each will probably attract
paid $100,000 annually, then they probably' painting for your living room, or a sculpture more of what he expects, and each will
envision about $200,000." in your entranceway? likely fall prey to confirmation bias, finding
And the degree they See "unlimited" in Of course things are relative. If you continuing "evidence" to support his belief. consistent with how, make $20,000 a year, it would be crazy to You probably developed your beliefs
they-will View,theirprospectS-in~health;~ -spendten grand on a purse. But then again -about-money-by:-:ti1e-tjme you -were-ten-
relationships, and their career. why would you make $20,000 a year when years old and have carried them into adult-
.'The other thing that becomes apparent you could earn so much more? hood. For most people these are very lim-
is'how people's consciousness can expand: iting beliefs. But the good news is these
Andthat is what has to happen with you, beliefs can be changed ...
for you to develop' a prosperous mindset. It . !('(i;,.""t; t:7:'h"!\/ th: f ,'.<j:~,.} "t'" You can't be treated for prosperity; you
: '.. . '.' ." " . 'ye:"'" IS ICS.sSYi ,a approxl!'J1a e-
, IS a contmuous pro.ces.sthat never ~tops. .~IY,.140{o of ~U~enCans liaveil~feast . have to be open to receive it. And this means
You start out thinking that $75 IS an out- .~9ne'tattoor;J:?uramon~r258:!{)f"29-o expanding your prosperity consciousness.
rag~us amount to pay for a floral arrange-: {year-olds, ~-theo1igure jU!l1ps"to""33% . , Iiistead of thinking what is "realistic,"
ment. Gradually youbegin to see the beauty' .' Those who ha~ecbeen inketf;Qril}fto, youmust dream about what you really want.
of a $150 arrangement. Next you are think- .. 'regret it ,hav~):;pawned,a Ilugenew Thirigs like driving through wealthy neigh-
ing it would benlCe to' have sOllie-~ '-':i9CJijstry:. tatt~o;;remova!. Th~-cost boihoods,-studying-vacation brochures, and
Randy-Gage has beencalled"theMillionaireMessiah" ',,!>J laser-removal' 01-a tattoo'~~~l1be reading luxury magazines all expand the win-
becausehe believesthatyou aremeantto berich,andit is >a~($10,QO,O. A simpl~r.,and dow you see the world through and helps you
a sin to be ~r, A forme:highschooldropout,RaiJd~ ro~G)ess Gt?.stly :s()lutipn' might .b~~h~t '
frOm,a mlD~~umwagedishwasher to beco~ea multi-mil- {~tattooi:lrtistsCalled.','the coverup"-::, develop a larger prosperityconsciousness.
.lionaire.HeIS theauthorofsevenbooksonsuccess,includ- :.>,'" ::; ""'.' .'" '; 'r:f:'; .,."'; ._,;, <.,., .c, ,. When your prosperity consciousness
inghis-latest,"Why You're DUMB, SIck, & BROKE... AJld','t~kmg:;a t~ttO()E~ndt"ansfOl"ml,~g:Jt
HOIVTo 'Get SMAKI;HEALTHY & RICH!': TofindmorejntO' somettlingelse~' . expands, your subconscious mind works to
aliout Randy.go, ','" ' make these dreams come true.
Frekh Content is the role of a teacher, so make sure your blog
has valuable information for your visitors
Brand New King! so they can learn more about your industry,
viewpoints, area of expertise, products and
How tosuse your blog to specific technical information on a variety
attract new prospects & of issues. Furthermore, your blog must be a
place where visitors can send feedback and
grow ypur business! questions to you.
Us.eit to boost product sales. Detail
all of the benefits and usage of your prod-
By Ford Saeks uct or service on your blog. This attracts
prospects to your website, while at the same
time, keeping customers updated on the lat-

OU might have heard the saying
"Content is Kling." This idea is now
updated, because fresh content is the
new king. According Ita Technorati's State of
the ~logosphere series, more than 900,000
est developments with your company.
Use it as a tool for internal com-
munication. It is accessible to everyone
in your company, so why not make it a
central place for company information and
blog posts are posted Jvery 24 hours. By post- keting tool, it allows you to create a much updates? Display all of the latest events and
ing thisfresh content, bloggers are able to add more personal relationship with your viewer the future plans or training for your compa-
timel~ and Jruuable chntent for their readers, than regular web content. In being able to ny. Implementing these and other strategies ~~ iric~ing traffi~ to establish a personal relationship with your will help your blog playa key role in help-
their SIte, building relationships and establish- prospects, you will walk them through the ing you communicate to employees.
ing themselves as the expert in their fields. process of knowing you, liking you, and 610gs also make great Content
There ar9 more !dlan 200 million active then trusting you, which will- then lead to Management Systems (CMS). In addi-
blogs out there and three fourths of the them buying your products or services. tion to regular blog postings you can also
people whol use the Internet read blogs. use blog software to update and manage the
So what's all of the hype about BLOGS 6 Tips to Help You Effectively content of specific areas of your website.
and why shouldlY0}l tare? By creating and Leverage Your 810g Use your blog to establish powerful
effectively leveragiilgl a blog for your busi- Use your blog to increase credibility . word-of-mouth marketing and recom-
. ness, you will ra~ higher in search engines, Make sure your blog is well written so it mendations. Create postings that invite
attract more targeted traffic to your site, cre- entices the curiosity of a visitor. Also ensure comments. Viewer comments on your blog
ate and establish \repeat traffic, and get more each of your postings allows users to ask create .extra content, which, in turn, will
sales of your 'products and services, and questions and clarify doubts they might have. help raise your Search Engine rankings and
that's just scrat1c$ng tfe surface of the ben- Organize your blog so it also allows your attract more visitors. Also, everyone trusts
efits blogs can offer you. As a marketer for customers to easily find the information they the opinions of others more than they trust
your business, 9ur purpose is to communi- are looking for by using the proper keyword the marketing copy communicated by the
cate the valub M your products and services. .tags and categories and a search option. companies selling products.
Blogs allow hu to do that in a much more Use your blog as an education- When talking about Blog Marketing it's
personal andiinteractive way. based marketing tool. Blogs serve the important to make a couple of distinctions.
When planning your blog start by focus- The first is "using a blog to help to market
ing on the behefits to your site visitors. What FREENEWSLmERS& your website." In this perspective, the blog
do you think they'd want to know more is mainly used as a traffic-generating strat-
about? Ask your customer service, sales- egy. Your focus is on adding keyword-rich
people 9r receptionist to make a list of the ,The FRE.ESBA newslettersotter a content in various formats - text, audio
Wide variety:of Information andbusi~
top questions' or areas of concern relating to n'~ opportunitiesfOr. small busines~e~:. and video postings - that solves your read-
your business. Spend some time researching Su6sc;ribeto one ormanyan~ receivj;l ers' needs or desires and gets ranked by the
and reviewing.other bldgs on your subject or .e~mailnotification as soon as itemsare major search engines.
topic area. You'll quickly find many ways i,pu~li~hed.It's easy!.(30to.: http://~eb. The second distinction is "marketing your
that adding a Blog to your marketing plan ;~bct;gov/listl ..... .. .. .... . ....
blog," Many blogs are not standalone web-
.r ~'.s.crondown and~h~ck.t~ boxeS
just makes good business sense. As a mar- ~ext to then~wslettei'S.Y9U,want.; sites, but are part of a bigger website and
Ford Sacks is best known for his ability to position people .. EoteryOJJr
e-mailaddressin the can be used for publicity and public aware-
and their products and services for profit through proven
bo~afthe bottom of tile page andclick ness. In this case you may just want visitors
Internet marketing, inn\wative publicity and sales cam-
.oil "Sribscnbe.'L).\; ..,,; ..
paigns. He is ,the Igo-toi guy when you want \0 increase to come and read the content posted on your
targeted traffic that converts into sales. Learn more about ~ sure;to~reacl thel',n .acYstatEh.
_n1E~nts~f~esp_~n~oring~gencies. blog, and then hopefully they click-through
how he can help you find, attract, and keep your customers
at to other pages and make a purchase.
Yes,you can
bI that business!
financing tips aren't quite convinced the value a seller is
I asking for is legitimate.
t, close the deal.
1 "With performance bonuses, you and the
I seller would come to an agreement on a
I value that is lower than his asking price,"
says Simmons. "You would then agree
to pay the seller more in performance
bonuses if the business does indeed con-
tinue to growas he claims it will. The
performance bonus amount is usually
a percentage of business results payable
over one to three years."
Family loans. A good source of
financing is often found within a buyer's
family. "During these uncertain times,
families come closer together," points
out Simmons. "Loans from the older to
younger generations of entrepreneurs can
benefit both."
Buy smaller. "Though opportunities
abound, now is not the time to get in
over your head," says Simmons. "It could
"The surest way to convince a banker or any- be wiser to put less money at risk and make a
one else to invest in a business is to have a value smaller investment. It may be possible to add,
so attractive they are envious of your position," over time, more investment to make the enter-
says Simmons. "Make sure the number you take prise grow. But reducing the risk to capital is
to them reflects realistic pricing and value. And always a sensible strategy."
go in prepared to present to them exactly how Pay cash. Do you absolutely have to
you plan to make the business a success." finance? If you have the cash on hand or can
Conservative plans. Too many times buy- scrape it together, buying the business straight
ers build their financial forecast on aggressive out might be a great idea. ''Naturally, eliminating
assumptions that incorporate growing revenue debt reduces risk dramatically, making this a very
from the introduction of new business tactics. wise alternative," says Simmons. ''Paying cash
That's not realistic, says Sinunons, especially in for a smaller business also gives a buyer hard-
the middle of a deep recession. hitting negotiating power to make money when
"Instead of looking at what could be for you buy. Plus, the effort to pull together cash to
the business, you should look at what is," he invest is likely less than the effort needed to pay
explains. "For purposes of financing, assume back a much bigger debt!"
revenue in the coming year will decline." Find an equity partner. The woods are full
Seller financing. The best lender of all in of investors who want to invest in a small busi-
uncertain times is the seller of the business. One ness. That's because for them it means returns
major reason this is the case is that he knows the without the operating responsibility.
business already and does not have to be con- "Seek out an investor to finance a minority
vinced of its continuing viability. In a nutshell, interest in the business," says Simmons. "It pro-
here's how it works: You make a down payment vides highly desirable cash negotiating power to
to the seller of between 3040 percent of the busi- make a better deal. My book offers information
ness's value, and then over several years you pay and guidelines on this subject."
him the rest with interest. If you're convinced buying a small business
"It's a great way to keep the banks out of the is right for you, don't let the bad economy stand
deal altogether, and it's a great way for the seller in your way, advises Simmons. While caution
to prove to you that he thinks his business is truly is always in order, there's a difference between
viable," says Simmons. "Plus, he may be able to proceeding slowly and thoughtfully.
more efficiently manage capital gains tax pay- "You can find a way to achieve your goal:'
ments by taking his sale price over several years he asserts. "What's more, you should. Small
at a good rate of interest." business is the engine of free enterprise and the
Separate assets. Many business own- backbone of the American dream. Owning your
ers attempt to sell out "lock, stock, and barrel," own company is the key not only to profit, but
including the real estate. "The problem is that the also to a life of freedom. It's people with.the drive
real estate is often worth more than the business and ambition to create opportunity that will ulti-
value and produces less income," says Simmons. mately help get our economy back on its feet."

~.I .
-j ,

G Caring for the affected spouse can be emo-
.tionally draining and time consuming. Most
II, l-t-ll ' family businesses end up failing when the

I,! . .1

principal spouse is unable to participate.

Without any Planning - The business'

.i Iii : r By Dick,Yemm'
stumbles along as chaos rules the day. State
statutes will determine the business's future
I .1 . ',. if the business can continue to operate long
'.'.ife-cfumging, triggering, events occur enough while new leadership is determined .
.r ' sMdenly wherl: least expected, Being Odds are Bob. will not have his business to
I '. is
prepared key to protecting the SW'-. return to.when he awakes from his coma.
I .. ~~.,Ofy?url~Usiness. In all cases many. . Elaine in this ease is ill prepared to take
, ,~. moments ,qccur..Take the caseof Bob over the business. She has to hire an .attor-
! St?n .~tte~sa~tltale.
i ; I" r+ accidental fa in his office resulted
l t' la engthy coma. Prior to the fall he had
ney to represent herself and other members
of the family, draining the remaining family
savings. Elaine becomes financially desper-
i ',eH 'lindribl+ Stode intended to operate the family income from the business
! ' ~. usressl for another fifteen years before '. ceases. Benefits such as health insurance


'" g I~t~ 16Jeof ills younger childten or him, and the company's operating plan
I' g IfLHi~ff~~
nl e company for rcome.and benefits.
was solely dependent from their home s~e. The P~.tOld her:.
are only continued as long as Bob's owner
. interest is retained .
'Io contact the listed professional adVISOrS . Timebecomes of the essence as Elaine's
. Stone regained consciousness ten months Who to trust . legal representative tries to protect the busi-
!' ,ate1 arid 'found eve!Ytmng concerning the ' , Key operating infoonation ness's survival: Obtaining an opening in
! ~J~dS"liiid been, going great considering . Options for keeping their owner interest the court's schedule can be difficult. Few
r- g.
sloFg eboilomic climate. Hard deci- _in the company
1 operating decisions are rendered in an. ini-
idn~ _~ucing the Inumber of employees Where to obtain additional information .tial hearing. If multiple parties challenge J..i
Jdrf' . sjib'ac kth [ had'Just been the direction of succeeding hearings, the I,,
~F' ,~company
.Ibtoo[M~r to the accident. ,Criti~al ~e~ prior experience together with the case can take months and sometimes years
before a final decision is rendered ..
'~ecISI9~s ~tjf!lam that would determmeasslstanc.e ofloyal emPlo.yees andprofes-
ij b~sine~siF !surviVlal.-. : sional advisors allowed her to step in on Very few courts have been successful
'.1 ~His~~aill:,se~~ in~ motion -a contingency short n~tice to o~rate the co~pany, Key to at micro-managing a business. In a worse
pl;p1 that Imclude~ a Durable Power of preservmgthe business'ssurvival was: case Scenario several hearings are necessary
1\ttorney and pPerating Plan. Stone and his Elaine's knowledge of the business before a judge: .
, I ~ , -1'1 '1 ... .
:,r~e Elain~ lytd
devylOlFthe plan Withthe Her management skills . Appoints an attorney to represent Bob
L d of'~ bil!>~~~Jlipenen,Ced ,plann~r who '. A le~al transfer ~f authonty
emphasized tlie importanceof mcludingthe . Awntten operatmg plan
Appoints a guardian for Bob
Appoints a conservator to oversee his
bpe .. ratio..ris'iP.~anj~tjm.Case something hap-.. This story is the exception, not the rule. assets
!'I ~nedtohim' J,:;' .. Approves anew manager to replace
:.' ,1:1 El.''am.~I,e. ~ad.~Ork.ddl ..
1.W1.thBO?bUildingth.e .. Bob as principal operator
. cQmpariyJolififteen years before retiring to.
il :.,te.' 'I ilJnily'.I,:H. se freq. uently.updated In the meantime the business is left
.1 II" r,'f I II I . I .. '. '.. .

..;I ,ref~}oJ~e,s~s9fth~business.
r~are:oft~~C?mpa,l).Y'~ fiftee
i ft1'f13gtpsandf w~esses
... ,nemPloyees'
and .cwrent and
She was to flounder on its own. Elaine in the end
is forced to sell the business, or if it has
closed, sell remaining company assets as
" fi1;turecon~ts .. ,l '....
.. . she runs out of money and time.
u ['. Once ~~ame .w~:sati~fIed that every- Estate Plan with no Operating Plan -.
, ,thing' possible was being-done for Bob, she Estate planning typically includes a Durable
fmted her &Jntion fOrunning the business, . Power of Attorney for incapacity and a Will
.,~retookB_q1>jsDurable Power of Attorney, . for death ..Generally there' is no operating
~vingl he~lt;!gal a\l~oritY to substitute for plan for a business.
'Djl:lc'Yenlm, FP is.anauthOr,~ and consultant on A'named successor' without operating
.; 'I. I r . . II 1.11 1,1 1 \TT'._ .. ," rd- '. '. book' ''The'S!ori'
; . f."'f1":'"IOD P annmg, ro> aj\'''U-WJDP!Ilg .; . . es.: knowledge or management experience is
I ",lis~ve~1~ "a seri9 of seminars on ContingenCy/sile-
.i !:dJionp~gjf<t busmes:.o~ ancltheir families. Dick like someone walking into a black room
.1 .~ a ~0IIaI& IicenSed.Certified~uiJinciai P1annerand: with no operating light switch. Elaine's
hokh multiple levels:of ~ty licenses. For more informaliori .
j;jeasi:calI'772~S~2 .J. 28i, Jirnill or application of Bob's operating planensured
VisitWwW,~iOOsswitlxjutyoU1:oni" ' . the family business's continued operation.
1...-:--"';'._"-+'1 . iI" , '

I 1[' I
I I Iii 1:11

m){'l~ ~ i~;JIVEENERGY
lnfn4:a must nlXr\S. >~~~;!"t./ /". ru: course, you're only o~e person. B~t
e! b6v~ aJd embraceLse:
I~ ,Il, I,ll
']/1, a,~.Si flew
Ii t& positive.
.. {V4f.~\.\
\ UO"t\lI'1'~~,
'~~~~J -:,,'~'F>:":\ ~'
~,,'/, Oll, '''.e,,~~,.f~,,~},i.
~'" '" C',,. AfrM'i];r
, lIll~ewhat could h~~pen if everyone m
Ame~ca ~ade the decision to opt out ofth.e
recession simply through the power of POSI-
i ~,'o.)..! " :;..>-~ ',/ tive energy? There is little doubt tqe net result

]11 I!'
. ~~.b
_,'\"\iy ,flo Ji~"'
0 (\
would .be,.w~ll, positive. Gordon offers the
following insights:
o~ '," We are the economy. We can make it
~n inll'jlfunk. <Certainly,you're""'!'"
i 11 I .
'eelihg the sFs and anxiety m the
:. (~ ~IS.
, , ',
.\f, :'" '., -""-'t';,:,,<' "
whatever we want It to be. Amenca needs to
WO~'~, And dr~fYWhire else you go~the . . "''!.- ~' /' <.," ~
that the economy is not some abstract
post offi,'Cl: I
ce, the gr,OCery~ore or your child's "'-,J entity separate from us, says Gordon. The
sch #-
you hear ~pl, I
talking about the
rec ion, gbuy IrePorti g the latest tidbit of

economy is us. YOU and I are the econo-

my. Our thoughts, behaviors, actions, and'
bad :! nbn:li:cnews! Makfug dire predictions mood collectively create it Government
abo jbJ
p lind" rMne w~ves, and bank: col- can try to manipulate our actions through
lap 1Ah~ 1~~r?TI
lot~, uting doom seem tax plans, regulations, incentives, etc., but in a
to b " . "If: ,a
in a dull fog. According nutshell, we are the economy.
to a ttt
r ~o : ~o~
I, . national case of the "Our collective mood; productivity, innova-
blu otl O~y f ,l~ bad ut it perpetuates the lowed up, of course, with positive action. And tion, positive energy, and execution determines
dile 'rfrelnill I .' ~ause ~ur economy is mad~ u~ ~f organiza- ~hether the econo~y is thriving or in a reces-
." lisOCl tymira state ~~ depression can't tI?n~, w~ch are m~ up ~f mdiVIdual~, ~e's sion,' he says. "~aymg our mortgage helps the
its WrY out
1 bf
a cnSIS," says Gordon, aiming his deceptively snnple prescnpnon economy. Working hard helps the economy.
auth ~ lo~ ~tematiohal tbtseller The Energy right at you. Starting a business helps the economy. Making
Bus. 10 RJles tJ
ffuel YEW life, Work, and That's right You. Whether you're a leader, a product the world needs helps the economy.
Tem Irl ith I Posiay:e Energy (WIley, 2007, an employee, or a temporarily-out-of-work job .Replacing our psychology of fear with a psy-
ISB 1 9V8fO-47P~~-8t8, $21.95) and its seeker, Gordon says you need to call a mora- chology of trust helps the economy."
iU!, fr:1~1(JompIfning
200 ,l~ IIB~
"Pe p e jlf6ldisengaged. Our minds are clut-
te #jth f~'
Rule: Positive
" ~ I I I. 'I IMega vity at Work (WIley,

tlioughf,and Our life force

torium on the naysaying and start practicing
positivity. Doing so may not change the world,
but it will change your world-in profound
and often surprising ways.
Gordon's not talking about pollyanna posi-
Negativity is a major money drainer. In
his book The No Complaining Rule, Gordon
lays out some thought-provoking statistics.
Here are just a few of them:
Negativity costs the U.S. economy
feel likellt'k <iraihilig away. tivity, but rather the kind of resilience and between $250 and $300 billion every year
, ~, FA are in kltight ~pot and we're going mental toughness that leaders and change in lost productivity, according to, the Gallup
to h vMto ukovakJour w*y out of it," he adds. agents have drawn upon throughout history to Organization. And this number is conservative
"But ,fbrJ
wb carl even begin to tackle our overcome adversity and change the worleL since it doesn't take into account the ripple
eco offuJ .Iud s~ isshes, we're going to "Over the years I've done lots of research effect of complaining and negativity.
hav th
get to anfMotionW. place where we're on the positive effects of being positive and the Ninety percent of doctor visits are stress-
able t! ~rdo~le ~,Ifi~' ,riJW."fe, have to be able to negative effects of being negative," he says. related, according to the Centers for Disease
do 0 1tin?!' ~Id ri~t now that's not hap- 'The research is clear. It really does pay to be Control and Prevention, and the number one
pe . g. c~'t i I'
to Vf.
Howl do
F'I"ree];ng" beginning
uences, The American
positive, and the benefits include enhanced
health and longevity, happiness, career advance-
ment, athletic performance, team building, and
cause of office stress is coworkers and their
complaining, according toTruejobs.corn
A study found that negative employ-
Psyo ologidaI ~atio~ says that as many financial success. Being positive is not just a ees can scare off every customer they speak
as ~rce,',1ht of ~ Ib
stfssect about our per- nice way to live. It's the way to live." with - for good.
son finan~ ahd the economy. A ----

Sl~ fo~on
, rltlt~~ ~y +American
filicates .that one-
.:a Conversely, there is a proven link
be~een positive energy and profi~ility.
Daru~l Goleman, the auth~r of Emotional
of liAmen"" are =smg sleep Intelligence, says a positive company
ove .J_~L .1 ijI1I~Ahd
I1.IQ)C ISSuesj~IT a feature ,WI ith a positive
. . corporate c ul ture will out-
that aiM ,rece
:'1~tll I'M~the fact ~rfonn its negative counterparts every
that 50reL' Imdl, l
&tr.AIf.encans are time, And here are a few other facts
pop~inp f.~~~~l~$IFg pP.Jsin partie- Gordon ~i~esin The Energy Bus: .
ular -I to deal WIlli eur ~ety.
II I,. I
POSItIve leaders make better deci-

ObtI~usIY, p~1s f not the sions under pressure. (
anster. BJt wba~1is? Gordon sums Positive, optimistic salespeople sell
it up' ili twb
words~ positive energy. more than pessimistic salespeople. (Martin
AmI.1enca n~L,_ anII,':&.. ,J
FuSion 0 g
k 1
Old-JashiPIJi~.. ,1,.11
;>I~ve 'ng- f01- = ~-, ------
'I ' "---
I' I!
IIII ,,'llll, I
Creating true prosperity consciousness IS
about expanding yourvision of what ,canbe
_for you. Abundantpt:ople see opportunity.
They never think oomethfugis too good to
be true. They expect good things.
People.with prosperity consciousness are
dreamers. They imagine abetter way, then

HoW~Ju.cln Idevelop' work to make it so. More importantly, they

don't buy-in to the negative and erroneous
'b'~~ lit~Jllmindset. beliefs around them, When they are told
something is' too difficult or not possible,
, ,II, By they simply smile at the thought, They are
not-easily swayed with thecowardly cau-
The Crowd ~ not lying. ~yJioi1estly
believethat things.can't be doner They
I '. fresh flO~" ~ others would. w, don't know the difference.
besitate 10 I
m on a: car? .Why.. Let's say a single guy Detroit.
do some ~ff ~1$25 ~ year, while He goes 10 a nightclub and:asks.a girl to
others pay tepj~ that uch just for their dance. She looks-him-up ,-liri4-doWn:and
annual COImIW chili . ? '. says, "With you? I don't th{rikso." He
It bas 10 do "~ . their . dset for plUS'- -
0 beats a retreat home to nurse his wounds.


perity. And nilit~t is a cinating thing.; - Afew days later he 1riesanothernightclub,

- Because I lid'
,.t J come mto . 1
play midi! different girl. He gets rejected again.

for the 'thin~ y4 fuuj-. It also dramafic3lly . This is all the "proof' he needs toillustrate the
affects ho~~oi Jiew our earning and' . "facf' ladiesare stuc{cuI>kDetroit,
.profit ~:"3I. ~e w ess or lack of Anoii:i~rguy moves,'t9.Detroit the same .'
it you
believ~ you kJan-
r+~ .-
es~ It dete .nes what yon
ADd what you _
ps.Your money ~R~
week: He meets fueC6uple futile apartment
next door in the elevator, and theyinvite
him over for dinner. A few days later, his
ininds~t~fibe. tyc nsistent ~ththe flowers ~liverWto your ho~e each w~k. car breaks down and a passing motorist
:waYYQu;Vle~,o fo ofprospenty.- _ Next-thing you know, you .re spending stops to offer hirn.assistance. He becomes .
,,' .l.rII/': ill ' ..
convinced of the f~th&t people in Detroit
'.. reorle:t'l~:V:~!~'~ha ce-at unlimited _~IS?O a week on fresh fl~wers. And lo~-
m~om .., ;:J)mf~ ..Ji..:_ one act\.Iall.Y. .ID~rt,~ you appreciate ~e beauty It are friendly ,~~welco~g; .' __.;_ .. _
thinks~~~'1 ;Jf th yhave been mak- .brings mto your world. So which guy knowstthe'tnith?
~_ ~40,~j~ ~~, tlJe . equate 'unlimited .Could you spend $1~,OOO on a purse, a Well in each case, it is the truth as they
illcome'Wltti~g $ 0,000 or $40,000 parr of .shoes, ora beautiful coat? Can you know it. But in neither case is ita fact. Both
a.year, If:~~Y'f~~:us .t~~g ho~e ' see yourseU:spending $i5,0?0 for a First guys have developed a belief. One has a
$65,000,. t1l:?y;fP$k- . ted, IS making - Class seat, instead of $700 ill coach? Do belief that serves him, the other has one
. $l?O,~~,}).nci f~~ey . used 10 beingy~ ~1ieve you ~~d spend $450,000 for a which does not. ~h\\1ll probably attract
J paJ.d~l()(}fflOanIjWilly,. en they probably pamtmgforyourlivmgroom,orasculpture more of what lie expects, and each will
envision about $zQo,OOO '. -.' in your entranceway? . likely fan PreYto confirmation bias, finding
~dfu~J ~ .they ~ '~ted" in Of course thingsare relative. If you continuing "evidence" to support his belief.
money -tel!lls,~ IJC. nSIsre.nt~ bow _ make ~20,ooo a year, It would be crazy 10 You probably developed your beliefs
they. will. ii~V\(lllierrp spectsin.healtlr, c-:-spend1en grand on apurse. But the.n again -" -you-were-ten-t-r-r
. : I '. j.I' l;r. .... . .
reIatioDsbi11f'an~.~err _.r.-;. . why would you make $20,000 a year when years old and have carried them into adult-
'.' The otIilir thing that becomes apparent." you could earn so much more? hood. For most people these are very lim-
,.' 11 I - ~le's cr.nsci . can expand. itingbeliefsBut the good news is these
Andfuatlisr,Wmltl?3S t happen ~thyou, . beliefs can be changed ...
~oryotr !?fVelOf'a p sperons mmdset. It You can't be treated for prosperity; you
.1s-acontJ{lWus~ . never stops. have to be open to receiveit. And this means
',' You S#iOU~ ~ fuat$75 is anout- expanding your prosperity consciousness.
rag~us~6unt to pay' or. a floral arrange-: . Iiistead of thinking what is "realistic,"
~nt~ Gracfll1lY~QU be . 10 see youmust dream about what you really want.
of a $150 JJ:nfu. ient, Next you are think- Things like driving through wealthy neigh-
, 1 ,"1" -.---."
fig it wo~ld ' be nicehav~ somefreslr :' '.. boIhoodS,-stUdying-vacationbrochures, and

a sinlrO be pO#.A *
Randy' Gage has been called
because be belilwes yoU

from a, miniJ~': "'~Idi.<;h

e Millio.wre'Messiah"
meant 10 be rich,and ii is-
.. dropOOt. RaiJdy rose
to become a niulii-mil-
_ reading luxury magazines all expand the win-
dow you see the world through and helps you
develop alaIgerprosperity consciousness.
I Jofsev 'books on success.fnclud- When YOUTprosperity consciousness
ing hiS'latest, I, ~~eDU SIcK, &: BROKE ... And .
H..:.JTo Get SMAR1; HEAL &: RICHf.~ To find more
. expands, your subconscious mind works to
vWI 'll, "1'::- _., make these dreams-come true.
aboun~andy;~10: FfW

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