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Intellectual property refers to the ownership of intangible and non-physical goods.

intellectual property is intangible, it is more difficult to protect than other types of property. Some
common types of intellectual property rights (IPR) are trademarks, copyright, patents and in
some jurisdictions trade secrets.
Home automation is The Internet of Things", the way that all of our devices and appliances will
be networked together to provide us with a seamless control over all aspects of our home and
Uniqueness of our IA lies in combination and utilization of resources. Indigenized design and
software will be used to introduce an exclusive idea to facilitate our end users.
In case of our project, the applicable IPRs are as follows;

Patent To protect functional expression of our idea .i.e. Design of CCU

Copyright To protect the specific creative expression of our idea .i.e. Software used
Trademark To legally register our company name
Trade Secret To gain a competitive advantage

The idea is limited to a group of people who are the stake holders as well as product designers
and business partners removing third party involvement. Therefore, the company will be based
on joint ownership. Each co-owner will have full awareness of the product, its uses, its features
and the technology used.
Technological commercialization strategy has been made on the following grounds;

IP factors
o Invention has protectable IP
o Freedom to practice IP
o No IP duplication
Technology factors
o Technology can be implemented
o Technology is well developed
Market factors
o Need is well defined
o Low competition
o High profit margin
Team factors
o Team has commercialization experience
o Team has product development capability
o Team is reasonable, ethical and can work together to deliver

The product will come with an operating manual, since the product is of technical nature.
Moreover, we will print promotion pamphlets, billboard signs and technological magazines to
promote our product to the target audience. They will also be approached by electronic media
through the internet by publishing articles, developing company website and Facebook pages.
Depending on its success, future expansion is planned to target the industrial sector. We have
plans to develop industrial automation systems to govern various industrial processes.

How to file a Patent in Pakistan

Any invention that meets the standards set by Patent Office is eligible to apply for
Patent registration. The criteria that describe the patent-ability of an invention are:

The invention is new.

It involves an inventive step.

It is capable of industrial application.

It should not be contrary to law or morality.

Registration Procedure
The procedure to register a patent, as detailed by Patents Office, Pakistan is as


Request for a patent is initiated by filling out Form P-1 or Form P-2 (Convention
Application for Patent), along with the Specifications of the invention.

The Specifications described in the Application form can be either complete or

provisional (i.e. subject to change or need further ironing out).


Specifications of the patent can be detailed on extra sheets (if required), and
include steps, processes, drawings and claims.


Complete specifications are filled out on Form P-3A (Application for

Complete Specification). Provisional specifications have to be filled out using Form
P-3 (Application for provisional specification).


Forms P-1A, P-1B or P-1C have to be provided with Form P-3A if the
original application form is Form P-1. On the other hand, if the original application
form is P-2, then the Specifications Form P-3A must accompany Forms P-2A, P2B orP-2C.


If a Provisional specification is provided with the application, complete

specification must also be provided following the original submission before moving
on to the next step.

The Application is examined and evaluated by the competent authority at Patent


Applicant will have to defend their registration application if there is any

opposition regarding the patent from some other party that lays claim to the same
patent, wholly or partially.


Parties that want to oppose a registered/accepted/withheld/applied for patent

can do so by filling out Form P-7.

In case no objection is raised during evaluation or the legal matters are settled with
the opposition, the patent is sealed once the applicant(s) duly fill and submit Form P-10
(Request for Sealing), and the applicant is granted the rights for it for 20 years (subject
to renewal).

Costs for Patent-related Procedures

A number of different costs are involved in the process of registering, renewing or
modifying a patent. It is the applicants responsibility to make sure that all the costs
are paid in full at the time of submission of accompanying application form.

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