Journal 6

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I want to the school at 7:15. I prepared my lesson because I had an observation with my
teacher. After that, I waited for the teacher to come. The teacher gave exercise in the
morning. She gave a lesson about alphabetic Arabic, and then she told a story and gave the
question, after that she gave them a worksheet. Also, the children had a break for breakfast,
and the teacher lets them watch a movie. After that, my teacher called me telling me that,
she was at the school. I want to management I tell the teacher to come with me to the class.
She sits on a chair, and she was watching me, I started a lesson about math, but I shocked for
student noisy and some student quiet. Moreover, I gave activities for student and question.
When finishing the class. My teacher and I were talking about observation. Also, I came to
the class, and I help to the teacher organize in the class, then I back to home.


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