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Behind the Scenes: Movie Music

Kevin Jackson
Grade 6 Music

Movie Music Unit Plan

Generative Topic. Topics that are interesting to both students and teacher and have the capacity to generate further learning by stimulating questions, thinking,
discussion, activity, curiosity, and creativity and that enable students to make connections with what is important within a topic or field of study (e.g. music).
Generative Topic: Movie Music
-Without music, the greatest moments in our favorite films would be much less powerful. Music adds emotion and feeling on many levels to movies and make
them much more meaningful in general. Movie music is a specific genre of music that contains significant composers, theoretical aspects, and repeated themes
which all contribute to the overall validation of this genre.

Unit Title: Behind the Scenes: Movie Music

Synopsis. Summarizes the unit (i.e. the unit in a nutshell) and lists the
following information:
a. Central focus, theme, topic, big idea, generative topic;
b. Grade, musical program of study (i.e., band, orchestral, guitar, etc.);
c. Time allotment (minutes/hours/periods) for the unit; and
d. Rationale explaining its relevance to achieving the aims and goals of the
provincial music curriculum.
This is a unit which will educate my students on many different aspects of film
music such as the theory behind it, significant composers, themes that carry
on throughout the movie, how music is added to the movie, and how the
music contributes to the movie. By the end of the unit students will have
played movie music, listened to movie music, written about movie music and
even had a chance to compose movie music.
a.! This unit will focus on students having an appreciation and
understanding of movie music in many different ways. We will be
playing different movie music to have a first hand experience of what it
is to play this music. We will also be discussing how music/or the lack
there of can change the mood of movies and how it is written to evoke
specific emotions.
b.! Grades 6 and 7/8 Instrumental Band.
c.! Eight 48 Minutes periods (Two weeks)
d.! This unit will cover areas in theory, composition, history, performance
and the appreciation of music.

Culminating Activity/Products.
Briefly describe the culminating activity and products (e.g. a composition,
performance, recording) explaining how these are authentic performance
tasks and how they bring the unit to an appropriate closure.

Culminating Activity/Products:
Students will perform at least one movie music score throughout this unit to
gain a deeper insight into the workings of written movie music. Students will
partake in a short writing assignment which entails them thinking critically on
how music effects their favorite film. Students will be given small theory
assignments throughout the unit which will be associated with the music
score which we are playing. Lastly students will partake in a group
composition on a simple melody from a popular movie. Students will give
suggestions to me (who has arranged the piece at a VERY basic level) and I
will incorporate these into the score. The end result will be a group composed
short piece of music which may be performed at the end of term concert.

Aim/big idea. A concept, theme or issue that gives meaning and connection to facts and skills and leads to deeper understandings and appreciations. Based on a
generative topic.
Aim/big idea: By the end of the unit, students will understand . . . Music plays a large role in movies and contains many different elements that contribute to it
being a sophisticated genre with depth.
Essential questions. (Two to five per unit) Important, overarching, thought-provoking questions that guide the inquiry throughout the unit.
Essential questions:
1.! In what ways does music contribute to a movie?
2.! How does musical expression effect movies/movie music?
3.! How are dynamics used in movie music and how does it contribute to the movie?
4.! Are musical themes or motifs used throughout the movie and if so why?

Desired Results/Learning Outcomes (Scope & Sequence)

General & Specific Musical Learner Expectations/Outcomes
Unit Learner Expectations (Goals)
By the end of the course students will . . .
By the end of the unit, students will be
able to . . .

Assessment/Evaluation (i.e.
assessment of learning)

GLE/GLO: 1: Understand how Dynamics contribute to to musicality and movie music.

SLE/SLO: 1.1 The student will be able to list all of the dynamic markings in
order: pp, p, mp, mf, f, ff.

ULE: 1.1.1 Students will identify all

different dynamic markings within
Silver Scepter
ULE: 1.1.2 Students will demonstrate
understanding of the different dynamic
markings through their playing.

SLE/SLO: 1.2 The student will be able to give correct meaning and name to
the above markings.

ULE: 1.2.1 Students will be asked what

different markings mean as we come
across them within our rep.
ULE: 1.2.2 Students will be asked to
demonstrate their understanding of
these dynamic markings in our warmups.

SLE/SLO: 1.3 The student will be able to perform at least two of the above
markings using crescendos and decrescendos.

ULE: 1.1.1 We will be talking about

the use of crescendos and
decrescendos often in our warm ups
and integrating them into part of our
scale practice.

ULE: 1.1.2 Students will be asked to

find crescendo markings within their

Formative assessment will be used

in the form of verbal questioning
and anecdotal notes made by myself
throughout the course of the unit.
For learning will take place.
Formative assessment will be used
in the form of verbal questioning
and anecdotal notes made by myself
throughout the course of the unit.
For and As learning will take
Formative assessment will be used
in the form of verbal questioning
and anecdotal notes made by myself
throughout the course of the unit.
For learning will take place.
Formative assessment will be used
in the form of verbal questioning
and anecdotal notes made by myself
throughout the course of the unit.
For learning will take place.
Formative assessment will be used
in the form of verbal questioning
and anecdotal notes made by myself
throughout the course of the unit.
These keys will also be used as part
of the technical portion of the
playing test.
For and Of learning will take
Formative assessment will be used
in the form of verbal questioning

music and to explain the function when

they do find them.
GLE/GLO: 2: Listening/aural skills and how it can aid in our playing and critiquing of music.
SLE/SLO: 2.1 Understand how sharps, flats and naturals are used as
ULE: 2.1.1 Students will be asked to
accidentals, affecting fingerings, slide positions and notes.
actively find accidentals within their
rep and point it out whenever they do.
(This should not be too common yet in
this level of rep) Students will be asked
how this changes the quality of the note
and how they know what to do with it.
ULE: 2.1.2
SLE/SLO: 2.2 Recognize and perform accurately in Bb, Eb, and Ab keys.
ULE: 2.2.1 We will be warming up
with at least one of these scales each
class and students will demonstrate
their understanding of the key through

SLE/SLO: 2.3 Match an appropriate tuning note.

ULE: 2.2.2 Students will be asked what

key each of our pieces are in as we play
them each time until most if not all
students remember what the key
signature is.
ULE: 2.3.1 Students will begin to
identify whether or not they are flat or
sharp when tuning.
ULE: 2.3.2 Students will understand
that tuning is an important part of
performance and that helps the quality
of performance in an exponential way.

GLE/GLO: 3: Have an understanding of technical and theoretical skills.

SLE/SLO: 3.1 Demonstrate proper instrument assembly, maintenance and care.

ULE: 3.1.1 Students will understand

the mechanics of their instrument in a

and anecdotal notes made by myself

throughout the course of the unit.
For learning will take place.
Formative assessment will be used
in the form of verbal questioning
and anecdotal notes made by myself
throughout the course of the unit.
For and As learning will take

Formative assessment will be used

in the form of verbal questioning
and anecdotal notes made by myself
throughout the course of the unit.
These keys will also be used as part
of the technical portion of the
playing test.
For and Of learning will take
Formative assessment will be used
in the form of verbal questioning
and anecdotal notes made by myself
throughout the course of the unit.
For learning will take place.
Formative assessment will be used
in the form of verbal questioning
and anecdotal notes made by myself
throughout the course of the unit.
For learning will take place.
Formative assessment will be used
in the form of verbal questioning
and anecdotal notes made by myself
throughout the course of the unit.
For learning will take place.
Formative assessment will be used
in the form of verbal questioning

basic way but be able to maintain and

assemble with confidence.
ULE: 3.1.2 Students will understand
why it is important to maintain (oil,
grease, ect.) their instruments.
SLE/SLO: 3.2 Watch and respond to the conductor.

ULE: 3.2.1 Students will understand

that it is important to watch the
conductor at all times but especially
during changes in time or tempo.
ULE: 3.2.2 Students will understand
that the conductor is the leader of the
band and if they do not follow the
conductors instructions the band will
not be together.

SLE/SLO: 3.3 Demonstrate proper playing position.

ULE: 3.1.1 Students will understand

the importance of proper playing
position and the effect it has on our
playing abilities.
ULE: 3.1.2 Students will understand
that playing position contributes both to
performance quality and the aesthetic
look of the band from the audiences

and anecdotal notes made by myself

throughout the course of the unit.
For learning will take place.
Formative assessment will be used
in the form of verbal questioning
and anecdotal notes made by myself
throughout the course of the unit.
For learning will take place.
Formative assessment will be used
in the form of verbal questioning
and anecdotal notes made by myself
throughout the course of the unit.
For learning will take place.
Formative assessment will be used
in the form of verbal questioning
and anecdotal notes made by myself
throughout the course of the unit.
For and As learning will take
Formative assessment will be used
in the form of verbal questioning
and anecdotal notes made by myself
throughout the course of the unit.
For learning will take place.
Formative assessment will be used
in the form of verbal questioning
and anecdotal notes made by myself
throughout the course of the unit.
For and As learning will take

Master List of Major Learning Activities and Experiences

1. Exit%Slip%Questions
2. Playing%Test
3. Movie%Music%Write9Up

4. Theory%Quizzes
5. Technique%Test
6. Guided Composition
Master List of Materials, Equipment, and Resources

1. Theory Tests

6. Lesson Plans

2. Exit Slips
3. Assignments
4. Baton
5. My Instrument (For demonstrations)

7. Scores
*For a more complete list see Master List of Materials Sheet Attached.

Special Considerations
Modifications and accommodations for learners with special
Social context issues. How you will address any relevant social context issues
needs/Adaptive strategies. Strategies used to accommodate the needs of
in your planning. For example,
exceptional learners. For example, musically gifted, ADD, ADHD, Asperger,
!! students unable to dance or perform or listen to patriotic or particular
or Tourette Syndrome. Identify and briefly describe the diagnosed condition
religious music for religious and/or cultural reasons
and the strategies you will use to meet the needs of these student and why.
!! school is a faith-based institution
!! large number of FNMI students
!! a large number of ESL students
!! inner-city issues, etc.
Description of modifications accommodations to be made for learners with
Description of strategies to be used or steps to be taken to address social
special needs/Adaptive strategies in the teaching of this unit: I am still
context issues in the teaching of this unit.
learning my students but have been supplied with some of the exceptionalities I *See Social Context Portion of Unit Plan Assignment.
will be facing in my classroom. I am in a very diverse school and will face
many different challenges.
*For a complete rationale of some strategies used see attached sheet.

Summary of Lessons


Learning Objectives
By the end of this lesson TSWBAT . . .


Introduction to
Movie Music

1. Students will understand that Music

plays a role in many aspects of movies.
2. Students will be able to name one
composer of film music (John Williams).
3. Students will be able to give at least
one good reason into why music
contributes to movies.

Introduction to
the a new piece
of music:
Pirates of the

1.)! Students will understand that it

is important to listen and follow
music carefully while listening
to it.
2.)! Students will understand that

Formative assessment will

take place in the form of an
Exit Slip distributed to the
students. This exit slip will
contain questions including
their favorite movie, what
type of music they like and
what they would like to learn
from this unit.
Formative assessment will
take place in the form of
anecdotal notes taken by me
during the class. This will
include what went smoothly,

Learning Activities/ Instructional Strategies

1.)! Listening to the final scene of the original
Star Wars scene. We will watch it first
with the music and then view the scene
without the music attached.
2.)! Students will be engaged in a discussion
talking about how music contributes to
movies and be asked to give reasons as to
why it is important.
1.)! Once the music is passed out to all of the
students I will play the recording of the
piece. During this time, students are asked
to follow their own music closely and
make notes on what they notice or


Music plays a role in many

aspects of movies.
3.)! Students will understand that
knowing the meaning behind a
pieces helps with how it is

what didnt, what the

students caught on to
quickly, what the students
seemed engaged by or
uninterested in, and also
keeping track of students
names who are being
continually disruptive to the
rest of my class.

signature and
dotted quarter
note rhythms

1.)! Students will understand that

two eighth notes go into every
quarter note and that counting
this subdivision is an effective
way to keep time.
2.)! Students will understand that
adding a dot to a note adds half
the value of the original note.
3.)! Students will recognize these
time signatures and rhythms in
their music.

Formative assessment will

take place in the form of
verbal questioning with
content that is being taught.

critically and

1.)! Students will understand the

terms Theme and Motif.
2.)! Students will gain skills in
listening critically and making
educated decisions on why or
why they do not like a piece.

A Summative theory
assignment will be paired
with this class which
involves the students
counting beats properly
within bars that are 3/4 and
identifying/counting dotted
quarter rhythms.
Formative assessment will
take place in the form of
verbal questioning with
content that is being taught.
Anecdotal notes taken by me
during the class as well. This
will include what went
smoothly, what didnt, what
the students caught on to
quickly, what the students
seemed engaged by or

anything that is unfamiliar with them.

2.)! After we finish our first initial listening we
will have a short class discussion on what
we need to do to play this piece properly
and challenges we may encounter along
the way.
3.)! After we have talked for a short while we
will be doing our first sight read of the new
piece of music. We will turn this into a sort
of game where we try to make it to each
new rehearsal marking while sounding at
least close to how it should. The question
Who made it to bar x will be asked
and the students who dont have their
hands up will work harder to try and get it
each time.
1.)! #124 from the standard of excellence
books. This exercise deals with the
introduction of the dotted quarter note in a
time signature.
2.)! Students will be asked to find and give
examples of the dotted quarter note in a
time signature in their music. Students will
be given a short period of time to search
for these before telling the rest of the class
where they found them.
3.)! The playing of Pirates of the Caribbean
with special attention given to the bars that
were depicted in the previous activity.
1.)! We will begin by listening to Hedwigs
Theme from the Harry Potter series. This
will be introduced as a common theme and
will be show various times from different
parts of the Harry Potter series. This will
be our reference for a Theme or
reoccurring Motif.
2.)! Students will then be introduced to the
music from Psycho without any context to
where it is from and asked how the like it.
This will lead into a discussion involving

uninterested in, and also

keeping track of students
names who are being
continually disruptive to the
rest of my class.

How does
music help or
hinder movies?

1.)! Students will be asked if the

remember the video of Star Wars
from the first lesson with and
then without the music.
2.)! Students will understand what is
expected of them for their Movie
Music Write Up Assignment.

Formative assessment will

take place in the form of
verbal questioning with
content that is being taught.
Summative Assessment will
take place in the form of
marks given from their
projects about movie music.




John Williams
and Film

1.)! Students will know who John

William is and be familiar with
his work.
2.)! Students will listen critically to
different film scores written by
John Williams and determine
whether they sound similar or
3.)! Students will make a decision as
to why they do or do not like
John William as a composer.

Formative assessment will

take place in the form of
verbal questioning with
content that is being taught as
well as the collection of an
Exit Slip that will be



Rehearsal and

1.)! Students will understand that

dynamics and musicality play a
large role in the quality of the
2.)! Students will understand that if
we practice as if it is a

Formative assessment will

take place in the form of
verbal questioning with
content that is being taught.
Anecdotal notes taken by me
during the class as well. This


appropriateness of music writing and how

context can change how we feel about a
piece of music.
We will be playing our piece of music
from Pirates of the Caribbean and students
will be asked to listen for what the themes
from our music are.
Quick review on how music can help or
hinder depending on how it is used in
films. This will lead into an introduction of
the movie music write up assignment.
Details on the assignment will be given
and then any questions will be answered.
Student will review their piece Silver
Scepter remembering to use proper
articulations and dynamics.
We will practice Pirates of the Caribbean
with any time remaining.
An introduction/familiarization to John
Williams and his work. We will listen to
music from Star Wars, Harry Potter,
Jurassic Park, and Indiana Jones. During
this time, students will be asked to make
decisions as to what they like and dislike
about the music they are hearing.
We will review March of the Kangaroos
and ensure that we havent forgotten how
to play in the March Style.
We will play through Pirates of the
Caribbean with a focus on how to properly
articulate our notes.
Exit Slips will be given with a prompt
asking about John William and his
A quick review of both Silver Scepter and
March of the Kangaroos. We will first
play through them normally and then the
students will turn the stands around to see
how well we know the piece. This will
have them focused on the conducting and

Our premier of
Pirates of the
Playing Tests

performance our quality of work

will be better every time.

will include what went

smoothly, what didnt, what
the students caught on to
quickly, what the students
seemed engaged by or
uninterested in, and also
keeping track of students
names who are being
continually disruptive to the
rest of my class.

actually listening rather than staring at

their music.
2.)! A review on why we practice the way we
would like to perform and why it is
important. This includes posture,
breathing, articulation, dynamics, note
accuracy and much more.
3.)! We will focus our attention on Pirates of
the Caribbean with the understanding that
we are recording specific sections for the
playing tests tomorrow.

1.)! Students will play the selected

scales and section from Pirates
of the Caribbean to the best of
their abilities.
2.)! Students will understand what it
takes to bring a piece together.
3.)! Students will have a greater
grasp of what film music is and
the importance of it.

Formative assessment will

take place in the form of
verbal questioning with
content that is being taught.

1.)! Students will rotate out of the classroom to

one of the three different recording
stations. At these stations they will have
three chances to recording their required
2.)! Students who are still in the classroom will
be worked with through sections of Pirates
of the Caribbean.
3.)! When all students have finished recording
and we are all back in the classroom we
will do a Premier Performance of Pirates
of the Caribbean as if we were preparing to
record it for the movie.

Summative assessment will

take place on their playing
and technical portions of
their playing exams.




1.)! To enable students to understand, evaluate and appreciate a variety of music.
2.)! To develop skills in listening, performing and using notational systems.
3.)! To provide experiences that will foster the development of self-expression, creativity and communication

through music.

In this unit I plan on giving my students the opportunity to think critically on the differences music can
make in different situations. In this case the focus will be that of movie music. Students will be given the
opportunity to see music scene where music isnt present to show how music can change cinematic
moments. Students will understand that there are multiple different theoretical aspects to movie score
composition and be able to name some major composers on movie music.
1.! In!what!ways!does!music!contribute!to!a!
2.! What!musicalitys!can!make!a!piece!of!music!
3.! !How!can!the!lack!of!music/silence!be!as!






































































Behind the Scenes:

Movie Music
Music plays a large role in movies and
contains many different elements that
contribute to it being a sophisticated genre
with depth.

In what ways
does music
contribute to a

How does
effect movies/
movie music?

Who are some major

Composers of Film Music?

How is the music added to

the Movie?

What are some of the movies

with the best sound tracks?

What theoretical aspects are

important to know in Film Music?

How are
dynamics used
in movie music
and how does
it contribute to
the movie?

Are musical
themes or
motifs used
throughout the
movie and if so

Themes and Motifs within


Composers of Film Music

and their style

Listening critically and

Character Motifs

Historical information of film music

What to listen for

When was sound first added to film?

Adaptive Strategy Rationale

The student I have chose to write this rationale for has ADHD and for the
purpose of this assignment I will be referring to him as Student A. Student A has trouble
staying still in his seat where he plays saxophone. He also has difficulty staying
focussed while I am talking in between playing. While we are playing the music he has
no trouble staying focussed but while counting rests he sometimes looses focus and
comes in at the wrong place. For this student I try to keep a quick and interactive pace
while I am talking. I try my best to keep it interesting and engaging while there is spoken
work to be done. I gave him the suggestion of tapping out the rests and keeping track of
the bars with his fingers while counting. This provided him with a built-in fidget for while
sitting and helped him stay on top of his counting. I also try to keep my class active with
some movement as well to keep his energy sustained. We do exercises such as
clapping difficult rhythms out in unison with the entire ensemble and trying it at varying
speeds and styles. This give the students a chance to move around enough to burn at
least a little bit of their excess energy.

Kevin Jackson

Analytical Reflective Critique

Once I found out I was placed at Wilson Middle School I had a sense that I would
need to gain the respect and trust of my students. I knew that this was going to be hard
work but I was excited at the chance to be pushed and challenged in ways that would
make me a better teacher. Right from my first day I began to see that these students
needed someone to care about them and that a tough-love approach would work well,
as demonstrated by my TA. I feel that throughout the five weeks of practicum thus far I
have grown in ways that I could have only imagined. I have found that my classroom
management has progressed in very positive ways as well as my skills at thinking on
my feet. I have found that students in middle school have some strange and random
questions. I have found that the best way to disarm these unrelated questions is to find
a way to connect them to the curriculum that I am instructing. This becomes a little bit of
a game for me that I take pride at being good at.
When the band began playing Pirates of the Caribbean they had a lot of trouble
and I was having a hard time figuring it out. This was the first new piece of music that I
had personally handed out to them and it takes more time than I expected to sight read
and learn new music in middle school. This particular piece contained traps such as a
change into 3/4 time, a new key signature (Ab Major), as well as dotted quarter note
rhythms. After some thought I decided that using these technical aspects as part of our
everyday routine was necessary. We began working on our Ab flat Major scale as whole

notes and then moved into half notes until we were comfortable to move into the written
rhythm. We took on several different exercises from the Standard of Excellence book
which dealer with dotted quarter rhythms in 3/4 time as well which really killed two birds
with one stone.
One thing that would like to have improved upon from the beginning would be to
nip the bud of talking in between everything we do before it became a problem.
Between being based out of the staff room which was far too small for a band, having
just completed festival and me being different from their regular teacher the talking
became a bit of an issue with the grade six band. I was lenient with it at the beginning
which was a rookie mistake and I have had to work much harder in the later weeks to
correct this.
I feel that ULEs I chose were quite fitting for the group they were designed for. I
believe that if I were placed at a different school where the students had not been drilled
with good habits I might have been in some trouble. My TA has a very strong program
where theory, technique, history and other musical concepts are an important part of the
class. This aided me greatly as I like to talk in musical terms and my students
understood much of what I had to say. What they did not understand I was happy to
teach and used an approach which focused on musical literacy through performance.
I feel that many of the instructional strategies that I used throughout this
practicum have been very effective for the goals I have had. I have taken an approach
of an inclusive education where everyone has the right and necessary tools for them to
be able to learn. I used different classroom management tools such as proximity, waiting
for my students to be quiet and vocal cues for particularly distracted students.

I feel that the materials that I used over the course of this practicum were very
effective and engaging for my students. The repertoire that I chose was at a level that
was difficult but not impossible for my students. This rep was familiar to them for the fact
that it was from a movie that most of the students had seen. My written assignments
that I created all had some form of self expression or choice for the students to integrate
things that interested them. My theory and listening exams used relevant information
that would aid my students in the repertoire we were tackling as well. I did this to ensure
that my students always knew that what they were learning was important for more than
just their grade.
I believe that I am a strong leader in the classroom and that my students respect
me because of it. I can deliver the information to my students with confidence and
answer most if not all of their questions as there arise. I come to class excited and
happy to see every single one of my students and try to put as much energy and
presence into everything that I am teaching.
Over the course of the last five weeks I have created a positive workspace when
I am with my students. They know that I love to have fun while teaching as long as it is
productive and we are still accomplishing work. This has been an amazing experience
with my students and I will be genuinely sad to say good-bye to them.

Social Context Rationale

Music, in my opinion, is a fairly gender neutral entity. I plan on using fairness and
equality in my teaching in a way that does not give either boys or girls an advantage in
any way. The music which I have chosen is something that should appeal to both boys
and girls and is associated with popular movies. The music pieces I have chose to focus
on are the Mission Impossible theme as well as a Harry Potter Medley. I do not believe
that either one of these is more situated to one gender than the other and I think that
they will be appealing to both boys and girls.
In my unit I intend on doing a class where movie music from many different
cultures, including that of the aboriginal culture, are talked about and listened to. I have
not found a piece of beginner wind band movie music which is appropriate for these
conditions yet but I am still looking. I have a very diverse set of students in my
classroom and intend on trying to incorporate as many different views and identities
from different cultures as I can. I feel that this will leave my students better rounded and
more worldly as well make all of my students feel a little bit more at home while at
school. My assignments leave room for personalization which allows them to dive deep
into their cultural roots if they choose to. I think that this allows them to have a chance to
talk about what is important to them as well for me to learn something new about a
different culture.
Social Class

In music social class is of little consequence. No matter who you are you can
make music with other people and create beautiful noise. I believe that music can be an
escape from situations that are less than desirable and that it can help people work
through hard times in a positive way. My placement is one that is in a very low socioeconomic state and I hope to offer my students a chance to create beautiful things in a
room where money doesn't matter. I intent to achieve this by having a fair and fun
classroom where there is no acceptance of bullying whatsoever and create a space
where students feel safe to be themselves.

Description of a Culminating Activity and/or products

One of my cumulating activities that I planned for my students was a written
response to the prompt How does the use or absence of music effect my favourite
scene from my favourite movie?. Students were expected to do a minimum of one
paragraph response to this prompt and explain how the music was either effective or
ineffective, what it added or took away from the scene and anything else they noticed
about it. This task had my students critically listening to the music and making
judgements using their current listening abilities. It also emulated the importance of
appreciation of music and being an active listener. This gave my students the chance to
look behind the screen so to speak and really give their full attention to the film music.
This had my students bring the skills that they had learned throughout the semester and
their own critical thinking to the table in order to reflect in a genuine way about how they
were listening. This was a summative task because it was brought in OF Assessment. I
believe that understanding what makes music good as well as being able to listen
critically creates better musicianship and that students need to be taught how to listen

Master List of Equipment Needed

for Movie Music Unit Plan
Music Scores: Pirates of the Caribbean
Standard of Excellence teachers score
Lesson plan
Assignments: Different depending on which class we are on
Speakers for listening
Music prepped for students listening: Star wars, Harry Potter, Psycho, Indiana Jones etc.
Stands set up
Chairs set up
Extra pencils for students to mark their music with
Paper and pencil on my stand to take anecdotal notes with
Music for students



Music Listening Assignment

Assignment Description:
In this assignment you will be asked to first listen to the piece of music that will be
played. Close your eyes and embrace what you are listening to. Things you may want to
be thinking about during this initial listening include; What does this piece make me
feel? Where do I picture myself during this piece? What could be happening
during this piece? What emotions are portrayed in this piece? During the second
listening of this piece students are asked to think deeply about the questions asked
above and begin to formulate response to the questions. Students will write a paragraph
answering the questions provided as well as a drawn picture in the space below. Please
attach your paragraph on a separate piece of paper to the back of this sheet.
Assignment Required Details:
One paragraph response to the prompt questions above.
A picture of what you think is happening during the music

Movie Music Playing Test

Playing Test Description:
This is your chance to audition for the recording of Pirates of the
Caribbean! Remember that having our technique to the best of our abilities
helps our overall performance when we are playing music. You will have
three attempts at each exercise assigned before you have to move on to
the next one. Remember to play with your best rhythm, tone, and pitch
accuracy. Play with confidence and I cant wait to hear how much you have
Playing Test Details:
Eb Major Scale and Arpeggio
Ab Major Scale and Arpeggio (Remember that this is the same key as
Pirates of the Caribbean)
#124 from the your Standard of Excellence book
The section assigned to your instrument from Pirates of the Caribbean

Movie Music Theory Quiz

Assignment Description:
This theory quiz is a chance to demonstrate your knowledge of concepts that we have
been working on thus far into our movie music unit. You will recognize time signatures,
key signatures, and rhythms from the very music that we have been playing! Write in
pencil answer every question to the best of your abilities and GOOD LUCK!

1.) How many quarter notes are in the following time signature?___________

What Key Signature is the following picture in? (Concert Pitch) ____________

Fill in the remaining beats for the 3/4 bar below using eighth and quarter notes.

What is the name of this dynamic marking? ________________

What does it do to the music?__________________________________________



Movie Music Write-Up

Assignment Description:
How often do you get homework to go home and watch your favourite
movie? Well now is your chance! What I want you to do is go home and
watch your favourite movie. Now while you are watching this movie I want
you to think and listen critically to the music in your movie of choice. Some
things you might want to be thinking about are; What reoccurring themes
or motifs have I heard? What moments in the movie does the music
aid? Are there moments where there is no music at all? If so why do
you think this is? What style of music do you hear? Who is the
composer for this movie?
Assignment Details:
This assignment will be marked out of 30 marks. (/30)
This assignment should be approximately one paragraph in length.
(minimum 250 words) /7
Use your best spelling and grammar /7
Your paper should answer all the prompt questions found above, the
name of your movie, and the composer of the music. /12
Name of movie is clearly stated /2
Name of composer is clearly stated /2
* Your paper may either be typed or hand written.


Unit Plan Bibliography

1.) Teaching instrumental music in Canadian schools
Edwin Wasiak - Oxford University Press - 2013
2.) Alberta Music Program of Studies.
3.) Pirates of the Caribbean
(The Curse of the Black Pearl)
arr. Michael Brown - Hal Leonard Corporation
4.) ( Pirates of the Caribbean)
5.) (Star Wars Imperial March)
6.) (Indiana Jones Theme Song)
7.) ( Psycho Theme Song)
8.) (Psycho: Shower Scene)

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