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Jonathan H. Glover
Professor Michael Fipps
English IV
6, October 2016

Senior project

I choose to be a physical therapist for one reason my aunt. She is one of the people who I'm
interviewing because she has inspired me to do what I want which is join the medical field and
be a physical therapist. I have always wondered what is it like to help other people that are hurt. I
also want to do it to travel the world and help professionals at what they do.
I might have also got the idea to become a physical therapist when I broke my leg when I was
six years old I was jumping on a trampoline and bent my leg up underneath of it and some kid
landed on it then I had to go to the hospital for it. I ended up wearing a cast for about six months
because of it and then got out of it and went to a physical therapist he helped me strengthen my
leg up so that I could go back into sports before the season started. But I wasn't really worried
about it then because I had a lot of school years left.
It really hit me about halfway through my middle school year that is when i got interested in it
but still wasn't really sure because of me having the seizures I thought if they have specialized

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physical therapist for people who have brain trouble or have trouble thinking straight I should go
into that field and do that but I decided not to because I would have to change everything.
So about two years later I fractured my ankle and went into a physical therapist center &
sports medicine center in Elizabeth City and that is when it hit me I wanted to go into that field
because the guys that worked with me said they traveled with some of the biggest stars before
they came to where they are now. He told me he met the NY Red Bulls Soccer team and he met a
bunch of people that were in West Virginia playing college basketball. Once he told me that I
was automatically drawn to it because I would love to help a professional athlete one day and
maybe even meet my idol Neymar Jr.
I also want to do this because my mom was part of the medical field and she was a big part of
my life and always thought it was cool what she was doing she would sit there and helped people
all day and no matter how mean or ugly they were to her she was always in a good mood because
of she was helping them.
I want to do this also because of I love to help people with fixing what they need done to their
bodies like if they have a messed up leg and they need it to build up for a sports season we would
do a bunch of exercise to bring them back to health. I also chose this because I want to travel
with teams in the majors leagues I want to be able to say that I have worked with the best in the
business. Another reason is I like how much it pays physical therapist can make a lot of money
for what they do I want to be able to show that no matter who I am or where I come from I can
do what i like with a smile on my face .

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According to ecu. edu you must have a GPA of 2.7 to be able to enter into ECU and have a
GMAT score of at least 500 or more to qualify into ECU. Applicants who are under the
requirements of 2.7 and making a 500 on the GMAT test will be considered for conditional
admission based on the following ( 200 *GPA) + GMAT 950. Students seeking admission into
ECU must score a score of ( 200 * GPA )+ GMAT > = 1,000 with a minimum GMAT score of
500. (

In addition a student who wants to major in

ECU as an undergraduate must have a 2.8 GPA or better in their upper- division classes.
Applicants must submit a GRE score in lieu of GMAT score. Only GRE scores from revised
GRE exam will be accepted. Student seeking admission into ECU must score at least a
minimum 1,000 points based on the formula ( 200 x GPA )+GMAT score of 500.
ECU makes available the provision that an applicant can use the most recent upper level 30
semester hours of undergraduate or graduate coursework in lieu of all undergraduate coursework
when determining formula points. (
ECU has a wide variety of different opportunities and available to students. ECU dorms are
about $ 4,770 dollars not to mention their meal plans are about $ 3,600 and when it comes to
buying books there are about $1,120 so it cost some money for going to ECU.
According to, ECU is overall an okay school it has an overall quality
rating of 4.1 its reputation is a 3.7 and the location is a 3.9 the internet at ECU is a 3.7. Also it
has a food rating of 3.7 it also has very nice facilities and social clubs .

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I would also like to have good professor that can help me in my spare time to do my best
in school so that I can in hopes one day achieve my goal of becoming a physical therapist.
According to ( the professors are very well rounded and there ratings show
that students tend to like them. Student tend to say most professor are well respected, very
caring and willing to help them in anyway are very inspirational and do amazing lectures.
One of the student at ECU had put on ( ) that this particular
professor that works in the health science field said She is a beautiful soul inside and out. I
really looked forward to coming to the class each day. This class is a huge stepping stone to the
next level courses, in that it prepares you. I loved her and even though I graduated, I still keep in
contact with her. That just goes to show how nice some of the professors are in ECU campus I
would really like to have a teacher like that.
Part time jobs are kind of hard to come by now if I was to get one I would probably end
up transferring to food lion in Greenville because I already work at the one in Elizabeth city. If I
had to find another job I might try to work at restaurant or something like that. Maybe even go
along the line of working at the YMCA to help me learn how to take care of people and their
needs. I would also maybe even go to auto parts store to just work for money. I hopefully will
find a place in ECU to work I really hope that it will be at might current job but I might just want
to try something else where I kind of would like to just see what opportunities come to me and if
they go well then great.

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What I would like do for my career is become a physical therapists I know that it will
take a lot of steps to get there but I will not stop until I get there. Physical therapy is a career that
will always be needed throughout society; it helps the human body rebuild physical function in
people that have been injured, have birth defects or any other reasons. There are certain
education requirements to become one, just like many other careers. It is a career that an
individual who enjoys helping people and working in the medical field would be perfect for.
The job of physical therapy and physical therapy assistants is an important factor to a lot
of people. It a job that will always be in need; there will always be people that need help
regaining their physical health to be able to work again or maybe just be able to move their
thumb again.
Physical therapist usually work with athletes many athletes have to use the services of
physical therapist sometime throughout their career. However physical therapist dont only work
with athletes; they also work with individuals that have been in car accidents or individuals with
birth defect. Physical therapist have to run test when a patient first comes into a facility to make
sure exactly where and what the injury specifically is. The job for physical therapy assistants is
different than they work directly under the supervision of the physical therapist. They don't have
as much responsibility as a physical therapist but they still are very important to this field of

To become a physical therapist or an assistant it is required that you must take a certain
schooling to become certified. If aiming to become a physical therapist people have to hold a
minimum of a master's degree from an accredited physical therapy program, more and more
positions are currently requiring doctoral degrees.
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Many people do not know, but there are a lot of different kinds of physical therapist that
specialize in one specific area. For example an individual could just be a foot physical therapist
and just take patients that need help regaining physical ability in their foot. Also there are
physical therapists that just work with a certain type of age group. Another type of physical
therapist is a neurologic physical therapist that specializes in the nervous system. They would
help regain health from a brain injury, spinal cord injury, or stroke.
When it comes to physical therapy salaries depends on lot of factor, like their job location
how much experience they have and their employer. Physical therapist can make up to $ 25,000
to $ 85,000 dollars plus annually. For an individual to make more money as a physical therapist,
they would have to get the highest level of education and then work their way up promotions and
become program director or clinic manager. It varies on what the highest position there is at
their place of employment. For physical therapy assistance the national average median salary
was $45,608 annually. An individual could make more as a physical therapist but it all varies if
they work in a hospital rehabilitation center or other places. If they have a lot of experience than
they are most likely going to get a higher salary

Also there are many benefits in the career field of physical therapy, including the work
environment that is an individual would be working in daily. One of them common benefits of
this field is 401K retirement plan that most jobs usually off for their employees. The facility
that an individual would work in also offers to pay for their schooling to continue their
education, or to renew their physical therapy licenses and certification.
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When we first started this project of not going to lie I was very nervous. I thought it was
going to be very hard for me to call people and ask them if I could interview them for my senior
But once I started to get into it it made it a whole lot easier and I am glad that I have
learned so much about what my job will be and how my college will look in my future I would
really like to attend going to COA first then transferring over to ECU this is been a wonderful
experience to see how everything turns out I hope that one day I can look back at this project and
say wow I have came a long way.
When I first saw the roadtrip nation video it inspired me and I thought that this was going
to be fun it was really cool learning on how my job could affect my life so greatly now that I did
this I completely agree on while we did it I just wish the paper was a little shorter.
I definitely think this will help me along my future and be able to do what I want to do
witches be a physical therapist I hope soon maybe even Sunday coach like Mr. Phipps or like
Miss Craiglow even . I learned that not everything will come to you for free you have to pay for
schooling when I looked at ECU it surprised me how much meal planned dorms and books cause

I couldn't believe they cost almost over $3000 just to go to college now I understand why people
are going into debt because of it I'm just grateful that I learned this before I have gotten into
Once I graduate I plan on coming back to Perquimans high school to look back and visit
some teachers and maybe even tell them that I might work there to be coaching and make my
own teaching of physical therapy at the school and in hopes be able to have the same experience
my teachers had because without them I would have never made it to this point in my life .
Glover 8

Works Cited
"Graduate Admission Requirements." Graduate Admission Requirements. N.p.,
n.d. Web. 06 Oct. 2016.
Visibility:, By. " Find and Rate Your Professor or
Campus." Rate My Professors. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Oct. 2016.

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