Fateful Degrees of The Moon

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If all benefic planets are in the visible half of the Zodiac, while
malefics are relegated the invisible half Rahu be specifically in the
Ascendantat the time of birth, the longevity is only 3 years. Should Rahu be
in the 7th House in exclusive aspect to the Luminaries and be unaspected
by others, death before the age of 12 is denoted.
108-110. If Rahu is in Aquarius, Leo, or Scorpio identical with the
Ascendant and is aspected by malefics, the life span is only 7. If Dhuma
Ketu rises followed by fall of meteor and strong gale and, if birth occurs in
Raudra Muhurta, or Sarpa Muhurta, the subject invites early death.
111-114. FATEFUL DEGREES OF THE MOON. The Moon is capable of
inflicting death, if she is in any of the following degrees at birth: Aquarius
21, Leo 5, Taurus 9, Scorpio 23, Aries 8, Cancer 12, Libra 4, Capricorn 20,
Virgo 1, Sagittarius 18, Pisces 10 and Gemini 22. If the Moon is in such
degrees at birth, death is indicated in the corresponding year and the native
cannot be protected by even God Yama.
115-118. Assess the strengths of Ascendant, Angles etc., at birth. Jupiter is
life spirit of all natives. The time of death should be known through Jupiter.
If he is in the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th and 11th, or Ascendant, he proves fatal
at the age of 5 10, 46, 20. 30, 40 and 50, respectively.

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