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Teacher Development

Group: 19
Planning a lesson

Moment 4: Planning a Lesson

Presented by

Edward Andrs Adaime Muoz

Code: 1117500665
Astrid Yadira Lemus

Universidad Nacional Abierta y Distancia UNAD

Licenciatura en Ingles
Florencia Caquet
15 de Noviembre de 2016

Teacher Development
Group: 19
Planning a lesson

a. How important do you think a lesson plan is to a successful

lesson? What features do you think a lesson plan should include?
The Lesson plan is very important because it is the method or tool that seeks to
plan in advance how the knowledge will be imparted, in it there are several factors
the pedagogical process with its approaches, the tools that will be useful to carry
out the lesson and Finally the degree of creativity or didactics that the teacher uses
so that the lesson has a significant impact among students and are achieve to
transmit the skills. The characteristics are, the knowledge must be supported
theoretically and from verifiable sources, must have objectives, the theme, the
tools, the process, the product to be reached with the lesson that are the skills and
finally the evaluation as part essential of the lesson.
b. Do you think it is a good idea to strictly follow a lesson plan?
If because the realization of the plan allows a class to be organized in an organized
way with the design of the methodologies, the tools that can be used for the
execution of the lesson and finally to arrive at what is wanted to be achieved with
the subject, So the steps must be well defined so that it becomes the teacher's
navigation chart and can transmit the lesson in a meaningful way
c. Some people think that lesson plans severely restrict teachers
creativity. Do you agree? Explain your answer.
I do not agree because the teachers are autonomous to create a class, what
invites us the lesson plans is that we are organized with the information that we
want to give or know, for example if I give the lesson of the alphabet the essence
does not change, What if I can change is the way I of the lesson, by means of
music, games in order the success of the lesson depends on the creativity.

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